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網路中的女性情誼-以台大椰林「站崗的女人」為例林欣若 Unknown Date (has links)
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以資料採礦的方法探索影響台灣地區女性戶長的原因李孟謙, LEE, MENG CHIEN Unknown Date (has links)
「資料採礦」(Data Mining)為一種結合統計分析、資訊工程和各領域間專業知識的一種新興分析技術,例如:產業界的市場分析,金融界的財務分析,保險業的風險管理,生物科技界的疾病分析以及政府的人口統計,在各行各業使用資料採礦技術的人員日益增加。然而,正因資料採礦屬於新興發展的領域,仍有不少事項尚待開發,例如:不同型態的資料如何處理。本文即探討兩種不同型態的資料:資料量多、變數少以及資料量少、變數多兩種,以監督學習(Supervised Learning)和分類(Classification)的概念,分別對觀察值較多的2000年台灣地區戶口普查資料探討影響女性戶長的因素,而對變數較多的攝謢腺癌資料詮釋血清的病症類型,研究不同的類型資料可能的處理步驟。
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色情出版品的審查與言論自由──從約翰彌勒自由主義與性別平等觀點探討劉正龍 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自從1987年政府宣佈解嚴後,政治上逐漸轉型為自由民主國家,目前正面臨到民主鞏固與民主深化的問題。在自由化、民主化的過程中,多數專制與社會專制乃是民主社會在政治上必須防範的罪惡。色情出版品受到社會專制的壓抑由來已久,審查制度在任何國家中,普遍以不受質疑的型態存在。但在民主社會中,吾人必須重視審查制度與言論自由之間存在的爭執問題。色情不被社會道德所允許,主要的原因在於傳統上「性」被視為不宜公開展示或談論的議題,因為它的本質是粗鄙的、令人難堪的、直接訴諸本能衝動的。但當歷史上偉大的作家或藝術家同樣以「性」作為表現或探討的主題時,吾人卻認為它是「藝術」而非「色情」。因此,色情與藝術的概念顯然不易區分。John Stuart Mill在《自由論》一書中,曾經強調意見自由與發表自由對於人類精神福祉的必要性。他最主要的論點是:如果有任何意見被迫緘默,那個意見可能是正確的。否定這一點,等於假設吾人不可能發生錯誤。吾人必須使色情爭議問題有充分的討論空間,否則等於假設禁絕色情的言論不可能發生錯誤。
關鍵詞:色情、言論自由、性別平等、自由原則、自由主義、基進女性主義、社會專制、John Stuart Mill
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《三六九小報》通俗小說中的女性形象——文學敘事與文化視域的探討 / The female images of the popular fictions in 369 Tabloid - the investigation of literary narrative and cultural vision曾婉君 Unknown Date (has links)
第五章結論。總結前文,指出本文研究的要點及其意義,最終呈顯出《小報》乃置於一個通俗小說創作的過渡期,在文言與白話通俗小說發展史上,別具遞變、糾葛的交混面貌;且在三O年代特殊的現代化情境中,《小報》通俗小說的文學敘事與文化視域,有著鮮明的文化氛圍及歷史語境,而其所建構的饒富時代意義的女性圖像,更具耐人玩味的性別視野。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the written description of female appearance and related narrative mode in “popular fictions” of 369 Tabloid, and to figure out the cultural vision of the writers of 369 Tabloid toward females in the 1930s; moreover, there were comparisons between 369 Tabloid and other novels during the Japanese-ruled period to show forth the significance of “female” images of popular fictions in 369 Tabloid. There are five chapters in this thesis, and the brief previews are as follows:
Chapter one is the introduction part. This chapter showed the frame of this study. The first section provided the motivation of this study, the second section contained the aspects of problem already studied by other researchers, and the third section presented the need for more investigation based on the previous research, pointing out the realm of this study as well as the research method being used.
Chapter two was titled “female” appearance—the description and narration of “female images” in popular fictions of 369 Tabloid. According to the collection of different types of popular fictions, this chapter displayed the phenomenon of the fixed patterns in popular fictions of 369 Tabloid; the first section, “Narrative mode of fictions”, indicated that the phenomenon of the fixed patterns in popular fictions showed a great number of repetitive messages, reflecting an interesting angle in choosing the material among common writers; and the intensity of interference from the writer’s viewpoint to the story could be observed through the relative position of the writer/narrator; furthermore, 369 Tabloid was mostly written through the view of an onlooker, employing the narrative technique of 全知敘事 or 限制敘事,and thus developed a totally different narrative style. The second section, “Description of female appearance”, explored the formation of female image in the fictions of 369 Tabloid according to the meaning of the characters’ names, description of their body, image design, imagery metaphor and so on.
