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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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澳門特區政府中文行政公文優化研究 = The research on the Chinese administration official document optimization of Macau Special Administrative Region / research on the Chinese administration official document optimization of Macau Special Administrative Region

吳惠芬 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese


鍾慧玲, ZHONG, HUI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
文學史上,婦女的作的作品多居於聊備一格的地位,其中固然有異彩煥發的女性作家,然而亦不過曇花一現而已,此種現象可以說與我國傳統的觀念有關。 由於社會會的結構重心在男性,女性居於附屬的地位,內外之別,使女性的發展環境受到限制,因此歷代的女子教育皆以道德與技能為主,從禮記內則、班昭女誡、以迄後代紛陳的家訓典籍中,即可見出此種觀念的深植及影響的久遠,女性的知識教育受到忽視,女性的才華也此而受到壓仰,儘管在知識階層的家庭,還女子仍有識字習文的機會,可是多不予積極的鼓勵,因,此女性在文學上的成就自然難與文士抗衡。 比起宏博繁富的文人作品,女性的文學園地可以說是十分寂寞,詩經三百零五篇,謝量舉出十六首為女子之作,其中比較可信的只有莊姜、許穆夫人、未襄公母等數人。而漢書藝文志詩賦略凡數詩賦千餘篇,可以確定無疑為女作品的幾秋沒有,昭明文選三十卷,所收婦女作品亦僅有班婕、妤班昭二人,嚴可均輯全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文,女性作者有九十二人,丁福保編全漢三國晉南北朝時,閨秀詩人亦不過四十四人,至於全唐詩九百卷,女性詩人亦僅佔九卷,宋代詞人約有一千三百人,婦女認人只有六十人左右,明史藝文志別集類收閨秀三十一人,從這些數字中,可知歷代女性的作品實是廖寥可數。 沈寂的閨閣詩壇至清朝時,有了極大的轉變,作家大量增多,作品也極為豐富,徐世昌編清詩匯二百卷,其中有十卷是閨閣的作品,計有四百八十五人,而施淑儀編清代閨閣詩人徵略一書,共十卷,收錄一千二百七十四人,至於胡文楷所編歷代婦女著作考,所採代清代婦女作家共三千五百餘人,比起其蒐輯清以前的作家僅得五百餘人,比例可謂十分懸殊,清代的婦女作家何以如此之眾?與當時的文人社會有什麼關係其文學活動的內涵如何?其以何種態度從事寫作?其在文學上的成就如何?這些都是值得深思探索的問題。 在一般文學史的著作中,多未敘述清代婦女作家,即使言及亦較簡略,而較早如謝量的中國婦女文學史,僅止於明代作家,後梁乙真所撰清代婦女文學史,於清代閨媛蒐集集十分豐富,但是也僅止於人物與作品的簡介,對於當時的背,景及人物的活動則未作探討,其他如譚正璧的中國女性的文學生活,陶秋英的中國婦女與文學,則偏於彈詞作家,對於廣眾的女詩人也未予以注意,本篇論文即在希望能透過研究分析以了解清代女詩人的狀況,及清代婦如詩壇活潑昌明的氣象。 本篇論文主要研究內容,著重於原因的探討,文學活動的考察,寫作態度及文學理論的,以及對重要女詩人作品的介紹。 有關清代女詩人興盛的原因,可以從晚明的文學環境追溯,由於當時心學流行,帶動思想界自由的風氣,而公安派的文學理論,更解放了寫作的桎梏,加以明末世家大族的流風遺韻,遂醞釀了清代婦女的文學發展。而有清一代鼎盛的文學風氣,如君王的提倡、詩社的林立、詩話的流傳、以及出版業的發達,皆為不可忽視的因素,至於清代文人的獎掖尤其有推波助瀾之功,其中以錢謙益、毛奇齡、沈德潛、袁枚、郭麟、 陳文述、俞樾等人,對於當時閨閣文學的發展具有相當的影響力,此外,家庭的薰陶,以及對作品的熱心刊刻,和閥閱名家所標榜的一門風雅,也都可以看出大夫家庭對於閨閣文學的提倡,而婦女作品的選集出現更具有相輔相成的作用,這些都是清代婦女文學發展重要的推動力。 關於清代婦女文學活動的內涵,大略可從三個部份討論,即結社、從師、及一般的交遊活動。清代閨閣組社的風氣非常普遍,而執贄從師往往更形成一個特殊的吟詠集團,至於題集題畫等,更表現出閨閣生活的情趣,而清代女詩人的社交方式和內容則可由此得知。 由於清代社會禮教極嚴,因此女性作家面對傳統的壓力所採取的態度,可以從兩方面來看,即消極保守與積極開放的態度,二者對於作品的產生和流傳皆有密切的關係,而其文學理論也顯然是承襲當時流行的理論,這些可以有助於對其作品的了解。 最後就清代女詩人擇其作品豐富,名聲較著而又有優秀表現的作家作深入的探究,以期對於清代重要女詩人有更進一步的認識並確立其文學的地位。 由於婦女作家多受忽略,作品不易流傳,因此本篇論文在資料的收集與運用上也遭遇相當的困難,幸蒙王師夢鷗,羅師宗濤抉疑指迷,悉心教導,在觀念上尤能給予莫大的啟示,而在撰寫過程中,每覺心力殆盡,氣沮志摧之時,也多蒙兩位恩師的督促和鼓勵始得完成斯篇,衷心感激實不能名。然因個人學殖有限,智慮難周,加以無法盡徵海內文獻,疏漏之處,必所不免,尚望碩學先達不吝賜正,是所至幸。 /


