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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

遊戲互動式擴增實境支援國小圖書館利用教育之研究 / The Study of the Game-based Interactive Learning with Augmented Reality that Enhances Elementary School Library User Education

蔡雁農, Tsai, Yen-Nung Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,國小圖書館受限於經費及人力的不足,使得其功能無法充分發揮,有些學校圖書館甚至沒有規劃圖書館利用教育的課程,學生雖可到圖書館中自由閱讀,但若不具備找尋圖書的能力,常會因而無法找到自己有興趣的書籍而在廣大的書海中迷失,使圖書館的功能逐漸喪失,因此如何藉由圖書館利用教育課程教導學生找尋書本的能力也就越顯重要。 隨著電腦科技日益發達,學習教材和學習方式也變得多元化,近年來利用遊戲方式進行學習的研究有愈來愈多的趨勢,學者認為若能將遊戲融合教學,將能達到寓教於樂的教學目標。本研究透過實際開發遊戲系統的方式,嘗試以情境學習理論為發展基礎,將擴增實境互動技術應用到圖書館的學習環境上,透過「遊戲互動擴增實境圖書館利用教育學習系統」的建置,來發展創新的圖書館利用教育學習模式,並藉此系統的發展來支援國小圖書館利用教育的實施。 實驗結果顯示利用「遊戲互動擴增實境圖書館利用教育系統」進行學習,各方面成績皆有顯著的進步,且學習成效可排除授課者個人因素之影響,具有穩定的教學品質。另外,本研究所發展的系統,對於高、低分群和場地相依的學習者來說,使用本系統進行學習,其學習成效在「應用型題目」上明顯優於傳統圖書館利用教育,並且可以加強學習者學習動機。除此之外,使用本系統之教學成效不會受到個人使用電腦的熟悉度所影響,因此未來在發展和推廣本系統的同時,不需要考慮學生是否具備良好之基本電腦使用能力。 / Due to the limited budgets and human resources, most libraries in the elementary schools of Taiwan have been unable fully functioned and utilized as its role should be in school organization. Some schools do not plan and provide library utilization education for children. Although students can go to libraries enjoying readings, they are not well trained for search library collection and resources. As a result, they are usually unable to find the books they are interested and easily getting lost in enormous information environment. This study proposes the importance of library usage training as a significant program in elementary school; promoting students’ abilities of finding books they need both for school works and personal interests. With the advance in computer technology, the learning materials and learning methods have become diversified in recent years. In particular, the instruction method of game-based learning has drawn much attention in education research. Many education researchers and scholars think the integration of teaching and games will promotes students’ performances while the learning activities are also functioned as entertaining process. This study attempts to develop educational gaming system on the basis of situated learning theory, adopting the innovative augmented reality interactive technology on the library's learning environment. This study hopes students’ library knowledge of library usages could be promoted through the "Interactive Augmented Reality Games Library Education Learning System." Moreover, the study could develop innovative learning model for elementary schools in library usages as well as to support future implementation programs for elementary library usage education. Experimental results show that students have significant improvement on learning performance after using "Interactive Augmented Reality Games Library Education Learning System." The assessment also showed improvement based on the exclusion of personal factors from teachers. In addition, this system promotes better learning performance and motivation for learners of high and Low graded groups as well as the field-dependent learners in the “application questions” tasks. Moreover, the education effectiveness of this system will not be affected by personal factors such as familiarity on computers skills. Therefore, there would be less consideration on students’ computer skills needed for future adoption on this system in library usage programs.

