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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


卓峰志, ZHUO, FENG-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
郵寄問卷調查是蒐集資料的主要方法之一,具有許多其他方法所沒有的優點,但回收 低是此種方法的一大隱憂;本論文針對這個問題,操弄了「事前接觸」、「追蹤連繫 」與「追蹤連繫過程中是否另一份問卷」三個自變項,以探討其提高回收率效果。 全文共一冊,三萬個字,分為四章十四節。 第一章:緒論;說明研究動機和目的,評述相關文獻,並擬出研究之架構。 第二章:研究方法與步驟;敘述抽樣方法、研究工具、研究步驟,並說明資料處理及 統計分析之方法。 第三章:結果的分析與討論;分別就「回收率」、「回件速率」及「郵寄問卷調查與 造府訪問所得資料之比較」三部分個別加以分析及討論。 第四章:結論與建議;將本論文作一總結。


張明馨 Unknown Date (has links)
近年由於消費能力提升,加上民眾的消費型態轉變為「用後即丟」,因此造成垃圾數量的急速增加,而且前臺灣地區已有七成的垃圾掩埋場呈現飽和狀態,且尋找新的垃圾掩埋場地點十分困難,因此更突顯出垃圾問題的嚴重性。資源回收不僅可減少垃圾量及污染,並可延長垃圾掩埋場及焚化爐的壽命,因此可用於解垃圾問題。目前國內三大回收系統中,以拾荒體系分佈的範圍最廣,而其中向拾荒者收購廢棄物的廠商,稱為中小盤舊貨商或廢棄物商,而業者堆放及整理廢棄物的場地稱之為資源回收站。   在愈來愈重視資源回收及現有資源回收站多位於住宅區內,因此本研究選擇大安區及中山區住宅區內的資源回收站,藉由現況調查及問卷調查方式,以探求資源回收站對居住環境的影響,居民對資源回收站的接受意願及接受位置,環境認知對居民接受意願是否有影響,最後希望得出資源回收站與住宅區是否相容。   本研究結論與建議如下:   一、結論     1.由環境認知與接受意願相關檢定中,發現接受資源回收站之意願受到居住時間、住家整棟建物使用情況、資源回收站設置的必要性、與日常生活的密切性、設置地點、知道資源回收站與否等的影響,因此可看出居民態度的重要性。     2.經問卷調查發現,以「造成環境髒亂」、「破壞環境景觀」二項,影響程度為嚴重,而其他八項的影響程度為普通,僅「振動」一項影響不太,故得知資源回收站對居住環境影響是普通程度。     3.對資源回收站接受意願而言,「廢紙」資源回收站的比例為七成六,「廢鋁」資源回收站是六成七,「廢鐵」資源回收站是六成五,故過半數的受訪者願意接受資源回收站。     4.就資源回收站接受位置而言,對「廢紙、鐵鐵、廢鋁」三種資源回收站最願意接受的位置為「在同一街廓的建物」或「相隔一條街的建物」的位置。     5.由分析中得知現有資源回收站最為人詬病的影響,即是環境景觀的破壞,環境髒亂,這此皆屬於較易改進的項目,再者因資源回收站未對廢棄物進行化學方面的處理,所以不會有毒性污染的產生,所以,資源回收站與住宅區不會有完全不相容的情形出現。   二、建議     1.建議在土地使用管制法令修法時,能將資源回收站列入「附條件允許使用」的項目內,容許資源回收站設置住宅區內。     2.建議有關單位對於資源回收站,不僅在設置前予以管制外,設置後亦需的不定期檢查。     3.建議主管單位應先建立衡量資源回收站外部性的標準,此標準應包含實質性及非實質性的影響的評估。     4.政府在積極倡導資源回收的同時,建議宜利用現有的回收管道,尤其是拾荒系統。   由於本研究是以住宅區內二十坪至五十坪的資源回收站,因此建議後研究可根據其不同規模、不同分區內的資源回收站作其他的探討,而文中所提「資源回收站與住宅區相容使用之原則」則僅供參考,需後績研究再做進一步的評估與計論。 / Because of the increasing consuming abillty and the disposable consuming pattern, the volume of trash increases rapidly in Taiwan. Nowadays over 70% of landfills in Taiwan are over-loaded and new sites are difficult to find, which results in a serious waste disposal problem. Recycling can reduce the volume of trash, control the pollution, and extend the life-cycle of landfills and incinerators as well. Among Taiwan's three recycling systems, the garbage collecting system is the most widely practiced system in urban areas. Those collectors or waste vendors. The places storing and packaging recyclable items are called recycling centers.   Recyling is becoming more and more important in residential areas, and recycling station is widely set up in urban areas as well, Therefore, this research focuses on recycling centers in residential areas in Da-An and ChungShan Districts, Taipei. Using field surveys and questionnaire data, the author tries to explore the impact of recycling centers on residential environments. The author also tries to examine resident's willingness to accept the recycling station and the location of the recycling station as well. Furthermore, the author studies whether environmental attitudes have impacts on the willingness to accept the recycling station. In the last part of this research, the author examines whether there exists compatibility between recycling station and residential environments.   There are five major findings in this thesis:   (1)From the correlation analysis, the author finds that the willingness to accept depends on the duration of residence, the condition of building, land use patterns, necessity of placing recycling stations, relationships to everyday life, location of recycling stations and the information about recycling centers.   (2)"Environmental chaos' and "landscape exploitation" are the two most serious impacts to the residential environments.   (3)In terms of the willingness to accept, about 76% of the residents wil accept paper recycling stations, and 67% will accept aluminum recycling stations, and 65% will accept iron recycling stations, That is to say, over 60% of respondents will accept recycling centers in residential areas.   (4)Regarding the location of recycling centers, the most acceptable locations for recyclable paper, iron, and aluminum are "building in the same block" and "one street away".   (5)The worst impacts of recycling centers are landscape exploitation and environmental chaos, These are negative externalities which are easy to improve, therefore, there will be on incompatibility between recycling centers and residential land use.   The suggestions are as follows:   (1)The recycling stations can be set up in the residential areas under the "conditional permit" land use regulations.   (2)In addition to the regulations before the set-up of the recycling stations, there should be regulations "after" the set-up of the recycling stations.   (3)The government should first lay out the performance standards for the recyling stations. These standards should include the evaluation of physical impacts to the environment .   (4)The government should make good use of the existing recycling systems, especially the garbage collectors.   This research only focuses on recycling stations from 20 to 50 pins (Taiwanese measurement unit), Future research should study recycling stations of different sizes and locations, The Principles of Compatibility Between Resources Recycling Centers and Residential Areas proposed in this thesis are preliminary principles. Future researchers should reevaluate and refine these principles.