張清文 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 根據鍾理和寫給文友廖清秀的信函中,指出他約在一九三○年左右,接觸了大量的中國新文學作家的作品,引起他強烈的閱讀興趣,甚至到了廢寢忘食的地步,而其中影響最大且最深的要算是魯迅,因為不論在他的日記或與文友的通信中,最常提及的中國作家就是魯迅。 魯迅是中國新文學運動中最重要的作家,他在文學上的成就,不僅在中國,甚至對鄰近的日本、韓國、新加坡等都產生了深遠的影響,他不僅是中國文學上的巨人,也是躋身世界文學之林的大文豪,日據時期的台灣文壇就是站在世界文學的角度上,開始閱讀並接受魯迅,鍾理和也就是在這樣的文學背景下接觸魯迅。因此,我們在看待魯迅對鍾理和的影響之時,並不把他當作是個獨特現象,而是把他放置在「台灣魯迅學」的範疇中,視為魯迅在台灣傳播的眾多面向之一。所以,本論文首先簡單探討魯迅文學在台灣的傳播情形,再透過對兩人文本的細讀與比較,尋繹魯迅對鍾理和文學的影響。 要進行不同作家文學的傳承或影響的研究,並不能只強調兩者的接觸關係,還必須在諸如主題、表現方式、文字技巧、創作風格等等的層面上進行考察,才能得到較為完整、正確的結果。因此,我們嘗試在鍾理和的作品中,尋找若干對魯迅文學的繼承或轉化的情形,尤其在顯而易見的國民性批判議題與寫實精神的發揚上,除了探討文字上所具體呈現的影響外,也注意在精神或思想上的可能關連。透過這些全面而深入的討論,我們看到鍾理和之所以接受魯迅文學,無疑地主要是著眼在「現代性」這部分上。同樣源自對傳統封建思想的不滿,企求對所處社會進行改革,在國民性的議題上,在對鄉土的寫實與批判上,無一不是站在「現代性」的立場,吸收、學習魯迅相關的文學與思想,但鍾理和的文學並不完全等於魯迅,他一直有著自我獨特的風格,始終立足於台灣的觀點,恰如其份地展現他的主體性。 此外,我們也明確的看到鍾理和是在文學上認識、接受並詮釋魯迅的,有別於被中共神化或國民黨貶抑的扭曲形象,在這裡我們重新看到魯迅作為文學家的真實形象。而鍾理和借鑑魯迅文學的事實,也說明魯迅或中國文學確曾對台灣文學的發展產生作用,並客觀證成台灣文學開放性的特色。 / Abstract Zhong Li-he pointed out in his correspondence with his literary friend Liao Qing-xiu that sometime around 1930 he began to be in touch with a lot of literary works written by Chinese new-vernacular literary writers, which aroused his intense reading interest to the extent that he couldn’t eat and sleep without finishing reading them. Lu Xun was the Chinese writer who had the greatest influence on Zhong Li-he because his name was most often mentioned in either his diaries or his correspondence with his literary friends. Lu Xun, whose achievement in literature exerted profound influence not only in China but also on neighboring countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, was the most important writer in the Chinese new-vernacular literature movement. Not only was he a literary giant in Chinese literature, but he was also an eminent writer in world literature. In fact, the literary arena of Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule started to read and accept the works of Lu Xun from the perspective of World literature, and it was against this literary background that Zhong Li-he began his contact with the literary works of Lu Xun. Therefore, we do not treat Lu Xun’s influence on Zhong Li-he as a unique phenomenon; in contrast, we place it in the field of “Lu Xun Studies in Taiwan,” and regard it as one of the many facets of how the literary works of Lu Xun were disseminated in Taiwan. Therefore, this dissertation first discusses how Lu Xun literature was disseminated in Taiwan. It then inquires into the influence Lu Xun exerted on Zhong Li-he literature by comparing their literary texts. When carrying out a research into the inheritance or influence of the literary works of different writers, we cannot emphasize simply on the way they contact with one another; on the contrary, we must also examine other facets such as the literary subjects, the ways they are expressed, the writing skills, the creative writing styles etc. so as to arrive at a more complete and correct conclusion. Therefore, we attempt to find out how Lu Xun literature was inherited or transformed through the reading of Zhong Li-he’s literary works. For instance, when dealing with the issues of national characteristic criticism and the promotion of realistic writing, we not only discuss the influence they embodied in written language, but also take notice of the possible correlation between them in terms of spirits or thoughts. By means of comprehensive and thorough discussion, we find out that Zhong Li-he’s acceptance of Lu Xun literature was undoubtedly because of his focus on the aspect of “modernity”. Similarly, on the issue of national characteristic and on the realism and criticism of “hometown”, Zhong Li-he’s position was anchored in “modernity”, expressing his discontentment with traditional feudalistic thinking and his great eagerness for social reforms. Even though Zhong Li-he learned and soaked up Lu Xun-related literature and thoughts, Zhong Li-he literature is not equivalent to Lu Xun literature because Zhong always had his own unique style. He grounded his position from the perspective of Taiwan, which reflected his subjectivity. Finally, we clearly find out that Zhong Li-he came to know, accept and interpret Lu Xun literarily, which is different from the distorted image conjured up by the Chinese Communist Party’s deification or Kuomintang’s disparagement of him. It is in this context that we see the real image of Lu Xun as a literary man. On the other hand, the fact that Zhong Li-he drew lessons from Lu Xun literature explained that Lu Xun or the Chinese literature did exercise influence on the development of the literature of Taiwan, which objectively testified to the fact that openness was a characteristic of the literature of Taiwan.

