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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高傳堯 Unknown Date (has links)
我國政府於民國九十年開始陸續公佈了企業併購相關法令,民國九十一年企業併購法頒佈施行,再加上公司法修法完成,企業併購相關法制成行。在企業併購時,員工常常會因為企業成本或是營運的考量而遭遇到工作條件上的改變或是裁員的可能,企業在集體勞資關係面向與工會的互動以及團體協約的效力關係到員工的權益。工會在併購過程中的權利以及角色,團體協約在併購後效力的延續以及繼承,再者團體協約因併購而可能造成當事人一方消滅,而使效力消滅,若要訂立新協約,有何規定是本研究所要研究的重點。 企業併購分為合併、收購、分割,企業併購在企業併購的方式中,不論是以資產收購或是股權收購的方式進行對併購公司的收購,都不會造成公司法人格的變動,而合併、營業轉讓或分割將會造成公司法人格的改變。因此在合併以及分割時,各種權利義務的繼承上較為複雜,而收購的情形收購則必需由收購企業承繼勞動關係上的權利義務。依據工會法規定,工會因應企業的併購必須做合併或分立。我國在相關法令上並沒有給予協商權以及資訊權的,僅讓雇主與個別勞工單獨商訂留用。除此之外就只有在大量解僱規定雇主必需與工會協商。而實務上我國的併購案也因此工會要爭取資訊權就相當困難,而協商也在雇主被動的狀況下進行。現行團體協約十四條以及第二十七條規定必需由新雇主概括承受團體協約,但是在分割上卻完全沒有規定。 在我國關於工會資訊權以及協商權是需要加強的部份,其內容可以不涉及營業機密,僅對於勞工可能受到的影響以及員工之後的安置方案進行資訊的提供以及協商,這方面可以參考歐盟以及歐洲國家、以及日本的規定,給予相關的資訊權;而協商不必全盤接受工會的意見,而是勞資進行協商,取得雙方的共識。在我國企業分割團體協約繼承規定上相當缺乏,可參考日本的勞動契約承繼法的規定,由工會與新舊雇主協商要繼承的協約部分。在併購後團體協約的規定應該要統一,可以讓兩企業內勞工在較公平的環境下工作,也不會有糾紛。除此之外,團體協約因為併購而失去效力這方面,應該要給予其餘後效力的保護。 / Our government announce the Laws about mergers and acquisitions(M&A)after 2000 and then announce“ Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law ”in 2002 .While M&A , the staff will usually be dismissed because enterprises want to increase their earning . The rights of the trade unions and collective agreement ,the purposes of collective labor relationship ,are the important issues about employees’ rights about M&A . The role of trade unions about M&A and collective agreements ’ effect should be influenced . Collective agreements ’ effect are changed because of M&A . One of the key points of this study is what the rules are when enterprise and trade union want to sign new collective agreement . The article 4 (2) of “Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law”:Merger and acquisition include merger, consolidation, acquisition ,and division of a company . Only acquisition do not change the company’s body corporate in the three type of M&A ,and the other two types do .So what the employee’s rights are in the situations of consolidation and division are more complex than the situation of acquisition . According to “Labor Union Law”, trade union must consolidate or divisive because of M&A .There are no regulations about informing and consulting trade unions in our country’s laws. The companies must informate and consulate trade unions in the situation of collective redundancy .As the result, trade unions get the information hard about M&A ,and collective bargaining is a hard work .In the article 14 and article 27 of ” Collective Agreement Law ”provide that new employers must abide by the collective agreement which is signed by the original employer and trade union, but there are no regulations about the situation division. In our laws, the regulations about informing and consulting trade unions in our country’s laws must increase. It can not include the secrets of operation of enterprise. It contain what the staff will be influenced and how to settle the staff after M&A is enough. About the issues ,we can refer to the regulations in the EU , UK, German , and Japan. The companies of M&A can accept all of the suggestions of the trade unions when collective bargaining . After collective bargaining between the companies and the trade union of M&A, it can get balance option between the employers and the employee. There are no regulations in our laws about collective agreement’s effect about the situation of division. We can refer to the system of Japan which provide that the employers and employees can negotiate about which provisions of the original collective bargaining the new employer must abide by when the situation of division .After M&A ,there must be the same collective agreement for the two enterprises’ employees. They will feel fair in this situation . On the other hand, if M&A delegalize the collective agreement , the labor conditions shall continue to constitute part of the labor contract between the parties to the expired agreement until otherwise provided by a labor contract.

