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跨業經營對銀行獲利與風險影響之研究 / A Study of the Impact of Nonbank Businesses on the Profitability and Risk of Commercial Banks賴憶如, Lai, Yi-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
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股權結構對股價之影響─以台灣TFT-LCD產業為例 / The Influence of Ownership Structure on Stock Price:An Evidence from the TFT-LCD Industry in Taiwan范惠緣, Fan, Hueu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著所有權與經營權日益分離因而引發代理問題,由於所有者與經營者之間存在著資訊不對稱(Information Asymmetry),而引發監督等代理成本。本研究探討股權結構與公司價值之間的關係,究竟是支持「利益收斂假說」或是「利益衝突假說」,並探討公司內部人、機構法人是否能發揮監督功效,而提升公司價值,反應在股價是否為正向關係。而公司內部人若能適當監督產生正面效益,能使公司價值提升。機構法人為理性投資者,由於有專業團隊蒐集資訊進行投資分析,因此機構法人持股比例的高低具參考價值,對於公司股價具有影響力,故機構法人持股可視為另一股監督力量。
本研究採用2001年至2007年台灣TFT-LCD產業的追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型,以股價為公司價值之代理變數,並將股權結構視為其他資訊之代理變數,來探討股權結構對於股價是否具有顯著解釋力。根據實證結果顯示,機構投資持股與公司價值呈顯著且正向關係,結果支持「效率監督假說」。其次,內部人持股比例對股價的造成的影響呈顯著且正向關係,研究結果與「利益收斂假說」吻合。並發現投信持股比例雖低,但其對股價的影響力較外資及內部人來的大。 / The increasing demand for the separation of ownership and management control has led to concerns on agency problems. The existence of information asymmetry between the owner and the management team has resulted in various agency costs, including supervision-related expenses, etc. In this dissertation, we try to study the relationship between ownership structure and corporate value, so as to determine whether the Convergence of interest Hypothesis or the Conflict of interest Hypothesis should be supported. We also try to probe whether the insiders of a company or the institutional investors are able to fully play their supervisory roles to increase the value of the company, and whether these roles have positive correlation with the company’s stock price. The supervisory functions of a company’s insiders, when properly fulfilled, will create positive effects and increase the value of the company. Being rational investors, institutional investors collect information and conduct investment analysis through a professional team. The shareholding by institutional investors, therefore, is indicative and influential to the company’s stock price. Institutional investors are reckoned as another force of supervision.
In this research, we used the panel data of the TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan over the period of 2001 to 2007, supported by the fixed effect model. Stock prices are used as the proxy variables of the corporate value, and ownership structure is reckoned as the proxy variable for other information. The analysis is used to determine whether ownership structure has significant interpretation effect on the stock price. The empirical research results show that the shareholding by institutional investors has a significant and positive
correlation with the corporate value, which supports the Efficient Monitoring Hypothesis. Further, the ratio of insiders’ shareholding also has significant and positive influence on the stock price. The research results therefore agree with the Convergence of Interest Hypothesis. It was also found that, whilst the ratio of shareholding by the SITE industry is relatively lower, its influence on stock price is greater than the institutional investors and insiders.
