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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

無聊真無趣嗎?:從成功與不成功國中英語學習者的角度探索社會建構主義下無聊情緒對第二語言學習的影響 / Is Boredom Boring?: Understanding Social Construction of Boredom and its influence on L2 Learning from the Perspectives of Successful and Unsuccessful Junior High School Students

陳鳳吟, Chen, Feng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
不同於其他情意因素的成熟發展(Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986; Dörnyei, 1998; Gardner, 2001; Gardner & MacIntyre, 1993),無聊此情意因素在語言學習的領域中一直以來皆為被忽略的對象。過去研究顯示,無聊已確實存在於課室情境中(Bown & White, 2010; Goetz, Pekrun, Hall, & Hagg, 2006);其重要性也已開始漸漸受到重視(Dörnyei, 2001)。然而,針對無聊與語言學習作為研究對象的相關文獻卻依然十分匱乏。有鑑於此,本研究大膽地做了嘗試,採用社會建構主義為理論基礎,透過觀察一群國中英語學習者在課室內的學習經驗,試圖找出無聊在第二語言習得領域中的定義以及建構出課室無聊情緒的互動形式。採用質化個案研究為執行方法,此一研究一共邀請了四位國中生;包含兩位成功學習者及兩位不成功學習者,並透過訪談與課室觀察來收集資料,最後根據Glaser and Strauss (1967)的對比分析法彙整原始資料並得出研究結果。 關於第一個研究方向,結果顯示四位學生共同將第二語言習得之無聊情緒定義為一種「對於學習英文感到無意義的情緒」。另一方面,此兩種分類的學習者也各自給了無聊不同的定義;對於成功的學習者來說,無聊為「一種必須忍受以求獲得獎勵的情緒」,而不成功的學習者對無聊的定義則為「一種因為學習障礙而無法克服的情緒」。此外,針對第二個研究問題,此研究的結果顯示成功與不成功學習者所經歷的相似無聊情緒是受到課堂內互動交流以及教學方法對學生來說是否有意義所影響。另一方面,無聊的情形分別發生於成功與不成功學習者身上的影響因素則受到學生對於接收 訊息的困難度評價以及對自我英語程度的認知所影響。 為了幫助學生避免無聊所造成的學習不良,根據所得出的研究結果本研究提出了下列建議以供語言教學教師參考:1. 提高課程設計的多樣性;2. 運用生活化的教學方式;3. 促進正面的課堂互動;4. 注意活動困難度的設計;5. 幫助學生提高學習動機。 / Unlike other affective emotions which have been developed maturely (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986; Dörnyei, 1998; Gardner, 2001; Gardner & MacIntyre, 1993), learning boredom has long been ignored in the area of language learning and teaching. Previous literature has pointed out the existence (Bown & White, 2010; Goetz, Pekrun, Hall, & Hagg, 2006) and its significance in the field of L2 learning and teaching (Dörnyei, 2001); however, limited research has concerned with this issue. Therefore, taking a bold step, this study aimed to find out the proper definitions for L2 learning boredom and figure out the interactive patterns co-constructed students’ L2 boredom in the classroom setting with the social constructional perspective of emotion. Employing a qualitative case study as the research approach, the researcher invited four junior high school students who were in half classified into the successful and unsuccessful learners as the participants for the present study. Data for analysis were collected from multiple sources, including three types of interviews: (a) semi-structured interview, (b) stimulated-recall interviews, and (c) focus-group interviews, and classroom observation. Through analyzing the data by adopting Glaser and Strauss’ (1967) constant comparative method. Regarding the first research direction, the results showed that the students defined L2 boredom similarly as the feeling of meaninglessness in learning English while differently as an emotion must be borne to expect the rewards (by the successful students) and an emotion cannot be overcome due to learning obstacles (by the unsuccessful students). In terms of the second interest of this study, it was also found that the similar pattern resulting in classroom L2 boredom was influenced by the interactive flow in the L2 class and the extent to which meaningful approaches were applied. On the other hand, L2 boredom happened differently to the two categories of students could be attributed to the interplay between the difficulty degrees of given information and the students’ self-perception of L2 capability. Based on the findings, this study yielded some implications for language teachers concerning the affective domain of the students. Suggestions including increasing the variety of class designs, using authentic teaching approaches, promoting positive class interactions, controlling the challenge degree of the materials and activities skillfully, and helping students increase L2 motivation were claimed helpful to decrease the negative impact L2 boredom could make on the students’ L2 learning.