大陸台商勞動紀律管理制度之研究 / A study of labor discipline management of Taiwan enterprises in Mainland China.

王琳斐, Lin-Fei,Wang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國內面臨勞動成本不斷提升及東南亞國家投資競爭,隨著兩岸經貿逐漸開放,台商赴大陸投資儼然成為趨勢。大陸自1978年採行社會主義市場經濟,為吸引外資加速投資,訂定許多外商投資企業勞動法規,惟這些法令多屬試驗階段,常與政策相互矛盾,不足以規範外商與中方職工間的勞資關係,而勞動紀律管理,乃是保證勞動者在企業集體勞動過程中,能依照既定勞動規則與秩序,順利完成工作並提高產能的一種行為規範系統,台商如何有效維持勞動秩序以順利完成生產目標,成為基本生存之道。 本研究嘗試運用文獻探討、歷史研究及個案訪談的方式,分析大陸勞動環境,結合管理理論,並從大陸外商投資企業的角度切入台商勞動紀律管理制度之三大核心—廠規廠紀、獎懲管理及違紀辭退管理制度,作出綜合性結論及管理制度建議,俾供台商從事勞動紀律管理之參考。本文共分為六章,擇要分述如下: 第一章:緒論 主要說明研究目的、範圍、方法與限制。就研究限制部分,因大陸勞動紀律管處於起步階段,兩岸對於台商勞動紀律管理之理論與研究相對不足,資料蒐集較不易。另現況分析因採個案研究方式,結論無法類推所有台商管理態度,且本研究係以企業管理策略著眼,有關勞動者個人或大陸勞動保護政策方面則非研究重心。 第二章:勞動紀律管之理論基礎 西方管理理論將企業改變員工行為所採紀律策略,分為Progressive、Preventive及Positive Discipline 三種,本研究以控制程序為主軸,採Henri Fayol五大管理功能理論,構成開放性循環過程之勞動紀律管理系統,作為評比社會主義與資本主義勞動紀律差異,藉以引導大陸環境背景對企業勞動紀律產生的限制,並嘗試從企業經營權與勞工基本權之檢討,分析勞動紀律管理之合理範圍與界限。 第三章:大陸勞動紀律管理制度之環境背景分析 本章分別從大陸總體政治、法律、社會、經濟環境背景,分析對勞動紀律管理制度所可能產生的影響,並探討大陸政府為鞏固社會主義生產,所採行的措施及運用企業工會的現況。 第四章:大陸勞動紀律管理制度之主體分析 本章從大陸相關勞動法規探討勞動紀律制度之三大主體-廠規廠紀管理制度、獎懲管理管理制度及違紀辭退管理制度,並就其法規上容易發生混淆之處及相關配套措施一併提出說明。 第五章:大陸勞動紀律管理制度之現況研究 本研究依大陸沿海發達地區,選定國內四家前往大陸投資設廠之獨資企業,其行業別則以國內投資前兩名之電子業及食品業為主,分別與宏□電腦、邱氏鼎食品、羅莎食品、台達電子四家企業,進行深度訪談,以了解台商的勞動紀律管理模式及理論與實務執行上之差異,並作相關比較分析。 第六章:結論與建議 針對前開各章之研究議題提出結論與管理制度建議,另對後續研究提出研究建議。 第一章:緒論 第一節 研究動機.研究動機與研究目的 第二節 研究範圍與研究架構 第三節 研究方法與研究限制 第二章:勞動紀律管之理論基礎 第一節 勞動紀律管理制度之意義 第二節 勞動紀律管理系統 第三節 勞動紀律管理之界限 第四節 社會主義與資本主義勞動紀律之比較 第三章:大陸勞動紀律管理制度之環境背景分析 第一節 大陸政治環境與法律環境 第二節 大陸社會環境與經濟環境 第三節 大陸勞動紀律管理制度之現況 第四章:大陸勞動紀律管理制度之主體分析 第一節 廠規廠紀管理制度 第二節 獎懲管理制度 第三節 違紀辭退管理制度 第五章:大陸勞動紀律管理制度之現況研究 第一節 受訪企業之基本資料分析 第二節 大陸環境背景之實質影響分析 第三節 廠規廠紀管理制度 第四節 獎懲辭退管理制度 第五節 勞動紀律管理之現況分析 第六章:結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議

