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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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南朝文學集團詩賦書寫策略之考察 / A study on the writing-tactic of shih and fu of the literati group on South-Dynasty

祁立峰, Chi, Li Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「南朝文學集團詩賦書寫策略之考察」為題,旨在於以「南朝文學集團」為考察的對象,以「詩賦」為考察的兩種主要文類,以「書寫策略」為考察的切入點,運用傳統的文本分析,結合新興的文學理論與視角,進行作品、作者、讀者、文學理論等全面性的考察。 「南朝文學」在文學史評價中呈現劇烈的起伏,一方面後代作家以其為模擬的對象,肯定美學價值,但也得到「餖飣」、「輕艷」或「流於光景」等負面評價;至於南朝的「文學集團」領袖與成員的「同題共作」、「應詔」、「贈酬」等作品,更常被視為千篇一律、了無新意。也因此,本文也特別重視這些於貴遊活動時的同題共作、或遊戲酬和的詩賦作品,希望藉由更細膩的閱讀與歸納,給予其新的意義與論述。 「詩」與「賦」可以說是中國古典文類中,最具文學色彩的兩種文類。曹丕《典論‧論文》說「詩賦欲麗」,很明確地將「詩賦」與其他文類區分開來。本文選擇「詩」與「賦」作為討論主軸,而以文序、書簡、銘箋等作為輔助,也正是考量文學性這個條件。如果更廣義來說,「詩」與「賦」不僅具有文類的意義,它們也表述文學態度、風格與傾向。「詩」表示了端莊雅正,「賦」指向了鋪排藻飾;「詩」代表「復古」,「賦」傾向「新變」。如果從這個角度來說,我認為中國文學史也就處於「詩化」與「賦化」的拉鋸。 「書寫策略」是一個較廣義的概念,它既用來指稱作者的創作心態與策略,也能拿來說一篇作品的修辭、語言策略。為了避免概念失焦,本文將書寫策略的討論聚焦於三個面向,分別是「內容設定」、「形式選擇」、「風格(論)生成」。創作者如何設定一篇作品的「內容」(題目、題材、典故、語言素材)?如何選擇適合承載的「形式」(詩、賦或是其他文類)?以及作品如何呈現「風格」、而「風格」與「風格論」又是如何被觀察、進而被建構?這背後都有所策略性的運用。從內容,我們發現這些同題材作品內在的差異;從形式,我們發現「詩」、「賦」這兩種文類的邊界、功能以及滑動、拉鋸的痕跡;從風格,我們發現「風格論」本身被建構、被想像的後設可能。 「文學集團」是研究南北朝時期文學的重要考察對象,只是過去從此概念著手的研究成果並不多;「書寫策略」是文學研究常被運用的概念,只是定義太過廣泛。本文一方面期望能將「書寫策略」作為實際的考察方法,二方面則希望給予「文學集團」這個特殊而被忽略的現象——更多的關注與論述。這就是本論文誕生的原因。

台灣高中生英文寫作用字分析與教學 / A Study on Teaching Vocabulary for English Writing to Taiwanese High School Students

李芷涵, Lee, Chih Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在實驗一套單字教學活動是否能成功增加台灣高中生的寫作應用字彙。在實驗開始前,研究者先進行前測,採用了字彙知識自評表(Vocabulary Knowledge Scale)和一份作文題目以了解學生一開始的字彙知識及主要單字的使用情況。之後,研究者開始了為期十二週的教學活動,此活動分為三階段:呈現(Presentation)、練習(Practice)、應用(Production),每個階段皆採用不同的活動進行教學,並根據這四大原則來設計教導應用字彙的活動:刻意性、重複性、參與性、情境性。教學實驗過後,研究者進行後測以了解字彙知識的改變及主要單字的使用情況,並分析不同程度的學生作品,以了解學生實際的用字情況。 研究結果顯示,本教學活動能有效增進學生的辨識字彙能力及字彙的應用。字彙知識自評表顯示前後測分數有顯著性差異,在後測中,超過半數以上的單字進步到比前測更高的等級,而且有八個字進升到應用字彙的程度。百分之八十七的學生有把主要字彙用在他們的作文中,且正確的使用頻率及相關單字的使用也增加了,無論是新字或舊字,在後測的使用數量都是前測的兩倍。 / The current study experiments with a series of teaching activities for productive words to Taiwanese students at the senior high level. It aims to understand the changes of word knowledge and target word use after the experiment. In the beginning, a pre-test was administered with the help of two instruments, the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale and a writing prompt, to understand the students’ initial level. Then, the researcher conducted the teaching experiment for 12 weeks, which consisted of the Presentation, Practice, and Production stages. In each stage, the activities were designed based on four important principles for teaching productive words: intentional, repeated, involving, and contextualized. After the experiment, a post-test using the same instruments was carried out to analyze the changes of word knowledge and target word use. Moreover, individual writing products of different levels were analyzed to see the actual usage of words in the students’ writing. The results showed that the teaching experiment was effective in increasing the students’ receptive knowledge and productive use of the target words. The VKS scores of the pre- and post-test differed significantly. More than half of the words moved up to higher levels, and eight words moved to the productive level in the post-test. The students’ writing products also indicated a considerable increase in the use of target words in terms of the correct usages and related words. Eighty-seven percent of the students used the target words in the post-test. Moreover, the number of old and new words used doubled in the post-test.