國小中年級學童對教科書中的環境價值觀解讀分析 / Studies of the fourth graders' awareness on environmental values from reading textbooks

蔡佳惠, Tsai,Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是希望從教科書傳播的角度去了解其中所傳遞的環境價值觀與態度訊息為何?隱含了哪些環境倫理以及呈現主題為何?更重要的是透過研究者對臺北市某國小四年級教科書內容的分析,再以開放式問卷、焦點團體訪談及個別訪談的方式了解此國小四年級全體學童對教科書中環境價值觀內容的接收與解讀情形,並初探國小中年級學童可能有的環境價值觀樣貌。 研究結果發現各領域教科書中「環境價值觀與態度」相關內容出現次數多寡依序為國語、自然與生活科技、社會、藝術與人文、綜合活動;且教科書內容偏向呈現「定位人和自然的關係」以及「關心人類行為的衝擊」兩大主題,而中年級學童對此的解讀亦大致符合,但對於呈現環境價值觀內容的認定和研究者的分析並不完全相同,這可能是因為中年級學童會依據長期從各方接收的訊息觀點,如實際生活經驗、課文情境安排、個人興趣與喜好、自然保育或迷思觀點、個人環保行動及不同環境倫理觀點等因素,進一步與教科書內容連結而歸納出其對人與自然環境關係的詮釋結果。 雖然教科書需改進其未完全達到環境教育課程綱要中希望破除人類中心價值觀的立場,但多數學童並非全盤接收教科書訊息,少部分學童亦能以批判性的觀點解讀教科書;而學童對於教科書的解讀與定位人和自然環境之間的關係則呈現三種環境倫理並陳的情況,甚至人類中心與生態中心倫理兼而有之的矛盾,這是否和教科書內容及主流社會價值觀亦存在此兩種對立的環境倫理並陳的現象有關,值得後續研究長期深入探討。 / This study investigated the environmental values and attitudes conveyed in textbooks as well as the environmental ethics implied and how they are presented. Analysis was conducted on the content of fourth grade textbooks in an elementary school in Taipei City, Taiwan. The reception and interpretation of the environmental values in the textbooks by the fourth grade students at the school was gained by using open-ended questionnaires, focus group interviews, and individual interviews. The findings of this study were as follows. The academic subjects with the most content involving environmental values and attitudes were Mandarin, science and technology, social studies, arts and humanities, and integrative activities. Relevant content in the textbooks was mostly directed at defining the relationship between man and nature and discussing concerns regarding the impact of human behavior. The interpretation of students was broadly identical to this result. Students in fourth grade link textbook content with long-term messages and points of views such as those derived from actual experience, the arrangement of scenarios in past textbooks, personal interests, nature conservation, misconceptions, personal environmental action, and environmental ethics in order to interpret for themselves the relationships between man and nature.

專題導向式電腦輔助學習策略在國小自然科教學上的應用 / Computerized Project-Based Learning for Elementary Science Education

