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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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在史蒂芬‧金《鬼店》裡的明確表達與理解能力 / Articulateness and Intelligence in Stephen King's The Shining

李佳賓, Lee,Jia Bin Unknown Date (has links)
出版於一九七七年的《鬼店》為史蒂芬‧金的第三部小說,探索的為恐怖文學裡其中一種刻畫,鬼故事。雪倫‧A‧拉塞爾給了一項令人信服的理由,何以她認為《鬼店》是一則鬼故事:「在鬼故事中,恐怖的來源來自於通常出沒某個特定地點的邪惡靈魂。」然而,《鬼店》不僅僅是一部單純的鬼故事小說,根據克萊爾‧韓森與史蒂文‧布拉姆的看法,《鬼店》是一宗可從精神分析角度切入的語言學習與退化案例。 在第一章「導論」裡,我提出本文論點:能否透過清楚說出與理解能力完成符徵(signifier)與符指(signified)的連結,決定了傑克與丹尼各自的命運。第二章「方法論」由我在本文中所用的方法構成,本章說明我如何運用席格蒙‧弗洛伊德的伊底帕斯情結(Oedipus Complex)、雅克‧拉岡的想像界(Imaginary Order)、象徵界(Symbolic Order)、實存 (The Real)、語言作為大他者的論述(Language as the Discourse of the Other)、縫合點(Points de Captions)。第三章欲探討的是傑克與丹尼的伊底帕斯情結,傑克的殞落可追溯至他的童年時期,丹尼的生存則可以他的現況加以分析。第四章「似乎他的生命全靠學習閱讀才得以維持」討論丹尼如何藉由語言學習,從想像界前進到象徵界並打破托倫斯家庭特有的父子關係循環,丹尼漸漸地學習如何連結符徵與符指,清楚地說出與理解這些符指及背後的符徵為丹尼鋪了一條歧異的路,透過這條路丹尼得以存活並成長。第五章「理性的蟄伏」將探討全景飯店如何藉由大他者/小他者的論述(The Discourse of the Other/ the other)誘惑傑克,也探討傑克的瘋狂如何藉由象徵界退化至想像界表現出來,我也會藉由瘋狂的其中一種症狀,不能掌握縫合點:越來越不能連結符徵與符指的情形闡述傑克如何變得偏執於並合理化自己的不當行為,例如殺掉他的妻兒。在第六章「結論」,我將簡述前面五章的要點,幫助讀者釐清本文的宗旨。 / The Shining (1977), Stephen King’s third novel, explores one of the horror genre’s characterizations, the ghost story. Sharon A. Russell gives a convincing reason why she considers The Shining a ghost story: “In the ghost story the origin of the horror comes from evil spirits who usually haunt a specific location.” However, The Shining is not merely a simplistic ghost story. According to Claire Hanson and Steven Bruhm, The Shining is a case of language acquisition and regression from a psycho-analytical perspective. In Chapter One, “Introduction,” I issue my thesis statement that aptitude for articulation and intelligence of the signification determines each of Jack’s and Danny’s destinies. Chapter Two, “Methodology,” consists of the methodology I employ in the analysis of The Shining. That is, how I apply Sigmund Freud’s and Jacques Lacan’s theories, Frued’s Oedipus complex, and Lacan’s three orders, language as the discourse of the Other, and points de caption to this study of The Shining. The exploration of the Oedipus complex for Jack and Danny is Chapter Three’s subject matter. Jack’s downfall can be traced back to his own childhood, and Danny’s survival can be studied in terms of the exploration of his own status quo. In Chapter Four, “As though His Life Depended on Learning to Read,” I discuss Danny’s progression from the imaginary order into the symbolic order and breaking away from “the wounded father-son cycle” (Davenport) in terms of his increasing acquirement of language. That is to say, Danny learns to decipher the signifiers and to make significations between the signifiers and the signifieds. Articulation and intelligence of such signifiers pave a divergent way for Danny as a survivor and an adult in the story.” In Chapter Five, “The Sleep of Reason,” I elaborate upon how the Overlook entrances Jack by means of the discourse of the Other/evil other and how Jack’s insanity can be manifested in terms of his regression from the symbolic order into the imaginary order. I will take advantage of one of the symptoms, failing in the grasp of points de captions, increasingly failing to catch the interdependent relationship between the signifier and the signified, to expound how Jack becomes paranoid and self-justified in his wrongdoing and misbehavior, such as to murder Danny and Wendy in conformity to the former caretaker’s indication. In Chapter Six, “Conclusion,” I summarize the previous points to help the readers further understand the thesis’ purpose.

