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高等教育中的性別隔離與女性就業 / Gender segregation in higher education and maternal employment陳曉穎, Chen, Hsiao-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討臺灣地區經濟發展'職業結構及家庭結構變遷過程中,女性高等教育參與之變化. 利用政府之調查統計資料分析:1.經濟發展'職業結構變遷'家庭結構變遷與高等教育參與之關係.2.高等教育中性別隔離狀況及其變動趨勢.3.女性就業之行職業集中狀況.並藉由文獻及性別隔離狀況變動之分析探討影響臺灣地區高等教育性別隔離之原因.
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女性主義與心理分析-Chorodow論母職再製 / Feminism and Psychoanalysis-The Reproduction of Mothering From Chodorow's Perspective楊蘭儀, Yuang, Lang Yi Unknown Date (has links)
及其再製產生的影響,主要根據Nancy Chodorow的論述為依歸作此主題的
關係的互動。 Chodorow以對象關係的理論基礎出發,佐以女性主義及社
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性別特質與愛情關係滿意度:關係他人-自我取向的中介效果 / Gender traits and relationship satisfaction: The mediation of other-self orientation林津儷, Lin, Chin Li Unknown Date (has links)
過往研究發現性別特質在愛情關係中扮演重要角色。人們在選擇理想的愛情對象上經常反映出性別特質的互補性,例如男性化特質高的男性和女性化特質高的女性是多數人同意的理想伴侶。然而實際的關係中,女性化特質比男性化特質更能有效的預測婚姻滿意度和婚姻關係適應。這是因為女性化特質有助於人際關係的建立與維繫,女性化特質高的人展現較多自我揭露和情緒依賴,或以人際關係中的互動對象來認同自己,在關係互動中更經常表現出回應且滿足他人需求、考量他人感受等行為,係具有較高程度的關係他人-自我取向。而關係他人-自我取向是親子、密友、愛情等親密關係常見的人際行為表現,它可以增進關係親密感、滿足對方期望,以及引起對方相對回應,在過去研究中被認為是提升關係品質的重要因素。因此本研究假設,女性化特質會透過關係他人-自我取向之中介來預測愛情關係的滿意度,並進一步探討關係他人-自我取向如何影響個人在決策事件中考量伴侶的程度。本研究中以兩個樣本(共149對未婚情侶)檢驗成對情侶的徑路模型,在模型一中驗證了過去研究發現女性化特質對於關係滿意度的正向預測力,模型二則發現個人的關係他人-自我取向是女性化特質和關係滿意度之間的部分中介變項。此外,個人的關係他人-自我取向可以反映出預期的決策事件(樣本一74對情侶)和真實的決策事件(樣本二75對情侶)中考慮他人意見的程度,這樣的預測效果在只關乎情侶兩人的決策事件中最為明顯,涉及任一方普通朋友、異性友人、家人等的決策事件無此發現。而後續分析發現,在真實的決策事件中,男性的決策他人取向可以預期自己的關係滿意度,女性則未發現此現象。本研究於綜合討論中解釋這些結果,並探討影響關係品質的可能歷程。 / Past studies have shown that gender traits play an important role in romantic relationships. Complementary gender traits are desired in heterosexual mate selection since people describe masculine men and feminine women as their ideal partners. In real relationships, however, femininity works as a better predictor of both marriage satisfaction and dyadic adjustment than masculinity. Femininity, derived from the caretaker roles in society, is related to emotional expressivity and relationship development. Feminine individuals show more self-disclosure and emotional dependency, identify themselves with current interpersonal relationships, and consider others when making decisions. They are also responsive to others’ needs, displaying a high level of other-self orientation. The higher one is in the other-self orientation, the more one is concerned for others’ welfare. While high other-self orientation is not limited to feminine individuals. People, regardless of their gender traits, tend to show a high level of other-self orientation in intimate relationships, such as parents and children, close friends, and couples. Research showed that high other-self-orientation individuals enjoy better relationship quality for that they meet partners’ needs and this brings the mutual responsiveness. As a result, we postulate that other-self orientation is a mediator between femininity and relationship satisfaction, and that other-self orientation predicts the degree one considers the partner when making decisions on romantic relationships. Two path models with two samples (149 unmarried couples totally) were examined in our study. Results indicated that femininity has a positive effect on one’s own as well as his or her partner’s relationship satisfaction (path model 1) and that the effect of femininity on one’s relationship satisfaction is partly mediated by his or her own other-self orientation (path model 2). In addition, other-self orientation is positively correlated with the degree he or she considers the partner’s needs when making decisions in hypothetical events (sample 1 with 74 couples) and real-life events (sample 2 with 75 couples). Those positive correlations are found in events involving the couple without the third party such as friends, potential relationship rivals, and the family. Follow-up analysis revealed that the more a man considers his partner’s needs in real-life decision making, the more he is satisfied with the relationship. Details were discussed in the conclusion.
