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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

未成年人財產之保護 / Protection of minors' property

廖聖民 Unknown Date (has links)

離異家庭高中生婚姻戀愛態度之訪談研究 / Interview research of the marriage and love attitudes of high school students from divorced families

朱莎莎 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

Let's all dance Ballet.---芭蕾舞與成年女性的身體實踐

杜綺文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的發問從研究者自身經驗以及大眾媒體內容出發,試圖瞭解成年女性學習芭蕾背後指涉出女性身體、芭蕾文化以及社會性別結構之間的何種關係,並從中探討女性身體在習舞的過程中,扮演何種角色。 對此,在理論的引用上,本研究以人類學的「體現」典範和美國女性主義政治哲學家Iris Marion Young的理論觀點,將女性身體視為一個知覺主體進行分析探討;在研究方法上,則採用「深度訪談法」以及研究者本身的「參與體驗」,以對成年女性的習舞身體經驗進行多方詮釋,從中瞭解該經驗所呈現、調和與轉化女性身體、芭蕾文化和社會性別結構的種種現象與關係。 本研究發現成年女性的芭蕾身體經驗共有三個特質:首先,成年女性在學習芭蕾的過程中,得以覺察自我身體感官,抒解身體壓力,並從社會角色回歸真實自我,對於身體的關注也不再僅集中在視覺觀感,同時也重視身體體驗。芭蕾的身體經驗成為成年女性擺脫社會角色,回歸身體知覺的「她方」國度。 再者,芭蕾身體經驗具有「轉化」的功能。此經驗一方面轉化了成年女性和日常生活的關係,改變成年女性在日常生活的姿態、生活行動的意義,讓成年女性有再詮釋個人與生活世界的能力。另外在「芭蕾學習文化」的部分,成年女性在日漸老化、退化身體的限制下,以親身體驗與實踐,重新定義學習芭蕾的年齡上限與可能性,也藉此展現女性身體的能力、自主與超越性。另外,在本研究也發現,成年女性的身體經驗讓過去象徵為男性凝視的芭蕾文化,轉變成女性自我體察與觀看,而重新定義芭蕾的觀看意義,此乃有別於過去女性主義的芭蕾研究結果。 最後,本研究發現女性身體乃是同時交織主客體面貌的多元身體,亦即女性身體在自我知覺以及社會性別結構之中來回游移,時為主體,時為客體,女性身體遂在自我和社會之間不斷變化其面貌。 女性身體有其能動性,但其也必須在社會性別結構之下扮演其角色,因此對於扮演主客體的女性身體的關注,可能不在於尋求身體的終極解放,而是女性身體如何在結構的限制之下,獲得更多的自主與選擇的可能。在本研究中,成年女性在芭蕾學習經驗中,回歸純然的身體知覺,即開啟女性身體自主的可能與契機。


魏惠莉 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,成年婦女不(低)識字率較男性高出許多,根據心理學家的研究發現,男女兩性在智力、學習能力上均無顯著差異,因此,女性不識字率高於男性的事實,顯示女性為教育的不利人口。她們的受教機會受到哪些阻礙,而在成功參與識字教育後,她們生活中各個面向的生命經驗產生了什麼樣的轉變。因此,本研究的研究目的在於: 一、探討婦女參與識字方案的障礙與問題。 二、探討成年婦女參與識字教育歷程中生活適應上的轉變及對於其自我看法上的改變。 本研究質性研究法為基礎,以一般性訪談導引法訪問十五位學齡期失學,現已自國小補校畢業或參與三年以上成人基本教育研習班並已結業的成年婦女。根據訪談結果整理參與識字教育之成年婦女參與識字教育的阻礙、如何因應與處理之前不(低)識字的生活、參與識字教育的意義為何以及參與識字教育經驗中她們對自我看法的轉變。研究結果摘要如下: 一、女性參與識字教育的障礙:性別、貧窮、戰爭及抗拒。 二、成年婦女參與識字教育的原因及動機:彌補缺憾、排除不(低)識字對生活的不便;家庭責任告一段落則是她們得以無心理負擔的參與識字教育的原因。 三、參與識字教育對成年婦女的意義在於:她們要證明自己也可以樂於學習;希望在為家庭及子女著想外也能為自己著想;參與識字教育對她們而言是種生活上的寄託。 四、成年婦女參與識字教育後自我概念的轉變: (一)自信心的提升。 (二)較喜愛自我。 (三)對生活與成就感到滿意。 (四)被他人欣賞的感覺。 (五)積極扮演社會角色。