黨國體系下之文化事業單位轉型:以兩岸中影為例 / Comparison of The Taiwan and China’s Cultural Institutions of The Party-state System : The Case of Two Film Corporations

楊孟杰, Yang, Meng Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
戒嚴時期的國民黨與當今的中國共產黨政權對於媒介的控制都放在一個高處管理,兩岸出發自類同的列寧式黨國體制之下,對於文化事業單位的管理方式看似又都嚴密控管,但為何台灣中影得以在1980年代衝撞國民黨黨國體制;而中國中影卻始終產出主旋律電影來為黨喉舌,而這種為黨服務的主旋律電影在市場化下的產量和品質又為何會忽高忽低? 本文藉由對兩岸中影的文獻與數據,來判別這兩種威權體制究竟有何差異,這種政權差異又會如何體現在台灣與中國大陸電影產業當中? 將兩岸中影放在政權性質架構下再做比較,看出黨國體制的對外關係、控制文化事業單位、菁英政策與箝制媒體的力道與方式的不同。 本文研究觀點是台灣中影歷經從硬威權時期轉向軟威權時期,這過渡的區段少有研究台灣民主化學者去關注當中變數,而是將重點放在軟威權時期研究,本文以中影公司案例作為這區段的變數研究;而中國中影則處在後極權發展型國家當中,黨的利益與部門利益形成兩股消長力量。本文再藉由體制的比較,發現台灣中影之所以能突破黨國鐵幕,軟威權政體除了提供政治社會風氣轉型背景之外,很大原因是來自於國民黨的扶持政策與人事決策誤判所導致。當今中國中影在媒介條塊管理與雙重領導體制下,文化事業單位不但無力抗拒上層,外界媒體也無法給予聲援。本文最後提供三種研究意涵:一是黨國體制下的電影產業對政權性質理論的回饋補充;二是台灣中影走向「新電影風潮」給中國電影民主化的啟示;三是發展中與落後國家的電影產業仍然需要有國家的大力扶持,而台灣脫離黨國體制後,缺乏黨國給予的持續補貼,最後禁不起商業的競爭而走向落寞。對照當今中國中影集團,雖有中共黨國的持續保護而壯大,但卻壓抑了電影創作者與整個電影市場的更快發展。 / This thesis study how the KMT under martial law and the Chinese Communist Party today control their cultural institutions ,and the domestication and resistance of the Central Motion Picture Corporation(CMPC) and the China Film Group Corporation(CFGC) controlled by the two parties. Due to people's ideology could influenced by movies, the two authoritarian parties always control their film institutions by funding, personnel and administration affairs. However, the CMPC were still able to publish some radical movies when the parties cannot prevent the managers of culture institutions to ally with non-state-owned film institutions.

臺北市公立國中生課外閱讀行為之研究 / The Study on the Reading Behavior of Taipei Municipal Junior High School Studnets

