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僑外來台投資經營績效的影響因素 / The Determinants of Performance of Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals in Taiwan楊佩詩, Yang, Pei Shih Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化浪潮下,廠商為追求利潤極大化,紛紛向外尋找適合的市場,其營運策略已由傳統的國際貿易移轉至全球對外直接投資,並儼然成為各國經濟發展的重要動力。對外直接投資對地主國而言,可帶來經濟成長的動力、創造就業機會、促進技術移轉及創新活動等外溢效果,因此,各國無不積極吸引外商前往投資,台灣亦不例外。由於,僑外來台投資對台灣經濟發展具有重大貢獻,據此,本研究利用經濟部投資審議委員會2008年委外調查之「華僑及外國人投資事業營運狀況調查表(非服務業)」問卷資料,分別由廠商特性、競爭優勢及營運策略等構面,探討僑外來台投資營績效之影響因素,並運用Probit Model進行實證分析。實證結果發現,產業類別、廠商規模、成立時間、租稅負擔、國際化程度及在台設立製造生產部門等,是顯著影響僑外來台投資經營績效的重要因素。因此,政府除鼓勵僑外來台投資非資訊電子工業、擴大公司規模、善用先占優勢、提升國際化程度及設立製造生產部門外,亦應給予租稅優惠,降低其租稅負擔,使其有較佳之經營績效表現,以吸引並提升投資意願。 / Corporations in pursuit of profit maximization have to seek out a suitable market under globalization trend and their business strategy has changed from the international trade shifted to the foreign direct investment. This study explores keys of performance of overseas Chinese and foreign nationals in Taiwan. By using Probit Model analysis based on 2008 statistical data from Investment Commission of Ministry of Economic Outsourcing Survey are empirically analyzed. Findings from the research indicate that “industry category, firm scale, set up time, the taxation, internationalization level and the establishment of manufacturing sector in Taiwan,” are significantly factors on firm's performance. Therefore, in order to have better operating performance and enhance the willingness on investment in Taiwan, the government should encourage overseas Chinese and foreign nations invest in Taiwan on non-information and electronics industry, expand firm scale, use of first mover advantage, enhance the internationalization level and set up manufacturing sector, but should also give tax incentives to reduce their tax burden.
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區段徵收地主選擇行為之研究黃怡婷 Unknown Date (has links)
6.政府辦理區段徵收時,普遍未充分告知計畫內容與相關規定,影響地主權益。 / Zone expropriation is one kind of land development methods through which government can obtain the land for public facilities or specific uses. For example, the development of Taoyuan High Speed Rail station special zone is of this kind. According to zone expropriation system, there are two compensatory choices for landowners. One is by cash and the other is by pay-for-land. Therefore, landowner's choice behavior would play an important role in the process of zone expropriation.
With the view of land development, this paper discusses landowner's choice behavior in the process of zone expropriation and focuses on the factors of choice behavior. Here we sum up three kinds of factors that will affect landowner's choice behavior: they are landowner attributes, government regulations, and landowner expectations. According to the empirical study of zone expropriation in Taoyuan High Speed Rail station special zone, this paper has six conclusions:
1.Large landowners prefer to choose pay-for-land. On the contrary, small and common landowners prefer cash compensation.
2.To reduce the amount of cash compensation, the government should announce zone expropriation more early than urban plan.
3.The concept of keeping ancestral estate would influence landowner's choice behavior very much in the process of zone expropriation.
4.The development scale would affect the right of small landowners and the form of land development. The government should set a suitable development scale by considering the scale and use of land.
5.The assigned proportion and location of pay-for-land is the main reason why landowners with pay-for-land change to choose cash compensation.
6.The government seldom informed landowners of the whole plan and the relevant regulations in the process of zone expropriation.