Chapter three was about the female status in culture. In light of the way women were presented in the text, we could see the relationship between gender and culture; the first section “Oppression from the fatherhood system”, illustrated that due to traditional values, the concept that male was better than female, and female had a lower status than male had on the one hand made female face the destiny of being materialized and on the other made them construct a false self-recognition because of being confined by “female virtues”; the second section, “The accusation toward society”, showed that living in a colonial society which advocated capitalism, women faced difficulties in life, and the difficult situations and miserable destiny surrounding them let them become victims of multiple oppression; the third section, “Reflection on marriage and love”, pointed out that under the impact of new/old culture, new women with education/ child bride, had mostly failed in free love or been distressful in traditional marriage, and these all revealed that writers of 369 Tabloid were in a transitional stage—they felt worried, suspicious, and uneasy whether in traditional love and marriage or new love and marriage.
Chapter four consisted of different writing strategies used in displaying “female” images—the comparison between 369 Tabloid and other popular fictions. In chapter two and three, the discussion about the text itself had already made the female images of the fictions in 369 Tabloid clear, and to go a step further, this chapter included the comparison between 369 Tabloid and other classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese popular fictions, no matter at the same period or other times; in the first section, “The comparison between 369 Tabloid and previous classical Chinese popular fictions”, the compared target were 46 popular fictions written in simple classical Chinese and published in 漢文台灣日日新報 by 李逸濤(1905-1911); in the second section, “The comparison between 369 Tabloid and contemporary or later vernacular Chinese popular fictions”, the compared target were台灣大眾文學系列published by 前衛publisher, and the vernacular Chinese popular fictions in Feng-yue-bao and Nan-fang in the 1940s. After these research, the results that there were both classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese used in 369 Tabloid, and that various materials as well as narrator voices were employed in it were shown. This also revealed that different writing strategies were used in different popular fictions.
Chapter five is the conclusion part. This chapter summarized the previous chapters, pointing out the gist and significance of this study, finally showing that 369 Tabloid is at the transitional stage of popular fictions; that is, we can see the changing, entangled, and blended phase in the developmental history of classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese popular fictions in 369 Tabloid; besides, under the special modernized condition in the 1930s, the literary narrative and cultural vision in 369 Tabloid made it distinctive in its cultural atmosphere and historical background. And the female images it had constructed during that time had provided us with an interesting view toward the gender issue.
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女性創業政策對「非營利組織」創發之研究:以『中華飛雁創業互助協會』為例 / Research on the innovation of NPO under women entrepreneurship policies:The case of the Women Entrepreneurs Association of Taiwan楊舒蓉, Yang,Shu-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
從時代趨勢中洞悉到女性創業議題的重要 ,爰發現青輔會「飛雁專案」下之非預期性政策產出(「中華飛雁創業互助協會」)的關鍵地位與價值,於檢視該組織背後的脈絡因素中覺察到「新制度主義之鑲嵌性概念」與「動態社會資本理論建構」間不謀而合,除確立女性創業環境下公部門(青輔會)、非營利組織(中華飛雁創業互助協會)及個人(微型女性創業者)間之互為鑲嵌關係,更因該組織成立而點明女性創業之動態社會資本建構過程,調和過去二元價值對立的窘境,透過實務與理論間交互檢證,開創女性創業、非營利組織及社會資本理論間之新紀元。 / Owing to the key status and value of the Women Entrepreneurs Association of Taiwan (WEAT) and unpredictable policy output of the“Free & Yong Program ”of National Youth Commission of Executive Yuan (NYC), this paper seeks to identify the importance of current trend issue about women entrepreneurship. In viewing the inner factors of the organizational context, I find there’s a coincidence between the“ embedding concept of new institutionalism” and “dynamic construction of social capital theory”. It not only sets up the correlation among Gov (NYC), NPO(WEAT)and individual (women mircrobusinesses entrepreneurs), but also makes the process of dynamic construction of social capitals in women business clear, harmonizing the paradox of structural/rational dualism in the past. The Interviewing and case study design are mainly employed methods in this research to cross-check practice and theory and thus depicts a better interaction among women entrepreneurship, NPO and social capital theory.