趙金婷, Chao, Jing-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何設計以建構主義為基礎的專題導向式VR學習環境,並進一步藉由教學實驗探討運用此VR學習環境能否提升學童的學習效果,以及配合「配對合作」、「引導輔助」策略之應用,是否能提升VR學習環境輔助學習之效果。最後,則藉由晤談之分析,瞭解學童經過教學後仍存在哪些錯誤概念,並藉由不同學習環境及不同學習成就學童心理模式之比較,進一步推論影響學童概念之因素,期能提供教學者及後續研究者之參考。 本研究兼採發展學習軟體、準實驗研究法、問卷調查法及晤談法。首先設計並製作「地球的運動VR學習環境」。並選取台南市進學國小三個班級125名學童為對象,進行兩週之教學實驗。隨後進行紙筆測驗立即後測,並於四週後進行延宕後測。此外,在教學後依據學習成就及學習環境,分別選取12名學童參與晤談,以瞭解其心理模式。根據研究所獲得的資料,本研究之主要結論如下: 1. 本研究之VR學習環境有助於學童地球的運動相關概念之學習,然而仍有部分設計未達理想。整體而言,建構式虛擬實境學習環境之設計是值得發展的方向。 2. VR學習環境配合引導策略之應用,有助於學童之立即學習,對於問題層次較為抽象的專題報告,也有較好的效果。但在保留學習以及問題架構較明顯的專題報告中,是否給予輔助則無明顯差異。 3. 在地球的運動VR學習環境中,配對學習的效果並未優於個別學習。同時也沒有證據顯示配對學習的過程中,產生增進學習效果的互動過程。 4. 在VR學習環境中,採自由探索方式的學童有較正向的「學習經驗」和「互動經驗」。 5. 不同學習成就的學童其地球的運動相關概念有著極大的差異,一些容易受到直覺觀念影響的錯誤觀念,即使經過教學也很難改變。 6. 課本平面教材在傳達具有空間性質的概念時,易使學童誤解,有必要發展3D空間性質的教材。 根據研究結果,本研究提出建議,以供教育行政單位、國小自然科教師、電腦輔助教學軟體發展者以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purposes of this dissertation were (1) to design and develop an innovative VR-based learning environment to teach "the motion of the earth" for the 6th grade students, (2) to investigate the effects after two weeks' instruction of VR-based learning environment on students’ learning achievements, which include different cognitive levels and different content areas, (3) to investigate the effects of cooperative dyads and provide guidance within the VR-based learning environment, (4) to analyze what factors may influence on the conceptual knowledge about the earth for sixth graders through interviews. Research approaches of this study included designing a computer-based learning environment, quasi-experiment, questionnaire survey and structured interview. The VR-based learning environment was designed through the processes of literature review, objective analysis, and content analysis. The evaluation of the VR learning environment was conducted through questionnaire surveying 12 experts and 76 students of the 6th grade to elicit their general opinions. This study employed quasi-experimental design to experiment on 3 classes of 125 students from Tainan Jying-Shyue elementary school. Two classes participated in VR learning environment. The members of the two classes were grouped by heterogeneous mixed-ability dyads or individual learning. The members of one of the VR groups learned through the guidance of worksheets; the students of the other VR group explored the environment by themselves. The third class was a control group whose members learned in traditional model based learning environment. After two weeks' instruction, all subjects accepted the test of the unit of "the motion of the earth" and retest after 4 weeks. 12 subjects attending interviews were selected from 125 students by different test achievements and different groups for the analytic framework. Through the design and evaluation of the VR world and the results from quantitative measure and interview data, the results were as follows: 1. We were gaining insights into the virtual reality's potential and limitations for learning. Constructivist VR-based learning environment is a new direction in the future. 2. Students learning by VR learning environment through guidance performed significantly better on the posttest than the other groups. Whether provided guidance or not, students learning by VR outperformed on test after 4 weeks than traditional learning environment. 3. There were no interaction effects between cooperative dyads and other factors. Cooperative dyads had no effect on test achievement in this study. 4. Students exploring the VR environment by themselves had more positive " learning experience" and "interactive experience" toward the environment than those learned through guidance. 5. Students with different achievement levels held extremely different mental models of the earth. The native conceptual knowledge of the earth was difficult to replace even after instruction. 6. The incorrect mental models concerned 3D concepts held by students were ineffectively corrected by the 2D textbooks. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are then made for related educational administration institution, researchers, instructional designers and elementary teachers.

概念改變教學策略對地球運動概念之教學效果--以國小六年級學生為例 / Teaching Strategy for Conceptual Change on the Earth's Motion: A Study of Sixth-Grade Students in Elementary School