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論所有權對農地利用之影響 / The Impact of Ownership for Farmers on the Agricultural Land Use張雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
早期農業係臺灣社會經濟發展之基石,各相關農業政策皆以糧食增產為主要目標,後因後期臺灣經濟由農業為主漸漸轉向以工業為主,故在時代變遷下,過去多數文獻指出第一次農地改革強調以「所有權」為中心,成功達到農業生產增加目的,以及Arthur Young之名言「荒漠變花園」,認為「所有權」是激勵農民生產之誘因,在現今都市化擴張及工商業發展的社會背景下,是否仍為當前農地政策之主要思維?實有重新探討之必要。爰此,本研究為探討臺灣農地利用是否仍需存有「所有權」之迷思,嘗試釐清在時代變遷下,農民是否須擁有農地所有權才能激勵農民從事農地利用?或只要能保障農民之投入成本能於未來收益相符,即便是透過使用權方式承租農地亦能激勵農民從事利用?並期能透過財產權觀點分析現行農地利用政策,提供未來農地政策研擬修訂之重要參考依據。
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集團內子公司地主國知識產生與移轉之研究 / Host-Country-Specific Knowledge: Generating and Transferring Among Member Firms in Business Groups范慧宜, Fan,hui yi Unknown Date (has links)
正式機制與非正式機制間是一個連續帶的概念。然而,在移轉過程中,哪些因素會影響到正式與非正式機制搭配的比例呢? 當海外成員自主性高時,採用正式化機制強迫集團海外成員間進行知識分享,亦搭配非正式化機制的社會互動,來緩和彼此間因競爭所產生不願意分享的情形;當知識的情境鑲嵌性程度越高,越需要使用非正式機制來縮小正式機制中知識再利用的可能性;當產品相似性很高,知識來源者與接收者若能搭配少部分(短時間、次數少)的人員互動,便能加快知識再利用的速度;當技術越接近時,知識需求方較可準確地預估需求單上的要項,雙方技術差距越大,越需要仰賴非正式關係使知識來源者願意「多」花時間來教導知識接收者;當集團成員地理距離愈遠時,透過正式化機制,如海外總部(OHQs)進行地主國資料蒐集以避免資訊不對稱造成的知識移轉障礙,以克服因為地理距離所產生的知識移轉障礙。 / Knowledge about host countries and international environment is needed when firms enter international markets. A firm encounters more challenges when it enters a new market with no knowledge. After entry, it then can gain valuable experiential knowledge about the host country (i.e., host-country-specific knowledge) and this knowledge is helpful for further operation in the country and internationalization (Yu, 1990). A firm can gain hands-on knowledge by operating in a host market and then it can filter the information gained into forms it needs for internationalization later on.
The purpose of the study addresses host-country-specific-knowledge generating and accumulating by overseas member firms in business groups by identifying factors that affect how business groups from an emerging economy transfer host-country-specific knowledge among their group members. We have found that formal and informal mechanisms were helpful in facilitating the transferring of host-country-specific knowledge. In the literature, it is often assumed that knowledge can be easily and automatically transferred within business groups. Our study confirms that business groups do transfer knowledge among subsidiaries purposely and has also demonstrated that some mechanisms are needed to realize this intent.
While the business group’s network provides a platform for facilitating flows of host-country-specific knowledge, the mere existence of such a network does not automatically result in knowledge transfer. From managerial viewpoint, both formal and informal mechanisms should be in place to promote and encourage host-country-specific knowledge transfer. Gaining a good understanding of the mechanisms contributing to knowledge transfer is strategically important for knowledge management. Regarding the use of mechanisms, our results indicate that the buildup of internationalization knowledge can go along with a firm’s development in foreign markets and also can allow for accumulation of various types of knowledge. The more significant the difference between the contexts encountered by foreign subsidiaries and headquarters is, the more the quantity of knowledge the former will create regarding the host country. When foreign subsidiaries encounter similar problems within a tight time frame in a host country, the accumulation of knowledge about the host country will be faster.
In the early stages, setting up knowledge transferring system relies more on informal mechanisms. The more mature the system is, the higher the proportion of formal mechanisms is used. However, although informal mechanisms are effective for chief executive officers and senior vice presidents, primary executives and operators rely solely on formal mechanisms in order to clarify responsibilities. With more important strategic position of the host country, the headquarters will establish overseas headquarters in order to quickly respond to the market requirements. In a specific host country, overseas headquarters, established by the HQs, may substitute for the headquarters in transferring host country-specific knowledge among member firms via formal mechanisms. When a business group belongs to federal decentralization, external market mechanisms will be adopted to transfer knowledge among its member firms. The overseas headquarters hardly governs transferring knowledge among overseas member firms and the headquarters. When the overseas headquarters is established, the headquarters adopts auditing connection to prevent the host country from monopolizing host-country-specific knowledge.
