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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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快速時尚品牌個性與品牌權益之關係— 以歐洲消費者之認知為例 / The Relationship between Brand Personalities and Brand Equity - An Investigation on European Consumer Perception towards Fast Fashion Brands

王奕云, Wang, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討歐洲快速時尚產業的品牌個性,是否對知覺價值、獨特性、知覺品質有所影響,進而影響整體品牌權益。本研究以問卷調查方式進行研究,以法國里昂、法國巴黎等地區的年輕消費族群為主要對象,透過實際街頭訪查、網路問卷的方式發放,並採用里克特的五點量表衡量填答者的意向。發放時間於2015年1月初至4月30日止,總計獲得263份問卷,扣除無效問卷與年齡層分佈誤差,有效問卷為242份,本次研究選定ZARA、H&M、UNIQLO、MANGO、Forever21、TOPSHOP等在歐洲皆有經營零售店的知名快速時尚品牌作為調查對象。透過敘述性統計、探索式因素分析、信度分析、將58項品牌個性歸類為四項題項:分別為「優雅別緻」、「簡單自在」「有趣勇敢」、「外向開放」;再透過SEM結構方程模型的驗證性因素分析驗證假說模型因果關係,並透過結構模式分析,檢驗潛在變項之間因果關係模式的適配度。結果顯示「優雅別緻」對獨特性、知覺品質有正向影響;「簡單自在」對知覺價值、獨特性、知覺品質有正向影響,且影響性大;而「有趣勇敢」並沒有對上述觀察變項呈現顯著、「外向開放」對知覺品質呈現顯著,卻為負向影響。在知覺價值、獨特性、知覺品質中,對整體品牌權益影響最大的分別為獨特性,顯見獨特性對此模型的重要性。 接著透過單因子變異數分析探討不同性別、年齡與消費者最熟悉的品牌對品牌個性是否存在某種認知傾向與差異,在性別上,顯示出男性在選擇品牌個性「有趣勇敢」上多於女生;在年齡上品牌個性「外向開放」在各年齡層上呈現顯著,且21-30歲的年齡層最多。品牌上本研究選擇樣本數最多的三個品牌最分析,分別是H&M、ZARA、UNIQLO,在三個品牌中,H&M的消費者認為此品牌擁有最多「優雅別緻」的性格;UNIQLO則是在「簡單自在」最為突出;而消費者認為ZARA此品牌擁有相對多「有趣勇敢」的特質。應用結構方程模型分析(SEM)本研究發現某些品牌個性確實透過知覺品質、知覺價值、獨特性等觀察變項對整體品牌權益呈現正向影響,但「外向開放」卻對知覺品質呈負向影響,因此擁有「外向開放」要對消費者「知覺品質」的經營特別注意。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations among brand personality, perceived quality, perceived value and overall brand equity of fast fashion brands in European area. The survey chose six famous fast fashion brands which are ZARA, H&M, UNIQLO, Mango, Forever21 and TOPSHOP as the main targets of research. The questionnaire was distributed in Paris and Lyon French area from January to the end of April in 2015. There were 263 samples being successfully collected, and 242 are valid ones. This thesis applied descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis to categorize 58 brand personalities into four factors, which are named as “sophisticated and elegant”, “simple and comfortable”, “interesting and courageous” , and” outgoing and open-minded”. Afterward the research has applied ANOVA analysis to further investigate whether the differences of genders, age and brands would influence the preferences of brand personality. Ultimately, male customers are prone to be attracted to the brands with “interesting and courageous” personality; customers among 21-30 years-old prefer” outgoing and open-minded” brands; as the aspect of brands, customers consider each of the three brands having distinguished personalities. By using structural equational modeling analysis, the researcher finds that fast fashion brands with personalities as “sophisticated and elegant” and “simple and comfortable” have positive impacts on perceived value, uniqueness and perceived quality; however, brands that have personality as “interesting and courageous” need to take measures to enhance perceived quality due to potential negative effect of such brand personality. Last but not least, perceived value, uniqueness and perceived quality are proven to have positive significant effects on overall brand equity, especially uniqueness does.

