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建構取向學習、學習心流經驗與幸福感之相關研究王瑞璇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以492 位高中學生為研究對象,研究工具包括:「個人生活感受量表」、研究者改編的「學習心流經驗量表」與研究者自編的「建構取向學習量表」。此外,本研究以因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、典型相關分析、迴歸分析及共變數分析進行量表與研究假設的驗證。
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探討Web2.0網站之互動性、社會臨場感以及心流之關係—以線上唱歌網站之為例黃惠渝, Huang, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的發展,許多商家紛紛將實體活動移至網路中,藉由網站平台提供服務。然而,網路環境變化快速,近年來Web2.0的概念興起,網路型態從單純讀取,逐漸成為開放與分享的平台,使用者從被動接受訊息的角色,轉換為內容主動提供者並且與之產生互動,許多互動性質強的實體活動,如KTV也漸漸移至網路上進行。在眾多互動性功能的網站中,如何吸引消費者繼續在該網站活動產生顧客忠誠度,即為當前重要的議題。因此本研究之目的在於探討Web 2.0網站環境中,「使用者感受之互動性、社會臨場感與心流程度之關係」、「產品涉入程度的干擾」,以及對「使用者信任態度、滿意度和忠誠度所產生的影響」。
本研究以實體活動中互動性質強的KTV活動為方向,選擇愛卡拉線上唱歌網站作為研究對象,歸納過去學者的理論架構(Bitner, 1990; Csikszentmihalyi,1975; Lin,2007; Luo,2002; Novak,1996; McKinney et al,2002; Short,1976; Monroe and Guiltinan,1975),以及深入訪談之結果,提出一整合性架構。最後利用結構方程模式以及一般線性迴歸驗證本研究之假說。本研究結果發現:
1. 易用性、資訊系統品質以及感受到有用,三項網站服務品質子構念,對互動性及滿意度皆有正面的影響。其中,又以能夠符合消費者實際需求的「感受到有用」對其影響最大。
2. 互動性包含特性為主動控制、雙向溝通以及回應性,對社會臨場感以及心流皆有正面的影響,其中,又以雙向溝通最具解釋力。
3. 互動性以及社會臨場感皆對心流有正面的影響,其中,互動性必須透過心流影響使用者信任態度,進而影響其滿意度以及顧客忠誠度。
4. 產品涉入程度對心流有直接主效果的影響,且對社會臨場感與心流之間有強化作用。但對互動與心流之間的關係無強化的作用。
關鍵字:Web 2.0、互動性、社會臨場感、心流、產品涉入程度
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成長策略之擬定-以電腦周邊產業為例 / The planning for marketing growth strategy of computer peripheral industry as example劉復漢, Liu, Fu Han Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:品牌經營,核心能力,企業核心流程。 / This case study is in that computer peripherals industry is subjected to huge environmental changes to lose growth momentum, and the case company a few years ago of tactical errors, economic stagnation, into operational bottlenecks, and the case company in this environment under the premise of how to use the rich resources of elements, integration organization of the company, capacity, processes, resources, brand and OEM coordinated attack, and the organizational structure of the company's revenue model of the original case, to develop the seven innovative model of growth strategy: customer, core value, organization, process, channel, critical resource, profit formula.
According to the target under the premise of environmental conditions, resource development should be the need for innovative models:
1.Value to the customer:
Brand management (OBM) to customer demand for the spindle and the start of the value process, combined with market information, planning practice to provide two-way views of brand products to meet the pathway needs to consolidate market share, and keep abreast of market information to dynamically adjust the marketing strategy.
OEM business, the integration of brand, ODM and product resources to explore customer needs to undertake commissioned OEM orders to meet customer value proposition.
2.Core competencies:
View within the enterprise already have the core competencies to expand the development of similar product lines, so that the original core competencies through internal development of roots in technology, and is conducive to the case company continues to grow. If not have core competencies while strategic partnerships or joint ventures to acquire, the formation of the breadth of the surface to expand the core technology from the point of deep plowing, to be technically the market leader.
3.Organizational structure of enterprises:
With the environment, conditions, and target under the premise of the construction business organizations to meet customer needs.
4.Core processes:
OBM core processes to strengthen the existing own-brand products of high correlation self-constructed, commissioned a foundry while customer and technical aspects for the strategic direction of growth.
5.Product channel adjustment:
Brand channel management to strengthen dealer relationships and the establishment of the management of the product manager and returned to the local operating messages, commissioned by the foundry while building customer relationship management, customer service needs paramount.
6.Types of critical resources:
Use of tangible and intangible resources and the development of a mature and professional product strategy, decentralized and centralized strategy to enhance market share to consolidate existing customers to meet the rapid growth objectives.
7.Portfolio of profit formula:
Distinguish between two kinds of the brand and contract manufacturing revenue model, the brand consolidate existing customers and effectively manage the development of innovative new products to ensure profits, commissioned by the foundry are produced quality, cost control, customer relationship management and labor efficiency as the main received profit source.
Keywords: brand management, core competencies, core processes.
