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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


廖啟森 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討(1)台灣與大陸師資培育制度之發展(2)台灣與大陸地區師資培育制度現況與改革(3)兩地區師資培育制度的方法、過程與結果作一分析比較。本研究採文獻分析法,有如下發現: 1.大陸地區自1949年建國以來,以各級各類師範院校為師資培育之主體;台灣自民國83年「師資培育法」公佈後即產生轉變,師資培育以師範院校及一般大學院校設有教育院、系、所或教育學程皆可培養。 2.大陸地區欲擔任中小學教師者多以進入師範院校就讀為主;台灣地區欲擔任中小學教師者可選擇進入師範院校或一般大學就讀。 3.大陸地區採公費待遇制,進入師範院校就讀皆享公費;台灣地區則以自費負擔為主。 4.大陸地區較不注重實習,並未將實習獨立視為師資培育之一部份;台灣地區則對畢業後教學實習規定較為詳盡。 5.大陸地區欲接受師資培育課程者,可入師範院校修習後擔任中小學教師;台灣地區只要修畢相關教育專業課程學分,即可取得擔任教師之基本資格。 6.大陸地區獲得教師資格須具備法律規定學歷或參加教師資格考試方可申請認定;台灣地區則須修畢職前教育課程,參加一系列包含初檢、實習、複檢等過程,才可獲得教師證書。 7.大陸地區教師從事進修目的以獲得國家規定合格學歷為主;台灣地區進修目的以針對學歷合格師資進行專門或專業的知識提昇。 8.台灣與大陸地區所以呈現上述差異與多項因素有關,如:教師待遇與地位、師範院校受重視程度、教師學歷合格與否及教師專業素質水準等。


韓舜南, Han, Sun-Nam Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討韓國中等學校職前師資培育制度內容並進一步展望未來發展。本研究所獲得之主要結論如下: 目前,韓國的師資培育課程,可大分為師範學院課程和非師範學院課程。師範院校的課程有國立和私立師範學院之分;非師範學院課程有普通大學的教職課程和教育系及教育研究所課程。透過這樣的多元和開放性的師資培育,來充足教師的來源。但是,在課程設置和管理上,只是讓學生能獲得教育職業科目的資格,就連師範校院也出現了與普通大學相似的傾向。引導學生研究教育和改善教學方法不夠,應須提高師資的品質。 因此韓國係以所修課程及學分數作為專業科目(即任教科目)的認定標準。另外韓國的中等學校教師的資格係採兩分級制,獲得一級正教師資格者為,基礎學歷需有碩士學位。二級正教師資格者為,基礎學歷獲有學士學位。 依據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議。 1. 建立完善的教師資格檢定制度。 2. 建立師資培育機構、學校、社區密切合作的制度。 3. 在韓國中等學校職前師資培育階段中應需較長之教育實習時間。 基於以上的研究對於教育行政機關、大學校院、及中等學校、未來後續研究提出建議,俾供兩國建構師資培育制度之參考。 / The purpose of this research was to study pre-service education system of Korean and secondary school Teachers. The conclusions and implications of the present study are summarized below: The training curricula for Korean teachers can be divided into two parts; One is the curricula for normal universities and the other is for non–normal universities. The courses for normal universities are separately designed for national normal universities and private normal universities. And those for non-normal universities are for general universities and the department of education and graduate institute of education. The diversity and open teacher educational system can suffice the need for teachers. However, as far as curriculum designing and curriculum management , it can only help students obtain teacher’s certificates. This even happens to students in normal universities. The problem arise because the system is lacking in guiding students how to study education and optimize teaching methods. The system should enhance the quality of teacher training. The number of credit points one obtains serves as criterion for professional curriculum. Moreover, teachers in secondary education can gain two kinds of certificates. Teachers who have a master degree can receive “The firth grad teacher’s license ” and those who have a bachelor degree can obtain “The second grad teacher’s license ”. Suggestion of some ideas to improve the teacher education areas follows: 1. To establish complete certain of the teachers rating system. 2. To establish teacher education system, the secondary schools and community which are closely related to one another. 3. More time is needed for practicing teachers in Korea. According to the conclusion of this study, I hope it will be some help to the construct of secondary school teachers education system. Moreover, the study gives some suggestions to the educational administration, unive rsities , secondary schools, and the further study.


