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後冷戰時期日本對東協國家外交政策之研究 / 無陳沛瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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團隊認知需求及團隊合作性目標與交融記憶系統形成─資訊精緻化的中介效果 / Need For Cognition , Team Cooperative Goal and the formation of Transactive Memory System: The Mediating Effects of Information Elaboration葉讚名 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代不斷演進,現代企業裡的工作團隊大多面臨複雜、變動快速且競爭激烈的環境,因此,如何有效提升團隊績效已成為企業重視的一大課題。過去許多研究指出,團隊交融記憶系統(transactive memory system,簡稱TMS)能有效幫助團隊提升績效並提升團隊決策速度與品質,然而,一個團隊欲建立團隊交融記憶系統,必須先瞭解團隊交融記憶系統的形成前因為何。本研究以資訊處理動機模型為理論基礎,並以企業中之實務工作團隊為研究對象,探討團隊內成員之認知需求(知識動機)與團隊合作性目標(社會動機)如何促成團隊交融記憶系統的形成,並且在研究中加入團隊資訊精緻化作為中介變數,以探討團隊資訊精緻化在認知需求、團隊合作性目標與團隊交融記憶系統間之中介效果。另外,研究中亦將進一步探討團隊合作性目標對於認知需求與團隊資訊精緻化關係的調節效果。
本研究以70個實際工作團隊(包含研發團隊與行銷團隊)作為研究樣本,並以層級迴歸分析及Sobel test進行假設驗證。經由實證分析結果,本研究發現團隊合作性目標與團隊資訊精緻化具有顯著的正向關係,而團隊資訊精緻化在團隊合作性目標與團隊交融記憶系統之關係間具有中介效果。此外,團隊合作性目標亦會調節團隊認知需求與團隊資訊精緻化間的正向關係。也就是說當團隊合作性目標高時,團隊認知需求與團隊資訊精緻化間的正向關係將高於團隊合作性目標低時。
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台灣主婦聯盟生活消費合作社經營模式之研究-社會企業觀點 / Business model of Homemaker's Union Consumer Cooperative - in the view of social enterprise黃承郁 Unknown Date (has links)
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合作學習融入數學教學對偏遠地區七年級學生學習成效之研究 / A study on learning performance of remote area seventh graders based on cooperative learning in mathematics teaching許清惟 Unknown Date (has links)
最後本文再對上述統計檢定推論提出建議,以供教師實務上教學及後續相關研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to apply “cooperative learning in mathematics” in remote area to explore its effects of learning performance by seventh graders. Two classes, which have a total of 55 students, were sampled from a junior high school in a remote area of Pingtung County. One class students were assigned as the experimental group and the other students as the control group. The first class was taught using “cooperative learning in mathematics”, while the second one was taught using traditional method.
In order to find if there are differences on learning achievements, learning attitudes, and learning retention of mathematics between two teaching methods, statistical tests were conducted. The following conclusions are reached︰
1.Based on mathematics learning achievement indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group.
2.Based on mathematics learning attitude indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group.
3.Based on mathematics learning retention indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group.
Finally, suggestions for practical teaching are provided and future possible researches are also discussed.
