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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張慧文, ZHANG, HUI-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
近年來領導行為在班級社會體系中的研究 日益增多,由各研究已肯定教師在教育中 居於領導地位,所以,教育學目標能否實現,實有賴於教師是否能發揮其角色功能。 因此,為了提高師資素質,增進教學效果,本研究乃進行有關之之實徵調查研究,借 以了解教師的性別、領導類型以及師生雙方領導類型是否一致,三者對學生班級適應 及師生關係的影響,期欲助於教師對班級教學工作的推展,促使兒童皆能接受最適當 的教育,而發展為適應良好的個體。 本論文分五章。第一章為緒論,分三節,主要敘述作者的研究動機與目的。第二章為 文獻探討,分四節,乃就領導類型、班級適應、師生關係三方面,探討其理論及有關 研究,以為本研究之理論根據。第三章為研究方法,分四節,在於說明本文之研究設 計與實施。第四章為研究結果,乃就所得資料之統計結果,加以分析敘述。第五章為 結論與建議,在於根據理論基礎與實證發現,提出結論與建議,以供參考。茲將本研 究結論。扼要敘述於下: 一、師生關係與班級適應皆因教師領導類型不同而有差異。 二、師生關係確因教師性別不同而有差異,班級適應則不然。 三、班級適應則因師生雙方領導類型是否一致而有差異,師生關係則不然。


蔣素靜, Jiang, Su-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
整個課程研究所涵蓋的範圍,大致上包括目標、教材、教法及評價四個主要要素,本 論文的研究只限於第一要素─課程目標之研究。 首章略述研究之動機、方法、範圍及名詞詮釋。第二章是目標之基礎,分述目標之哲 學、社會與文化及心理學的基礎。第三章是介紹數個目標的發展模式及相關的決策問 題。第四章是目標內容之分類,共四節,第一節是以「時間遠近」為分類標準,其餘 分別是塔巴分類、柏隆姆等分類法、蓋因分類法。第五章是闡述一些良好目標之效標 。第六章闡述目標擬定的程序─從準備工作,經目標之來源,選擇至目標之陳述。第 七章是筆就閱讀過的理論作為架構,試著評析我國現行國小社會科之目標。最後第八 章是全文的結論並提出建議。


楊惠娥, Yang, Hui-E Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是使用與滿足的研究。全文共分為五章。從使用與滿足的角度,探討台北市 國小高年級學童收看電視益智猜謎的動機類型,以及兒童的親和動機、親身接觸、 親身影響、成就動機如何影響其收看動機。在研究方法上,採用集體測驗的問卷調 查方式,共得有效樣本五八九人。資料分析結果,發現兒童收看電視益智猜謎節目 的動機,主要可分為四種類型:「求取新知與自成評估」、「尋求社會互動基礎」 、「尋求快樂」、「尋求刺激」。親和動機高,親身影響大的人「接觸性收看動機 」高。成就動機高的人,「追求遲延性滿足的收看動機」高。

閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養與國小中、高年級學童科技創造力之關係 / The Relationships among Reading Environment, Playfulness, Creative Parenting and Technological Creativity of the Third and Fifth Graders

王昕馨, Hsin Hsin,Wang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養與國小中、高年級學童科技創造力之關係。研究參與者來自台北市的國小中、高年級,有效樣本計374人。本研究所採用的研究工具包括「科技創造力測驗」、「家庭閱讀環境量表」、「班級閱讀環境量表」、「兒童玩興量表」及「父母創意教養量表」。資料分析所用之統計方法包括描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及線性結構模式分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 1.不同性別的三、五年級學童對家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興的知覺皆無差異,但在父母創意教養的知覺上和科技創造力的表現上卻有差異。三、五年級女童對於父母創意教養的感知程度皆些微地優於男童;而三、五年級男童在整體創造力測驗上皆優於女童,且五年級男童比女童有更好的「視覺造型」表現。 2.不同年級的三、五年級學童在家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養的知覺程度上和科技創造力的表現上有顯著差異。五年級學童除了在科技創造力的表現上有高於三年級學童的傾向外,在閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養的知覺程度上皆有低於三年級學童的傾向。 3.三、五年級學童的家庭閱讀環境對其整體科技創造力表現分別有些微和明顯的正效果,而五年級學童在「精進力」指標的表現尤其顯著。 4.三年級學童的班級閱讀環境對其整體科技創造力表現有正效果,反之,五年級則無。而三年級學童在「視覺造型」指標的表現尤其顯著。 5.三、五年級學童的玩興對其整體科技創造力表現皆有正效果。三年級學童在「精進力」、「視覺造型」指標的表現較顯著,五年級則在「流暢力」、「精進力」上較顯著。 6.五年級學童的父母創意教養對其整體科技創造力表現有正效果,但三年級學童只對「視覺造型」指標之表現有正效果。而五年級學童在「精進力」指標之表現尤其顯著。 7.家庭閱讀環境、班級閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養似乎對三年級學童的「視覺造型」指標較有預測效果,而對五年級學童則是在「精進力」指標較有效果。 8.三、五年級學童皆透過閱讀環境、父母創意教養,先對玩興產生直接或間接效果,然後才對學童科技創造力產生間接的影響效果。 最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議,以供教育、心輔等相關人員在課程、教學與輔導上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among reading environment, playfulness, creative parenting, and technological creativity of the third and fifth graders. The participants included 374 pupils from the elementary schools in Taipei City. The employed instruments in this study were the Test of Technological Creativity, the Inventory of Reading Environment in Family, the Inventory of Reading Environment in the Classroom, the Inventory of Playfulness, the Inventory of Creative Parenting. The employed analysis methods included Descriptives, One-Way Multiple Analysis of Variance, and Structural Equation Modeling. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.While the girls of the third and fifth graders perceived higher degree of creative parenting than did the boys, the boys outperformed the girls in technological creativity, especially in the “visual design”. No gender differences in reading environment and playfulness were found, however. 2.There were significant grade differences in reading environment, playfulness, creative parenting, and technological creativity. More specifically, the fifth graders outperformed the third graders in technological creativity, but perceived lower degree of reading environment, playfulness, and creative parenting than did the third graders. 3.The third graders’ reading environment in family had a little positive effect on their performance of technological creativity. One the contrary, the fifth graders’ reading environment in family had a great positive effect on their performance of technological creativity, especially on that of “elaboration”. 4.The reading environment in the classroom had a positive effect on the third graders’ performance of technological creativity, especially on that of “visual design”. Such an effect, however, was not found among the fifth graders. 5.Playfulness had significant effects on both the third and fifth graders’ performance of technological creativity. More specifically, playfulness had positive effects on the scores of “elaboration” and “visual design” among the third graders and had positive effects on those of “fluency” and “elaboration” among the fifth graders. 6.Creative parenting had a positive effect on the fifth graders’ overall performance of technological creativity as well as on the score of “elaboration”. However, the positive effect of creative parenting was only found on score of “visual design” in the third grade. 7.While reading environment, playfulness, and creative parenting were effective predictors of the third graders’ performance in “visual design”, they were effective predictors of the fifth graders’ performance in “elaboration”. 8.The findings in this study suggest that the third and fifth graders’ personal trait of playfulness directly influence their development of technological creativity; meanwhile, their reading environment and creative parenting may influence their development of technological creativity directly or indirectly via playfulness. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions and future studies.

