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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

女性休閒環境架構之基礎研究-以台北縣市女性為例 / A Prelimiriary Study on the Women Leisure Envital Structure

蘇瑛敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以女性主義觀點,從女性生活空間,女性主觀的經驗感受以及彼此不同屬性間差異所反應的社會脈落價值觀問題等角度來探討女性休閒課題。在滿足女性休閒期望的前提下,考慮阻礙女性參與休閒的影響因子,探討女性的休閒認知, 休閒活動, 休閒設施三者間的特性及相互關係,作為建立女性休閒環境架構之基礎研究。  本研究受限於個人時間, 人力, 財力等因素,問卷抽樣限於居住在臺北市及臺北縣的二十歲以上女性為研究對象,僅針對女性日常休閒活動及日常使用之休閒設施做調查研究,不涉及較長時間長距離之國內外休閒遊憩活動。本研究透過相關理論文獻回顧與評述,由心理學,社會學,休閒學,女性學,地域設施論等各種不同角度來探討女性休閒概念,女性休閒設施計畫,女性休閒相關研究與議題,並對臺灣女性生活時間及休閒狀況做一回顧。  基於對研究主題,問題內涵,及個人認知觀念之考量,主要調查分析方法是並用焦點團體訪談的質性研究與問卷調查的量化統計二種研究方法。由女性自身角色認知及女性休閒認知來解析女性休閒目的,休閒選擇主動權及休閒訊息來源。並由區位,頻率,交流性等三指標分析休閒活動特性,掌握阻礙女性參與休閒因素及對休閒活動的期望。將女性休閒設施特色依區位,性質,類型等指標做解析,並分析女性對休閒設施的考慮因素,休閒設施區位及增設類型等的期望。  從研究結果得知,不同屬性之女性對休閒目的,休閒活動,休閒設施的需求不同,休閒環境所呈現的特質亦不同。休閒目的與休閒活動間具有互換性,兩者關係屬於行為科學研究範疇。休閒活動與休閒設施間關係屬於環境行為學研究範疇,具有規範性。而休閒設施與休閒目的間具有觸發性,屬於環境認知之研究範疇。 / The suqeject of this paper is to survey leisure issues of women from a feminist perspective,to satisfy wonen`s leisure expectation as a prerequisite,also to consider the facrtors which influence wonen`s leisure activity patterns and priorities,I try to survey the characters and the relationshipw of women leisure consciousness,women leisure activity patterns and the leisure facility;to build a framework of wonen leisure environmental structure,Due to the limitaion of time,manpower and moneuy, this study focus on women Whose age are above20-year-old and live in Taipei city. the research range is not include long-time&long-distance recreation activity but focus on wom'ens daily leisure activity. According to the previous studies, I defined three meanings of leisure and various leisure activities Were divided into three leisure categories depending on the tendency of their meaning. In order to analyze the leisure characteristics,frequencies, site are used as indexes. Leisure activities were analyzed and categorized into the following four types of leisure activitiey;regional activity; urban activity and natural activity The spatial characteristics of the leisure facilities based on physical characteristics were examined. The conclusion reaches that three aspects of leisure were clearly found and these aspects strongly influence each other Women had different needs of leisure consciousness,leisure activities and leisure facilities within different clusters.Also there were different characteristics appeared in women leisure environment.

臺灣家庭世代共存結構變遷 / The Evolution of the Structure of Intergenerational Coexistence in Taiwan

