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應用衛星影像於宜蘭平原沿海地區之監測 / Monitoring I-Lan coastal zone using multi-temporal satellite images

徐郁晴, Hsu, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
海岸為海洋與陸地交界之處,風、浪與潮流等自然營力長期於此不斷的侵蝕與堆積交互演替。近年來,隨著人口快速增加,人類對於海岸地區土地利用與開發的需求急遽擴張,使得影響海岸地形的變因日益複雜且變化迅速。宜蘭特殊的沙丘性海岸因抗蝕性弱,易受到外力影響而改變地形,海岸後方的沿海平原為人口與產業集中的地區,因此自然營力與人為因素對宜蘭平原海岸地形與環境的影響,備受關注。因衛星影像具多時期與大尺度的空間特性,可提供土地覆蓋變遷分析之有效資訊,故本文使用2003年、2006年與2009年宜蘭平原沿海地區SPOT 5衛星影像,利用階層式分類程序將研究試區分為水體、建成與交通用地、沙地、農地與林地等五種土地覆蓋類別,透過土地覆蓋分類之結果,比較三個時期土地覆蓋型面積的變化;建立馬可夫轉移矩陣,了解各土地覆蓋型轉移的情況;其次,量化地景指標以了解整體土地覆蓋型區塊在空間結構上的情況,並利用Shannon多樣性指標t檢定測驗兩時期間整體地景是否有明顯的變遷。進一步,利用二項式Logit迴歸分析2003至2006年與2006年至2009年間土地覆蓋型的變化與沙丘海岸變遷的關係以及參考前人宜蘭海岸變遷之研究,選擇可能影響此區海岸變遷的自然與人為環境因子,建立二項式Logit迴歸模式,探討各項因子對於沙丘性海岸的影響,並利用海岸沙丘空間分佈預測機率圖,最後以2006年與2009年沙地主題圖作為驗證資料,探討模式的可行性。本研究透過不同的空間計量方法,了解本區土地覆蓋型的變化,期本研究成果對於此區海岸保護與管理政策制定者有一參考的依據。 / Coastal zone is at the junction of ocean and land. The area constantly experiences interchanging succession of erosion and accumulation due to natural forces such as wind, wave, and tidal currents. In recent years, associated with fast population increase, the demand of lands expanded rapidly such that the effects on topography of coastal zone became more complex and changed quickly. Coastal sand dunes are dynamic and fragile terrain often regarded as environmentally sensitive areas. Sand dunes are vulnerable to erosion by natural process and human activity. The objective of this research was to examine the effects of environmental factors and land-use changes on coastal sand dunes in I-Lan County. Satellite imageries are characterized by multi-temporal and large-scale, therefore they are ideal for providing necessary information to facilitate analysis of regional land-cover changes. In this research, three SPOT 5 images acquired in 2003, 2006 and 2009 were used to analyze land-cover changes in I-Lan coastal zone. Firstly, a hierarchical classification procedure was applied to classify the image data to five land-cover types and the land-cover changes were compared. Secondly, based on the classification results, a Markov transitional probability matrix was constructed to understand the transition among different land-cover types, and the Fragstats software was used to quantify the landscape structure of three different periods. By analyzing the spatial distributions of land-cover types in different time periods, we were able to examine to the temporal and spatial changes of land-cover in the I-Lan coastal zone. In addition, a t-test based on Shannon diversity index was used to evaluate the changes of the whole landscape in the study area. Thirdly, by selecting possible natural and man-made factors that are likely to affect coastal environment based on various prior studies, the mathematical models such as Markov chain and binomial logit regression analysis were applied to predict the future overall landscape structure and to simulate the spatial distribution of the sandy coastal zone. Thematic maps derived from satellite images obtained in 2006 and 2009 were used to verify and assess the feasibility of the models. This study integrated several spatial statistical methods to understand the patterns of land-cover changes in the study area. It is expected that the results of this study may offer a valuable reference for the policy-makers of coastal protection and management.