陳怡卉 Unknown Date (has links)
自從政府在1994年將「師範教育法」修訂為「師資培育法」後,新制度下的師資培育政策徹底改變了師範教育的制度與結構,由封閉的師資培育走向開放;由單一的師範院校培育走向多元;由公費培育走向自費;由培育與任用合一制走向分途制。其中引起最大爭議莫過於2004年5月5日修正頒佈的《師資培育法施行細則》中所頒佈的新制教育實習制度。在舊制的實習制度中,實習教師在為期一年的實習中每個月均領有8000元的實習津貼,隨著師資培育政策的開放與多元化,師資班不斷的增設,實習教師數量也越來越多,加上政府財政吃緊,龐大的實習津貼自然成為政府不小的負擔。為抑制多元師資培育政策下所培育出的師資人力供過於求的現象,並減輕政府的財政負擔,新制實習有以下重大改變:1.明訂教育實習課程改為半年,在修畢教育學程後可自由選擇上半年或下半年進行。2.將實習正式納入教師職前教育的一環,並將實習教師的身份正式定位為學生。3.取消實習教師每月8000元實習津貼,且在實習期間需繳納四學分的學分費。4.實習結束後增設教師資格檢定考試,凡通過教師資格檢定考才可繼續參加競爭更為激烈的正式教師甄試。本研究採用質性研究方法結合HRD之觀點探討變革後的師資培育政策中的教育實習制度是否有助於提昇輔導準教師轉化為正式教師。 本研究進行正處新舊實習制度交替之過渡時期,期間適逢教師資格檢定與教師甄試,得以持續完整紀錄、追蹤受訪者參與教育實習歷程,研究發現師資生在進行生涯決策前,普遍未能得到充足的資訊,且多數初次進入社會工作的新鮮人,需仰賴家庭提供經濟支持,才能完成教育學程。面對教職名額僧多粥少的壓力,實習生容易忙於準備考試忽略實習,而實習進行中的社會化歷程亦是影響師資生日後生涯決策的重要因素,多數受訪者對半年實習制度,均表示肯定其有助於初入職場的新鮮人對生涯試探的體驗,但無法深化對教職的瞭解與完成社會化歷程。

縫補專業行動的裂痕─探究兒童哲學在幼兒園實踐的形跡 / Do philosophy with children in the kindergarten

連珮君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以行動研究取向,探究一位經四年幼師專業培育、一年實習經驗的初任幼師(研究者自身)實踐兒童哲學的歷程,探究內涵包括:一、理解孩童藉語言所表達的思想,以試圖澄清自身對於「孩童圖像」之困惑;二、追索自身作為「幼師」在教育行動中的所思、所為及轉變。研究者以「故事」作為反身辨識經驗意義的入口,詮釋與12位五歲孩童以思考故事《貓人》為材料,進行思考故事討論的經驗。通過詮釋歷程,研究者逐漸獲得「對自身及對孩童的理解」,並形構對於「幼師培育」的疑慮及觀點,分別闡述出:一、自身「專業行動的裂痕與縫補」,解析理論與實務分隔、窄化為傳輸知識與訓練技能的師資培育,惟恐加深大學與專業實踐、理論與實務、思想與行動之間的裂痕,且此體制上的「難」亦將體現於幼師在專業行動中的困境。二、透過此研究「重構對『孩童』的理解」,論述孩童在實際生活中「做」哲學(do philosophy)的思考樣態,即體現了「兒童哲學」之本質,其「做哲學」的樣態歸納有以下特徵:(一)為自己思考且能把玩思想的孩童、(二)對生活做出純粹反省的孩童、(三)善於在「未知」中探尋意義的孩童、(四)自然展露思考技巧的孩童。最後,研究者再次從「兒童哲學」與「師資培育」兩個層面回觀以展望未來。

從教師專業知能的觀點分析越南小學師資培育課程綱要 / Vietnamese elementary teacher education curriculum: based on the teacher professional competency perspective