林宜真, LIN, YI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
資源有效利用為經濟發展的先決條件,資源之合理利用則為達成經濟發展與環境保護 相互間平衡的重要準則。嚴重威脅生活品質的垃圾問題,卻是資源不能有效、合理利 用所知。目前垃圾之處理只是消極地提高清運數量與處理技術,忽略利用垃圾回收資 源,達成垃圾減量、資源保存與環境保護的功能。資源回收是從廢棄物中獲取再生資 源的過程,如飲料容器之再利用、廢紙循環再生,製成新紙張,利用廢棄物發展垃圾 衍生燃料等;均為資源回收的範疇。現今有關資源回收的探討,僅侷限於技術層面, 缺乏經濟上的分析。本文的目的即以經濟觀點,研究資源回收的經濟基礎,及討論政 府如何利用租稅,補貼促進資源回收,以消弭垃圾產生的外部性。 本文內容除介紹資源回收的定義,補貼促進資源回收的因素外,並探討政府干預回收 的原因與其促進回收的政策。文中援用經濟模型,指出回收活動對資源配置,經濟福 利之影響,並以塑膠回收為例,試圖以經濟手段,找出一有效解決塑膠污染的管道。 最後則檢討台灣現行廢棄物回收狀況。 透過資源回收,環境品質可獲改善,扭轉〞生產-消費-傾倒〞的劣勢,而成一〞生 生產-消費-再利用〞的社會型態,對資源保存、環境保護助益良多,經本文討論結 果發現,資源回收是今後處理垃圾問題的主要途徑,政府應直接參與回收活動,或以 租稅、補貼、管制、建立回收市場的方式,提升回收的範圍與技術,俾使資源趨於有 效、合理運用。