員工對員工協助方案的知曉以及滿意程度與以員工為本的品牌權益之關聯性研究:以知覺組織支持為中介變數 / Research of the relationship between employees' awareness of and satisfaction with employee assistance programs and employee-based brand equity: perceived organizational support as a mediator

陳嘉純 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣職場環境日益浮現關於超長工時、過勞與壓力等身心問題,且自殺消息頻傳,影響員工甚鉅。因此,專家學者紛紛呼籲企業要重視員工的心理健康與福利,應實施員工協助方案(employee assistance programs, EAP)。然而,儘管此福利方案立意良善,但其低落的使用率卻往往使企業基於成本考量而缺乏設置意願。根據管理學知名大師彼得杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)所言:「過去衡量企業好壞的指標,是看其員工創造了多少經濟價值,但以後會看企業如何對待它的員工」,足見善待員工,是判斷企業為「好企業」的依據。企業重視員工的福祉,將能傳達企業關懷員工的訊息,在員工心中創造一個良好的「雇主品牌」。因此,本研究試圖採取社會交換理論之觀點,以員工對於EAP的知曉與心理契約滿足程度為自變數,並透過知覺組織支持的中介,探討其與建立「以員工為本的品牌權益(employee-based brand equity, EBBE)」之間的關聯性。 本研究以公司有實施EAP的員工為研究對象進行問卷調查,共回收有效問卷218份。藉由路經分析可發現,透過知覺組織支持的完全中介,員工對於EAP的知曉與心理契約滿足程度將正向顯著地影響以員工為本的品牌權益之形成。此研究結果證實了,無論員工是否使用EAP,只要公司根據員工對於服務內容的需求設置EAP,並透過EAP的宣傳、推廣增進員工對於EAP的認識,讓員工感受到公司對於員工身心健康的重視,將能夠強化員工心中的雇主品牌,促使員工展現與公司品牌一致的行為表現,產生以員工為本的品牌權益,為組織創造更大的效益。


陳威嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產業環境的改變,製造業的附加價值越來越低,品牌已經是繼品質之後,成為提升產品附加價值之關鍵。也因此,品牌的建立成為台灣產、官、學界十分重視的課題。學術界和實務界對於品牌的建立,與品牌權益的解釋眾多紛紜,然而這些品牌權益模型涵蓋的構面都不太一樣,且品牌權益的建構順序也不相同。本研究目的是整合各品牌權益的模型,建立一個完整而周延的品牌權益構面,並發展有學理基礎的品牌權益建構順序。 本研究收集學術界及實務界普遍在運用的品牌權益模型,以邱志聖(2006)提出的策略行銷分析架構,以及交易成本的觀念為出發點,整合其他的品牌權益建構模型。並且提出「品牌外顯效益」構面,補足策略行銷分析架構在建構品牌權益的不足之處。研究提出品牌權益的構面包含有:上市後外顯單位效益成本、品牌外顯效益、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本以及專屬陷入成本。並以Roger(1962)提出的創新決策過程為理論基礎,建立本研究的品牌權益模型建構順序。 本研究提出品牌權益的建構順序,應該是在新品牌上市前,1. 先從降低外顯單位效益成本開始。而新品牌上市之後,2. 應逐步降低買者資訊搜尋成本,3. 建立品牌外顯效益,4. 降低買者道德危機成本,5. 降低買者專屬陷入成本,6. 跟買者建立專屬資產。企業應按照上述順序建立品牌權益,可以讓投入的行銷資源發揮最大的效益。 研究選擇5個不同產業(家具、電腦、鞋、飲料、通訊)的知名品牌(IKEA、Acer、NIKE、可口可樂、NOKIA),收集各知名品牌建立時採行的行銷活動,以本研究建立的品牌權益模型來作分析。研究發現各知名品牌,皆按照本研究提出的建立順序建構品牌,證實本研究提出的品牌權益模型具有廣泛的適用性。

品牌進入策略之初探與分析-以台灣食品廠商為例 / The Analysis of Brand Entery Strategy for Food Industry in Taiwan

