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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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存款保險制度對預防銀行恐慌傳染現象之有效性探討 / The Effectiveness of Deposit Insurance in Preventing against Bank Panic and Contagion Phenomenon

賴育歆, Lai, Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
銀行恐慌現象的探討一直都廣受研究金融危機與系統性風險等領域的經濟學者所青睞,而銀行擠兌潮更經常被視為導致銀行恐慌的主因之一。由於金融全球化已是時勢所趨,因此金融危機的蔓延更加受到學術界重視。Allen and Gale (2000)建構出不同型態的銀行同業拆借市場(Interbank market),並以此為基礎進一步探討在最佳風險分攤的前提之下,銀行與消費者如何決定其投資與消費的最佳資源配置。 本文的基本架構係基於Allen and Gale (2000)所提出的經濟模型,配合存款保險制度的導入,嘗試驗證他們所提出的最佳資源配置是否仍然成立。而本文的結果證實政府實施存款保險制度,銀行與消費者仍然可以得到他們在投資與消費的最佳配置,即使在完美與不完美的銀行同業拆借市場,其結果仍然成立。另外本文也嘗試對存款保險制度是否能有效預防銀行恐慌與其蔓延作出驗證。其結果證實提高存款保險稅率後,銀行擠兌潮的發生需要較高的不可預期流動性需求。換言之,存款保險制度有效提高了銀行倒閉門檻。而對於預防透過銀行同業拆借市場所衍生的金融危機蔓延,存款保險制度的有效性也在本文中獲得證實。 然而存款保險制度並非具絕對優勢,過多則損害消費者的預期效用。因此本文將銀行倒閉風險機率納入模型,利用軟體模擬消費者預期效用極大化條件下的最適存款保險稅率。並且進一步證實,長期資產到期日清算與到期前清算,其兩者報酬率之間的利差愈大,存款保險最適稅率須同步增加,才能使消費者效用最大。另外我們也證實存款保險制度能夠提高社會福利水準與降低銀行倒閉風險。 / Bank panic serves as a favored subject for economists who engage in researches of financial crisis and systematic risk. Because financial liberalization and globaliza-tion have been inevitable, economic scholars have regarded financial contagion. Allen and Gale (2000) established different interbank market structures to achieve the first-best allocation of banks’ investment portfolio and depositors’ consumptions. In this paper, we try to confirm Allen and Gale’s first-best allocation when the deposit insurance is implemented, and we obtain the same consequence as well. Be-sides, we also approve that occurrence of a bank run must accompany by a high level of unexpected liquidity shock if the deposit insurance exists. In other words, it raises the threshold of bankruptcy. Therefore, the deposit insurance is feasible to avert bank panic. With regard to the contagion effect, the deposit insurance undoubtedly de-creases its negative influence because financial interdependence between different financial sectors will be attenuated by imposing a deposit-insurance tax on depositors. The deposit insurance, however, is not constantly superior due to the depositors’ loss in consuming utility. We achieve the optimal deposit-insurance tax rate by intro-ducing probability of bank’s bankruptcy, and find that the optimal tax rate may be raised, so as to boost consumers’ utility if return spread between early and late with-drawn long assets keeps higher. We also testify that the deposit insurance can enhance the social welfare and decrease the incidence of bankruptcy.

雙元存款產品對財富管理投資組合報酬率貢獻度分析 / The Study on the Contribution of Foreign-Exchange-Option-Linked Dual Currency Structure Notes for Wealth Management Portfolio