因果歷程偏離與故意歸責—新標準:「獨立評價說」 / The deviation of causal course and the attribution of intention —new standard: theory of independent assessment

戚本律, Chi, Pen Lu Unknown Date (has links)
國內通說將因果歷程偏離當作構成要件錯誤的一種類型。認為因果歷程作為故意認識的對象;並且對於因果歷程重要部分沒有認識,則阻卻故意。德國實務所提出的重要性理論(相當性概念與其他正當化評價事由之欠缺)是建立起國內通說看法的主因。不過,近年德國學界普遍對這種說法提出質疑,認為因果歷程偏離不再是「心理事實」的問題,而是「規範評價」的問題。因而從過去的錯誤理論漸漸轉向歸責理論。對於因果歷程偏離的難題也從「故意」範疇轉向「故意歸責」的範疇。在故意歸責層次下,德國學界提出幾種具體的處理方式,但都不脫離傳統部分主客觀對應的看法。本文認為透過檢驗行為人主觀與客觀事實間是否一致(或者部分一致),無助於解決因果歷程偏離的難題。結論上,本文提出一個嶄新的想法—「獨立評價說」,期待能適當且方便的解決因果歷程偏離的問題。 / The general opinion in Taiwan’s academia considers the error of causal course as an error occurred in the composing elements of a crime. The academia is also of the opinion that the intent of crime shall include the essential parts of the causal course. If any such part is left out of account, the intent of crime shall also be excluded. The theory of essentiality (Theorie der Wesentlichkeit) brought forward by the German court is the main fundation for the opinion of Taiwan’s academia. German authors have questioned this theory in the recent years. They hold that the problem of deviation of causal course is rather a problem of norm assessment rather than a problem of psychological facts. Thus the past fallacy has been gradually replaced by the theory of attribution of intention, and the research on deviation of causal course which was undertaken under the category of intention has also been changed to the category of attribution of intention. As regards the attribution of intention, the German authors have developed some specific approaches to solve the error of the chain of causation. Nevertheless, these resolutions are much the same, for they all emphasize a partial coincidence between the intent and the real causal course. As a conclusion, the author claims that the coincidence can't solve the problem of deviation of causal course, and proposes a new theory, - the theory of independent assessment, with the hope of facilitating the research of the problem of deviation of causal course.

台灣小說中同志/跨性別書寫的家國想像(1990-2010) / The Homeland Imaginary of the Homosexual/Transgender Novels in Taiwan(1990-2010)