盧玉慧, Lu,Yui-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟體制的改革開放,廠商品牌經營的範疇也隨之擴大至國際市場。同時隨著競爭優勢的典範轉移,進入模式所考量的內部因素-品牌權益的運用,也變得日形重要。因此「如何利用品牌權益有效率的切入市場」的議題也隨之受到重視。目前學術界在進入模式及品牌策略層面都已累積了為數不少的深入研究。然針對此議題的研究卻十分的缺少,因此本研究將針對此理論缺口,利用質化研究的方式,以台灣食品廠商做為訪談對像,進行深入探討。 首先為能明確化品牌權益與切入市場效率之間的關係,本研究在文獻探討的部份,深入分析品牌權益與交換問題的關係。同時再以邱志聖(2006)行銷四c為分析架構,系統性的說明品牌權益如何對交換成本產生影響。而個案分析方式便也採用同樣的架構,去深入探討五家具代表性的食品廠商,其品牌進入策略解決交換問題的能力。 再利用個案分析的結果,歸納出現有廠商進入新市場所採取的品牌進入策略類型為「自創品牌進入策略」、「共創品牌進入策略」及「信任建立式品牌進入策略」。並詳細說明各品牌進入策略的特性及成因,並據此提出相關命題。最後本研究再以行銷交換成本為構面,針對不同的品牌進入策略提出建議的解決模式。 / With liberalized economic system the scope of corporate brands has also been expanded to international markets. Simultaneously, the paradigm shift in competitive advantage makes exertion of brand equity more critical, which is an internal factor considered by entry mode. Thus, the issue concerning “how to enter markets efficiently by brand equity” is highly stressed. Currently, many in-depth researches of entry mode and brand strategy dimensions have been conducted in academic field, yet rather few have been made on this issue. To fill the theoretical gap, the research uses qualitative methodology by interviewing food companies in Taiwan for through discussion. First, in order to distinguish the relationship between brand equity and efficiency of market entry, the research analyzes relationship between brand equity and exchange problems in literature review, while systematically explain how brand equity affects exchange costs via Chiou’s (2006) marketing 4C analytical framework. Identical framework is adopted in case studies to discuss problem solving abilities and brand entry strategy of five representative food companies. Then according to results of case studies, the research summarizes brand entry strategy types adopted by current companies when entering new markets, categorizing as “private label entry strategy”, “ co-brand entry strategy” and “trust-establishing brand entry strategy”, and elaborating on characteristics and causes of each brand’s entry strategy to come up with hypothesis. Finally, the research uses marketing exchange cost as dimension, providing suggested solution models of entry strategies for different brands. Key words: Brand Entry Strategy, Brand Equity, Private Label, Co-brand, Food Company.


林惠君, Lin, Hui Chun Unknown Date (has links)
品牌個性與真實自我、理想自我之一致性是指,消費者所知覺的品牌個性特徵與自我概念(真實自我、理想自我)之間的契合程度。根據過去文獻可以了解到品牌個性與自我概念之一致性與其他構念之間的關係:契合度愈高,顧客基礎品牌權益(簡稱CBBE)愈高、購買意願愈高,但是卻沒有一個研究包括這三個構念,是以這三者之間的關係模式究係為何,是否包含第三變項的中介效果,目前的了解卻是有限。因此,研究者以自我概念一致性理論為基礎,試圖整合過去累積的研究成果,建構三者之間的關係模式,並以408位華碩筆記型電腦的使用者為研究對象,利用結構方程模式,企圖釐清不同面向的自我概念(真實自我與理想自我)與品牌個性之間的契合程度和購買意願的關係,並檢驗CBBE對於該等變項的關係之中介作用。 修正後的最終模式契合實徵資料,並有下列兩點主要發現:(一)品牌個性與真實自我之一致性既無法影響購買意願,亦無法影響CBBE;(二)品牌個性與理想自我之一致性無法直接影響購買意願,僅能間接影響之,影響途徑為:「品牌個性與理想自我之一致性」→「CBBE」→「購買意願」。本研究的發現與國內外文獻略有出入。其一,品牌個性與真實自我之一致性在模式中未呈現研究者所期待的影響力,這之間的落差究係隱含著什麼訊息,是否存有重要的變項未被一併探討,值得後續研究者的重視;其二,品牌個性與理想自我之一致性與購買意願之間原本是沒有關係的,係因CBBE的中介,而使過去研究有「偽關係」的發現。 本研究的發現:消費者理想自我的一致性經驗和購買意願並未存在直接關係,係乃透過其對CBBE的影響,而CBBE又再影響購買意願,間接影響之,不但突破自我概念一致性研究領域的藩籬,更具體彰顯CEEB的實用價值,而對品牌管理實務深具貢獻。特別是,品牌個性與理想自我之一致性提供品牌經理人創造品牌權益一個有效的品牌操作思維;而CBBE模式則可為檢測品牌體質與發展狀況之參考架構。針對研究結果的意涵與限制,研究者於文末進行詳細的說明與探討,並提出數項建議,以供後續研究者與實務工作者的參考。

品牌併購相關性與品牌個性相似度對品牌權益與購買意願之影響 / Effects of Merger Type and Brand Personality on Brand Equity and Purchase Intention in Brand Merger and Acquisition

