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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳佩君, Chen, Pei Jun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的發展,國民所得增加生活水準的提昇,電力的重要性與日俱增,而最適電價的訂定,則成為政府當局及學者們所關切的課題。因此,本文旨在分別就資訊對稱與資訊不對稱下靜態兩種情況,進行最適電價管制模型之研究,以期達到社會福利最大化之目標。 本研究首先對於電力事業所具備的特性,加以闡述。同時由於電力事業係屬公用事業,電價的影響層面又既深且廣,並具有自然獨占之屬性,因此政府管制當局通常採取價格管制措施介入市場。本文將就常見之單一定價模式及尖離峰定價模式,作一扼要說明。 其次,先就探討資訊不對稱之相關文獻,稍作概述。並將針對資訊對稱與不對稱下,產生道德障礙、逆選擇、和成本浮報等問題之靜態最適電價模型,與產生道德障礙之動態最適電價模型,作深入探討。且將就所得結果之政策涵義,作一評論。最後,對未來研究發展之方向提出建議。

電信成本分攤制度與資費訂定之探討 / To analyse the structure of telecommunication-cost allocated and the decision of tariffs

葉曉雯, Yeh, Sheau Wen Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的電信公眾網路服務事業,具有攸關民生之公益色彩,因此往往受到政府管制。在我國電信事業為獨佔之公營事業,近年來隨著自由化的潮流,電信業務也逐步開放競爭,但由於新電信業者加入市場,一方面放鬆管,另一方面又衍生新的管制問題。在費率制度上,我國係由政府制訂電信費率計算公式予以規範。此外,電信業務困共同使用網路,具有聯產品特性,成本劃分不易,而電信局也一直未建立成本劃分與費率調整之關聯性機制,以致長期以來有交叉補貼現象,本研究究從電信業務管制特性、費率及成本三方面來探討,提出一適合管制性電信業務訂價決策之成本劃分觀念性架構。本文結論建議如下:   一、結論   1、管制性費率宜反映成本   2、電信成本劃分制度宜能避兔交叉補貼與避兔共同成本分攤太過武斷,且能提供各種相關決策資訊   3、未來電信開放自由化將會產生新的接續費問題,為放鬆管制所衍生之新管制性問題,須在成本劃分機制及費率結構上一併考量應依據行業特性,制訂一套電信會計科目及列帳方式。   二、建議   1.理想的電信成本劃分制度,應追求產出資訊具有高度的決策攸關性   2.電信成本劃分架構,所產生之成本資訊,可因應資費政策制訂之需要作彈性組合   3.電信業務自由化之後,管制機構應設計一套符合電信行業特性之會計制度及統一會計科   4.組織形態應隨著電信局經營型態朝公司化及民營化改變而調整

農地地價之動態研究-現值模型之檢驗 / A Dynamic Study of Farmland Prices - a Test of the Present Value Model

張慈佳, Chang, Tz'u Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於了解台灣地區的農地地價是否符合現值模型,是否存在價格泡沫,以及農地做農業使用時是否存在機會成本。經由VAR模式分析之後發現,就本研究的農地資料而言,台灣地區的農地地價並不符合現值模型,而有價格泡沫現象,此一價格泡沫現象又以位於都市近郊的農地較為明顯。至於農地農用的機會成本,在本研究的實證結果中並不顯著,推論可能是我國現行農地買賣有所限制,以及實證資料係取自「核心農家」的農地所致。   價格泡沫現象的存在,推測是現行土地使用規劃與管制不確實所致,策研擬應以落實土地利用規劃與管制為要。另外,由於農地農用之機會成本並不明顯,表示目前的農地地價尚無法反應工、商業的土地需求,故以地價高低為指標的農地釋出政策,宜再審慎考慮。

營利事業所得稅納稅成本之研究-以台灣地區建築業為例 / The Compliance Costs of Business Income Tax: For Examples of Taiwan Area's Builder