蘇聯文化政策之研究-蘇維埃意識形態的體與用 / A Study on Cultural Policy of the USSR: The Substance and Function of Soviet Ideology

楊天豪, Yang, Tien Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在擴大對「蘇聯文化」研究的基礎上,本論文探討蘇聯的文化政治與政策施作,其終極目標乃透過命名的權力來建構文化的社會主體性,也即「蘇維埃人」這樣的歷史共同體。為求例證之多樣性,本論文綜合了文化研究與歷史研究途徑,以文本分析和文獻分析作為研究方法,並將指涉的文化政策範圍縮限於文學與藝術領域,以及對文化公共財,如圖書館、博物館、劇院的擴充。 對布爾什維克而言,爭取文化霸權就是建構並傳播蘇維埃意識形態,透過意識形態國家機器,即藝文團體、報刊媒體等來體現,繼而將個人建構為主體,製造出一批批本應如此的「形象」。因此,蘇維埃意識形態始終驅動著蘇聯文化政策的開展。配合主政之領導人,國家對政策的指導可簡化為「文化革命─社會主義寫實主義─公開性」的歷程,並對應由逐漸緊縮到開放的程度。其中,由列寧發起的文化革命可謂蘇聯文化政策的承先啟後階段,尚且容許藝文團體的多元發展。進入史達林時期後,所推出的社會主義寫實主義既是一種創作風格,也是政策的依歸。從寫作到編曲,從繪畫到電影,它為蘇聯的文藝創作設置理論與框架,並成為作品能否公開展演及獲得國家獎勵的唯一標準。至於戈巴契夫的公開性則帶來蘇維埃意識形態更為人性化的修正與文化政策的轉折。 另一方面,本論文透過觀照經蘇維埃化所產生之新蘇維埃人的日常生活片斷,概括蘇維埃文化的若干特徵,點出其指導大眾邁向由官方營造之理想人生的規訓功能,繼而探究蘇聯社會中不同身分的互動,析論政策造成的後續影響。藉由對精英、婦女與青年等文化研究關鍵面向的討論,可以發現蘇聯文化政策的差別待遇模式,以及未將文化納入政策考量的若干失誤。

