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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王晶盈, Wang, Chin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
在近二十年間信義區的發展快速,從1970年代在都市邊緣的信義區,周圍雜草叢生,經市政府的遷入,捷運開通、101大樓興建完成、到大型商場的進駐、及跨國企業及營運本部辦公室的遷入,在公家機關與企業體的努力與加持下,信義區的演變與進步有目共睹。信義計畫區是近年來新興的商圈,商圈內交通便利、停車機能充足、商場密集、建築物外觀吸引人、公共設施完整、夜晚與白天都美麗,是消費者購物天堂與休閒娛樂的最佳去處。 然而對零售業者而言,信義商圈卻是一級戰區及殺戮戰場,平均每走兩分鐘就可看到一個商場。有以新光三越A8、A9、A11及A4館組成的信義新天地,可稱為信義商圈內的霸主,佔盡地利之便,鎖住了捷運站至信義商圈的咽喉地帶;有讓信義區飄起了書香、增加了點書卷味的信義誠品;區域內還有號稱世界第一高樓的臺北101,其摩天大樓的建築特色,本身就是一大吸引力,其購物中心也帶來許多觀光購物的人潮;另外還有走美式休閒風的紐約紐約、餐廳夜店為主的NEO19、和看電影第一個會想到的威秀影城,信義商圈吸睛與吸金的威力,應該可以想像。 本研究藉由研究信義商圈的消費者特性與消費者動線,以人口統計方式呈現消費者的特性、消費者實際上的購物及用餐地點。而消費者常經過的地方及行經的動線就代表人潮,也就是商機;若能掌握消費者的動線,以提供消費者所喜愛的商品,以符合消費者的需求,就能創造出錢潮。本研究希望藉由分析消費者在信義商圈的行經路線,了解消費者在信義商圈的動線,與其主要搭乘的交通工具、還有依據不同的交通工具會走出哪些不同的消費者動線。希望能夠提供一些參考資料,以利業者訂定策略、定位、掌握經營方向、及對外招商。

都市商圈土地混合使用自治管理模式-以師大商圈為例- / The model of autonomous management in mixed use of land of urban business area : the case study of Shih-Da business district

趙元瑞, Jao, Ruan Ruzy Unknown Date (has links)
土地使用分區是否允許夜市相關業別的存在,是否違反土地使用分區規定,一直以來存有疑慮。現行臺灣法律中不論是土地法或都市計畫法,針對土地使用分區已訂定相關的規則與規章,主管機關亦頒布有管制準則及函令以資遵循,諷刺的是,夜市周邊的住戶與該夜市所撐起的商圈,為了個別的利益,爭吵、訴訟甚至於鬥毆的情況屢見不鮮。 本研究利用Ostrom (2014)所建立的自主管理理論,探討商圈內部在集體選擇過程,如何有效選擇管理既有住商混合商圈對環境的負面衝擊,並提出建立住商混合商圈街區管理模式之建議。透過文獻回顧、個案研究、與深度訪談,本研究成果顯示,師大商圈未來管理模式的策略有四個可能性:因地制宜模式的採用、社區居民與商圈商家共存共榮的期待、商圈組織自主管理運作機制的建立、以及公部門與商圈組織之間的協調溝通。 本研究在師大商圈土地分區管理機制上,為了同時增加土地使用效率及考慮社區居民的權益,平抑破壞商圈整體利益的個人利益,應可使用具彈性調整機制的土地分區管理,而彈性調整的依據,係可透過政府公部門、商圈內商家組織、社區組織三方面共同研擬,制定相關施行辦法。 / It is questionable for a long time that whether the permission of the business of night market within land zoning violates the regulations of zoning. Albeit relevant regulations of land zoning have been established and on acted, and enforced ironically, for pursuing individual profits and personal benefits, the residents and the vendors who inhabit in the business area have to face abundant disputes and litigations. The self-governance on common pool resource from Ostrom (2014) would be utilized to discuss the process of collective selection within business area, and to see how the effective management to deal with the negative impacts of mixed-use business area could be selected and eventually to raise a management model to cope with mixed-use business area. By literature review, case study, and interview, the four possible management models for NYNU commercial Area are: the management with local conditions, the collaborations between residents and vendors, the mechanism of self-governance in business organization, and the coordination and communication between the public and business organizations. Furthermore, basing upon the mechanism of the management of land zoning within NTNU Commercial Area, the elastic land zoning should be adopted to increase the effectiveness of land use and the rights and interests of residents. The basis of elastic management of land zoning can be established through the collaboration among the governments, business organization, and resident organization then.