九○年代大陸女性作家的家族書寫 / Family Writing of Mainland China Women's Fictions in the 1990s

劉希珍, Liu, Chsi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
九○年代大陸女性作家的家族書寫在八○年代末的新寫實小說思潮、新歷史小說思潮以及西方女性主義文學思潮的相互激盪之下,延續新時期文學對「革命現實主義」的反叛姿態,在「追求自我」、「認識自我」的性別覺醒意識中重新審視女性的歷史,從而在「父子相繼」的傳統家族譜系之外,想像並打造「母女相連」的女性主體譜系,揭露「政治權力結構」和「性別權力結構」所暗含的偏斜與不公。對「政治權力結構」的批判是指文化大革命的「國家集體話語」對「個人自由」的限制與傷害,這部分藉由作者的敘事聲音、小說人物際遇以及承載特殊歷史意涵的意象來表現,對「性別權力結構」的反省主要在突顯父權秩序對女性的強制收編,因此塑造有別於血緣母親的代理母親、刻畫女性身體的各種造型,以及利用象徵性符號進而凝聚、團結女性們的精神力量。 本文所界定的女性家族書寫是指女性作家站在女性立場所書寫以女性為核心的家族故事,不僅積極嘗試改變、顛覆女性在父權歷史建構中的地位,並且能夠將「女性意識」、「家族敘事」和「歷史建構」融為一體,呈現女性歷史的發展過程和女性文化的演進形態,依此定義,本文選擇《玫瑰門》、《櫟樹的囚徒》和《羽蛇》作為研究分析對象,並且建立分析架構,分析架構包括「敘事面向的敘事時間、空間、視角、聲音分析」、「身體面向的女性人物主體性分析」、「文學面向的特殊意象分析」以及「史觀面向的陰性書寫策略分析」。《玫瑰門》展示的「演出型敘事模式」,用演員的登臺亮相、家具意象所潛藏的歷史象徵意義,以及「氣味」、「圖象」的感官陰性史觀,隱喻歷史的表演性質;《櫟樹的囚徒》呈現的「接力式敘事模式」,將歷史的詮釋權分配給不同世代的女性,隱喻歷史的傳承過程充滿著多元言說主體以及敘述的裂痕,因此「樹木」、「河流」、「眼睛」意象的源遠流長特質以及女性生死循環的陰性史觀,成為組織家族歷史最強而有力的書寫方式;《羽蛇》營造的「夢遊體敘事模式」,透過「羽蛇」這個實體人物和象徵符號在現實、夢境、幻境和家族歷史的自由轉換過程,「巨蚌」、「水晶燈」、「無字碑」等意象中無所不在的女性身體,以及「鮮血」和「白雪」相互抗衡的陰性史觀,投射出穿越時空的女性集體精神壓迫。 本文的研究侷限是對小說文本中的「男性人物」缺乏深刻關注,以及對小說文本的選取集中在五○年代出生作家群。研究展望是希望未來能進行「比較性研究」,交叉比較家族書寫作者和敘述內容所呈現的不同性別立場,展現更為多元的女性主體性,多向度比較家族書寫作者的社會身份以及文本中構成女性身份的各種因素,為社會學層面和心理學層面的女性研究提出貢獻,並且比較大陸和臺灣的女性作家家族書寫在不同的政治、社會環境下,開展出何種相異與相似的書寫面貌,讓女性作家的家族書寫版圖更加遼闊。

時空體與對話性:董啟章《自然史三部曲》研究 / Chronotope and Dialogicality: A Study of Dung, Kai-Cheung's Natural History Trilogy

