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臺北市公園附設游泳池委託經營之研究 / Studies on Contracting-out Project of Park Swimming Pools in Taipei City姜秀慧 Unknown Date (has links)
經歸納後提出下列建議:(1)契約訂定要嚴謹並嚴格要求應依契約執行;(2)要建立退場機制;(3)加強監督以提高服務品質;(4)主管機關法令定位要明確;(5)審慎評估將使用率低的游泳池關閉或轉型;(6)確實做好可行性評估和先期規劃;(7)建置彈性的招商機制與強化自主的履約管理;(8)利用既有優勢,提高競爭力;(9)將使用率高有競爭力的游泳池優先更新;(10)應確實檢討委託經營政策;(11)加強教育訓練,提升專業能力;(12)應確實做好市場調查。 / Abstract
Following the global trend of promoting the outsourcing of public affairs in order to reduce human resources and budget expenditure, Taipei City Government has contracted out park swimming pools since 2000. Then it happened that the contractor went out of business halfway and closed the swimming pools in 2007. Furthermore, no new tenders bided for the successive contract.
This study aims to investigate problems of by contracting out Taipei City Government park swimming pools, to provide proposals to mitigate difficulties in outsourcing business operation and to explore the best mode of park swimming pools management.
The theories used in this thesis include Public Choice Theory, Transaction Cost Theory, Agency Theory and Public-Private Partnership Theory. Study methods used include document analysis, in-depth interviews and participant observation.
The study found that the followings are causes of failure in the previous outsourcing project: the administrative authority did not enforce strict accordance with the contract, exit mechanism was not established, some low-usage swimming pools were less competitive, there were too many legal restrictions, swimming pools activation was not sufficient and feasibility study of outsourcing policy was not well performed.
The following recommendations are summarized: (1) Rigorous contract terms and strict execution in accordance with the contract; (2) Establishing exit mechanism; (3) Strengthening supervision in order to improve service quality; (4) Establishing clear regulations; (5) Closing or transforming low-usage swimming pools; (6) Well-performed feasibility assessment and preliminary planning; (7) Building flexible outsourcing mechanism and strengthening self-compliance management; (8) Improving competitiveness by using the existing strengths; (9) Renovating competitive high-usage swimming pools as top priority; (10) Reviewing outsourcing policies exactly; (11) Strengthening education and training to enhance professional skills; (12) Well-performed market research.
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品牌智慧手機廠的委外策略 – 以H公司為例 / Branded Smartphone company outsourcing strategy for H company王潤邑, Wang Jun-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
根據Canalys公司2014年所發布的統計資料,全球智慧型手機的年出貨量由2011年的5億支,預估到了2018年將會成長到18億支,2013 – 2018的年複合成長率高達12.9%。接下來幾年市場主要的成長力道將會來自以中低階手機為主中國、印度、中東歐及東南亞等新興國家。
在此同時,聯發科以及高通等晶片供應商,採取「公版架構(Reference Design)」的策略提供Turn-key Solution,大幅降低了智慧型手機的設計與製造難度,智慧型手機發展到今,產品及業界供應鏈生態已趨於成熟,對於供應鏈以及製造成本的掌控,成為廠商獲利與否的重要關鍵因素。
個案公司曾在2011年寫下EPS 73元的台股高獲利紀錄,但在2012年驟降為EPS 20元,並於2013年產生虧損。本研究將先以Porter(1980)提出的五力分析法針對手機產業進行分析,以瞭解智慧型手機的產業特性及智慧型手機業者近幾年獲利能力分配驟變的原因,同時分析五力如何影響智慧手機業的經營策略。
隨著產業結構的更迭演進,越來越多學者嘗試採用「互補」的角度來思考「競爭」,不再執著在搶食市場固定大小的餅,而是藉由適度的競爭與合作,把市場的餅做大。本研究將採用Brandenburger與 Nalebuff(1996)所提出的競合理論及價值網(ValueNet)理論,試著探討手機產業如何依據供應者、顧客、競爭者與互補者四種角色,同時融合競爭與合作兩個層面的思維,透過改變賽局的五個要素(又稱PARTS),亦即參賽者(players)、附加價值(added value)、規則(rules)、戰術(tactics)與範圍(scope),來探討H公司的委外策略,藉以提升H公司的獲利能力。 / According to Canalys 2014 research, global smartphone shipments will grow from 500 million units in 2014 to 1.8 billion units in 2018. The CAGR from 2013 to 2018 is 12.9%. Major growth will come from mid-entry level devices in emerging countries like China, India, Middle East and South East Asia countries.