陳玉玲, Chen, Yu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的有三:(一)探討國小六年級學生在學習「地球的運動」前所具有的另類概念類型,及與空間能力的關係;(二)探討「地球的運動」單元各主要概念是否有發展的先後順序,及「地球形狀概念與重力概念發展」模式的適當性;(三)設計整合的概念改變教學策略,探討高、低空間能力者在不同教學層次與學習方式上的概念改變立即學習效果如何。進一步探討學習效果的持續性如何。並討論影響學生概念改變的可能因素,期能提供教學者及後續研究者之參考。 為完成前述研究目的,本研究進行研究一與研究二兩個研究,所使用的研究工具包括:地球的運動開放式紙筆測驗、地球的運動封閉式紙筆測驗、空間能力測驗、深層處理學生手冊和教學活動設計、淺層處理教學活動設計等,除空間能力測驗外,皆進行預試及修正。在研究一裡,採用問卷調查法及晤談法,以地球的運動開放式紙筆測驗,選取台北市萬興和萬福國小共235名學生為對象,考驗主要概念的發展順序。並依照空間能力測驗的結果找出前後各33﹪的學生列為高低空間能力者,考驗其在科學概念上是否有所差異。本研究一的主要結論如下: 1.高空間能力者在地球形狀、重力概念、晝夜成因、四季成因的科學概念,皆優於低空間能力者。 2.「地球形狀與重力概念的發展模式」是適當的,且各主要概念間有發展的順序存在,而學生的概念是「自然-文化-發展成熟度」三者的函數。 在研究二裡,採用準實驗研究法,首先設計「地球的運動」概念改變教學策略課程,並選取台北市萬興國小及萬福國小六年級各四個班級,共128位學生為對象,進行兩週的教學實驗,隨後進行紙筆測驗立即後測,間隔四週後進行延宕後測。根據研究所獲得資料進行分析,結論如下: 1.本研究之整合概念改變教學策略,有助於學生地球的運動相關概念的改變的立即效果和延宕效果。 2.接受深層處理的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果,皆優於接受淺層處理學習的效果。 3.配對合作學習效果會因為教學層次不同而有所不同,接受深層處理來學習時,配對合作的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果會優於個別學習。但當學生接受淺層處理時,配對合作學習與個別學習的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果並無差異。 4.配對合作學習效果會因為空間能力不同而有所不同,低空間能力學生,配對合作的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果會優於個別學習。但高空間能力學生,配對合作學習與個別學習的概念改變立即效果和延宕效果並無差異。 根據研究結果,本研究提出建議,以提供教育行政單位、國小自然科教師、課程設計者以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purposes of this dissertation were: (1) to probe into the alternative conceptions of the students about earth's motion, and the relationship between these conceptions and spatial ability; (2) to identify the developmental sequence and model of the main concepts, and verify the model is adequate; (3) to design the instructional strategy of conceptual change and explore the learning effects that high- and low-spatial ability in different processing levels and learning styles. At last, the researcher identified the retention effect, and analyzed the factors that may influence on the conceptual change. For these purposes, the whole study was divided into study Ⅰ and Ⅱ. The instruments employed in this study included: The open-ended question test and the multiple-choice test of earth's motion, the spatial ability test, the curricula and student's manual for conceptual change teaching strategy. Except the spatial ability test, the item analysis and pilot study of the others were conducted to determine the reliability and validity, and promote the quality of this study. The study Ⅰ employed questionnaire survey and interview based on the open-ended question test of earth's motion. The participants were 235 sixth grade students from two elementary schools in Taipei. Through the data, the researcher investigated the developmental sequence of children's conceptual knowledge about the earth's motion. All students were classified as being of high- or low-ability group according to their performance on the spatial ability test. High- and Low-ability students scored upper and lower 33﹪ score of all students separately. Then the researcher examined the difference between high- and low-ability group on the performance of the open-ended question test. The main conclusions of study Ⅰ were as follows: 1. A t-test on the pretest indicated significant discrepancy for ability. In all concepts that included earth's shape, gravity concept, the causes of day/night and seasons, high- ability students outscored low-ability students. 2.The developmental model of earth's shape and gravity concept was adequate. There were developmental sequences among the main concepts. Student's conceptions are the function of physico-cultural and their developmental maturity. The study Ⅱ employed quasi-experimental design. At first, the researcher designed the teaching curricula of conceptual change. Then the researcher experimented on 8 classes of 128 students from two elementary schools in Taipei. Four intact classes were randomly assigned to different experimental groups in each school. Four groups were administered the pretest two weeks before the experimental treatment. After two weeks' instruction, all subjects accepted the posttest and delayed-test of earth's motion after 4 weeks. The results were as follows: 1.The instructional strategy of conceptual change that the researcher integrated had immediate and delayed effects. 2.Students learning by deep processing performed significantly better than the learning by superficial processing on the posttest and delayed-test. 3.The learning effect of cooperative dyads depended on the levels of processing. Students learning by deep processing environment, cooperative learning group did perform better than individual learning group on the posttest and delayed-test. Conversely, the result indicated no significant difference on the posttest and delayed-test between cooperative and individual learning. 4.The learning effect of cooperative dyads depended on the levels of spatial ability. Low-ability students with cooperative learning did perform better than those with individual learning on posttest and delayed-test. The performance of high-ability students showed no significant difference on posttest and delayed-test. Based on the results, these suggestions are proposed for educational administration institution, elementary teachers for science education, curricula designer, and future researchers.