姜如意, Chiang, Ru Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在全球股市呈現不穩的情勢下,雙元外匯存款產品成為財富管理業務所發展的熱門產品。雙元外匯存款產品結構包括外匯選擇權與定期外幣存款。然外匯選擇權的操作過程所隱含的風險必須加以探討,因此本研究以美國那斯達克股市報酬率與美國國庫券與十年期公債利差等資訊,試著藉由集群分析,探討美元兌澳幣(USD/AUD)、美元兌英鎊(USD/GBP)、歐元兌澳幣(EUR/AUD)等元存款產品之報酬率與風險。 本研究實證結果為: 一、不同市場狀態的操作策略不同 從各集群的涵義來看,當市場狀態屬於集群1時,此時Nasdaq指數日報酬率處於高檔但已有長期成長疑慮下,則「短期看多澳幣,看空美元」為一正確的外匯策略判斷基礎。當市場處於集群2的經濟成長性與股市報酬率處於較樂觀的狀態下,「短期看多英鎊,看空美元」與「短期看空美元,看多澳幣」是較適合的判斷。當市場處於集群3的股市低檔與債券市場反映經濟成長訊息的狀態下,則「看多澳幣,看空歐元」與「短期看空澳幣,看多美元」等為較佳的策略思維。 二、雙元存款產品的現金流量補償機制必須依據不同市場狀態 本研究發現雙元外匯存款產品在不同匯率與不同集群下,會有不同的Mean/StDev值,代表投資者與財富管理業者必須面對外匯市場進行利益的分配問題。目前雙元外匯存款產品都有設定不同匯率下的保本機制,故對於財富管理業者而言,雙元外匯存款產品屬於資金短期配置的選項之一,因此,針對不同的總體經濟或市場環境,業者必須快速調整,創造投資者與業者雙贏的局面。 / With the global stock markets unstable, foreign-exchange-option-linked dual currency structure notes have become the popular products for wealth management. Foreign-exchange-option-linked dual currency structure notes have been involved with foreign exchange option and currency deposit. Nonetheless, the risks inherent in the currency option should be discussed . Therefore, this study uses cluster analysis to explore the information in Nasdaq index returns and interest spreads , to discover the returns and risks in foreign exchange rates in term of “USD/AUD”, “USD/GBP”, and “EUR/AUD”. After the analysis in this study, the conclusions of this study could be summarized as following: Firstly , the proposals and strategies for the dual currency structure notes should be based on the statuses of markets. With market status showing higher stock returns but concerns for future economic growth, the appropriate strategies should be built up on the concept of “short USD, long AUD in near term”. When market status showing positive stock returns and positive future economic growth, the appropriate strategies should be built up on the concept of “short USD, long AUD in near term” or “short USD, long GBP in near term”. With market status reflecting lower stock returns but positive perspectives for future economic growth, the appropriate strategies should be built up on the concept of “short EURO, long AUD in near term”, or “short AUD, long USD in near term”. Based on the Mean/StDev , this study suggests the wealth managers should design different portfolios under different scenarios in foreign exchange rates, to generate best payoffs between the investors and wealth managers.


林瑞山, Lin, Jui Shan Unknown Date (has links)
2005年陳水扁總統,針對軍公教退休人員之退休金及公保養老給付,得以18%利率辦理優惠存款、降低所得替代率等,要求相關單位提出改革方案。銓敘部經與教育部、國防部及行政院人事行政局等相關主管機關組成專案小組,在公務人員方面擬具「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」報請考試院於同年11月10日確定方案內容;至部分執行內涵則於2006年1月5日決議由銓敘部依權責自行負責處理。案經銓敘部邀集相關主管機關開會研商後,決定軍公教人員改革方案於同年2月16日同步實施。 值此,軍公教退休人員多數表達無法接受,組織退休聯盟進行各項訴求與抗爭行動;同時立法院中國國民黨黨團及親民黨黨團多數委員支持退休聯盟之主張,運用預算審查權為手段,燃起本項改革方案再度討論的關鍵力量。 本文採文獻探討法針對公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案進行研究,筆者從相關文獻及媒體的報導中發現,本項改革方案的政策制訂過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政官員、考試委員、立法委員及軍公教退休聯盟之間的互動過程。 爰此,筆者藉由菁英理論的觀點透過David Easton 所提出的政治系統理論為基礎,將「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」相關影響政策制訂過程之參與者納入,提出一整合性的研究架構進行論述,並依參與人員為標準,分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英及標的團體四類,試圖經由本項改革個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論相應於政策制訂過程有較為深入之瞭解。 本文以2005年9月陳總統對外界作出「政策」宣示,迄至2008年1月立法院第六屆立法委員任期屆滿止,為研究時間範圍。首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將四類菁英就其角色與影響政策制訂的方式與策略加以論述;其次對本項改革方案制訂過程及主要爭議作詳細闡述;接續對四類菁英運用之策略進行分析;最後作出結論,整合歸納前述之研究內容,提出研究發現與後續研究之建議。