群聚競爭型態對群聚行銷活動與績效之影響 / The impact of the cluster types on cluster marketing activities and cluster performance

蘇寬 Unknown Date (has links)
民國84年,經濟部商業司發展「塑造形象商圈計畫」、「商店街開發推動計畫」等各項關於商店街區的改善計畫,旨在輔導國內各傳統商圈重新改善,針對其傳統經營以及其優劣勢方式進行改變。本研究主要透過形象商圈內部不同的競合型態去探討其對地方行銷政策的影響效果,及在競合型態的差異之下,各個形象商圈的廠商營運績效及消費者滿意度各是為何。透過群聚分類架構將商圈分為互補性商圈及商圈兩類型,本研究首先利用判斷抽樣,選取台南安平老街、高雄旗津老街、鶯歌老街、深坑老街、淡水老街、迪化街以及三峽老街為研究對象。共得有效問卷數商家142份、消費者192份。 接著針對不同商圈類型的商家及消費者進行ANOVA單變量分析以了解互補性商圈及商圈是否在知覺度、滿意度及財務績效/消費者實質行為存在顯著差異。再以線性迴歸模型進行分析,以了解知覺度、滿意度及財務績效/消費者實質行為三者相互影響程度,及商圈類型的調節效果。 研究結果得知,1.互補性商圈整體地方行銷政策施行效果較佳,但整體仍須改進。2.消費者及廠商對形象商圈政策知覺度皆低,觀光政策應加強實行及宣傳。3.對形象商圈滿意度低,應加強調店家對於形象商圈之信任。4.消費者滿意度低,應提升商圈公共設施之建設。5.廠商財務績效低、消費者實質行為表現低,應將人潮轉為錢潮。 / The Ministry of Economic Affairs has developed a series of plans aiming to improve traditional business clusters since 1995, guiding them how to renew their old-fashioned business model and helping them to take advantage of their strength and opportunity in transforming into brand-new image business districts. This research aims at investigating whether different levels of competitiveness in image business districts can result in various effects of regional marketing policy on store operation performance and customer satisfaction. This research classifies business clusters into two types, business district and complementary business district. Based on the result of judgmental sampling, Tainan Anpingold street, Kaohsiung Qijin old street, New Taipei city Yingge, Shenkeng and Sanxia old street, and TaipeiDihua street were chosen as our samples. This research received 142 valid store manager questionnaires and 192 valid customer questionnaires. After data collection, this research examines whether there are significant differences between two types of business districts in awareness, satisfaction and operation performance through one-way ANOVA analysis, as well as tests the moderation effect of cluster type by using regression analysis. The research results show that first, the regional marketing policy had the greater effect in complementary business district. Second, since both customers and store managers are unaware of most image business district policy, the authorities should enhance promotion on image business district policy. Third, the satisfaction of store managers toward image business district is low on both types. The government should pay more attention on improving their trust on image business district policy. Fourth, customers aren’t satisfied because of the poor public infrastructure. Finally, the operation performance is low. Most visitors come but spend less money in districts.