人格特質、親子關係、同儕關係與兒童憂鬱行為表現之研究 / A study of personality traits, parent-child relationship , peer relationship and depression of elementary school students

王瑋婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討國小兒童的「人格特質」、「親子關係」、「同儕關係」與「憂鬱」之相關, 並以問卷調查方式進行。研究樣本為國小高年級兒童為對象, 共收集487 份有效樣本進行分析。本研究之研究工具為「兒童青少年憂鬱篩選量表」、「國小學童人格特質量表」、「親子互動關係問卷」及「國小學童同儕互動關係量表」。數據資料以敍述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關, 及多元逐步迴歸進行分析等。研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國小兒童的憂鬱行為表現普遍水準偏向正面,即較無憂鬱。 二、不同性別、出生序、家庭結構之國小兒童,其憂鬱行為表現沒有顯著差異 三、全體國小兒童之「神經質」、「支配/指使」、「衝突/攻擊」、「競爭/忌妒」、「敵意/防衛」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,皆存有顯著正相關的關係;而「嚴謹性」、「外向性」、「友善性」及「開放性」、「親子關係」、「合作/利社會行為」、「遊戲/聯合活動」、「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」等正向同儕關係及「整體同儕關係」則與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 四、「老么」、「雙親家庭兒童」之「外向性」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 五、「老大」、「單親家庭兒童」之「母親心理」親子關係與其憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 六、「中間子女」之「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」、「競爭/忌妒」及「敵意/防衛」等四項同儕關係上,與其憂鬱行為表現皆存有顯著相關。 七、「敵意防衛」同儕關係及「神經質」人格特質最能夠效預測全體國小兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 八、同儕關係的「競爭嫉妒」最能預測「男生」、「獨生子女」和「中間子女」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 九、同儕關係的「敵意防衛」最能夠預測「女生」、「老大」、「雙親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 十、「神經質」人格特質最能夠預測「老么」、「單親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among personality traits, parental relationship, peer relationship and depression. The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study were 487 grade five and six elementary school students in Taiwan.Instruments used in this study were“Children and Adolescents Depression Screening Scale”,“Parental Interaction Relationship Questionnaire”,“The scale of interaction between peers for elementary students”. The study was analyzed by descriptive statist ics,T-tests,One-way ANOVA,Pearson product -moment correlation and multiple step-wise regression analysis. The main findings of this study were as fol lows: 1. The status of depressive tendency for most respondents is regarded as positive. 2. There were no significant differences in depression among these students according to their different gender , birth order and family structure. 3. There were significant positive correlations between “neuroticism”,” control / instigate”,” conflict / attack”,”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “depression”.However, there were significant negative correlations between” conscientiousness”,”extraversion”, “agreeableness”,”openness”,” parental relationship”,”cooperative / prosocial behavior”,”game / joint activities”,”trust / respect”,”intimate/ attachment” peer relationship and “depression”. 4. Significant negative correlations were found between youngest birth order and parents-family child’ extraversion and depression. 5. Significant negative correlations were found between oldest birth order and single parent-family child’ mother mentality relationship and depression. 6. Significant correlations were found between the middle child’ ”trust /respect”,”intimate/ attachment”, ”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and depression. 7. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “neuroticism” show prediction to the total score of depression. 8. ”competitive / jealous” peer relationship shows prediction to boy,singleton, and the middle child’ depression. 9. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship shows prediction to girl,oldest birth order,and parents-family child’ depression. 10.“neuroticism” shows prediction to youngest birth order and single parent-family child’ depression. Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.

