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廠商決定製造模式之關鍵因素-以美國四家電腦品牌大廠為例王啟章 Unknown Date (has links)
電腦資訊產業在1997年左右,受到DELL以嶄新的商業模式與運籌模式的影響以及產業環境的變化之下,過去採取間接行銷通路以及預測式生產(Build to Forecaster, BTF)的各大電腦公司紛紛開始設法朝向直接行銷通路以及接單後生產╱組裝 (Build to Order, BTO╱Configuration to Order, CTO) 的製造模式。但近年來在實務界中發現,我國專為國際品牌電腦大廠代工生產電腦的電腦廠商,越來越多的生產線逐漸開始採用過去的預測式生產的製造模式,而非前些年不斷被倡導的BTO╱CTO。如此的情勢發展,似乎意味著整個產業環境出現了一些變化,使得過去電腦大廠紛紛相繼採用BTO╱CTO的局勢已然不再,取而代之的是傳統的BTF逐漸增加。
研究結果發現,零組件價格波動的劇烈程度對於廠商決定製造模式具有關鍵性的影響,當價格跌價的幅度越大,時間越短,廠商越有誘因採用BTO與CTO的製造模式。此外,本研究更進一步推論,當零組件每月價格波動小於CTO所額外增加的製造與運籌成本時,廠商會採用BTO或BTF方式生產。 / By the effects of DELL’s new business model, process model and the industrial change, the traditional copmuter like IBM, Compaq who use indirect marketing channel and BTF, had changed around 1997. They tried to implement the BTO / CTO, furthermore, the direct marketing channel.
But in the recent years, we found that more and more production lines, owned by OEM/ODM companies in Taiwan, adopted BTF rather than the BTO or CTO. It implies that something has changed, so the used BTO/CTO is not as popular as before.
In order to dicuss why the corporates change their manuacturing models, case study was used by this research. By collecting and analyzing the recent developments of Compaq, DELL, HP, IBM and the industrial change, the research tried to find out the key factors that influence the corporates’ decision in manufacturing model.
The research found when the key components’ price falled dramastically, corporate prefer implemeting BTO/CTO. Moreover, the research conclude that when component’s price reduction is less than CTO’s added manufacturing and logistical cost, corporate will adopt BTO or BTF.
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綠色供應鏈中逆物流系統(Reverse Logistics)之建置-以華碩電腦為例 / The implementation of reverse logistics in green supply chain─a case study of ASUS corp.鄭佩能 Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化影響,歐盟經濟市場的法規制定(如WEEE、RoHS)影響資訊科技整體產業供應鏈上,台灣也深受影響。有鑑於國內企業開始重視供應鏈後端的延伸,嘗試延長產品生命週期,使得產品在銷售之後,可透過其他再處理程序以產生更大的附加價值,因此,本研究以綠色供應鏈後端延伸的產品回收/逆物流(reverse logistics)體系做為主要研究範疇。此外,著眼於華碩電腦 (ASUS Corp.) 過去在 “綠色供應鏈” 領域已付出的心力,並且致力於逆物流流程的改造,以達到企業與環境間的最大效益,本研究選定華碩電腦做為主要研究對象。
本研究發現,驅使企業重新建置逆物流體系的動機,包括來自外部的法規及競爭者的壓力,以及來自企業內部高階管理者的支持及政策執行者的落實;參與角色 (顧客、通路商、製造商、供應商)會隨著逆物流體系的轉變,產生重新定位或新增的情況;新建置的逆物流系統較原先的流程新增了檢查和拆置、重新配送銷售兩個階段;分別從行銷觀點及物流觀點兩大功能面來看其整合程度,則可從顧客服務發現,其行銷層面的作業包含取得回收產品,確立捐贈產品的目標,然後尋找再生電腦捐贈對象,以及合作的對象,而物流層面的作業則包含獲得回收產品之後,規劃取得回收產品通路,再生電腦運送方式等;最後,個案公司在流程改造前後的績效指標可分從量化(作業績效、財務績效)及非量化(滿意度)來看,前者包含回收系統有效性、環境效益、經濟效益,以及相關環保標章等指標;後者則包括產業帶動性、社會效益及強化DfE(Design for Environment)綠色設計等三項指標。
本研究針對一實際案例進行深入探討,瞭解個案公司在 “綠化” 過程中所面臨的挑戰及因應方式,其結果不但擴展了 “綠色供應鏈管理” 領域學術理論的相關探討,在實務上同時也提供其他相關企業在進行相關流程改造時的重要參考依據。
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中國大陸個人電腦產業之政治經濟分析李偉嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣個人電腦產業發展之研究 / The study of personal computer industry development in Taiwan陳瑞珍, Chen, Jui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
This paper investigates the factors behind Taiwan rapid PC industry evolution and the contribution to the economic development as well as the competitive edges in the global market. The research consists of six chapters and utilize empirical and analytical of qualitative of social science methods to explain the study subjects, including government publications, research report, official statistics and database, academic papers, books, thesis, journal articles, conference papers, Internet broadcasting programs, and magazine. Given the data collection and analysis, this paper cut edge from macroeconomic perspective to analyze the subjects.