持旅遊簽證的季節性移工- 泰籍野莓採集工在芬蘭的勞動處境 / Seasonal migrant workers with tourist visa- the case studies of Tthai wild berries pickers in Finland

詹力穎, Li-Ying Chan Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化時代下,勞動力的跨國流動成為一個顯著現象。 2005年起,芬蘭食品加工公司開始引進外籍野莓採集工,其中以泰國東北方的農民占最多數。他們持3個月的旅遊簽證,並引用芬蘭 everyman’s right 這個傳統權利在芬蘭的森林裡採集野莓。 這些泰國野莓採集工被視為自僱自營者/企業家而非受雇者,因此他們必需支付其到芬蘭的所有開銷,這些開銷基本上遠超過一個農民家庭的一年所得。農民先行支付了這些高額開銷並不意味著其享有任何收入保證,相反的,其收入完全取決於他們採收了多少野莓。如果他們碰到了乾旱的夏季或野莓作物收成物不佳,此意味者他們在極辛苦的工作之後,不僅沒賺到任何錢,反而背負更多的債務,換句話說,泰籍野莓採集工自行承擔芬蘭採莓之行的所有風險。 泰籍野莓採集工在芬蘭填補了當地人不願從事的次級勞動市場職缺。他們既不享有芬蘭政府的相關勞動法令保障,也不適用芬蘭工會的團體協約。其處於芬蘭勞動市場的灰色地帶。 外籍野莓採集工在芬蘭屬於新的社會現象,目前僅見極少數的文獻聚焦探討此議題。此研究的目的主要是為了瞭解泰籍野莓採集工在芬蘭的勞動處境,並解釋造成其處於不利處境的結構性因素。 / The flow of labour force between countries has become a significant phenomenon in globalization age. Since 2005, the Finnish food processing companies started to introduce migrant wild-berries pickers with a tourist visa up to 3 months in order to harvest wild berries in Finnish forest, and the majority is from the northeastern area of Thailand. They went to Finland with tourist visa and pick up wild berries in the forest according to ‘Everyman’s Right’. They do not be regarded as employees but self-employment or entrepreneurs, and therefore they and their income totally depend on how much berries they pick up. Thai berry pickers paid every cost that far more then one year income of normal farm-family in Thailand by themselves. However, those high costs do not engage any income guarantee. If they meet dry summer or corps is not good enough, they would not get any compensation from Finnish companies. In other words, they will simply work for free and get even deeper debts after extremely hard working. Thai berry pickers in Finland fill in the vacancies in Finnish secondary labour market. They neither entitle to enjoy the protection from Finnish labour regulations nor collective agreements. They are in gray areas in Finnish labour market. Migrant berry picker is a new appearance in Finland, and hence there are only a few literatures focus on the issue. The aim of this research is to understand the situation and explore the structure determinates of Thai berry pickers.