組織行為之分析:台北市士東國小的個案研究 / An analysis of organizational behavior: case study of shih-tung elementary school of Taipei city

郭麗美, Kuo, Li Mei Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣經歷少子化而後,國小超額老師問題相形嚴重. 故本論文以個案研究方式探討中型學校士東國小的資深與資淺教師為例,就學校歷史文化,課程設計,領導風格,及學校效能方面來探討教師在教職生涯滿意度與家長對教師之期望. / Since the phenomenon of low fertility rate emergent in Taiwan, the teacher of the primary education suffered and gradually caused the sever problem of the surplus elementary school teacher. Hence, the Shih-Tung elementary, a medium size school, is the scale aligned with optimal scale for government to borrow the experience. The thesis applied a case study method of in-depth interview for related party of teachers and parents of Shih-Tung Elementary School. Initially from retrieving the education core both from definition and ancient wisdom testing the true meaning for the primary education. It is discussed from the culture of the school, the belief of an organization, which is the symbol of pine, big pencil and eraser under persistent learning, preceding that, from the culture to the curriculum design in terms of characteristic of the school, the charm of the school which made less decline of the student enrollment. Moreover, from the leadership style to verify how it formed the consensus and the acceptance form the teachers, which later on lead the effectiveness of the school. Further, it is focused on the organizational behavior analysis applying the Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Motivator-Hygiene Theory to analyze the satisfaction factors of the teachers in the school. The main parts for the central idea are focused on the teachers’ attitude in relation with the satisfaction factors in the case school, in words, the organizational behavior of the case school. Hence, the discussions are brought under school culture and curriculum design, leadership style and school effectiveness, teachers’ working satisfaction and inspiration, parents’ expectation. Consequently, the result and suggestions are made for the 2 parts: one for the school, and the other for the government under the transition of the era. The suggestions are made for the school as to keep the culture and inheritance of the senior to the junior teacher as legacy, and improving the environment for more efficient purpose of using and curriculum design under innovated way under long history. And utilize the human resource of unmarried woman, and build a communicative talk relationship with the parents since the mutual understanding of both parties are changing from authorities to cooperative and increasing junior teachers in the near future.

"情本體" 視野中的汪曾祺小說 =A study on Wang Zengqi's fictions from the perspective of the ontology of sentiment / Study on Wang Zengqi's fictions from the perspective of the ontology of sentiment;

劉可欣 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

格非復歸傳統的理論建構與文學實踐研究 :以"江南三部曲"為例 =;"Return to the tradition" of Ge Fei : his theoretical exploration and creation practice : a case from Jiang Nan Trilogy / "Return to the tradition"of Ge Fei : his theoretical exploration and creation practice : a case from Jiang Nan Trilogy

鄺雯怡 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

唐傳奇夢境的程式和敘事結構 =The forms and narrative structure in the dream of Chuanqi in Tang Dynasty / Forms and narrative structure in the dream of Chuanqi in Tang Dynasty

蘭倩 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

擺渡的意識 :文學改編的另一種解讀 : 從 "敘事倫理" 角度論小說 "白鹿原" 改編 =;Consciousness of ferrying : another interpretation of literary adaptation : an analysis of the adaptation on the Novel Bailuyuan from the perspective of narrative ethics / Consciousness of ferrying : another interpretation of literary adaptation : an analysis of the adaptation on the Novel "Bailuyuan" from the perspective of narrative ethics

馬若楠 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

從史傳、筆記到傳奇 :古典小說之醞釀生發 = Historical biography, literary sketch and legendary novel : the gestation and germination of Chinese classical novel / Historical biography, literary sketch and legendary novel : the gestation and germination of Chinese classical novel

劉飛桐 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

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