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休閒心流經驗、休閒體驗與身心健康之關係探討郭肇元 Unknown Date (has links)
幸福、快樂的人生,自古以來是人類所努力追求的目標,心流經驗(flow experience)以內在動機為基礎,闡述了透過心流經驗的正向感受,提升個體自我成長與生活品質的途徑。本研究主要目的以心流理論為架構,來探討休閒中之心流經驗、休閒體驗與身心健康間的關係,並進一步瞭解不同休閒活動種類間的差異。
最後根據研究分析所得結果,本研究討論其意義,並對後續研究、上班族群與相關實務工作者,提出研究方向及建議。 / This study revised the flow state scale(Jackson & Marsh, 1996) and the description of the quality of experience(Csikszentmihalyi & LeFevre, 1989) as the scale of flow experience in leisure and leisure experience questionnaire, respectively, to understand the relationship of flow experience, leisure experience and mental-physical health in 541 adult workers from different organizations in Taiwan. Results showed that significant positive associations between flow experience and leisure experience, flow experience and mental-physical health, also, leisure experience and mental-physical health. The patterns of flow experience in leisure are found something different on leisure experience and mental- physical health. The congruence/good pattern is significantly better than congruence/poor pattern on leisure experience and mental-physical health; and the congruence/good pattern is also significantly better than over- estimate pattern on leisure experience. Nevertheless, the congruence/good pattern is significantly worse than over-estimate and congruence/poor patterns on harmful coping behaviors subscale.
In addition, results also presented that those who are categorized into the congruence/good flow pattern tend to choose active leisure(eg., outdoor activities, physical activities, hobbies, and mental activities); reversely, those who are categorized into the congruence/poor pattern tend to choose passive leisure(eg., television-viewing and shopping). Moreover, those choosing active leisure are better than those choosing passive leisure on flow experience and leisure experience.
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北區三類成人教育機構學習者之主動學習與心流經驗比較研究 / A comparative study on active learning and flow experience among three types of adult educational organization learners in northern Taiwan林怡珊, Lin, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
四、三類機構在心流經驗與主動學習的差異依序是:社區大學 > 空中大學 >推廣教育。
七、心流經驗與主動學習兩者具有高度正相關。 / The purpose of this study is to compare community university, national open university and university extension education in northern Taiwan, which each refers to flow experience and active learning. This study is also attempted to investigate the possible factors among these organizations which may cause the differences. Another issue in this study is concerned with the relationship between flow experience and active learning.
The data was collected from 729 adult learners by judgmental sampling, and the questionnaire was based upon a revised questionnaire concerning their flow experience, active learning, and learning experience (including the frequency of learning process and quality of learning process) in academic courses.
The results of this study are as followings:
1. Flow experience and active learning were positive correlation with the frequency of learning process, which includs “teachers and students discussion ”, “peer-discussion”, “learning by doing”, “field work” and “peer-tutoring”.
2. Flow experience and active learning were positive correlation with the quality of learning process, which includs “quality of interaction”, “curriculum publication”, and “experiential learning”.
3. The different learning motivation affect the flow experience and active learning among learners in these three organizations, especially the learners who chose “learning for the academic degree” were averaged lower than others.
4. Comparing with three organizations about the flow experience and active learning performance: community university is better than national open university and university extension education. Moreover, the national open university is better than university extension education.
5. The“intrinsic motivation and passion” is one of the factors which affect flow experience.
6. The “autotelic experience” is one of the factors which affect active learning.
7. The flow experience is positive correlation with active learning.
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多國企業核心流程之動態演化與創新研究-以日商在台子公司為例 / A Case Study of the Dynamic Evolution and Innovation through the Core Process of MNC: Japanese UC Subsidiary in Taiwan.鍾國生, Chung,Kuo-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
一. 對子公司的組織管理,母公司運用彈性的管理導向,有助於發揮子公司資源與能力。
五、子公司的動態演化,有助於多國企業的當地知識來源及國際化的拓展。 / This thesis has used Japanese subsidiary in Taiwan as case to study the dynamic evolution and innovation through the core process of MNC. From the view point of the organization control of alleged subsidiary, relationship of parent-subsidiary, subsidiary role in MNC, and its core process of subsidiary, we conclude the major findings are:
(1). For the purpose of organization management, Parent company of MNC has adopted the flexible managerial patterns to facilitate subsidiary’s capability and its resources accumulation.
(2). Relationship between parent and its subsidiary is interdependence. This kind of relationship helps Parent company who can utilize the net ownership advantages of host country to increase the total operational performance of MNC. It also helps to reduce the management difficulty toward subsidiary of MNC and even helps to increase the speed of innovation.
(3). Top management of subsidiary shows their management skill with realistic and takes initiative in helping subsidiary to increase its capability and resources. Through the change of charter or its strategic roles, subsidiary can expand its participation of international responsibility.
(4). Compare with other MNCs, subsidiary which has the capability of global integration can generate value-creation activities for MNC. Subsidiary will become the source of knowledge flow for its parent company.
(5). The core process of subsidiary with dynamic evolution provides MNC with domestic knowledge. This evolution also helps MNC in internationalization development.
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