綠色供應鏈中逆物流系統(Reverse Logistics)之建置-以華碩電腦為例 / The implementation of reverse logistics in green supply chain─a case study of ASUS corp.

鄭佩能 Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化影響,歐盟經濟市場的法規制定(如WEEE、RoHS)影響資訊科技整體產業供應鏈上,台灣也深受影響。有鑑於國內企業開始重視供應鏈後端的延伸,嘗試延長產品生命週期,使得產品在銷售之後,可透過其他再處理程序以產生更大的附加價值,因此,本研究以綠色供應鏈後端延伸的產品回收/逆物流(reverse logistics)體系做為主要研究範疇。此外,著眼於華碩電腦 (ASUS Corp.) 過去在 “綠色供應鏈” 領域已付出的心力,並且致力於逆物流流程的改造,以達到企業與環境間的最大效益,本研究選定華碩電腦做為主要研究對象。 本研究採用個案研究法,透過文獻、檔案紀錄以及深度訪談等三種方式蒐集資料,整理出個案公司原本的產品回收體系As-Is模型,以及將綠色供應鏈概念納入的To-Be模型。此模型分從五個向量角度探討,分別是:驅使動機、參與角色、進行的活動、企業內部整合以及績效結果。 本研究發現,驅使企業重新建置逆物流體系的動機,包括來自外部的法規及競爭者的壓力,以及來自企業內部高階管理者的支持及政策執行者的落實;參與角色 (顧客、通路商、製造商、供應商)會隨著逆物流體系的轉變,產生重新定位或新增的情況;新建置的逆物流系統較原先的流程新增了檢查和拆置、重新配送銷售兩個階段;分別從行銷觀點及物流觀點兩大功能面來看其整合程度,則可從顧客服務發現,其行銷層面的作業包含取得回收產品,確立捐贈產品的目標,然後尋找再生電腦捐贈對象,以及合作的對象,而物流層面的作業則包含獲得回收產品之後,規劃取得回收產品通路,再生電腦運送方式等;最後,個案公司在流程改造前後的績效指標可分從量化(作業績效、財務績效)及非量化(滿意度)來看,前者包含回收系統有效性、環境效益、經濟效益,以及相關環保標章等指標;後者則包括產業帶動性、社會效益及強化DfE(Design for Environment)綠色設計等三項指標。 本研究針對一實際案例進行深入探討,瞭解個案公司在 “綠化” 過程中所面臨的挑戰及因應方式,其結果不但擴展了 “綠色供應鏈管理” 領域學術理論的相關探討,在實務上同時也提供其他相關企業在進行相關流程改造時的重要參考依據。


朱媛媛, ZHU, YUAN-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)

中古辦公家具回收再生市場研究 / The Marketing Research on the Recycling of Used Office Furniture

