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外交下鄉,農業出洋:中華民國農技援助非洲的實施和影響(1960-1974)王文隆, Wang Wenlung Unknown Date (has links)
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中華民國與沙烏地阿拉伯王國雙邊關係之研究【1991-2002】蘇信維, Su Hsin-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文總計五章,共十六節:第一章為緒論,指在闡明本文之研究動機與目的、研究途徑與方法等;第二章為中、沙兩國在斷交前的關係做一扼要說明,內容包括政治、外交、經濟、貿易、教科文與宗教等各層面之交流及其分析,此外也將對中、沙斷交之背景、過程做一深入之探討;第三章則將焦點放在兩國新關係之分析,自新關係談判開始,終於對新架構之評估,以補此方面研究之不足;第四章將針對斷交後的各方面交流與實質關係做一通盤整理,並進行觀察與分析,以期深入了解兩國關係﹔第五章為結論,將本文所探討之內容做一總結,檢討中、沙兩國關係得失,並提出未來展望與建議。 / On Jul. 22nd in 1990, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(S.A.) established its diplomatic relations with Mainland China(P.R.C.), meanwhile, Republic of China(R.O.C., Taiwan)also declared to break off that with Saudi Arabia. With the termination of Saudi and Taiwan’s mutual official relations, however, the communication and pragmatic relations between the two parties are still keeping moving on. For example, in terms of economic and trading dimension, Saudi Arabia is the top 16 trading partner in the world as well as the top 1 in Middle-East Area for R.O.C. in 2002, and 30% of Taiwan’s imported crude oil comes from S.A. annually.
Though the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most important countries in Middle East, and she does maintain lots of pragmatic communication with R.O.C., only few domestic scholars or experts take their studies on Saudi and Taiwan’s interaction and/or relationships. In addition to that, S.A. also plays a very important role in international society as well as for Taiwan’s foreign Relations. As a result, I decided to research on such a theme.
There are 16 sections composed to 5 chapters in this thesis: Chapter 1 is an “Introduction”, the motive, and the purpose for the study, as well as the researching approach will be illustrated here; in Chapter 2, we are going to summarize the communication before the termination of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and R.O.C., including politics, diplomacy, economy, trade, education and etc.; Chapter 3 is focused on the two parties’ new framework for mutual relations; in Chapter 4, to clarify in all respects that the development of Saudi and Taiwan’s relations in recent years after the diplomatic relations been severed will be the key point; and in Chapter 5, we take a whole review and make some conclusions for readers’ or even governmental reference.
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從憲法變遷論法律與憲法的緊張關係-以經濟憲法為例-楊坤樵 Unknown Date (has links)
所謂的憲政實際是指所有國家機關或地方自治團體依其職權適用憲法規範所形成的具體現實發展。理論上,客觀規範與實際適用的結果應該是一致的,然在經濟此一事物領域中,憲法規範與憲政實際間似乎有相當程度的緊張與斷裂。考量到定期改選、背負民意壓力的立法者最能感受、反應社會現實變化的發展,並著眼於釋憲權與立法權間長久存在的緊張關係,本文的重心將擺在立法者的經濟法規範上,換言之,本文欲處理的議題乃就經濟此一領域中,憲法規範與法律規範間產生的緊張關係。本來解決這緊張關係最根本的方法就是透過修憲,修改不合時宜的憲法規範(若我們肯定經濟法規範所彰顯的價值較符合當代國人的需求) 。但憲法增修條文第一條規定,其程序顯較憲法本文更加繁雜、冗長,進一步地強化了我國憲法的剛性特質,欲透過修憲回應時代變革更顯困難,因此,本文遂將關注的目光集中在釋憲者身上,期能透過憲法解釋舒緩、調和這緊張關係。本文擬從憲法變遷的觀點出發,探求憲法規範與法律規範間的互動關係。一方面,將社會變遷納入憲法的考慮,使憲法具有自主的生命力,成為一「活的憲法」。另一方面,以憲法規範作為一國憲政發展的界線,使現實社會變革不致脫溢合憲秩序。
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中共新安全觀與上海合作組織之研究潘君德, Pan , Bre-Ce Unknown Date (has links)
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上 海 合 作 組 織 之 研 究甘可怡, Kan, Ko-yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文認為:冷戰後,中亞地區在全球地緣戰略格局中的地位顯著上升,成為國際強權爭奪的場域,中國與俄羅斯成立上海合作組織的目的,是為追求在中亞地區中取得優勢地位,911事件後美國駐軍中亞,影響了上海合作組織的發展。911事件後,俄羅斯、中國和美國以中亞地區為場景的地緣政治大競賽中,美國暫時取得優勢地位,俄羅斯是後來居上,中國則必須繼續藉由上海合作組織將強與中亞國家的經濟與軍事合作,以維持在中亞地區的影響力。 / After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in Central Asia emerged five states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. These countries are not only have the rich natural resources, but also take the important role of the global geostrategic patterns. Traditionally, Central Asia was viewed as a part of Russian’s influence and is adjacent to China. Beyond question, such an unusual area lures the international powers to engage the affairs of it. Since the 911 event, the U.S. acquired the opportunity to deploy their military in Central Asia. By means of military presence, the U.S. found the way to counteract the influence of Russia and China in Central Asia. Consequently, the Central Asia became the focus in international politics.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was established by China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in 2001. This dissertation examines the origins and prospects of the SCO, analyzes the variation of geostrategic situation in Central Asia, and discusses how the U.S. military presence in Central Asia influenced the development of SCO.