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基於基因演算法發展之最佳化合作學習分組策略:以問題導向學習為例 / Developing a Group Formation Scheme for Collaborative Learning : A Case Study on Problem-Based Learning郭旗雄, Kuo, Chi Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討基於基因演算法(genetic algorithm)在同時考量先備知識水平及學習角色異質互補,以及社會互動關係同質因素下,發展之最佳化問題導向網路合作學習分組策略,是否有助於提升問題導向網路合作學習之學習成效、互動關係、團體效能與團體凝聚力。
本研究採用準實驗研究法,以新北市某國小六年級三個不同班級合計83名學生為研究對象,並將三個班級學生隨機分派為採用基因演算法最佳化分組策略的實驗組,以及分別採用隨機分組及學生自行選擇分組策略的控制組一與控制組二,三組學習者皆在問題導向學習系統(Problem-based learning system,簡稱PBL)上進行不同分組策略之問題導向網路合作學習活動。藉由學習成效與團體效能與團體凝聚力評量,以及分析三組學習者在問題導向學習系統上的學習歷程與互動關係,最後再輔以半結構式訪談,以驗證三種不同分組策略在學習成效、互動關係、團體效能與團體凝聚力上的差異。
結果顯示本研究所提出之最佳化問題導向網路合作學習分組策略具有提升學習成效之效益;本研究所提出之最佳化分組策略對於促進問題導向網路合作學習之同儕互動具有正面效益;採用不同問題導向網路合作學習分組策略組別學習者在團體效能與團體凝聚力上具有顯著差異;採用最佳化分組策略組別學習者在問題導向網路合作學習的滿意度接近同意的水準。 / This study aims to explore whether the optimized group formation scheme based on genetic algorithm helps students enhance learning performance, interaction, collective efficacy, and group cohesion in collaborative problem-based learning environment. Factors associated with heterogeneous complementation of students’ prior knowledge levels and learning roles and the homogeneity of social interaction relationship were simultaneously considered in the genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme.
In this paper, a quasi-experimental research method is employed to assess the effects of three different group formation schemes on the learning performance, interaction, collective efficacy, and group cohesion in collaborative problem-based learning environment. Eighty-three students in three different sixth-grade classes in an elementary school in New Taipei City were invited to participant in the experiment and were randomly divided into three groups: the experimental group, which adopts genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme, and two control groups, one is randomly grouped; while the other allows students group themselves. Learners in these three groups all use collaborative problem-based learning system (CPBL) to perform collaborative problem-based learning activities. Learning performance, interaction, group efficacy and group cohesion evaluation are applied to analyze the learning process and interaction among learners in these three groups. Finally, a semi-structured interview is supplemented to validate the variation of these three different group formation schemes in learning performance, interaction, group efficacy and cohesion.
The result showed that the genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme helps students promote learning performance and provides positive effects on peer interaction in collaborative problem-based learning. Three group learners adopting different group formation schemes for collaborative problem-based learning show significant difference on group effectiveness and group cohesion. The satisfaction of learners adopting genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme for collaborative problem-based learning reached a nearly agreed standard.
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幼稚園教師合班關係之研究 / A Study for the cooperation relationship of kindergarten teachers in classroom王慧娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現:(一)公私立幼稚園的教師合班類型並不相同,公幼以輪流教學為主,私幼以主助教搭配合作為主;但多數公私立幼稚園教師認為,團隊式教學才是理想的合作教學類型。(二)整體幼稚園教師的合班滿意度在六點量表中,為4.74,接近「滿意」程度。(三)公私立幼稚園教師的合班滿意度無顯著差異,但有區域性差異,台北縣市的教師合班滿意度,優於台中縣市與高雄縣市。(四)教師的教學效能感與園所規模、教學年資都有關;一班規模的教師教學效能感顯著較低,年資3年以下的教師教學效能感也較低。(五)合班滿意度與教學效能感呈顯著中度正相關(相關係數 .415, p<.01)。(六)合班滿意度與工作滿足也呈現顯中度著正相關(相關係數 .410. p <.01)。
本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供幼稚園教師、幼稚園經營管理者、政府機關以及未來研究者之參考。 / In the past, the studies for two kindergarten teachers cooperation in one classroom in Taiwan were used to conduct in case study and still insufficient for large and quantitative sample study.Therefore, using quantitative way, this study firstly investigated the practical and ideal situations for two kindergarten teachers cooperation in one classroom.Then, after discussing the relation among kindergarten teachers‘s different background, cooperative satisfaction, teaching efficacy, and job satisfaction, this study discussesd the relation among kindergarten teachers cooperative satisfaction , teaching efficacy, and job satisfaction.