古秀如, Gu, Syou Ru Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究緣起:   一般研究租稅超額負擔時,多探討租稅課徵造成資源配置扭曲的問題,而忽略租稅徵收成本(Administrative Costs)和納稅成本(Compliance Costs)亦會擴大租稅的超額負擔;事實上,租稅的徵納成本在整個財政制度的運作上是不容忽視的;再者,就公平面而言,租稅制度之設計除了必須考慮稅額負擔的垂直公平與水平公平外,對於納稅義務人間負擔租稅徵納成本是否平均的問題亦不可忽視。   二、研究過程:   (一)介紹納稅成本意義與文獻回顧。   (二)台灣地區建築業營利事業所得稅納稅成本問卷調查分析。   由於時間和經費的限制,本研究僅以台灣地區建築業作為調查對象,以探討營利事業為依從稅法規定申報與繳納營利事業所得稅所發生的各種費用(即納稅成本)。   本調查以參加各縣市建築投資同業公會之建設公司為抽樣對象,採分層比例隨機抽樣法抽取樣本數1000家;問卷自民國八十三年四月三十日陸續郵寄發出,至同年五月十五日截止,獲得104份回卷,有效回卷96份;使用SAS電腦軟體進行迴歸和變異數分析,以了解影響營利事業所得稅納稅成本的原因和各事業納稅成本負擔的分配狀態;再利用卡方檢定和交叉分析調查納稅義務人對處理營利事業所得稅可能遭遇困擾的程度。   三、結論:   (一)各項納稅成本中,以會計人員成本佔總納稅成本比例最大。   (二)總納稅成本與營業額、資本額、員工人數之間具正相關係。   (三)總納稅成本率與營業額、資本額之間具負相關係;因此,納稅成本負擔在各事業間之分配呈累退狀態。   (四)事業外部人員成本和內部人員成本與營業額、資本額之間具正相關係。   (五)在精神成本方面,受訪事業在處理營所稅事務時,認為困擾程度最多之排名為:     1.稅務法令規定繁瑣、不明確(77.89%)。     2.稅務機關核定太嚴苛(71.16%)。     3.稅務人員行政裁量權太大(61.54%)。   四、建議:   (一)提供免費稅務諮詢服務。   (二)簡化帳證處理。   (三)加強稅務法令宣導。   (四)簡化憑證查核。   (五)制定稅法必須明確。   (六)加強租稅核定前之溝通與協談。   (七)加強稅務人員租稅教育。   (八)協助提供事業單位納稅之服務。

國際公司改名對股票市場和借款成本的影響 / Two essays on the benefits and costs of corporate name changes: evidence from stock and loan markets