蔡玉鳳, Sai, Ngoc Phung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究目的為:(一)瞭解越南小學師資培育課程綱要設置理念與內涵;(二)探討越南小學師資培育課程綱要的實務做法。因此採用資料分析研究法來分析越南小學師資培育課程內容,其研究結果指出越南小學師資培育課程綱要具有如下特徵: 一、課程帶有「政治思想與社會主義」的意味。 二、非常注重培養熟練教學內容知識及內容知識。 三、主張培養多元能力的小學教師。 四、缺乏完整教育方法學知識與教育基礎知識。 五、注重實習與研究活動,不過未有完整的實施配套。 六、專門教育課程安排待完整,缺乏選修科目空間。 依據研究結果,提出對小學師資培育課程、政府訂定師資培育政策與未來研究之建議。 / The purposes of this study are to (1) explore the contents and ideas of curriculum design in Vietnamese elementary teacher education (2) investigate the practice of the elementary teacher education curriculum in Vietnam. Using content analysis methodology, this study has obtained some results as follows: 1. The curriculum intends to contain political ideology and socialism. 2. Special attention is paid to pedagogical content knowledge and content knowledge. 3. The curriculum aims to foster the multiple competencies of elementary teachers. 4. The curriculum content is lack of the pedagogical methods and foundation theories of education knowledge. 5. The curriculum focuses on practical training and education study; however, it it does not contain complete supportive arrangements. 6. The professional courses in educational studies are still incomplete; the curriculum also lacks optional subjects. Based on the results, the study provides some suggestions for the design of the elementary teacher education curriculum, the government policy of teacher education, and future research.


趙鎮洲, Zhao, Zhen-Zhou Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論,包括研究動機、目的、範圍與研究方法。第二章為主要相關文獻之探討 ,分別探尋黃堯仁、張清濱兩位先生有關師專課程之論文大作。第三章談世界先進國 家初等學校師資養成機構之課程,分別介紹美、英、西、德、法、日本五國現況。第 四章為我國師範專科學校課程之沿革,探討政府遷台至六十七年止之師專課程與現行 我國師專課程之分析。第五章專論初等學校師資培育機構課程之編製,探討編製之理 論基礎、應考慮因素、編製原則、類型與步驟。第六章為現行我國師專課程實施問卷 調查與分析,論及問卷之設計、調查經過與結果之分析。第七章為討論與建議,就整 個研究歷程進行終結性整理,並提出討論與建議事項。


宋神財 Alow Hola, Alow Hola Unknown Date (has links)
從1945年臺灣光復以後,原住民族小學師資培育政策,始終依附在主流一般師資培育政策之下,故在學制體系上與一般之師資培育機制無任何顯著差異。因此,從簡易師範山地班、普通師範山地班、師範專科山地班、師範專科普通班、師範學院普通班以及現階段的教育大學普通班,在整體師資培育課程的內容設計安排上均無二致。 唯一的顯著差異部份乃在培育環境的刻意安排上,從1946年9月起,分別依北、中、南三地,於臺北、臺中、臺南三所師範學校內,各附帶招收一班山地簡易師範班,總共培養了90名,為光復後第一批之原住民族小學教師。 接下來自1947年起,將三所師範學校共同培育山地生專班的方式,改成統一由臺中師範學校單獨承辦,以逐年設立山地簡易師範班的方式培育,至1956年止,亦培育出300名原住民族小學教師。 1959年9月起再改由屏東師範專科學校,承擔起集中辦理培育山地小學師資的重責大任,經過多年的培育過程,則栽培了630名原住民族小學教師。但是自1973年8月起的新學年度開始,培育政策突然產生極大的轉變,從原先特闢山地專班集中培育的方式,改成分散至臺北師範專科學校、新竹師範專科學校、臺中師範專科學校、嘉義師範專科學校、屏東師範專科學校、臺東師範專科學校、花蓮師範專科學校等,七所師範專科學校之普通班級中就讀,整體原住民族小學師資培育的方式完全均改弦易轍。造成原本集中培育的原住民族小學師資政策,突然面臨重大改變的真正原因,即本論文擬積極探究的核心問題,而論文中之第三章,乃是自2005年至2007年三年之間,多次走遍全省各地角落,透過和參與校園集體原漢衝突事件的相關當事者多次深度訪談,逐步詳實記錄探討,整個校園集體原漢衝突事件之過程細節始末,並且亦深入瞭解事件過後,各方在善後處理之過程,是如何造成原住民族師資培育政策的大轉變,為第四章探討的重心。 總之,原住民族的教育改革需要鬆綁,由原住民族自己當家作主。從主流體制中鬆脫被單一化、制式化的學校制度,從主流社會文化中鬆脫被套牢的教育目標。在主體性的體現中,對原住民族之教育宗旨之定位、教育目標之規劃、施政措施之擬定,要有更自主的決策權力,更開闊的思考空間,更多元的設計型態、更實際的改革作風及更自由揮灑的舞台。 所以主政者應依原住民族之意願,協助原住民族另外鋪設一條脫離主流社會一般教育的雙軌制民族教育體系,設立民族學校,在課程設計、教學內容、師資安排、環境部置……等各方面,配合原住民族需求,提供原住民族就讀,如此呼籲乃建請政府依法行政及依計劃進度落實政策,並歸還原住民族之民族教育權,才象徵國內之教育環境更接近民主與成熟,更代表主政者真正尊重原住民族教育的主體性,原住民族才有未來可言。