It finds out that:
(1) The cooperative type of teachers is various between public and private kindergartens. The major teaching is a week in rotation in public kindergartens while the other teacher as assistance in private kindergartens. In addition, most teachers in both public and private kindergartens believed that the ideal type of cooperative teaching is team work.
(2) In six-point scale for satisfaction of the teacher cooperation, the total point is 4.74, closed to the degree of “satisfied”.
(3) Teachers‘cooperative satisfaction shows no significant difference between public and private kindergarten, but in region. It’s greater in Taiper city than in Taichung and Kaohsiung city.
(4) The teaching efficacy is related to the size of the kindergarten and the teaching experiences. This study shows that the teaching efficacy is lower in schools which have only one class and teachers within three year teaching experience.
(5) The cooperative satisfaction and teaching efficacy reveals mid positive correlation (r = .415, p < .01).
(6) The cooperative satisfaction and job satisfaction also indicate mid positive correlation (r = .410, p < .01).
According to the findings, this study proposes some suggestions for kindergarten teachers, kindergarten managers , administration, and researchers in the future.
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克服組織認同衝突—網絡策略、組織認同與合作間關係之研究 / Overcoming orgaiizational identity conflicts – the relations hip among network strategy, organizational identity, and cooperation吳紹慈 Unknown Date (has links)
組織認同衝突嚴重影響著組織的生存。可惜的是,過去研究多著重於探討組織認同衝突所帶來的影響與嚴重性,但卻較少提及衝突雙方該如何解決此問題。在本論文中,我觀察一個被購併進集團的公司,如何運用網絡策略去培養更多與集團內其他成員相容的價值,同時保存與發展了獨特的價值,進而幫助個案公司跳脫認同衝突的困境並成功整合進集團。為了呼應個案研究之發現,我以一個集團企業做為研究情境,搜集資料並進行實證研究,我發現當一家公司同時具備高整合與高差異化的組織認同時,可得到較多與集團內其他成員合作的機會。此外,在集團網絡中佔據邊陲掮客網絡位置的成員,較有可能培養出高整合與高差異化之組織認同,進而得到較多的合作。本論文亦於結尾提供研究意涵與未來研究方向。 / Identity conflicts can seriously endanger an organization’s survival. Extant studies emphasize the consequences of identity conflicts but not how conflicting parties extricate themselves from this trap. I investigate how an acquired firm uses network strategies to develop more integrating values and distinctive values, resolve identity conflicts, and successfully integrate into the group. To echo these qualitative findings, in my empirical study in the setting of a business group, I found that firms with high identity integration and high identity differentiation have more chances to cooperate with other group members. In addition, peripheral brokers are more likely to achieve high identity integration and high identity differentiation, and further have more cooperation. Implications and future research directions are also provided.
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合作式翻譯學習任務設計研究 / Design-based research on developing cooperative translation tasks王慧娟, Wang, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在設計一個翻譯學習活動:「合作式翻譯任務」。此設計經過三個階段:(一) 初步設計;(二) 施實「合作式翻譯任務」的二個原型;(三) 完成合作式翻譯任務的設計。本研究採用設計本位研究方法 (Design-based research method),並試圖對真實學習情境作深入地了解。在原型(一)共有五個活動:活動一為書面同儕回饋、活動二為組內討論及翻譯者研討會、活動三為口頭同儕回饋、活動四為口頭教師回饋、活動五為最終校正。
研究的參與者為科技大學的外語系學生,在第一循環共有56位學生參加,在第二循環有25位學生參加,另有二位翻譯教師參與此研究。本研究採用三角測量研究法 (triangulation) 來收集資料,包含影片、訪談及學生的翻譯文本等。研究分析的工具為「活動理論」,並從社群、分工、媒介三方面進行分析,以尋求可能解決設計問題的方法。
本研究提供理論上及實務教學的建議。在理論方面,本研究提出三種理論:領域理論、設計框架、及設計實施方法。在實務教學方法,合作式翻譯任務提供翻譯教師另一種教學模式,以期達到最佳的教學成效。 / For the past decade, translation learning has been one of the main foci for university language learners, but a number of studies have found that many translation teachers still utilize traditional translation teaching methods (Chang, Yu, Li & Peng, 1993; Dai, 2003; Mu, 1992). In traditional classrooms, students tend to depend heavily on teacher-centered instruction, and teachers accept or encourage the students’ passive learning attitudes (Kiraly, 1995). As a result, students only follow the teachers’ suggestions and rarely reflect up their own translating process, translation styles, and problem-solving approaches.