謝文豪, Hsieh, Wen Hao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資金、市場與人才國際化的趨勢,企業面對的競爭越來越激烈,企業從單品牌策略逐漸走向多品牌策略;其中,併購品牌為最快速、控制與投資程度高的品牌組合建立方式,也是目前品牌組合建立的主要趨勢,尤其以國際大型集團發起的併購案件,近幾年於市場上更是層出不窮。然而,目前關於併購行為所產生的益處與影響,多著重於有形資產財務指標的表現,而忽略無形資產的變化,然而品牌是企業彰顯價值以及與消費者溝通的橋梁,是競爭優勢來源之一,因此,本研究欲以消費者的觀點,探討品牌併購會消費者品牌認知的影響。 本研究選定保養品牌作為研究目標,操弄「併購類型相關性」與「品牌個性相似度」等變數,探究品牌併購前後,消費者對主併品牌與被併品牌「品牌權益」與「購買意願」的變化;本研究首先進行前測,找出保養品牌個性差異小與個性差異大的品牌組合,以作為正式實驗之研究標的;接著透過實驗分組,探究受試者對這些品牌組合的反應,以得到其對品牌權益與購買意願產生的變化。 本研究結果顯示,對主併品牌而言,在併購之後,對品牌權益與消費者購買意願變化並無明顯差異,但有相關性併購優於非相關性併購、品牌個性相近組合優於品牌個性相異組合的傾向;而對被併品牌而言,在被併購之後,品牌權益與消費者購買意願變化皆有顯著提升,並且相關性併購提升程度大於非相關性併購,品牌個性相似組合提升程度亦大於品牌個性相異組合。透過本研究結果分析,發現併購活動會造成企業無形資產品牌權益與購買意願的變化,因此,企業在進行併購活動時,應將品牌納入併購活動策略考量中,同時也應注重併購品牌的相關性與品牌個性相似度,以避免對彼此的品牌受損。 / With the internationalization of capital, market and human resources, companies are facing more and more intense competitions. In order to deal with this situation, companies moves from single brand strategy to multi-brand strategy, especially the strategy of merger and acquisition (M&A), which is a fast, highly controlled and highly invested method to develop multi brands. At the same time, M&A is the most common way nowadays to apply multi-brand strategy, especially for international corporations. However, the researches about the advantages and influences of M&A have focused on tangible assets, such as financial performance, instead of focusing on intangible assets, such as brand equity and brand image, which are also important to the corporations. Brand is not only a channel for company to communicate with customers but also a source of competitive advantages. Therefore, this study wants to research how the brand merger and acquisition affects customers’ brand recognitions. This study chooses beauty care brands as research object, and “merger type” and “brand personality” as variables. By undergoing an experiment, this study examines the changes of “brand equity” and “purchase intention” after M&A for both acquiring and acquired brands. The findings are, for the acquiring brand, there is no significant change in brand equity and purchase intention after M&A, and related M&A is better than unrelated M&A, while the similar brand personality combination is better than distinc one. As for the acquired brand, there are significant rises in brand equity and purchase intention after M&A, and just like the acquiring brand, related M&A is better than unrelated M&A, while the similar brand personality combination is better than distinc one as well. This study’s results show that the M&A would actually affect corporation’s intangible assets, brand equity and purchase intention. Therefore, when corporations decide to implement M&A strategy, they should take “brand” in consideration. Also, corporations should pay attention on the merger type and brand personality between acquiring and acquired brand to prevent the harm on both brands after M&A.

台灣資訊業廠商自創國際品牌績效之因素探討 / A Study of the Factors Affecting Performance of Selfowned International Brand for Computer & Electronic Industry in Taiwan.

林卿雯, Lin, Chin-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣廠商長期以OEM方式替國外廠商做低階產品代工,缺乏市場掌握、行銷經驗是重要原因之一,近年台灣OEM訂單流失,廠商紛紛尋求產品升級與自創品牌。藉著多年來累積的競爭優勢和經驗,不少資訊業廠商具有自創品牌,在國際市場上佔相當品牌知名度。台灣若想擺脫MIT次等產品的形象及宿命,非得自創品牌行銷國際。本研究動機為了解影響台灣資訊業廠商成功自創國際品牌的因素及其影響程度,以提供給有心業者做為參考的依據。 經過品牌相關文獻的回顧及廠商專訪後,建立理論架構並以問卷調察的方式,收集到71家臺灣地區有自創品牌外銷國際市場實績資訊業廠商的資料,試圖了解行銷策略及其與地主國特性配合對自創國際品牌績效的影響,行銷策略包括目標市場選擇策略、產品策略、價格定位策略、推廣策略及通路策略;地主國特性包括經濟發展程度與產品來源國形象。由於廠商之產品類別不同,整個關係的呈現也應會有所差異,所以視為干擾變數來處理。 本研究重要結論:1.產品策略,包括產品品質、服務與創新,對自創品牌各績效指標皆有正面貢獻;對資訊業而言,尤其產品創新程度是影響自創品牌績效最重要因素,對每個績效指標皆有顯著影響。2.廠商單獨執行的行銷策略,除了產品策略之外,其他策略對自創品牌績效沒有顯著正面貢獻。建議廠商採取行銷策略時考慮策略之間的互相配合。3.推廣策略及不同目標市場選擇策略對自創品牌績效影響,因廠商類別不同對各績效指標的影響程度也不同。本研究中,推廣活動對資訊業自創品牌績效的影響微乎其微,並不明顯。為了維持品牌知名度與品牌形象,推廣活動經常是品牌廠商很大的支出,因此建議廠商在進行推廣活動時,對於支出需較為謹慎。4.行銷策略與地主國特性配合對自創品牌績效有正面貢獻。當行銷策略與地主國市場經濟發展程度或是來源國形象配合時,由於行銷策略能夠符合市場特性以及行銷策略與產品形象一致,自創品牌績效較佳。

