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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

類神經網路應用於國小教師需求之預測 / Forecasting the number of teacher in elementary schools im Taiwan Area by neural network

陳嘉甄, Chen, Chia-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
國小教師供需問題是目前教育界中的一個重要問題,教師需求量的預測精確與否,將影響及教育政策的制定。本研究中,我們使用單變量 ARIMA 及類神經網路,以預測台灣地區 1996 到 1998 年之間的國小教師需求量。 研究結果顯示,在預測國小教師數列上,ARIMA 及類神經望陸均有很好的表現。類神經網路的可用範圍寬廣,適於各種複雜的情境,然而就本研究的主要探討對象--國小教師數列而言,以單變數的神經網路便已足夠。如果能選擇適當、具明顯特徵的資料,則網路將有更佳的預測效果。 由於類神經網路具有自我學習、自我調適、及平行處理等優點,因此在發展教師供需預測系統時,除了 ARIMA 之外,類神經網路為另一可行方法。 / The demand for and supply of teachers in elementary schools is an important problem in education administration. An accurate forecast of the number of teachers needs in elementary schools may heavily affect educational policy. In this thesis, we use the univariate time series analysis and Neural Networks to forecast the number of teacher in elementary schools in Taiwan Area during a period from 1996 to 1998. According to the result, both Box-Jenkins model and Neural Network perform well for prediction. Neural Network can be widely used in different circumstance, especially complicated situation. In this research, however, it is enough to predict number of teacher by the univariate neural network. In other word, if selecting suitable data variables, we could obtain better predictable effect by neural network. With the advantages of self-learning, self adaptation, and parallel processing, the Neural Network approach is a promising alternative approach to time series for developing a teacher demand and supply forecasting system.

國小班級分組合作學習之研究 / The Study on Cooperative Learning in The Elementary Classroom.

周立勳, Chou Li-Hsiun Unknown Date (has links)
為驗證國外發展漸趨成熟的合作學習法於國內小學班級教學情境中的適用 性,本研究旨在探討國小班級分組合作學習對學生學習表現的影響,釐清 分組合作學習中團體獎勵的效果。 本研究以國小四年級三班144位學生及五年級三班139位學生為對象,進行兩項為期四週之實地教學實驗,分別考驗四項主要研究假設。實驗所得資料經單因子變異數分析、單因子多變量共變數分析、二因子多變量共變數分析、多元迴歸及路徑分析等統計方法,考驗研究假設,結果發現: 1.班級分組合作學習對國小學生互動表現有顯著影響,對學習動機與學習成就表現無顯著影響;2.國小班級實施分組合作學習與學生「性別」、「焦慮」、「成就」、「控制信念」、「合作偏好」等特質對學習動機表現的影響,除「成就」特質外,餘皆無顯著交互作用存在;3.國小班級實施分組合作學習與學生五種特質對學生學習成就表現的影響無顯著交互作用存在;4.競爭與合作團體獎勵結構在國小班級分組教學中對學生互動、學習動機及學習成就表現無顯著影響;5.在使用團體獎勵的分組教學中,團體獎勵的作用主要係由小組的互動、成就預期與專注學習之學習動機的路徑,再影響學習成就表現。 綜合文獻探討的結果、實驗假設考驗及其他資料分析之主要發現,本研究獲致五項結論: 1.國小班級分組合作學習對改善學生學習表現具有一定程度的積極效果; 2.國小班級分組合作學習與學生個人特質影響學習表現之交互作用仍不明顯; 3.在國小班級分組合作學習中,團體互動經驗是影響學生學習表現的關鍵; 4.在國小班級分組合作學習中,運用合作與競爭團體獎勵結構對對學生學習表現無顯著積極的影響。 5.在國小班級分組合作學習中,團體獎勵結果對學生學習表現的影響重於團體獎勵結構。 根據研究結論,本研究從分組合作學習在國小班級教學的應用策略、國小教師運用分組合作學習能力的充實、以及未來研究方向等三方面,提出研究建議,做為應用分組合作學習提昇國小班級教學品質,以及未來研究發展之參考。

角色扮演融入英語繪本教學-國小二年級英語教室實例 / Effects of integrating role play into english picture books: an experiment in a second grade efl classroom