Since the end of the Cold War, the Central Asia has played a significant role in global geostrategic patterns. The motive of China and Russia to promote the establishment of SCO in 2001 is to seek the predominance in the Central Asia. After the 911 event, the U.S. military presence appeared in Central Asia. And this fact indeed affected the development of SCO. China, Russia and U.S. as the three main actors of the ongoing New Great Game, which is occurring in Central Asia. The results of the New Great Game are as follow, U.S. temporarily stands on a vantage point in the present days. As for Russia, it takes the second place by controlling the CIS Collective Security Treaty Organization. As regards China, by exerting the SCO to enhance the economic and political ties with Central Asia countries, it still strives to maintain the influence in Central Asia.
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團隊領導對集體效能與團隊表現之影響盧佩秋, Lu, Pei-Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
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美國於東亞地區經濟合作之角色:以霸權穩定理論解釋許哲維 Unknown Date (has links)
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地區創新氛圍對廠商創新活動與成效之研究 / The study of regional innovative milieu on firm innovation activities and success郭慧蘭, Kuo,Hui Lan Unknown Date (has links)
於廠商創新活動與成效實證分析方面,本研究採取兩個階段進行,分別皆以三個面向因素(廠商內部屬性、研發合作、地區創新氛圍)的影響因素來探討廠商創新活動與成效之差異。針對創新氛圍方面,於第一階段以不同產業群聚地區的虛擬變數作為隱含地區創新氛圍的概念,測試其對廠商創新活動與成效的影響,第二階段則以地區創新氛圍因素(創新綜效、創新成效)進行科技與傳統產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效之測試。整體研究結果顯示,科技產業群聚地區的廠商傾向自身的研發投入,而傳統產業群聚地區的廠商則多以研發合作居多,但科技產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效較佳;地區創新氛圍確實對於廠商的創新活動與成效有顯著的影響,尤其對於科技產業群聚地區的廠商創新成效更有顯著的貢獻;而研發合作對於廠商創新成效的影響則不如預期。因此,從基礎產業發展環境、知識設施的聚集、地區網絡的建構等方面,來促使各地區創新氛圍之形塑,將有利於地區廠商的創新,特別應加強傳統產業群聚地區的創新氛圍;此外,提倡廠商強化內部基本體質亦是促進廠商創新效率之關鍵所在。 / Under the wind of the knowledge-based economics and globalization, innovation is an important way for firms to increase their own competitiveness. Innovation is the process from original concept to business. The past researches on firm innovation branch widely, most focus on economic geography and corporation management. From those related researches, we can simplify the elements which can influence the innovation of the firm into three: firms’ inner attributes, relation of the connection to outside network, and the environment of the area which firms located. Innovation milieu is the social relationship which actors in the area could make it happen through interactions and group learning, which can advance the area’s innovation ability, and give the good environment condition for firms to innovate. Innovative milieu is the important issue in the present regional development researches, this research will integrate the three elements to discuss the influence on firms innovation activities and innovation success.
The theory of the innovative milieu have transformed from discussion of “the localization of something” to focus on the relation of the work of the regional production system and the local innovative milieu. But, the lack of the quantification indicator, and the territory of the research field still need to break through, and is the focus of this research. This research divide Taiwan into 46 analysis area unit, then bring into the concept of the local production system, use two indicators to choose 26 elements as the scope of the research, and farther define 26 analysis area unit into 9 technology industry cluster area, and 17 traditional industry cluster area, to compare the differences of the industry field and the level of the development of the innovation milieu. This research take 8 innovative milieu related indexes, and compress into 2 indexes: “innovation synergy” and “innovation success” through the content analysis; this research use these two indexes to divide 46 areas of Taiwan into 4 types of innovation milieu: innovative milieu, no innovative milieu, innovation but without milieu, and milieu but without innovation.