陳明來, Chen, Ming-Lai Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀行為是人類古老的活動之一,即使邁入資訊時代,閱讀能力仍是學習型社會的指標之一,更是現代公民不可或缺的素養。因此,近來政府相關單位如火如荼地推動閱讀運動,培養民眾閱讀風氣。所謂「知己知彼,百戰百勝」,政府在推動閱讀風氣前,民眾閱讀行為研究則為必備的先導工作,然而綜觀國內閱讀行為相關研究,研究對象大多鎖定在兒童,其次是成人、大專生及高中生,針對國中的研究可說是鳳毛麟爪。本研究以問卷調查法為研究架構,並以質性訪談法輔助蒐集研究資料,分析臺北市立公立國民中學學生的課外閱讀行為、態度、動機、興趣及其影響閱讀之因素。希望本研究結果可作為相關單位規劃、推動國中生閱讀運動參考之用。 本研究發現,在課外閱讀興趣與動機方面,台北市公立國中生閱讀課外讀物的主因是打發時間;導致很少閱讀課外書刊的情況以沒時間居多;經常閱讀的課外讀物類型以「漫畫」居多,其次是「圖書」;各種閱讀方式的使用情況以「閱讀印刷紙本式的書」比例最高;對於同一課外讀物,最喜歡的閱讀方式仍是「閱讀印刷紙本的書」;不同類別主題的課外讀物喜歡程度,前五高者依序是漫畫、推理偵探小說、幽默笑話、冒險小說及電影連續劇原著;進一分析得知性別、課外閱讀態度影響課外閱讀動機有關係,而年級、學業成就不會影響到課外閱讀動機;性別、學業成就及課外閱讀態度會影響到國中生在不同類別主題的課外讀物喜愛程度,而年級則否。在課外閱讀態度方面,整體而言,台北市公立國中生的課外閱讀態度是屬於積極的態度,進一步分析得知性別、學業成就及平均每天課外閱讀時間會影響到國中生課外閱讀態度,而年級則不會影響到國中課外閱讀態度。在課外閱讀行為方面,台北市公立國中生平均每天課外閱讀時數在1小時以內;從事課外閱讀活動的地點以自己家裡居多;從事課外閱讀活動的時間大多是在放學後在家時間及星期假日;課外讀物的來源以自己和父母兄姊購買為主;閱讀課外讀物時通常自己一個人;選擇課外閱物的因素,以「書本內容主題」、「師友家人的推薦」及「原著改拍成電視劇或電影」為前三高;現階段國中教育,以國文課最常進行課外閱讀指導活動;上一個學期及平均一個月閱讀課外讀物之數量分別為13.50本及4.56本;家裡有訂閱報紙的比例高於訂閱雜誌的比例;無法取得想看的課外讀物前三原因是「買(租)不到」、「沒錢買(租)」、「捨不得買」;對於父母或老師反對的課外讀物,多數學生會以理性態度處理;平時從事的休閒活動以「看電視」、「聽音樂(廣播)」及「閱讀課外書刊」為前三項;進一步分析得知年級及課外閱讀態度會影響國中生每天課外閱讀時數,而學業成就則否;年級、學業成就及課外閱讀態度均不會影響到國中生閱讀課外讀物的數量;不同性別、學業成就及課外閱讀態度學生平時從事課外閱讀活動之比例有差異,而不同年級的學生則否。 根據研究結果,從四方面提出十六點建議,做為國內相關單位推動國中課外閱讀活動之參考。在學校圖書館媒體中心方面:(1)加強學校圖書館館藏基本建設;(2)擬定館藏發展政策,並進行讀者需求調查分析;(3)與學校教師配合,共同推動校園課外閱讀風氣;(4)漫畫書是否納入館藏,應重新檢視;(5)定期舉辦主題書展,並提供優良課外讀物資訊;(6)舉辦閱讀相關競賽活動。在學校及學校教師方面:(1)善用學校自習時間,推廣課外閱讀活動;(2)學校應為每一班級訂閱一份報紙;(3)運用不同方式,推廣課外閱讀活動;(4)成立班級讀書會;(5)學校教師應積極推荐優良課外讀物。在學生家長方面:(1)協助就讀國中的子女選擇優良的課外讀物;(2)配合政府推動親子共讀活動,成立家庭讀書會。在出版社及書店業者方面:(1)一般圖書及漫畫出版品應建立圖書分級制;(2)針對青少年的閱讀興趣,出版適合青少年學生閱讀的書刊;(3)配合資訊科技的應用,推廣電子書出版品。