張喻婷, Chang, Yu-ting Unknown Date (has links)
「世代」是一個是父死子繼的過程,亦是一個家庭生命歷程的交換、更新與取代,要產生人口「替代」(replace),就必須有人口「再生產」或「繁殖」(reproduction),才會有所謂的替代過程發生。本文以繁殖率(reproduction rate)為基礎,計算世代長度(mean length of generation)。並以臺灣總生育率的變化作為切入點,從其半世紀以來的整體趨勢,去看生育率變化與世代長度變遷之關連性;而代間間隔時間之變遷必然影響臺灣家庭世代的共存結構,使得家庭結構產生改變。本文從女性觀點著手,納入初婚年齡中位數與平均餘命的概念,討論半世紀以來臺灣家庭世代共存結構變遷。世代變遷之所以重要在於其不只是對家庭產生意義,也同時影響個人生命及其生活之樣貌。 在1979年以前,臺灣世代長度變化與總生育率變化的趨勢大抵一致,在1979年以前,世代長度隨著總生育率下滑,到了1979年,總生育率還是不斷減少,但世代長度卻已停止下降,向上攀升。 從家庭可能產生之人口數量說明臺灣五十餘年之家庭世代共存結構變化: 1) 50年代--三代共存:此時期的家庭人口相當多,可能同時包括雙親、七個子女、七個媳婦,八至十個孫子三代,家庭裡共存人數可能多到40人以上,此時期家庭最大的特色在於叔姪同齡、「長兄如父、長嫂如母」的特殊現象。 2) 60年代--四代共存:從人口層面推論,四代同堂最有可能發生在70年代,主要在於此時期的平均餘命延長,讓親代有足夠的生命等待曾孫子女的來臨,同時也有足夠的生命看著所有的子女長大結婚生子。 3) 70年代--四代共存:此時期的家中共存人數較前期減少許多,約莫在30人左右,主要原因是此時期的總生育率已下降至1.9人。 4) 80年代--四代共存:和70年代相同的是,此時期也可能是個四代同堂的家庭型態,不同的是,由於總生育率下降,家庭共存人口比起70年代數量驟減,約莫10-15人。 5) 90年代--三代共存:此時期的家庭結構將再度回到三代共存的情形,與50年代三代共存不同的是,此時期由四代共存回到三代共存原因在於遲育現象,而家庭人口組成也愈趨簡單。 6) 21世紀--兩代共存:此時期的家庭結構將產生很大的變化,結婚年齡延後加上所生育的子女數銳減,使得家庭人口數將更少,可能出現僅有兩代共存的情形,勢必造成親代與子代的鍊結更深,意味著所有雙親照顧的責任可能全落在一個子女身上。 世代變遷影響下的家庭世代共存結構改變,改變了家庭人口的規模與組成,進而影響了家庭成員的生活模式及型態;現今家庭所生育子女數僅1人餘,因此獨生子女現象造成一人需負擔兩人的照顧問題,無論是在經濟或心理上都將是一種沈重的負擔。 關鍵字:世代、代間間隔時間、女性生命週期、家庭世代共存結構 / The languid flow of one generation to the next symbolizes the constant reweaving of our social fabric: As daughters assume the roles their mothers left in death, the life of the family is renewed and perpetuated, but also is steered onto a unique path. The motivating force behind this familiar familial story is the reproduction of human life, without which the replacement of human populations, of mothers with daughters and fathers with sons, cannot occur. Naturally, reproduction rates form the crux of my research, as I use it to calculate mean generation lengths over the last fifty years. The trends and trajectories of the past half-century are integral to examining the interconnectivity of changes in the total fertility rate and changes in mean generation lengths; moreover, changes in mean generation lengths impact significantly the structure of intergenerational coexistence in particular and the entire family structure in general. My research also approaches the topic through a yoni-centric perspective: I employ statistics concerning the median age of first marriage and average life expectancy of women to discuss the evolution of the structure of intergenerational coexistence in Taiwan over the past half-century, as women, stereotypically speaking, exhibit more predictable and stable life patterns than men. Ultimately, generation replacement is important not only because it fosters meaning within the family, but also because it weighs heavily on the very content that forms the lives that individual family members lead. Prior to 1979, the mean generation length and total fertility rate in Taiwan exhibited similar fluctuation patterns: Mean generation lengths shortened in accordance with total fertility rate’s steady decline. However, by 1979, the total fertility rate continued to fall, while mean generation lengths leveled off and even began to rise. Through my research, I discovered that potential family size serves as an effective analytical window to study the evolution of the structure of intergenerational coexistence in Taiwan over the last fifty odd years: 1) 1950s (three generations coexisting): The family size during this decade was very large, and can include parents, seven children, seven daughter-in-laws, and eight to ten grandchildren all living under the same roof. Total family size sometimes exceeds forty persons. There were two unique characteristics of families during this decade. First, family members of two generations may be of the same age (i.e. an uncle is the same age as his nephew). Second, traditional practice dictated that upon the death of the parents, the eldest son assumes the role of the father (head of the house) and his wife assumes the role of the mother. 2) 1960s (four generations coexisting): According to population studies, the phenomenon of four generations living under the same roof was mostly likely to occur during the 1970s, since average life expectancies increased significantly during this decade, allowing parents to witness grandchildren marry and sire great-grandchildren. 3) 1970s (four generations coexisting): Due to total fertility rates declining to 1.9, family size during this decade decreased significantly, consisting of at most about thirty persons. 4) 1980s (four generations coexisting): Like the 1970s, it was also possible for four generations to live under one roof during this decade. Unlike the 1970s, family size shrunk to about ten to fifteen persons in accordance with steady declines in the total fertility rate. 5) 1990s (three generations coexisting): Family structures returned to three generations living under the same roof during this decade. Unlike the 1950s, however, the cause of this decline was the fact that women began bearing their first child at an older age, which resulted in simpler organization of family members. 6) Present (two generations coexisting): Family structures are undergoing dramatic changes in the 21st century. People are marrying later in life and having fewer children, which leads to considerable decline in family size and only two generations living under the same roof. This, however, has also precipitated closer ties between parents and their children, and the responsibility of caring for both parents in their old age is likely to fall on a single son or daughter. The structure of intergenerational coexistence has evolved over the past half-century under the influence of changes in the process of generation replacement. As a result, the roles of individual family members and the particular burdens they bear have also undergone considerable change. Today, families often have only one child, which results in the problem of a single child having to care for two aging parents. This is a mighty burden in terms of both economic and emotional sacrifice. Keyword: Generation、Mean Length of Generation、Life Course of Female 、Structure of Intergenerational Coexistence