成年監護制度之研究 / The study of adult guardianship

蔡佩伃, Tsai, Peiyu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國97年5月23日總統公布民法總則編修正條文第14條、15條,增訂第15條之1及第15條之2,民法親屬編第4章監護與輔助制度之新規定,以及法院實務運作為探討重心,輔以分析比較大陸法系國家--德國成年照護制度與日本成年後見制度,以及英美法系國家--英國2005年意思能力法案與美國2006年統一代理權授與授權法之制度,以針對我國學者對於新成年監護制度之見解與目前實務運作所產生之問題為之探討,以提出以下結論與建議:一、基於尊重本人自主權之理念,未來應制定意定監護制度。二、法定監護制度之修正:(1)意思能力之判斷原則應有明確規範,並以英國2005年意思能力法五項指導原則為判斷守則。(2)不應一律剝奪受監護宣告人之行為能力。(3)監護聲請權人應增列未成年監護人、同居人與同性生活伴侶。(4)受破產宣告之人雖不可為財產管理之監護人,但可為身上照護之監護人。(5)監護事務方面,關於重大醫療照護等身上監護事項應明文規定交由法院審查。(6)受監護人之自主權與保護受監護人之利益應有所平衡。(7)建議增列繼任監護人,以及解決監護關係相對終了,因監護人無繼承人時,無人管理受監護人財產移交與結算事項等問題。(8)輔助宣告方面:因輔助人只有同意權無代理權可代受輔助人行使所物返還請求權,為保護受輔助人,可由法院賦予輔助人行使特定財產行為之代理權。(9)最佳利益原則:法院應鼓勵受監護人參與監護事務之決定,並考量受監護宣告之人過去、現在願望與感受,以及受監護宣告之人之價值觀和信仰如何影響其決定,亦即受監護人即便現在欠缺意思能力,其意見仍應予以尊重。三、監護監督制度是監護制度成功與否之重要機制,鑒於國外成年監護制度均設有監護監督機構,以支援法院為監護監督工作,又考量監護品質之維護,我國未來應設立協助法院監督之機關。 / This research is intended to study the amendments of Civil Code, Article 14, Article 15, Article 15-1, Article 15-2, and Section 2 Guardianship and Assistantship over Adults of Chapter IV announced by the President on May 23, 2008, and to investigate the adult guardianship cases. Furthermore, this research chooses four advanced countries--Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States to compare and analyze their legal systems of adult guardianship. Those countries’ adult guardianship legal systems and the scholars’ viewpoint provide the following conclusions and suggestions: First, according to the underlying philosophy of respecting decision-making power of the ward, we should establish the voluntarily nominated guardian model. Secondly, the Adult Guardianship Act should be amended:(1) A definite standard for a person’s capacity of evaluation should be clarified. We can adopt the UK Mental Capacity Act 2005, the five statutory principles to help evaluate if a person lacks capacity. (2) The Act should not deprive a person of all his legal capacity, when once a person is declared incapacity by the family court. (3) The Act’s applicants should include minor guardian and civil partnership. (4) Guardians who are bankrupt will no longer be allowed to act as guardians for property and affairs but can still act as guardians for personal welfare. (5) The ward’s personal welfare decisions on serious healthcare and treatment should be put before the family court for approval. (6) The act should aim to balance an individual’s right to make decisions for themselves with their right to be protected from harm if they lack capacity to make decisions to protect themselves. (7) The guardian’s authority terminates when the guardian dies. However, a problem will arise from it. The problem is that if the guardian does not have a successor, the guardian cannot transfer the ward’s property to a new guardian. To solve the problem, adopting a successor guardian may be a good method. (8)The assistance (advisory) system:Because assistants do not have authority to take actions to ask the third person to give back the person’s property, the authority should be granted to assistants by the family court in order to protect their interests. (9) Best interests: The family court must consider the ward’s past and present wishes, feelings, beliefs and values that would be likely to influence his/her decision if he or she had capacity. Thirdly, monitoring guardian system can help adult guardianship system to operate successfully, and protect those wards. Many countries such as Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States are all devoted to developing their monitoring guardian system. In taking the quality of the adult guardianship into consideration, our country should establish monitoring guardian system in the future.