The outcomes are indicated as below. The government in Taiwan is an indispensable part in building technological competence during the process of PC industry. Besides, the PC industry has demonstrated a significant performance and active participation in economic activity. Furthermore, the portable PCs like notebook still have a prosperous prospect in global market. Taiwanese PCs producers have taken edges on the bargaining power and stable rivalry among existing competitors while new entrants and substitute products have remained threats. More importantly, Taiwan’s PC producers have advantages to carve out PCs niche such as sophisticated OEM experience, good capability of cost control, flexible and quick reaction ability, large scale of production capacity and complete industrial structure. Nevertheless, they still have spaces to strengthen their competitiveness in keen global market.
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我國微電腦產業之研究陳麟宇, CHEN, LIN-YU Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論:研究目的、架構、方法。
第二章 產品概述:產品定義、功能、分類、主要零組件、發展歷史、市場特性。
第三章 世界市場與技術趨勢分析:國外市場之產銷分佈及予測、主要廠商、未來技
第四章 我國微電腦產業現況:基本統計資料、OEM 分析、零組件及其供需、成本結
第五章 附加價值及自製率分析:自製率及附加價值之理論、產業內重要資訊產業間
第六章 我國微電腦產業未來發展方向。
第七章 結論與建議。
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企業電子化下協同作業發展之研究 / A study of e-business collaboration陳曉屏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「TEMPLET評估工具」對企業之於未來虛擬延伸企業的準備程度做一個完整的評估;另外以「IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/供應商協同作業評估模組」對企業間協同作業之現況及發展方向做全面性評估。再輔以文件的收集、分析、個案訪談,以及在實務界多年的觀察,整理出協同作業發展的現況以及國內企業界目前發展所遭遇的瓶頸。
透過IBM e-business Collaboration Evaluation Tool/供應商協同作業評估模組,發現個案公司在供應鏈規劃及採購協同作業的推動不遺餘力,其相關的協同作業應用較為普及。設計協同作業雖然在萌芽階段,但也受到普遍的重視。協同作業雖然已經對個案公司的作業效率有相當程度的提升,但是,現今的協同作業方式,多屬於前端資料交換,而非企業內部與供應商之間應用系統的整合。本研究將個案公司發展的瓶頸歸納為以下幾個原因:
1. 供應商資訊技術的配合條件不同
2. 標準平台尚未成熟
3. 內部作業仍有相當程度的人工介入
4. 對商業機密或敏感資訊的分享顧慮
5. 工作流程和商業規則的定義極其繁瑣
6. 政府政策尚未成熟
7. 設計協同環境的尚未成熟
關鍵詞:企業電子化、協同作業、筆記型電腦產業。 / The Internet is arguably the most powerful tool today, the influence of Internet is extremely comprehensive, covering governments' policies and regulations, companies' strategies and detailed operations, as far as consumers' individual preference. While the Internet comes to full development, the enterprise information system and the nature of business relationship have to change along.