On the analysis of the firms’ innovation activities and the success, this research take two steps to discuss. At the first step, this research use the dummy variables of the different industry cluster area as the concept of the regional innovative milieu, to check the influence it could make on the firms innovation activities and the success; At the second step, this research use regional innovative milieu indexes to check the firms’ innovation success of the traditional and technology industry cluster area. The whole research shows that the firms of technology industry aggregation area are tend to invest on their own R&D, which the firms of traditional industry aggregation area often do their R&D by cooperating with others, and the innovation outcome of firms of the technology industry aggregation area is better. The regional innovative milieu has the conspicuous influence on the firms innovation activities and the success, especially to the technology industry cluster area, but the influence which the R&D cooperation could make on the innovation outcome is not good as expect. Thus, the making of the basic environment of the industry development, the aggregation of the knowledge facilities, and the build of the local network is the good impact for local firms to innovate, especially for the traditional industry aggregation area ones. At the same time, to reinforce the firms’ inner constitution is also the key to promote the firms innovation.
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師資培育機構與中等學校教育實習機構合作關係暨相關問題之研究 / A study of the relationship and relative questions between teacher training institution and intern institution of secondary吳清明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以師資培育機構與中等學校教育實習機構合作關係作實証性之研究;研究對象包括師資培育機構之教育學程中心主任或實習輔導處(室)主任、實習指導教師、實習學校之行政人員(校長、教務主任、訓導主任、輔導主任、教學組長)、實習輔導教 師、實習教師。研究方法包括問卷調查法及訪問調查法,發出問卷調查有1000份,回收率為68.3%;另外訪談對象有師資培育機構人員二位、高中校長一位暨實習教師二位。
本研究結果顯示:(一)由雙方合作關係現況分析得知:1.全體受試在合作現況的 評定順序依次是:(l)教育實習;(2)設備資源;(3)教師發展。2.師資培育機構與實習學校之合作關係成功的關鍵因素是明確定位雙方權利、義務關係暨雙方具有誠懇的態度。3.「教育合作契約書」內涵實習教師未能了解或者沒有看到。4.實習學校校長對師資培育機構之態度不滿意。5.師資培育機構與實習學校合作關係之內涵認為彼此接觸太少。6.實習指導教師工作繁重,無法落實教育實習輔導制度。(二)由雙方合作關係現況差異性分析得知:1.在合作現況之差異中顯示在「設備資源」項目上中、南、東部實習學校及私立師資培育機構有比較劣勢之表現。2.實習教師對於雙方合作關係持負面反應。(三)由雙方合作關係需求分析得知:1.全體受試在合作需求的評定順序是:(1)教師發展;(2)教育實習;(3)教學課程。2.師資培育機構宜成立重點實習學校發展暨區域性教育輔導中心。3.實習學校掌握「平等與互惠」原則能使雙方合作關係穩定又良好。4.實習輔導教師給予實習輔導教師津貼補助,才能獲得尊重並給予物質上之補貼。(四)由雙方合作關係需求差異性分析得知:1.在個別受試背景之優先需求得知:(1)師資培育機構人員在教育實習、研究發展有較高的需求。(2)實習學校行政人員在教師發展、行政服務的需求較高。(3)實習輔導教師暨實習教師在教師發展、行政服務的需求較高。(五)由調查實習輔導制度所衍生的問題分析得知:1.師資培育課程宜注重班級經營技巧之訓練。2.落實實習輔導制度評量工作。3.實習教師對於師資培育機構舉辦之各項研習活動肯定其功能。4.全職實習教師心態不平衡。5.從個別意見調查中顯示實習教師對雙方合作關係持較負向的觀感。6.從供需差距之認知中發現實習教師、實習輔導教師、實習學校行政人員對於「實習學校訂定獎勵辦法」有共同看法。本研究之成果可瞭解師資培育機構與中等學校教育實習機構合作關係現況暨合作關係需求與其差異性,並提出具體改進建議,以為未來教育界之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to make an empirical survey on the cooperative relationship between teacher training institutions and intern institutions of secondary schools. The respondents of the study include the dean of the center the educational program center, the dean of intem-guide center in the teacher training institution, intern master teachers, administration of intern school institution (inclusive of the principal, the academic dean, the dean of students, the dean of the consultant center, and the executor of educational plans), teacher training institution mentors, and intern teachers. The methods of the study contain both the method of the questionnaire and that of the semi-structured interview, issuing 1,000 copies of the questionnaire. The percentage of the returned questionnaires mounts to 68.3 percentage. Other respondents are two personnel in the teacher training institution, one principal in senior high school, and two intern teachers.The result of the study shows:
A. According to the analysis of the appearances between their cooperative relationship:
1. The orders of the appearances about cooperative relationship judges from the entire respondent: (1) internship; (2) facility resources; (3) teachers' development.