周育瑩, Chou,Yu-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探討與女性領導者有關的刻板印象與偏見是否會產生刻板印象威脅效果而影響女性的領導表現,以及是否可以消除或減少它對於個人表現的影響。本研究也探討「對特定領域的認同」及「對所屬團體的認同」在女性領導能力的範疇中,是否會使得刻板印象威脅對於個人表現有不同程度的影響效果。另外,本研究為了要更加確認威脅感的產生,故增加行為觀察的方式來測量焦慮的產生,以彌補自陳焦慮方法的不足。 本研究以60位國立政治大學女學生為研究對象,隨機分派至「激發刻板印象威脅」、「不激發刻板印象威脅」、及「減除刻板印象威脅」等三個情境。每位女性受試者另搭配一男一女成為一小組,每組由此位女性受試者擔任領導者,帶領小組討論並解決一新車分配問題。女性受試者的領導表現由自己、小組中的二位成員、以及不知道本研究目的與假設的評估者來予以衡量。另外,本研究除了由受試者及小組成員以情境焦慮量表來評估受試者的焦慮程度之外,也請不知道本研究目的與假設的評估者,以情境焦慮量表來評估受試者的焦慮程度,並觀察其焦慮行為,評量受試者在活動過程中顯出不舒服或不自然的程度及頻率。 研究結果顯示,「激發刻板印象威脅」情境與「不激發刻板印象威脅」情境的受試者在大部分領導表現變項上均無顯著差異;「激發刻板印象威脅」情境中的受試者在部分領導表現變項上的平均得分顯著低於「減除刻板印象威脅」情境中的受試者。在本研究中,性別認同程度及領域認同程度並不會影響刻板印象威脅與領導表現之間的關係。此外,三個實驗情境中受試者的情境焦慮程度及非語言焦慮並沒有顯著差異。 本文也針對研究結果進行整體性的討論,並提出可能的研究限制,及對於後續研究的建議。

俄國女性就業問題之研究 / The Research of Russian Women' s Employment Situation

韓政燕, Han, Cheng-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

女性領導者之後效懲罰行為對部屬評價與工作表現的影響:內在歸因及意圖歸因的中介效果 / The Impacts of Female Leaders’ Contingent Punishment Behaviors on Subordinate’s Evaluation and Work Performance:The Mediating Effects of Internal and Intentional Attributions