父母教養行為、依附關係與成年雙胞胎個人化之關係 / The Relationships between Parental Rearing Behaviors, Attachment Relationship and Individuality among Adult Twins

蔡維欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討人口變項、父母教養行為、依附關係與雙胞胎的個人化之關係。本研究以76位成年雙胞胎為研究參與者(男性31人,女性45人),所使用的工具包括「雙胞胎個人化量表」、「雙胞胎父母教養行為量表」及「雙胞胎依附關係量表」。資料分析以描述統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、單因子多變量變異數分析及多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 在現況方面,本研究之成年雙胞胎在個人化及依附關係的的得分偏高。在父親及母親教養行為的類別以父母親使用較多「情感支持」行為的成年雙胞胎居多;依附關係的類別則以屬於「安全天堂」及「趨近尋求」等安全依附關係的成年雙胞胎人數最多。 二、 不同人口變項的成年雙胞胎,其個人化程度有差異。不同年齡、雙胞胎本身的社經地位在個人化的有顯著差異。而不同性別、父母的社經地位、胎性、雙胞胎排行、家中手足總數的成年雙胞胎在個人化則沒有顯著差異。 三、 經歷不同父親及母親教養行為的成年雙胞胎,其個人化的程度有差異,即父親及母親「情感支持」教養行為較多,整體「個人化」及「分化」的程度較高;父親「拒絕」教養行為使用較多,則「獨立」的程度較低。 四、 不同依附關係的成年雙胞胎,其個人化的程度沒有差異。 五、 父親「情感支持」教養行為、母親「情感支持」教養行為、「趨近尋求」依附關係、「安全天堂」依附關係,對個人化的表現有正向預測效果。其中以父親「情感支持」行為的預測效果最好。 六、 父親「拒絕」教養行為、父親「一致性」教養行為、母親「拒絕」教養行為、母親「一致性」教養行為、「分離抗拒」依附關係對個人化的表現有負向預測效果。其中以父親「拒絕」教養行為為主要預測變項,其次是母親「拒絕」教養行為。 最後,根據本研究之主要發現提出若干建議,以供雙胞胎父母與未來研究之參考。 關鍵詞:成年雙胞胎、個人化、父母教養行為、依附關係 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between adult twins’ parental rearing behaviors, attachment relationship, demographic variables and their individuality. The participants were 76 adult twins (31 males and 45 females). The employed instruments included Individuality Inventory for Twins, Parental Rearing Behavior Inventory for Twins, and Attachment Relationship Inventory for Twins. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive Statistics, One-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance, One-way Analysis of Variance, and Multiple Regression. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The adult twins in this study had an above-average level of individuality and attachment relationship. As for the categories, most twins belonged to the attachment of “safe heaven” and “proximity seeking,” and most twins belonged to the parental rearing behavior of “emotional warmth”. 2. The adult twins’ age and socioeconomic status had significant effects on their performance of individuality. However, the adults twins’ gender, zygosity, birth order of twins, number of siblings, and their parents’ socioeconomic status had no significant effects on their performance of individuality. 3. The adult twins who experienced different parental rearing behaviors had varied level of individuality. More specifically, those who experienced more parental behaviors of “emotional warmth” outperformed their counterparts in overall individuality and the index of “differentiation,” while those who experienced less “rejection” behaviors from their fathers outperformed their counterparts in the index of “independence”. 4. Adult twins with different attachment relationship did not differ in their performance of individuality. 5. Father’s and mother’s rearing behaviors of “emotional warmth” and the attachment of “proximity seeking” and “safe heaven,” especially father’s rearing behaviors of “emotional warmth,” could positively predict the adult twins’ performance of individuality. 6. Father’s and mother’s rearing behaviors of “rejection” and “consistency” and the attachment of “separation protest,” especially father’s rearing behaviors of “rejection,” could negatively predict the adult twins’ performance of individuality. Finally, after discussion, some suggestions were proposed for the parents of twins and future research. Keywords: Adult Twins, Individuality, Parental Rearing Behaviors, Attachment Relationship.