林曉梅, Lin, Hsiao Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文包含兩篇文章,分別探討國際市場公司改名對企業股價與借款成本的影響。從本文的實證分析結果得知,國際市場公司改名對公司股票價格與其貸款成本有截然不同的影響。 Cooper, Dimitrov and Rau (2001)與Cooper et al. (2005)發現當網際網路興盛時,不論公司業務主體是否與網際網路有關,於公司名稱加入與網路有關文字之公司其股價報酬上升且維持一段時間;然而,當網際網路衰弱時,將公司名稱刪除網路字樣之公司,其股價出現顯著異常報酬,使得股東財富增加。鑒於近年來國際石油價格急遽上升,之後又逢美國次級房貸風暴因而暴跌,國際石油價格的波動走勢提供本文第一篇文章之研究動機。本文第一篇文章的研究目的在於探討當國際石油價格持續上升時,國際市場公司是否傾向變更其公司名稱,將其公司名稱加入「石油」或「原油」等相關之文字,透過公司名稱的變更提高企業價值;而當國際石油價格急速下降時,國際市場公司是否反而傾向將其公司名稱刪除「石油」或「原油」等相關之文字,以防止股價下跌。此外,由於美國與加拿大地理位置與文化相近,過去文獻常將兩者作比較。顧此,本文進一步探討美國公司與加拿大公司更名對企業股價的影響是否有顯著地差異。 本文發現當國際石油價格上漲時,美國公司傾向將其公司名稱加入「石油」或「原油」等相關之文字且其股價報酬上升,企業價值增加。然而,當美國次級房貸風暴時期,投資人深恐石油產業將受美國次級房貸危機影響,因此變更公司名稱之公司其股價下跌。另外,本文發現由於近年來加拿大為世界主要石油輸出國之一,投資人對石油產業公司的了解度較佳,因此美國與加拿大公司更名對企業股價有不同的影響。 過去文獻主要以股東角度探討公司更名議題,本文第二篇文章主要從銀行貸款者的角度來探討公司更名的影響。本文認為公司更名提高貸款者與借款者之間的資訊不對稱,增加銀行貸款者評估借款者未來還款能力的不確定性。為了要降低不確定性帶來的財務風險,銀行貸款者傾向提高借款利息或增加要求抵押擔保品。本文發現在公司更名後,公司須負擔較高的借款成本、較多的抵押品擔保與合約限制。此外,公司更名後,願意加入聯合貸款的銀行數目降低。 這些實證結果支持本文的推論。在股票市場上,公司變更公司名稱對企業價值有顯著地影響,管理階層藉由變更公司名稱影響投資人對其的看法(investor sentiment),進而提高股票價值。然而,在借貸市場上,公司變更名稱提高公司與貸款者間之資訊不對稱,公司更名須償付較高的借款成本和較多的抵押品擔保。本文的實證結果說明金融機構對公司治理具有監督和管理的重要角色。 / Two essays are comprised in this dissertation to examine the benefits and costs of corporate name changes. The empirical investigation on corporate name changes in stock market and loan market provide the entirely different insights on the effect of corporate name changes. With the recent oil price in surge and then crash, I have the opportunity to examine whether firms have the incentives to changes their names when oil price surge. In the first essay, I examine the wealth effect of corporate name changes involving oil-related terms. Following Cooper, Dimitrov and Rau (2001) and Cooper et al. (2005), I argue that firms tend to change their name by adding the words “oil” or “petroleum” to names when oil price in surge, while deleting the words “oil” or “petroleum” to names when oil price in a crash. I also compare the effect of corporate name changes between U.S. and Canadian stock market. Consistent with the prediction, I provide the evidence that there exists valuation effect of corporate name changes involving oil-related terms in U.S. stock market when the recent oil price surge. When financial crisis exploded U.S. stock market reacts significant negatively to corporate name changes. This is perhaps because investors expect economic difficulty caused by the financial crisis, which in turn, would hurt the oil industry and high oil price is not expected to be sustainable. On the contrary, relative to U.S. market, Canadian stock market has little reaction on the corporate name changes regardless of the type of name changes or market condition. This opposite results can be attributed to the different economic structure between U.S. and Canadian market. In the second essay, I focus on the effect of corporate name changes from the perspective of bank loan holders. I examine the cost of corporate name changes in the loan contracting. A corporate name changes creates information asymmetry and uncertainty about the future cash flow of a firms. To reduce the increase of credit risk, bank loan holders would attempt to enhance the efficient monitoring by tighter contracting terms and more concentrated lending structure. Consistent with this argument, the empirical results show that loan after name changes have significantly higher loan spread, higher probability of being secured, more general covenant restrictions and fewer lenders participate in a syndicated loan. Following Wu (2010), I categorize corporate name changes into different types of name changes and examine whether there is different effect among different types of name changes. I find that firms experiencing radical name changes are more likely to bear more financing costs. Lastly, I provide the evidence that firms pay higher borrowing costs when investors experience a significantly positive reaction from stock market through cosmetic name changes, which illustrate the importance of banks playing the role of monitoring and controlling borrowers.