林益鋒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於探討桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導的基本理念、分析目前桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導的現況、以及不同背景變項(性別、最高學歷、現職、現職服務年資、服務年資、學校類別、學校規模)的教師,對於校長學校行政領導的看法,並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供校長、教師、教育行政機關及後續研究之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採用文獻探討與問卷調查方法,研究範圍包括:桃園市、蘆竹鄉、大園鄉、大溪鎮、龜山鄉、八德市、平鎮市、中壢市、楊梅鎮、觀音鄉、新屋鄉、龍潭鄉、復興鄉等十三個鄉鎮市內的公立國民中學合計48所;而以桃園縣公立國民中學校長、主任、組長、導師及專任教師為調查研究之母群體,問卷調查之對象,採用分層隨機取樣方式,發出問卷1048份,實得有效問卷643份,問卷資料處理採用電腦統計套裝軟體(SPSS for Windows)中的次數分配、平均數、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析等方法,進行統計分析,經資料整理與研究結果,獲得結論如下: 一、桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導具備的特質,具備程度最高的是 「誠實互信」、「守法力行」、「清廉無私」;最低的是「友善幽 默」、「研究創新」。 二、桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導面臨到「家長忽視教養責任」、 「市場機制」校際競爭、「顧客導向」學生選校權、「學校規模過 大,設備不敷使用」、「經費短缺不易維修設備」的困境。 三、桃園縣公立國中校長學校行政領導具體的做法,表現程度最高的是 「親自參加教師婚喪喜慶」、「定期召開行政會報協調業務」、「不 受利誘清白辦學」;最低的是「廣開言路接受建議」、「凝聚教師向 心力對抗外在壓力」、「校園規畫考量學校發展」。 四、不同背景變項教師,對於校長學校行政領導具備特質的看法有顯著差 異,包含男性高於女性、校長高於教師(含導師)、校長高於教師 (含導師、教師兼行政人員)、教師兼行政人員(含校長)高於教師 (含導師)、現職服務年資「3年以下」高於「10年以上」、「偏遠地 區」高於「一般地區」、學校規模「13~36班」高於「60班以上」。 五、不同背景變項教師,對於校長學校行政領導面臨困境的看法有顯著差 異,包含女性高於男性、「師範院校畢業」高於「研究所碩士班畢 業」、教師(含導師)高於校長、教師(含導師、教師兼行政人員) 高於校長、教師(含導師)高於教師兼行政人員(含校長)、現職服 務年資「10年以上」高於「3年以下」及「4~6年」、服務年資「16年 以上」及「9~15年」高於「3年以下」、「一般地區」高於「偏遠地 區」、學校規模「60班以上」高於「12班以下」、「13~36班」及 「37~59班」。 六、不同背景變項教師,對於校長學校行政領導具體做法的看法有顯著差 異,包含男性高於女性、「研究所碩士班畢業」高於「師範院校畢 業」、校長高於教師(含導師)、教師兼行政人員(含校長)高於教 師(含導師)、校長高於教師(含導師、教師兼行政人員)、現職服 務年資「3年以下」高於「10年以上」、「偏遠地區」高於「一般地 區」、「12班以下」及「13~36班」、「37~59班」高於「60班以 上」。 七、桃園縣公立國中校長對於學校行政領導具備特質與具體做法方面,其 整體表現受到國中教師的肯定 。 根據研究結果與結論提出以下的建議: 一、校長多關注「友善幽默」、「研究創新」特質之培養。 二、校長可多著力於親職教育活動,以落實家庭教育。 三、校長須發展學校特色,因應「市場機制、顧客導向」帶來的衝擊。 四、校長可建立與教師良性溝通互動平台。 五、校長須發展學校願景,才能凝聚教師向心力。 六、校長對於校園規畫,可多考量學校未來的發展。 七、主管教育機關對學校經費編列,可給予較大之彈性空間 。 八、為因應有限的教學資源,主管教育機關應儘量降低學校班級數。 九、未來的研究可增加廣度與深度。 / This main purpose of the research lies in discussing the basic concepts and analysing the present situation of the principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County as well as the teachers from the different background variable (including sex, the highest school record, current position, service period of current position , service period, school category, school scale) , regarding to a view of principals’school administration leadership , and puts forward the proposals according to the results, provides reference to the principals, the teachers, the educational administration institution and the following research. In order to reach the above goals, this research uses the literature discussion and the questionnaire survey method. The research scope includes 48 junior high schools which are in the local 13 townships and towns ,such as Taoyuan City, Luchu Township, Dayuan Township, Dahshi Town, Kweishan Township, Pader City, Pingj City, Chungli City, Yangmei Town, Kwanin Township, Shinwu Township, Lungtan Township, Fu-hsing Township and so on . But take the principals, directors, group leaders, homeroom teachers and subject teachers of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County as the population of investigation and study. Objects of the questionnaire survey select the stratified random sampling method, which sends out asked volume 1,048,and obtains effective asked volume 643.The asked volume datas’processing uses the computer statistics software (SPSS for Windows) , including the Frequence, the Mean , the Independent-Samples T Test, One-Way Anova and so on ,in order to carry on the statistical analysis. After organizing the data and investigate the result, obtains the conclusion as follows: 1.Principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County possess the special characteristics,the most highest is " honest and trustworthy", "obeys the law energetically puts into practice", "incorruptible and selfless";the most lowest is "friendly and humorous", "the research innovation". 2.Principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County face difficult positions,such as "the guardians neglect the education responsibility", "the market mechanism" of the interscholastic competition, "the customer guides" that students have the right to choose the school, "the school scale oversized, equipment is insufficient ", "funds is not enough to maintenance equipment easily" . 3.The concrete procedure of the principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County , the most highest degree is "attends the teachers’marriages and funerals in person", "convenes the administration conference regularly to coordinate business", "is not tempted with the promise of gain to run a school"; the most lowest is "encourages the wide airing of views accepts suggested", "condenses the teachers’ centripetal force resistance external pressure", "the campus plans considers the school development". 4.The different background variable teachers,as regards the principal school administration leadership possess the special characteristics view reveals the difference obviously, contains the male to be higher than the female, the principal is higher than the teacher (includes homeroom teacher), the principal is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher, teacher concurrently administrative personnel), the teacher concurrently administrative personnel ( includes the principal) is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher), service period of current position "below 3 years" is higher than "above 10 years", "the remote district" is higher than "the general area", the school scale "the 13~36 classes" is higher than "above 60 classes". 5.The different background variable teacher,as regards the principal school administration leadership faced with the difficult position view reveals the difference obviously, Contains the female is higher than the male, "the teacher graduates colleges and universities " is higher than "graduates from research institute ", the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher) is higher than the principal, the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher, teacher concurrently administrative personnel) is higher than the principal, the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher) is higher than the teacher concurrently administrative personnel ( includes the principal), service period of current position "above 10 years" is higher than "below 3 years" and "the 4~6 years", service period "above 16 years" and "the 9~15 years" is higher than "below 3 years", "the general area" is higher than "the remote districts", the school scale "above 60 classes" is higher than "below 12 classes", "the 13~36 classes "and" 37~59 classes ". 6.The different background variable teacher, as regards the principal school administration leader concrete procedure view reveals the difference obviously, Contains the male is higher than the female , " graduates from the research institute " is higher than "the teacher graduates from colleges and universities ", the principal is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher), the teacher concurrently administrative personnel ( includes the principal) is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher), the principal is higher than the teacher ( includes homeroom teacher, teacher concurrently administrative personnel), service period of current position "below 3 years" is higher than "above 10 years", "the remote districts" is higher than "the general area", "below 12 classes" and "the 13~36 class", "the 37~59 classes" is higher than "above 60 classes". 7.The special characteristics and the concrete procedure of the principals’school administration leadership of the public junior high school in Taoyuan County acquires positiveness from the public junior high school teachers . According to the research results and conclusions,the suggestions are as follows: 1.The principal pays more attention to raise the special characteristics of "friendly and humorous"and "the research innovation" . 2.The principal may focus on parents-teachers education activities,carring out the family education. 3.The principal must develop the school characteristic, to deal with the impact of "the market mechanism and the customer guides". 4.The principal may build a flat-top platform to communicate with teachers benignantly. 5.The principal must develop the school vision in order to condense the teachers’centripetal force. 6.The principal should consider the school future development while planning the campus policy. 7.A chief education institution arranges the school funds may give more flexible. 8.For the limited teaching resources, the chief education institution ought to reduce the number of school classes as soon as possible. 9.The future research might increase the breadth and the depth.

