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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新古典現實主義與俄羅斯外交政策 / Neoclassical Realism and Russian Foreign Policy

帕維爾希瑟克, Hysek, Pavel Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討俄羅斯外交政策之動機與推動因素,文中以新古典現實主義做為研究架構,並結合了體系層次因素(自變項)及個體層次的中介變項(如:領導人形象和戰略文化)。本論文所探討之時間軸橫跨1991至2014年,重點著重於以下兩研究案例:2008年南奧塞提亞戰爭及2014年克里米亞危機。針對此兩研究案例,作者使用「過程追蹤」和「歷史敘事」的研究方法,以驗證體系與個體層次因素對於俄羅斯外交政策的影響。 分析結果印證了新古典現實主義的主要假設:俄羅斯在相對物質權力提升的情況下,會同樣地擴大外交政策行動上的野心與版圖。雖然由第一個研究案例可得知,所謂的體系修正因素(如:地理位置、限制/允許因素、和體系明確性)對於俄羅斯介入喬治亞的決策有著重要的影響。而第二個假設提到,「總統普丁選擇設計、校正、調整策略上的選擇,反映文化上可接受的偏好,以維持國內的政治支持度」這個說法也已經被印證。本研究分析顯示,體系因素和個體層次中介變項對於2008年介入喬治亞及2014年併吞克里米亞的決策皆有影響。整體而言,當分析一個國家的外交政策時,新古典現實主義確實是個強而有力的架構,但作者也深知仍有進一步研究的必要。 / This thesis aims at contributing to the debate on the motives and drivers of Russian foreign policy. It uses neoclassical realism as an enhanced research framework which combines systemic stimuli (independent variable) and unit-level intervening variables such as leader images and strategic culture. The work investigates the period from 1991 to 2014 with focus on two case studies, namely the Russo-Georgian war in 2008 and the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in 2014. This two case studies use process-tracing method and historiography to test the effect of systemic and unit level factors on the Russian foreign policy. The analysis has confirmed the main neoclassical realist expectation that an increase in the relative material power of the Russian Federation will lead to a corresponding expansion in the ambition and scope of Russian foreign policy activity. Although, especially the first case study showed, that the so called systemic modifiers, such as geography, restrictiveness/permissiveness and systemic clarity had significant effect on the decision to intervene in Georgia. The second hypothesis stating that, “President Putin chooses to frame, adjust, and modify strategic choices to reflect culturally acceptable preferences to maintain domestic political support” was also confirmed. The analysis has shown that both systemic stimuli and unit level intervening variables influenced the final decision to intervene in Georgia in 2008, and to annex Crimea in 2014. Overall, neoclassical realism proved to be enhanced and a useful framework for analyzing foreign policy of a state. But the author is fully aware that a further research is needed.

中共「21世紀海上絲綢之路」倡議之研究 / The study of the initiative of the PRC.'s 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road

蕭時光 Unknown Date (has links)
“21世紀海上絲綢之路”倡議與絲綢之路經濟帶的傳輸紐帶關係,發展成為“一帶一路”倡議,為中共在2013年所提出的戰略構想。 就美國而言,由於其經濟實力受金融危機影響減弱,透過積極干涉南海爭端,可協助其順利推進亞太戰略轉向,強化本國在東亞地區的權力基礎,並制約中國勢力擴張。相對於中共來說,應有效應對美國實施重返亞太戰略可能產生的各種不利影響。 本文探討對於共同建設的“21世紀海上絲綢之路”倡議,需要沿線各國與經濟體共同努力,願景需要由政治互信不斷增強,未來發展建置議程,共同促進聯合行動方案的互聯互通。 / The initiative of “One belt, one Road” means the economic belt of Land route of Silk Road connecting Mainland China with the countries of Central Asia and the transport ties of the Maritime Silk Road connecting Mainland China with the countries of ASEAN, which has been making a strategic formulation put forward by the People's Republic of China since 2013. The impact of islands disputes between China and Philippines on the security of South China Sea, as far as the United States is concerned, with its economic strength weakened by the financial crisis, by proactively interfering with that, it helps successfully reorient its regional strategy, strengthen the U.S. power base in East Asia, and prevent China from expanding further. On the other side, to the PRC., effective strategies should be put forward to all kinds of disadvantageous influences of America's returning to the Asia-Pacific region. This article argues that jointly building the initiative of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is required all parties to work together, the vision needs to be built for future development by increasing political mutual trust as well as development agenda so as to jointly promote inter connectivity.

俄羅斯亞太政策形成之研究 (1992-1998) / The Formation of Russia's Asia-Pacific Policy (1992-98)