At the same time, Turn-key solution from MTK or Qualcomm has lowered the barrier to smartphone industry hugely. The key profit factor for key smartphone companies rely on good control of supply chain and BOM cost.
H company has created the record of EPS NT$ 73 in 2011 but dropped to NT$20 in 2012 and started to lose money in 2013. This research will start from 5-force analysis by Porter (1980) and then adopt Coopetition and Value Net theory from Brandenburger and Nalebuff (1996) to explore a better outsourcing strategy for H company in order to lift it’s profitability.
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Issues of Outsourcing and Cross-Strait Trades / 委外代工與兩岸貿易的經濟分析黃依珮, Huang, Yi-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
關於委外代工對勞動市場的影響,文獻上大多觀察下列現象(Feenstra and Hanson, 1995; Wood,1995):製造業的就業規模是否縮減、整體製造業的技術勞動就業比例是否逐漸增加、整體製造業的非技術勞動就業比例是否逐漸下降、以及技術勞動和非技術勞動之間的薪資差距是否也逐漸擴大(反應出就業比例的改變)。本文對台灣的勞動市場進行研究,的確發現上述現象的產生。根據研究結果顯示,政府沒有理由限制傳統產業外移到大陸,反而要創造更好的高科技環境,積極地留住台灣的高科技產業。亦即,不同的產業需要不同的產業政策加以因應,雙向產業政策將是需要的。例如傳統產業,政府可以將政策提升到「委外代工國」的立場考量,讓獲利率低、生產不效率的產業委由大陸製造;對高科技產業政策政府則可試著採取「被委外代工國」的立場,積極創造更科技的產業環境,留住台灣科技產業和保住台灣科技產業代工王國的版圖。
對委外代工與台灣邊緣化議題的探討,主要源起於泛藍和泛綠在兩次總統大選中的兩岸政策的爭議─是否要「三通」。事實上,針對台灣是否會被邊緣化兩大陣營均尚未整理出一個完整的說明。透過Krugman and Venables(1995)模型闡述可以清楚地了解:邊緣化只是運輸成本下降的一個過程,不會是最終的結果。同時,運輸成本的下降並不是會造成邊緣化的唯一決定因子。產業關聯性和產品之間的替代程度都扮演相當重要的角色。因此,對不同產業設定特定政策才能達到抗邊緣化的效果。 / Outsourcing is the current trend between Taiwan and Mainland China in recent decade. Inclusive of importing intermediate inputs, setting up multinational firms, purchasing final goods produced abroad, outsourcing brings two topics worthy to discuss. My thesis is structured into two independent projects: one is to discuss the effects of outsourcing on unemployment and changes in relative wages, and the other focuses on the issue of whether outsourcing leads to Taiwan deindustrialization.
The main findings in the first project are consistent with the major conclusions suggested by several studies(Feenstra and Hanson, 1995; Wood,1995)that: declining share of manufacturing employment in total employment, increasing share of skilled workers’ in total manufacturing employment and in total wage bill, while the converse in unskilled workers. Therefore, we have no reasons to limit the unprofitable and traditional industries to move out. What we should do is to develop and expand the higher-skilled sector and to encourage high-technology industries to upgrade the production with the most comparative advantage. Different industrial policies applicable to different features of each industry are necessary. To announce a rough and uniform policy will probably do more harms than goods.
What unearthed from the second project is that concerns of economic periphery voiced by Pan-KMT and Pan-DPP alliances did not tell the full story. Krugman and Venables(1995)can be applied to show that economic periphery is just one of the points in the process of a dynamic development with reducing transportation cost. Besides, transportation cost is not the only contributor to “core and periphery” pattern. Share of intermediate input and elasticity of substitution for manufactured goods are also playing important roles. Therefore, different industries should be applicable for different policy arrangement.
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從國際保管銀行的角度來探討國內保管銀行的發展 / To discuss the future development of Taiwan local Custodian from the view of Global Custodians劉央雪, Liu, Yang-hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
本文希望藉瞭解全球保管銀行及信託公司之實務作業及全球保管銀行產業之現況,瞭解全球保管銀行(Global Custodian)、次保管銀行(Sub-custodian)、受託機構(Trustee)及基金事務機構(Fund Administrator)的角色及其服務的區分,並比較我國保管業務的服務內容,及目前發展的瓶頸。
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移動彈性與組織間關係策略之研究 / A study of mobility of flexibility and interorganizational relationship strategy張朝清, Chang, Chao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結合交易成本、資源依賴、廠商行為等理論觀點,以中心廠及主要供應商雙方的移動彈性作為組織間關係之決策準則,探討中心廠與其主要供應商之關係策略與管理作法,並進行理論意義與實務意涵之討論。 / Managing the transaction relationships with the key supplier is a critical decision related to vertical integration. The previous literature suggest that a firm can achieve the strategic benefits such as reducing operation cost and focusing on organizational core competence through outsourcing, while maintaining a close cooperative relationship with the key supplier who provides essential key factors such as key components or key material. However, focal firm may also hold-up by the key supplier when it over-dependent on the opposite site. Therefore, the practical puzzle is how to maintain flexibility of relationships in vertical transactions as well as to avoid hold-up by specific key supplier and to extend the transaction stability with the key supplier.