王得宇, Wang, Te Yu Unknown Date (has links)
香港作家董啟章的長篇小說《自然史三部曲》是一項規模龐大的寫作計畫。此計畫採取「自然史」的形式,旨在跨越文明史觀轉向一切事物的源頭追索。進而,這一系列創作主要是透過多聲部的對位和應答去營造,小說的時間與速度、情感與思考皆呈現出繁複而動態的效果。就內容言,自然史意在廣納物質與語言的創造、時空與情感的迸生、身體與性愛的顯露,以及人類作為物種的誕生與成長(Bildung)等包羅萬有的主題。藉此,自然史試圖重新思索一個人與自我、他人以至世界的複雜關係,並且在不返回基礎形上學的前提下再度探問人類的存有與行動之條件。   在方法上,本研究首先沿著董啟章的小說創作軌跡去勾勒自然史的孕生過程和主題結構,接著引發巴赫金(Mikhail Bakhtin)與董啟章在小說理論上的差異對話,從而針對三部曲的敘事形式和內容進行文本詮釋。我們重點強調巴赫金的時空體(chronotope)範疇與對話性(dialogicality)思想,以及他對歌德與杜斯妥也夫斯基的詮釋將會是董啟章與巴赫金之間的潛在理論戰場。此外,本論文亦將反身地探問董啟章的小說本體論,並提出「自然寫實主義」的概念來描述其小說風格。具體而言,自然寫實主義將從兩個面向鋪陳論證,亦即三部曲中的自然即是歷史性以及寫實主義超越客觀性的非傳統意涵。   首部曲《天工開物‧栩栩如真》展開作者與主角的美學倫理問題,繼而在自我意識的分裂對話中遭遇可能的想像他者。這部曲的原創之處在於重新納入自然的假設,凸顯自然與人為彼此延伸或開放的關鍵在於想像的再造,位處人之盡頭的嶄新思考(時間)和語言(生命)。第二部《時間繁史‧啞瓷之光》積極破除作者自我的迷障,回應生活中的具體他人。這部曲除了以時空體的迸生理解對話性的成長,更特別透過諸般藝術形象作為純粹符號,一方面證明自我與他人的對話總有超越語言溝通的可能,另方面暗指自然正是要透過準自然的文物揭櫫,在眾多主體性抵消的零和之處浮現。第三部《物種源始‧貝貝重生之學習年代》的人物返回觀點外在化、立場公共化的新古典精神。這部曲凸顯了作者自我的退隱同時也是多重作者再次進場的契機。發展至此,大寫作者的回歸已不再意涵辯證綜合的某個絕對精神,而比較是某種實證集合的自然人存有體。於是,人類透過書寫的行動與身體的經驗重新獲得了學習和成長的潛能。   最後,本研究將論證,董啟章的自然寫實主義創新地結合歌德的自然科學觀和杜斯妥也夫斯基穿透主體的寫實主義,意即在巴赫金的小說理論基礎上進行了雙重跨越。與此同時,董啟章的自然史三部曲激進地超越了片面的政治、經濟和社會史觀。他針對小說文類的創造性實驗冒險地催生出一種後歷史的人類科學,也許甚至是一部未來性的人類史詩。 / Hong Kong novelist Dung Kai-Cheung’s Natural History Trilogy is a writing project on the grand-scale. This project is presented in the form of “natural history”, a form of traversing the entire history of civilization to inquire into the source of all things. The series of fictional works mainly utilize a multi-vocal device of counterpoints or mutual responses to create an effect of moving labyrinths in the novel with regards to its narrative time and speed, affect and idea. In terms of content, natural history intends to accommodate a wide variety of themes such as the creation of materiality and language, the emergence of time-spaces and affects, the manifestation of the human body and sexuality, as well as the birth and growth (Bildung) of the human species. As such, natural history seeks to reconsider the complex relationships a single human being may enter with him/herself, with others, and with the world. As a result, natural history reexplores the conditions of being in the world and human action without lapsing into fundamental metaphysics. On the methodological level, this thesis first of all outlines the preparatory phases and thematic structures of natural history along the trajectory of Dung Kai-Cheung’s early writings, and thereafter initiates an alternative dialogue about the theory of the novel between Mikhail Bakhtin and Dung Kai-Cheung with and aim to conduct textual interpretations of the trilogy’s narrative forms and plot contents. We will foreground Bakhtin’s conception of chronotope and dialogicality as well as his interpretation of Goethe and Dostoevsky as the potential theoretical battlegrounds between Bakhtin and Dung. Additionally, this thesis will reflexively search after Dung Kai-Cheung’s ontology of the novel, thereby putting forward a notion called “natural realism” to describe the style of his trilogy. Specifically speaking, we will elaborate on the idea of natural realism in two respects, namely the unconventional implications of nature as historicity and realism as supra-objectivity. The first episode Works and Creations poses a question of aesthetic ethics regarding the author-hero relationship in which the possibility of encounters with fantastic others can be created through an internal dialogue of divided self-consciousnesses. The originality of this episode resides in staging a hypothetical return of nature for the sake of showcasing that the mutual openness and extension between natural and artificial facts depend on remaking of imagination, and resides in a new horizon of thought and language at the end of man. The second episode Histories of Time further engages in lifting the barrier of the authorial self, after which a living response to actual others may be recovered. This episode not only understands dialogical Bildung through the prism of chronotopic emergence but also envisages a variety of artistic figures as pure signs. This literary device is designed to demonstrate that dialogues between the self and others could always surpass the linguistic form of communication, and also intimate that nature is manifested through these cultural relics of quasi-nature and reemerged in the extermination of multiple subjectivities at the end of a zero-sum game. The third episode The Age of Learning brings the characters back to the neo-classical spirit in which each viewpoint gains a notable voice and all standpoints are rendered public. This episode lays emphasis on the retreat of the authorial self as a simultaneous chance for the return of multiple authorship. As of now, the return of the Author no longer implies the dialectical synthesis of some absolute spirit, but rather a certain positive assembly of natural human beings. Henceforth, the human species regains the potentialities of learning and growth through the action of writing and bodily experience. Eventually speaking, the thesis will argue that Dung Kai-Cheung’s natural realism is the fruitful result of an innovative integration of Goethe’s idea of natural science and Dostoevsky’s subject-penetrating realism, a result based upon striding across Bakhtin’s interpretations of both literary giants. In the meantime, Dung Kai-Cheung’s trilogy of natural history opens up a frontier radically transcend any one-sided view of history in favor of politics, economics and/or society. His creative experiment with the novel genre ventures to deliver a post-historical human science, perhaps even a future-oriented human epic.