學齡前雙語教育對國小低年級學童學習成就之影響-以台北縣新莊市某國小為例 / The effects of preschool bilingual education for lower-grade students' learning achievements in elementary schools- A case study of a elementary school in Sinjhuang City of Taipei County

祝實蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,英語學習在台灣已蔚為一股風潮。為使孩子日後更具國際競爭力,許多家長在幼兒學前教育時段,即紛紛選擇全美語幼稚園或雙語幼稚園就讀,但在許多幼兒教育的相關研究發現,幼兒階段學習外語,易因語言的隔閡產生偏食學習,也會造成幼兒對文化認同的危機,且使幼兒表達與思考能力受影響,導致就學後產生學習挫折與障礙。 本研究以臺北縣新莊市某國小三年級為研究對象,採問卷調查法蒐集資料,並以最小平方估計式模型(Ordinary Least Square)的估計,探究學齡前雙語教育對國小低年級學童學習成就的影響,及學童在不同性別、家庭子女數、有無兄姐、是否與父母同住、家庭所得及家庭社經地位(SES)等情形下與學童低年級學習成就之相關程度。實證結果發現,學童學齡前雙語教育經驗對學習一年後及二年後之學習成就(包含總成績、國語、英語及數學成績)除英語成績具有顯著影響外,其餘影響效果皆不顯著;在性別差異上,女生的學習成就均高於男生;家庭子女數多寡與學習成就呈顯著負影響;學童有無兄姐及是否與父母同住對學習成就的影響,在學習一年後有顯著影響,對學習二年後之學習成就影響則不顯著;家庭所得對學習成就影響較不顯著;另外,家庭社經地位對學習成就則呈現顯著正面影響。 / English learning has been gaining popularity recently. In order to make children more competitive internationally, many parents choose English immersion or bilingual kindergartens when their kids are in preschool ages. But according to many researches of preschool education, when preschool children learn English, it may cause them to pick what they like to learn because of the gap in languages, it may cause a crisis in children for identifying their cultures. It may affect their skills of expression and deliberation, and cause them to feel frustrated and hindered when learning. This research uses the 3rd grade students of an elementary school in Sinjhuang City of Taipei County for subjects, uses questionnaires to collect information, adopts the estimation of Ordinary Least Square, investigates the effects of preschool bilingual education for lower-grade students’ learning achievements in elementary schools, and compares the students’ relevant degrees with different genders, family members, whether having brothers and sisters, living with their parents or not, and their parents’ income and socioeconomic status. It proves that the experiences in preschool bilingual education for the learning achievements after having learned for one or two years, including their overall scores, and scores of Chinese, English and math. It turns out to be positive affection, but besides English scores, the affections are not obvious. In gender difference, girls’ learning achievements are better than boys. The numbers of their family members for learning achievements turn out to be negative affection. It is an obvious positive affection after having learned for one year whether the students have brothers and sisters or live with their parents or not, but having learned for two years and the parents’ income do not affect the learning achievements much. Their parents’ socioeconomic positions turn out to be positive affection, too.

題材與思想 :"三言" 中的明代話本研究 = A research on subject matter and thought of huaben fictions of Ming dynasty in San yan / Research on subject matter and thought of huaben fictions of Ming dynasty in San yan

劉永琦 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Department of Chinese


郭素蘭, GUO, SU-LAN Unknown Date (has links)
各章內容如下: 第一章 緒 論 (一)闡述本研究的研究動機、目的及提出研究假設。 (二)重要名詞的操作定義。 第二章 文獻探討 (一)探討資優學童的行為特徵。 (二)探討資優兒童與普通兒童在家庭社經背景上的差異何在。 (三)探討資優兒童與普通兒童在父母管教態度上的差異何在。 第三章 方法與步驟 此章共分四節,敘述本研究樣本的選取過程,所使用的研究工具,並說明施測的實施 程序及提出分析資料所用的統計方法。 第四章 研究結果。 (一)智力、家庭社經背景、父母管教態度三者,以前二者便可預測兒童的圖形創造 力。 (二)智力、創造力、家庭社經背景、父母管教態度四者,以前三者即可預測兒童的 數學、自然成績。 (三)資優兒童的父母較普通兒童的父母重視兒童意見的發表,提供較多的百科全書 、期刊、報紙,兒童感覺受自父母的功課壓力也較小。 (四)利用區別分析求得類別函數係數(Classification Function Coefficients) 以預測樣本的類別。 (五)提出研究發現。 第五章 討論與建議 (一)將研究結果與研究假設予以對照討論。 (二)建議。

