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中國大陸外商直接投資與區位選擇之關連性分析 ─以蘇州、杭州、東莞為例 / The correlation analysis between China’s foreign direct investment and location choice-The case of Suzhou, Hanzhou and Dongguan陳幼軒 Unknown Date (has links)
對此,在這個時間點研究中國大陸的外商直接投資有其重要性存在。而本論文與過去研究之處在於,針對較少的,且以技術密集產業為主體的城市,做為量化研究對象。透過固定效果模型的估計,主要影響的區位要素有四:勞動力品質、產業聚集程度、政府政策及時間。其中,有趣的是工資率在本論文的數據分析中,並不符合文獻檢閱中,絕大部分研究為顯著的結果。可見雖然中國大陸是以勞動力價格優勢吸引外資前來投資,但在研究上仍有不同的差異,應該按照不同的產業主體分析外商直接投資行為。 / Mainland China from 1992, the foreign direct investment (FDI) has had the swift growth. The former China leader- Deng Xiaoping made a statement in 1992 and transformed China’s FDI policy. It has experienced near 20 year development. At present mainland China goes out formerly pursued the “economy growth”, but changes take the “economy development” as the main consideration. Mainland China also announces many new policies from 2007, like the lowering or cancels the tax reimbursement for export, the new law about protecting labors. But many research all pointed out that after implementing a succession of industrial adjustment policy, Firms will adjust their investment in mainland by in accordance to possible cost rise.
This study has base on fewer samples and these samples possess technical crowded industry as the main body city. By estimation of the fixed-effect model, major essential factor has four: quality of labor force, industrial accumulation, government policy and time. And, what is interesting is the wage rate had not included in essential factors which compared with former researches have a remarkable result. Obviously although mainland China has the comparative advantage in wage to attractive FDI, but we should analyze depend on different industries.
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影響銀行分行數數目因素之探討-以倫敦為例- / Factors on numbers of branches-A study on London鄭俊緯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以倫敦國內外銀行為實證的對象。選取275家倫敦國內外的銀行為樣本,以1996年到2005年10年的分行數資料,採用Panel Data型態進行處理分析,以固定效果模式與隨機效果模式為估計方法。本文以Sang Rim Choi, Daekeum Park, and Adrian E. Tschoegl在1980到2000連續20年研究金融中心銀行進出的概念為主要架構,依據銀行本身的內在的變數、外部環境的變數,探討影響銀行分行數變動的主要原因,將實證的結果與過去文獻研究的結果互相印證,希望進一步提供相關銀行產業參考。
使用的變數分別為(1)銀行內部變數:總資產、ROA、自有資產率(2)外部環境變數:來源國及當地的GDP per capita和人口、兩國間的貿易流、文化因素以及城市之間的距離。實證結果如下:
本研究若是以英國境內的銀行到倫敦設立分行的情況來說,發現總資產及英國的GDP per capita對銀行設立分行呈現正向的關係,而自有資產率則是呈現負向的關係。若是以國外銀行至倫敦來設分行的情況來說,發現總資產、ROA和兩國間的貿易流呈現正向的關係,而當地的人口數與城市間的距離則呈現負向的關係。 / This study uses banks located in London as empirical objects. We picked 275 banks as empirical sample. The sampling period is from 1996 to 2005. We use data form is panel data and use fixed effect and random effect approach to verify. This study was based on the conception from Sang Rim Choi, Daekeum Park, and Adrian E. Tschoegl (1980 to 2000). To try find out the important factors that affect on variations of the branches in accordance with inner variables and outer variables. The empirical results can test traditional theory and provide the results to the managers of the banks.