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俄國女性革命家 維拉‧沙蘇里契及其政治思想轉換劉淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本文題目為「俄國女性革命家 維拉‧沙蘇里契及其政治思想轉換」,專述沙蘇里契的生平要事與其思想轉換過程。好比她在勞動解放社和俄國社會民主黨在十九世紀末的紛爭,另外在火星報時期列寧和普列漢諾夫之間的紛爭中也可以看出沙蘇里契的樞紐角色。在幾乎二十五年的時間裡,在反政府恐怖主義運動中,她不得已地刺殺了德列波夫之後,她便拋棄了恐怖暴力革命之思想,並在土地與自由社的分裂當中,吸引一些追隨者隨她加入黑土重分社,同樣地她在一八八三年更有助於發掘第一個俄國馬克思主義社會,如此一來,永久地分裂了民粹主義,長久以來換得了一個激進的社會主義觀點。一度在一九○三年,沙蘇里契扮演一個在孟什維克派與布爾什維克派的分裂中重要的角色。
第三章則題為從民粹主義至馬克思主義的思想轉換,也就是銜接沙蘇里契的自我形成與之參與民粹派活動。第四章則題為馬克思主義中的維拉‧沙蘇里契,此段時期為她一生中革命事業與地位之最高峰。第五章題為一九○九年至一九一四年的取消派與維拉‧沙蘇里契。第六章題為十月革命以後的維拉‧沙蘇里契,此時已然為沙蘇里契在政治舞台上最後一段時期。第七章為結論部分,主要呈現研究目的與研究結果相互回應下所產生的維拉‧沙蘇里契之思想原貌與轉變原因,並利用垂直分析,來使讀者清晰本論文之目的與結論,更進一步回應本文之研究目的。 / The topic of this dissertation is “ The Russian female revolutionist- the life of Vera Zasulich and her transformation of political conviction.” The focus of this research is her life and the transformation process of her political conviction. For example, her role in the Liberation of Labour, Social Democratic Labour Party, and her relationship with Plekhanov and Lenin.
At first, the focus is an introductory part in a piece of this research. In the second chapter, touching upon her life, she was born into a poor family in 1849. Her father died when she was three years old and as her mother was unable to cope, she sent Vera to live with wealthy relatives in Biakolovo. When Zasulich finished her schooling she moved to St. Petersburg and found work as a clerk. She became involved in radical politics and met Sergi Nechayev, the co-author with Mikhail Bakunin of Catechism of a Revolutionist. Zasulich joined a weaving collective and became active in the movement to educate workers, conducting literacy classes for them in the evenings.
In the third chapter, the focus is her transformation from a populist to a Marxist. In 1876, Zasulich found work as a typesetter for an illegal printing press. A member of the Land and Liberty group, when Zasulich heard that one of her fellow comrades, Alexei Bogoliubov, had been badly beaten in prison, she decided to seek revenge. Zasulich went to the local prison and shot Dmitry Trepov, the Governor General of St. Petersburg. She was arrested and charged with attempted murder. During the trial the defence produced evidence of such abuses by the police, and she conducted herself with such dignity, that the jury acquitted her. When the police tried to re-arrest her outside the court, the crowd intervened and allowed her to escape.