蔡文樹 Unknown Date (has links)
“能源再生、綠色地球”已是現今世界各國極力討論推廣的議題.如果人類再繼續無節制地浪費地球資源,最終將使我們的下一代可能面臨無資源可用的窘境,所以環保節能材料的開發與生產.廢棄物的回收、與再生利用等作法,已經變成各國環保政策主要的一環。在資訊科技及網際網路已逐漸成熟之際,企業對於辦公室的工作環境與格局也逐漸開始轉趨於多元化,從木製到鋼製發展到現在鋼木家具.並將鋁合金.塑膠材料大量使用在新型辦公家具的開發生產.使得辦公家具更新穎科技感且色彩更鮮明多樣化.不僅要能容納各種資訊網路設施之外,同時也要滿足人因設計、科技現代感、環保節能及安全耐用等要求,例如一體成型桌板,增加屏風工作站的變化性;又如走線系統可以搭配柱軸由天花向下延伸,以垂直方向整合各個辦公位置等。新辦公環境為求科技與美感”+”很多不具環保的做法.當不再使用就是很大的累贅與浪費.基於前述的考量,針對如何達到辦公家具的機能.環保、安全與成本等方向,是值得深入進行討論與研究的另一項課題。 在筆者從事台灣辦公家具近30年經驗.辦公家具市場中,新品家具耐用度5年以上(甚至筆者有客戶用20餘年尚未換新).關於家具的回收與再生等市場尚未開發的前提下,本研究考量以中古辦公家具的回收與再生等市場經營的發展可行性進行探討,故本研究藉由調查資料的分析及SWOT分析的導入,研究中古辦公家具回收再生的市場經營的影響,茲將研究分析發現概分下列幾項: 一、 新北市是中古辦公家具的回收與再生之倉儲或工廠設置的最佳地區; 二、 中古辦公家具回收再生市場經營是值得一試的產業; 三、 附屬產業的市場發展可以增加投入中古辦公家具回收再生企業的收益; 四、 競爭者威脅會影響投入中古辦公家具市場的經營。


郭敏華, Kuo, Min-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
身為大量消費的現代人,不得不關切垃圾何去何從。以往垃圾問題源自於焚化或掩埋兩法皆會損耗大量的環境成本及引起利益團體抗爭,造成社會無謂的損失,受世界環保潮流影響,我國政府決定從降低垃圾量著手。 垃圾減量從垃圾分類做起,方便後續的資源回收。我國自民國94年1月1日起,強制台灣10個縣市的民眾進行垃圾分類,成為我國少數未全國同步施行的中央政策。本研究引進多用於公共衛生、醫療等自然實驗的計量方法—差異中的差異(Difference-in-Difference,簡稱DID)來探討屬於社會科學領域的政府政策,檢驗該政策是否達到其制訂之目標。 本研究將台灣第一階段便實施強制政策的10個縣市當作實驗組,4個第二階段才全面實施的縣市作為控制組,在控制了各縣市的平均每月家戶所得、高等教育程度、清運人員、垃圾車數量等變數後,分別去分析政策對每人每日垃圾清運量、每人每日資源回收量、每人每日資源回收量相對於垃圾清運量比例三者的影響,觀察政策對於降低垃圾清運量、提高資源回收量的政策目的是否有效。 結果發現,我國隨時間經過,垃圾清運量降低、資源回收量提高,但由於主要探討的政策係數並不顯著,所以我國垃圾清運、資源回收情形的改善,是否起因於強制垃圾分類政策造成,沒有明確證據。 / Modern-day life consumes far greater resources than ever and, thus must be concerned about the “problems of trash.” Traditionally, government officials have adopted landfill and incineration policies to dispose of this municipal waste. Yet these two measures come with large social and environmental costs. In keeping with international trends toward environmental protection, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of China has decided to solve the problems by fundamentally reducing the volume of municipal waste. In order to decrease the volume of waste and increase the recycled, the first phase of the “Compulsory Trash-Sorting Policy” was implemented in 10 localities on Jan. 1, 2005, with additional counties brought on board in later phases. This policy is one of the few policies that are not implemented island-wide in Taiwan. This study adopts the “Difference-in-Difference” approach—a popular research method in the field of public health, medical caring and natural sciences—to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy. The 10 counties where the first phase of the policy was successful is the “treatment group.” Another 4 counties where the second phase of policy was successful is the “control group.” This study takes into account monthly per family income, average level of higher education, number of street-sweepers and trash-haulers, and the trash trucks as the exogenous variables. This study calculates the changes in per capita daily volume of municipal waste and per capital daily volume of recycled materials to determine the success of the policy. This study concludes that the volume of the municipal waste and increases the recycled materials decreases by time; however the actual effect is still vague because the coefficient of policy in this study remains insignificant. Therefore, it is only certain that the campaign for “trash-sorting” works better with time. No evident linkage exists between recycling and the “Compulsory Trash-Sorting Policy.”