黃國偉, Huang , kuo wei Unknown Date (has links)
「存款保險」係以收受存款之金融機構為要保機構,並以該機構內除不保項目外之各類存款為保險標的,於要保金融機構倒閉或經勒令停業之保險事故發生時,由存保公司依存款保險契約約定及相關法令規定,履行保險責任之保險制度。從消極面而言,存款保險制度得於金融機構倒閉時,直接保障該機構存款人之存款,舒緩擠兌誘因,降低對經濟及金融體系之衝擊,進而維持金融體系之穩定。從積極面而論,對存款人提供限額保障,可將金融機構倒閉之損失,合理分配予政府、金融機構、股東、存款人及非存款之債權人,以落實市場紀律、強化金融體系之競爭,並經由結合政府信用及金融機構間之互助,維繫存款人對個別金融機構之信心,避免個別金融機構之倒閉惡化為系統性金融危機。 / 又存款保險制度之建構,涉及金融體系、監理架構、法律制度等各方面系統整合之金融法制工程,由於法規範本身具有滯後性,現行法律制度充其量僅係在既有環境之條件下所形成之規範體系,故參酌各國之實施經驗,去蕪存菁擇優汰劣,對制度之建構而言,實屬必要。在比較法上,美國與大陸地區對金融機構退出市場之救助,分別建立了顯性與隱性存款保險制度兩種模式。前者,十分重視存保公司之職能、明確規範對存款人之保險義務,並事先累積存款保險基金,以減少公共資金之動用。後者,嚴格而論應僅係「存款人保障機制」而非存款保險制度,且由政府隨時準備動用公共資金,對問題金融機構之存款人及債權人提供保障,亦即由行政主導金融機構退出市場之方式,壓縮系統性風險,防止危機擴散。然而,以大量的再貸款為基礎之行政主導模式,實質上是將金融機構對存款人、債權人之負債,轉變為金融機構對中央銀行之負債,債務風險由個人轉移到中央銀行,本質上僅能暫時舒緩風險,而非化解風險。 / 再者,存款保險制度於問題金融機構之處理上乃涉及存保公司、要保金融機構及存款人三方之法律關係,並影響各該當事人及利害關係人之權益甚鉅,故釐清存款保險之性質、究明相關法規解釋、適用之原則,自有其必要。基於存款保險之制度設計,多承襲英美法系之架構,且我國保險法本身於解釋、適用上,早深受二大法系混用之害,且鑑於存款保險本質上特殊之政策性、公益性、強制性、目的性,若無必要,即無須隨普通法為同一解釋,脫勾處理反能使其在適用上更為明確。準此,本文乃採在英美法系之架構,以存款保險契約之當事人為保險人與被保險人(即要保機構),存款人僅為利益第三人,而存款保險性質上應屬責任保險,其保險標的則應界定為除不保項目外之各類存款契約所延伸之第二次責任,較為精確。 / 而存款保險在我國已行之有年,其間歷經多次修正,制度上雖逐漸趨於完善,惟制度本身最根本之問題實仍未解決,諸如《存款保險條例》之性質,究屬「公法法規」或「私法法規」?依據本條例所簽訂之存款保險契約究係「公法契約」,抑或「私法契約」?存保公司依本條例所擬定之作業程序及辦法是否屬法規命令?存保公司依本條例所為之金融檢查,其行為性質為何?均不無疑問。其次,我國「類似」立即糾正措施之監理規範,散見於銀行、信用合作社、金融控股公司合併、票券金融公司等之《資本適足性管理辦法》,該等糾正措施,係將金融機構依資本適足率分為兩個等級,分別施以不同之強制性措施與選擇性措施。惟上開資本等級劃分過於簡單,且以選擇性措施為主、強制性措施為輔,乃與美國之立即糾正措施有相當差距,而以選擇性措施為主在實務操作上,不免有流於恣意之疑義,而失其制度之本旨,故實有予以檢討、修正之必要。