國中英語任務型合作學習之電腦活動設計與發展 / Designing and Developing Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Tasks for Junior High EFL Learners in Taiwan

伍如婷, Wu,Ju-ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在歸納電腦輔助國中英語任務教學之設計原則,並探究學生在使用電腦軟體時的互動模式。同時,本研究期望能進一步了解,針對此一教師設計之電腦輔助英語教學軟體,學生在使用過程所遇到的困難及與學習夥伴互動的模式。 本研究採取質的研究方法,並且以設計本位研究的概念為架構。研究者先行設計出一套任務導向之電腦英語教學軟體,作為研究雛型。研究對象為九對高學習成就之國中生。研究時程分為三個階段,每個階段由三對學生者參與。藉由觀察及訪談,分析出學生(1)分別在三個階段所遇到的困難,以及(2)與夥伴互動的模式。在第一部份,先一一探討學生對於每個任務的反應,再歸納出重要的教學議題及軟體在下一階段所應作的修正。在第二部份,先討論學生在互動的過程所扮演的角色,再呈現訪談資料裡學生內心對於互動過程的感受。本研究發現,符合學生學習需求的軟體設計、教師所提供的心理支持、及學生互動的品質,皆是影響電腦英語教學成效之關鍵因素。 本研究根據以上軟體設計及學生互動的討論結果,進一步提供建議,以作為任務導向之電腦英語教學相關議題之研究參考。 / The purpose of this study is to derive useful insights and principles for the design of the computer-supported collaboration tasks and to explore patterns of learners’ interaction when working on the computer tasks. This study attempts to understand how learners react to the teacher-designed computer-supported collaborative learning tasks and how they work together with their partners. This study adopts qualitative approach methods within the design-based research framework. First, a task-based computer program is designed as a prototype. Then 9 pairs of high-achieving junior high school students are selected to use the software. Throughout the three cycles of implementation with three pairs of students in each, qualitative data are collected through direct observations and an interview. The results are presented according to the three cycles with a separate section on the participants’ interaction. In the three cycles, the participants’ reactions to each task within each scene are first described, and then pedagogical issues and design adjustments for the next cycle are discussed. In the interaction section, three roles taken by the participants across three cycles are identified, with a discussion on the participants’ viewpoints on their interaction. It is found in this study that the program design, the teacher’s support, and the nature of the learner’s interaction are the key elements affecting the outcomes of using this CSCL program. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions based on obstacles that the participants encountered during the program are discussed, with the discussion on limitations of this study and suggestions for further research.