品牌權益與醫師處方行為之關聯性研究-以高血壓藥物為例- / A study of the relationship between brand equity and physician's prescription behavior-taking antihypertensive drugs as examples-

顏厥慈, Yen, Chueh Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
一個品牌所創造的「品牌權益」及所產生的附加價值是指一個品牌能使顧客了解這個品牌所具有的品牌知識及形象並形成聯想,進而引起顧客對品牌認同與適當回應而轉化為實際的購買行動並發展出緊密的忠誠關係,使其他的競爭者不容易取代。 許多的消費品已經證實「品牌權益」對使用者購買行為的影響,但在專業的產品,尤其是藉由「第三者代購模式」決定選購的產品,如:醫藥產品,卻少有此方面的研究。本研究針對台灣醫藥業市場長年位居領導地位,具有相同治療適應症的兩種用藥作「品牌權益」及代購者購買行為的關聯性分析。以北部地區醫師為調查對象,請醫師以問卷方式評估兩種品牌的「品牌權益」並分析的哪些「品牌權益」的因素會影響處方行為,結果發現: 一、品牌權益中「品牌顯著」、「品牌績效」及「品牌形象」對醫師處方行為有顯著影響。醫師對兩種品牌的「品牌權益」看法有明顯的不同,且會視服務的對象(病患)個別情狀況而選擇使用不同的品牌。 二、「品牌聯想」中產品利益的功能性及經驗性對醫師處方行為有顯著的影響。本研究中兩種產品上市時間相近,但醫師還是認知Diovan品牌為一較新品牌而Norvasc則是一個使用廣泛且安全性高產品。 三、Diovan此品牌「品牌顯著」和醫師服務科別有明顯的交互作用。不同服務科別醫師明顯表現出會考慮病人狀況,不會將處方Diovan都列為首選藥物。 四、Norvasc此品牌「品牌績效」和醫師執業年資有明顯的交互作用。執業年資在5 ~10 年間醫師對Norvasc使用後療效最認同。 五、醫師對單一品牌使用趨勢,在最近六個月主要是受品牌權益中「品牌顯著」影響,而在未來繼續使用此品牌則是依據使用後該品牌的品質、可靠度、優越性等因素才決定是否繼續使用該品牌。亦受產品利益象徵性所影響。 六、醫師對兩種品牌選擇使用哪一種品牌的趨勢,在最近六個月主要是受品牌權益中「品牌顯著」與「品牌形象」構面影響,而在未來六個月除了受「品牌顯著」影響外還受「品牌情感」影響。進一步以量化分析,醫師對 Norvasc使用數量在最近 六個月及未來六個月無顯著差異,但對Diovan在未來六個月的使用數量則有顯著 增加。 / A successful brand will lead the consumer to link the brand knowledge and image becoming an associative network memory and drive this memory into consumer’s recognition, and then consumer will transfer the recognition into purchasing action and develop royalty to the brand. This can explain how “Brand Equity” influences consumer behavior and why it can create extra value to minimize competition. Many consumer products have confirmed "Brand Equity" influential power related to the consumers’ purchasing behavior; however, only few studies investigate the professional products, such as: medical products and those will go through "Surrogate-Mediated Shopper” purchasing patterns. Our study selected two prescription products with same therapeutic indications and both maintain leading position among all prescription drugs within pass five years to evaluate the relationship between brand equity and physician's prescription behavior. Our study findings are as follow: 1.“Brand Salience”、“Brand Performance” and “Brand Image ”give influences of physicians’ prescription behavior. Physician can distinguish both brands and will consider individual patient’s status to prescribe different brand. 2. Functional and experimental value of a brand will influence physician’s prescription behavior. In spite less than one year difference of launching time between “Diovan” and “Norvasc”, physician still recognized “Diovan” as a new product while “Norvasc” was a product had been widely used with good safety profile. 3. Physicians serve at different departments showing significant different “Brand Salience” conception of “Diovan”. Physician will depend on patients’ status to choice different anti-hypertensive drugs and “Diovan” is not always the first choice for all hypertensive patients. 4. Physicians have different service years showing significant divergent perception of “Brand Performance” of “Norvasc”. Physicians’ service periods less than 10 years demonstrate most positive recognition of “Norvasc” clinical therapeutic result. 5. Physicians are according to the quality、reliability and superiority of a brand to decide whether continuously using one drug or not. That means “Brand Judgment” is the key influence factor of physician prescription behavior. In addition, it also affected by symbolic value of the brand. 6. Facing two brands trade-off, physicians will base on "Brand Salience” to make decision in the current six months;however, in the future six months,"Brand Feeling” is another key factor that affect physicians’ behavior。Compare with current six months and future six months regarding of prescription quantity, we can find physician will increase prescription quantity of “Diovan” while will not change prescription quantity of “Norvasc”。