王心怡, Wang, Shin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在透過角色扮演融入英語繪本教學在台灣國小二年級英語課室的運用,探討其對於英語學習動機和態度及英文朗讀能力之影響,並了解國小低年級學童對於角色扮演融入英語繪本教學之回應。本研究之台北市某國小的二年級一個班級學生共22人為研究對象,研究面向在英語學習動機方面著重於了解年幼英語初學者生的學習動機在內在學習動機方面及社會因素方面影響的改變。在英文朗讀能力方面著重角色扮演融入英語繪本教學對於朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀之影響。資料蒐集包括前後評量、前後問卷調查及學生訪談。資料分析顯示學生英文朗讀在朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀的進步情形。資料分析且顯示學生英語學習動機在社會因素方面的轉變。本研究結果顯示:一、角色扮演融入英語繪本教學有助於提升國小低年級英語初學者在社會因素方面的英語學習動機,學生更喜歡和老師一起讀英文繪本,也更喜歡和同學一起完成英文閱讀課裡的角色扮演活動。二、角色扮演融入英語繪本教學對於國小低年級英語初學者英語朗讀在朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀方面有正面的影響且低成就學生之進步較明顯。三、國小低年級英語初學者對於角色扮演融入英語繪本教學運用在英語課堂學習的評價是正面的。最後,研究者歸納出研究結果並對未來進一步的研究提出參考建議。 / The purpose of this three-set/eight-class action research was to explore the effects of integrating Role Play into English picture books on second graders’ motivation and attitudes and oral reading ability in a second grade EFL classroom. Three research questions are as follows: 1. Does integrating Role Play into picture books improve second graders’ motivation/attitudes toward learning English? 2. Does integrating Role Play into picture books improve second graders’ English reading ability? 3. What are the participants’ perceptions of the integrating Role Play into picture books? Twenty-two students were involved to participate in this study. Three kinds of instruments were used, composed of the MLE (Motivation for Learning English) questionnaire, oral reading ability test (ORAT) and interviews. Before giving instruction of integrating Role Play into picture books, the pre-MLE questionnaire and pre-ORAT were administrated to measure students’ previous motivation and oral reading ability. The teaching and interviews were recorded to the purpose of classroom observation, modifying the experiment and collecting the data to accompany the results from the MLE and ORAT. After integrating Role Play into picture books, the post- MLE questionnaire and post-ORAT were used to compare and explain how students’ motivation/attitudes changed and their oral reading ability improved. Furthermore, interviews were conducted to understand students’ perspective toward integrating Role Play into picture books. Based on the findings, integrating Role Play into picture books has created an interesting environment for young EFL learners to use the language. That is, young learners as second graders need peer group’s accompany and proper pressure from performance to create a safe and positive learning environment in language classroom. The major results are summarized as follows: 1. The comparison of results of oral reading ability showed that more than half of the participants have made an improvement in oral reading ability, in terms of fluency, correct reading (“read correctly”), and vocabulary recognition (“vocabulary”), after the instruction. 2. The results of the questionnaires showed an improvement on participants’ motivation of social aspects and a small percentage of improvement on the two constructs of intrinsic motivation, learning curiosity and importance of learning, but not on learning involvement of intrinsic motivation. 3. The instruction of integrating Role Play into picture books had improved participants’ motivation for learning English on social aspects in terms of the participants like to read English picture books with teacher and classmates and like to work with classmates to finish the task of role play in English reading classes. 4. Students have gained attitude change toward English learning from integrating Role Play into picture books. They liked English more, practiced English by listening to CD, and recited more English words than the adult asked, and etc. Besides, the eight students’ oral description showed that five out from them felt the pressure to perform on the stage but no one of them felt pressure in group practice. The results showed the importance of peer group practice to make them feel relaxed without pressure. Finally, it is hoped that this study will provide more insightful ideas for educators and teachers. Regarding young learners, they need more interesting activities and opportunities to use the language. Key words: role play, motivation and attitudes, oral reading ability, elementary English

國小教務主任工作壓力、復原力及幸福感之研究-以桃竹苗四縣市為例 / The study of working stress, resilience and well-being of the academic directors of elementary school-taking examples in Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city, and Maioli county