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中國大陸各省市地區房地產指數之影響因素江一玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係針對中國大陸各省市地區2000年至2007年之房地產指數進行分析,利用雙因子固定效果模型(two factor fixed effects model)探討中國大陸各省市地區房地產指數之重要影響變數,以及這些變數對於房地產指數影響程度之強弱。本文首先將文獻之檢閱做整理介紹,先概述至今國內外討論房地產價格指數文章之重要觀點,了解這些文章作者的研究時間與空間範圍、所使用分析方法、各學者之論點及其變數設定,希望在最後能與本研究之結論相互比較,觀察文獻與本研究之間是否具有一致性。
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中國對外直接投資影響因素之研究 / Determinants of China's outward foreign direct investment林淑靜, Lin, Shu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
相較於中國吸引外資方面(Inward FDI)的研究,中國對外直接投資(Outward FDI)的議題較少引起研究者注意。然而,中國對外直接投資對於全球經濟有其重要性,研究影響中國對外直接投資因素更具有理論與實質意義,因為中國既投資於未開發國家和開發中國家,也同時在已開發國家中投資,這是一般後進國家少有的特質。因此,本研究將利用2003-2007年中國各省市地區對外直接投資的追蹤資料(panel data),搭配固定效果模型(fixed effect model)的估計,希望透過本研究分析影響中國對外直接投資的決定因素。
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大陸西部大開發政策對西部地區經濟成長之影響 / The impact of Mainland China’s western development policy on economic growth in the western region鄭美珍, Cheng, Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
根據實證結果顯示,影響西部地區經濟成長的決定性因素有七:就業、工資率、固定資產投資、利用外資投資總額、能源消費量、西部大開發的優惠政策及金融危機。其他的變數如貿易開放程度及時間趨勢等,皆未有顯著影響。 / Since Xiaoping Deng’s Southern tour in 1978, China has adopted economic reforms and open policy, there are series of economic reforms, changed from the central planning economy to the market economy gradually, which resulted in capital abundance, advance in technology, rapid growth of economy, living standard enhanced, both GDP and per capita income has increased significantly in mainland China. But overall due to the regional economic structure, the policy and some other factors, the rapid development of the Eastern coast and the lagging behind of the West, has created significant differenence in the economic development of each region. Therefore, since Zemin Jiang launched the "The West Development" strategy in the "Central Poverty Alleviation and Development Conference" on June 9, 1999, Mainland Chain has a number of regional development policies, to solve the unbalanced gap of regional development . The implementation of Western Dvelopment Policy has been over 10 years, there are fruitful result on economic construction and development, it is going to enter Phase 2. Has the approaches of Western development policy really enhanced the economic development in the West ? Has it solved the economic gap between the East and the West ? In addition, under the condition of the spreading of international economic crisis in 2008 and the shrinkage of external demand, the West's GDP growth is lower than the East. But following the economic growth of China overall, the gap between The East and the West, the City and the Country is still huge. What will be the development direction of the West to escape from the lagging ?
Therefore, the purpose of this research will base on the relevant tracking data of 1997-2009 economic growth in the the West and the estimate of fixed-effect model, to analyze what are the the economic growth trends and decisive factors of the West ? And use the estimate results to check whether "The West development policy” is right for the development ? Has it actually enhanced the economic growth of the West ?
According to experience, there are seven decisive factors to influence the economic growth of the West: Employment, Wage rate, Fix Asset Investment, Amount of Foreign Investment, Energy Consumption, The Beneficial Policies of West Development,and Economic Crisis. Other variables such as trade openness and time trends, also has significant impact.
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影響天津吸引外來投資的決定因素 / Determinants of foreign direct investment in Tianjin, China謝忠國 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自1978年確定改革開放政策,天津自改革開放初期的經濟發展面對資金和技術不足的問題。1990年末期,因為外商企業在天津長期投資,對天津產業技術提升及企業管理發揮積極作用,使天津市擠身中國大陸最吸引外來投資之地區之一。1992年鄧小平南巡再次確認中國大陸積極對外開放政策後,天津之外來投資呈現倍數之高度成長。2010年度,天津之外來投資金額更是突破百億美元大關。本文之研究目的冀討論天津在1990年第至2010年,影響各國家地區對天津投資之決定因素。本文採用天津此1990年至2010年累計最高投資金額之前九個國家地區之資料,利用固定效果模型估計,結果顯示決定因素有相對實質匯率、相對每人國內生產毛額、工資率及時間趨勢,另外各國家地區對於天津之地理距離透過分析亦可知其自發性投資呈現負相關。為降低實證模型發生錯誤,將各種統計量之檢定方法加以檢定,皆獲得通過。 / China has adopted and confirmed the so-called Open Door Policy since 1978. Tianjin faced the shortage of capital and technology in the early period of the implement of the Policy. However, in the end of 1990, Tianjin became one of the most attracting foreign investment cities in China because the foreign direct investment had played an important role and positively influenced industries upgrade and business management in the city. The amount of foreign direct investment in Tianjin has a high speed growth after Deng Xiaoping’s southern trip in 1992 to confirm the determination of China’s open door policy again. In 2010, the amount of foreign direct investment in Tianjin was impressively over ten billion US dollars. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of foreign direct investment from different countries and districts in Tianjin from 1990 to 2010. The study adopted fixed-effect model to investigate the determinants of foreign direct investment in Tianjin with the top nine countries and districts in the period of 1990 to 2010. The results revealed relative currency rate, relative GDP per capita, relative wage rate and time trend are the most important factor in attracting foreign direct investment in Tianjin in the period. Another result showed the geographical distance has a negative relationship to foreign direct investment in Tianjin by fixed effect analysis. In order to reduce the occurrence of mistakes, the model and result results also have been tested through related tests methods.