陳映如 Unknown Date (has links)
消費是現代人最常進行的日常行為之一,在追求淨利益最大化的前提下,廠商分析消費者行為,利用行銷概念探討並創造足以滿足消費者的行銷組合,檢視何時、何地、以何方式可滿足消費者最大需求。考慮到消費者行為特性,廠商選擇在商業、服務業發展繁盛地區提供服務,不同的廠商作出相同的商業區位選擇後,同質性(homogeneous)或是異質性(Heterogeneous)的商業設施不斷地群聚在一起,而群聚形成的商業核心區或是商圈,則又再度吸引消費者到此地進行消費行為。本文認為消費者行為與消費空間結構是互依的,對廠商而言,知覺並預測消費者的行為特性,並作出區位選擇行為是重要的。廠商藉此達成其區位決策,而重複性的區位決策造成空間上的聚集現象,又成為消費者再度前往該地的吸引力,從宏觀的角度同時分析「消費者行為、廠商區位與廠商空間聚集」之間的關係,不但使消費空間結構的解釋更為合理,對照消費者行為的變遷,便更能說明消費空間形式或其分佈上的改變。 本研究試圖從一個統整的分析角度探討需求面的消費者行為與供給面的廠商兩方,利用現況調查法、問卷調查法等研究方法,以台北市三大商圈作為實證範圍,對商業設施之經營者進行調查,以充分瞭解供給面廠商對於消費者行為與廠商區位決策之間關係的實際看法,並實證「消費者行為與廠商區位決策之關係」;另針對商圈內的消費者作消費者問卷調查,以瞭解需求面消費者的屬性與行為特性情形、消費行為的偏好分析,並分析廠商空間聚集與消費者行為兩類因素的關係,作為本文實證「消費者行為與廠商空間聚集現象二者關係」的依據。依上述的實證結果建構出「消費者行為、廠商區位與廠商空間聚集」之間影響關係的架構,所獲得的成果希望可為私部門廠商區位決策亦或是公部門制訂相關商業政策的參考。

公部門形塑下商圈的消費者行為之研究:以信義計畫區為例 / A Study on the consumer behavior in the trading area planned by public-sector ― Xinyi Planning District, Taipei

陳琦珊, Chen, Chi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
Trading Area is a new shopping centre of the Taipei metropolis. Public transportations and the urban plan shaped a comfortable and unique shopping environment, which would be important conditions for consumers that lead to their preference to visit the Xinyi Trading Area. In the last part of this research, after the analysis of consumer behavior, this study proposed concrete suggestions to government authorities to serve as references for planning a trading area to public needs or promoting consumer visiting in a Public-Sector planned trading area in the future. / The goal of this research is to investigate the different development strategies of the Xinyi Planning District planned by the Public-Sector, the effects the public sector has on the formation of the Xinyi Trading Area, and the factors which influence consumer behavior in the Xinyi Trading Area. The study was conducted by questionnaires in the base of documentary analysis. The subjects were drawn by sampling method from consumers in the Xinyi Trading Area, and a total of 505 samples were handed out. The methods of analysis include descriptive statistics, crosstab analysis, and Chi-square tests for data analysis and discussion. Beginning in 1975, the Xinyi Planning District has been designated different functions at different times in the course of the development of the Taipei metropolis. From a local function to an international window, the Xinyi Trading Area is a new shopping centre of the Taipei metropolis. Public transportations and the urban plan shaped a comfortable and unique shopping environment, which would be important conditions for consumers that lead to their preference to visit the Xinyi Trading Area. In the last part of this research, after the analysis of consumer behavior, this study proposed concrete suggestions to government authorities to serve as references for planning a trading area to public needs or promoting consumer visiting in a Public-Sector planned trading area in the future.