盈餘品質與風險因子對權益資金成本之關聯性研究 / Earnings quality, risk factors and cost of equity

闕韻容, Chueh, Yun Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討盈餘品質、風險因子與權益資金成本之關係,主要研究盈餘品質是否會因為其他風險因子而降低對權益資金成本的影響。本研究之盈餘品質採用四種不同的衡量方式,先探討三種衡量盈餘品質的方式與風險因子對權益資金成本的影響,再將三種衡量盈餘品質的方式計算出一個綜合分數,探討綜合分數與風險因子對權益資金成本的影響,並將變數標準化來排序所有影響權益資金成本的因素。 實證結果顯示異常應計項目及盈餘品質綜合分數在其他風險因子納入模型後,仍然是權益資金成本的顯著影響因素。三種盈餘品質衡量方式與風險因子進行標準化後,對權益資金成本的影響順序,依序為淨值市值比、負債市值比、非系統風險、企業規模、股票週轉率、動能效果、系統性風險、異常應計項目及負債淨值比。而綜合分數與風險因子標準化之排序結果為負債市值比、非系統性風險、企業規模、股票週轉率、動能效果、淨值市值比、系統性風險、負債淨值比及綜合分數。統計上,即使考量了各種風險因子,盈餘品質仍是權益資金成本顯著的影響因子。 / This study investigates the relation among earnings quality, risk factors and cost of equity, especially, the existence of the effect of earnings quality on cost of equity while risk factors are considered, and the impact order of determinants of cost of equity. Fur measures of earnings quality are examined in the study of determinants of cost equity. We investigate how three individual measures of earnings quality and risk factors affect cost of equity. Then, we use the common factor score of these three individual measures of earnings quality as a composite of earnings quality to examine the impact of earnings quality and risk factors on cost of equity. Furthermore, we standardize variables to order the effects of determinants of cost of equity. The empirical result shows that both the absolute value of abnormal accruals and the composite factor score of earnings quality have positive effect on cost of equity. With three individual measures of earnings quality and risk factors as determinants of cost of equity, the effects in order the ratio of book value of equity to market value of equity, are the ratio of debt to market value of equity, unsystematic risk, firm size, shares turnover, momentum effect, systematic risk, absolute value of abnormal accruals and the ratio of debt to book value of equity. While with the composite common factor score and risk factors as determinants of cost of equity, the effect in order are the ratio of debt to market value of equity, unsystematic risk, firm size, shares turnover, momentum effect, the ratio of book value of equity to market value of equity, systematic risk, the ratio of debt to book value of equity and common factor. As a conclusion, the earnings quality is statistically a significant determinant of cost of equity after considering a variety of risk factors.

投資稅負對企業權益資金成本之影響 / The effect of investment tax on cost of equity capital

林方婷, Lin, Fang Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用Dhaliwal, Krull, Li, and Moser (2005)之實證模型研究投資相關稅負對企業權益資金成本的影響。Dhaliwal et al. (2005)利用股利所得與資本利得最高級距稅率計算股利稅租稅罰,然而,使用最高級距稅率計算而得知代理變數恐無法完全捕捉稅負對資金成本的影響,因此本研究參考許崇源、俞洪昭、洪盈斌與戚務君 (2000),假設在個人董監事等大股東之所得稅率較一般散戶為高的前提下,以個人董監事持股比例做為個人股東邊際稅率之替代變數,再計算股利稅租稅罰之代理變數。 本研究利用台灣經濟新報資料庫(簡稱TEJ資料庫)取得台灣上市櫃公司2000年至2009年之財務資料,進行迴歸分析。實證結果顯示,因股利所得稅率與證券交易所得稅率差異造成的股利稅租稅罰,會使得權益資金成本上升;而且因為機構投資人較一般投資人享有較多租稅優惠,造成其適用稅率較低;而公司的邊際投資人又多為機構投資人,因此機構投資人持股可減輕股利稅租稅罰造成權益資金成本上升的情形。 / This study uses the empirical model proposed by Dhaliwal, Krull, Li, and Moser (2005) to examine the effect of investment tax on the cost of equity capital. Dhaliwal et al. (2005) used the top statutory tax rates on dividends and capital gains to get the variable “penalty”; however, it may not perfectly capture the dividend tax penalty. We follow the assumption that individual directors and supervisors may adopt higher tax rate than other individual stockholders (Hsu, Yu, Hung, and ,Chi 2000), then derive the variable “penalty” by using the rate of shares owned by individual directors and supervisors as the proxy variable of individual stockholder‟s marginal tax rate. This study uses the financial data of listed companies in Taiwan via Taiwan Economic Journal database (TEJ database) from 2000 to 2009 for regression analysis. The empirical results show that the dividend tax penalty resulting from the difference between the tax rate on dividend and capital gain increase the cost of equity capital. Furthermore, institutional investors always receive more favorable tax treatment than individual investors, making them adopt lower tax rate, and a firm‟s marginal investor is more likely to be an institutional investor, therefore the aggregate institutional ownership mitigates the increase of cost of equity capital.