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台灣職場性別隔離的趨勢 / Trends of Sex Segregation in the Taiwanese Workplace姜馨彥, Chiang, Hsin Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用民國六十七年至九十一年人力資源調查五月份的資料,建構人力資源調查合併資料檔案,根據相異指數、以及Tam(2001b)的標準化女性比例,進行職業層次、產業層次、工作層次性別隔離的程度和樣貌的趨勢分析,並以三維立體圖形方法呈現結果。研究結果顯示,職業層次的性別隔離近乎整合且標準化女性比例的百分比座落在60%至70%之職業有逐漸增多的趨勢、產業層次的性別隔離也呈現整合而中性職業增加的趨勢、至於工作層次性別隔離程度則逐漸下降且也呈現出整合的趨勢變化,而工作層次性別隔離程度高過職業層次性別隔離程度。另採用民國六十九年與七十九年台閩地區戶口及住宅普查資料完整母體資料所建構的工作層次資料,以檢驗使用人力運用調查的樣本資料得出之工作層次資料的結果,證明後者的分析具有效度。而採用普查資料進行探究也發現,無論是在更細緻的職業層次(三分位職業代碼)和工作層次(三分位職業代碼與二分位行業代碼的工作代碼組合)、或者是在與人力資源調查相同的職業層次(二分位職業代碼)和工作層次(二分位職業代碼與二分位行業代碼的工作代碼組合)的分析層次下,採用相異指數和標準化女性比例的結果皆是性別隔離程度下降、也呈現出整合的趨勢變化,工作層次性別隔離程度也高過職業層次性別隔離程度,然其僅提供十年間的資訊,實為可惜之處。 / This study uses data from 1978-2002 Manpower Utilization Survey (MUS) for analyzing, ultimately, job-level sex segregation in Taiwanese workplace. Taking into account the limitation of large amount of small-N job cells due to the relatively smaller sample sizes, the method of mid-point of interval estimation and 5-year aggregation is applied with its strength of consecutive data series: pooling data across 1978 to 1982 as estimation for year 1980, and so on, to construct 5-year aggregated MUS data. To view the job-level sex segregation pattern, job-level datasets are established by the “combination of occupation and industry codes”, from which there are units of analysis, job cells. And discarding small-N reliable sampled jobs in MUS is essential to avoid biased results for they contain extreme sex composition after comparing with those from population data of 1980 and 1990 Taiwanese Censuses. Findings indicate that the degree of occupational, industrial, and job-level sex segregation is somewhat increasing by Duncan and Duncan’s Dissimilarity Index, by which it is unable to measure the exact segregation degree because of its margin-dependent trait. However, by using Tam’s margin-free index: Standardized Percent Women, findings indicate that: (1) for occupational-level sex segregation, there is a trend of integration, and those occupations with 60%- 70% SPWOM shows a slight increase; (2) for industrial sex segregation, the trend almost remain the same, just that gender-neutral industries increase a bit, especially in recent years; (3) as for the degree of job-level sex segregation, it is declining, and there is a long-term trend of integration in Taiwanese workplace over the past 25 years. Therefore, job-level analysis does show what the past occupational and industrial analysis cannot present. And the findings from MUS are robust, based on the contrast analysis from population data of 1980 and 1990 Taiwanese Censuses; in addition, research outcomes from Census data also show integrated pattern in occupational and job-level sex segregation in that decade.
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一位女性諮商師諮商性侵害加害人經驗之敘說研究 / The narrative study of the experience of a female counselor who counsels the sex offenders江淑娟, Chiang, Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究之末,依循研究結論並綜合白菜所述及研究者個人的認識與體悟,對性侵害治療工作人員所需要的後續關懷,提出建議。而研究者也由自己身為一位研究者與一位諮商工作者的角色進行反思對話,研究者並體認到,研究的歷程其實也是一段貼近自己的歷程,接觸性侵害加害人,無論是對研究者或參與者來說,都開啟了對另一個世界的認識,這個經驗震盪了她們的生命信念,幫助她們看見了自己在「性」、「罪惡」和「犯罪」等議題上的限制,但也同時為她們指引了成長的方向。 / The purport of this study is to understand the experience of a female counselor who works with sex offenders, including the psychological impact that the individual has perceived subjectively, and her course of self-adjustment and breaking through the predicament, and furthermore these experiences influence her professional work and personal life.