Standing the view of focal buyer, the study explores two related questions: how to avoid hold-up problem in an asymmetric buyer-supplier transactions, and, in the ex post transaction, how to increase relational flexibility in highly interdependence situation. The dyadic transactions between focal firm and its key supplier are the units of our analysis to confer with the managerial mechanism of key supplier relationship.
The study conducted interviews dozens of Taiwanese firm as case studies. We model an exploration-exploitation framework adopted by focal firm adapt to ex post asymmetric interorganizational relationships. Thus we see two behavioral mechanisms: reducing key suppliers’ mobility of flexibility through relational exploitation as well as exploration on transaction value and relationship for reinforcing interdependency in dyadic transactions, and, increasing focal firms’ mobility of flexibility through structural exploration as well as transaction value exploitation so as to diminish the dependency on the key supplier and heighten alternatives to cooperate with.
Using structure equation modeling approach, research hypotheses are tested on a sample of 250 focal firms established in Taiwan. We found the positive relationships between focal firms’ mobility of flexibility and cooperative performance perceived by focal firm, and, the negative relationships between key suppliers’ mobility of flexibility and cooperative performance perceived by focal firm. Empirical results confirmed the negative relationships between key suppliers’ mobility of flexibility and focal firm’s exploitation in relationship and transaction value as well as relationship exploration. The positive relationships between focal firms’ mobility of flexibility as well as structural exploration and transactional exploitation were also supported.
The study develop a theoretical extension based on the transaction cost theory, resource dependence theory, and the behavioral theory of firm. We also address dyadic mobility of flexibility as the decision criterion for balancing exploration and exploitation in the interorganizational relationship. These findings provide theoretical and managerial implications for vertical coordination in supplier relationship management in particular.
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台灣筆記型電腦產業流程差異化探討-以服務創新為分析架構賴宗志 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將使用Rob Bilderbeek與Pim DenHertog等學者於1998年8月發表之論文中指出服務創新的四個構面進行個案撰寫,素材則是深度訪談與次級資料並用,個案的公司是我國筆記型電腦第一大廠-廣達電腦(Quanta),以及由研究者立意選的華宇電腦(Arima)與精英電腦(Elitegroup)。最後將產業分析與個案分析進行比對,做出本研究之結論與建議,並針對流程差異化在筆記型電腦產業所引發的服務創新相關議題進行省思。 / The service innovation in Taiwan has been thriving in recent years. With the development of service science, we can see its future potential to be the next trend of popular study. Many famous colleges and research centers all over the world invest a lot in research of service science and the cultivation of the experts. Even a manufacturing industry will put a high emphasis on its services. They hope to compete with their counterparts by adding the value and strengthening their competiveness through service. Therefore, how to strengthen competitiveness through service innovation has become an
important issue.
This research will use service innovation as a framework to discuss process differentiation, expecting to find much more profound thoughts of innovation services and then open a new gate for industry. Taiwan’s notebook computer fundry industry composes 90 percent in the world market thanks to the acknowledgement from global brand-names in terms of loyalty to the brand and satisfaction of service. This research will analyze the notebook industry from the aspect of service innovation and then the effect of process differentiation has on competitiveness.
Rob Bilderbeek and Pim DenHertog’s essay in August 1998 discussing service innovation in four dimensions are used in my essay, which are: new service concept, new client interface, new service delivery system and technological options.
Interviews in depth and secondary data will be used at the same time. The case studies included are Quanta, Arima and Elitegroup. Quanta have the largest scale in Taiwan notebook industry which may be resulted from their service innovation that enhances their competitiveness. Through their case, I hope to find the edge of those similar companies in Taiwan.
To sum up, this research touches on the innovation services especially of notebook computer industry. Comparing industry analysis and case study can lead us to think about the following issues: whether service innovation is easy to be come up with, whether there are too many similar aspects in this industry, what competitive situation or custom can lead to such a desirable result, and how we can deal with the problem when there are too many people doing the same thing.