使用適應性直方圖均衡化之加速與風格化淺浮雕生成 / Fast and stylized bas-relief generation using adaptive histogram equalization

黃嗣心, Huang, Ssu Shin Unknown Date (has links)
浮雕是雕刻藝術中重要的表現方法,藉由在平板上雕刻出高低落差,傳達出豐富的形狀視覺線索,是介於3D雕塑和2D畫作中間的一種物體外形的表現方式。本論文將針對淺浮雕這類型相對高度較低的浮雕技法,將要表達的3D場景壓縮到接近平面但盡可能保留細節。我們使用適應性直方圖均衡化技術去壓縮高度的動態範圍並盡可能強化細節,且經由降低取樣點數量的技巧加速適應性直方圖均衡化的計算,以利於使用者進行互動性自訂風格化。另外依照場景特徵的流向,增加特殊的刻紋去豐富淺浮雕的風格表現。 / Relief is a sculptural technique to express the shape feature on a flat surface. It is an art medium between 3D sculpture and 2D painting. In this thesis, we focus on bas-relief, which is a relatively low relief to compress the depth of 3D scene to a shallow overall depth and preserve details of the shape. We use the adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) to compress the depth range and enhance details, and accelerate the AHE computation by sample reduction, which is in favor of the user interaction of custom stylization. Furthermore, adding special carving patterns according to feature flows of the scene enriches the stylization of the relief generation.

漂泊離散的身份認同:蜜雪兒•克莉芙《天堂無路可通》的後殖民研究 / Identity in Diaspora: A Postcolonial Reading of Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven

洪敦信, Hong, Dun-Xin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,有關文學和殖民宰制之間關係的研究一直是文學研究中重要的一個主題。在我論文的序章,阿圖塞有關意識形態的看法就被拿來詮釋這層共謀的關係。身為文學作品中一份子,蜜雪兒•克莉芙的作品《天堂無路可通》卻藉著呈現後殖民情境下的克蕾兒•薩維巨和她家人的故事試著去翻轉和顛覆主導的意識形態。我就針對變易位置、歷史書寫、身份認同三個糾結在整個故事中的重要主題加以討論。 我的論文的第二章是對後殖民漂泊離散的現象和與這現象相關的放逐和移民的概念加以詳細的說明。在這部分中,柯恩關於文化上飄泊離散的四個標準,用來衡量在《天堂無路可通》中薩維巨一家人的移民狀況是很有幫助的。此外,對於「家」這個概念的政治考量也納入這部分的討論中。克蕾兒遊蕩的旅程引導她去思索在她周圍所圍繞的一些問題:其中之一便是對於「歷史」可信度的疑惑,另一個則是對於自己身份認同探究。因此,在第三章中,我探討的是再現的機制和歷史書寫再現的是宰制意識形態。在《天堂無路可通》中,克蕾兒的個人記憶/個人歷史於是成為了對官方歷史可靠性詰問的對抗力量,也提供了另一版本的歷史。 交織在漂泊離散經驗和對歷史和記憶質疑之中的課題是關於身份的認同,特別是文化上的認同。在我的論文的第四章,我所討論的是身份認同形成的過程和文化認同的轉變。在這章中,首先,以「旅行」的概念來解釋克蕾兒的游牧式旅程。接下來,我陳述有關於本質主義者和非本質主義者個自對於身份認同的看法和他們之間對於這個議題的爭論。而他們之間對於身份認同的不同看法正好明白地昭示在霍爾對於文化身份認同的定義中。此外,巴霸創新的「第三空間」和「居中」的想法也納入這部分關於身份認同的討論中。如何去面對由於移民、放逐和飄泊離散所產生的文化認同危機,如何去調合和重建一個新的文化上的身份認同,和如何以這個新的身份認同去詮釋故事中克蕾兒的回歸牙買加是我最後一部分的討論。希望,經由我對《天堂無路可通》這本小說的研究,能提供一些對了解後殖民小說的見解,特別是本於/有關/來自加勒比海的小說。 / The discussion of the relationship between literature and the colonial manipulation has been an important theme in the study of literature in recent years. In the introduction of my thesis, Louis Althusser’s concept of ideology is utilized to interpret this complicity relationship. As a literary work, Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven tries to reverse and subvert the dominant ideology by presenting the story of Clare Savage and her family under postcolonial condition. My discussions are aimed at three important themes, displacement, history, and identity, interwoven in the whole story. The second chapter of my thesis is the elucidation of the postcolonial phenomenon, the diaspora experiences, and the relative concepts of exile and migration. In this part, Robin Cohen’s four criteria of cultural diaspora are useful to assess the immigrant condition of the Savages in No Telephone to Heaven. Moreover, the politics of “home” is associated within this part of discussion. What Clare’s wandering journey leads her to is the contemplation of the questions arising around her: of these questions, one is the suspicion of the reliability of “history,” and another is the inquiry about her own identity/identities. So, in the third chapter, I discuss the regime of representation and the historiography as a kind of representation of the dominant ideology. The personal memory/history of Clare in No Telephone to Heaven, then, becomes a counter-force to interrogate the reliability of the official history, and provides another version of history. Interweaving with the diaspora experiences and the interrogation of history and memory is the topic about identities, particularly the cultural identity. In the fourth chapter of my thesis, I discuss the process of identity formation and the transformation of cultural identity. In this chapter, first, Clare’s nomadic journey is explained by the concept of “travel.” Then, I state the thoughts about identity between the essentialists and non-essentialists and the debates of identity between them. Such different views of identity are prominently demonstrated in Stuart Hall’s definition of cultural identity. Besides, Homi Bhabha’s innovative idea of “the third space” and the concept of “in-between” are included in this part of discussion about identity. How to face the crisis of cultural identity out of migration, exile, and diaspora, how to negotiate or reconstruct a new cultural identity under postcolonial condition, and how to interpret Clare’s return to Jamaica by virtue of this new identity, are the last parts of my discussion. I hope, through my reading of No Telephone to Heaven, I might provide some insights for understanding the postcolonial novels, especially the novels of/about/from the Caribbean area.