A headquarters can successfully implement multiple formal and informal mechanisms for knowledge transfer. With respect to knowledge transfer, the higher the level of subsidiary autonomy, the greater the necessity the headquarters rely on formal mechanisms to transfer host-country-specific knowledge among member firms. Encouraging sharing within a business group through some managerial mechanisms can wear down the negative influence caused by opportunism and information asymmetry on the part of the subsidiary and the inter-member competition for the transfer of host-country-specific knowledge. Overseas headquarters accumulates a vast experience and are capable of absorbing, transferring and applying knowledge adequately. They can transcend the geographical limitations and establish good cooperation relations between knowledge originator (the subsidiaries in the host country) and knowledge receiver (other sister firms and the headquarters), warranting the success of the knowledge transfer. Provided that knowledge is tacit, information technology is necessity in transferring knowledge initially documented while social interaction is needed in transferring the rest knowledge embedded in persons. Finally, product and technology similarity are factors affecting how headquarters rely on formal mechanisms in transferring knowledge among member firms.
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區段徵收地主配地選擇行為之研究-以高速鐵路新竹站為例 / Zone-expropriation and discuss the landowner’s choice behavior.Therefore, this study of THSR (Taiwan High Speed Rail) Hsinchu Station Zone- expropriation as an example古瓊漢 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 透過群落分析,予以歸類分析,劃分易於解釋的分配類型,可獲得二個群組四個方案,由此可瞭解地主選配抵價地型態。
二、 參與抵價地配地作業以男性地主居多,以年齡層多集中於中年左右,受訪地主多為已婚;受訪地主針對各項選配抵價地之影響因素均表示影響程度上都是以影響很大為居多,其中受訪地主多數認為使用分區類別、面前街道寬度、鄰近嫌惡設施程度、坵塊形狀、街廓評議地價高低等因素對於選配抵價地影響很大,又以鄰近嫌惡設施程度為居高。
三、 經由研究得知目前政府提供予地主之資訊管道不足或宣傳不周,對於整體區段徵收作業仍需加強與地主資訊的傳遞,以及充分公開整體計畫內容。
四、 部份地主不太滿意先抽籤再選配街廓的抵價地配地作業方式,其原因有主要為因籤號先後導致無法選配期望街廓佔多數,其次為權利價值較小者可能無法選配街廓,而需再與他人合併分配。
五、 建構八種類型之二項羅吉特模式,並透過AIC及SC值找出能力較佳的群組方案,由方案中得知地主多數還是以居住適宜性及小規模開發為主要。
六、 由二項羅吉特模式實證結果顯示,模型共通變數為土地變數的使用分區類別、基地最小開發規模訂定、鄰近嫌惡設施程度、緊臨遊憩設施狀況、坵塊座向,以及地主行為變數面前街道寬度影響程度、鄰近嫌惡設施影響程度、區段徵收前土地座落位置影響程度、性別、學歷、職業等等,均顯著影響地主選配抵價地之行為。 / Zone-expropriation by government hopes to achieve these targets like exciting new community's prosperity, achieving the overall development of the new city, accessing the public facilities and saving huge expenditures. By the government's development activities, the landlords enjoy the benefits of increased value of land and good public facilities. Handling Zone expropriation creates a win-win situation between the Government and the landlords. However, in the process of Zone-expropriation often generate opposition of landowners to protect their property rights which led to delays in Zone-expropriation operations. Therefore, this study of THSR (Taiwan High Speed Rail) Hsinchu Station Zone- expropriation as an example and discuss the landowner’s choice behavior.
Through cluster analysis classified the landowner’s choice behavior. And by factor analysis to identify the major factors of landlord’s choice behavior. Finally by Logit modeling the landlord model hopes to provide some valuable suggestions for government. The study results are as follows:
1. Through cluster analysis, the study classified and divided into two groups that are easy to explain. The two groups contain four plans each and they can explain the landlord’s choice behavior.