首次從學校轉渡至工作者的生活適應 / Life Adaptation of the job-searcher transferred from school to work

曾儀芬 Unknown Date (has links)
個體的生涯決定受到社會價值之型塑甚鉅,聯考制度將學生分發至不同類組、學校、和科系就讀,更影響其日後的就業選擇與適應,故擬進行本研究。本研究的目的在於: 1.想了解學生在選填志願時受到家庭與社會價值觀的影響,並進而決定其工作領域和性質之事實。 2.想了解首次從學校轉渡至工作三年內之青年的生活安排與適應。 3.以分析深度訪談的文稿來呈現本研究主題。 在方法上,本研究採用質性研究的方法,強調實踐行動理論的不確定本質,重視當事人的主體與自我對話;閱讀者在閱讀時,已將個人置放在新的角度,創造新意。 研究對象是15個生涯故事的主角,包括不同的教育程度、學校、科系、職業種類、工作期間長短、和居住型態,女生9人,男生6人。 研究歷程方面,在邀定受訪對象後,編製訪談原則,由研究者擔任訪談者。訪談過程全程錄音,並謄寫成逐字稿,並撰寫過程紀錄文稿。經由受訪者勘誤、修正後,再由研究者進行資料分析。 研究發現如下: 1.以對工作滿意程度與投入程度將受訪者分成四個類型。 【型一】滿意並願意投入工作─充滿熱忱和抱負:fu01、fu03、mg04、mg06、mu08、fg12。 【型二】不滿意但願意投入工作─寄託於它的附加價值:fu05、mu09、mu13、ms15。 【型三】滿意但不願投入工作─深深的無力感:fu07、fu10。 【型四】不滿意也不願投入工作─不得不做:fu02、fu11、ms14。 2.大部分受訪者是以順服社會規範的現實性原則,如:出路寬廣、經濟限制、分數落點、和其他來決定校系,進而影響往後將從事的工作,在我國文化氛圍下,並沒有太多人的生涯發展能吻合「真如自我」的理想型,他們對自己生涯的決定仍然「不由自主」。 3.青年轉換到工作者角色之後,他們都服膺社會規範期許自己要成熟獨立,認為未成年是需要脫離的狀態,但不論真正的成熟是否已經呈現,或用何種方式呈現,Scheer & Palkovitz(1994)表示他們都將有較為成熟和負責的行為。獨立是必須的,但成熟沒有時間表,「從學生轉渡為工作者」的事件可說是發展過程中的有力觸媒。 4.首次轉渡到工作的青年仍然符合集體主義,因為他們與家人同住是非常自然合理的事情,離鄉背井來到都市工作才使得青年衍生出不同的居住型態。家庭對有些人而言,自己一個人的家也是完整的家,他們或者自行選擇在外居住,或為累積個人經濟資源而與家人同住,可以看見個人主義精神。家庭對另外一些人而言,家庭就是有家人的組合,能集合完整的家庭成員才稱得上圓滿。有人選擇以結婚後的新家庭來銜接原生家庭;有人則傾向留一段空白給自己,直到進入婚姻或承接養家責任為止。不論他們居住安排的型態與考量為何,只是孝心與孝行的形式不同,孝順的情感聯繫還存留在人心。 5.不論在外居住的動機是出於主動或被動,要適應一個以個人為生活主體的居住型態,都將把青年拋入一個必須自理與自處的學習情境。透過這樣的經驗歷程,他們有機會逐漸發展出個人處理生活事項與家人關係的獨特模式,以及與孤單、寂寞相處的方式。 6.目前新成為工作者未久,即使屬於個人的時間、空間能與工作釐清界線,但餘裕仍嫌不足,所以強健體魄的活動首先被犧牲掉;而休閒的目的性也強過於個人興趣之培養和維持。看來,認知與行動之間的距離仍然遙遠。 7.父母和子女若能取得「讓子女放手去闖」的共識,使青年的生命自主權和平移轉到自己手上,這是善意回應關係轉變的開始,具有較高的家庭支持的功能。此外,對家庭責任的重新建構也是人格自主的一部份吧!本研究的受訪者大部分都能用彈性的眼光來看待家人關係,允許不完美的存在。 8.從受訪者的心理意向中得知,成功滿意的戀愛往往指向結婚的目的。認為婚姻是必然的結果,完整人生階段無庸置疑的做法;另一部份人將焦點放在達到結婚的過程,表示充實個人的生存能力,以及在不易尋覓真心相待的愛情市場中審慎判斷,才是他們看待感情時最看重的部分在無法找到契合伴侶以前,不結婚也是值得考量的生活型態。 / The career decision of an individual is deeply shaped by the social value. The National Entrance Examination classifies students to different group, school, and major, which even will influence their further occupation choice and adjustment. The purposes in the present essay are the following : 1. To investigate whether students are influenced by their parents’ wishes and the society’s values while choosing a major. And that effect their field and quality of work decision too. 2. To comprehend, and to understand the life arrangement and adjustment of the youth transferred from school to work in three years. 3. Through analyzing the “ in-depth interview “, to testify the topic. The present study was qualitative in nature, which emphasize practicing the” uncertainty “ of the action research, pay much attention to the clients main body and self-conversation. While reading the materials, the readers have put themselves into a new point of view, and produce new creation. The study was consisted of 15 subjects with their own career story. Including of different education