國中數學教師之不同培育背景對教學效能、教師專業承諾及學生數學成就影響 / The effects of pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement in Taiwan

朱美怡, Chu,Mei-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在教育改革浪潮下,台灣師資培育制度於1994年師資培育法公布之後,正式進入多元培育的體制。新制實施後,引發不少爭論。主要爭論焦點之一為新制培育的教師,其教師素質是否比舊制培育者為低。主張單一培育制度者認為師範院校具有獨特潛在課程,潛移默化學生專業精神,因而學生素質較佳;多元師資培育制度者則認為市場競爭、教師專業化取向有利提高教師素質。 本研究主要目的即透過「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(TEPS)第二波國中教師及學生之資料,比較不同培育背景之數學教師於教師素質及學生數學成就上之差異,並釐清過去關於師資培育之爭論。 本研究數學教師樣本數為7,001,依據教師年資、是否就讀師範院校,以及是否修習教育學程等標準,將數學教師培育背景分成新制、舊制,及師範與非師範院校等共七類。教師素質則包含與教學效能及教師專業承諾等兩面向相關之指標。學生數學成就則以TEPS提供之數學能力IRT分數為指標。 本研究依不同研究假設,進行卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸等統計分析。主要發現如下: 一、師範院校與非師範院校培育之教師相比,其教學效能及教師專業承 諾有顯著差異。在教學效能上,師範院校生較常使用傳統教學策略與教材,非師範院校生則較常使用新制教學策略與教材及常測驗考試;在教師專業承諾上,非師範院校生則表現較佳。但兩者在學生學習成就上則無顯著差異。 二、舊制與新制培育之教師相比,其教學效能及教師專業承諾有顯著差異。教學效能方面,舊制生於其他教材層面表現較佳,新制生則於維持秩序及常測驗考試層面表現較佳;而教師專業承諾上,舊制生於研究進修層面表現較佳,新制生則於教學不厭倦層面表現較佳。但舊制生於學生學習成就表現較佳。 雖然研究發現,不同培育背景之教師,其教學效能、教師專業承諾、及學生數學成就表現有顯著差異。但進一步分析,則發現整體而言,這些差異並不是很大。由此可見,多元師資培育政策並未影響教師素質,而一般大學師資培育機構之培育功效亦不亞於師範院校之師資培育機構。綜觀以上發現,可發現「教育系統標準化」的觀點更合乎台灣的現況。台灣之師資培育與學生的學習成就,在「國家機器」嚴格的控制把關之下,能夠維持一定水準。 / The pre-service teacher education in Taiwan has become multi-training since 1994. Considerable debates have been arisen since then, and one of which is “Teaching Quality.” Some argue that multi-training policy worsens teaching quality. For they think Normal Schools, providing more latent lessons to students’ spirit, are better than other pre-service teacher education programs. On the other hand, some argue that the new multi-training policy would advance teaching quality by the market competition and teacher’s professionalism. The main purpose of this study is to utilize the data of “Taiwan Education Panel Survey” (TEPS) to compare the effects of pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement in a bid to solve the controversy. In this study, the teachers’ sample, divided into 7 categories according to their teaching experience and training background, is 7001. Besides, “teaching quality” includes “teaching efficiency” and “teacher’s professional commitment.” “Students’ math achievement” is based on students’ math IRT score provided by TEPS. The study mainly utilizes statistical analyses based on Chi-square analysis, ANOVA, Regression analysis and so on, The study finds out, although teachers of different training backgrounds have significant differences on their teaching efficiency, teacher’s professional commitment and students’ math achievement, the differences are not magnificent. In other words, the effects of different pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement are not much diverse. The result suggests that under firm control of “the state apparatus”, teaching quality and students’ academic achievement in Taiwan could maintain at a level.