鄒家芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解桃竹苗地區國小教務主任工作壓力、復原力及幸福感之概況、不同背景變項國小教務主任工作壓力、復原力及幸福感差異、不同背景變項國小教務主任工作壓力、復原力及幸福感間的關係、工作壓力及復原力對幸福感的預測力及復原力在工作壓力及幸福感間的調節作用。 本研究以桃竹苗四縣市公立國民小學教務主任為施測樣本,以「國小教務主任工作壓力量表」、中文版「成人復原力量表」及「中國人幸福感量表」為研究工具,共發出問卷424份,有效樣本356份。所蒐集的資料採用t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步迴歸和層次迴歸進行資料分析,最後獲致五項結論: 一、桃竹苗地區國小教務主任工作壓力屬中下程度,其中以「行政負荷」的壓力感受最高;復原力屬中上程度,其中以「家庭團結」復原力得分最高;幸福感屬中上程度。 二、背景變項不同之國小教務主任工作壓力、復原力及幸福感的差異為: 1.「女性」國小教務主任的「整體復原力」及「社會資源」復原力高於「男性」主任。 2.「40歲以下」國小教務主任的「專業能力」工作壓力高於「46歲以上」者。 3.「一般大學或學院畢業」之國小教務主任在「專業能力」上的工作壓力高於學歷為「研究所以上畢業」者。 4.「已婚」國小教務主任的「家庭團結」復原力高於「未婚」者。 5.年資「16至20年」國小教務主任在「人際關係」上的工作壓力高於年資「21年以上」者;而年資「10以下」國小教務主任在「專業能力」上的工作壓力高於年資「21年以上」者。 6.學校規模不同之國小教務主任的工作壓力、復原力及幸福感沒有顯著差異存在。 7.學校所在地不同之國小教務主任的工作壓力、復原力及幸福感沒有顯著差異存在。 三、不同背景變項之國小教務主任,其工作壓力、復原力與幸福感間的 關係為: 1.不同背景變項之國小教務主任的「整體工作壓力」和各分量表與幸福感間的關係皆為負相關。 2.不同變景變項之國小教務主任的「整體復原力」和各分量表與幸福感間的關係皆為正相關。 四、國小教務主任工作壓力、復原力及幸福感的解釋力為: 1.「角色衝突」及「人際關係」上的工作壓力可以有效預測國小教務主任的「幸福感」,解釋的總變異量為27.0%。 2.「個人強度」、「未來組織風格」及「社交能力」復原力可以有效預測國小教務主任的「幸福感」,解釋總變異量為46.1%。 3.「個人強度」復原力、「角色衝突」壓力、「未來組織風格」復原力、 「社交能力」復原力及「行政負荷」壓力等五個變項,可以有效預測國小教務主任的「幸福感」,解釋總變異量為50.9%。 4.不同背景變項國小教務主任的復原力與工作壓力皆能預測其幸福感。其中以「未婚」國小教務主任的「未來組織風格」復原力對幸福感的預測力最高,達68.7%。 五、國小教務主任的復原力,在其工作壓力及幸福感之間,具有調節作用。 最後,依本研究所獲結論,分別對國小教務主任、教育行政主管機關及後續未來研究者提出相關建議。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the work stress, resilience and well-being of the academic directors of Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli counties elementary schools; the differences in work stress, resilience and well-being among academic directors from different background profiles; the correlations of the differences in work stress, resilience and well-being; the predictions from stress and resilience to well-being; and the effects of resilience between work stress and well-being. The samples of this research are the academic directors from Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli counties plus Hsinchu city elementary schools. The research tools used are: “The work stress scale for academic directors of elementary school”; the Chinese version of "Adult resilience table"; and "The questionnaire of happiness for Chinese". A total of 424 questionnaires were sent out, and 356 valid samples collected. The data were analyzed by T test, One-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, Stepwise regression and Hierarchical regression analysis. In the end, there are five conclusions: 1.The work stress of academic directors from Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli is classified as medium low. Among all the work stress, the one due to administrative affairs is the highest. The resilience is classified as medium high, and family unity is highest among all. The well-being is classified as medium high. 2.The findings in differences in work stress, resilience and well-being among academic directors from different background profiles are: i. The overall resilience and the resilience from society resouces for females are higher than males. ii. The work stress due to professional capability is higher in the group of age 40 and under than age 46 and above. iii. The work stress due to professional capability is higher in the graduates from 4-year colleges than those with master degree. iv. The resilience from family unity is higher in married group than in singles. v. The work stress due to personal relationship is higher in goup with 16 to 20 years working experience compare to those with 21 or more years of experience;the work stress due to professional capability is higher in goup with less than 10 years working experience compare to those with 21 or more years of experience. vi. There is no significant difference in work stress, resilience, and well-being due to the size of schools. vii. There is no significant difference in work stress, resilience, and well-being due to the locations of schools. 3.The correlations of differences in work stress, resilience and well-being among academic directors from different background profiles are: i. All academic directors’ overall work stress are negatively correlated to every subscale and well-being. ii. All academic directors’ overall resilience are positively correlated to every subscale and well-being. 4.The explanation findings from this research in work stress, resilience and well-being of academic directors in elementary schools are: i. The two variables in work stress that can resolve 27.0% total variance in explaining the well-being of academic directors are: role conflict and personal relationship. ii. The three variables in resilience that can resolve 46.1% total variance in explaining the well-being of academic directors are: dictatorship, organizing style and sociability in resilience. iii. The five variables that can resolve 50.9% total variance in explaining the well-being of academic directors are: dictatorship in resilience, role conflict in work stress, organizing style in resilience, sociability in resilience and administration load in work stress. iv. The well-being can be predicted from work stress and resilience of different background profiles. The predictability is highest on single academic directors whose resilience from organizing style can resolve 68.7% total variance in explaining their well-being. 5.The resilience these academic directors possess can adjust their work stress and well-being. In the end, according to the conclusions of this research, there are suggestions made to Education Administration, the school administration and to academic directors.