degree, school, major, occupation, working period, and life pattern.9 females, 6 males. Study procedures contained : Inviting subjects to be the volunteers of the study, then conduct the interviewing guiding principles. The research is also the interviewer. Recording each interview, and wrote it down word by word according to the tape. The researcher analyzed the information after the subjects corrected the written materials. There were several findings as following: 1. Distributed the interviewees into four types by satisfaction of job and involvement of job. Type1: full of enthusiasm and ambition. Type 2: desire for the addictive value better. Type 3: deeply powerless to alter. Type 4: There isn’t any other choice. 2. The leading force for most interviewees to shape their career was based on the pragmatic principle which was consistent to the social value. Such as: job opportunity, job security, and pay. Other factors were : weather the job required a lot of physical, mental strength, and pressure. Seldom of them can break the social values, committing to their ideal career. 3. While the youth turn their social role to a formal worker, they expect themselves be independent and mature. The event ” being a formal worker “ is a powerful vehicle of one’s character development. 4. Most of the youth transferring to work feel it’s nature to live with their parents together, except those who move to a big city and earn their living. Some of them feel a single person can be a complete family, and they cherish the period they can live along. And others think of a home is a composition of family, and they admire to live with their parents until marriage. No matter out of which opinion, young people show filial obedience with different expression. 5. Living along without parents make young people face a new situation. They have the opportunity to learn conducting life errands by themselves, balancing the interpersonal relationship, and getting along with oneself. 6. Newly being a worker in a office, many young people must pay a lot of time learning working skills. It leads to giving up time exercising. Many interviewees spend their leisure time relaxing, rather than develop or maintain their interests. 7. Many interviewees feel when they being a formal worker, their parents will respect them for independent. They can self-dominant in many aspects. The tension between parents and children become more alleviate. Many of them can admit imperfect relationship between parents and children do exist. 8. As for the ideas on love affair, all interviewees think of successful love will lead to marriage. But some of them feel marriage is very necessary, they can’t satisfy their life stage without marriage. The others emphasize the process of personal growth more. They accept to live a single life when not meeting a soul partner.