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中國大陸城鄉居民收入差距之研究楊思茵 Unknown Date (has links)
在研究方法的選擇上,本文運用「文獻分析法」以及「實證分析法」,首先對於國內外有關於研究大陸城鄉居民收入差距的相關文獻進行整理與分析,比較其重點與異同,並針對不足之處加以延伸及補充。接著運用中國統計年鑑等中國官方所提供的大陸29個地區的統計數據資料,以一九九五年至二00一年作為主要的研究的時期,由於研究的資料是為追蹤資料,在經過Lagrange Multiplier(LM)Test 檢驗後,發現運用「固定效果模型」,將較傳統的OLS模型更為合適。因此以固定效果模型,對影響大陸城鄉居民收入差距的因素進行實證分析。
最後,本文依據上述的研究結果提出政策建議。本文認為,現階段大陸城鄉居民收入差距的擴大,除了時間趨勢的影響之外,也受到其他諸多因素的影響。是以就長期而言,中國在平衡城鄉居民收入差距的各項政策執行上,要獲致效果,仍須致力克服結構面、經濟發展面、以及政策面因素的影響,並適時對執行政策作修正與調整。因此,未來中國在政策的選擇上,除了重視農業發展,加速產業結構調整,保持工業及農業的平衡之外,消除二元結構所造成的城鄉分隔,促進城鄉經濟協調發展,將對於平衡大陸城鄉居民收入差距具有最大的正面助益。 / This thesis aims to investigate the changes in mainland China’s regional urban-rural income differential and its determinants during the period of 1995 to 2001. After we estimate the fixed-effects model of the urban-rural income differential equation, the empirical results show an upward trend in the differential that is different from data observation. In addition, it is found that the change in mainland China’s regional urban-rural income differential is primarily affected by dual-system of the economic structure, as well as the policy factor such as the government expenditure for supporting agriculture production and the change in average size of family households after the one-child policy has been taken in practice.
Although the different between the wages of urban-rural employed persons has been proved to be an important determinant in many previous studies in the literature, this conclusion can be supported only in the central part of mainland China during the refereed period in this study. Beside, instead of taking contribution to the mitigation of China’s regional urban-rural income differential, the increasing of the proportion on Township and Village Enterprises has been proved to intensify the urban-rural income differential on the central part of China.
Finally, according to this study, the best way to mitigate the China’s regional urban-rural income differential is to allocate more resources to modify the industrial structure, placing important on both agriculture and industry. What is more, to terminate the dual-system of the economic structure factor, and to balance the development of cities and countries of China, will also contribute to the mitigation of the China’s regional urban-rural income differential.