消費者為基礎的食品製造商品牌與零售商自有品牌權益之研究 / Consumer-based brand equity of food industry manufacturer brand and retailer private brand

廖怡禎 Unknown Date (has links)
以消費者為基礎的零售市場趨勢變化,重新定義了品牌對於消費者的意涵,使製造商品牌和零售商自有品牌權益的戰爭有了新的趨勢。新的零售概念開始萌芽後,零售商自有品牌逐漸成長,而通常付出代價的是製造商。 本研究試圖由消費者、製造商、與零售商三個不同構面,探討對於品牌權益的認知差異。以消費者為基礎的零售商自有品牌權益認知的問卷調查資料,也依據抽樣樣本的性別、年齡、月收入、教育程度與職業別進行分析,以期能檢視不同消費族群,對於零售商自有品牌主觀認知的差異不同。 研究發現,台灣的消費者對於零售商自有品牌的品牌識別比例高達97.87%;但是對於品牌意涵的回應比例卻低於25%。盡管高達83.45%的消費者認為零售商自有品牌,在未來的發展會有增加的趨勢;但對於高價零售商自有品牌的接受性還是較低。 性別對於零售商自有品牌的主觀認知影響不大。但是年齡差異的影響則明顯不同。雖然三十歲以上的消費者,主觀的認知到零售商自有品牌的產品創新,不過對照其他不同年齡組群,也只有年齡較長的消費者(四十一歲以上的族群),基於對於製造商品牌心理的連結與行為的忠誠度,未來還是選擇不會購買更多的零售商自有品牌產品。顯然的,零售商自有品牌產品的品牌權益,對於四十一歲以上的理性族群消費者的吸引力仍舊不足;反倒是,商店本身的品牌權益,對於各年齡層的消費者購買行為,都具有正面的效果。 同樣的,消費者的教育程度與自有品牌創新的滿意度成反比。而不同於一般人主觀的認知,高收入的族群對自有品牌產品的滿意度,已經實質的高過其他中低收入族群。 對於零售商自有品牌的趨勢而言,個案中的零售便利商店,都認為自有品牌會是零售商未來的發展方向與趨勢。不過,零售便利商店對於自有品牌創新差異化模式,會因不同零售商而有很大的差異。7-ELEVEN的差異化,是在價值上的創新,價格因素還是主要考量;全家便利商店則認為產品的獨特與創新上的差異,會是吸引消費者購買的重要因素。因此,全家對於自有品牌的品牌權益與價格溢酬,自然會有比較樂觀的看法。而單就自有品牌商品營業額的成長幅度而言,7-ELEVEN和全家便利商店去年分別高達110%與130%。 食品製造商由於主觀認知上的落差,因而忽視來自零售商品牌的威脅所導致的危機。這種狀況或許可透過不同通路系統多樣性的代工模式,進而分散來自零售便利商的威脅與風險。品牌產品製造與自有品牌代工兼容並進的雙軌發展模式,會是製造商生存的策略之一。 零售通路的自有品牌產品,已經得到消費者主觀認知上的注意與肯定。聰明的消費行為,也讓消費者逐漸轉向價值創新的零售商自有品牌,而捨棄了製造商品牌產品。零售商自品牌產品,不再只是市場的低價替代性產品。創新價值的零售商自有品牌產品的品牌權益,賺取了原本屬於製造商品牌的價格溢酬。 低價不是便宜,而是刪除了不合理的價格溢酬。雖然價格是品牌發展的重點,可是價值更是關鍵。零售商自品牌產品『平價奢華』的價值創新,會是感動消費者的價值主張。 消費者已經清楚知覺到零售商自有品牌所提供的品牌價值;零售商也知道自己擁有的通路優勢與經濟的規模,並以產品價值創新與獨特的差異性,積極零售商自有品牌權益的革命。製造商必須注意消費者對於零售商自有品牌權益的認知、與正面自有品牌回應的趨勢,以及零售商的積極品牌打造的企圖心;清楚品牌競爭的事實,以維護製造商產品的品牌權益。 製造商品牌並沒有消失,只是品牌權益已不再是製造商所獨有。零售商自有品牌,會是製造商未來必須面對的最大挑戰。 / Recent change in the consumer-based retail market trend has redefined consumers’ perception of the meaning of brand. War over brand equity between the manufacturer and the retailer has evolved to another level. As retailers’ private brand (PB) takes on a new concept, it is taking a toll at the manufacturer’s expense. This research tries to identify the perception of private brand from three different perspectives: the manufacturer, the retailer, and the consumer. The consumer-based retailers’ PB equity survey data was analyzed for the difference in subjective perspective based on respondents’ gender, age, personal income, level of education, and occupation. The result shows that 97.87% of the respondents recognize the brand identity of retailers’ PB. However, only 25% of the respondents are aware of the brand meaning and actually purchase PB products on a regular basis. 83.45% of the respondents answered positively on the future development of PB, but the majority still can’t accept the notion that retail prices for PB are higher than the manufacturers’ brand (MB). Gender does not seem to be a factor in the consumer’s perception of PB. However, age does have a major influence on the acceptance of the PB for consumers. Although older respondents, 30-years old or older, recognize the competitiveness of PB products for their innovative capability, with the