2. Landlords of participation of Zone-expropriation are mostly male with age around 40 to 60 years old. These mostly married landlords think these are the major factors, the use of zoning category, the street width, the neighboring facilities, the shape of street block, the value of street blocks. The neighboring facilities rank the top 1 factor.
3. Through the research shows that government lacks of information or promotional channels. Government should improve the communication with landlords and fully disclosed the contents of the overall Zone-expropriation plan.
4. Landowners are not satisfied by the flow of ballot at first and then land choosing. The major reason is landlords can not choose the expected lands after ballot. And the second reason is the land loads with smaller land value can not choose street blocks unless they combine with other landlords’ land value and choose the expected land.
5. In the study, construction of eight types of models from two of Logit modeling, through the AIC and SC values come out the better group and plan. It shows the better plan is the small-scale residential development and good environment for the most landlords.
6. By the empirical results from Logit model show that model common variables are the land use zoning category, the base size of the minimum development, near the level of aversion facilities, recreational facilities close to the zone, street block location, the width of the street, the impact of land location before zone expropriation, gender, education, occupation, etc. They are significantly affected the selection behavior of land choice.
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近代日本の植民地主義と非ユダヤ人シオニズム ―内村鑑三・矢内原忠雄・中田重治におけるナショナリズムと世界認識―役重, 善洋 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第19811号 / 人博第782号 / 新制||人||188(附属図書館) / 27||人博||782(吉田南総合図書館) / 32847 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 前川 玲子, 教授 高橋 由典, 教授 岡 真理 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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國際解決投資爭端中心管轄權問題及其改革之研究-兼論WTO納入投資人與地主國爭端解決機制之展望 / A Study of Jurisdiction and Reform of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, with a Discussion of the Prospects for Inclusion of investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the WTO徐耀浤, Hsu, Yao Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文先自投資人與地主國爭端解決機制之發展背景介紹起,並論述1966年生效的ICSID公約主要條款與其他國際投資協定的關係,其後則進一步從ICSID管轄權角度切入,對ICSID對人(ratione personae)及對物(ratione materiae)管轄權相關法律問題逐一說明,並輔以個案加以研析之。
經過上述分析後,本文繼而對現行投資人與地主國投資爭端解決機制提出評論,在制度面方面,本文對ICSID未來運作提出放寬對物管轄範圍、檢討投資未予定義之作法、雙重國籍認定及外國控制的程度與形式等四項改革建議。此外,本文亦針對ICSID管轄權與BITs最惠國待遇條款問題、BITs不同的爭端解決機制所引發程序衝突問題,以及仲裁判斷衝突(conflicting award)問題,說明ICSID公約與BIT所產生之一些法律問題。在未來展望方面,則分析在多邊投資架構是否為解決現階段投資人與地主國爭端解決機制之新契機,以及WTO納入投資人與地主國爭端解決條款之可能性分析,本文末並對我國政府與廠商現階段利用ICSID機制提出建議。 / While the inexorable trend towards globalization has caused international direct investment to grow dramatically, it has also led to a steady increase in the number of investment disputes. International investors therefore eagerly look forward to the institution of an effective and impartial international investment dispute resolution mechanism. Although Taiwan, through its many years of economic development, has become a major source of foreign investment, surveys show that Taiwan firms are not good at using international arbitration to protect their rights and interests in investment disputes. This study accordingly analyzes the investor-State dispute settlement provisions in international investment agreements(IIAs) in an effort to provide concrete, practical strategies for the government of Taiwan in international negotiations and for Taiwanese firms in their foreign investment. Since there is already extensive research literature addressing investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms, this study focuses on the jurisdiction of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Dispute(ICSID) under the aegis of the World Bank in 1965.
This study first introduces investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms and their development. Next, the study discusses the main provisions of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID Convention) came into force on 1966 and its relationship to other IIAs. The study then explains the various legal issues connected with ICSID’s jurisdiction ratione personae and ratione materiae, and finally, analyzes specific cases.