張正田, Zhang, Zhengtian Unknown Date (has links)
以往,北臺灣客家史常被視作「鐵板一塊」地論述,而其論述焦點之一往往也著重在枋寮義民信仰,此或會使人以為北臺灣客家人都崇敬義民信仰。然本文從清代北臺灣族群關係史角度,提出以下觀點: 一、 苗栗義民廟歷史幾與新竹枋寮義民廟同樣悠久,然今日其祭祀圈卻僅三里大,並未如枋寮義民廟般發展為當地一大區域信仰,其主因與清代苗栗堡境的閩客械鬥風氣不發達有關。清代苗栗堡境西側的「北大肚山系」,與東側的「關刀山山脈」,對於當地族群關係演變的意義,在於「北大肚山系」山勢雖不如「關刀山山脈」般險峻,但該山系卻相對使苗栗堡客、閩兩族群的接觸機會,未如枋寮義民祭祀圈十四大庄,或中港堡、吞霄堡、「南桃園東側」等地區來得多,故不易使苗栗堡的客、閩兩族群,發生大規模接觸與衝突的機會。這也造成清代苗栗客家人的族群意識,在林爽文事變後百餘年間,隨世代交替而逐漸降低。是故苗栗義民信仰並未同於枋寮義民信仰般,有因為閩粵械鬥氛圍較濃厚的歷史背景來發展「區隔粵閩」、「強調粵人忠義精神」之族群認同符號,而成為一大區域信仰。 二、 在清代苗栗義民信仰中,有一重要制度為「苗栗義民祀327位會友」制,其為清代苗栗地方人士,可藉由出資金來加入「苗栗義民祀」會友,且其會友身分不但可世襲,百餘年來又不斷有新會友加入,最終成為清晚期的「苗栗義民祀327位會友」制。又「327會友」制,並沒有歷史需求發展為「區分會友間階級高低」,與重視「神牌位序差異」之模式,「苗栗義民祀327位會友」都在該廟左偏殿,以一面木牌陪祀,即可代表清代苗栗義民廟「327會友」在該廟信仰者心中之歷史貢獻。此外,苗栗義民信仰也主祀真正殉難於林爽文事件的「義士眾姓諸公」、淡水廳幕僚壽同春、與淡水廳同知程峻之模式,也是不同於枋寮義民信仰之處。 三、 清代苗栗堡西境地勢較為高聳的「關刀山山脈」,在清中期時,隘線分佈於此山脈西麓,故當時該山脈尚是非常重要的「區隔漢原」之地理形勢。但約在清中後期之際,因苗栗客家人往東越過該山脈開墾樟腦利益,也使「後龍溪上游區」,即今獅潭鄉與大湖鄉等地,最終成為客庄。而其中較重要的漢人拓殖勢力,有獅潭、南湖等庄的黃南球勢力,與大湖吳定新家族勢力,以及拓出桂竹林一帶的劉緝光等勢力,而「後龍溪上游區」有無義民信仰,也與這三勢力分佈有關。清晚期的黃南球,其前半生經歷較少與苗栗堡有淵源,双與枋寮義民信仰分佈區域較有關係,故黃南球拓殖出獅潭與南湖二庄後,也在二庄各置一間義民廟,其皆分香自枋寮義民廟,以祀奉死於漢原械鬥的骨骸。而清晚期吳定新家族勢力,雖也為大湖庄帶來義民信仰,但其他大湖庄民不見得都信之。故清代大湖庄民初建大湖義民廟時,很可能已被該庄人視為陰廟,而將該廟設在遠離大湖庄市街中心外的「下坪仔」。又該廟石製主神牌,同時書寫「萬姓同歸.褒忠義民」,是雜揉了枋寮義民信仰,與漢人社會常視為「陰廟」的萬善爺性質。大抵而言,「後龍溪上游區」的獅潭、大湖、南湖等三間義民廟,是双應清晚期當地漢原關 係緊張下的歷史產物,因此也在清代北臺灣族群關係史的意義上,與本為區隔閩粵為主的枋寮義民信仰有所差異。 四、 枋寮義民信仰乃清代嘉、道以來,竹塹當地「城╱閩」與「郊╱粵」的閩粵械鬥風氣下之產物,「郊區」的枋寮義民祭祀圈內之粵人,係藉此突顯「粵人忠義於朝」精神,期盼朝廷能對當時弱勢的臺灣粵人聲張正義。而約自嘉、道以降,枋寮義民信仰祭祀圈的粵人,又逐漸透過枋寮義民信仰十四大庄制度,讓該區粵人能被組織於各大庄的公號頭家,與枋寮義民廟方各大姓家族之領導下,以凝聚共同的粵人族群共識與力量,來與淡水廳政經中心在的竹塹城閩人相抗衡。而清代北臺灣閩粵械鬥同樣激烈情況者,至少尚含「南桃園東側」與清代中港堡境內之客庄。可是「南桃園東側」與清代中港堡客家人,一開始並未出現特別崇敬義民信仰的氛圍,至少在中港堡的頭份義民廟方面,該廟乃遲至清代光緒11-13年左右,才由當地客家人自枋寮義民廟分香引進。清代頭分庄客家人引進義民信仰的歷史背景因素之一,自與從嘉、道以降的閩客械鬥風氣氛圍有關,然其引進之時間點之所以遲至光緒朝,則是與金廣福勢力拓墾大隘地區成熟畢,使中港堡與竹塹「郊區」兩地粵庄交通風險相對降低有關。

大陸地區交換學生來台現況暨開放陸生來台政策評析 / Mainland exchange students’ attitude towards Taiwan Open Policy in allowing mainland students study in Taiwan universities