emotional connection and the brand loyalty toward MB, the group of 41-year-olds or older expressed reluctance to purchase more PB products in the future. Obviously brand equity of PB products has yet to develop brand relationship with older consumers to allure them into the shops. On the contrary, brand equity of the retailer shops itself does have a positive influence on the sales of PB products. Consumers’ educational level has a negative effect on the degree of satisfaction in PB product innovation. Furthermore, contrary to general perception, consumers with higher income level registered a higher preference for the PB product as well. Both of the two convenience stores (CVS) in this case study agree with the upward trend of the PB. In fact, in 2009, 7-ELEVEN and FamilyMart each grew an impressive 110% and 130% respectively in sales revenue of their PB products. However, both CVS have very different innovation models in strategic thinking and positioning their stores. 7-ELEVEN focuses more on value innovation and uses pricing as differentiation tactic in the market. On the other hand, FamilyMart puts product innovation and uniqueness as its priority to attract consumers. Manufacturers who choose to ignore the threat of PB may subject themselves to the high risk presented by the burgeoning of such products. One possible solution may be through OEM/ODM of PB for various retailers in order to diversify and minimize possible threats and risks. Production of manufacturers’ own brand and retailers’ private brand in a two-track manufacturing system may well be a strategic way to survive for manufacturers. Consumers are aware of and have recognized the existence of PB in retailer stores. The idea of smart shopping has its own right on the value innovation of PB for the consumer. PB no longer represents cheap products in the retail market. As PB positions itself with higher retail prices, it will possess the brand equity and earn the price premium at the toll of MB. Low pricing does not imply cheap quality but the elimination of excessively unreasonable price premium of a product. Pricing is important to brand development, but value should be the key in establishing the perception of brand quality. Affordable luxury is a value innovation of the PB that creates an irresistible value proposition to touch the heart of consumers. Consumers have clearly perceived the brand value of the PB. Retailers are also aware of the advantages they have with the channel, the scale and scope of economy; as a result, they are vigorously preparing for the battle to redefine the meaning of brand. It is time for manufacturers to change their mindset and face the inconvenient truth of the competition over brand equity. Manufacturers’ brand still has its own right, but the brand equity is no longer monopolized by them. Retailers’ PB has certainly become the strongest competition that manufacturers will need to confront now and in the near future.