The goal of this study was to design a translation learning task called the Cooperative Translation Task (CoTT). It was achieved in three phases: (a) the initial design of the CoTT; (b) the implementations of two prototypes of the CoTT and (c) the finalized CoTT. The current study followed a design-based research (DBR) framework to clarify the complicated interactions in an authentic learning environment. In total, there were five sessions in Prototype I:Session 1: Written Peer Response; Session 2: Within-group Discussion & Translator Seminar; Session 3: Oral Peer Response; Session 4: Oral Teacher Response; and Session 5: Final Revisions.
The student participants in both cycles were technological university students, including 56 students in Cycle I and 25 in Cycle II. Two translation teachers participated in the study. For data collection, triangulation data were collected, including videos, interviews, and student documents. The data was put into the framework of Activity theory to diagnose implementation problems in terms of community, division of labor, and mediating artifacts, and innovations with solutions were provided.
Following the second prototype, the latest version of the CoTT has been constructed. In Session 1, training in describing and explaining errors is conducted. In Session 2, a peer group gives written responses for the translator group to make revisions. To encourage students to give explanations to their own peers, individual accountability is included. The peer group uses the Comment function in the word-processing software to identify, describe, and explain the agreeable and disagreeable translations. In Session 3, a student seminar and a teacher seminar are conducted simultaneously. To help students take organized notes on the results of their discussions, and to prevent students from not accepting responsibility in the discussions, an individual seminar sheet is given to each student. The teacher seminar finishes earlier than the student seminar so that the members can return to the original seminar and share the teachers’ suggestions with the group. In Session 4, the translator group needs to present the comments from each seminar. In Session 5, the two teachers can use multiple criteria for error analysis. In Session 6, translator members use the Comment function in the word-processing software to insert collected comments, their acceptance level, and the reasons why they accept or reject each suggestion. Each group needs to turn in the final product, one copy with and one without the comments, to the instructor.
The present study has found that students have a tendency to trust and use the teachers’ comments. However, this distrust of peers’ review increased students’ autonomy. Students underwent a process of analysis of the suggested translations and reformation of the translation. The influential factors in student-student interaction are an Asking and Answering communication mode and Acquaintance (2A), and students’ values in peer response. When giving a linguistic-level evaluation, students provided the most comments on mechanics, then comments vocabulary and sentences. As for the types of responses, they focused mainly on the identification of translations, provision of suggested translations, and some compliments on agreeable translations. They seldom gave explanations for either agreeable or disagreeable translations.
The present study has both its theoretical and practical implications. This design-based study offers three kinds of theories: domain theories, a design framework, and design methodologies. The CoTT and its six sessions provide translation teachers an alternative way to teach, especially for teachers trained in other professions.