The independent variables are (1) inner variable: total asset、ROA、equity divided by total asset and (2) outer variables: foreign countries’ GDP per capita and population、UK’s GDP per capita and population、trade flows between foreign countries and UK、cultural factor and distant between cities and London. The empirical results are as follows:
In local banks case, the result shows total asset and UK’ GDP per capita both have significantly positive effect on numbers of the branches. On the other hand, E/TA has significantly negative effect on numbers of the branches. In foreign banks case, the result shows total asset、ROA and trade flows all have significantly positive effect on numbers of the branches. On the other hand, UK’ population and distant both have significantly negative effect on numbers of the branches.
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我國各縣市政府施政績效與人口移動之研究 / The Impact of County and City Governments’ Policy Implementation on Population Mobility蕭偉祥, Hsiao,Wei Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章之研究目的,主要是探討臺灣地區各縣市政府之整體施政績效是否會影響縣市間之人口移動。本研究將利用臺灣23個縣市別的追蹤資料(panel data),涵蓋期間為2005年至2010年。採固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)評估縣市政府整體施政績效與人口遷移存在之關聯性。將回顧國內外文獻中,關於政府施政績效之衡量、人口遷移理論及影響人口遷移之相關文獻。此外,本研究也整理近年來各縣市政府與人口遷移有關之施政政策,以及臺灣各縣市人口分佈現況。最後,為了進一步探討政府整體施政績效,對於性別及年齡層的不同是否存在差異,本研究將建立五種實證模型,藉此更全面分析臺灣各縣市政府之整體施政績效,對於縣市間之人口遷移之影響為何。本研究主要發現為,縣市政府之社會福利與環境保護績效會響影縣市間人口之遷移,且為正向影響。對於性別及年齡層方面則沒有太大差異。 / The purpose of this paper seeks to examine whether the overall policy implementation of each Taiwanese county and city governments will impact the population mobility within the specific areas. This research paper employed the panel data of the 23 counties and cities of Taiwan, spanning the duration between 2005 and 2010. In the same light, we made use of the fixed-effect model to evaluate the correlation between the policy implementation of the governments and the population mobility. Furthermore, we reviewed the literature relating to governmental policy implementation evaluation methods, theories, and causes for population mobility. In addition, this research organized documents pertaining to the policy implementation strategies of each county and city government, as well as data on the current population distribution. Finally, this paper constructed five empirical models, in order to further analyze if the overall governmental policy implementation had an impact on the gender and age groups, notwithstanding to more comprehensively analyze the correlation between the policy implementation and population mobility within counties and cities. The primary finding of this paper was that the social welfare and environmental protection policies of the county and city governments had a positive impact on the population distribution of corresponding counties and cities. On the other hand, gender and age group factors showed no significant difference.
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台灣各縣市外籍女性配偶規模的決定因素 / Determinants of Foreign Bride's Scale in Taiwan馬振庭 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,由模型的固定效果與時間效果分析可知,各縣市間並無顯著的特質效果影響外籍配偶的規模,也就是說外籍配偶的現象在台灣已經相當普遍。而由時間效果來看,外籍配偶的熱潮近兩年來有顯著趨緩的現象,這是否意味著外籍配偶所帶來之社會問題層出不窮,帶給民眾過多的負面印象,使得未婚男性對於選擇外籍配偶有所保留,值得後續研究來檢驗。 / In recent years, foreign bride has become a new issue, and there are more and more families with foreign brides in Taiwan. This study adopts fixed-effect model to investigate the determinants of foreign bride’s scale in Taiwan with 23 regions’ panel data during the period of 2001-2005. The result shows the phenomenon of foreign bride is general in Taiwan society.
In addition, wage and unemployment rate are the most important factors to affect foreign bride’s scale in Taiwan. Wage reflects the living standard, and most families with foreign brides in Taiwan are bottom feeders. Furthermore, unemployment rage has a negative relationship to foreign bride’s scale in Taiwan, and the amount of foreign bride has a decreasing trend.
Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in positive models and enable the study more rigorous, then uses more methods to the models and the result.