姜齡媖, Chiang, Ling Ying Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣內部產、官、學界對於「開放陸生來台」議題,於政治、經濟、教育層面產生諸多正反討論之際,本研究深度訪談40位大陸地區交換學生,試圖由政策實施對象瞭解大陸地區交換學生在台現況、釐清大陸地區學生來台攻讀大專院校學位之意願以及檢視開放陸生來台政策內容。 過往涉及大陸學歷認證與開放陸生來台政策的相關文獻,多將研究主題著重於探討兩岸關係,如權力、政治菁英、意識型態等影響政策制定過程的決定因素。本研究則以「全球化」、「知識經濟」與「軟實力」的概念探討「開放陸生來台」政策,本研究焦點置於全球競爭時代中,吸收一流人才提升國家競爭力的重要性。 本研究針對受訪者的人口特徵、大陸地區交換學生來台動機、大陸地區交換學生在台現況、大陸地區學生來台就學意願進行分析,從受訪者對開放陸生來台政策之相關反應,整理歸納台灣吸引大陸地區學生來台攻讀高等教育學位之主要優勢,並預測台灣可能吸收之大陸學生類型。 根據主要研究發現,本研究之具體政策建議如下:1. 以香港、新加坡招收陸生政策為借鏡,放寬相關限制。2. 政府應投注更多資金與優惠政策協助各大專院校建立良好口碑,前往大陸地區進行「針對性、目的性」宣傳。3. 政府應對大陸地區學生展開大規模調查研究,瞭解其需求以作調整改進。4. 政府機關應培養兩岸優秀談判人才。 在未來研究方向的建議部分,應針對第一波來台留學之大陸地區學生進行後續追蹤研究,向大陸高校學生進行來台攻讀學位之意願調查,並針對亞太地區的招收陸生留學政策做更詳盡的比較分析,以期對開放陸生來台政策的施行進行有效之相關配套措施規劃,提升大陸地區學生來台就學意願,達到兩岸雙贏局面。 / Under the effects of globalization, attracting talents to improve national competitiveness has become a top priority for all countries in the world. Adopting to globalization, knowledge-based economy and soft power, this research intends to answer the following questions: (1) What is the current situation of mainland exchange students in Taiwan? (2) What are the factors affecting mainland students’ willingness to gain higher education degree in Taiwan? (3) How mainland exchange students subjectively interpret the open policy in allowing mainland students study in Taiwan universities? Through in-depth interviews and analysis of relevant policy making, this research tries to deduce the motivations and willingness of mainland students moving to Taiwan for higher education. Since no registered mainland students gained academic degree in Taiwan, the author interviewed and discussed with 40 mainland exchange students to identify Taiwan’s attractiveness and advantages compared to other opponents, such as Hong Kong and Singapore in the Greater China Area. The main research findings are: (1)The aspiration to go abroad, the limited opportunity to cross border, the convenience of using the same language, the attraction of Taiwan culture and the tough restriction to access Taiwan are the five main reasons why mainland exchange students choose Taiwan to visit. (2) Different degree of competitive pressure on students makes the distinct higher education circumstances between Mainland China and Taiwan. (3) The advantageous overseas diploma, the convenience of using the same language, the lower learning cost, the higher level of academic standards and the employment opportunities after ECFA are the main factors which attract mainland students gaining higher education degree in Taiwan. Based on the research findings, the policy advices are the followings: (1) Learning the advanced experience from Hong Kong and Singapore, the government should bend the rules and consider further relaxation of the policy. (2)Inject more money into making more propaganda for Taiwan’s universities. (3) Undertake large-scale empirical investigation to gather more information about the Chinese students’ willingness to study in Taiwan. (4) Train excellent negotiator in coordinating cross-strait affairs.