In today's rapidly changing business environment, firms not only compete on product but on business models. To succeed in globally competitive environment, companies are pursuing a strategy of focus, offloading part of activities to trading partners. The Internet technologies have made outsourcing easier for companies to coordinate with their suppliers, giving widespread currency to the notion of the "virtual extended enterprise". Companies communicate and collaborate electronically with partners around the world, they join together to achieve a shared business goal, where each operating unit contributes according to its core competency.
Fully achieving the advantages of a virtual extended enterprise requires comprehensive collaboration, which enables tight business-to-business connection. By applying Internet technology to integrate information system and process across companies, collaboration creates a new business model to achieve a competitive edge.
This research is concerning the collaborative progression upon Taiwan notebook computer manufactures, with the framework of "TEMPLET assessment checklist" and "IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/supplier collaboration module". Enriching with papers analysis, case study, and industry observation from years of experience, this study aims at exploring current development status quo, further, examining thoroughly the difficulties industry has encountered.
Assessing the preparedness for virtual enterprise by TEMPLET'S four evaluation criteria "information, people, process and technology", we learn that companies in study have accomplished substantial readiness. Having the long-term cooperation with international leading enterprises, the companies have been transforming themselves from local manufactures to service-oriented global manufactures.
Evaluating readiness for e-business and collaboration with suppliers by IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/supplier collaboration module, we find that both supply chain management and e-procurement have been applied pervasively in association with the companies' dedication to supply collaboration for years. Although design collaboration is still in its infancy, its relevant applications are attracting attention nowadays. The companies have benefited from collaboration at certain degree, nevertheless, the existing collaboration are only limited in front-end data exchange, instead of back-end system integration. This research concludes the major difficulties the companies facing are as below:
1. The readiness of suppliers' information technology is quite different.
2. The platform standard is not mature yet.
3. The companies' internal operations involve considerable human intervention.
4. Sharing concern exists upon business confidentiality and sensitive information.
5. The definition ofworkflow and business rule is too onerous to get through.
6. Government's policy is not ready yet.
7. The circumstances for design collaboration is not in prepared state.
Towards knowledge-based economy, Taiwan's IT (information technology) industry is exploring how to integrate the advantage of brand (contracted manufacture brand/own brand), innovation, software, services in order to outperform the average competitors. In these years, the industry has set a solid foundation at transactional interconnection system. In the coming years, the industry will move to cross- enterprise relationship integration, such as customer database, marketing information, product design information and so forth.
By fully deploying collaboration, companies are able to tight the operations of product design, manufacturing, purchase, sales activities, marketing, humor resources, and customer services together to optimize both internal and external resources. The series of collaboration enables the entire value chain highly integrated as a self- reinforcing system, and it helps companies deliver a unique value proposition.
Collaboration contributes operational effectiveness and strategic positioning, but its success depends on various conditions. The evolution of collaboration is a continuous process. Though collaboration is in initial stage up to date, its development must be going on constantly, heading to real-time, end-to-end integration. Companies have to make sophisticated plan for each stage, carrying out the plan step by step for pursuing distinctive advantage.
Keywords: e-business, collaboration, and Taiwan notebook computer industry.
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少量多樣的生產管理與營運策略-以工業電腦專業設計製造商為例 / The production management and operational strategy for small lot and large variety manufacturing - The case of the manufacturer of professional design for industrial computer.林中彪 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞: 工業電腦產業、精實生產管理、模組化生產 / After 30 years of progress,Industrial Computer Business in Taiwan is maturing into a period of full development. The evolution of Industrial computer techniques can be widely used on multiple application levels. From the analysis of industrial computer Business’ value chain,there is a large gap among companies in terms of the strategies according to their capability to invest in resources and techniques. In Taiwan,most enterprises’ earnings are based around OEM/ODM. Although the revenue is satisfactory,gross profit is too low. If our neighbor countries proceed to develop the same industry,the enterprises will eventually relocate abroad. This thesis is about the research on how the industrial computer business’ new strategy of “Fewer Products but More Brands” can make a difference in transforming the enterprise to be more competitive and how to reach the ultimate goal of an everlasting enterprise by continuously implementing,amending,and improving the policies.