國小閱讀推廣活動現況與學生參與滿意度之研究:以桃園縣國民小學為例 / The study of reading promotion activities and students satisfaction in the elementary schools of Taoyuan County

陳淑怡, Chen, Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的即在探討桃園縣閱讀特色學校閱讀推廣與學生參與現況,並瞭解學生對活動之滿意度情形,透過對縣內八所閱讀特色國小之圖書館負責人進行訪談調查,瞭解其校內推廣閱讀活動之現況,並以問卷調查探討各校高年級學生之活動參與及滿意度情形。 經調查顯示,在推廣現況方面,桃園縣各校在政府大筆挹注經費、校長理念支持及老師的凝聚共識之下,不但館藏量獲得大量提升,更能與校外機構進行初步的合作,積極推廣閱讀活動,然而專業人力不足、無固定購書經費、教師閱讀指導能力與教學時間不足、家長配合意願偏低、館藏空間不足等問題,仍是閱讀活動推行多年後,各校所面臨的困境與問題。 在學生參與現況方面,大多數的學童較喜愛參與閱讀活動,其中對動態閱讀活動的喜好程度較高。逾半數學童參與原因為自己想參加,然仍有逾四成的學生,參與閱讀活動時處於被動狀態,需他人從旁鼓勵;學童參與閱讀活動的動機大多以內在動機為主,顯見大多數學生能覺知閱讀的重要性;而學到新知識、增進語文能力和學會閱讀技巧或方法,是國小學童認為參與活動後對自己最大的影響。經差異分析發現,女生的參與意願及參與動機明顯高於男生;而五年級之參與意願則明顯高於六年級。 在活動滿意度方面,學生對於活動宣傳方式及獎勵方式的滿意度最高,對於活動類型的滿意度最低,而差異分析發現,對於閱讀活動之滿意度,女生明顯高於男生,五年級學生高於六年級學生。 由研究結果歸納建義,在教育相關單位方面,應鼓勵校長成為閱讀推廣人才,設置專業圖書館主任,擬定館藏發展政策,以提高國小圖書館服務層級,並建立各校閱讀資源共享機制;在學校方面,應以長遠的眼光持續推廣兒童閱讀活動,組織閱讀教師專業社群,制訂閱讀活動評鑑制度,並持續推廣社區閱讀,最後,應加強與公共圖書館建立合作機制,以整合閱讀推廣之相關資源。 / The purpose of this research is to have a general review of Certified Reading Featured Schools. Interviews of librarians from 8 schools have been conducted as well as questionnaires to investigate higher graders involvement in the reading program of each school. The result shows prominent improvement in regards of the quantity of books due to large substantial funds from the government plus various in-campus reading schemes However, challenges are still there. The lack of professional librarian and regular funds for book purchasing, insufficient professional knowledge in reading instruction and teaching hours, lack of room and low commitment from parents are common problems faced by these schools. In regards to the students’ participation, most children enjoy reading activities and statistics shows prominent engagement in dynamic reading activity. More than half of the children engaged in such activities on their own wish but there are still more than 40% of students need adult guidance and encouragement. Generally students acknowledge the importance of reading as statistics show intrinsic motivations are prevalent among these participants. These elementary students express their great improvement over acquiring new knowledge, language proficiency and reading strategies after taking part of various reading schemes. The study also shows that girls’ engagement and motivation are prominently higher than boys. 5th graders involvement is higher than 6th graders. In regards to the feedback from students, scheme marketing strategy and rewarding system are on the top of the satisfactory criteria. The variety of activity, however, is at the bottom of the rank. Girls are prone to be happier in the activities than boys. 5th graders are more satisfied than the 6th graders. In conclusion, the study suggests following improving strategies to in-campus reading schemes. First of all, principals should be trained as the key advocators of reading. Professional librarian should be installed to develop and organize in-campus reading schemes. As for the professional development, a network of teaching reading should be set up to promote sustainable reading schemes and assessment of such activities. Strengthen cooperation with public libraries is also recommended to integrate community-based resources.