In the fourth chapter, the focus is the role she played in the Marxist period. In 1883, Zasulich joined with George Plekhanov and Paul Axelrod to form the Liberation of Labour, the first Russian Marxist group. Later she moved to Switzerland where she became active in the Social Democratic Labour Party (SDLP) and served on the editorial board of Iskra.
From the fifth to the seventh chapter, the key point is the latter part of her life. At the Second Congress of the Social Democratic Labour Party in London in 1903, there was a dispute between Vladimir Lenin and Jules Martov, two of SDLP''s leaders. The last part, she returned to Russia during the 1905 Revolution but after its failure ceased to be active in politics. During the First World War Zasulich supported the war effort and opposed the Bolshevik Revolution. Vera Zasulich died in 1919.
The objective of this research is to analyze three subjects:
1.The causes of her transformation in her political conviction.
2.The relationship between Zasulich and Lenin under changing of the Russian political form.
3.The thinking of the latter part of Zasulich''s life.
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已婚女性調查官工作滿足與家人關係之研究 / A study on the job satisfaction and family relationship of married female investigation bureau agents黃奕維, Huang, I Wei Unknown Date (has links)
根據上述研究結論,本研究之建議如下:一、改革考評制度,鼓舞信心;二、透明升遷管道,重建信任;三、強化各項設施,安心工作;四、定期活動參訪,家人支持;五、貫徹倫理守則,行政中立。本研究後續研究方向為擴大研究範圍,及擴大研究對象,以期研究內容更加豐富完整。 / With the trend of gender mainstreaming in recent years, gender limitations have been removed from applicant qualification of many national exams. Since 1996, the year the limitation on the numbers of male and female applicants was removed from the applicant qualification of the Special Examination for Investigation Agents of the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, the number of female agents in the Investigation Bureau has been increasing significantly. New opportunities and challenges have been injected into the Investigation Bureau where most agents were male. How do married female Investigation Bureau agents look after both their families and their work? Issues such as their job satisfaction and their relationships with their families are worthy to be further explored.
In this study, 10 experienced and representative married female Investigation Bureau agents were selected via purposive sampling as subjects for an in-depth interview. The interview contains 3 parts: the personal quality part, the job satisfaction part, and the family relationship part. The conclusions of this study are listed below:
1.High salaries and benefits offered by the Investigation Bureau help to increase job satisfaction.
2.Not being able to adapt to the workplace culture may influence colleagues’ job satisfaction.
3.Overconcern from a supervisor creates pressure and disturbance in an employee’s work and further influences employee’s job satisfaction and employee’s relationships with their families.
4.An objective performance evaluation system helps to increase employees’ job satisfaction and devotion to their work, leading them to the right direction at work.
5.Understanding and supports from families are the most important reasons behind married female Investigation Bureau agents being able to look after both their jobs and their families.
6.The special properties of the job make female Investigation Bureau agents more independent and confident.
7.As long as a couple can communicate with each other rationally and try to understand each other, no matter what their jobs are, they can build a wonderful husband-wife relationship.
According to the research findings, this study proposes the following suggestions:
1.Improve the performance evaluation system to develop a more comprehensive and fairer evaluation method.
2.Build open and fair channels for promotions.
3.Build various facilities (e.g. nursery rooms and lady’s rooms) for female employees to work without worries.
4.Hold all kinds of activities and invite employees’ families and friends so that they can understand more about the job content in the Investigation Bureau.
5.Carry out work ethics and administrative neutrality.
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女性線上購物商業模式之研究-以PayEasy為例 / Research on business model of women online shopping - use PayEasy as the case陳志勝 Unknown Date (has links)
另外,本研究從實務的觀點推論,依照女性經濟、線上購物的電子商務、商業模式三大面向的相關次級資料,進行文獻探討;其中以商業模式做為本研究訪談大網之基礎,瞭解五位受訪對象之作為及想法後,針對訪談內容進行編碼及內容分析,最後產生研究結論與建議。 / In recent years, online shopping is becoming a tendency. You can buy anything with any time and any place, more importantly, it’s convenient. According to the research by MIC in 2009, the percentage of the consumers who had the experiences with online shopping was accounted to more than 90%. Furthermore, the propotion of female was more than the male, and the age between 20 to 39 years are the major purchasing group, it accounted to 80%.