The beginning of this study is to describe the psychological impact that the researcher perceived while going to the jail for observing the group composed by sex offenders, and gradually to focus on the experience of the female counselor who counsels the sex offenders.
The study adopts narrative research approach. The researcher wrote down the study participant's work experience as a story in the "holistic-content" analytic method, and then interpreted and discussed it.
From the narrative of the study participant ,Cabbage, the researcher discovered that because of the conflict the work brought , her internal experience was divided into two themes:“internal division and conflict” and “sexual anxiety caused from the sex offenders treatment”. However, Cabbage engaged in the adjusting course of self-admittance and self-integration hard. At the same time, the researcher also observed that Cabbage went through “the awareness and change of the external sex role”. In addition, this study discusses the narrative of Cabbage with the axis of “professional development and growth of the counselor”. The researcher saw a female counselor working on the treatment of sex offenders, whenever suffered psychological impact or impasse, she considered inwards and looked for the method to continue going ahead, and integrated into a new viewpoint to get back to the practice work or the private life for trying to break through predicament. The course happened circularly.
In the end of the study, relying on the conclusion of the study, the synthesis of Cabbage’s narrative and the researcher's personal understanding, the researcher proposed some suggestions to the demand of the people who work with sex offenders. The researcher also introspected from taking as a researcher and a counselor' roles, and realized that the study was actually a journey towards herself. The experience of getting along with sex offenders, no matter for the researcher or the participant, has opened another world. It shakes their life faith, but also helps them to see their own restriction on such topics as “the sex“, “the guilt” and “the crime”, etc., as well as guided them the direction of growing up.
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照顧家中失能老人中年女性生命經驗之研究 / The Life Experience of Midlife Women Who Caring Disabled Elders at Home李德芬, Lee, Te Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質性研究(qualitative research)之深度晤談法(indepth interview)進行資料收集,再以紮根理論方法進行文本分析,共訪12位中年女性,本研究結果如下:
關鍵字:中年女性照顧者;生命經驗;失能老人;身心知覺;家庭關係;自我發展。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of midlife women who caring disabled elders at home. Twelve midlife women participated in this research. In this study, the semi-structure and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Their answers were audio-taped as data collection. Ground theory analysis was used to analyze the data. The major findings were divided into three parts according the purposes of this study as follows:
(1) The experience and perception of caring disabled elders which we found in this study:
The reasons of midlife women caring disabled elders were the sense of responsibility, marriage connection, repay the kindness from disabled elders and didn’t want to be a guilty person. The stressors of caring disabled elders were short of homecare skills, the strain of interpersonal relationship, distress of daily life and deficiency of family support. The coping of the stressors were modifying the cognition of caring responsibility, finding the meanings of caring, and leaving the caring setting for a while. In this study, we didn’t find the efficacy of family care polity.
(2)The life experience of mid-age women were divided into three parts:
The first part result is psychosomatic perception, we found that women are going through psychosomatic change and more concerned about health. Climacteric is just a nature event for them, most mid-age women never minded that and refuse treatment by medicine. They also expressed the sexual relationship with their husbands are improving in the midlife.
The second part is family relationship of the midlife women, we found the marital relations and parent-child relations were dynamic and changeable. The couples had the clear division of gender role, who had the conflicts and were handled finally. Free mind, independent, similar value and stable income were important key points of marriage satisfaction. The midlife women have good parent-child relationships who treat their children as friend. The relationship between midlife women and their adult children turn into mutual benefits.
The third part is self development of the midlife women, we ask midlife women to descript themselves focusing on social self and psychological self. We found multiple dimensions of self when women interact with others . All of the twelve mid-age women thought that off time events or on time events are both the turn points in their life-cycle, but climacteric or menopause is not. It is just a nature event.
(3)The influence of caring disabled elder for the life experience of midlife
Caring disabled elder induced some psychosomatic symptoms, disturbing the intimate relations and emotion bond of couples. The influence of caring disabled elder for the parent-child relationships were children of midlife women need to help the caring work, mid-age women were the role model of their children and induced the contradiction between midlife women and their children. In the aspect of self development, caring disabled elder interrupted their plans of the future, reminded mid-age women to prepare their elder life and thinking about death issue.
Key words:midlife women; caregiver; life experience; disabled elders; psychosomatic perception; family relationship; self development.