工會與企業勞資關係之研究─夥伴關係建構及發展 / Study on the industrial relationship between trade union and enterprise: partnership construction and development

楊立裕 Unknown Date (has links)
國營企業政策性因素虧損,造成企業經營、勞工生計、和工會生存遭遇困境。為了解決困境,工會和企業在勞資關係當中必須透過新的互動發展夥伴關係。 本研究旨在探討夥伴關係在工會與企業勞資關係當中建構和發展的過程。研究發現,夥伴關係存在的要素是:工作權的保障,自主的工會和勞工參與制度。歸納分析夥伴關係的四種模式是:悲觀,相互收益,相互制約,生命共同體等模式。 顧及企業經營、勞工生計、和工會生存,可持續發展的夥伴關係並的是「生命共同體」模式。 / Policy-related factors cause the financial loss of state-owned enterprises, and resulting in the business management, the worker livelihoods, and the trade union survival had run into dilemma. In order to solve the predicament, the trade union and the state-owned enterprise in the industrial relationship is needed to develop a new interactive partnership. This study was to explore the partnership in the industrial relationship between the trade union and the state-owned enterprise with the process of construction and development. This study has found that the existence elements of the partnership are: the right to work safeguard, independent trade union, and worker participation. And the four modes of partnership are: the Pessimistic, the Mutual Gains, the Mutual Restraint, and the Life Together. Taking into account the business management, the worker livelihoods, and the trade union survival, the partnership for sustainable development is the " Life Together" mode.

日本不當勞動行為救濟制度研究-以勞動委員會救濟命令為中心 / A study on the labor disputes resolution system of unfair labor practice in Japan-centered on the order for relief of labor relations commission

張智程 Unknown Date (has links)
在勞資自我形成之協商與對抗過程的理型中,勞資間力的均勢及衡平,乃因存在公正之集體勞資關係規範,當勞資之一方(特別是資方)以特定行為違反集體勞資關係規範時,即構成所謂的「不當勞動行為」。而不當勞動行為救濟制度,即屬國家以立法授權行政機關,以特別之行政程序介入勞資自制的領域進行干預與管制,進而回復並確保集體勞資關係得以衡平、公正之特別法制度。 本論文對於日本不當勞動行為救濟制度之探究,擬以「目的」及「手段」之兩大脈絡切入論述:首先,本論文擬從日本戰後勞動法學說的演進作為切入之角度,解讀作為戰後繼受法制之不當勞動行為制度,在嘗試融入本土化之過程中所遭遇之理論爭議,並期以自團結權學說之憲法、集體勞動法論述發展中,再次尋找日本學術界長年間對於不當勞動行為制度論的學說爭議,提供縱向性的宏觀思考脈絡可能性,並找尋足以立足當代集體勞動關係領域之不當勞動行為制度目的論的學說基礎。其次,進入手段層次的探討中,本論文則是在對制度目的嘗試建構的制度理論基礎之下,進入相對較具體地研究,亦即在勞動委員會制度之手段現狀下,勞動委員會得作成何等之不當勞動行為救濟命令進行探討:日本勞動組合法第二十七條,規範勞動委員會具有抽象且廣泛的救濟命令作成裁量權,惟實務上乃係經由數十年的實務與學說演進,方填補制度規範的空白、形成制度穩定的制度運作,以及類型化的裁量標準與救濟命令作成基準,本論文期藉由深入探討各類型救濟命令之實務及學說論述作為切入角度,冀以在對救濟命令手段實態之進行廣泛之觀察後,得相對具象、完整化日本不當勞動行為救濟制度之面貌。 在對不當勞動行為制度之目的理論,以及作為救濟手段之救濟命令進行全盤之檢討後,在行政救濟程序中制度之衝突點之產生,本文主張乃肇因於救濟制度之本質,係屬一作為多重內涵並列的複合性制度:繼受法VS傳統法對立觀點下的複合性制度、公VS私法對立觀點下的複合性制度、集體勞動紛爭VS個別勞動紛爭觀點下的複合性制度、以及救濟VS紛爭「調整」解決對立觀點下的複合性制度等多重複合性質之制度。 從而,在多重複合性觀點之對立下制度之應然之道何在,本文主張擬應回到不當勞動行為制度之目的面,亦即集體勞資關係法秩序之保障進行概念之展開,進而在達成目的保障之手段上,嘗試論述解決上開肇因於多重複合性制度內涵而產生的衝突之本質,以合目的性之手段方法達成調合、再建構不當勞動行為救濟法理。