淡水地區旅遊資源行銷策略與消費者滿意度之研究 / A Study of Marketing Strategy and Consumer Satisfaction

吳隆堃, Wu, Long-Kuen Unknown Date (has links)
由於政府實施週休二日及國人國民所得逐日增加,旅遊需求大幅提高,為適應國人1~2日旅遊型態,地區旅遊是目前與未來國民旅遊的重心。旅遊資源是大自然與人類文明歷史進展呈現給我們後代子孫的資產,它不僅提供人們休閒遊憩、賞景的功能,也負有教育、文化保存及資源保育的意義。 / 淡水地區旅遊資源可歸納為自然生態景觀資源、文化古蹟旅遊資源、廟宇參拜旅遊資源、地區聚落與街景旅遊資源、休閒農業旅遊資源、人為遊樂設施旅遊資源等,旅遊資源內涵豐沛。本研究選擇淡水地區為個案,探討地區旅遊資源未來發展之行銷策略,除針對旅遊資源分類、淡水地區旅遊資源分布及其發展現況作有系統的陳述外,另針對消費者對選定的17處景點作旅遊資源重要程度與滿意度以及遊客的旅遊體驗,進行相關問卷調查。從問卷設計、發出、回收及現場實地訪問後,再經資料整理,採用SPSS軟體統計分析,獲取淡水地區旅遊資源發展的狀況,並據此提出對策。 / 在消費者問卷調查後發現,大多數消費者認為淡水最具地方特色之旅遊資源為文化古蹟旅遊資源,而淡水未來最具發展潛力之旅遊資源為休閒農業,顯見該兩旅遊資源是淡水地區未來旅遊發展的重心。另本研究結果發現,淡水漁人碼頭、中正路老街、黃金水岸步道等遊客量特別高之景點,消費者對其旅遊資源重要度認知與滿意度認知都很高,而紅樹林、淡水河口賞鳥、淡水梯田賞景、鄞山寺、龍山寺、福佑宮、重建街古街、清水街古街等旅遊發展不振或遊客量低之景點,消費者對其旅遊資源重要度認知與滿意度認知相對偏低,顯見旅遊資源重要度認知與滿意度認知與遊客量呈顯著的正向影響關係。 / 為促使旅遊資源全面、永續發展以及現代化企業經營管理,本研究擬根據過去文獻、現地訪問了解、並參考問卷調查的結果,從規劃、政策、產品、價格、遊客、促銷、通路、包裝、夥伴等多面向的「9P」行銷概念研擬淡水地區六類旅遊資源行銷策略,並整合此六類旅遊資源行銷策略與政府旅遊政策,根據事實性變項分析以及從消費者對淡水地區旅遊資源重要性與滿意度認知之相關性等研擬未來淡水地區整體旅遊資源之行銷策略。 / Demand has been surging in Taiwan’s tourism market with the government’s implementation of the two-day weekend scheme and the increase of national per capita income. Countryside tourism is expected to dominate the domestic travel market because it best suits the one-to-two day holidays most common in Taiwan. Tourism resources are an inheritance from nature and our own history, and we need to pass this heritage on to our future generations. Tourism resources not only serve leisure, recreational and sightseeing functions, they also play a meaningful role in education, cultural preservation and resource conservation. / Tamsui’s countryside tourism resources may be categorized as natural and ecosystem resources, cultural relics and historical sites, temples and shrines, local communities and streets, recreational agriculture and amusement parks and facilities. Tamsui boasts a rich variety of tourism resources. / This research uses Tamsui as a case study to explore marketing strategies available to a locality in developing its tourism resources. In addition to a systematic description of the types of tourism resources, their distribution and current development in Tamsui, this research conducted a survey by questionnaire on 17 tourist spots selected by consumers to gauge their level of importance and consumer satisfaction and travel experience. This effort included the design, distribution and collection of questionnaires after on-site interviews. The study used SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to analyze the collected data on the development of tourism resources in Tamsui and provide recommendations based on the findings. / The questionnaires revealed that most consumers see cultural relics and historical sites as tourism resources that are unique to Tamsui, while recreational agriculture shows the greatest potential for development as a tourism resource. It is apparent that these two resources will be the focus of future development for Tamsui in the future. Meanwhile, this study showed that regarding such places as Tamsui’s Fisherman’s Wharf, Zhongzheng Old Street, the Gold Coast Walkway and other places that were thronged by visitors, consumers had a high level of satisfaction and recognition of the importance of tourism resources. On the other hand, consumers had a low level of satisfaction and recognition of the importance of tourism resources in low-traffic spots or those that were poorly developed such as the Tamsui River Mangrove Area (Hongshulin), the bird-watching area along the Tamsui River Estuary, terraced fields, the Yinshan Temple, the Longshan Temple, the Fuyou Temple, the Chongjian Old Street and Cingshuei Street. This shows there was a strong positive correlation between the level of satisfaction and recognition of the importance of tourism resources and the number of tourists. / In order to promote sustainable and comprehensive development of tourism resources and modern business-management practices, this paper proposes marketing strategies for six types of tourism resources in Tamsui based on a 9P concept (planning, policy, product, price, people, promotion, place, package and partnership) after the study of literature and on-site investigations. In addition, this research integrates the marketing strategies of the six types of tourism resources with the government’s corresponding tourism policies. Factual analysis of variance is conducted to explore the correlation between consumers’ perception of importance and level of satisfaction regarding tourism resources in Tamsui, so that a strategic marketing plan can be devised for Tamsui’s overall tourism resources in the future.


李依盈, LEE,YI-YING Unknown Date (has links)
二○○一年年底通過了「大陸地區人民來台從事觀光活動許可辦法」,希望藉由此政策之推行,作為向中國大陸釋出善意的證明,以及挽救台灣觀光產業的處方籤。然而此政策是我國單方面的善意開放,再加上未來全面開放的時間表也沒有確定。因此,有相當多的不確定因素影響到此政策的執行成敗。此外,此政策從二○○二年一月執行至今已發生過多次的跳機(觀光客滯留)事件,致使社會各界均對此政策產生疑慮與擔憂。 因此,本文的研究目的在於:一、為該政策作一全面的檢討評估,以期提供整體性與前瞻性的政策分析與政策建議。二、提出更有效地安全管理機制,以減少中國觀光客在台逾期滯留。 研究歷經文獻檢閱、研究架構之提出、深度訪談與資料分析等過程後,研究所得結果彙整如下: 一、此政策執行至今仍然無法達到其預期的政策目標,讓台灣的觀光產業更加蓬勃發展。 二、旅遊品質與旅遊資源在短期內並非為影響此政策達成目標的關鍵因素;不過以中長期來看,旅遊品質與旅遊資源其實是影響台灣觀光產業發展的一個根本因素,也是最為重要的要素。 三、安全管理機制是必要且重要的,然而安全管理機制與其他因素相較之下,安全管理機制則屬於比較微觀的,比較屬於技術層面的東西。 四、在此開放旅遊的政策中,與中國簽訂旅遊協議其實是最基本的前提要件,屬於最重要的一個影響因素,若是少了這道程序,之後的安全管理機制與旅遊品質都會直接或間接受到影響。 五、今日的安全管理機制難以發揮功效,主要的原因在於我們沒有與中國大陸簽 訂協議。而且即使訂定出一套看似百密而無一疏的安全管理機制,也無法百分之百的杜絕中國旅客來台逾期滯留的問題。