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能源相關稅制對溫室氣體減量之成效探討 -歐洲十五國之實證研究林珮筠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球暖化問題日益嚴重,許多歐洲國家於1990年代遂進行一連串的綠色稅制改革,盼透過課徵環境稅的方式有效改善環境問題;本研究即以綠色稅制改革的先驅者—歐洲15國作為研究對象,觀察期間為1995年至2005年,利用計量方法探討能源相關稅制對溫室氣體減量之真實效果。 研究發現課徵碳稅、能源稅等與污染排放相關之環境稅,確實能有效降低二氧化碳等溫室氣體的排放量;但以車輛為稅基的交通運輸稅類別環境稅則未能產生改善環境的作用。此外,研究結果顯示提高能源價格亦有助於降低二氧化碳等溫室氣體之排放量,而能源密度、發電結構及工業導向之產業結構皆為提高二氧化碳等溫室氣體之重要因素;且全部的國家皆因各自的天然環境等特質而產生二氧化碳等溫室氣體排放量固定效果。 根據實證結果,本研究提出以下建議:
一、 世界各國皆應加快腳步研擬一套因地制宜的綠色稅制,;亦可將能源相關環境稅之課徵與能源價格調升交互運用。
二、 應著重於直接對污染排放及燃料使用課稅,且可考慮廢除沒有實際改善環境效果的車輛稅、牌照稅等交通運輸稅。
三、 需深入思考經濟發展與環境永續發展間的抵換關係,若遇開發中國家礙於經濟發展需求及國家能力而無法於短期內轉型之情況,已開發國家亦應遵循京都議定書之相關內容及規定,盡力予以協助。
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家庭結構對青少年子女學習成就之影響王枝燦 Unknown Date (has links)
綜合言之,本研究將時間概念納入家庭結構之動態分析,克服了過往研究所存在的內生性偏誤,並強化因果之說明,並補充過往理論觀點不足之處。 / The method to carry out this study was using secondary data, which included four waves with the same participants. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of family structure the change were related to adolescent learning achievement. The secondary data is adapted from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS).
This study by family in parents whether once to have the divorce event and the event timing takes the discrimination different groups. Family structure groups divide into “the intact family”, “the senior high school stage becomes the single-parent family”, “the junior high school stage becomes the single-parent family” and “early life becomes the single-parent family”.
The research viewpoint is from family system theory, family educational resources theory and family process theory proposed. Inquires into the family structure the change, how to influence children learning achievement in different life cycle? The research was longitudinal study design. The study used the fixed effect model and latent growth model to carry on the research analysis. Accordingly, the results support our proposed model and its connection with academic achievement of students. Author summarizes the findings as follows:
1. Family structure's change for the children has the negative influence in learning achievement.
2. When the family structure change time point was in children childhood time. IT has the negative accumulates influence. And the learning achievement disparity with the intact family children to expand continually.
3. The children become the single-parent family in junior high school stage to learning achievement influence to be biggest.
4. The high school stage single-parent family group will have immediately in the near event influence of the effect.
5. The family structure will also penetrate the family resources, the parental educational expectation and the family process , make indirect influence on adolescent’s the learning achievement.
6. The fixed effects model and the tradition regression model carries on the comparison. The fixed effect model obtains the estimated value to be small. The fixed effect model reduced of error of estimation the tradition regression model.
To sum up, this research integrates the time concept with the family structure in the dynamic analysis. Explanation of the strengthened causes and effects, the outcome supplements the passing theory viewpoint deficiency.