自動化機電零組件產業通路商之策略行銷分析 ─以行銷4C架構觀點分析 / Strategic marketing analysis of distributors in automation components industry: a case study from marketing 4C framework aspect

劉年進 Unknown Date (has links)
2.5級產業的發展,近年來成為台灣培育的重點產業,其特色為以製造業為基礎的服務業,此價值建立在對上游提供市場資訊;對下游提供設計支援、產品協助和技術維修等服務。因此,本研究探討對象為自動化機電零組件產業之通路商角色─羅昇企業,身為該產業領導通路商正為2.5級產業的最佳詮釋者。 通路商的位置是確保產品能從上游原廠遞送到終端使用者手上,建立的是一種遞送的價值。而經銷代理商也會遭受挑戰,舉凡像是大廠進行整合,自行創設部門取代通路商的功能,或者藉由複式代理降低經銷代理商的議價力等。故在經銷代理商的管理上,必須要以效率與前瞻式的服務滿足上下游,鞏固自我的價值才能持續確保本身的競爭優勢,以避免落入「通路商的困境」。 故本研究主要是針對自動化機電零組件產業為背景,並以其中擔任通路商之羅昇企業為研究對象,進行產業態勢與策略行銷架構的探討。本研究屬於質性之探討性研究,以次級資料的蒐集整理和個人在業界二十多年的經驗為基礎,撰寫成個案,內容包含羅昇企業的創業沿革、現今的產業競爭態勢和羅昇企業未來的成長挑戰等。 本研究是以策略行銷4C架構作為分析架構,並利用其主要的四項變數作為分析的構面,分別為:外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、外顯單位效益成本和專屬陷入成本,藉由此四項變數分析羅昇企業的作為和互動,再針對其中能改善之部分,對羅昇企業之未來發展提出以下三點建議,並深入探討作法可行性: 1.提升服務層級,取代上下游價值活動。 除了原本通路商功能之外,專注於往下游延伸,做顧問式服務、產品設計支援和客製化研發。 2.整合客戶資訊,掌握市場動態。 整合客戶需求,以關係鞏固合作關係。並藉由掌握市場動向,即時性做策略調整,創造資訊上的落差,建立本身在資訊上的價值。 3.拓展產品與經驗,強化本身核心能力。 藉由拓增產品線,達到模組化銷售以求一次購足(one stop shopping),強化銷售實力;除此之外,提升組織學習,加速產品應用知識的建立,求得全方位解決方案。

中小企業如何在與國際大廠的競爭下,進入新市場之策略---以A公司切入大陸風電複合材料行業為例 / The new market entry strategy for a small / medium enterprise to compete with international enterprises --- example: A company penetrates into (composites solution for) China Wind Energy Industry