文化園區創新、地區行銷與文化政策-三個韓國首爾文化園區的比較研究 / Cultural district innovation, place marketing and cultural policy-comparative studies of three cultural districts in Seoul, Korea

朴鍾恩 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,透過地區行銷以及文化政策的地區創新已經超越了保護主義,並且帶來了地區發展,也影響了行政特區以及地方政府。 本研究主要的目的是探討什麼是影響地區行銷成功的因素?並且探討這些因素是如何被應用在文化特區?本研究透過這些成功的因素建立了一個基本的架構並且分析地區行銷策略。本論文的研究主軸主要是地區行銷的行銷創新。 本研究會從學術角度開始探討文化特區並且為韓國的文化特區下一個定義,並且根據研究的主軸做修正。研究的重心主要是韓國文化特區的比較研究。根據觀察,文化特區的形成有很多的因素及策略。不同的因素與策略會形成不同文化特區獨有的特色。本研究主要的目的是探討造成這種現象的成功因素與策略。 本研究關於地區行銷以及韓國文化政策的主要理論來自於創新理論、地區發展以及非營利機構。本研究使用理論建構、個案比較研究。本論文根據理論架構研究韓國文化特區的成功經驗,研究個案包括仁寺洞、大學路以及三清洞。研究時間自2011年10月到2012年六月。 關鍵字:文化特區、地區行銷、文化政策、仁寺洞、大學路、三清洞、首爾、韓國、地方認同、地方形象 / These days, district innovation through place marketing and cultural policy exceeds limitations stemming from the preservation of regional unique features and helps foster regional development, exerting great influence in special districts and local governments. The aim of the present study is to determine which are the most critical success factors in place marketing, and how these factors could be utilized in cultural districts. The study builds a framework and analyzes place marketing strategy from the perspective of the process and success factors. The main research focus is on marketing innovation aspects in place marketing. I will examine the academic definition of a cultural district and set a definition for Korean cultural districts, adjusting to the course and purpose of the intended study. Moreover, I have tried to comprehend the comparative research of Korean cultural districts. It was observed that there are many factors and strategies that lead the cultural district. Each guideline invents identities suited for each environment and provides help to strategies on forming cultural districts. And realistically, this study was done to know what successful factors and strategies actually lead that phenomenon. The primary theoretical background and concepts in place marketing and Korean cultural policy for this study consist of innovation theory, place development, and non-profit organizations (NGO). This study uses a theory building, comparative case research agenda with embedded, longitudinal and multiple case researches. The study applies the theoretical framework of successful cultural districts based on empirical research with the case studies of Insadong, Daehakro and Samcheongdong regions. The field research was carried out between October 2011 and June 2012. Key words: cultural district, managerial innovation, place marketing, cultural policy, Insadong, Daehakro, Samcheongdong, Seoul, Korea, place identity, place image.

「夾心餅乾」的修煉史 ─大臺北地區警察心理壓力模型建構 / A qualitative research on Stress : The Process Model of Policemen in General Taipei