台灣的大學生在英語口說語與書面語溝通表達策略的比較 / A Study of Communication Strategies in Taiwan EFL College Learners' Spoken Language and Written Language

謝函軒, Hsieh, Han-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在使用外國語言表達的時候,語言學習者經常會遇到不會說的單字。為了使溝通能夠繼續下去,語言學習者經常會採用溝通表達策略(C.S)來幫助自己表達意見。除了口語之外,人們還可以用書面語來溝通。但目前尚未有研究關於溝通表達策略在這兩種語言形式中有何異同之處。比較溝通表達策略在這兩種語言形式中有何不同之處是我們其中的一個目標。另外,我們還檢視受試者說的能力(speaking ability)與寫的能力(writing ability)如何影響兩種形式的溝通表達策略。結果顯示只有情境策略(situation strategy)和同義字策略(synonym strategy)在兩種語言形式中呈現顯著差異。受試者說的能力只會影響策略數量上(number)的使用,並不會影響到種類上(type)的選擇。而寫的能力則與策略數量上(number)的使用以及種類上(type)的選擇都沒有關聯。策略種類上(type)的選擇不會隨著說的能力或寫的能力增加的結果使我們提出英文老師應該加強學生溝通表達策略的概念與使用的建議,期使學生提升他們的溝通能力。 / Communication strategies (C.S.) are the strategies used by language learners to deal with lexical problems when they are using a target language for communication. In addition to oral language, people can also communicate in written language. However, no study has looked into the similarities and differences of the C.S. used in the two modes. An aim of our study is to compare the use of C.S. in the two modes. The second aim is to examine the use of C.S. in the two modes through speaking proficiency and writing proficiency respectively. Subjects were asked to express prompted words to the native English interlocutor and then to write down the same set of the prompted words without using the exact words. Results shows that only situation strategy and synonym strategy display significant differences in the two modes. Besides, speaking proficiency influences the number of C.S. but is unrelated to the types of C.S. Writing proficiency does not affect the number and the types of C.S. The result that the types of C.S. do not increase according to proficiency level makes us suggest English teachers to enhance learners’ awareness of C.S. with an aim to developing learners’ communicative competence.