電腦輔助知識翻新活動對高中生學習環境感知與英文寫作表現之影響 / Effects of Computer-Supported Knowledge Building Pedagogy on High School Students’ Perception of Learning Environment and English Composition Performance

楊怡婷, Yang, I Ting Unknown Date (has links)
傳統作品導向(product-oriented)英文寫作教學重結果、輕過程,加上傳統學習環境多以教師為中心,重講述、少建構,不僅容易限制寫作內容的創意展現與發展,同時,學生在學習上亦容易處於一個被動獲知的角色。知識翻新理論中的知識建構歷程與想法創化環境,則提供了英文教師與學習者一個另類的教學設計原則以及學習環境感受。因此,研究者希冀能透過知識翻新教學理論之原理原則,設計出一套適用於高中生的英文寫作活動,幫助學生產出想法、發揮創意、提升寫作品質。有鑑於此,本研究旨在探討結合電腦輔助平台(即知識論壇)之知識翻新教學活動對高中生學習環境感知與英文寫作表現之影響。研究方法採個案研究法,研究對象為39名高二文組班學生。   本研究除了探討知識翻新活動對學生學習環境感知與英文作文寫作表現的差異情形之外,更進一步探討學生於構思階段寫作想法的轉變歷程以及教師在進行教學時的反思情形。本研究的資料來源包括:(1)知識創新學習環境問卷;(2)英文寫作成品;(3)構思活動記錄;(4)開放式問卷;(5)教師教學反思記錄。上述資料分析採量化的成對樣本t檢定、Pearson相關、描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、與單因子變異數等統計分析以及質性的內容分析,藉以瞭解學生對知識翻新創意氛圍的感知情形與英文寫作表現,以及以知識翻新原則導向的想法演變歷程與教學反思情形。   研究結果顯示:(1)知識翻新有助於提升學生的創意氛圍感知;(2)知識翻新英文寫作活動能提升學生的寫作的內容與表現能力;(3)以知識翻新理論為基礎所設計的英文寫作構思活動,能促使學生發想與精進寫作的想法;(4)知識翻新原則取向所進行的教師教學反思,能幫助教師改進與調整其教學信念與教學模式。最後,根據研究結果,本研究提出相關討論與建議,以供後續英文寫作教學及研究之參考。 / Traditional product-oriented English Composition pedagogy tends to focus on the writing results but not the writing processes. Accordingly, traditional learning environment also tends to be teacher-centered, emphasizing teacher’s lectures rather than students’ knowledge construction. Such pedagogy and environment not only restrain students’ development of creativities, but also turn students into passive learners. In contrast, the emphasis of a process of knowledge construction and idea development in a knowledge building environment has provided teachers and students an innovative pedagogy and an alternative learning environment. Therefore, the researcher in this study decided to employ the principle-based knowledge building theory to design more suitable English composition activities, in order to help students learn how to generate writing ideas, develop creative writing capacity, and eventually improve the quality of their English composition. As such, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of computer-supported knowledge building activities on high school students’ perception of learning environment and English writing performance. To this end, this research employed a case study and the participants were 39 second grade high school students. In addition to understanding how students perceived their learning environment and advance their English composition performance, this study further discussed the process and the transformation of writing ideas in three different stages and the condition of teacher reflection during the teaching. The data of this study mainly came from: (1) a knowledge building environment scale; (2) students’ English composition works; (3) the records produced during three ideas generation stages; and (4) the teacher’s teaching reflection. Quantitative and qualitative measures were applied in this study, and data were analyzed through paired-samples t tests, Pearson's product moment coefficient, descriptive statistics, independent-sample t test, one way ANOVA, and content analysis. The main findings were as follow: (1) knowledge building activities improved students’ perception of learning environment; (2) English composition activities which were based on knowledge building theory were able to advance students’ writing contents and performance; (3) brainstorming activities assisted students in idea generation, idea improvement, and idea synthesis; (4) teaching reflection affected teacher’s teaching beliefs (from cognitivism to constructivism) and teaching models (from teacher-centered to student-centered). Based on the results, some suggestions and implications were discussed.