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中國氣候變遷對經濟成長影響之研究 / The impacts of climate change on China’s economic growth許怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
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醫療保健支出對台灣縣市失業率影響之實證研究 / The effects of medical expenditure on unemployment rate in Taiwan簡庭芳, Chien,Ting-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要研究目的為探討當一縣市的醫療保健支出較相鄰縣市完善時,是否會提升該縣市之就業率。國外已有文獻探討醫療保健支出對失業率的影響,但是,針對台灣各縣市醫療保健支出對失業率的效果,目前尚無學者加以論述。本研究利用台灣各縣市政府 2000 年至 2010 年的追蹤資料(panel data)研究此一課題。
除地方政府醫療保健支出外,本文並納入其他可能影響失業率的因素,進行實證。而衡量失業率時,除針對地方整體失業率外,並依性別、教育程度及年齡細分各個不同群組的失業率,以進一步瞭解這些因素對不同性別、不同教育程度及不同年齡層失業率的影響是否一致。實證方程式分為 A、B 兩組,以固定效果模型估計,總共十八種迴歸方程式,以捕捉台灣各縣市醫療保健支出對失業率的影響效果之全貌。
本文之主要的研究發現為台灣各縣市的醫療保健支出會影響失業率,且為負向影響,地方政府醫療保健支出增加可降低該地區失業率,亦即台灣各縣市實證結果符合本研究之假設。並且,在 A 組中,男性的邊際效果較女性大,表示醫療保健支出對男性的失業率影響較大。而 B 組只有女性失業率受到醫療保健支出占歲出比率之效果為顯著,男性不顯著。在年齡組失業率中,A、B 兩組醫療保健支出對青少年、中壯年和中高年失業率之影響皆為顯著。其中,對青少年失業率之影響又較中壯年和中高年顯著,而且影響的邊際效果也比較大。在教育程度失業率中,A、B 兩組皆只有對大專及以上程度者失業率的影響顯著,對國中及以下者和高中(職)者失業率皆不顯著。
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大眾捷運系統對辦公大樓租金之影響 / The Impact of Metro System on Office Rents林欣樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對國內缺乏之捷運系統資本化效果對辦公大樓租金之影響進行分析,以台北市2005年至2014年之辦公大樓租金追蹤資料(panel data),採用二元固定效果模型分析區域特定固定效果及時間特定固定效果對於辦公大樓租金的影響。然而,礙於固定效果模型未能處理不隨時間變化而變動之變數,本研究進一步以普通最小平方法分析區域固定效果之截距項,將辦公大樓總供給面積、面臨路寬及至市中心距離等不隨時間變動之因素納入分析。
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台灣各縣市地方社會福利支出對人口遷移之影響康琪珮 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章之研究目的,主要是探討台灣地區人口遷移受到各縣市的社會福利支出的影響究竟如何。本文將利用台灣23個縣市別的追蹤資料(panel data),涵蓋期間為1995年至2005年。採雙因子固定效果模型(two-way fixed-effect model)分析社會福利支出對於人口遷移,究竟存在著什麼樣的貢獻。於本研究中,將回顧現有文獻中,關於人口遷移之相關理論與實證文獻,且特別著重在以福利遷移(Welfare Migration)為研究主體之相關文獻。此外,本文也將清楚地介紹與說明,近幾年來台灣社會福利體制的發展,以及各縣市會福利支出水準與人口遷移間關係之現況。最後,為了進一步探討社會福利支出,對於男性與女性遷移者所產生之影響是否一致,本研究將建立三種實證模型。試圖更全面的探析台灣各縣市的社會福利支出,對於跨縣市的人口遷移之完整影響效果如何。本文主要的發現為,若某一地區每人可享之社會福利的程度高於鄰近的縣市,會吸引較多人口移入該地區。此外,女性移民較男性移民,受到社會福利支出之效果較為顯著。 / This study undertakes a study of cross-regional migration in Taiwan during the 1995 to 2005 period, particularly the effect of the social welfare system on migration decisions. The local places include the 23 cities and counties in Taiwan. Using data set from Taiwan-Fukien demographic fact book Republic of China and Expenditure conducted by Directorate-General of Budget. The hypothesis of this study is that movers would choose to the places with higher welfare to maximum their utilities. The empirical results from two-way fixed effect model support for the hypothesis that social welfare benefits influence migration decisions, especially for females.
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