英文童謠教學對國小英語補救教學效能之研究 / The Effects of Nursery Rhyme Instruction on EFL Remedial Teaching in Elementary School

吳雅真, Wu,Ya Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討英文童謠教學對台灣國小英語學習低成就學童對英語的音素覺識、認字、拼字能力、以及英語學習態度的影響。實驗分兩階段進行。第一階段進行小規模的前測作為正式研究的準備,先行測試選用的英語童謠是否適切、教學活動是否可行,以及低成就學童在音素覺識與學習態度是否因此改善等等,並根據初探結果規劃正式實驗。第二階段的正式實驗,除音素覺識與學習態度外,更進一步探討英文童謠教學對認字及拼字能力的影響。 在正式實驗中,實驗對象為桃園市某國小36名四年級的學習低成就學童(學業表現為後百分之十)。研究者將此36名學童隨機平均分配為兩組;實驗組及對照組兩組,各18名學生。對實驗組施以平衡閱讀「由整體到細部」(whole-to-parts)架構設計的英文童謠教學,將音素覺識及字母拼讀法(phonics)等技巧訓練自然地融入有趣的英文童謠情境中;而對照組則單獨採用字母拼讀教學,循序教授字母與音的對應關係。實驗組及對照組每週均有兩節英語補救教學,每節課40分鐘,持續十二週。兩組學生在教學前後各施以前測及後測,內容包括音素覺識測驗、認字測驗、拼字測驗,以及英語學習態度問卷調查,以評量受試者在早期讀寫技巧上的發展,及學習態度上的改變情形。 同組組內前後測比較結果顯示,在十二週實驗教學後,實驗組及對照組二組學生在音素覺識、認字及拼字能力三方面,均有顯著的進步。然而,只有實驗組學生對英語學習的態度有顯著的正向改變,對照組學生則無。此外,兩組組間比較結果發現,雖然在實驗前,兩組學生英語拼讀能力相當,對英語的看法也類似,但經實驗教學後,兩組的後測成績有非常明顯的差異,實驗組學生在音素覺識、認字、拼字能力的進步幅度,以及學習態度各方面,均顯著優於對照組。 以上研究結果顯示,運用英文童謠進行補救教學確實極為有效,不但能增進台灣英語低成就學童的早期讀寫技巧,且能改善其學習英語的態度。本研究之結果及教學建議,可供未來國小補救教學相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of nursery rhyme instruction on Taiwanese elementary school EFL underachievers with regard to their development on phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling abilities, and their attitudinal changes toward learning English. The present study was conducted in two stages. A small-scale pilot study was first carried out as a preparation for the formal study. The feasibility of nursery rhyme instruction and the effects of this instruction on phonemic awareness and learning attitudes were tested on seven EFL underachievers preliminary to the formal study. In the second stage, a formal study which followed closely the design of the pilot study, further explored the effects of nursery rhyme instruction on word recognition and spelling abilities. In the formal study, thirty-six fourth grade underachievers (whose academic performances were at the bottom 10 percent) with deficient phonemic awareness were screened for this study. The experimental group and the control group were evenly matched with eighteen students each. The experimental group received nursery rhyme instruction using the “whole-to-parts” framework of balanced reading within which training in skills including phonemic awareness and phonics is embedded into the context of children’s literature. The eighteen subjects in the matched control group received explicit phonics instruction wherein the isolated sound-letter correspondences were sequenced and taught explicitly and systematically. To assess their development in early literacy skills, all subjects took the pretests and posttests of phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling. Moreover, to measure their attitudinal changes toward learning English, they were administered the attitude questionnaires before and after the remedial instruction. Data was collected from early-September until early-December, 2006, covering twenty four 40-minute class periods for each group. Comparison of within-group performance indicated that both the experimental group and the control group made significant post- over pretest improvements in phonemic awareness, word recognition and spelling abilities. However, only the experimental group had a significant positive change on their attitudes toward English. In addition, at the onset of the study, both groups started with equivalent early literacy skills, and held similar attitudes toward English learning. However, posttest scores revealed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in phonemic awareness skills, word recognition and spelling abilities. Significant differences can also be found in their attitudes towards learning English. The findings from this study indicate that a remedial instruction utilizing nursery rhymes can effectively help Taiwanese EFL underachievers improve their early literacy skills, and more significantly, their learning attitudes towards English. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are provided.