陳怡廷, Chen, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣社會對於性別平權的提倡與重視,有越來越多的女性投入職場,然而在高階領導階層的男女比例還是有明顯的差距。本研究希望以實驗法深入探討領導者在組織當中展現特定管理行為效果的性別差異,即男、女性領導者展現後效懲罰行為對部屬的影響。由於後效懲罰行為時常會伴隨生氣情緒展現,又後效懲罰與生氣情緒皆屬違反女性刻板印象行為,預期相較於男性領導者,女性領導者展現此管理行為時會受到部屬比較低的評價和工作表現。研究一透過閱讀後效懲罰短文情境並操弄領導者的性別,僅在部屬對女性領導者評價上發現些微符合預期的證據。研究二改採實際模擬互動情境,操弄領導者性別、給予的回饋並及情緒圖片,結果發現女性領導者展現後效懲罰行為時,確實較男性領導者有較低的評價及工作表現,且利用路徑分析發現內在歸因及部分正向意圖歸因的中介效果。綜合兩個研究可以凸顯女性領導者執行特定重要管理行為時所面臨的困境,並期許兩性在職場上能有更平等的發展機會。 / Despite women’s increasing worforce participation, the gender gap in organizations has not changed appreciably nowadays. Women are still underrepredented in leadership positions in Taiwan. This research reveals a delimma female leaders may face when exhibiting Contignet Punishment Behavior, which is not only an important but a counterstereotypical management behavior. Since Contignet Punishment Behavior is always accompany with anger expression, we conducted two experiments to examine whether people are biased against female leaders when they exhibited it. Although study 1 showed only a small tendency that female leader is less evaluated than male leader, we found participants did give less evaluation and work less when they received contingent punishment from female leader than male leader, and the mediating role of internal and positive intentional attribution also found in study 2. Overall, we reveal penalties for women when they display important menagment behavior which is perceived violating gender-stereotypic prescriptions. Implication and practical applications are discussed.


山本, 耕平 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(文学) / 乙第13308号 / 論文博第650号 / 新制||文||693(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学 / (主査)教授 太郎丸 博, 准教授 田中 紀行, 教授 岩井 八郎 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DFAM


根本, 真弓 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(教育学) / 乙第13153号 / 論教博第158号 / 新制||教||178(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科臨床教育学専攻 / (主査)教授 岡野 憲一郎, 准教授 髙橋 靖恵, 教授 皆藤 章 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM

アメリカのテレビドラマにおけるアジア系女性像 : 1970年代から2000年代の関係性の変遷を中心に / アメリカ ノ テレビ ドラマ ニオケル アジアケイ ジョセイゾウ : 1970ネンダイ カラ 2000ネンダイ ノ カンケイセイ ノ ヘンセン オ チュウシン ニ

俣野 裕美, Yumi Matano 03 March 2016 (has links)
本論は、1970年代から2000年代のアメリカのテレビドラマにおけるアジア系女性の表象を分析したものである。作中でアジア系女性が築く他の人物との関係性に焦点を当て、その変遷を各時代背景とともに論じた。70年代のアジア系女性は、既存の体制を維持、強化する関係性を築いていたが、2000年代にはアジアに対する抑圧の片鱗が見られつつも、アジア系女性が主体性を発揮できる関係を構築していた。終章では、こうした表象の変遷に影響を及ぼした一つの要因として、メディア表象の改善を求めるアジア系活動団体の歴史について考察している。 / This dissertation examines how US television series represented Asian women from the 1970s to the 2000s. By focusing on the relationships of Asian women with other characters, it analyzes why representational transitions occurred in relation to the socio-cultural context of each program. In the 1970s, Asian women's relationship with other characters reflected and even seemed to support the existing social hegemonic structure. In the 2000s, “Asian” roles remained underprivileged, but they demonstrated more autonomy in their relationships with others. In the last chapter, I introduce the history of Asian American media organizations, one of the factors that brought about these transitions over the years. / 博士(メディア学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Media Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Transnational Takarazuka : Japanese female performers and America from the 1930s to the 1950s / トランスナショナルに見る宝塚歌劇団の戦前・戦後の歴史 : 宝塚女性演者とアメリカ / トランス ナショナル ニ ミル タカラズカ カゲキダン ノ センゼン センゴ ノ レキシ : タカラズカ ジョセイ エンジャ ト アメリカ / トランスナショナルに見る宝塚歌劇団の戦前戦後の歴史 : 宝塚女性演者とアメリカ