新北市國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之相關研究 / A study on PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of new taipei city

李明生 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之關係。研究目的有: 一、了解新北市國小體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾的現況。 二、探討不同背景變項新北市國小體育教師在角色壓力、組織承諾二者的知覺差異。 三、探究新北市國小體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之間的關係。 四、根據以上的研究結果提出因應新北市國小體育教師角色壓力及強化組織承諾的具體建議,提供有關單位及作為進一步研究之參考。 研究採用問卷調查法為主,以新北市204所公立國民小學(含分校)的體育教師為對象,共抽取125所學校,575位體育教師為受試者進行調查,並以改編之「國民小學體育教師角色壓力量表」與「國民小學體育教師組織承諾量表」進行施測,共回收490份,有效問卷為474份,問卷回收率85%,可用率82%。資料以SPSS/PC 17.0統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析與討論,所得主要結論如下: 一、新北市國小體育教師知覺角色壓力程度偏低。 二、新北市國小體育教師具有較高的組織承諾。 三、新北市國小體育教師所覺知的角色壓力在年齡變項上,平均差異達顯著水準。 四、新北市國小體育教師知覺組織承諾在年齡變項上,平均差異達顯著水準。 五、國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之間具有負相關。 六、國民小學體育教師角色壓力對教師組織承諾具有顯著預測力。 最後,根據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校、國民小學體育教師與未來研究之參考。 / A Study on PE Teachers’ Role Stress and Organization Commitment in Elementary Schools of New Taipei City Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. The purpose of this study is as followed: 1. To understand the current status of PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. 2. To explore the cognition difference between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City based on the variances of their different backgrounds. 3. To discuss the relationships between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. 4. To provide a concrete suggestion to respond to PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment to the related units for reference of future further study. This study adopted questionnaire survey aimed at PE teachers in 204 public elementary schools of New Taipei City, and the sampling taken from 125 schools and 575 PE teachers as interviewees, using modified questionnaires of “Evaluation Form of PE Teachers’ Role Stress in Elementary Schools” and “Evaluation Form of PE Teachers’ Organization Commitment in Elementary Schools” to conduct the survey. It issued 490 copies with 474 valid copies and the return rate was 85%with 82% useful rate. The data was analyzed by SPSS/PC17.0 package software to proceed descriptive statistics, and also adopted t-test, single factor variances, related accumulated difference, multiple stepwise regression analysis and discussions. The major conclusions are as followed: 1. Cognition on PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City is relatively lower. 2. On the variance of age, the PE teachers’ role stress in elementary schools in New Taipei City has achieved a significant level. 3. On the variance of age, the PE teachers’ organization commitment in elementary schools in New Taipei City has achieved a significant level. 4. It has negative relationship between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools. 5. PE teachers’ role stress in elementary schools has a significant prediction on organization commitment. Finally, based on the result of the study and its conclusion, some concrete suggestion is provided to education administrative institutes, schools and PE teachers in elementary schools for future study.