音節覺識結合拼讀教學對七年級學生拼字能力成效之研究 / The Effects of Syllable-awareness Based Phonics on Spelling Multi-syllable Words for 7th Grade Junior High School Students

張陳平, Chang, Chen Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本行動研究旨在探討音節覺識(syllable awareness)與字母拼讀法(phonics)合併教學對台灣國中7年級生(國一學生)拼寫多音節字及英文學習態度的影響。實驗分兩階段進行。第一階段進行小規模的前測,作為正式研究的準備,其目的在測試音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學是否適切、教學活動是否可行,以及7年級生在運用此方法拼多音節字是否有困難等等,並根據初探結果修定正式實驗之規劃。第二階段的正式實驗,根據第一階段的結果改良拼字測驗生字、延長教學時間,並加入小測驗以期教學更能適切,以利評估該教學法對學生拼字能力及學習態度的影響。 在正式實驗中,實驗對象為基隆市某國中66名7年級學生,首先進行學習背景調查、音節計數、單音節字、多音節字拼字測驗,之後,篩選出44名程度、背景相近的學生。研究者將此44名學生隨機平均分配為實驗組及對照組兩組,每組各22名學生。對實驗組先施以音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學,將音節覺識及字母拼讀等技巧融入英語拼字訓練中;而對照組則單獨採用字母拼讀法教學,教授字母字音的對應關係。實驗組及對照組每週均安排兩節英語課實施上述教學法,每節課15分鐘(每週30分鐘),持續11週。兩組學生在教學後各施以多音節字拼字測驗、學習態度調查,以評量受試者在拼字技巧上的發展及學習態度上的改變情形。 組間比較結果顯示,在十一週實驗教學後,實驗組及對照組二組學生在拼多音節字測驗上無顯著差異。此外,只有實驗組學生在生字及英語學習態度上有顯著的正向改變。 以上研究結果顯示,運用音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學能降低學生對拼字的焦慮,改善其學習英語的態度。本研究之結果及教學建議,可供未來國小、國中拼字教學的參考。 / The purpose of this action research was to explore the effects of syllable-awareness based phonics instruction in Taiwanese 7th EFL graders on spelling multi-syllable words. The present study involved two stages: a one-group design pilot study and a formal study. The purpose of the pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility of the syllable-awareness based phonics instruction designed by the researcher. According to the result of the pilot study, the formal research was modified in changing the multi-syllable test words, lengthening the instruction time, and the usage of a quiz. Moreover, in the formal study, two groups will be implemented with different instructions to explore the effects in spelling multi-syllable words and learning attitude. In the formal research, sixty-six 7th graders in two intact classes were chosen as potential subjects. After they filled out a background questionnaire, took three tests: a syllable counting test, a mono-syllable word spelling test, and a multi-syllable word spelling test, forty-four homogeneous subjects were selected. The researcher randomly assigned these 44 subjects into two groups: an experimental group and a control group, each comprised of 22 subjects. The experimental group received syllable-awareness based phonics instruction while the control group received phonics instruction only. All subjects were instructed for 11 weeks, two 15-minute classes per week (thirty minutes per week). After the instruction, the researcher carried out a multi-syllable spelling word posttest and a learning attitude questionnaire to estimate the effects of the instruction and their attitude changes. The result of the multi-syllable word spelling tests revealed that there was no significant difference between the two groups. However, the experimental group showed more positive attitude change than the control group toward vocabulary and English learning. The findings from this study indicate that syllable-awareness based phonics instruction can not only ease the anxiety of spelling multi-syllable words for 7th graders, but also reinforce a more positive attitude toward spelling vocabulary and learning English. According to the results, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are offered.