公辦民營幼兒園之資源基礎對家長滿意度影響之研究-以品牌權益為中介變項 / The effect of resource base on parental satisfaction of the private management of public kindergarten: the mediating effect of brand equity

張義雄, Chang, I Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣少子化的衝擊和托育公共化政策推動下,使得幼教經營競爭越趨激烈。政府的公立幼兒園,雖然收費低廉,因為受政府諸多法規與行政制度的制約,常發生經營效率不佳;整體的品質不如私立幼兒園。為了不與民爭利及幼教發展的多元化,於是有了公辦民營幼兒園的政策推動。而有少數一、二家營運不佳而關門大吉,為了使公辦民營幼兒園的政策能更成功推廣下去。本研究想探討造成公辦民營幼兒園經營效率良窳的影響因子,而「家長滿意度」就是幼兒園品質一項重要觀察指標。根據文獻探討得知「資源基礎」和「品牌權益」是影響「家長滿意度」的主要因素,故本研究主要在探討公辦民營幼兒園將投入何種策略性「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」具有影響力,同時也了解「品牌權益」是否具有中介效果? 本研究採用文獻分析法和問卷調查法進行研究。文獻分析法方面分別探討「資源基礎」實施情形、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」三者中,兩兩之間的關係。也進一步探討在公辦民營幼兒園中,「資源基礎」實施情形與「品牌權益」是如何影響「家長滿意度」。而在問卷調查法方面,以「公辦民營幼兒園實施資源基礎、品牌權益與家長滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,並以大台北地區19家之公辦民營幼兒園之2492為幼兒家長為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共發放1,833份,剔除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷回收數為1,136份,有效問卷回收率為61.97%。 本研究採用結構方程模式分析方法軟體分別驗證「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之內涵外,也進一步探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之間的關係。本採用SPSS 18.0軟體探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之實施現況及不同背景變項是否對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」有預測效果。 本研究獲致下列結論: 一、公辦民營幼兒園對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」備受幼兒家長肯定 二、公辦民營幼兒園的「資源基礎」分別對於「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」及「品牌權益」對於「家長滿意度」均具有顯著的預測效果 (一)「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」具有顯著正向的直接效果(γ1=0.92) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園落實「資源基礎」將有助於大量提升其「品牌權益」。 (二)「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向的直接效果(β1=0.70) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園提高「品牌權益」將有助於大幅改善其「家長滿意度」。 (三)「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向但小量的直接效果(γ2=0.25),此顯示加強實施「資源基礎」對於提升「家長滿意度」的直接效果較小。 三、「資源基礎」可透過「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著且大量的中介效果0.64(即0.92*.70=0.64,p<0.001);原本「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」的直接效果只有0.25,而「資源基礎」對於「家長滿意」之總效果為0.89 (即0.25+0.64=0.89,p<0.001)。 四、背景變項對「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」之效果方面 (一)對於「資源基礎」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數、家庭平均月收入及幼兒園立案年數等5個變項。 (二)對於「品牌權益」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 (三)對於「家長滿意度」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的性別、年齡、教育程度及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 / With the impacts of low-birth rate and the impetus of the public policy of how to make private childcare public, causing the competition of the preshool management become keener and keener. Although the fees of public kindergarden are low, the efficiency of their managements are also low because of the restriction on legislations and the administrative system of the government. Their qualities are also not as the private kindergartens. In order not to compete with the public kindergarden and the diversification of the early childhood education, hence there are the impetus of the private management of public kindergartens. In the cause of successfully spread the private management of public kindergartens, there are also a few closing down.   This study is to explore the cause of the private management of public kindergartens efficiency good or bad of the influence factor, and the parental satisfaction is an important observation index of the kindergarten quality.   According to the literature review, “Resource base” and “Brand equity” is the main factor impact of “Parental satisfaction” . Therefore, this research is to explore the influence of how the kindergarten of private management of public kindergarten put into the strategies of “Resource base” to “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. And also to understand whether “Brand equity” has the intermediate factor or not?   The present study adopted two approaches, including “literature review” and “questionnaire survey”. The study designed the “questionnaire of the Resource base , Brand equity and Parental satisfaction as the instrument. 2,492 Child’s parents in the 19 private management of public kindergartens in Big Taipei area were the population. The study distributed by convenient sampling, and got 1,136 valid samples after gathering and deliting some invalid questionnaires from 1,833 samples. The rate of valid samples is 61.97%.   The study not only took structural equation modeling(SEM) to confirm the contents of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”, but also discuss the relationships of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. Moreover, the present study used the software of SPSS 18.0 to understand the current of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” in the private management of public kindergartens and confirm the contents of the variables of the subjects.   There were some major conclusions made as follows: 1.“Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction' in the private management of public kindergartens are highly accepted by the child’s parents. 2.“Resource base” for the “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” and “Brand equity”in the private for the Parental satisfaction" are significantly predictive. (1)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.92) on “Brand equity”. That is ; the higher degree of the “Resource base” implementations significant is , the higher “Brand equity” is. (2)“Brand equity” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.70) on "Parental satisfaction ". That is , the higher the implement degree of “Brand equity” is , the higher practice degree of "Parental satisfaction ". (3)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”. That is ; strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing “Parental satisfaction” is small effect . 3.Although “Resource base” has positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”, strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing "Parental satisfaction" is little effect. “Resource base” has an indirect effect on "Parental satisfaction " through “Brand equity” (the indirect effect size is 0.64) and the total effect is 0.89. In other words , when the “Resource base” is higher, "Parental satisfaction " will be indirectly enhanced by the “Brand equity”. To sum up, “Brand equity” is much of mediating effect between “Resource base” and “Parental satisfaction”. 4.The effects of the context variables on the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction " are made as follows: (1)5 context variables have significant effects on the “Resource base”. These variables involve age, education, the number of children, and the average household monthly income of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten . (2)4 context variables have significant effects on the “Brand equity”. These variables involve age, education, and the number of children of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten. (3)4 context variables have significant effects on the "Parental satisfaction ". These variables involve sex. age, and education child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten.

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