第三部門視域下中國行業協會與政府互動關係及角色研究 : 兼以雲南省律師協會為例 / 兼以雲南省律師協會為例

范琳琳 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

我國工會會務假制度問題之探討 / A Study of Time off for Trade Union Duties and Activities

陳偉凡 Unknown Date (has links)
所謂工會,係一種由勞動者為勞動條件之維持與改善,以及經濟地位向上之目的,依民主原則所組織的永久性團體。為了達到這個目的,工會必須發揮組織的功能,並依賴其成員來執行組織的各種事務。不過,由於我國多數工會是以廠場為主要的組織範圍,在保有勞雇關係方得成為廠場工會會員的條件下,當工會需要於正常工作時間來運作時,即需要讓工會會員於工作時間內請假來執行會務,或者由工會自行聘僱專職會務人員來處理會務。然而,我國尚有中小企業林立的特殊環境,故廠場工會多不具規模,且經費嚴重不足,難以聘僱專職會務人員來處理會務。也因此,我國工會組織需要特別的制度來保障其存續與發展,而所謂的會務假制度,正是用來協助工會組織達到前述目的之工具,特別是對以廠場工會為主要組織範圍的我國而言,更為重要。目前我國的會務假制度,規定在工會法第36條中,其規範內涵為,工會有於工作時間內執行會務的需求時,由工會與雇主約定相關事宜,並由工會的代表作為執行者,於工作時間內向雇主請假執行工會事務。而我國現階段的會務假,多以「公假」的形式為主要模式,且實務上會務假制度確實廣為我國工會組織所用,甚至發展出所謂的「全日駐會」模式。 然而,會務假制度雖對於工會組織的存續與發展有所幫助,我國以「公假」為主的執行方式卻會讓會務假制度產生侵害工會自主性的疑慮。蓋因會務假到底係基於何種立法政策或理由,讓本質上與工會對立之資方,必須依法給付工會幹部在工作期間內辦理工會事務與從事工會活動之薪資,不無疑義。尤其當勞資關係進入緊張時期,因會務假終究必須向雇主申請,此時的該制度的主導權即容易掌握於資方手中,並藉此介入工會的內部事務,動搖工會的自主性。故本研究的核心,在於探討會務假這種看似方便,卻在論理基礎上存有瑕疵的制度,所可能衍生的各種問題,以及尋求解決之道。 因此,本文先從會務假的起源,以及司法、裁決、行政機關發展出的實務見解進行研究,抓出會務假制度的主要核心問題。再從工會活動權的本質進入討論,並認為會務假制度應作為工會活動權之一部分而受到保護。其後,針對會務假的執行形式進行檢討,並釐清工會活動權利與雇主經營管理權利的界限。最後,以外國法制與經驗為借鏡,並輔以實務訪查我國會務假的執行概況,點出現行制度下我國制度得以改善的空間,並指出我國會務假法制未來得以進行修正的方向,來確保工會組織的自主性。故本文結合我國法制,外國法制與經驗,以及實務面作的訪查結果綜合分析後,最後分別從我國法制層面與工會經營策略層面提出相關建議。

拒絕團體協商之不當勞動行為-日本與台灣之學理分析及實踐經驗比較 / The UnfairLabor Practice of Rejecting Collective BargainingーComprison of Theoretical Analysis and the Prcatice Experience between Japan and Taiwan