劉婷安胥, Liu, Tinganxu Unknown Date (has links)
自針對心理壓力的研究盛行以來,心理壓力和工作績效的關係得到了學界諸多領域的關注。警察是高壓群體,在量化和質化研究的雙重驗證下,得到了學界一致性的認同。而警察的壓力所影響的並不僅只是其個人工作績效,更關乎整個社會的治安狀況。此外,對於壓力而言,局限於測量警察族群的壓力,對於解決問題本身沒有根本性作用。基於以上原因,本研究專注於警察高壓的原因及形成機制。根據非正式預訪談得知所長是警察生涯中壓力最為突出的一個階段,故本研究將目標鎖定在警察階段的所長族群。為了挖掘所長高壓原因及其形成機制,本研究透過質化深入訪談的研究方法,深入訪談了大臺北地區7位男性派出所所長和3位女性所長。經過紮根理論的研究流程和資料分析法,結果發現所長階段的壓力較為嚴重的原因主要在於其特殊的工作特點,以及家庭和工作的難以平衡;就其工作特點而言,包括:壓力多元化、工作時間過長、體力硬線要求高、休假異常、績效結構欠佳、公務冗雜和媒體壓迫。也正是因為工作特點而使得其較難在工作與家庭之間取得平衡。對於女性而言,刻板印象和社會期待均使其在警察工作中處於劣勢,但優秀的表現也會獲得更多的讚賞,與期望破壞理論(Expectancy Violation Theory)一致;而男性也恰正是因為刻板要求和社會期待使得其肩負著和女性警察機制不同但是程度相當的心理壓力。總體而言,警察體制內受到詬病的是績效考核方式,績效結構不合理並且指標沒有上限,專案頻繁,儘管不同來源的所長最終都將自我調整心態到了無可奈何的接受狀態。也正是這一結果,證明目前警察體系內協助警察舒緩壓力的管道較為匱乏,亟需改善和解決。 / The influence by stress on performance is one of the popular research issues. Former qualitative and quantitative researches proved that policeman is one of jobs with high working stress. Stress on policeman not only affect their own working performance but also societal safety. Only measurement of stress cannot make policeman perform better. Thus, this study focuses on causes and mechanism of policeman’s stress. Police inspectors in local police stations are with extremely high working stress according to informal interviews. This study interviewed three female and seven male police inspectors from Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung in Taiwan. After data analysis with Grounded Theory, this study concludes that special working conditions and unbalance between family and work are the main sources of stress on policemen. This job is stressful with several traits including multi-faced stress, overtime work schedule, exhausting physical energy, irregular days-off, unreasonable performance evaluation structure, complicated working issues and bothering media. It is these working conditions that make policemen stressful and difficult to make balance between work and family. Furthermore, stereotypes and social desirability burden female policemen. However, consistent with Expectancy Violation Theory, female policemen would also gain more recognition and compliment when they perform positively; Male policemen are required to take over more work for female policemen because of social desirability. In general, the biggest source of stress for policemen in Taiwan is the unreasonable performance evaluation system. It comes out as taking it without other alternatives for most policemen no matter where they were trained before. There has not been effective assistance for policemen within police system in Taiwan.


黃喬詮, Huang,Chiao-chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文所稱「海事留置權」,係指兩岸海商法、台灣民法、大陸擔保法與合同法及兩岸其他特別法所定,與廣義海事上有關之船、貨和其他動產之留置權而言。詳言之,海事留置權之種類包括:依台灣民法物權編留置權章及大陸擔保法留置章取得之留置權、建造或修繕船舶人之船舶留置權、運送人或承攬運送人之貨物留置權、運送人或船長對於未清償共同海損分擔額之貨物留置權、船舶出租人之留置權、承拖人對被拖物之留置權、救助人對獲救船舶、貨物及其他財產之留置權、倉庫營業人之留置權、行紀人之留置權、信託法之留置權。有鑒於台灣民法物權編修正草案已作大幅度之增修,近年來大陸又積極推動研訂統一民法典工作,並已審訂通過民法(草案)其中第二編物權法(草案)部分之第二次審議稿,且大陸亦有學者對其海商法作出修改建議,值此新舊過渡現行法理論與實務多所歧異之際,藉機綜合研析,並作兩岸擔保物權領域的法制與實務之比較,此外,將來兩岸開放三通後,日後涉及債權擔保之民事事項與海事事項勢必與日俱增,船、貨留置之事件,亦將層出不窮,兩岸法院、仲裁機構、法學專家及人民適用彼岸地區規定之情形尤當頻繁,此時以兩岸海事留置權為中心,就可能衍生之相關實體與程序問題,予以深入比較探討,並發表所見,期能有助於國人就此一論題之瞭解,兼可供作兩岸法學研究、司法實務及立法之參考,此乃本文研究之主要目的。茲說明本論文之主要章節架構如次: 第一章 緒論 本章乃就研究本論題之動機、範圍與方法作一說明。 第二章 兩岸海事留置權之取得 本章首先就海事留置權之意義與海事留置權之種類予以概述後,再就依一般規定取得之海事留置權,其成立之積極要件與消極要件加以說明,接著就非依一般規定取得之海事留置權,其成立所須具備之要件按各種海事留置權分款予以析述。以上論點並就兩岸之異同為比較。 第三章 兩岸海事留置權之效力與消滅 本章就海事留置權之效力,按海事留置權對債權之擔保效力、海事留置權對留置物之支配力及海事留置權對留置權人之約束力分項予以論述,最後則就海事留置權之消滅略作說明。以上論點並就兩岸之異同為比較。 第四章 兩岸海事留置權之實行 本章分別就台灣與大陸關於海事留置權實行之條件、海事留置權實行之方法及海事留置權實行之程序予以論述,並作兩岸法制比較,以明其實行之條件、方法及程序之異同。 第五章 涉彼岸海事留置權爭議處理及認可執行之法律適用 本章分別就台灣及大陸對涉及彼岸海事留置權爭議處理之法律適用,及相互對在彼岸取得拍賣留置物之裁判或仲裁判斷等執行名義為認可執行之法律適用予以論述,以明就涉及彼岸海事留置權爭議處理之準據法,及相互認可彼岸執行名義並予執行之法律依據。 第六章 建議(代結論) 本章綜合研究所得,對於兩岸關於海事留置權及相關法制規範,以及學者之理解或司法實務所持見解,認為有欠妥適之處,提出檢討,並作出立法、修法或變更見解之建議方案,以代結論,俾有助於兩岸海事留置權及相關法制規範與解釋之修正與完善。 關鍵字:海事留置權、船舶留置權、貨物留置權、人保物保責任平等說、物保責任優先說、中華人民共和國海事訴訟特別程序法、中華人民共和國拍賣法、區際法律衝突、區際私法、民事確定裁判與仲裁判斷之認可執行、船舶優先權催告程序、臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例。