英文聽力字彙與聽寫練習題輔助出題系統之研究 / Computer-Assisted Item Generation for Listening Cloze and Dictation Practice in English

黃上銘, Huang, Shang-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
以Web為基礎的語言測驗(Web-based language test)目前多為靜態網頁或是互動性低的動態網頁,如何提昇測驗系統的互動性,仍有待探討。目前已有學者利用自然語言處理技術來自動產生試題,並分析學生的作答錯誤。然而,相關研究仍多著重於字彙測驗與文法評量上。本研究針對聽力測驗,發展一套線上練習系統,並運用自然語言處理技術來自動產生聽力選擇題,以及分析學生的聽寫錯誤。我們分析語料庫中的詞彙,將發音相近的單字歸為一類,系統要產生聽力選擇題時,即從單字所屬的群組中,隨機挑選其他發音相近的單字當作誘答選項。而在分析聽寫錯誤方面,我們從語尾變化、拼字、拼音三種層次來分析學生的作答;系統批改完後,會按照學生的錯誤類型,提供不同種類的練習。本練習系統共有聽寫測驗、單字聽力選擇題、單字組聽力選擇題三種題型。系統可以輔助教師大量地編製試題與測驗,並輔助批改學生的作答。學生則可透過網路來接受測驗,並針對自己的弱點單字來作練習。 / Most Web-based language tests are presently static pages or dynamic pages with low interactivity. How to enhance the interactivity of the test systems is still under development. Today some researchers have utilized natural language processing techniques for automatic item generation and intelligent error analysis of students’ answers. However, most known research works put more emphases on vocabulary tests and grammar correction. In this paper, we propose a Web-based practice system for English dictation and listening cloze. We use natural language processing techniques to automatically generate multiple-choice item and analyze students’ dictation errors. First, we analyze the words in the corpus and group them based on the similarity of the phones. When the system generates multiple-choice items, it will search the matched cluster and randomly pick other words with similar phones. Second, we analyze students’ dictation from three aspects: inflected form, spelling errors and phoneme structures. After analyzing students’ answers, the system will provide different practice items according to the error types. Our practice system has three item types: one for dictation and two for multiple-choice listening cloze. The system can assist teachers in authoring items and grading the test results. Students can take the test through the Internet and practice on their weak words.

How to Improve Low-Achievers' Listening Abilities─Using PE students as An Example / 如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力─以體育生為例