張義德, Chang, I Te Unknown Date (has links)
我國自2007年起陸續修正了工會法、團體協約法及勞資爭議處理法,並於2010年5月1日起施行。在團體協約法第6條中新增了勞資雙方應本於誠實信用原則進行團體協商及無正當理由不得拒絕他方所提團體協約之協商,而與工會法第35條第1項之規定共同構成不當勞動行為的禁止規範。依團體協約法第6條之立法說明,該條文之立法雖係參酌了美、日、韓三國之立法例,但由於日本的工會係以企業工會為主要的組織範圍而與我國的勞資關係較為接近,故本文以日本法制為比較研究之對象而採取了比較法之研究方式。 在第二章中先觀察團體協商之機能、態樣、對於團體協商之法律規範型態、與其他勞資對話機制之區別以及日本團體協商之特色等作為研究之基礎後,也對於日本團體協商權之概念形成、主體、性質、定位與效果等「團體協商權」概念內容進行研究。 而日本國憲法第28條對於勞動基本權之保障亦與其他基本權相同有其內在的限制,因此於第三章中檢視了在日本的實定法上對於公務員的團體協商權所設諸多之限制及其改革之動向外,也探討了自1980年代中期後部分學說所提倡之應限制少數工會之團體協商權的見解。此外,也分析了對於拒絕團體協商之行政救濟與司法救濟。 由於日本國憲法第28條僅抽象地規定保障勞工之團體協商權,是以勞動組合法第7條第2款乃將「雇主無正當理由拒絕與其所僱用勞工之代表進行團體協商」作為不當勞動行為的態様。唯,何謂「無正當之理由」?在第四章及第五章的前兩節中,分別從當事人、代表、事項、進行程序等面向一一觀察日本實務及學說見解所生之相關爭議。 除了勞動組合法第7條第2款所明定之不得無正當理由拒絕團體協商外,日本學說及判決認為雇主尚負有「誠實協商義務」。是以,第五章第三節則聚焦在誠實協商義務之基本意涵、具體內容以及雇主在複數工會併存時的誠實協商義務。另,在本章中也分析了自1980年代開始在日本學說上所出現之應導入工會之公正代表義務的議論。 於探究日本法上的相關議題後,第六章則將研究的焦點轉回我國,擬先檢視我國團體協商規範之變遷,再整理與分析實務對於規範的實踐並檢視相關學說的妥當性。此外,也檢討了新團體協約法的規定對於勞工團體協商權的保障是否充分及其問題點並試圖尋求妥適的解決之道。