崤淑華, Chang, Shu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
國內對於風景區計劃內容有頗為廣泛的研究,但卻未見有關於計劃擬定發布後,實施 開發建築前土地管理及審查制度及探討,因為目前計畫之擬定審議、公告及實施,悉 依都市計畫法之規定,但是都市計畫主要是作都市土地發展規劃之依據,而與“維護 具有大自然之優美景觀資源”為原則的風景特定區計畫,在計畫性質與區位上不相符 合,若適用同一套管制內容,將使風景特定區之開發陷於僵化,隨著國民旅遊偏好的 不同,亦難以作適度調整,故本文企圖用國外實施具有彈性的土地開發許可制及國內 略具雛形的開發許可制來檢討國內風景特定區的開發管制。全文共分七章: 第一章:說明全文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍、研究方法與流程。 第二章:探討有關的文獻,並對其他文獻作一簡述與回顧。 第三章:由風景特定區土地使用的特性,來探討目前風景特定區土地開發之運作模式 及制定內容有何缺失,指出問題點,再就目前法令規定風景特定區計劃開發之行政體 制,來探討目前風景特定區開發之功能分析。 第四章:探討國外實施開發許可制之對象,運作模式及實施後有何成效,並對其功能 詳加分析。 第五章:探討國內實施開發許可制之缺失,及其不夠周延之處,並作適度修改,從而 引用到風景特定區。 第六章:探討風景特定區實施開發許可制時之運作模式,及應有之配合措施。 第七章:結論與建議。對全文作一總結,並提出一改進可行之道,以供政府機關行政 之參考,以便提供全民規劃開發良好,設施配置適當,適合各種遊憩行為的風景特定 區,使有限的資源發揮最大功率而同時達到保育之目的。