The results of the aforementioned analysis are employed to critique existing investor-State investment dispute settlement mechanisms. This study makes four system-related recommendations, namely that the ICSID convention should: 1) liberalize the scope of ICSID’s subject-matter jurisdiction; 2) review undefined investment methods; 3) recognize dual nationalities; and 4) reform the degree and circumstances of foreign control. This study further discusses legal problems related to the ICSID Convention and bilateral investment treaties (BITs), including conflicting awards, procedural conflicts stemming from different dispute settlement forum in BITs, and problems involving ICSID's jurisdiction and most-favored nation(MFN) provisions in BITs. As for future prospects, the study analyzes whether the current multilateral investment framework can resolve the problems of the current investor-State dispute settlement mechanism, and examines the possibility of incorporating investor-State dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO. This study concludes with recommendations concerning how the government and companies of Taiwan can use the ICSID mechanism at the current stage.
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企業生命週期與進入模式關聯性之研究 / The research of connection between business life cycle and entry mode簡吉龍, Chein, Allan Unknown Date (has links)
目前學者對於影響企業決定『進入模式』的因素看法並不一致。不過大致仍可歸納出內部與外部因素兩個方面(Root, 1987)。而『企業生命週期』可視為企業內部因素的表徵,因此,企業的組織階段勢必對進入模式的決定有某種程度的影響。而由於『企業生命週期』的概念較為普遍,對於台灣一般的企業而言,實用性較高。因此,本研究的動機乃是基於探討『企業生命週期』與最適『進入模式』間的關連性。而影響進入模式的因素除了組織內部因素外,還有企業外部的環境因素,尤其是地主國的環境因素,對進入模式的決策更具有關鍵性的影響。因此,本研究亦將地主國的環境變數納入考量,以提高研究模型的解釋能力。
本文以郵寄問卷方式,對於台灣企業進行實證研究;所採用分析方法包括:敘述性統計、因素分析(Factor analysis)、集群分析(Cluster analysis)、變異數分析、鑑別分析(Discriminant analysis)、t-test 以及 Logistic Regression Analysis 等等。研究結果顯示:
1.關於地主國環境變動程度之因素,實證結果雖具顯著影響,但與本研究假設相衝突。因此,只可經由文獻之整理加以推論(詳見 P.98),而無法獲得明確之結論。
4.若以出口對生產據點以及銷售據點對生產據點而言,當地市場之吸引力具有顯著性影響。亦即,相對於出口或銷售據點,在當地市場吸引力愈大時,企業會傾向採用生產據點形式進入模式,以獲取在當地投資設廠之利益與優惠。 / Internationalization is the developmental trend of Taiwan business. The choice of the entry mode for foreign markets play a vital role in global competition.According to other literatures, we find that the factors effect this choice can devide into two part: internal and external factors. And the business life cycle express the internal ones. According to these reasons,our research has the following porpose:
1.Review the relevant literatures about the business life cycle and entry mode.
2.To develope a concept infrastructure to describe the influence of business life cycle and host country environment for entry mode.
3.Using the Taiwan business as empirical respondents to approve our concept infrastucture, and give some suggestions to Taiwan entrepreneur.
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我國與留學地主國間留學互動模式之探索暨我國未來留學人數之預測 / Exploring the Causal Model in Studying Abroad between Taiwan and the Leading Host Countries, and Forecasting the Number of Studying-Abroad Students of Taiwan張芳全, Chang, Fang Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「人口遷移學推拉理論」為基礎,探索我國與留學地主國間留學互動關係的推拉因果模式,及其間的一致性和關聯性,並對我國未來留學生人數進行預測。研究的主要目的為:(1)瞭解我國與留學地主國留學教育概況,並探討海外留學對留學地主國與送出留學生國家國家的正反面效果;(2)說明人口遷移學中的推拉理論及評閱有關留學生流動的研究文獻與報告;(3)探索我國與留學地主國間留學互動的推拉因果模式;(4)探索我國與留學地主國間在留學互動的推拉因果模式間之一致性與關聯性 ;(5)對我國未來出國的留學生人數進行預測;最後(6)根據研究結果提出建議,作為制訂留學教育政策及未來研究的參考。
在探索留學互動的推拉因果模式與其模式間的一致性和關聯性時,是以我國與美國、德國、日本及法國等四個留學地主國為對象,採1954年到1988年共35年縱貫動態分析為主。在我國未來留學生人數預測上,則以1950年到1988年的動態資料為主。研究資料來源是「中華民國教育部統計」、「中華民國台灣地區統計提要」、「中華民國統計年鑑」、UNESCO統計、國際貨幣基金統計年報、美國國際教育組織的Open doors統計,做為分析的根據。
本研究之資料處理係利用國立政治大學PRIME 6150大電腦的SPSSX、SAS/ETS及PC版的LISREL 7統計套裝軟體,另外引用余民寧(民81)所設計「二次式分配準則SAS/IML之程式」,作為統計分析的工具。本研究共提出十個虛無假設,並擬以下列方法檢定研究假設。
二、以二次式分配準則 (QAP)檢定我國與留學地主國在留學互動的推拉因果模式之一致性與關聯性,即假設五~十。