There are numerous components in industrial computer enterprises and we have finally found a way to reduce the merchandise stock,lower production costs to improve productivity,as well as elevate product quality. This is to be achieved by using the “Toyota Refining-and-Practical Management Protocols.” By applying the “Fewer Products but More Brands” concept,we can gain a more competitive margin and intensify our capabilities. This thesis proposes not only the “Fewer Products but More Brands” idea,but also the customization concept. Through refining production,unit production,and model production,this research elaborates on the contents,functions and feasibilities of the concept. At the same time,the research uses Axiomtek company as an example to explore their past management experiences,their current developing bottle-necks,and their future challenging goals. We are facing difficult competition now. As Taiwan’s Industrial Computer leading professionals,we know that the only way to advance our competing potential is to use the comprehensive management strategy in the hopes of dishing out of the predicaments and recreating growth energy.
Keywords: Industrial Computer, Lean Production, Modulization
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台灣筆記型電腦產業流程差異化探討-以服務創新為分析架構賴宗志 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將使用Rob Bilderbeek與Pim DenHertog等學者於1998年8月發表之論文中指出服務創新的四個構面進行個案撰寫,素材則是深度訪談與次級資料並用,個案的公司是我國筆記型電腦第一大廠-廣達電腦(Quanta),以及由研究者立意選的華宇電腦(Arima)與精英電腦(Elitegroup)。最後將產業分析與個案分析進行比對,做出本研究之結論與建議,並針對流程差異化在筆記型電腦產業所引發的服務創新相關議題進行省思。 / The service innovation in Taiwan has been thriving in recent years. With the development of service science, we can see its future potential to be the next trend of popular study. Many famous colleges and research centers all over the world invest a lot in research of service science and the cultivation of the experts. Even a manufacturing industry will put a high emphasis on its services. They hope to compete with their counterparts by adding the value and strengthening their competiveness through service. Therefore, how to strengthen competitiveness through service innovation has become an
important issue.
This research will use service innovation as a framework to discuss process differentiation, expecting to find much more profound thoughts of innovation services and then open a new gate for industry. Taiwan’s notebook computer fundry industry composes 90 percent in the world market thanks to the acknowledgement from global brand-names in terms of loyalty to the brand and satisfaction of service. This research will analyze the notebook industry from the aspect of service innovation and then the effect of process differentiation has on competitiveness.
Rob Bilderbeek and Pim DenHertog’s essay in August 1998 discussing service innovation in four dimensions are used in my essay, which are: new service concept, new client interface, new service delivery system and technological options.
Interviews in depth and secondary data will be used at the same time. The case studies included are Quanta, Arima and Elitegroup. Quanta have the largest scale in Taiwan notebook industry which may be resulted from their service innovation that enhances their competitiveness. Through their case, I hope to find the edge of those similar companies in Taiwan.
To sum up, this research touches on the innovation services especially of notebook computer industry. Comparing industry analysis and case study can lead us to think about the following issues: whether service innovation is easy to be come up with, whether there are too many similar aspects in this industry, what competitive situation or custom can lead to such a desirable result, and how we can deal with the problem when there are too many people doing the same thing.
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台灣與日本電腦產業的合作關係─以筆記型電腦為例 / Network Relationship for Taiwan and Japan in Computer Industry--Taking Notebook PC as an Example遠藤理惠, Endo Rie Unknown Date (has links)
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巴西市場之策略風險管理-以品牌電腦商為例 / Strategic Risk Management in Brazil-PC Brand case study顏子淦, Yen, Tzu Kan Unknown Date (has links)
然而商機總是伴隨著風險,著名的管理大師彼得‧杜拉克曾經說:「經營一個企業,若想要完全避免風險是不可能的。企業經營的最大目的,是設法有效的支配現有資源,以期能獲得最大的收益,而風險正是這個過程中不可避免的事物」。在巴西這種外部經營環境不良的情況下,該如何降低經營風險?將風險管理(risk management)策略融合在策略管理(strategic management)中,將是本研究探討的重點。
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