國民年金保險參與率之研究 / A study on the participation rate of National Pension Insurance

姚豌甄, Yao, Wan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在探討納保對象不繳費原因?以質化研究途徑之深度訪談法,根據研究目的訂定訪談大綱,採立意抽樣方式,在2011年3月至4月間找到15位受訪者。研究對象包括:北部及中部地區,年齡在25歲至64歲間之國民年金保險納保對象及職業工會參加勞保者,分別有10及5位受訪者。針對納保對象、繳費意願、保障內容等議題及職業工會加保問題進行探討。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究重要發現如下: 1.國民年金納保對象與職業工會加保者,共同的工作性質均以非典型工作為主,即臨時工、部分工時、兼職,不全然以無工作者為主;由於工作不穩定,故在繳費上確有其困難,有些人則透過職業工會投保勞保。 2.中部地區繳費率低之主因係交通不便捷,以汽、機車代步,花費佔生活費一部分。其次,居民均擁有財產(如房屋、土地)無收入者為主。 3.學生因無收入,均由父母親代繳,且清寒學生畢業後需償還就學貸款,失業者生活困頓。 4.受訪者認為不應計收遲延繳納之利息、配偶互負繳納義務應規定配套措施。多數受訪者表示,不知道老年年金給付與老年基本保證年金所適用對象不同。其次,國民年金繳費年限太長,保障比勞保少。 5.中部地區較多由職業工會違法掛名加保。 根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 1.學生及失業者繳費問題 可仿傚日本,針對父母之家庭可支配所得(調整各種扣除額後之所得),及就讀學校種類(公、私立)、居住型態(是否與父母同住),或依學生的收入,訂定減免標準。失業者及學生有能力繳納者可採自願納保,不應將無力繳納者強制納保。 2.預繳保險費可另訂折扣辦法,例如預繳1年享8折,半年享9折等規定,以提高繳費率。 3.保險費計算比照健保第6類人口以平均保險費為基礎或二代健保,仿傚日本以家戶所得高低為判定保費負擔能力基準,以減輕經濟弱勢者的負擔。 4.刪除計收遲延繳納之利息,落實配偶互負連帶繳納義務可依配偶之年所得或收入,依比例原則訂定處罰鍰標準,收入較高者,處較高罰鍰,以改善制度中未能達到的「劫富濟貧效果」,即垂直重分配功能之缺失。家暴受害者應予免除其為施暴之配偶連帶罰鍰規定,執政當局可與警察局或警政署之家暴資料勾稽。 5.受訪者均認為對政府財政不具信心或不繳費未來65歲時可領3,000多元之敬老津貼,為了提高國人繳費意願,可將保費運用情形及老年年金給付與老年基本保證年金所適用對象不同,若未繳保險費屆滿65歲時,無法領取3,000多元之老年年金,列為政策宣導重點,強化國人繳費與享受權利對等關係。 6.展望未來,國民年金制度可比照勞保制定紓困貸款辦法,以無欠費且加保年資在一定年限,得申請紓困貸款,以緩解納保對象在生活上之困境。 7.職業工會掛名加保問題,應將中、南部列為稽查重點區域。 / The main purpose of this study is to find out why those people covered by National Pension Insurance but do not pay insurance premium? In-depth interview method of qualitative research is applied in this study. Interview guide is drafted according to the purpose of this study. Purposive sampling is used and 15 respondents were found between March and April of 2011. The objects of this studying includes: people who live in central and north Taiwan region, and aged between 25 and 64 years. 10 and 5 respondents are from National Pension Insurance coverage group and labor insurance participants from occupational union respectively. The major issues discussed are insurance coverage object, willingness to pay insurance premium, content of insurance benefit and join National Pension Insurance with worker association participant identity. After cross analysis on the interview data, the major findings are as follows: 1.The common characteristics work for National Pension Insurance coverage object and labor insurance participants with occupational union identity are mostly atypical employment which are contingent worker, part-time worker and they are not all workless; since their job is unstable so they do have some difficulties in paying insurance premium and some of them participate in labor insurance through occupational union. 2.The major reason for the low insurance premium paying rate in central Taiwan region is inconvenient transportation. People live in here are mostly using car and motorcycle as their transportation mean and the expenses for those transportation means are a big part of their living expenses. In addition, people here are mainly no income but own real estate such as houses and lands. 3.Since students have no income so the insurance premium are all paid by their parents and those students who from low income family also have to pay student loans after they graduated from schools so the jobless ones would have a very hard time in life. 4.The respondents think there should be no interest for late payment to insurance premium and there should be supporting measures defined for couples who take premium payment duties for each other. Most of the respondents say they don’t know that the applicable object for old age pension and old age basic guarantee pension are different. Secondly, the premium paying years for National Pension Insurance are too long and its benefit is less than those of labor insurance. 5.In Central Taiwan region, there are more cases of illegal participation in Labor insurance through Occupational union who actually are jobless. According to the findings of this study, the following suggestions are proposed: 1.Students and Unemployed Insurance Premium Payment Problem Could learn from Japan and define premium deduction standard based on the family disposal income (income after adjusted from deduction) on the parents’ income, school type (private or public), household status (whether live with the parents), and the student’s income. For unemployed and students who have the capability to pay premium should use voluntary insurance participation and should not make it compulsory. 2.Some discount measured could be implemented for prepaid insurance premium; for example, prepaid 1 year premium to get 20% off and six months for 10% off to improve insurance premium payment rate. 3.Insurance premium calculation should be based on the average insurance premium of category 6 of health insurance or second generation national health insurance premium, following the example of Japan who use the level of household income to determine affordability benchmark premium in order to reduce the burden of the economically disadvantaged. 4.Remove the accrued interest from late payment; follow through on the obligation of spouse to be responsible for their insurance premium and use the principle of proportionality to set penalties based on their annual income or revenue. Higher income should pay higher fine to improve the “Robin Hood effect”, vertical income redistribution function, which has not be implemented in the system currently. Victims of domestic violence should be waived from the fines associated with regulation for the late payment of their spouse; the administration could cross check with the police authorities or the domestic violence data in National Police Agency to verify. 5.Most of the respondents have no confidence on the Government’s financial future or they think they can receive $3,000 of old age pension at the age of 65 if they do not pay the premium. In order to improve people’s willingness to pay insurance premium, the government could separate the insurance premium usage and the applicable object between old age pension payment and old age basic guarantee pension. If people do not pay the insurance premium, they would not be able to receive the 3,000 old age pension at the age of 65 when insurance expires; and put this point as the focus of policy advocacy to strengthen the relationship between paying insurance premium and enjoy the rights. 6.Looking into future, National Pension System could learn from the labor insurance to develop relief loan scheme. If the people have no overdue insurance premium with more than one year of insurance coverage, they could apply for relief loans to ease the life obstacles accrued on the object of National Pension Insurance. 7.For the illegal participation of labor insurance problem with occupational union, the government should take central and south Taiwan as the key checking regions.