成年期女性從原生家庭到婚姻家庭之的心理依附與分離歷程之探討 / Adult female's attachment and psychologycal-separation via the process of transition when females leaves their original family for married family.

陳燕錚, Chen,Yen-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是希望透過女性從原生家庭進入婚姻家庭的歷程,瞭解當前台灣社會中成年期女性的心理依附與分離概況,由於東西方社會家庭結構的差異,在中西方思潮融合交接的此刻,希望能透過研究瞭解文化因素對依附與心理分離的影響性,以及此一歷程中心理依附與分離的關係。   研究者以文獻分析所得的理論架構為參考點,採用質性研究方法進行非結構式的深度訪談。受訪對像是十五位成年期女性,年齡在二十五歲到三十四歲之間,為顧及受訪者的口語表達能力,因此選擇專科以上學歷的訪談對象;也因為此研究是一個歷程性的探討,因此訪談了不同婚姻階段的受訪者,婚齡最長不超過六年。   綜合研究所得,發現女性在婚姻歷程中心理依附與分離的現象是一個辯證循環的過程,關係會在不斷的變動發展。而就理論的層面來探討,可以發現女性的依附關係雖有西方文獻中所指涉的的內涵和類型,卻也存在著本土的特殊性,可以看到『依附反轉』的現象;另外,若要以西方理論的角度來探討『心理分離』,將會出現窘迫不足之憾;本文提出女性在婚姻歷程的四個困境,透過探討文化對親子關係、夫妻關係、和自我造成的影響,來瞭解當前女性依附與心理分離的概況。   另外,也提出一些影響歷程發展的因素,也發現女性在此一歷程中,依附與心理分離的現象具有持續發展和系統性的特色。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate adult females' attachment (or emotional connection) and psychological-separation (or separation-individual; differentiation), via the process of transition from their original families to married families, in current Taiwan society. The researcher hopes to learn more about the females' attachment and psychological-separation in this process of relationships between. Besides, the influence of culture on this process would be discussed. The thesis has the theoretical basis established by reviewing western literature. Moreover, samples including 15 adult females are chosen and qualitatively studied, according to the theory, by a non-constructional interviewing-in-depth method. The samples, ranging from 25- to 34-year-old, are all graduated from college or above. In order to have a longitudinal examination of the transition process, the samples are chosen to distribute in different married stages. None of the samples has married for longer than 6 years.   Results show that the attachment of females has some characteristics consistent with those in western literature, while some features reveal the influence of cultural traits. One of the special features absent in western literature is 'reverse-attachment' in the relationship between females and their original families. Thus, the related research results in western literature seem insufficient to explain adult females' psychological-separation in Taiwan. The thesis therefore provides four dilemma in relationship transition.   The thesis suggests that the females' attachment and psychological-separation have several developmental characteristics: consistency, mendability, dialectic process, and systematism. In addition, the finding in this study is consistent with family-system theory. That is, the transition process changes continuously and is influenced by the culture and the environment.

成年未婚媽媽婚姻與生育之抉擇 / The decision-making of marriage and childbearing among adult never-married mothers.