少子化對國小教育發展之影響 / The impacts of low fertility on the elementary school education

李廷峰, Lee,Ting Feng Unknown Date (has links)
“Taiwan's birth rate at world record low”, opening the newspapers in Taiwan, we often could see the similar titles once in a while, the total fertility rate is 1.03‰ in 2010 which means each woman only give birth to 1.03 child a life. The population is one of the key factors to form the country. The low birth rate phenomenon occurred not only in Taiwan, but also in many developed countries. Demographers, governmental and international institutions have feared that lowest-low fertility might prove to be persistent in both developed and developing countries. Demographers in the mid-1990s could not have predicted that fertility would fall so rapidly to such levels. Not only did fertility but also other indicators related to fertility and the family adjusted suddenly and we are approaching the recent fertility decline from a broader perspective that considers the traditional and cultural legacies which affect the everyday life of ordinary citizens. The article would take the experience of OECD countries and discuss the phenomenon of the fertility measures and observe the plausible approaches of education authorities deal with low birth rate in developed countries and Taiwan.

國小教科書對兒童的職業社會化──以國語和社會教科書為分析藍本 / 無

曹方綺 Unknown Date (has links)
職業不僅是一項工作,更是一種生活方式、一種社會行為,它擁有個人性與社會性的特質,對職業的認識,被視為是有用的工具,亦是成為社會人的重要起點,因此我們更不可忽視自年幼時期,與職業的互動、獲得職業相關知識的情形,而職業有許多面向可以探討,本研究關注於職業工作內容、職業社會階層、職業社會分工、職業性別角色、職業與年齡等與職業相關之面向。 兒童期、早期社會化是人生歷程裡重要的階段,此階段開始對職業有初步的了解與模仿行為,透過社會化的過程,習得有關職業的社會知識。國小是兒童時期最重要的社會化機構之一,是兒童接收價值觀念、多元教育的關鍵場所,其中,教科書成為國小此一社會化機構的重要代理人,教科書不僅是老師教學的工具,也是學生接觸最頻繁的學習來源。 因此本研究欲透過內容分析法,檢視國小國語、社會教科書,每一課之文字內容與圖像,整理與詮釋有關職業社會化的訊息與意涵。研究對象主要包括兩時間點所出版之教科書,即國立編譯館依六十四年公布之《國民小學課程標準》編輯之國語、社會教科書,以及翰林出版社依九十二年公布之《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要》編輯之國語、社會教科書,以此做為統編本與審定本依據不同標準編輯的兩時代教科書代表,整理、分析國編版、課綱版之教科書內容,在職業社會化相關面向上的呈現差異,是否有特定認知、形象或意識型態,從中觀察與歸納職業社會化意涵如何變遷,以探究我國兒童由教科書所接收之職業社會化知識。

北北基地區國民小學校長正向領導和教師組織承諾關係之研究 / The study of the relationship between the principals' positive leadership and teachers' organizational commitment in elementary school in Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Keelung