楊益林 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣由於經濟持續成長,民間累積可觀之消費潛力,不動產開發業者,因應政府部門以工商綜合區之政策法規,解決服務業土地取得問題之趨勢,掀起一股購物中心開發熱潮。 然而,率先於1999年7月4日開幕營運之台茂購物中心,其經營績效〈營收及淨利〉並不如預期,而且主力商店萬客隆,在開幕一年後,亦以特易購〈TESCO〉取代之;另外,同年開幕之環亞購物廣場,亦是將原百貨公司經營,更新為購物中心型態之先趨業者,其高樓層商店組合〈5、6、7樓〉之經營績效〈空置率達30%〉並不理想。上述代表著購物中心熱潮開發先趨之兩個案,何以會產生如此之績效落差?有何理論分析邏輯,可以用來合理解釋這些現況結果? 本研究以不動產開發經營者之觀點,透過文獻探討、個案訪談,整合下列理論基礎,使成為購物中心定位之策略分析架構,用以解釋上述個案產生開發經營落差之原因。 一、 商圈市場調查分析: 二、 策略定位: 三、 服務核心、零售傳遞系統、經營績效: 四、 商店組合之吸引力與排斥力: 購物中心定位之策略分析,首先探討購物中心之零售與不動產開發之產業本質,經由策略定位之分析架構,以及零售產業之服務核心、零售傳遞系統、經營績效之理論邏輯與商店組合之吸引力與排斥力之搭配考量,架構出釐清購物中心業者,在開發過程之價值鏈作為與經營績效間的合理邏輯關係。 基於新建之購物中心係一龐大之工程營建專案之觀點,本研究亦以計畫評核術〈PERT〉之網路要徑作業觀念,融合訪談台茂與環亞兩個案之內容,並依據上述購物中心定位之策略分析架構之理念,整理出29項相關之作業模式,作為落實策略分析理念之實際執行作業規範。 藉由本研究之購物中心定位之策略分析與作業模式,開發與經營業者,將更能釐清開發作為與經營績效之關係,並且提供其結構清楚完整之購物中心開發作業參考依循模式。

台北市商業空間結構之研究 / A Study for the Commercial Spatial Structure in Taipei

黃名義, Huang, Ming Yih Unknown Date (has links)
商業設施活動類型由傳統的零星雜貨店鋪、市場、超市、百貨公司、量販店至大型購物中心等,發展型態,由據點、沿街路線、核心商業區、至目前郊區化發展的大型購物中心,整個商業活動蓬勃發展。但相對的也衍生了各種商業空間結構問題,致使都市機能品質日益惡化。因此,本研究擬從臺北市商業發展體系內之主要商業核心區進行實證分析,探討商業核心區空間層級如何界定及商業核心區區位如何選擇與競爭?期使商業活動發展由空間結構所規範。建立完善之商業空間體系。   本論文共有六章,二十二節,相關內容如下:   第一章:介紹研究動機、目的、研究範圍、內容、方法與流程。   第二章:說明商業空間結構相關結構理論基礎與研究模式,並對重要名詞加以定義,回顧相關文獻,以作為本研究分析乏基礎。   第三章:依中地理論背景,由供給面分析台北市商業空間結構,以商業設施規模複雜性分析、商業機能分析與二元變數法分析,界定出台北市25個商業核心區為四類空間層級。   第四章:依消費者行為活動理論,由需求面分析台北市商業空間結構,以消費者社經層級、消費型態、消費行為活動分析與群落分析,分別界定出台北市25個商業核心區各屬性的空間層級劃分。   第五章:以同層級商業核心區進行區位選擇競爭分析,本文以第三層級商業核心區進行供需因素綜合評比,並選出最佳區位地點南港商業核心區。   第六章:綜合前文分析,認為空間結構應由中地理論與消費活動理論一同建構,並依同層級商業核心區作為區位設址選擇分析之基準,最後,提出本研究之結論與建議。

購物中心設置區位選擇之研究-以台灣地區北部區域為例 / Location Decisions of Shopping Mall - A Case Study of Northern Taiwan

陳淑美, Chen, Shu May Unknown Date (has links)
購物中心在國外已有長期的發展歷史,國內目前尚無購物中心的發展經驗,但民間經濟蓬勃發展,業者投資興趣濃厚,設置的區位選擇問題非常重要。   本研究對購物中心設置的區位選擇加以研究,研究內容除了參考零售商業區位選擇的文獻,在大範圍的區域中建立階層式的研究架構外,依序進行適合台灣購物中心發展的市場選擇、再劃定商圈範圍、另配合商圈內市場供需分析,選擇有設置購物中心潛力的商圈,最後在商圈的主、次要範圍內選擇購物中心設置的適宜據點。   本研究最主要的進展是建構一套能配合台灣購物中心設置區位的區位決策邏輯架構,尤以台灣沒有購物中心發展的軌跡可循,從市場選擇開始區隔購物中心和其他零售商業發展的不同,從消費者消費行為的基本假設,研究消費者到各商圈消費的機率,以市場的供給需求分析、需求門檻作為商圈選擇的判斷標準,最後以多目標分析法選出台灣北部區域適宜的設置據點,據以提出區位的具體建議。此為本研究的實質貢獻。   其中建議:(1).購物中心設置的區位選擇架構可以依本研究的選擇架構進行,可在大範圍中全面搜尋適宜區位。(2).本研究區位選擇的實證結果可作為私人業者、政府選擇購物中心區位或審核開發許可的參考。   然而實證的後續研究須再落實到基地區位選擇、預測縱斷面的時間資料預測、設置後的衝擊分析、經營分析,都是值得進一步研究的課題,有待繼續努力。