本研究根據研究結果提出建議,作為政府制訂留學教育政策及未來研究的參考。 / This research is based on "the push-pull theory of population mobility. It explores between Taiwan and the leading host coun-tries the causal model, consistency and correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad. It also forecasts the number of studying-abroad students of Taiwan in the future. Therefore, the purposes of this research are: (1) to understand the foreign education of both Taiwan and the leading host coun-tries and further to probe the pros and cons of foreign educa-tion; (2) to explain the push-pull theory of population mobility and to comment the literatures of studying abroad; (3) to explore between Taiwan and the leading host countries the causal rela-tionship of push-pull interaction in studying abroad; (4) to explore between Taiwan and the leading host countries the consistency and correlation of push-pull causal model in studying abroad; (5) to forecast the number of studying abroad students of Taiwan; and (6) to propose suggestions for the policy-making of studying abroad and future studies according to the results of this research.
In exploring the causal relationship model, consistency, and correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad, the subjects will be Taiwan, U.S.A., Germany, Japan, and France. The data are collected from The R.O.C. St-atis-bics of the Educa-tion Ministry, The R.O.C. Statistics Summary of Taiwan Areas, The R.O.C. Statistics Yearbook, UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, Interna-tional Financial Statistics Yearbook, and Open Doors (1991-1993) of the Institute of International Education. While in forecast-ing the number of studying-abroad students of Taiwan the data will be ranged from 1950 to 1988. All data of this research are dynamic.
The handling of data will adopt SPSSX, SAS/ETS, and LISREL7 packages program and will cite Yu Min-ning"s SAS/IML program of QAP (1992). All packages program are in the Computer Center (PRIME 6150) of National Cheng-chi University, exclusive of LIS-REL7 which is set in personal computer. This research will propose ten null hypotheses, and the statistical methods used to confirm the null hypotheses are as follows:
(1) Use Linear Struc-tural Equation (LISREL) to test the causal relationship of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad between Taiwan and the leading host countries. (Hypotheses 1-4)
(2) Use Quadratic Assignment Paradigm (QAP) to test the con-sistency, correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad between Taiwan and leading host countries. (Hypotheses 5-10)
(3) Use both Autoregerssion Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) of univarate time series and regression analysis to forecast the number of the studying-abroad students of Taiwan in the future.
The main results of this research are as follows:
(1) There exists a push-pull causal' relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and U. S. A. .
(2) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and Germany.
(3) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and Japan.
(4) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and France after modifying the model.
(5) Taiwan-U.S.A. and Taiwan-Germany best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .429.
(6) Taiwan-U.S.A. and Taiwan-France best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient
(7) Taiwan-U.S.A and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance matrices are not significantly similar. The correlation coeffi-cient is only -.098.
(8) Taiwan-Germany and Taiwan-France best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .763.
(9) Taiwan-Germany and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance ma-trices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .510.
(10) Taiwan-France and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance ma-trices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .3768.
Therefore, nine null hypotheses are rejected and only one null hypothesis is accepted.
Besides, in forecasting the number of the studying-abroad students of Taiwan, it will be expected to send out over 6600 students to study abroad every year before 1998. Furthermore, when the per capita income of Taiwan reaches US$12000, the number of studying-abroad students will be over 10000 per year.
Finally, according to conclusions and results of this re-search, some suggestions for the policy-making of studying abroad and future studies in this field are proposed.
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