台灣銀髮族資產持有行為之探討 / The assets-holding of Taiwanese elders

張日青 Unknown Date (has links)
我們利用「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查研究」這份資料,以似無關迴歸(Seemingly Unrelated Regression)模型,探討老人的資產持有行為,發現:一般老年人口並不偏好持有股票,持有行為相當少見,但高教育、高所得、都市化地區(尤其是直轄市)的老人,可能分別因為高教育程度、所得效果影響、都市地區資訊流通快速等因素,使得這類型老人明顯較願意持有股票。 另一方面,在台灣,不動產扮演的角色特殊,傳統認為其與家族宗系連結,在持有行為上並非只從風險報酬觀點去看待,通常還與其他考量有關,因此在持有行為上有其特殊模式。 同時,我們也發現,老人婚姻關係的消解(dissolution),例如離婚/分居,將對資產持有產生負面的財富效果影響,使得這類型老人各項資產的持有都顯著低於已婚/同居的老人;而健康情形越差的老人持有的不動產與存款也越少,應與此類老人有較高的醫療與保健支出,造成負面的財富效果有關。 除此之外,台灣老人平均而言,持有的不動產會隨年紀降低,但持有的存款會隨年紀而上升,主要與台灣老人隨著年紀上升,所得逐漸不足以維生,產生了反儲蓄(dissave)不動產的現象,有所關聯。我們認為台灣確實存在老人「以房養老」的現象。 最後,我們認為很重要的一點是,台灣老人資產的持有行為,並不是使用傳統的風險報酬概念就能解釋,我們必須考量其他可能因素,才能有效分析台灣老人所表現出來的資產持有行為。 / The general elders don’t prefer to hold stocks, but the elders of high-level education, the elders of high-level income and the elders in metropolis are more willing to hold stocks. Besides, the real estate plays a special role. People regard that it is linked up with the family or kindred. We also find out that the dissolution of relationship in elder’s marriage causes negative wealth effect on holding assets. The similar effect exists in much unhealthy elders. The elders hold less real estate as they getting older, but hold more stocks. It might due to that elders dissave their real estate. Finally, besides perspective of risk-reward, it might appropriate that think the behavior of holding assets in other view-points.

資本適足率對銀行流動性風險傳遞效果之研究 / The Effect of Capital Requirement on the Transmission of Liquidity Preference Shock among Banks

蔡幸芳, Tsai, Hsing Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在說明資本適足率對於銀行業資訊傳遞效果之影響,利用Allen and Gale (2000)模型討論在不完整市場結構下,銀行間因為持有銀行同業存款而形成相連的傳染途徑,進而影響整個系統,本研究擴展Allen and Gale (2000)的模型,加入資本適足率的考量,從而進一步探討透過資本適足要求能否有效提高銀行整體穩定性。 模型假設因為不同區域對於早、晚期消費需求不同,可藉由區域間的資源移轉,來達到最適分配情況。隨著資本適足率的納入,將改變最適分配解,同時分析緩衝(buffer)、擴散效果(spillover effect)及傳染(contagion)的變化。文中傳染定義為擴散效果扣除緩衝力道的淨結果,並說明若有超額流動性消費需求衝擊時,一家銀行的倒閉將如何傳染至整個銀行體系。 此研究發現,在資本適足規定下,若長期資產報酬率越大,會更有機會取得較大的緩衝能力,但將面對較大的擴散效果。關於傳染現象,則是發覺當銀行同業存款越小,在資本適足規定下的傳染機會越低;若長期資產的早期報酬率越大,同樣可降低發生傳染現象機率,即驗證資本適足率對於銀行穩定性的貢獻。 / The objective of this study is to testify the effect of capital requirement with regard to information transmission among banks. We develop a model based on Allen and Gale (2000) to discuss that under incomplete market structure, contagion channel is built because of interbank deposits market. We also expand Allen and Gale’s model by putting new parameter, capital requirement, into this model to analyze the impact of capital requirement with respect to stability in banking system. Due to different liquidity demands at each date in different regions, banks can exchange resources in the system to reach the first-best allocation. With capital requirement, the first-best allocation varies and so does buffer, spillover effect and contagion. In this article, contagion is defined as the net result of spillover effect minus buffer. Besides, we explain how the bankruptcy in one region evolves into the bankruptcy in the whole system under excess demand for liquidity. We find out that with capital requirement, if return of long-term asset at final date is higher, there will be more chances to have more buffers but larger spillover effect. As for contagion, it shows that with lower interbank deposits or higher return of long-term asset at early date, the possibility of contagion will be reduced. As a result, we can conclude that capital requirement really improves the stability in banking system.

能源與貴金屬連結及利率連結之結構型商品評價與分析─以中國銀行結構性存款為例 / The Pricing and Analysis of Commodities-Linked and Interest Rate-Linked Structured Products: The Case Study of Structured Deposits Launched by Bank of China