黃永蓮, Huang,, Yung-lien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力,除了研究何種聽力教材符合低學習成就者認知上的需求之外,並在英聽課從情意因素著手,引起低學習成就者學習動機,而且英聽課程設計也融入多元智慧,從外在成績的提昇激勵低學習成就者內發性地自主學習動機。 本研究以14位高三體育生為研究對象,研究時間持續一學期從2003年9月到2004年1月,研究工具以日記方式由學生記錄聽英文歌曲以及英文文章段落的課後心得。資料分析取自學生日記。 本研究結果如下:〈一〉淺顯易懂與學生日常生活相關而且包括學生先前學過的生字、片語、句型的英文歌曲以及文章段落有益於增進低學習成就者英聽能力。〈二〉愉快而且充滿互助的教室氣氛減少英文學習的焦慮,維持低學習成就者自尊,增加低學習成就者自信,引起學習動機。〈三〉融入六種多元智慧〈語文智慧、音樂智慧、視覺空間智慧、肢體-動覺智慧、人際智慧、內省智慧〉的英聽課程以聽前(pre-listening)、聽時(while-listening)、聽後(post-listening)三階段可有效的加強低學習成就者英聽能力。〈四〉外在的獎賞可激勵低學習成就者內發性自主學習。 / This research investigated how to improve low achievers’ listening ability, using PE students as the subject of the study. The purpose was (a) to investigate what kind of listening materials meet low achievers’ cognitive needs; (b) to motivate low achievers in listening course affectively; (c) to apply MI theory into listening curriculum development for low achievers; (d) to trigger low achievers extrinsically and intrinsically in English class. A total of 14 high school PE seniors in Taipei County in Taiwan participated in the study. The research period lasted for a semester from September 2003 to January 2004. Journals on listening to songs and listening to passages were employed as instruments. Data for the research were collected from students’ journals. The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) Comprehensible English songs and English passages related to learners’ daily life, including lexis, phrases, and sentence patterns they previously learned were especially beneficial for low achievers to improve their listening ability. (2) A pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere enables low achievers to reduce language learning anxiety and maintain low achievers’ self-esteem. (3) Courses integrating six intelligences (i.e. verbal/linguistic, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences) were designed into three stages; i.e. pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening in the listening treatment, and proved to be effective. (4) Low achievers were inspired by extrinsic rewards and intrinsic factors. Better grades and positive feedback inspired low achievers’ extrinsic motivation. Besides, intrinsic motivation derived from comprehensible input and listening to English songs. The findings of the study suggest that low achievers’ listening ability can be effectively improved as long as listening materials are carefully designed to suit students’ needs.

國中學生文化資本、同儕互動及內化判準對寫作動機與作文品質的影響 / The influence of cultural capital, peer interaction and writer's internalized criteria on writing motivation and composition quality of junior high school students

黃郁婷 Unknown Date (has links)
現今國中學生寫作動機與作文品質不佳是國內普遍的現象,而學校是國中學生的主要學習場所,因此本研究的探討旨趣在於瞭解校園中的三個主體:學生、同儕與教師,即文化資本、同儕互動以及內化判準,與國中學生寫作動機以及作文品質間的關係;並進一步瞭解國中生的文化資本、同儕互動、內化判準對寫作動機的預測情形以及前述四者對作文品質的預測情形。 本研究以163位國中二年級學生為研究對象,研究工具包括:研究者自編的「文化資本量表」、「同儕互動量表」、「內化判準量表」、「寫作動機量表」以及「作文評定量表」。此外,本研究以因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、典型相關分析以及多元迴歸分析進行量表與研究假設的驗證。 研究結果顯示: 1.當國中生擁有愈多的文化資本,其寫作動機也會愈高;而國中生擁有的文化資本多寡,與其作文品質無明顯的關係存在。 2.當國中生與同儕的互動頻率愈高時,會有愈高的寫作動機,且會有愈良好的作文品質。 3.當國中生對寫作判準的認同程度愈深時,會有愈高的寫作動機,且其作文品質會愈良好。 4.當國中生的寫作動機愈高時,其作文品質也會愈良好。此外,當國中生的寫作訊息性動機愈高時,其作文中也會有愈良好的新穎性表現;而國中生的寫作內在動機與控制性外在動機對作文中的新穎性表現沒有顯著的影響。 5.國中生已認同判準以及文化資本能顯著預測國中生的寫作動機,且國中生已認同判準是最主要的預測變項。 6.國中生已認同判準、訊息性外在動機以及同儕互動能顯著預測國中生的作文品質,且國中生已認同判準是最主要的預測變項。 為促成國中學生寫作動機以及作文品質之有效提升,本研究最後根據研究結果,對國民中學與國中教師提出幾點實務上之建議: 1.國中校園應多提供豐富的語文物理環境,並鼓勵學生多加運用;此外,鼓勵學生多參與多元的活動,累積生活經驗。 2.鼓勵國中同儕間建立分享的寫作學習社群,並積極地和同儕討論生活見聞。 3.協助學生掌握寫作領域中的批判性原則與標準。 4.著重國中生之寫作訊息性外在動機以及內在動機的培養。 並從研究議題與研究設計兩方面提出建議,作為後續研究之參考。 關鍵字:文化資本、同儕互動、內化判準、寫作動機、作文品質 / Low writing motivation and inferior composition quality has been a general phenomenon for current junior high students. In view of school as the main learning field, this research is to investigate how writing motivation and composition quality are related with cultural capital, peer interaction as well as writer’s internalized criteria, how the writing motivation is predicted by cultural capital, peer interaction as well as writer’s internalized criteria, and how the composition quality is predicted by cultural capital, peer interaction, writer’s internalized criteria and writing motivation. There are 163 students of grade 8 joining in this research. Five self-reported questionnaires, which are “cultural capital scale”,“peer interaction scale”,“writer's internalized criteria scale”, “writing motivation scale” and “composition quality scale” , designed by the researcher, were utilized to measure each variable respectively. Factor analysis, Cronbach alpha, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson relation coefficient, canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression were conducted to validate the questionnaires and verify the hypotheses. The results were as follows: 1. The more cultural capital, the higher the writing motivation were. However, cultural capital was not related with composition quality. 2. The junior high students, who interacted with classmates more frequently, have higher writing motivation and better composition quality. 3. The more important students identified the writing criteria, the better composition quality were. 4. When students owned higher writing motivation, their compositions also have better quality. Besides, when students have higher informational extrinsic motivation, their compositions were found more novel. However, neither of the intrinsic writing motivation nor controlling extrinsic motivation impacted the novel performance. 5. Both identified writing criteria and cultural capital were able to predict writing motivation significantly, the former variable is the most important one. 6. Composition quality was able to be explained by identified writing criteria, information extrinsic motivation and peer interaction significantly. Identified writing criteria is the most important variable among them. Based on our results, several suggestions were raised for the practical application of teachers. 1. The campus should be generated as an abundant linguistic surroundings and the school should encourage students to utilize those resources more frequently. Besides, school should inspired students to participate the various activities so as to enrich the living experiences. 2. The writing community should be encouraged to establish for sake of share of learning experience. The discussion regarding living experiences among classmates should also be promoted. 3. To help the students mater the critical principles and standard in writing field. 4. To generate both intrinsic and informational extrinsic motivation for junior high students. Keywords: cultural capital, peer interaction, writer's internalized criteria, writing motivation, composition quality