蔡明謙 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來關於組織創新的討論已逐漸獲得各界的青睞,特別是在高度競爭的知識經濟時代下,各國企業體無不視創新為獲取競爭優勢的關鍵。我國中央政府多年來為因應目前世界趨勢變遷及取得國家競爭的優勢,亦致力於公部門的行政革新及政府再造的希望工程。惟綜觀當前國內對於創新管理的認知及討論,仍多是大量著重在以「研發」為導向的單一面向思考邏輯,對於以多元系統化思考為導向的論述則較為缺乏,特別是對於公部門自身組織創新能量的開發以及公部門創新個案的研析探討,似尚未予以高度關切。假若公部門能挹注更多心力和資源在自身組織創新作為的開發上,並加以組織化、系統化地循環創發產出,相信對於各級政府在施政困境上的突破,必然是會有所裨益的。   臺北市作為臺灣的首善之區,可謂是臺灣與世界接軌的重要窗口,自然無法自外於追求創新的時代趨勢之下。綜觀臺北市近年來的各方面施政績效,當中就屬「垃圾減量政策」所引領的環保革命風潮最具標竿性,其象徵的意義不僅是北市府施政魄力的展現,在另一方面更是市府及全體市民創新能量的匯聚。臺北市政府透過此些計畫和政策的相繼施行,策略性地扭轉了市民對垃圾處理的傳統觀念、成功地促使市民培養起減少垃圾產出量及勤做分類回收的生活習慣和環保意識,最後更串聯結合起公部門、環保團體、社區和市民等多方面的努力和能量,成功地達成「垃圾減量」及「資源回收」的施政目標。   臺北市此方面的成功經驗相當值得其他縣市政府師法學習,基此本研究對於臺北市垃圾減量政策的組織創新分析便置焦在「組織面的影響因素」及「執行面的策略思考」等兩個層次的議題研究上。關於組織面上影響因素的分析,即援用先前學者的主張,著重探討臺北市垃圾減量政策在組織結構、人員、文化、學習及激勵等五大構面的佈建和推展情形,藉此分析政府部門在推展創新政策時,其組織內部任務編組及配套計畫等方面,可以效法學習或強化改進的作法及方向。至於在組織創新執行面上的策略思考議題,則是跳脫以往部分學者所採取階段論式的分析,而主要將研究重點聚焦於組織創新執行過程中,具關鍵影響力的「創新方案本身的特質」、「創新方案傳播管道」及「外在環境因素的干擾」等影響變項上來加以析探。

利用剖面織入技術偵測Java程式中的記憶體漏失 / Aspect-Based Instrumentation for Locating

陳鉅秉, Chen,Ju-Bing Unknown Date (has links)
Despite the built-in garbage collector, Java programs can still suffer the memory leak problem resulted from the unhealthy programming style of retaining unwanted references. This paper presents an aspect-based tool for assisting programmers in locating such references to fix the problem. This tool, FindLeaks, utilizes an aspect to collect memory consumption statistics and object references created during a program’s execution and analyzes them for detecting memory leaks. The distinctive feature of FindLeaks is that it reports not only suspected classes of leaked objects but also where in the source the unwanted references were created. Besides, this paper also reports our experience with FindLeaks on three open source Java programs and how we enhanced it to lower its overhead.