鍾德馨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討少子化趨勢對我國國民教育師資供需之影響與相關對策。首先係從我國學齡人口結構現況及趨勢作切入,進而探究少子化趨勢對師資培育政策之影響,並分析國民教育師資供需之現況與趨勢,最後本研究藉以百分比統計、集群分析、時間序列分析、灰色預測及模糊德菲法等統計方法,分析國民教育階段師資供需之現況、預測及策略方案之評估,進而提出相關因應對策,提供政策設計者之決策參考,以期透過適當的調節與管控機制,俾利國民教育師資市場的供需均衡。 本研究依研究目的所獲得之主要研究結論有以下幾點: 一、國民教育學齡學生數之發展趨勢,已顯見受到少子化趨勢之衝擊。惟各縣市所反映之衝擊情形不同,其中以高雄市、臺北縣、基隆市、臺中市、嘉義市及臺南市等六縣市之衝擊情形最大。 二、各縣市國民小學師資人力現況受少子化趨勢之影響不一,尤其臺北市、高雄市、臺北縣、苗栗縣、臺中縣、彰化縣、南投縣、嘉義縣、 臺南縣、高雄縣、屏東縣、花蓮縣、基隆市與臺南市等縣市已呈現師資人力過剩飽和之現況。 三、各縣市國民中學師資人力現況,尚未因學齡人口數減少受明顯之衝擊,各縣市師資人力的波動情形仍屬混沌,惟其中以臺北市、彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、屏東縣與臺南縣等屬師資人力遞減之地區。 四、以時間序列分析單變量ARIMA模式與灰色預測GM(1,1)模式進行國民教育教師人數預測之效果良好,尤其灰色預測方法平均準確率多達99%以上。 五、各縣市95-100學年度國民小學教師人數預估約減少5,703人,減少百分比為5.47%。除桃園縣、臺東縣及新竹市教師人數略有成長外,其餘各縣市教師人數皆明顯遞減,尤其南投縣、基隆市、臺北縣及屏東縣教師人數減少比率皆超過10%。 六、各縣市95-100學年度國民中學教師人數預估約增加118人,增加百分比為0.247%。其中,以臺東縣、新竹縣、嘉義市、桃園縣及澎湖縣教師人數屬穩定成長之縣市,惟雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺北市及屏東縣則屬教師人數大幅減少之縣市,其減少比率皆超過10%。 七、為期有效解決國民教育師資供需失衡之問題,於政策方案上,首要之務應先從「教師離退制度」及「教師員額編制」之體制面改革著手。 根據以上之研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,供教育行政機估決策與未來研究時之參考: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)各縣市政府教育局應確實掌握未來各學年度學齡學生數之變化,並正視超額留用教師人數將逐年增加之趨勢,妥適研擬與修訂相關人事法規與制度。 (二)加強不適任教師之督導淘汰機制,推動教師專業發展評鑑,符應「專業本位、保優汰劣」之要求。 (三)健全師資培育機構組織,持續評估調節師資供需數量,落實「適量優質儲備」之措施。 (四)適當調整國民中小學教師員額編制,達成「小班小校」之理念。 (五)師資估需預測宜進行縱貫性長期研究,並委由專責單位進行全國各級學校師資推估工作。 二、對後續研究的建議 (一)在研究主題方面,可探討少子化趨勢所造成學校整併、閒置教室空間規劃、學生單位成本改變及學校行銷因應策略等議題。 (二)在研究範圍方面,可採單一縣市為研究範圍,且持續在不同的時間進行預測與評估,在研究結果之推論上將更符合現況之需求。 (三)在研究對象方面,未來之研究可針對高中職與大專校院之相對衝擊與因應策略進行研究,將使研究結果更為廣泛推論。 (四)在研究方法方面,在專家意見整合方面可改用焦點團體法或腦力激盪法;在意見調查方面可兼採質化方法。 (五)在統計方法方面,在師資供需預測方面可採以時間數列分析、模糊時間數列分析、類神經網路、多變量模糊時間數列等統計方法,藉以比較預測結果之統計差異。 / The low birth rate--the influence and strategy of the supply and demand of teacher in compulsory education Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the policy of teacher education by the point view of population composition and probe into the state of teacher supply and demand, with its trend of development. The article analyze by percentage, cluster analysis, time series analysis, grey forecasting, and fuzzy Delphi method to realize the current situation, forecast and solving strategies of teacher supply and demand bring related solving