英語母語及非母語者轉折連詞之篇章關係: 以語料庫為本的研究 / Discourse Relations of Adversative Connectives in the Writing of Native and Non-native Speakers of English: A Corpus-based Study

王若曦, Wang, Jo-Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨於調查四個轉折連詞包括on the other hand、in/by contrast、 on the contrary 以及 nevertheless 在美國當代語料庫 (COCA) 以及學習者語料庫(ICNALE) 使用之不同情形及第二語學習者的使用錯誤分析。 本研究從美國當代語料庫 (COCA) 蒐集了四百篇文本(每個轉折連詞各一百篇)以及從學習者語料庫料庫 (ICNALE) 蒐集了一千八百篇學生的寫作,學生的文章分別來自台灣、香港、新加坡、菲律賓的大學生以及母語人士。本研究假設為:雖然四個轉折連詞被歸類為同一類轉折連詞 (adversative type),各個轉折連詞的語義及用法應有所不同。本研究語料分析主要分為兩部分,第一部分分析各個轉折連詞中的篇章關係 (discourse relation),調查四個轉折連詞上下文的不同反義的語義情況。第二部分聚焦於轉折連詞上下文中的主題分布 (topic categorization),旨於發現是否特定轉折連詞出現於特定主題之內。 研究結果經由語料分析發現,四個轉折連詞有特定傾向的篇章關係和主題分布。在學習者語料庫中,本研究發現第二語言學習者比起母語人士,使用更多轉折連詞於寫作中,特別是on the other hand 以及nevertheless。台灣學生以及英語為第二外語學生在上下中,常將on the other hand的篇章關係使用為in addition 之用法。在連詞nevertheless方面,雖然學生使用頻率較高,但多為誤用情況,顯示出學生對於該轉折連詞的不熟悉情況。而in/by contrast 和on the contrary 皆不常出現於第二語言學習者和母語人士的寫作中。本研究最後提出在英語教學上的建議:在課堂上教導轉折連接詞時,應需加強語意以及上下文方面的探討,並訓練學生正確文句之間的邏輯關係。 / The present study adopts corpus analysis to investigate four adversative connectives (ACs), including on the other hand, in/by contrast, on the contrary, and nevertheless in the native corpus, the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), and in the leaner corpus, the International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English, (ICNALE). The comparison of the two corpora and the common misuse by L2 learners are also presented. The data comprise of 400 texts in COCA (100 texts for each AC) and 1800 essays written by students in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, and by native speakers in ICNALE. The research hypothesis is that although the four ACs are classified in the same ‘adversative’ type, their meanings and uses are different from one another. The adoption of corpus helps to find the patterns of each AC. The data are analyzed from two perspectives: one is the discourse relation while the other is topic categorization. The discourse relation refers to the relations of the preceding and following co-texts of the AC. The topic categorization, on the other hand, aims at finding if there are specific topics that are frequently occurred with certain ACs and if these topics are consistent before or after the occurrences of the Cs. The findings confirm the prediction that by analyzing the data in COCA, each AC exists in certain discourse relations and topics. The present study finds that different from native speakers, L2 learners often use on the other hand as ‘addition’ yet a great number of uses of nevertheless are viewed as misuse. As for on the contrary and in/by contrast, both native speakers and L2 learners seldom apply the ACs in their writing. The present study also provides the common misuse patterns in ESL/EFL students’ writing. It is hoped that the findings have implications for teachers and learners to be aware of the differences of ACs.

探討PROPOSE和SUGGEST於英文學術寫作中之共現結構:以語料庫為本的研究 / A corpus-based study on the co-occurrence patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST in English academic writing