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公部門臨時人員適用勞基法與勞務採購之研究─兼論國立臺灣體育大學桃園校區清潔工外包事件 / The study of temporary workers applying to labor standards act in public sector and subcontract work: Outsourcing of janitors in National Taiwan Sport University (Taoyuan)何芳純, Ho, Fang Tsun Unknown Date (has links)
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我國高科技產業資訊系統委外計劃之管理劉承平 Unknown Date (has links)
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汽車貨運業者車輛資源不足之車輛途程規劃及業務委外評選模式 / Vehicle routing problem and the selection of outsourcing forwarder when transport vehicles are insufficient謝宛汝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要分為兩階段,第一階段先確認是否需要委外,以禁忌搜尋法找出最節省成本之配送途程以及委外任務,解決業者選擇以自有車輛運送或委外給其他運輸業者服務的問題;而第二階段則是在確定委外的任務後,決定委外的對象,不僅考量對方出價,也評估對方的營運能力、商譽、風險管理、服務品質等因素,建構一多準則決策模式,透過網路程序分析法(ANP)決定評選準則權重,再利用VIKOR排序法決定各個方案之排序,希望能在不遺失客戶訂單及信任的期許下,決定最適合的委外對象。 / From the perspective of trucking carriers, concerning transport horizontal integration and collaboration, when the vehicles are insufficient to meet the demand of transport, carrier could seek for other carrier’s help. In this study, we consider vehicle types, capacity, time windows, and the objective of minimum cost, to do vehicle route planning, and also decide which tasks should be outsoursed.
There are two phases in this study. First, after checking the insufficiency of own trucks, we use Tabu search to solve Vehicle Routing Problem with a Private fleet and a Common carrier (VRPPC) in order to find out the route of own vehicles and the tasks to be outsourced. In second phase, we will select the carrier to do those tasks. We not only consider the price of outsourcing, but also evaluate the capacity, service quality, risk management, and the goodwill of the company. We use Analytic Network Process (ANP) to decide the weight of each criterion, and VIKOR to rank each case and select the best one.
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應用模組化概念於個人電腦售後服務委外計畫—一家國際電腦廠商台灣分公司的經驗回顧 / The Application of Modular Concept in Personal Computer After-sale Services Outsourcing鄭欽中 Unknown Date (has links)
在當今瞬息萬變的商業市場上,許多大企業開始認知到過去那種集製造、行銷、服務於一身的整體經營方式需要因時制宜,將資源集中於具有競爭優勢的企業活動,發展企業的「核心能力」。結合企業本身的核心能力與其他企業之核心能力可以達到一加一大於二的效果,而委外正是發揮這種功效的策略之一。關於委外議題的討論,學界已將近飽和,產業界的實務操作也相當成熟。本研究希望能經由另一種思維模式,以廣泛應用於軟/硬體產品設計的模組化概念,藉由一家國際知名電腦廠商在台分公司之個人電腦售後服務業務委外的實務經驗,探討售後服務模組化委外的可行性。結果顯示,以模組化的概念將個人電腦售後服務委外可以有效地節省公司成本,使得整個運作與管理更有彈性和效率,為客戶、承包商與個案公司創造三贏的局面,讓異業結盟更有成效,組織能更迅速導入新功能、增加更多創新的售後服務項目,節省人員訓練的時間,並讓售後服務委外活動更加容易。最後建議有興趣的產學界,可以針對以模組化的概念將服務業務委外的議題多加探討,以鞏固模組化委外的實證基礎。 / Many large enterprises have realized that their companies cannot be versatile in all business activities in the rapid changing market nowadays. They need to develop their core business which is difficult for their competitors to mimic, allowing the companies to differentiate themselves. Outsourcing is one of the strategies that, by bringing in the outside specialists, the client company is able to redirect or conserve energy directed at the competencies of a particular business. Various dimensions of outsourcing have been explored and discussed academically, and the organizations have already mastered the practice of outsourcing as well. This present research intended to explore the possibilities of applying the concept of modulization, which is widely used in designing computer hardware/software and other physical products, to personal computer after-sale services outsourcing practice carried out by the Taiwan branch office of a famous global company. After exploring the experience of implementing an after-sale outsourcing practice with modular concept, several benefits were reveled: (1) the cost of an organization could be cut down effectively; (2) the operation and management of an organization could be more flexible; (3) a triple-win situation for the end-users, the client company, and the service providers could be accomplished; (4) the inter-industry alliance would be established more effectively; (5) the organization could import newer function and more creative after-sale activities, and save more time in personnel training; and (6) the outsourcing practice was made easier. To solidify the base of applying the concept of modulization on the service outsourcing, interested corporate managers and academic scholars were suggested to discuss and explore more issues on this matter.
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