2. The keys of successfully cooperative relationship between the teacher training institution and the intern school are based on the definite relationship between their rights and responsibilities as well we their sincere attitudes.
3. Intern teachers cannot understand or don't see the content of the contract about educational cooperation.
4. The principal of the intern school is discontent with the attitude of the teacher training institution.
5. The frequency of their contacts may frustrate the expectation of the content about the cooperative relationship.
6. The intern-guide system cannot work efficiently due to the intern master teachers' overwork.
B. According to the analysis of differences between their cooperative relationship:
1. About the differences of the cooperative appearance on "facility resources",Central, Southern, Eastern intern schools, and private teacher training institutions have inferior performances.
2. The intern teachers hold negative attitudes toward the cooperative relationship.
C. According to the analysis on the demand of the cooperative relationship:
1. The orders of the cooperative relationship demand from all the respondents: (1)teacher's development; (2) internship; (3) teaching curriculum; (4) administration service.
2. Teacher training institutions should set up key-point intern school and develop regional inter-guide center.
3. Intern school stick to the principle of equality as well as mutual benefits can make their cooperative relationship stable and well.
4. Teacher training institutions should give teacher training institution mentors reasonable allowance so as to own their respects and compensate them on the material.
D. According to the analysis on the difference of the cooperative relationship:
1. The individual respondent's superior demand shows:(1) Teacher training institutions have higher demand on internship and study development.
(2) Administration of intern school has higher demands on teachers' development and administration service.
(3) Teacher training institution mentors and intern teachers have higher demands on teachers' development and administration service.
E.According to the analysis of questions derived from the investigation of intern-guide system:
1. Teacher training curriculum should put emphasis on the developing the skills of classroom management.
2. It is important to activate the evaluation system about the intern-guide system.
3. Intern teachers should hold positive viewpoint on the research conferences held by teacher training institutions.
4. Full-time intern teachers' minds are unbalance- able. (or Full-time teacher cannot keep their minds balance.)
5. From the personal opinion, it shows that the intern teachers hold the negative view on cooperative relationship.
6. From the difference on demand ad supply, we realize that intern teachers, intern master teacher and administration mentor of internship have the identical viewpoint on " setting up rewards schemes for schools of internship".
Through the investigation and the results of the study, we can understand the cooperative relationship between teacher training institutions and intern institution of secondary school accompanied by their demand and difference on the relationship.In addition, I sincerely hope my study can offer some constructive suggestions for future study.
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社會中心途徑之跨部門治理研究:以「洛杉磯河整治計畫」為例 / Society-Centered Approach for the Research of Cross-Sectoral Governance: A Case Study of “Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan(LARRMP)”陳秋政, Chen, Chiu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
面對所謂棘手議題(wicked issues),本文有別於傳統府際管理及其他解析理論的分析觀點,改以跨部門治理概念探討行政轄區界線模糊,多部門、多組織同時參與標的個案之狀況。同時為處理治理概念定義模糊的問題,爰採文獻分析法將治理概念內涵區分為政府中心、市場中心及社會中心三類,並發現多數跨部門治理議題的研究,偏重應用政府與市場觀點,爰本文主張以社會中心治理途徑針對「洛杉磯河整治計畫」進行分析。簡言之,本文的研究問題包括:
儘管個案規劃過程仍有前述疑義,但在參與觀察的過程,研究者發現個案所處系絡具有較為成熟的社會條件,對於治理原則的認同程度彰顯了公民社會的成熟,也奠定尋求部門間合作的可能性。就跨部門治理之規劃個案而言,本文建議以樹立治理原則為先,進而逐步將其落實於參與過程及相關機制設計之內,最後則可透過正當性與承諾對集體參與之規劃成效加以評估。在研究調查資料與參與觀察的基礎之上,本文運用John Clayton Thomas所提出之「公共涉入形式矩陣」,將洛杉磯河整治計畫草案之規劃過程定位為「修正的獨立自主管理決策」,意指徒具參與形式的決策類型。依據本研究之個案分析架構,本文為洛杉磯河整治計畫之規劃過程提出十三項建議,於下分述之:
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