國中師生認知風格與學生英語學習表現之相關研究 / The Relationship between Student-Teacher Cognitive Styles and Students' English Performance in Junior High School

廖惠君, Hui-chun,Liao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在討論台灣國中師生認知風格與學生英文學習表現的關係。此研究目的是要探討(1)不同認知風格的學生在英文學習表現上是否有顯著性的相關,(2)不同認知風格的老師在教學成效方面是否有顯著性的相關,(3)師生認知風格相符合的學生群和不相符合的學生群在英文學習表現方面是否有顯著性的相關。 研究樣本以新竹一所國中242位學生及4位老師為研究對象。藏圖測驗用來區分研究對象之認知風格是否為場地獨立型或場地依賴型之學習者。此242位學生皆參與全民英檢之聽、讀、寫測驗;此外,研究者亦對師生進行個別訪談以獲得更進一步的解釋。 本研究採描述統計及Pearson積差相關進行資料分析。研究結果顯示(1)場地獨立型學生在聽、讀、寫的學習表現上較場地依賴型學生佳,並有顯著性相關;(2)場地獨立型老師所教的學生在聽、讀、寫的學習表現上雖較場地依賴型老師所教的學生佳,卻無顯著性相關;然而當男女學生分開進行檢測時,場地獨立型老師所教的女學生在聽力的學習表現方面較場地依賴型老師所教的女學生佳,並有顯著性相關;(3)師生認知風格不相符合的學生群在聽、讀、寫的學習表現上雖較師生認知風格相符合的學生群佳,卻無顯著性相關;而當進行更進一步的數據檢測時,師生場地依賴型風格不相符合的學生群在聽力及寫作的學習表現方面較師生場地依賴型風格相符合的學生群佳,並有顯著性相關;此外,其老師為場地依賴型的場地獨立型學生在閱讀的學習表現上較師生場地依頼型風格相符合的學生群佳,並有顯著性相關。訪談的結果發現,師生場地獨立型風格相符合的學生群能受惠於教師的教學,而師生場地依賴型風格相符合的學生群能夠在與教師的人際互動中受益。 最後,研究者根據研究發現提出數點建議。首先,對於師生認知風格的確認在教學上有其必要性。其次,教師的教學應力求多樣化,並且對於不同認知風格的學生能施予不同的教學法。再者,師資培育者應提供相關的教學訓練,幫助英語教師在教學上能依據學生不同的認知風格予以不同的教法。最後,本研究建議未來能有更多的研究探討場地獨立型或場地依賴型的師生在英語教學或學習中所扮演的角色,並提供更多更有建設性的貢獻。 / The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between student-teacher field-independence-dependence cognitive styles and students’ English performance in a Taiwanese junior high school. The purpose of this study was to explore: (a) different language tasks achieved successfully by students with different cognitive styles, (b) the teaching effectiveness of teachers with different cognitive styles, and (c) language performance under matching cognitive styles between students and teachers. Two hundred forty-two student participants and four teacher participants from a junior high school in Hsin-chu city were chosen in this study. The Hidden Figures Test (HFT) was conducted to measure the participants’ cognitive styles to be field independence (FI) or field dependence (FD). These 242 students took the General English Proficiency Tests (GEPT) with regard to listening, reading and writing. Interview was also given to both the student and teacher participants. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson product-moment correlations. The results show: (a) FI students performed better than FD students in the listening, reading and writing test, and there was a significant correlation between FI students and students’ English performance in the listening, reading and writing test; (b) students with FI teachers outperformed students with FD teachers in the listening, reading and writing test, but there was no significant correlation between teachers’ cognitive styles and students’ performance in the listening, reading and writing test; but when the data were re-tested between female groups and male groups, female students with FI teachers were found to perform better than those with FD teachers in the listening test, and there was a significant correlation between female with FI teachers and students’ performance in the listening test; (c) student-teacher FI/FD mismatch groups performed better than student-teacher FI/FD match groups in the listening, reading and writing test, but there was no significant correlation between student-teacher FI/FD mismatch groups and students English performance in the listening, reading and writing test; however, the further examination indicated that FD mismatch groups performed better than FD match groups in the listening and writing test, and there was a significant correlation between FD mismatch groups and students’ performance in the listening and writing test; and the further examination also revealed that FI students with FD teachers outperformed FD students with FD teachers in the reading test, and there was a significant correlation between FI students with FD teachers and students’ English performance in the reading test. The result of the interview revealed that FI match groups benefited from the teacher instruction while FD match groups benefited from the interpersonal aspect of the teachers. Pedagogically, the findings of the study suggested the necessity of the awareness of students’ and teachers’ cognitive styles; in addition, teachers were suggested to be cognitive-flexible, and teacher education programs were also advised to offer related language training to assist teachers in achieving cognitive flexibility. Further research should be conducted to understand to what extent field independence/dependence plays a role in how students learn and how teachers teach, hence providing more constructive insights for English language education.