韓國公共電視工會運動發展-以2012年MBC罷工為例 / The Development of Korea Public TV Union Movement: The Case Study of MBC Strike in 2012

田育志, Tian, Yu Jhih Unknown Date (has links)
韓國公共電視之一的MBC,因新聞報導立場不公、社長金在哲利用人事權力不當解雇批判執政黨的製作人與記者,造成MBC喪失公正放送的意義,員工為捍衛公共電視的價值,在工會的帶領下,於2012年1月底展開長達170天的罷工。為了解這場罷工的前因後果,以及對台韓媒體工會運動帶來的意義,本研究透過深度訪談與次級資料分析,檢視2012年MBC罷工的事前、事中與事後經過。   研究發現,導致MBC工會發起罷工的事前原因,來自於MBC政治朋黨化下親執政黨立場的管理階層,與李明博政府欲將MBC私有化而影響MBC節目內容走向的舉動,破壞了MBC身為公共電視應保有的「公正放送」價值。而罷工當時,MBC工會成員的高度參與,社會大眾與其他媒體工會的聲援,促使這場罷工得以延續長達170天。可惜的是,罷工結束後,MBC不僅無力保障公正放送,阻止MBC的政治朋黨化與私有化,更造成勞資間原有的團體協約中斷;MBC工會認為,短期之內可藉由社長選任制度的改革著手,而長期則要仰賴執政者對公共電視獨立地位的認可,才有希望達到公正放送的目標。   另外,這場為捍衛「公正放送」而展開的罷工行動,也可發現除了薪資與福利之外,媒體工作者的「專業價值」也是工會在意的勞動條件;這就是本研究在分析2012年MBC罷工後,所觀察到工會在「民主性功能」的展現。同時,民主性功能也是未來台灣學術研究上,可以用以分析媒體工會的另一觀點。 / As one of the public TV networks in Korea, MBC has lost the impartiality of broadcasting for its biased news reports and the unfair dismissal by the MBC’s president, Kim Jae-Chul, of producers and journalists who criticized the government. For protecting the value as a public TV, MBC employees ,led by the MBC union, started a 170-day strike in January, 2012. In order to realize the causes and effects of this strike, and the implications for the media union movement both in Taiwan and Korea, this study will examine the causes, the processes and the effects of the strike by using in-depth interview and secondary data analysis. According to the research data, the causes of the strike were due to political factions of MBC’s executive management and the ruling party, and the privatization of the MBC by Lee Myeong-Bak Administration; those two causes destroyed the impartiality of broadcasting, which was the central value that the public TV was supposed to protect. The strike had continued for 170 days with a high degree of participation from the MBC union and the supports from other media unions and the citizens. Unfortunately, after the strike, MBC was still neither able to protect the impartiality of broadcasting nor to maintain the organizational contract between the union and the management. Talking about the protecting of the impartiality of broadcasting, the MBC union considered that it could be a short-term target to reform the election system of president in MBC, but in the long-term, it needs the ruler to take the public TV as an independent media. Besides, through the strike which was started by protecting “the impartiality of broadcasting”, we can find out that not only the wage and welfare, but the professional values of media workers is the working condition that a union will be concerned about. And it’s so-called “the function of democracy” of the union which is a research finding by analyzing the MBC strike in 2012. Furthermore, the academic circle in Taiwan can also take the function of democracy as another viewpoint to analyze the media union.

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