PayEasy.com was founded in 2000; the difference between PayEasy and other online shopping websites is that PayEasy focuses on female grouping, to acquiring woman’s identification by the business model of virtual department store and the development of online community. So far, PayEasy’s product lines have extand to not only the basic necessities of life, but also educate and entertainment. Besides, PayEasy cooperate with female fasionable TV program, to establish a whole new and omnibearing woman’s online shoppoing mall.
In this study, we select PayEasy as our research object to discuss the business model of woman’s online shopping, to realize the developments, dilemmas, and strategies of PayEasy; it would be constructive and valuable for the e-commerce entrepreneurs.
Additionally, we stand on a point of practice view to discuss the literatures based on the secondary data of woman economics, the e-commerce of online shopping, and the business model. Among that, we select business model as the foundation to design our interview outline. After meeting 5 participants, we use their opinions and thoughts to do coding and analyzing, and than acquire conclusions and suggestions in the end.
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色情暴動:女性色情的論述結構與情慾能動性 / Porn Insurrection: The Discourse Structure and Sexuality Agency of Women's Porn邱佳心, Chiu, Chia-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
色情不只是男性的專利,女性非但有權享受色情,近年來,更發展出一種專為女性打造的特殊色情類型:男性愛(boys' love)作品中具有明顯的性器官暴露或性行為描述之內容者,本研究稱之為「女性色情」。在女性色情中,觀看主體和慾望客體的性別位置受到翻轉,展現長久以來遭受壓抑和漠視的女性情慾。研究從Butler的「言說暴動」(insurrectionary speech)概念切入,探討女性色情是否隱含顛覆父權體制下性別權力結構的另類論述,重新詮釋女性色情背後所具有的社會意涵。
在對女性色情遊戲文本進行敘事分析,並對女性閱聽人展開深度訪談後,研究結果發現:遊戲文本倒置性別觀看位置,將男性身體予以性感化和客體化,且具有超脫異性戀鐵則的情慾思維;女性閱聽人則從其中獲得逃逸和想像的歡愉,一方面逃離現實性別權力結構的壓迫,一方面從性別權力的倒置中重獲觀看權力,以女性的主動觀看,對男性進行性感化想像。此外,她們亦在實踐中展現情慾能動性,並對父權異性戀宰制性意識形態進行反思,開放情慾態度,反對對性別弱勢的歧視。 / This article defines "women's porn" as the productions which depict genitals or sexualities explicitly in the genre of boys' love, and focus on realizing whether women's porn has a metaphor for alternative discourse of subverting the structure of gender authority in a patriarchal society. The article draws from Butler's notion of "insurrectionary speech" theoretically, and uses narrative analysis and in-depth interviews to study the discourse in a game of women's porn and the reception of female audiences.
The study findings are as follows: First, the game text breaks heterosexual rules by sexing maleness body and overturning traditional viewing position. Second, female audiences get their pleasures from two major parts through the reading experiences: Escaping and imaging. That is, evading from the oppression of gender authority in daily life, and put maleness body in a sexing way by viewing actively which empower them to claim their rights of viewing. Besides, they also reveal their agency in sexuality practices, reflect on dominant ideology of patriarchy-heterosexuality, and open their mind toward multiple gender-sexuality practices which differ from mainstream.