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外在環境對女性性別歧視與工作家庭衝突的影響陳雪君 Unknown Date (has links)
總結來說,本論文有兩個研究。研究一透過實驗法探討女性因負面環境而支持性別歧視的現象,並關心負面來源的影響,藉此檢驗外在環境對於女性支持性別歧視的影響。並透過兩個可能機制:負向狀態解除和女性次類別評估,以了解女性支持性別歧視的可能原因,其中受試者為223位大學女學生。實驗操弄女性受試者得知男性(或女性)對女性的正向(或負向)評價,並經由三種不同作業探討兩種機制,即採2(訊息來源:男性、女性)× 2(訊息價值:正向、負向)× 3(作業:控制組、負向狀態解除、女性次類別評估)實驗者間設計。結果顯示控制組的惡意性別歧視受訊息價值和訊息來源影響。當得知女性對女性有正向評價時,受試者較不支持惡意性別歧視,而善意性別歧視不受訊息價值和訊息來源影響。根據次類別評估作業,本研究發現相較於正向評價組,負向評價組的受試者會貶抑無能力、負向且非典型的女性次類別。此外,透過對女性次類別的評價,受試者的性別歧視不受訊息來源和訊息價值的影響。
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敘述流動:三位英國女作家筆下的漫遊者與城市 / Narrating the mobile: The writings of Amy Levy, Dorothy Richardson, and Virginia Woolf王瀚陞, Wang, Han Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要探討1880至1930年代英國女性作家所再現的性別化空間。女性逐漸在十九世紀末倫敦的公共空間嶄露頭角,扮演各種不同的重要角色,舉凡上班族、消費者、俱樂部會員、電影迷、行善者及觀光客等都是當時女性公共形象的最佳例證。然而這些跨越公/私領域界限的女性漫遊者迄今都未獲得學界足夠的重視。女性漫遊者在世紀末文學研究中長期遭受忽視主要肇因於早期學者對於十九世紀男主外、女主內的公/私領域劃分大致認同,未能加以批判。透過檢視艾蜜‧列薇 (Amy Levy)、桃樂斯‧理察森 (Dorothy Richardson) 以及維吉尼亞‧吳爾夫 (Virginia Woolf) 等三位女作家的跨文類書寫,本篇論文指出世紀末的中產階級女性已逐漸掙脫傳統私領域以及家庭意識形態的束縛,開始在城市空間行走與觀看。在十九世紀末許多新興的大城市例如倫敦,如此的女性公共行走則又更加顯著並且和日益蓬勃發展的商品文化、大眾消費/享樂以及公共空間皆有極密切的關聯。流動 (mobility) 與觀察 (spectatorship) 因此成為中產階級女性在城市空間行走與觀看時的重要經驗,前者來自於女性在日益開放的公共領域遂行的空間探索,後者則是來自女性觀察者對於城市景觀例如商品展示、來往的人潮以及繁忙的街景所做的視覺凝視。經由書寫世紀末的女性城市漫遊,上述三位女作家明確地指出這些表面看似被動的中產階級女性其實早已跨越傳統空間限制,不斷挪用與創造新的城市公共空間。 / This study has examined the numerous roles played by women entering the public spaces of London in the half century from the 1880s to the 1930s as workers, shoppers, diners, clubbers, cinema-goers, philanthropists, and tourists, a wide spectrum of active female social actors that until recently have not attracted enough attention from scholars of late-Victorian and Edwardian literature. The neglect of these newly pubic women in the fin de siècle period, who are distinct from their home-bound Victorian predecessors, is largely ascribed to an uncritical acceptance of or surrender to the long-held, dominant assumption of separate spheres in the nineteenth century. Through examining the writings of Amy Levy, Dorothy Richardson, and Virginia Woolf, who portray the multifarious pictures of women rambling the streets of modern London, this study has demonstrated that female public visibility and mobility have at least since the fin de siècle period been commonly practiced by a conglomerate of middle-class women. Mobility and spectatorship are thus two significant tropes applicable to women’s spatial and visual explorations of the fin de siècle city, the former underscoring their meandering footsteps threading through the increasingly egalitarian public space while the latter their roving eyes casting glances at those enticing urban spectacles which are already a phantasmagoria of commodity display, jostling crowd, and bustling streetscapes. Through writing about fin de siècle female streetwalking, the three women writers have demonstrated that those seemingly passive women of the middle-class may indeed be capable, through their public presence and their incessant footsteps, of pushing at the established boundaries.
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