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東協與中國大陸及日本之經濟合作 / The Economic Cooperation of ASEAN-Mainland China, and ASEAN-Japan戴鈞鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
金融危機後,東協尋求進一步區域經濟合作,中國大陸有爭逐區域霸權的思維,提供市場及其他公共財予東協,兩者開展合作;而日本憂慮中國大陸崛起,也積極與東協合作,但是多邊制度甚至一開放的東亞區域經濟建制對日本有利,不過欲保持自身自主性的東協及欲排除其美國於東亞勢力的中國大陸並不贊成。中國大陸也認知到區域內需中日共存與合作;日本雖欲建立制度領導,但仍遭遇東協與中國大陸之疑慮,況又有來自國內保守壓力;但是東協透過集體與中國大陸簽訂「自由貿易協定」,再由東協成員國個別與日本簽訂自由貿易協定的方式,尋求東亞經濟合作,使得東亞區域雖無一正式化經濟合作制度,但彼此卻已展開實質經濟合作,本論文將要探討在這過程中,東協國家如何彈性地避開爭議又獲得東亞地區實質合作的進展。 / After the financial crisis, ASEAN sought for further regional economic cooperation. China bearing the thought to pursue becoming the regional hegemony provides ASEAN with public goods and ASEAN started to cooperate with China. And Japan who was worried about the rise of China began to cooperate with ASEAN actively. But the multilateral regime, or a open-end East Asia regional economic regime is more beneficial to Japan. ASEAN who wants to keep their self-autonomy and China who has a strong wish to exclude the U.S. influence form East Asia do not approve to build the multilateral economic system in East Asia.
China recognizes that China and Japan must work economically together and co-exist in East Asia. Although Japan who needs to handle the doubts of ASEAN and China hopes to build a system and to lead the economic cooperation within the region, Japan encounters the conservative power domestically. ASEAN who looks for the economic cooperation in East Asia by concluding the Free Trade Agreement with China collectively and Japan individually to make real economical cooperation in East Asia. This paper is going to discuss how does ASEAN flexibly avoid the disputes and achieve real economic cooperation progress during the economic cooperation process.
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中國與哈薩克雙邊關係之研究1992-2009 / A study on China and Kazakhstan's relationships 1992-2009李政昆 Unknown Date (has links)
本文發現,中哈之間目前除水資源爭議外並無利益衝突,在以疆界問題為主的高度政治議題解決後,兩國在低度政治議題特別是石油領域,建交至今有長足的進步,符合哈薩克「石油興國」的目標,更成就中國「油源多元化」以打破「麻六甲困境」的能源安全大佈局。因此,中哈關係在目前國際環境條件不變之下,在各自以國家利益為前提下,可望繼續深化友好,促使中國與中亞地區產生更緊密連結。 / The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is nowadays one of the major powers in the world and the largest communist country. Republic of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан Республикасы) is the largest non-Slavic peoples component of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and after its independence, it becomes the 9th largest country in the world and the most important and the largest country in central Asia. The PRC and Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations since January, 1992 soon following Kazakhstan’s declaration of independence on Dec. 16, 1991. The PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are growing closer not merely in high politics such as diplomacy and security issues, but also in low politics such as economy and energy issues. The two countries have signed and reached certain treaties, agreements, bulletins and pronouncements as well.
This thesis reviews the origin of Kazakhstanian nation state and the transformation of mutual relations from the Chin Dynasty to the eve of Kazakhstan’s independence on the basis of the historical analytic approach and evaluates the present PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations. Moreover, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was founded in Jun. 15, 2001 and it offered a multilateral channel for the PRC and Kazakhstan to dialogue and negotiate with each other. So this thesis divides the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations into two periods by the crucial year 2001 and therefore compares bilateral political, economical, energy and security (including anti-terrorism) issues before and after 2001. Nevertheless, the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are always under the influence of other major powers such as Russia, the USA, the EU or even India due to the geopolitical value of central Asia, the so-called “heartland” of the “world island” in Mackinder’s theory. As a result, this thesis discusses on the impact by these behaviors upon the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations and its resolutions.
Finally, this thesis concludes that the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations are getting better with the time except for water resource issue. Their first cooperative item is petroleum mining and transportation. By doing so, Kazakhstan can trade foreign exchange to develop economy, while the PRC can ensure its petroleum import from “Malacca” dilemma and avoid energy hunger. Hence, looking forward to the future of the PRC-Kazakhstan diplomatic relations, they will build closer tie than ever under their national interests, and play more important roles both in central Asia and the world politics.
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