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俄國女性就業問題之研究 / The Research of Russian Women'' s Employment Situation韓政燕, Han, Cheng-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
第五章為結論,將前述內容作一整合總結。 / The goal of this thesis is to discuss the transformation from the Soviet Union to the new Russia, and analyze how the changes on the politics and economics influence women employment. In the first chapter, it displays the framework of the thesis. In the chapter two, we try to understand the women’s employment situation in the Soviet Union. It includes five periods: from 1917 revolution to the beginning of 1930s, the Stalin period (1930-1953), the Khrushev period (1964-1982), the Breznev period, and the Gorbachev period (1985-1991). It stresses the real employment situation of the Soviet women, and finds out the background reason. We’re specially cautious of the differences between the official statement and the fact. In the chapter three, it includes the economic reform and the impact on people. The law of the Soviet Union’s labor is also in this chapter. In the chapter four, it is about the status of Russia women in the new labor market, and analyzes what’s the reason influence their work situation.
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普丁時期俄國婦女地位之研究 / A Study of Russian Women's Status in the Putin Era李鴻儀, Lee, Hung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,「管理式資本主義」並未消除俄國婦女過去在就業市場上面臨的不平等,而其建構出「女性商品化」的形象,不利於俄國女性產生自覺。此外,父權制統治仍深植於俄國社會,迫使俄國婦女受限於傳統性別模式。 / By applying the dual-system theory, combining capitalism and patriarchy, this study aims at exploring Russian women’s status in the Putin Era. The first part of the study focuses on the historical context of Russian women’s status. The second part discusses the following research questions: does Putin’s “managed capitalism” have positive impact on Russian women? Does his strongman rule suppress women’s development?
“Managed capitalism” doesn’t eliminate the gender inequality on labor market, and it creates the phenomenon of “commodification of women”. Furthermore, the patriarchy rule is deeply rooted in Russian society, and forces Russian women are limited in traditional gender model.
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台灣上市銀行女性董監事的比例與其經營績效之關係 / The relationship between the proportion of female directors and supervisors in listed banks in Taiwan and the operational performance of the banks黃偉銘, Huang, Wei Ming Unknown Date (has links)
目前對於女性董事與財務績效的研究,以國外的文獻居多,台灣的研究僅有3篇,皆是以複迴歸的方式來進行研究分析,僅有一篇是針對金融業進行研究。未來全球經濟的發展,將隨著女性職場上參與程度和社經能力的提升而有所改變。而銀行業對經濟發展有密不可分的關係,故本研究以臺灣21間上市銀行2006年至2011年間的追蹤資料(即126筆樣本觀察值)來進行實證研究。採資料包絡分析法評估績效後,再以Tobit迴歸模型探討女性董監事的比例對台灣上市銀行經營績效的影響,並加入可能影響銀行經營績效的因素作為解釋變數,包括:資本適足率、逾放比率、銀行規模、政府持股比率、銀行是否加入金控、以及時間變數等因素。實證結果發現,女性董事的比例對於銀行的經營績效在統計上有負向的影響,而女性監察人的比例則沒有顯著的影響。建議末來可繼續研究女性董監事與其它產業的績效關係,以增加女性董監事與台灣產業間之關聯性的研究。 / At present, the studies of female directors and financial performances are mostly in foreign documents, and there are only three studies from Taiwan which are based on multiple regression analysis approach of research; only one of those studies focus on financial industry. The global economic development in the future will be changed along with the level of female participation in the workplace and the enhancement of their socio-economic capabilities. Moreover, banking has a close and tight relationship with economic developments. Therefore, this study was based on the traceable data of 21 listed banks in Taiwan from 2006 to 2011 (i.e., 126 sample observations) to proceed the empirical research. After adopting data envelopment analysis to evaluate the performances, it used tobit censored regression model to discuss the influence of the operational performance of listed banks in Taiwan along with the proportion of female directors and supervisors. It also added the possible factors that may affect the banks’ performance as explanatory variables including Capital Adequacy ratio, Non-Performing Loans ratio, size of banks, Public Shareholding ratio, joining in financial holding, time variables and other factors. The result of the study showed that statistically there is a negative effect to the operational performance of the banks along with the proportion of female directors; however, there is no significant impact affected by the proportion of female supervisors. In the future it suggested that the study can be continued researching about the influence of the operational performances in other industries by the proportion of female directors and supervisors in order to increase the research of the correlation between female directors/supervisors and industry performance in Taiwan.
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