入江 敏子, Toshiko Irie 21 March 2021 (has links)
本博士論文では、戦間期から戦後にかけての宝塚歌劇団と、アメリカのトランスナショナルな関係性について焦点をあて、アメリカと継続的な接点があった宝塚女性演者に着目をする。宝塚演者のような特殊性を持つ女性たちに焦点を当てることは、当時の新たな日本人女性像を見出すことを可能にする。同時に、トランスナショナルな視点を用いた結果、彼女たちが日本人女性としてのアイデンティを国内だけではなく、国外とのやり取りを通じて構築していたという事実を明らかにする。 / This project is one of the first attempts to explore the transnational history of Takarazuka by following the complex processes by which Americans and Japanese used Takarazuka to explore the contours of Japanese identity and femininity in the period from the late 1930s to the 1950s. Especially, through this dissertation, I will focus on the voices of Takarazuke females whose historical voices have barely been featured in the previous research. By using transnationalism as a main analytical theme, I argue that these females used the given opportunities to recreate their own identities, especially through the difficulties of negotiating the boundaries during the time when the role of Japanese women was continuously transforming. / 博士(アメリカ研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in American Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

“I, a woman will fight them for you.” : An intersectional analysis of Lady Zhurong, the only woman to lead an army into battle in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms / 「我虽是一妇人,愿与你出战。」

Hinderson, Stina January 2023 (has links)
Beside the innumerable male characters in the Chinese classic, The Romance of The Three Kingdoms, there is one female general: Lady Zhurong (祝融夫人). This thesis addresses the research gap in studying the unique case of Lady Zhurong, the only woman in the novel that leads an army in battle. By using a qualitative method, the thesis investigates how Lady Zhurong’s portrayal is influenced by her gender. An intersectional theory is used to contextualize how her ethnicity as Nanman (南蛮) and her social status intersects with her gender. Furthermore, it compares her to how other minor male generals are portrayed. The analysis finds that Lady Zhurong’s character should be understood from the context of her ethnic background and the overall negative portrayal of the Nanman. Nevertheless, as suggested in the story through the description of the Nanman, some gender norms differ between them and the Chinese society of the time. This enables her to have more autonomy than other women which in turn enables her to fight on the battlefield and lead an army. Despite the general negative depiction of the Nanman, Lady Zhurong’s portrayal, performance, and the expectations of her as a general is equivalent to that of the male generals in the story. Compared to other Nanman generals she even outperforms them. However, her character should not be understood as merely an emasculation of the other Nanman-generals. Lady Zhurong has agency, and the findings can contribute to our wider understanding of women’s multifaceted roles in traditional Chinese society. / 经典名著《三国演义》虽然刻画了无数的男性角色,但它却只塑造了唯一一位女性将 领——南蛮女将“祝融夫人”。本论文以这个少见的角色为研究主题,采用质性研究 的方法,以祝融夫人这一独特的女将形象为例,分析研究小说人物形象的塑造如何受 到角色性别的影响。并利用交叉性理论的分析视角,结合祝融夫人的“南蛮”身份, 探究民族背景与社会阶层如何与性别交互影响。此外,本文也分析比较祝融夫人和其 他男性将领角色。所以本文发现因为小说对南蛮的评价负面,因此必须在这个背景当中 理解祝融夫人的角色。尽管南蛮和当时的汉人社会都有性别角色的差异,但祝融夫人, 比较三国演义上的其他女性角色有更多的自主权,甚而统率部队上阵。在对南蛮的普 遍负面描述中,祝融的军功和野心都是比肩男将军,甚至比其他南蛮将军更出色。然 而,这个角色的功能并不仅仅是削弱其他南蛮将领,而具有个体能动性。这些发现有 助于我们更广泛地理解传统中国社会中女性的多元面貌。

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