林晏宇, Lin, Yen-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在英文學術論文寫作上,引述動詞在文獻的重述、引用等方面扮演著重要的角色。透過引述動詞的使用,寫作者能更清晰、有力的陳述其論點。目前雖有許多關於引述動詞在句子中表達評論語氣與修辭功能的探討,但卻少有研究提及短語詞組的使用情形。引述動詞短語詞組的進一步探究能使學生在建構學術論述寫作的同時,對於經常與之共現的搭配字詞、句構有更敏銳的覺察能力。本研究從語意及句式兩方面著手,觀察常與PROPOSE和SUGGEST兩個高頻近義引述動詞共現的字詞與詞組。此二動詞所具有的共通點為:(一)字義上皆可表示「提出某事以作進一步考量」、(二)經常用於降低或弱化陳述句中的肯定語氣。本研究的目的在於釐清這兩個近義引述動詞的特點,並更完善地歸納出它們各自所偏好的短語詞組。 本研究的研究工具為擁有近四十五億詞彙的當代美式英文語料庫(Corpus of Contemporary American English),蒐集了其中PROPOSE 和SUGGEST於學術寫作中的相關語料,以觀察此二動詞的不同詞形(V-base型、V-s型、V-ed型與V-ing型)在句子中的表現。至於本研究的分析則分成了三個部分:(一) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST的語法模組、(二) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST的搭配中,有生命性或無生命性的主詞在主要語法模組中的分布情形、(三) PROPOSE 和SUGGEST後的受詞語義分類。量化分析之餘,本研究也引進了語料庫中的索引行(concordance line)以進一步展示PROPOSE及SUGGEST出現的語言環境,分析模組在不同語境中的特點。 研究結果顯示此二動詞的用法有許多相異之處。SUGGEST具有強烈明確傾向與that子句共同出現,而PROPOSE和that子句共現的機率與其和名詞片語共現的機率相近;除此之外,PROPOSE較常與有生命性的主詞共現,SUGGEST則是偏好與無生命性的主詞共現。至於受詞方面,我們發現PROPOSE後的受詞,多屬「認知觀點」、「方法」、「規則」等語義類別,而 SUGGEST後的受詞則多與「可能性」、「狀態」、「性質特徵」有關,以上的對比結果使我們發現,在學術英文寫作中,PROPOSE通常表「提供計畫或行動供他人參考決定」,而SUGGEST則通常表「傳達可能的推論或概念」。我們也發現此二動詞若是以不同詞形呈現時,偏好的字詞也不同。舉例來說,[suggest that-clause]偏好與表達「研究結果」意義相關的主詞共現,[suggests that-clause]則多與表「研究文獻」有關之主詞一同出現。整體而言,若我們從功能的角度出發,PROPOSE通常用於表示某人提出、建議某事項,SUGGEST則多用於詮釋解讀本研究結果或先前文獻中所提出之觀點。 本研究結果揭示了近義詞間短語詞組使用上的不同,並且也證實了當動詞以不同詞形呈現時會選擇不同的搭配,產生不同的語境。本研究透過系統化分析近義引述動詞的搭配情形,期許能為語言教學教材設計及未來與動詞共現詞組相關之研究帶來啟發與助益。 / Reporting verbs are important in academic research papers for paraphrasing and reviewing previous studies to support a writer’s positions. While a large number of studies have been carried out to investigate the evaluative potential and rhetorical functions of reporting verbs in citations, comparatively little research has focused on the phraseological patterns of particular common reporting verbs, the exploration of which can be beneficial in raising student awareness of the recurrent associations of words and structures of reporting in academic written discourse. This study aims at examining the syntactic and semantic environments of two frequent near-synonymous reporting verbs, PROPOSE and SUGGEST. According to Hyland (1998a) and Hinkel (2016), PROPOSE and SUGGEST both can mean ‘putting forward something for consideration’ and are frequently applied to mitigate the certainty of a statement (e.g., Hyland, 1998a; Hinkel, 2016). We expect to distinguish the two verbs from each other and offer a more comprehensive phraseological profile of them in academic writing. We used the subcorpus of academic writing in the 450 million-word Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) as the source data to investigate the performance of PROPOSE and SUGGEST in V-base form, V-s form, V-ed form, and V-ing form. Based on the corpus, the analysis focused on three aspects: (1) the grammatical patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST; (2) the distribution of animate and inanimate subjects of the dominant patterns of PROPOSE and SUGGEST; (3) the semantic classification of the objects of PROPOSE and SUGGEST. In addition to the quantitative methods, qualitative-based concordance line analysis was also implemented to reveal the characteristics of the broader stretches of discourse where PROPOSE and SUGGEST occur. The results show that the two reporting verbs are distinct from each other. While SUGGEST has a rather strong propensity for co-occurring with that-clause, for PROPOSE, the possibilities of co-appearing with a simple noun object and with a that-clause are similar. In addition, PROPOSE is more likely to have animate subjects, whereas SUGGEST prefers inanimate subjects. As for the simple noun objects of the two verbs, a large number of instances occurring with PROPOSE systematically belong to the semantic groups of COGNITION, METHOD, and STANDARD; SUGGEST shows more preference for POSSIBILITY nouns, STATE nouns, QUALITY nouns and RELATION nouns. The inter-comparison of the results of PROPOSE and SUGGEST suggests that, in academic writing, PROPOSE usually carries the sense of ‘to offer a plan or action for others to consider’, whereas SUGGEST tends to mean ‘to communicate or show an idea, which is likely to be true’. Moreover, the differences across four word forms of PROPOSE and SUGGEST were also identified. It was found that [suggest that-clause] prefers subjects referring to research results, but [suggests that-clause] occurs with the subjects referring to articles or studies on a particular topic more frequently. Overall, in terms of functions, PROPOSE is mainly used for describing the action of offering something as a choice for people to think carefully; SUGGEST, in contrast, serves to interpret a research finding or present an argument suggested by previous studies and literature. The present study sheds light on the phraseological difference between synonyms. It has also proved that different word forms of the same lemma have different choices of collocations and phraseologies. The research findings will contribute to the teaching and research of English for academic purposes since they provide a systematic analysis of the different habitual collocations of two frequent and similar reporting verbs in research articles. We believe this study will bring some insights to the designs of language teaching materials and can serve as the basis for future studies on the co-occurrence patterns and phraseologies of verbs.