這一頁,我來說教師--國小初任教師專業認同之教育學傳記研究 / A biography research in pedagogy on the first elementary school teacher's professional identity

凃柏章, TU,Bo-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
藉著聆聽教師的敘說,我研究的主要目的在於理解教師專業認同的歷程,及此歷程所彰顯的意義世界。以Mead談論的自我概念作為基礎,我認為教師專業認同的概念是一發展性的歷程,而不將其視為本質、本體或範疇。此外,個人的認同歷程在敘說中展現也是我所強調的另一個重點,也就是說,個人在向聽者敘說裡頭展現其生命經驗,而聽者得以藉著語言的力量理解敘說者的生命經驗。奠基於此,研究者(我)才得以理解教師(受訪者)的敘說。 我採用「教育學傳記研究」作為研究取向,並以德國學者Fritz Schütz發展的「敘述訪談」作為資料採取工具,蒐集而來的資料即是我所謂的「文本」或「故事」。訪談的對象是小卉 -- 一位成為國小教師五年左右、服務兩所學校的初任教師。訪談結果在轉錄成逐字稿後,依據Schütz所提出的文本分析流程進行文本結構描述,並嘗試詮釋以析出故事抽象概念。 經過文本結構描述和分析,逐漸呈現「選擇」、「在比較中了解自己」以及「愛與被愛」的教師故事圖像。然而,我並未只是停留在故事詮釋的階段,而更進一步和其它教師敘說進行對話,其目的在於企圖呈現「我們如何看待教師故事、發聲」的議題。最後,我反思本研究的價值以及教育學傳記研究的意義。 / The purpose of my research is mainly to understand the process of a teacher’s professional identity by listening teacher’s narrative. Also, I attempt to explore the meanings represented by this process. Based on Mead’s concept of self, I argued that the attribute of teacher’s professional identity might be better viewed as a developing process than essences, substances or categories. Furthermore, one’s identity process revealing from narrative is other key point in my study. That is to say, one displays his or her life experiences with a narrative to listener, and then the listener understands the experiences through the power of language. Therefore, according to the above-mentioned methodological basis, I (researcher) could make sense of the teacher’s (interviewee) narrative. I adopt ”Biographic Research in Pedagogy” as my research approach, and collected raw data called “text” or “story” with “Narrative Interview” developed by Fritz Schütz, a Germany sociologist. After interviewing the first teacher, Little-hui, who just has been working about five years in two elementary schools, I followed Schütz’s procedures of text-analysis to describe the structure of the text and attempt to catch abstract concepts in hui’s story. After the process of structure description and interpret, “choosing”,”knowing self by comparing with peers”, and “to love and to be loved” gradually showed up to be images of Little-hui’s story. However, I didn’t stay right in the position of story-interpreting. Moreover, I situated these images a dialogue with another inquires of teachers’ narratives, and attempted to raise the issue of “how have teachers’ stories, voices, or narratives been viewed and treated in the context” for discussion. At the end, I reflected on the value of this research and the meaning of “Biography Research in Pedagogy.”

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