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財政地方分權在中國地方小學教育發展所扮演的角色 / The role of fiscal decentralization in regional compulsory education development in China陳偉杰 Unknown Date (has links)
中國現行的義務教育體制,主要是由地方政府負責管理和籌措教育資金,這意味著地方義務教育發展將取決於其經濟發展水平與財政收支狀況。因此在此情形之下,提供本研究探討中國的財政地方分權化對於其地方義務教育發展之效果為何的動機。本文首先將回顧相關的理論與實證文獻,藉此作為本研究實證結果的基礎;其次,本文也將介紹與說明,近年來中國財政地方分權與義務教育之現況;最後,本研究將綜合整理1994年財政改革後,利用中國省級的追蹤資料(panel data),建立一個二因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model),並加入財政地方分權變數之平方項,以期能從中釐清財政地方分權與地方小學義務教育之間所存在的關聯性為何。 / Fiscal decentralization is considered as one of the successful institutional reforms to promote the development of China. However, some analyses of fiscal decentralization and the compulsory education in China show that the former did not improve the supply efficiency of the latter one. So the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of fiscal decentralization in China’s regional compulsory education development after the fiscal reform was implemented in 1994. Both theoretical papers and empirical papers related to the relationship between fiscal decentralization and compulsory education are reviewed. Then this study uses the panel data for 31 provinces in China during the period of 1997-2007 and the two-way fixed effects model with two different fiscal decentralization indices. Furthermore, in order to realize the precise relationship between fiscal decentralization and compulsory education, this study establishes two empirical models with the square term of fiscal decentralization as an independent variable. Finally, to reducing the mistakes occurred in positive models and enabling the study more rigorous, this study uses more methods to test the models and the result.
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世界各國對中國大陸直接投資差異之決定因素歐陽宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用24個國家(地區)在1993年至2003年期間的資料,採固定效果模型研究外商對中國直接投資的原因為何。結果顯示在1993到1996年間,顯著的決定因素為相對國內生產毛額、相對每人國內生產毛額,以及相對工資率。而在1997到2003年間,顯著的變項轉變為相對國內生產毛額、相對借貸成本、以及相對國家風險。此外,兩階段的外商直接投資都有增加的趨勢,但1997到2003年間增加的速度有趨緩的現象。另由固定效果的分析中得知,地理距離與對中國的自發性直接投資具有負相關的關係,此可由引力模型和地理距離影響文化的擴散和交流解釋之。最後,為了降低實證模型發生錯誤的機會,並使研究過程更為嚴謹,於是對本文模型和估計結果使用更多的方法加以檢定。 / Since 1978, China has adopted the so-called “open door policy”, attracting foreign direct investment(FDI) has become one of the most important methods to facilitate its economic growth. However, foreign countries didn’t invest large amount toward China until Deng Xiaoping’s southern trip in 1992. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the determinants of FDI from different foreign countries in China after foreign countries started to invest tremendous amount toward China.
This study adopts fixed-effect model to investigate the determinants of FDI in China with 24 countries’ (regions’) data during the period of 1993-2003. The result shows relative GDP, relative GDP per capita, and relative wage are the most important factor in attracting FDI in China during 1993-1996. However, during 1997- 2003, the important factors change into relative GDP, relative borrowing cost, and relative country risk. In addition, the FDI at two periods both have a increasing trend, but the increasing speed during 1997-2003 isn’t increase so quickly as 1993-1996. Furthermore, from the analysis of the fixed effect knows the geographical distance has a negative relationship to FDI in China, and it can be explained by gravity equation and geographical distance influences the diffusion and exchange of culture.
Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in positive models and enable the study more rigorous, then uses more methods to test the models and the result.
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台灣地區大學學雜費調漲對生育率的影響洪文娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以1991年至2002年台灣地區23個縣市之追蹤資料為研究對象,經由固定效果模型的估計結果發現,大學學雜費對台灣地區生育率的影響有顯著的負相關;而其他影響台灣地區生育率的主要因素,如台灣地區各縣市家庭所得、失業率(尤以男性失業率為顯著)、婦女教育程度等均呈現顯著的負向影響,台灣地區嬰兒死亡率亦呈現負向影響但並不顯著,而婦女25 – 39歲年齡組群佔該縣市15歲以上婦女總人數比例,對台灣地區生育率的影響,呈現顯著的正向關係。
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