張碧容, Chang, Pi Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解北北基地區國民小學教師知覺校長正向領導與教師組織承諾的現況,並分析教師人口變項、學校環境變項在校長正向領導以及教師組織承諾的差異情形,最後探討校長正向領導與教師組織承諾之關係。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,所稱「國民小學」校長,僅包括公立(含 國立與縣市立)國民小學,不含私立小學。問卷調查法以自編「北北基地區國民小學校長正向領導與教師組織承諾關係之調查問卷」(內含基本資料、校長正向領導量表與教師組織承諾量表)為工具,對北北基地區國民小學進行問卷調查。問卷以國小教師為調查對象,計調查 78 所學校,發出問卷836 份,回收 764 份,有效問卷 744 份,回收有效率89.00%。調查所得資料分別以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法實施資料分析,據以進行研究結果的分析與討論。 研究主要發現如下: 一、 目前北北基地區國小校長在整體正向領導與教師在整體組織承諾方面表現均屬中上程度。 二、在教師人口變項中,不同性別、服務年資與現任職務之教師知覺校長正向領導具有顯著差異。其中以男性教師、服務年資較深以及兼任主任教師知覺校長正向領導程度較高。 三、在教師人口變項中,不同性別、年齡、服務年資與現任職務之教師知覺教師組織承諾具有顯著差異。其中以男性教師、年齡較長、服務年資較深以及兼任主任教師知覺教師組織承諾程度較高。 四、在教師人口變項中,不同年齡、學歷之教師知覺校長正向領導沒有顯著差異。不同學歷之教師知覺教師組織承諾沒有顯著差異。 五、在學校環境變項中,不同學校規模及學校位置之教師知覺校長正向領導具有顯著差異存在。其中以學校班級數12班(含)以下學校規模較小及學校位置位居偏遠地區之學校教師知覺校長正向領導程度較高。 六、在學校環境變項中,不同學校歷史之教師知覺校長正向領導沒有顯著差異。不同學校歷史、學校規模及不同學校位置之教師知覺教師組織承諾沒有顯著差異。 七、校長正向領導不論整體或是各層面都與教師組織承諾整體或各層面具有顯著正相關。 八、整體而言,校長正向領導對於教師組織承諾具有預測力。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、學校校長、教師以及未來研究之參考。 / This study aims to probe into elementary school teachers’ perceived principals’ positive leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment in Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Keelung , and analyze the difference of teachers’ demographic variables and schools’ environment variables on principals’ positive leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. Finally, this study explores the relationship between principals’ positive leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. This study conducted questionnaire surveys on public elementary schools only (national and municipal and schools of counties), while excluding private school. The research tool was self-designed “Questionnaire on relationship between principals’ positive leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools in Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Keelung ”, which covers basic information, scale of principals’ positive leadership and scale of teachers’ organizational commitment. The surveys were conducted in 78 schools, and a total of 836 questionnaires were distributed to elementary school teachers. Among the 764 retrieved samples, there were 744 valid samples, with a valid return rate of 89.00%. Data analyses included descriptive statistics, t test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The research findings are as follows: 1. Currently, in Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Keelung , elementary school principals’ overall positive leadership and teachers’overall organizational commitment are medium to high. 2. As to teachers’ demographic variables, perception of teachers of different genders, working years and current posts on principals’ positive leadership are significantly different. Male teachers, teachers with longer working years, and teachers as directors highly perceive principals’ positive leadership. 3. As to teachers’ demographic variables, perception of teachers of different genders, ages, working years and current posts on teachers’ organizational commitment are significantly different. Male teachers, older teachers, teachers with longer working years and teachers as directors highly perceive teachers’ organizational commitment. 4. As to teachers’ demographic variables, perception of teachers of different ages and educational levels on principals’ positive leadership are not significantly different. Perception of teachers of different educational levels on teachers’ organizational commitment is not significantly different. 5. As to schools’ environment variables, perception of teachers of different school scales and locations on principals’ positive leadership is significantly different. Teachers from schools with less than (including) 12 classes and remote locations highly perceive principals’ positive leadership. 6. As to schools’ environment variables, perception of teachers of different schools backgrounds on principals’ positive leadership is not significantly different. Perception of teachers with different school backgrounds, school scales and locations on teachers’ organizational commitment is insignificantly different. 7. Overall principals’ positive leadership or the related dimensions are significantly and positively related to overall teachers’ organizational commitment or the dimensions. 8. Generally speaking, principals’ positive leadership can predict teachers’ organizational commitment. According to research findings and conclusions, this study proposes the suggestions as references for educational authority, school principals, teachers and future researchers.

宜蘭縣國小教師對公共圖書館使用需求及滿意情形之研究 / A study of Yilan county elementary school teachers on the public library use needs and satisfaction