資源再生產業智慧資本經營-以金屬回收類企業為例 / The Research on Intellectual Capital Management of Recycling Industry in Taiwan

羅晶華, Lo, Chin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
90年代歐美國家,對於人口增加、土地面積驟減、過量電子產品等所帶來的環境問題日益重視。歐洲最早發起「延伸生產者責任制」,透過制訂法律與政策提升資源再生利用的效率。並且陸續頒佈WEEE廢電機電子指令、RoHS有害物質限用指令、REACH化學品限制、ELV廢車輛指令等,透過污染控制、回收利用、減廢、污染預防、清潔生產等步驟,朝零污染方向進行,顯示資源再生的重要性。 資源再生產業在台灣為新興產業,規模以中小企業形式居多,雖然經營回收事業容易,但要經營技術層次較高的再生事業則需獲得政府許可證使得成為再生機構。近年來資源再生廠商利用廢棄物資源再生的技術,提煉出黃金、白銀、鉑等貴金屬,隨著全球原物料價格高漲,其所生產的二次原材料行情提升整體產值,預估到2010年總產值為580億台幣。 智慧資本目前普遍被認為是企業能形成競爭優勢的無形資產總和,即企業能用來作為開創財富的知識、資訊、智慧財產、經驗等。找出適合企業的智慧資本項目,讓企業投入在重要項目而獲取價值成為企業的重要課題。本文主要研究資源再生產業智慧資本經營方式,探討一般經營策略與智慧財產管理,對智慧資本運用與累積的影響。總結文獻探討與個案訪談分析的結果,根據研究問題,主要研究發現如下: 一、 資源再生產業為一特許經營行業,其經營需獲得政府所頒發之許可同意,同時易受上游產業廢棄物種類以及全球環保再生法規的影響。 二、 智慧財產需要透過企業策略與功能性活動執行才能提升成為智慧資本。 三、 策略目標不同將會影響智慧資本各構面投入的重要性判斷。 四、 智慧資本經營必須搭配策略與智慧財產管理制度才能達到創造、保護、管理、運用之功效。 五、 資源再生產業的智慧資本經營必須考量各國差異產生在地化的經營型態。 / Since the 1990s, the United States and the European Union (‘’EU’’) have become aware of the crucial environmental problems stemming from overpopulation, reducing residential areas, and growing quantities of end-of-life electronics. To protect the environment and diminish the impacts of household consumption and production, the EU took initiatives to devise environment policies and came up with the idea of Extended Producer Responsibility(‘’EPR’’), a strategy designed to promote the integration of environmental costs associated with products throughout their life cycles into the market price of the products. This concept is inspiring in the waste management, and urging industries to think over recycling process and use recyclable materials to produce products. Moreover, there are four important directives and policies in effect in the Europe, such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (‘’WEEE’’), Restriction of Hazardous Substance Directive (‘’RoHS’’), End-of Life Vehicles Directive (‘’ELV’’), Registration, and Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (‘’REACH’’). Those legislations and standards are intended to encourage companies to voluntarily adopt environmental management systems or procedures to minimize waste and emissions and to meet the goal of zero pollution. Recycling industry in Taiwan is an emerging industry and many of them are small and medium enterprises. To operate recycling business, companies have to acquire the certificate of waste management from the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan. Recently, some recycling companies make it technologically possible for kinds of wastes or unwanted products to be recycled. They have developed technologies to recover from waste to precious metals like palladium, platinum, gold, or silver. Those precious metals are valuable secondary raw materials and will contribute good revenues to recycling market. Therefore, the value of recycling market in Taiwan is estimated to rise to NT$5.8 billion by 2010. Intellectual capital is widely considered as a firm’s intangible assets and is often a major determinant of the companies’ profits. It plays a crucial role in business management and needs to be analyzed in a systematic way to find out the appropriate components. This research focuses on how the companies in recycling industry manage their intellectual capitals, and how the generic strategies and the intellectual property management influence the way of creating and accumulating the intellectual capitals. The important findings of this research are as follows (extraction): 1. Recycling industry is a kind of franchising business and needs to acquire the government’s agreement to operate. The development of this industry is highly influenced by the kinds of wastes of the upstream industries and the global environment legislation. 2. Intellectual assets will be converted into valuable intellectual capital by the implementation of business strategy and functional activities. 3. Different goals of strategy bring about different priorities for the resources input of intellectual capitals. 4. To achieve the goal of value creation, protection, management, and execution, the intellectual capital management needs to combine with strategy management and the intellectual property management. 5. The intellectual capital management in recycling industry must include the consideration of different local business environments of different countries.

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