蔡昌甫, Tsai,Chang Fu Unknown Date (has links)
在過去二到三年之中,能源、金屬、軟性商品等原物料價格漲勢強勁,成為市場上最炙手可熱的商品。然而,原物料價格漲升為全球帶來了通膨隱憂,世界各國紛紛採用各種貨幣政策和財政政策試圖緩解通膨壓力。其中,利率政策即是相當重要的一環。在這樣的背景之下,是否對於能源、貴金屬和利率衍生性商品的設計和定價上產生影響,值得進一步檢視。因此,本論文選擇以中國大陸的原油與黃金連結複合式選擇權,以及利率(HIBOR)連結可贖回每日區間計息等兩種結構性存款作為研究個案,以財務工程的理論模型為中國銀行的金融創新產品作評價與分析。 在原油與黃金連結複合式選擇權部分,分別假設金價和油價服從幾何布朗運動(Geometric Brownian Motion)推導出封閉解,以及Schwartz的一因子均數回歸模型,採蒙地卡羅模擬法模擬標的資產之價格路徑並以之估算商品理論價值和發行機構利潤,之後則就避險參數和商品預期收益率作分析。在利率連結可贖回每日區間計息結構性存款部分,由於具有發行機構可提前贖回的特性,本論文採用LIBOR市場模型(BGM Model)為評價基礎,先利用市場報價資訊計算期初遠期利率及進行參數校準,再以蒙地卡羅模擬法模擬遠期利率路徑,最後以Longstaff and Schwartz(2001)提出的最小平方蒙地卡羅法(LSM)計算商品理論價值和發行機構利潤。 除估算商品理論價值以檢視中國銀行的商品定價合理性之外,本文也針對中國大陸的外匯和利率政策對金融機構在商品設計方面的影響作分析,最後則分別就財務工程與金融創新以及總體政策與金融市場兩方面提出結論與建議,以供各界參酌。 / The prices of physical commodities have risen a lot and led to pressure of inflation for several years. Many countries over the world have tried hard to tackle inflation threat with monetary and fiscal policies. Under this circumstance, the design and pricing of structured products should be affected. Therefore, the oil and gold-linked and interest rate-linked structured deposits launched by Bank of China are selected to be the case study in this thesis. Prices of the underlying assets are assumed to follow Geometric Brownian Motion, and the close-form solution of the oil and gold-linked structured deposit embedded with compound options is derived. Moreover, Schwartz’s One-Factor Mean Reversion Model is adopted to derive the fair value by simulation. In addition to the fair value and issuer’s profit, the expected rate of return, hedge parameters (Greeks) and model difference are presented in this thesis. As for the interest rate-linked Callable Daily Range Accrual Deposit, the thesis presents the steps of pricing by simulation. LIBOR Market Model (BGM Model) is adopted to derive the fair value of Callable Range Deposit with Least Squares Monte Carlo approach. Besides, the design and pricing of structured products are actually influenced by those policies in relation to interest rates and currencies adopted by government of Mainland China. The influence is discussed in the thesis as well. Eventually, the conclusions and suggestions are made with respect to macroeconomic policy and financial market as well as financial innovation.

論我國保險安定基金之改革-與英國金融服務補償計畫及我國中央存款保險公司相比較 / A study on the reform of insurance stabilization fund in Taiwan in comparison with the FSCS of the UK and CDIC of Taiwan

吳毓文, Wu, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
我國在民國81年時,正式於保險法中立法規範保險安定基金之相關事項,迄今已逾十五年。在民國96年修法後,我國保險安定基金制度更有了重大變革:不但產壽險安定基金合併且組織實體化成為專責機構,保險法第143條之3也增訂了第一項第四~六款,擴大保險安定基金得辦理之事項,未來的角色不再只是單純的資金之收付、管理,而是更積極參與保險業之監理與退場機制之運作。而保險安定基金經歷如此大幅度的變革,無可避免將會面臨許多問題。 因此本研究將保險安定基金與金融制度完善之英國的金融服務補償計畫,以及處理我國存款金融機構退場事件經驗豐富,功能與組織皆堪稱完備的中央存款保險公司進行制度比較,並對於保險安定基金各層面改革之相關問題,諸如法律規範、組織架構、資金之徵收、資金不足之處理、各項工作執掌及作業、與其他單位之配合等事項,提出具體建議以供主管機關參考。 / The Insurance Stabilization Fund system of Taiwan, found in 1992, has operated for more than 15 years according to the Insurance Act. After the amendment of 2007, some major differences were brought to the system. First of all, the two originally independent foundations for life and non-life insurance stabilization fund would be merged and organized with substantial structure. Moreover, by amending article 143-3 of the act, the legislature expanded more functions for the stabilization fund. As a result, the Fund would no longer be just a “pay box”, but instead, handling the liquidation procedures, and providing constructive assistance to the regulation of insurers. However, with the scale and level of the reform, it is inevitable to face lots of challenges and problems. The following study dedicated to the introduction of the Insurance Stabilization Fund in Taiwan, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme of the UK and Central Deposit Insurance Corporation in Taiwan, then make thorough comparison over main aspects among the three systems. Through the analysis with these three systems, this study will provide solutions and recommendations to the conflicts that may occur.

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