教師回饋在多次文稿寫作上的成效--以台灣高中英文課為例 / The Efficacy of Teacher Feedback on Multi-draft Writing--A Case Study in Taiwan High School English Class

黃淑萍, Huang, Shu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
教師回饋在學生的寫作過程中是很重要的,所以如何給予有效的回饋是個值得探討的議題。這個研究是在評估老師的書面回饋對於高中生多次文稿英文寫作練習的成效。桃園市某所國立高中的高三學生,一班共36位 (男生27位,女生9位) 參與這項為期從2007年九月到2008年一月的研究。教師回饋的方式是在第一次文稿上給予代號批改及評語,在第二次文稿上直接寫上正確答案及評語,在第三次文稿上直接給予答案並附上評語。老師不會在每次的文稿上評分,而學生在繳交改寫的文稿時要附上心得單。這項研究包含敘述文體的前測及後測、兩份參與者對教師回饋的問卷、及參與者的訪談。研究結果如下:第一,這種教師回饋對於整體的寫作品質上的進步有所貢獻。第二,雖然這樣的教師回饋對於整體的寫作正確度上沒有明顯的改善,但在時態及標點符號方面卻有正向的影響。第三,參與者對於這樣的教師回饋抱持著正面的態度。最後,討論此研究在教學上的意涵及對未來研究的建議。 / Teacher feedback is important in students’ writing process, so how to give effective teacher feedback is an issue worth investigation. The present study assessed the effect of teacher written feedback on high school students’ multi-draft English writing practice. A class of 36 seniors (27 boys and 9 girls) in a national senior high school in Taoyuan City participated in this study from Sep. 2007 through Jan. 2008. The teacher feedback was to give coded correction and comments on Draft 1, to offer direct correction and comments on Draft 2, and to provide direct correction and comments on Draft 3. Grades were assigned randomly and the participants had to submit cover sheets in revision. The study included the pre-test and the post-test on narrative writing, two questionnaires on the participants’ perceptions of the teacher feedback, and interviews. The results are as follows: First, this teacher feedback contributed to significant improvement in the overall writing quality. Second, this teacher feedback yielded no significant difference in the overall writing accuracy, but it had some positive effect on tense and punctuation. Third, the participants took a positive attitude toward this teacher feedback. Finally, some implications for teaching and suggestions for future research were discussed.

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