謝易霖 Unknown Date (has links)
這是本第一人稱敘事的論文,研究者帶著「青少年哲學教學如何可能?如何進行?如何在行動中形構課程?」的研究意圖投身另類教育現場-北市自主學習實驗計畫-由實習教師、兼任教師、專職教師暨導師,歷時凡五年,往來於教學與研究的雙重場域。教育現場提供「微觀」取向的見解與經驗;而教育理論、哲學等理論框架的研究者背景對教學信念與舉措起著指導作用,同時因「敘說」的學習及實驗計畫提供的滋養,提昇教師專業並轉化研究歷程,自我也有所蛻變。   是以進入論文書寫階段便超越原先研究目的,更且涵蓋:課堂如何成為參與者的心智、情意活動的平台?學習者如何超越、跨出課堂?課堂以外的諸般條件此間如何作用?面對師生關係的覺察與種種行動體驗,如何形構由教師發聲的哲學?以上種種且於反思回觀後企圖做「可普遍化」的談論,並公開教師知識,以為意者參照。   研究進路為質性研究方法中的生命傳記敘說取向,文本採集使用Fritz Schütze開展的敘述訪談法,訪談就讀實驗計畫期間參與研究者開設之哲學課與寫作課的兩個案例(其中一人現就讀外轉公立高中,另一仍就讀實驗計畫),並且同時訪談其家長(本研究皆為母親)敘說文本,作為家庭生活與學校生活的參照。資料分析以Rainer Kokemohr的參照推論分析為主軸,輔以 F.Schütze、Moustakas並借用Bruner和Lévi-Strauss的見解。同時研究者的相關研究紀錄與學生作品亦是重要資料。由學生文本、家長文本與教師紀錄、蒐集的現場資料,構成了詮釋現象和形構理論的三角。   研究結果發現敘說可作為課堂「橫向聯繫」的滋養與方法,有助於知識、技能的學習、更且聯繫學習社群的各個參與者;而對參與者的想像因敘說生命故事與家族治療的影響,將個體的「我」看作帶著家庭、文化充滿故事的生命體,而這生命有著「父-母-子」的三角結構。本研究發生的場域-青少年哲學人文的課堂-藉「外化」的作用,透過創作達致思辨,在Logos和Mnemosyne(=memory)兩面向上相輔相成,而敘說可作為創作的幫助,並且也是促成外化作用生發的一種方式。研究建議,青少年哲學、寫作等課堂可觀照討論內容與課題(theme)、進行方式和探究團體的形成。   在互為閱聽的學校課堂中,生命得而賦權,並增加「邂逅」的機會,從而得獲教育,生命因之蛻變。教師便是形構邂逅場域的人,預設邂逅可能條件的關鍵;他的權威用以增進聯結,並在倫理上應自我取消,而形構邂逅場域的重要能力之一,便是造型力。   邂逅場域的形成,正可作為學校存在的特徵、價值和經營方向,而另類教育、另類學校的存在,正是提供不同邂逅的可能條件。正如身為教師的研究者得而開展迥異於體制教育的青少年哲學與寫作課程,適可作為教育典範的競逐參照,另類教育承諾了不同的教育希望,而研究者對自身生命史與論文寫作時的教師角色和研究者角色的選擇與反思,亦可作為進行教師行動研究的參考。

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