影響國中教師性別角色刻板化態度與兩性教育平等意識相關因素之研究 / The reserch on effective factors of junior high school teachers' attitude of gender stereotype and gender education equity

賴友梅, Lai, Yu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從女性主義理論角度出發,主要研究目的在探討現今國中教師在教學互動過程裡,是否展現出性別角色刻板化態度?他們的態度否因其人口特質(如:性別、年齡、省籍、婚姻狀況)、師資培育訓練歷程、教學及行政經驗的不同而產生差異?上述的因素是如何影響教師的兩性平等教育意識(包括教學平權態度、教學性別區隔、女性主義理念)? 本研究係採用研究者自行編製的問卷作為研究工具,研究範圍則限台北市及台北縣國民中學,從研究者個人網絡選擇受訪者,再由受訪者代替研究者於授課學校進行隨機抽樣調查,總計有效樣本為401份。樣本資料經檢核登錄後,研究者以SAS統計分析軟體進行資料分析。 研究結果及主要發現如下: 一、男老師仍然掌控學校行政事權,女老師不僅較少參與行政工作,也因為傳統性別角色的影響(包括:母職及傳統女性角色的壓抑),她們的行政意願普遍低落。 二、教師的教學態度仍深為性別刻板角色所左右,包括教師仍強調複製兩性特質的教育功能及女性的母職角色。 三、教師仍容易以〝性別〞作為評估與詮釋學生行為的必然標準,.此外〝性別〞也是教師在控制學生及教室管理的重要方式;男教師的教學態度明額較不平權。 四、多數教師贊成教育機會平等,但對於〝女性主義教育理念〞(給予女性更多的教育資源以扭轉其弱勢地位)接受度低。 五、教師對於教職〝性別形象〞(女性化)的重視大過於〝專業能力〞;女教師的教職女性化刻板觀念較深。 六、性別社會化是影響教師〝性別角色刻板化〞及〝兩性教育平等意識〞的主因,女教師對於傳統性別角色的反省與兩性平權教育的思考均比男老師積極。 七、中壯年(40歲以上)教師不僅有明顯的性別偏見,他們對兩性教育的態度也較不平權;自然學科的教師也較贊同〝教育性別區隔〞,這表示他們在判斷學生的學習成就及傾向時,會有〝性別〞的預設立場;教學年數愈長的老師其性別角色的刻板化程度也愈高,他們也較贊同教育應有性別區隔。顯示教育的〝量〞(學習多久)對於個人性別平等意識的影響不如〝質〞(學習內容)來的重要。

台北市參加「國中畢業生自願就學輔導方案」學生升學壓力、因應行為、身心健康與班級氣氛之研究 / Stress of Accessing to Senior High, Coping Behavior, Health and Classroom Climate for Students Joining " No-Exam Trial Program" ---A Case Study of Taipei City---

黃淑馨, Huang Shu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較台北市參加試辦「自願就學方案」自學班學生和普通班學 生在升學壓力、因應行為、身心健康和班級氣氛之差異性。以台北市七十 九學年度參加試辦「自願就學方案」21所學校學生為取樣對象。共抽取6 所國中﹐一、二、三年級各取「自學班」與「普通班」一班﹐共 36 班﹐ 自學班學生 669 人﹐普通班學生669 人﹐共 1338 人。本研究之工具為 「升學壓力量表」、「升學壓力因應行為量表」、「日常作息時間量表」 、「學生生活經驗問卷」、「一般健康量表」和「學習環境量表」﹐以三 因子變異數分析、三因子多變項變異數分析、單因子變異數分析、t 考驗 、卡方考驗和 Scheffe' 事後考驗進行資料分析。研究結果為︰ (一)普 通班比自學班學生感受升學壓力強度高﹐尤其在自我壓力、教師壓力、考 試壓力、和時間壓力源方面﹐普通班比自學班壓力強﹐呈顯著差異。前途 壓力源強度﹐自學班高於普通班;父母壓力則兩班無差異。 (二)普通班 與自學班學生在作業份量、作業方式、晚上作息時間沒有差異;但在考試 科目、補習科目方面﹐普通班學生顯著多於自學班﹐而睡眠時數﹐普通班 顯著少於自學班。 (三)普通班比自學班學生較多採用「面對問題」和「 置之不理」方式因應升學壓力;其餘「紓解情緒」、「情緒困擾」和「投 射」等方式﹐兩班無差異。 (四)普通班比自學班學生在「社會官能障礙 」、「嚴重憂鬱」、「焦慮不眠」、「生理症狀」得分較高﹐有顯著差異 ;亦即普通班學生身心較不健康。 (五)普通班比自學班學生知覺班級組 織較混亂、同學較競爭;而「教師偏愛」和「多樣性」兩班無差異。 (六)年級、性別對升學壓力總量表和分量表強度﹐有顯著交互作用;而內 外控和學業成績沒有顯著交互作用﹐但有主要效果影響。 (七)年級對升 學壓力因應行為有顯著交互作用;其餘性別、內外控和學業成績只有主要 效果影響。 (八)班級、年級、內外控和學業成績對身心健康僅具主要效 果影響。 (九)班級和性別對班級氣氛有顯著交互作用;而內外控和學業 成績僅具主要效果影響。 (十)一般國中生感受升學壓力高者﹐較常採取 消極因應﹐對其身心健康和所知覺的班級氣氛有不利的影響。本研究綜合 研究結果加以討論﹐並提出若干建議﹐以供教育行政單位和教師與父母之 參考。