林雍堯, Yung Yao Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以中國大陸從2005 年到2010年的風力發電之複合材料葉片產業為背景,討論A公司如何從其原來所屬的防腐蝕複合材料行業,跨入一個完全不同應用的風力葉片複合材料行業。於產業進入過程中,有三家迥然不同規模、屬性、企業文化的企業,於過去數年在大陸市場的競爭為研究範疇。 而在這一市場中依其資本來源,可概分為外資、國企與民企三大類,而因著資本來源不同導致其管理團隊與決策模式,有著極大的差異,因此對交易過程的四種成本亦有相當大的認知與評價差異。而這三家競爭廠商於面對不同客戶屬性時,如何依據其個別公司的不同市場地位、公司資源與技術能量,而採行的市場競爭策略。 A公司於競爭初期,利用其既有的品牌知名度、人脈與通路,以降低C2為第一要務,而後利用C2在地優勢與國際原料大廠建立策略聯盟,產生C1的競爭優勢。進一步利用C1優勢降低客戶C3,隨著個案的增加,增強與上游供應鏈的談判力量,再回頭去強化C1的競爭優勢,以本研究所處的市場,所有的競爭最後都還是回到C1的競爭。並對未來的發展提出如何增強各個成本構面的建議,與提升公司淨利的建議。 / The background of this study is based on the wind blade industry of wind turbine from year 2005 till year 2010 in mainland China. We try to analysis how the company A crosses into an entire new industry – wind blade composites from their original anti-corrosion application. And the scope of this study based on these three enterprises with complete different scales, categories and cultures how to compete in mainland China wind blade composites industry in the past 5 years. We may distinguish those customers into three types based on their different capital compose: foreign enterprise, state own company and private company. Due to the different capital compose, it cause quite obvious difference between the business philosophy of the management team and decision model. It also caused huge difference in recognition and evaluation of four kinds of transaction cost. Those three major suppliers how to take different compete strategies when they are facing different customer attributes based on their own corporate market position, company resources and technology. At the very beginning stage, company A leverages its original brand name, connections and channels in composites industry to lower its C2 as first priority. And then company A tries to build the strategic alliances with those global material suppliers to create the compettive advantage of C1. The further step is to reduce customers’ C3 through its C1 advantage. The more customers company A gets, the more bargain power she has with her supplier chain and then she could strengthen her own C1 competitive strength. The most fundamental competition is always backing to C1 competition in wind blade composite section of wind energy industry in China.

併購獨立專家之選擇及併購後綜效之探討 / A study on the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction

黃玉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將我國獨立專家可能發揮之功能分為能夠認證交易係公平且無弊端之「消極認證功能」及能積極預測綜效並為市場排除不具綜效交易之「積極認證功能」,並藉由分析代理成本與獨立專家選擇之關聯性,以及獨立專家自我選擇與併購後綜效之關聯性,實證探討我國獨立專家制度之運作概況及其功能。 研究結果發現,衡量代理成本之公司及交易特性變數中,負債比率較高、外部大股東持股比率較低、機構投資人持股比率較低、併購溢價較高、主併與被併公司相對規模較接近時,公司聘僱高聲譽獨立專家的可能性較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有降低代理成本之消極認證功能之論點。積極認證功能方面,本研究發現,以併購金額市佔率衡量獨立專家聲譽時,高聲譽獨立專家簽發評價報告之併購案,併購後市場佔有率成長幅度較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有積極認證功能之論點,但僅限於市場綜效部分。 / This study tests whether the negative certification function and positive certification function are important service performed by independent experts in the M&A transaction. It conducts an empirical investigation of the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction. The result demonstrates that when the debt ratio is high, the percentage of stock owned by institutional owners and external shareholders is low, the premium is high, and the size of acquirer and target is similar, acquirer tends to hire a more prestigious independent expert. It confirms that the negative certification function exists. In addition, we find that when the reputation (measured by market share) of independent experts is high, the market synergy in the M&A may be higher than others. It is because of that the independent experts tend to protect their reputation by choosing their clients rigorously. Therefore, the positive certification function is also confirmed.

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