曾秀萍, Tseng, Hsiu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文以批判性觀點分析1990-2010年間,台灣小說中同志/跨性別書寫的性別、家庭、國族、地域、階級與敘事策略的發展和變化。從台灣底層性別弱勢的角度出發,批判全球化與文化帝國霸權所主導的現代性論述,搓破其光明的假象,並以中南部/鄉土/底層等多重弱勢的邊緣觀點出發,結合古典男色/跨性別傳統的美學再造,反省現階段同志/跨性別研究以西方基進論述和台北/都會/中產階級為中心的研究傾向。更進一步從同志/跨性別的家國想像中,翻轉台灣當前由上而下,由異性戀家國意識形態和「四大族群」論述所主導的台灣國族想像框架,企圖建構一套由下而上、由個體性別情感的角度出發所重構的國族想像藍圖,並發展兼具台灣歷史脈絡、文化特性與底層觀點的「第三-現代-性」理論基礎。 我認為作為一個研究者不僅要如史碧娃克(Spivak)一樣扣問「從屬階級能發聲嗎?」讓被歷史大敘述所淹沒的底層階級能夠出現,更要反省種種再現與代言的倫理課題。本文認為從1990年中期開始,由學院菁英、運動論述所主導的台灣同志/跨性別論述,隱藏了以西方為尚的「進步」史觀迷思,忽略台灣在地的文化脈絡與性別觀點,導致底層本土的同志/跨性別主體有被隱沒的傾向。因此,本論文重新挖掘在小說中被長期忽略的底層同志/跨性別人物,不僅檢視其在性別/階級/地域/家國結構下的困境,更關注其因內部歧視而被多重邊緣化的處境和現象。 本文並主張同志/跨性別論述應改變過去對於家國體制疏離的態度,以更積極的方式介入家國論述,一方面可以藉由同志/跨性別的多元觀點對家國論述與體制進行改造,另一方面更須突破同志/跨性別族群與家國體制之間,長期切割或二元對立的關係與迷思,正視許多底層同志/跨性別也渴望有「家」有「國」的心理需求與現實需要,重新思索性別弱勢族群與現代性家國體制交鋒或接軌的種種可能。同志/跨性別等「第三性」族群與台灣「現代性家國體制」交錯的發展狀態,本文稱為「第三-現代-性」。 在兩者的交錯之中,我認為尤其需要注意小說敘事策略與形式的轉變,因為小說的政治性與敘事形態無法切割。本論文將透過不同階段同志/跨性別書寫對於家國想像與敘事的轉變,論證小說人物的性別、情慾等身分差異乃是其國族認同形塑的重要部分。我認為1990年代初期《失聲畫眉》這本鄉土小說中的女同志書寫及其所引發的論爭,乃是同志/跨性別主體和台灣國族論述在公領域正面交鋒之始,反映出當年台灣的鄉土、國族論述在「逝去的鄉土」與「消失的國家」中所存在的雙重焦慮。此階段同志/跨性別的底層飄浪狀態,讓1990年代中晚期崛起的新世代作家對台灣社會充滿「遲到的酷兒現代性」焦慮與疑慮,因而掀起一波創作潮與出走潮,尤以歐美為中心構築「異國烏托邦」。這些小說將西方論述與家國認同相互結合、發展,並達到高峰,卻也埋下了種種異國大夢操演的破綻。 於此同時,我認為還有一股「轉向東方」的同志/跨性別書寫潮流也悄悄興起,開啟另類的亞洲視野、海洋思考與東方時間觀,並重拾中國傳統戲曲與古典小說的資源,以男色傳統和「擬說書體」重構跨性別與台灣國族寓言的多重關係。在本世紀新的十年中,同志/跨性別書寫不僅有回歸鄉土的趨勢,更對於在全球化時代中,快速變遷的人我界線、情慾關係提出反思,以本土的底層觀點修正了西方解放論述的不足,建立新的倫理景觀。本研究透過橫跨二十年的小說,分析同志/跨性別書寫在家國想像中的轉變與突破,在放眼跨國移動與全球化現象的同時,也結合底層弱勢與南部觀點,打開同志/跨性別本土論述的空間,連結台灣鄉土、國族想像與同志/跨性別研究的版圖。

南朝文學集團詩賦書寫策略之考察 / A study on the writing-tactic of shih and fu of the literati group on South-Dynasty

祁立峰, Chi, Li Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「南朝文學集團詩賦書寫策略之考察」為題,旨在於以「南朝文學集團」為考察的對象,以「詩賦」為考察的兩種主要文類,以「書寫策略」為考察的切入點,運用傳統的文本分析,結合新興的文學理論與視角,進行作品、作者、讀者、文學理論等全面性的考察。 「南朝文學」在文學史評價中呈現劇烈的起伏,一方面後代作家以其為模擬的對象,肯定美學價值,但也得到「餖飣」、「輕艷」或「流於光景」等負面評價;至於南朝的「文學集團」領袖與成員的「同題共作」、「應詔」、「贈酬」等作品,更常被視為千篇一律、了無新意。也因此,本文也特別重視這些於貴遊活動時的同題共作、或遊戲酬和的詩賦作品,希望藉由更細膩的閱讀與歸納,給予其新的意義與論述。 「詩」與「賦」可以說是中國古典文類中,最具文學色彩的兩種文類。曹丕《典論‧論文》說「詩賦欲麗」,很明確地將「詩賦」與其他文類區分開來。本文選擇「詩」與「賦」作為討論主軸,而以文序、書簡、銘箋等作為輔助,也正是考量文學性這個條件。如果更廣義來說,「詩」與「賦」不僅具有文類的意義,它們也表述文學態度、風格與傾向。「詩」表示了端莊雅正,「賦」指向了鋪排藻飾;「詩」代表「復古」,「賦」傾向「新變」。如果從這個角度來說,我認為中國文學史也就處於「詩化」與「賦化」的拉鋸。 「書寫策略」是一個較廣義的概念,它既用來指稱作者的創作心態與策略,也能拿來說一篇作品的修辭、語言策略。為了避免概念失焦,本文將書寫策略的討論聚焦於三個面向,分別是「內容設定」、「形式選擇」、「風格(論)生成」。創作者如何設定一篇作品的「內容」(題目、題材、典故、語言素材)?如何選擇適合承載的「形式」(詩、賦或是其他文類)?以及作品如何呈現「風格」、而「風格」與「風格論」又是如何被觀察、進而被建構?這背後都有所策略性的運用。從內容,我們發現這些同題材作品內在的差異;從形式,我們發現「詩」、「賦」這兩種文類的邊界、功能以及滑動、拉鋸的痕跡;從風格,我們發現「風格論」本身被建構、被想像的後設可能。 「文學集團」是研究南北朝時期文學的重要考察對象,只是過去從此概念著手的研究成果並不多;「書寫策略」是文學研究常被運用的概念,只是定義太過廣泛。本文一方面期望能將「書寫策略」作為實際的考察方法,二方面則希望給予「文學集團」這個特殊而被忽略的現象——更多的關注與論述。這就是本論文誕生的原因。