九年一貫英語讀寫能力指標反映至國民中學英語科習作之研究 / A study on reading and writing competence indicators of the grades 1-9 English curriculum in junior high school english workbooks

王羿婷, Wang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
教育部明訂,九年一貫能力指標應作為教科書編輯者編撰課本、習作之依據。透過教科書,學生可期望習得能力指標所標示的能力。台灣國中英語教學現場中,習作常作為學生的回家作業,所以能力指標如何呈現在習作上可影響學生能力習得的結果;然而,目前相關研究仍顯不足,因此,本研究採用九年一貫國中英語讀寫能力指標,分析目前最為廣用的一套國中英語習作。另外,本研究也針對第一線國中英語教師進行團體訪談,以了解教師對習作和能力指標的看法。 本研究的結果總結如下: 1. 14條指標中,只有3項在習作中有超過10%的練習題目(推論字義文意;了 解文章主旨大意;合併、改寫及造句);然而卻有8項指標在習作中的練 習題少於1.5%。 2. 針對被強調的3項指標,訪談教師同意這些能力的確需要被強調,只不過習 作的練習題仍顯不足。 3. 針對被忽略的8項指標,教師認為有些能力(例:查字典)對學生來說並非最 重要,因此習作缺乏此類練習是可以接受的;不過,某些能力(例:看懂圖 表標示)因為和學生的日常生活息息相關,理應出現在習作裡;而部分難度 較高的指標(例:寫一個段落)可編為自由選擇(optional)的習題,讓程度 較高的學生有更多練習的機會。 根據研究結果,研究者對教育決策者、教科書編輯、及英語教師提出數點 建議。 / The competence indicators (CI) listed in the Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines are regulated as the principles for private publishers to compile teaching materials—textbooks and student workbooks. Through these teaching materials, it is expected that students can acquire the competences stipulated in the curriculum guidelines. Student workbooks, especially in Taiwan’s junior high school English classrooms, are used as a main source for students’ homework. Therefore, how the CIs are incorporated into the workbooks can affect students’ acquirement of the competences. Nonetheless, little research has been done on analysis of English workbooks based on competence indicators. This study, therefore, aimed to analyze a most popular set of junior high school English workbooks based on the Grades 7-9 reading and writing competence indicators. To gain more in-depth insights, a focus group interview with in-service teachers was later conducted to explore teachers’ views on the workbooks and competence indicators. The results of the present study are summarized as follows. 1.Of the 14 CIs, only three were emphasized (to guess meanings of words and reading passages; to understand main ideas; and to combine, change, and make sentences), each taking up more than 10% of the workbook exercises. However, there were up to eight CIs that were neglected, each taking up less than 1.5% of the workbook exercises. 2.As for the three emphasized CIs, the teacher interviewees agreed that the emphasis was necessary, but the practice in the workbooks were still insufficient for their students. 3.As for the eight neglected CIs, the teachers considered that: (1) lack of practice on some CIs, such as to use a dictionary, was acceptable, for these skills were impractical for their students; (2) some practices, such as to fill out forms, should have be included into the workbooks because they were related to students’ daily lives; (3) certain practices, such as to write a simple paragraph, could be designed as optional workbook exercises for high achieving students to master more advanced skills. Finally, some suggestions are provided on the basis of the findings in this study.

澳門粵曲曲藝的發展與李向榮研究 = A research on the development of Cantonese operatic songs in Macao and Li Xiang Rong / Research on the development of Cantonese operatic songs in Macao and Li Xiang Rong

凌錦雄 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

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