strategies. Marjor findings include the following: 1.The trend of students in compulsory education was to affect by the low birth rate. Every county in the low birth rate was different, especially the most influence were Kaohsiung city, Taipei county, Keelung city, Taichung city, Chiayi city, and Tainan city. 2.The teacher supply and demand of different counties in elementary education were not the same, especially the most saturated membership of teachers were Taipei city, Kaohsiung city, Taipei county, Miaoli county, Taichung county, Changhua county, Nantou county, Chiayi county, Tainan county, Kaohsiung county, Pingtung county, Hualien county, Keelung city, and Tainan city. 3. The teacher supply and demand of different counties in middle education were disorderly by the low birth rate influence, but these counties’ teachers development trend were cut down, including Taipei city, Chiayi county, Nantou county, Yunlin county, Chiayi county, Pingtung county, and Tainan county. 4.The ARIMA model and grey forecasting GM(1,1) model to forecasting the supply and demand of teacher were good methods, especially the grey forecasting GM(1,1) model to forecasting degree of accuracy exceeds 99 percent. 5.Elementary education is forecasted reducing rough 5,703 teachers in 95-100 session. Besides Taoyuan county, Taitung county, and Hsinchu city have growth of teachers, the others’ teachers have obvious reducing, especially Nantou county, Keelung city, Taipei county, and Penghu county reduce teachers exceeding 10 percent. 6.The earlier stage of Middle education is forecasted increase rough 118 teachers in 95-100 session. Among countries belong to the growth of teachers are Taitung county, Hsinchu county, Chiayi city, Taoyuan county, and Penghu county. However, Among countries belong to the reducing of teachers are Yunlin county, Chiayi county, Taipei city, and Pingtung county, which reducing percentage over 10 percent. 7. To solving the imbalance of teacher supply and demand must be started in teachers’ retirement and evaluation reform, and teacher membership of organization reform. Based on the finding, several recommendations were made for the superior authorities, for the governments of education administration as well as for further research.