鄭雅云, Cheng Ya Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質性研究方法針對成年未婚媽媽之婚姻與生育決策進行探討,了解成年未婚媽媽從未婚懷孕初始至生育之經驗與感受、分析決定未婚生育之因素,以及彙整未婚生育歷程之需求。透過本研究期待可瞭解:一、探討成年未婚媽媽未婚生育之經驗與感受;二、分析成年未婚媽媽婚姻與生育抉擇之因素;三、整理成年未婚媽媽未婚生育之需求,以利社會工作實務相關參考。本研究使用立意取樣與滾雪球抽樣策略,與台北市大孜婦女中心、台北市文山婦女中心合作,選取符合本研究設定之研究對象參與研究,並以滾雪球策略以研究者自身之網絡邀請受訪者,歸納研究結果提出建議,提供社會工作實務參考。 依據研究問題與目的,研究者邀請北部地區十二位成年未婚媽媽進行一對一的深度訪談,研究結果茲分述如下: 一、成年未婚媽媽決定生育之因素包含「避免殘害生命」、「生理因素」,以及「情感因素」。(一)生理因素:擔憂超過生育年齡、擔憂孩子健康狀況不佳、擔憂墮胎對本身健康不佳。(二)情感因素:欲生下喜歡之人的孩子與希冀生育可綁住兩人的關係。 二、決定留養之因素則包含下列五項:對孩子難以割捨的情感、孩子是感情的寄託、渴望為人父母、認為自行撫養對孩子較佳,以及養育是負責任的行為。 三、成年未婚媽媽婚姻決定之因素主要包括兩大部份:「考量婚姻之成本」與「考量婚姻之效益」,前者包含個人因素中的渴望自由、避免無法融入對方家庭、對婚姻形式不認同、對婚姻角色不認同、對婚姻沒有信心以及避免與不適任之男友結婚;後者則包含不需害怕他人眼光、獲得家人諒解,以及可以給孩子一個完整的家。 四、成年未婚媽媽於未婚生育之時,主要的需求可分為以下四點:害怕他人眼光、徬徫無助之心態、財務困難與親職無法負荷。 五、研究發現成年未婚媽媽在婚姻與生育之決定上,含有社會交換的觀點,並且受到婦女成年早期發展任務之影響;其次,在面對困難時,亦符合生活模式所提出會先對壓力源進行評估,並尋找環境之資源以利交流調適。

促進成年海馬迴神經前驅細胞增殖的藥物篩選 / Promoting proliferation of adult hippocampal neural

魏志安 Unknown Date (has links)
在成年的哺乳類動物大腦中有兩個區域,可以不斷的有新的神經細胞生成,一個位於大腦側腦室旁內側(Subventricular zone of anterior lateral ventricle ;SVZ),另一個位於海馬迴(hippocampus)內的齒狀迴(Subgran- ular zone of dentate gyrus ;SGZ) ,其中海馬迴是本論文主要探討的腦區。 神經前驅細胞(Neural progenitor cells :NPC)因具有自我更新(self -renewal)、增殖(proliferative)、多能(multipotent)的能力以及遷移性(Migration),所以可利用海馬迴內生性的神經前驅細胞(NPC),促進其增殖以替代因損傷、老化或疾病而損失的神經細胞。神經前驅細胞經由細胞體外培養過程會形成神經球(Neurospheres),神經球和神經前驅細胞同樣具有自我更新以及可以分化成其他神經細胞的能力。 本研究觀察到,對成年神經新生進行體外藥物的篩選中,化合物Chemical-X,有明顯的促進神經新生的能力。實驗中取健康成年雄性大鼠為實驗動物,分離出成年大鼠之海馬迴神經前驅細胞。用Chemical-X處理後,觀察神經球自我更新能力,以及再把新生成的神經球利用免疫螢光染色處理,瞭解神經前驅細胞經藥物處理後所新生成的細胞,是否仍維持在神經前驅細胞的狀態。進而評估藥物能否達到促進神經新生的目的。

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