黃雅鈴, Huang, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
公共圖書館是文化與教育的機構,對教育改革而言,圖書館是提供資料與知識的資源站。教師和圖書館一樣,在教育的改革路上,影響力不容小覷。使用圖書館的習慣需從小培養,引領未來主人翁進入圖書館世界,為教師重要的責任,所以,教師本身是否了解圖書館,是否有善用圖書館習慣,則為重要的問題。 本研究之對象以宜蘭縣所有公立國民小學全體教師為調查對象,目的在調查國小教師對公共圖書館的使用需求及滿意情形,並探討其差異情形。再綜合教師對公共圖書館的意見提出建議,提供宜蘭縣公共圖書館擬定館藏及經營發展政策的基本方向,期望公共圖書館能提供更便利的服務來支援教學,讓教學和圖書館利用能更加緊密的結合。 本研究以問卷調查法為主輔以半結構式訪談進行研究,正式問卷統計分析後,整理欲深入探討之問題設計成訪談大綱,並進行半結構式訪談。研究結果摘要如下: 宜蘭縣國小教師在不同角色、任務、情境等會有不同的資訊需求,教師對於解決需求上,在增加新知的需求程度最高,資訊尋求的方式已經由網路取代由實體圖書館獲得所需要的資訊。 宜蘭縣國小教師在圖書館資料需求已圖書為主,最常使用的資料服務為借閱圖書資料;教師希望圖書館提供圖書館利用教育課程配合教學需要,認為圖書館應該主動提供資訊支援教學;在空間部分,教師最常利用的是閱覽空間,座位舒適度、空氣、光線品質為重視之項目;國小教師認為圖書館地點、圖書館人員態度、專業知能是影響使用公共圖書館意願之主要因素。 宜蘭縣國小教師對於宜蘭縣公共圖書館的公共圖書館整體滿意度還算尚可,將宜蘭縣國小教師對公共圖書館的意見與看法加以整理分析,教師對於館藏、管理、支援教學、位置與空間規劃以及閱讀推廣活動與人力資源方面期待很高,希望可以擁有一個完善的公共圖書館。 由研究結果歸納以下建議:建議地方行政機關增置公共圖書館專業人員及提撥固定經費,專款專用;輔導機關方面應該建立推廣公共圖書館與國小合作並辦理相關教育研習活動,培養專業人力;建議宜蘭縣公共圖書館加強宣導與服務並主動提供相關訊息、改善圖書館網站、統籌規劃圖書館利用教育、參與相關教育研習加強和學校合作、多舉辦推廣圖書館相關活動;建議各國小重視學校圖書館,加強其功能,鼓勵師生利用;建議國小教師培養利用公共圖書館之習慣、善用圖書館支援教學活動、培養圖書館利用教育知能、主動向公共圖書館提出建議。 / Public libraries are cultural and educational institutions and serve as the resource center for education reform. Teachers, together with libraries, exert indispensable influence on the process of education reform. The habit of using libraries should be created among children and it is the responsibility of the teachers to help children become familiar with the libraries. Therefore, how well the teachers understand the libraries and whether or not they have developed a habit of utilizing libraries are important issues. The participants of the study are all public elementary school teachers of Yilan County and the study aims to investigate the users’ needs and survey the user satisfaction of the elementary school teachers in their experience of using libraries. A suggestion synthesizing the study result is to propose to provide the public libraries a direction to establish their collection development policy and management policy. Thus, a goal of combining teaching and library utilizing can be achieved by the more convenient library service offered by the public libraries. The study conducts a questionnaire survey using method of semi-structured interviews. After analyzing the data collected by the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews were performed with an interview outline developed on the basis of issues to be probed into. The results of the study are summarized as follows: For the change of role, objective, and situation, elementary school teachers of Yilan County demand differently on the information provided by the libraries. The foremost need for the teachers in using libraries is acquiring the advanced knowledge, while the libraries’ function of data research has been replaced by the internet. The main need of elementary school teachers of Yilan County for library material is books, and the checkout service is the service used the most. Teachers wish that libraries can offer educational curse to work with regular teaching and actively offer information to support teaching. The space in libraries using most for teacher is the reading room; the evaluation standards includes the seat comfort, air quality, and the sufficient light. The teachers also consider that the location of libraries, attitude and the proficiency of the clerk are main factors influencing users’ willingness to use public libraries. The overall Satisfaction of elementary school teachers of Yilan County over public libraries of Yilan County is passable. Collecting and analyzing opinions and suggestions made by the teachers, they expect a complete and well functioned public library with sufficient collection, management, location, space planning, and human resource; and wish that libraries can support the teaching, and create reading habit among children. Further suggestions are made based on the result of the study as follows: local government should expand the professional staff and allocate funds earmarked for the development of the libraries only; guidance institution should develop and promote the collaboration between libraries and elementary schools, organizing the education and study activities and cultivating professional development; public libraries of Yilan County should make more introduction on the services and activities available in the libraries through improving the library website, mapping complete library utilizing educational course, participating in the education and study activities, strengthening the collaboration with the schools, and holding more activities aiming at promoting usage of libraries; elementary schools should place importance on their own libraries, enhancing the functions and encouraging the using among teachers and pupils; elementary school teachers should cultivate habit of using libraries, manage to utilize the resource in libraries to improve teaching, advance the library using skills, and should be willing to provide suggestion actively to the public libraries.

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