師資培育機構與中等學校教育實習機構合作關係暨相關問題之研究 / A study of the relationship and relative questions between teacher training institution and intern institution of secondary

吳清明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以師資培育機構與中等學校教育實習機構合作關係作實証性之研究;研究對象包括師資培育機構之教育學程中心主任或實習輔導處(室)主任、實習指導教師、實習學校之行政人員(校長、教務主任、訓導主任、輔導主任、教學組長)、實習輔導教 師、實習教師。研究方法包括問卷調查法及訪問調查法,發出問卷調查有1000份,回收率為68.3%;另外訪談對象有師資培育機構人員二位、高中校長一位暨實習教師二位。 本研究結果顯示:(一)由雙方合作關係現況分析得知:1.全體受試在合作現況的 評定順序依次是:(l)教育實習;(2)設備資源;(3)教師發展。2.師資培育機構與實習學校之合作關係成功的關鍵因素是明確定位雙方權利、義務關係暨雙方具有誠懇的態度。3.「教育合作契約書」內涵實習教師未能了解或者沒有看到。4.實習學校校長對師資培育機構之態度不滿意。5.師資培育機構與實習學校合作關係之內涵認為彼此接觸太少。6.實習指導教師工作繁重,無法落實教育實習輔導制度。(二)由雙方合作關係現況差異性分析得知:1.在合作現況之差異中顯示在「設備資源」項目上中、南、東部實習學校及私立師資培育機構有比較劣勢之表現。2.實習教師對於雙方合作關係持負面反應。(三)由雙方合作關係需求分析得知:1.全體受試在合作需求的評定順序是:(1)教師發展;(2)教育實習;(3)教學課程。2.師資培育機構宜成立重點實習學校發展暨區域性教育輔導中心。3.實習學校掌握「平等與互惠」原則能使雙方合作關係穩定又良好。4.實習輔導教師給予實習輔導教師津貼補助,才能獲得尊重並給予物質上之補貼。(四)由雙方合作關係需求差異性分析得知:1.在個別受試背景之優先需求得知:(1)師資培育機構人員在教育實習、研究發展有較高的需求。(2)實習學校行政人員在教師發展、行政服務的需求較高。(3)實習輔導教師暨實習教師在教師發展、行政服務的需求較高。(五)由調查實習輔導制度所衍生的問題分析得知:1.師資培育課程宜注重班級經營技巧之訓練。2.落實實習輔導制度評量工作。3.實習教師對於師資培育機構舉辦之各項研習活動肯定其功能。4.全職實習教師心態不平衡。5.從個別意見調查中顯示實習教師對雙方合作關係持較負向的觀感。6.從供需差距之認知中發現實習教師、實習輔導教師、實習學校行政人員對於「實習學校訂定獎勵辦法」有共同看法。本研究之成果可瞭解師資培育機構與中等學校教育實習機構合作關係現況暨合作關係需求與其差異性,並提出具體改進建議,以為未來教育界之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to make an empirical survey on the cooperative relationship between teacher training institutions and intern institutions of secondary schools. The respondents of the study include the dean of the center the educational program center, the dean of intem-guide center in the teacher training institution, intern master teachers, administration of intern school institution (inclusive of the principal, the academic dean, the dean of students, the dean of the consultant center, and the executor of educational plans), teacher training institution mentors, and intern teachers. The methods of the study contain both the method of the questionnaire and that of the semi-structured interview, issuing 1,000 copies of the questionnaire. The percentage of the returned questionnaires mounts to 68.3 percentage. Other respondents are two personnel in the teacher training institution, one principal in senior high school, and two intern teachers.The result of the study shows: A. According to the analysis of the appearances between their cooperative relationship: 1. The orders of the appearances about cooperative relationship judges from the entire respondent: (1) internship; (2) facility resources; (3) teachers' development. 2. The keys of successfully cooperative relationship between the teacher training institution and the intern school are based on the definite relationship between their rights and responsibilities as well we their sincere attitudes. 3. Intern teachers cannot understand or don't see the content of the contract about educational cooperation. 4. The principal of the intern school is discontent with the attitude of the teacher training institution. 5. The frequency of their contacts may frustrate the expectation of the content about the cooperative relationship. 6. The intern-guide system cannot work efficiently due to the intern master teachers' overwork. B. According to the analysis of differences between their cooperative relationship: 1. About the differences of the cooperative appearance on "facility resources",Central, Southern, Eastern intern schools, and private teacher training institutions have inferior performances. 2. The intern teachers hold negative attitudes toward the cooperative relationship. C. According to the analysis on the demand of the cooperative relationship: 1. The orders of the cooperative relationship demand from all the respondents: (1)teacher's development; (2) internship; (3) teaching curriculum; (4) administration service. 2. Teacher training institutions should set up key-point intern school and develop regional inter-guide center. 3. Intern school stick to the principle of equality as well as mutual benefits can make their cooperative relationship stable and well. 4. Teacher training institutions should give teacher training institution mentors reasonable allowance so as to own their respects and compensate them on the material. D. According to the analysis on the difference of the cooperative relationship: 1. The individual respondent's superior demand shows:(1) Teacher training institutions have higher demand on internship and study development. (2) Administration of intern school has higher demands on teachers' development and administration service. (3) Teacher training institution mentors and intern teachers have higher demands on teachers' development and administration service. E.According to the analysis of questions derived from the investigation of intern-guide system: 1. Teacher training curriculum should put emphasis on the developing the skills of classroom management. 2. It is important to activate the evaluation system about the intern-guide system. 3. Intern teachers should hold positive viewpoint on the research conferences held by teacher training institutions. 4. Full-time intern teachers' minds are unbalance- able. (or Full-time teacher cannot keep their minds balance.) 5. From the personal opinion, it shows that the intern teachers hold the negative view on cooperative relationship. 6. From the difference on demand ad supply, we realize that intern teachers, intern master teacher and administration mentor of internship have the identical viewpoint on " setting up rewards schemes for schools of internship". Through the investigation and the results of the study, we can understand the cooperative relationship between teacher training institutions and intern institution of secondary school accompanied by their demand and difference on the relationship.In addition, I sincerely hope my study can offer some constructive suggestions for future study.

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