顏瑞瑩, Yen,Jui-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的針對國內蔚為盛行的產業外移風潮,而大陸地區正在彼岸用無限的商機和減少勞動成本的誘因招手著,如何有效的創造最大的利潤和競爭力正是對大陸投資的臺商共同關切的問題,而企業最大的資產來自於優秀的人才,唯有適才適所才能創造雙贏,因此本研究希望藉由建構客觀的指標性工具--外派管理職能評鑑量表,用以輔助企業有效地找出適切的外派大陸地區之主管。 本研究先透過文獻回顧與整理、標竿主管深度訪談,建構初步的外派大陸地區管理職能量表146題。再透過內容效度、重要性分析後確認了103題當作正式實證測試的正式問卷。本研究共寄出427份問卷,回收有效問卷為221份,有效問卷回收率為51.8﹪。 問卷回收後,進行因素分析篩選出七個外派管理職能的衡量性構面共計有31題。七個構面的內部一致性α值介於0.74 ~ 0.82之間,具備高度的內部一致性。研究結果的七個構面分述於下: 一、處理跨文化事務問題的能力職能群組 主要職能包括具備預防問題發生的能力;具備迅速發現問題的能力;具備對事務、問題的理解、分析、解決的能力;具有面對危機處理,快、狠、準的應變力和行動力;具有替代方案的規劃準備;以及具備跨文化勞資、團隊爭議的謹慎談判和處理能力等等。 二、海外生活的適應性職能群組 主要職能包括具備對挫折的堅忍力;具備容忍不明確的能力特質;能夠自我情緒智商的控制、發展與管理;具備對文化韌性、跨文化的適應力(生活、環境、工作上的適應力);以及壓力管理、本身抗壓性良好等特質。 三、自我導向職能群組 主要職能包括具備謙虛,對自我要求持續地改善任何缺失之處,不斷地自我超越之特質;定期做喜愛的活動,幫助紓緩新的實體及文化環境所帶來壓力;在異國中能尋找可替代原有嗜好或活動;能夠有充份的自信心和自我的認同;有自我充實、成長與不斷學習新知,以求創新之特性等等。 四、面臨當地各方面環境之決策能力職能群組 主要職能包括具備獨立決策的能力;具備適時企劃、計劃能力;具備多面向和清晰的邏輯、系統化思考力;具備正確、迅速對事務的判斷力;以及具有對數字的敏銳度,以應變政治、經濟環境對市場影響等等。 五、跨文化團隊建立發展能力職能群組 主要職能包括具備跨文化團隊合作的能力;具有創造跨文化團隊的向心力、凝聚力、工作價值;以及具備促進跨文化工作團隊的順利建立、發展與運作的能力等等。 六、透視或體會社會結構同質性職能群組 主要職能包括具備在外派任務中能傳承公司文化和習性並且運用;具有在外派任務中能導入公司的價值觀之認知;具有本地、外地員工間的文化融合的人文特質;及具備尊重當地文化、不本位主義的態度。 七、跨國任務的執行力職能群組 主要職能包括對工作高度的責任感;面面俱到執行任務之實現能力;及具備執行工作的的熱誠、熱情、活力等等。 最後透過迴歸分析的檢驗,驗證出本評鑑量表對外派大陸地區主管人員的工作績效具有顯著性的影響,當中以自我導向職能群組、海外生活的適應性職能群組、透視或體會社會結構同質性職能群組、跨國任務的執行力職能群組的影響最顯著。 / The purpose of this study is to research on the current of Taiwan industry relocation, and the Mainland China is waving with the limitless business opportunity and inducement of the labor cost of the reduction on the other shore, how the effective creation largest profit and competitiveness are exactly common issues deeply concerned of Taiwan corporations of investing in the Mainland China, and enterprise's largest assets come from outstanding talented human resources. The win-win situation could only be created rightly by proper arrangement. Therefore, this research hopes by building and constructing the objective index tool –Expatriate managerial competencies assessment scale, is used to find out the appropriate executive who sends the continent area to oversea operation effectively in auxiliary enterprises. This research is reviewed and put in order through documents first, the model is in charge of depth interview, build and construct preliminary 146 questions of form of the China regional managerial competencies and have confirmed after and then analyzing through content validity . Among them, 103 questions are regarded as the formal questions by the level of importance that formats final questionnaire. Sending 427 questionnaires altogether in this research, there is 221 retrieved the effective questionnaire; the effective rate of recovery of questionnaire is 51.8. After the questionnaire is retrieved, I carry on the factor analysis that has 31 questions to construct the surface altogether to screen seven domains .While Cronbach α between 0.74 to 0.82 in internal consistency, a value of seven domains of managerial competencies, possess the internal consistency of the height. Seven domains of the result of study are divided and stated as follow: First, ability of dealing with the cross-cultural affairs competencies:Possess and preventing the ability that the question happens; Possess the ability to pinpoint the problems rapidly; Possess the understanding, analysis, ability to solve to the affairs, problem; Deal with the crisis, fast, ruthless, accurate adaptability to changes and action strength; There is planning which substitutes the scheme that is prepared; And the prudent negotiation with cross-cultural labor and capital, group's dispute and so on. Second, adjustment of overseas life competencies:Possess the steadfast and persevering strength to the setback. Possess and tolerate the indeterminate ability and specialty. Can self- mood control, develop of IQ manage; Possess it to cultural-toughness, cross-cultural adjustment (life, environment, adaptive capacity at work); Specialties, such as and pressure management, resisting the pressing well by itself and so on. Third, self-oriented competencies:Possess modestly, to requiring oneself that improves the place of any disappearance continuously, specialty that is surmounting oneself constantly; Do the activity that likes regularly, help to release the pressure which cause by new entity and cultural environment; Ability to find the substitute to take place the original hobby or activity; There can be self-confidence of filling one and self- approval; Oneself substantiates, grows up and studies new knowledge, so that characteristic of innovation ,etc. constantly. Fourth, ability of decision making when facing local environments of various fields competencies:The ability with independent decision making; Possess the enterprise planning in real time, plan ability; Possess and face more with clear logic, systematic thinking; Possess the correct judgment ability to the affairs rapidly; And have it to acumen degree of the figure, the political, economic environment influences etc. the market in order to meet an emergency. Fifth, ability of the cross-cultural team builder and development cluster competencies:The ability with cross-cultural team unity; have centripetal force, cohesiveness, work values of creating the cross-cultural team; And possess and promote smooth setting-up, development and ability of operation which step the cross-cultural work team and so on. Sixth, the similarity of structure of societies competencies:Possess and can pass on company's culture and habits and acquired characteristics and use in sending the task to some other department; Have cognition that can be channeled into the values of the company in sending the task to some other department; Have humane specialty that culture among here, none-local staff merges; Respect local culture, attitude of selfish depart mentalism to possess. Seventh, execution of the transnational task competencies:The sense of duty to the working height; Realization ability to attend to each and every aspect of a matter and execute the task; and the cordiality, enthusiasm, vigor of the one that possess execution assignments and so on. Finally, through regression analysis, it proves that there is a great connection between the assessment scale and the performance mana- gement personnel who is sent to Mainland China. The competencies that with higher influences are self-directed competencies, adjustment of overseas life competencies, the similarity of structure of societies com- petencies, execution of the transnational task competencies.

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