影城進駐商圈與周邊住宅價格關係之研究 / The Study of Relationships among Cineplex, Cinema Stationed-in Commercial-District, and Neighborhood Housing Price—by Taipei and New Taipei City Cases.

張庭華, Chang, Ting Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近年來影城結合商場、娛樂及餐飲,如雨後春筍般出現,建商售屋亦常以影城為吸睛廣告,對消費者而言,影城對周邊住宅價格影響是否存有關聯性係其購屋選擇關心條件之一,然而現今影城的類型大不相同,且觀察到影城大多座落於商圈內或是與百貨商場結合。因此,本研究將影城、商圈與住宅價格的相關程度做交叉分析,以初步了解其關聯程度,並應用集群分析以控制異質樣本,使得形成同質性的房屋屬性來看影城效果,再透過複迴歸模型分析,探討不同類型的影城、商圈與周邊住宅價格之影響關係。 透過複迴歸模型實證結果得知,影城對台北市周邊住宅價格是有影響的,以總價1,000萬元房屋,平均而言,正向的價差介於41萬元至310萬元之間,負向的價差則介於30萬元至271萬元之間,並且正向的價差高於負向的價差。進一步將影城依經營模式及服務方式分類進行實證,採連鎖經營模式的影城周邊房價價差約為40萬元,而提供複合式服務或僅提供單一式服務的影城,對房價的影響差別不大。該結果可提供消費者在評估購買房屋時之參考,亦可作為開發商與銷售業者在預售屋訂價策略及廣告遵循原則。 此外,由於消費型態的改變,消費者習慣將看電影結合其他休閒活動,這些由百貨公司以及電影院異業結盟的商圈更得消費者青睞,影城進駐與商圈發展之關係相輔相成,進而影響新北市周邊住宅價格,以總價1,000萬元房屋,平均來說,影城進駐商圈後能提升房價139萬元。 / These years combination-area of cinemas, malls, recreation and catering are springing up as well as being the eye-catching advertisement of building-contractors. In terms of house-buyers, the correlation between cinemas and the neighborhood housing price is one of the conditions they care. Nevertheless, with the variety of the cineplex-cinema currently and mostly locate in business districts and department stores, our study make a cross analysis between cineplex, cinema, business districts with residential price for their correlation. With cluster analysis to control the heterogeneous samples and to evaluate the price-effect of cineplex-cinemas under the homogeneous housing. Furthermore to multiple regression analyze cinema stationed-in commercial-district and their neighborhood housing price. Our study confirmed the cineplex-cinemas are influential to the Taipei City surrounding-area residential price. For the ten million house, averagely the positive-impact is between four hundred ten thousand to 3.1 million. Negative-impact is between three hundred thousand to 2.71 million. Besides, the housing price different positive effect is higher than the negative one. Further to verify type-mode cinemas: the price difference in neighborhood-area is four hundred thousand with franchise management type-mode. However, there is no price difference with complex and single-service type-mode. Housing-buyer can take the result as consideration during purchasing houses as well as real estate developers and salesman in pricing strategy and advertisement principles of pre-sale houses. Additionally, with the change of consumption patterns, consumers get use to watch movies together with other recreation. Thus commercial-districts combining with department stores and cinemas are more favored. The cinema stationed-in and commercial-district development are complemented each other, therefore to affect the neighborhood housing price in New Taipei City. For the ten million house, averagely, the positive price-different effect is one million and three hundred nighty thousand after the cinema stationed-in.

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