取徑亞當.史密斯:伊恩.麥克尤恩小說中的同情與想像力 / Through the Lens of Adam Smith: Sympathy and Imagination in Ian McEwan’s Novels

張秀芳, Chang, Hsiu-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究伊恩.麥克尤恩的《贖罪》、《愛無可忍》及《星期六》這三部小說中的同情與想像力。第一章仔細爬梳亞當.史密斯的哲學文本《道德情感論》,並闡述幾個重要概念如同情與想像力、公正觀察者的角色、同情與戲劇性質、及同情與敘事。第二章運用史密斯的同情與想像力的概念來檢視《贖罪》這部小說,並指出布萊妮最初反映了史密斯式的同情概念,但在她贖罪的過程中,她實踐了自我反省及自我批判的另一層次的同情。第三章從演化、利他主義及同情的觀點來閱讀《愛無可忍》這部小說。敘述者喬.羅斯所面臨的拯救小孩及保存自己性命的道德兩難彰顯出利他行動與利己行為間的衝突。本章以史密斯的同情概念來解釋小說中約翰.羅根的利他主義,並呈現出同情與利他行為的關連性。本章指出同情並非完全是利他的情感展現,同情實際上包含了利己與利他的動機。第四章檢視《星期六》中同情與敘事的關係,並闡述貝羅安對其病人泰勒伯的同情與泰勒伯透過口述去敘述其在伊拉克所遭遇的苦難具有關連性。本章並分析貝羅安在聆聽黛絲朗誦馬修.阿諾的多佛海灘詩集時所展現的同情與想像力。本章最後聚焦在貝羅安對巴克斯特的同情,並指出貝羅安對巴克斯特的仁慈實際上強化了同情者與被同情者之間微妙的權力關係。 / The dissertation aims to study the concept of sympathy and imagination in Ian McEwan’s three novels Atonement, Enduring Love and Saturday. In the first chapter, Adam Smith’s philosophical text, Theory of Moral Sentiments, is carefully scrutinized. The chapter includes several key ideas such as sympathy and imagination, the role of the impartial spectator, sympathy and its theatrical quality, and sympathy and narratives. In the second chapter, I use Smith’s concept of sympathy and imagination to examine McEwan’s Atonement and propose that Briony’s sympathy at first reflect Smith’s model of sympathy, but in the process of her atoning for her crime, Briony achieves a new level of sympathy which is more self-reflected and self-critical. Chapter Three reads Enduring Love from the perspective of evolution, altruism and sympathy. The narrator Joe Rose’s moral dilemma between saving the child and preserving his own life dramatizes the conflict between altruistic actions and self-interested behaviors. Smith’s idea of sympathy is employed to account for John Logan’s altruism and the connection between sympathy and altruistic acts is then presented. The chapter shows that sympathy is not an other-oriented emotion but a sentiment that contains both self-interested and other-interested motives. Chapter Four looks at the relation between sympathy and narratives, and demonstrates how Perowne’s sympathy to his patient Taleb is related to Taleb’s oral report of suffering in Iraq. It then analyzes Perowne’s sympathy and imagination during Daisy’s recitation of Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach. The final section focuses on Perowne’s sympathetic sentiments to Baxter, arguing that Perowne’s benevolence to Baxter only highlights the subtle power relationship between the sympathizer and the sympathized.

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