劉蕭翔, Liou, Shiau-Shyang Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯獨立之初,其對外政策路線為「向西方一面倒」,亞太政策並未能與其對西方政策相提並論。但在短短數年間,俄羅斯與亞太區域大國—中共的關係急遽加溫,雙方建立了戰略夥伴關係。這足以說明俄羅斯的亞太政策在其對外政策中的比重已然提升。俄羅斯現行的對外政策走的是「東西平衡」路線;從而,俄羅斯的亞太政策也有重大的調整。本論文將探討1992至1998年間,俄羅斯的亞太政策如何形成。 本論文認為:1992年俄羅斯獨立之後,俄羅斯的亞太政策乃是在國內經濟發展的需求以及戰略三角的互動等環節關聯上,受到克里姆林宮政治生態互動而形成。此一命題可再引申為下列邏輯相關的子命題:(一)由於美國主導北約的東進使俄羅斯感受威脅,加上中共與美國的戰略衝突,引起美俄中戰略三角的互動,促使俄羅斯意圖聯合中共以制衡美國,因而造成俄羅斯亞太政策的重大調整。(二)在俄羅斯國內經濟凋敝的情況下,俄屬遠東的開發為其自力救濟的唯一途徑。為加速俄屬遠東的開發,俄羅斯勢必要開創有利的國際環境,從而必須調整其亞太政策。(三)俄羅斯亞太政策的形成與其國內政治生態的互動有密切的關聯:克里姆林宮政治生態互動,造成俄羅斯的對外政策路線從原來的「向西方一面倒」徹底轉為東西平衡的「雙頭鷹」,而亞太政策就是其重要環節之一。 上述的三個成因,構成本論文的核心論點;而對應於此三個論點,本論文將分六章探討。第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與範圍、文獻述評與研究途徑。第二章:俄羅斯的亞太政策。本章將略述俄羅斯獨立後,其亞太政策的實際運作。當中以俄羅斯對中共、日本與南北韓的政策,做為重點加以描述,其次再論及俄羅斯對東南亞地區國家的政策。第三章:戰略三角互動對俄羅斯亞太政策的影響。本章將闡述戰略三角互動對俄羅斯亞太政策形成的影響。第四章:俄羅斯遠東經濟開發對其亞太政策的影響。本章將檢視俄屬遠東經濟開發對俄羅斯亞太政策的影響。第五章:俄羅斯政治生態互動對其亞太政策的影響。本章將探討克里姆林宮政治生態互動對俄羅斯亞太政策的影響。第六章:結論。 目錄-----------------------------------------------------------I 圖表目錄------------------------------------------------------VI 縮寫表------------------------------------------------------VIII 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與目的-----------------------------------------1 第二節 研究範圍-----------------------------------------------4 第三節 文獻述評-----------------------------------------------6 第四節 研究途徑與架構----------------------------------------13 第二章 俄羅斯的亞太政策--------------------------------------24 第一節 俄羅斯對東亞政策--------------------------------------26 一、俄羅斯對中共政策------------------------------------------26 (一)俄中夥伴關係層次的提升—由「睦鄰友好」到「戰略夥伴」----26 (二)俄中夥伴關係的具體表現----------------------------------30 二、俄羅斯對台灣政策------------------------------------------36 (一)俄台關係—中斷四十年後的交流----------------------------36 (二)俄台經貿往來成果----------------------------------------37 第二節 俄羅斯對東北亞政策------------------------------------39 一、俄羅斯對日政策--------------------------------------------40 (一)俄日零和關係的轉變—「東京宣言」------------------------40 (二)俄羅斯對日政策推行的障礙—北方四島問題------------------41 二、俄羅斯對朝鮮半島政策--------------------------------------44 (一)俄羅斯對南韓政策—漸行漸遠的雙邊關係--------------------45 (二)俄羅斯對北韓政策—由疏而近的調整------------------------47 第三節 俄羅斯對東南亞政策------------------------------------49 (一)俄羅斯與東協「對話夥伴關係」的建立----------------------49 (二)俄羅斯東南亞政策的具體成就------------------------------52 第三章 戰略三角互動對俄羅斯亞太政策的影響--------------------54 第一節 俄美的戰略衝突----------------------------------------56 (一)俄美「成熟戰略夥伴關係」的建立--------------------------56 (二)俄美之間日漸浮現的衝突----------------------------------58 (三)俄美衝突的激化—美國主導北約東擴------------------------66 第二節 美中的戰略衝突----------------------------------------77 (一)「圍堵」與「反圍堵」------------------------------------77 (二)美國干涉1996年台海飛彈危機------------------------------84 (三)貌合神離的美中「建設性夥伴關係」------------------------87 第三節 俄中的戰略匯合----------------------------------------91 (一)俄羅斯對中共的軍售與技術轉移----------------------------91 (二)俄中邊界裁軍與互信措施的建立----------------------------97 (三)俄中對外戰略的互補--------------------------------------99 第四節 戰略三角互動對俄羅斯亞太政策的影響-------------------110 第四章 俄屬遠東開發對俄羅斯亞太政策的影響-------------------112 第一節 俄屬遠東的開發現況與困境-----------------------------113 (一)俄屬遠東開發的歷史回顧---------------------------------114 (二)俄屬遠東的開發現況-------------------------------------119 (三)俄屬遠東開發所面臨的困境-------------------------------123 第二節 東北亞區域經濟合作對俄屬遠東開發的必要性-------------130 (一)東北亞區域經濟合作的源起—圖們江開發計劃---------------130 (二)東北亞區域經濟合作—圖們江開發計劃的推行現況-----------133 (三)東北亞區域經濟合作對俄屬遠東開發的必要性---------------137 第三節 俄羅斯國內對俄屬遠東開發的歧見-----------------------140 (一)俄羅斯的遠東開發政策-----------------------------------140 (二)遠東地區對開發當地的看法-------------------------------146 第四節 俄羅斯為其遠東開發所做的政策調整---------------------150 (一)裡應外合的前置調整-------------------------------------150 (二)俄屬遠東開發與俄羅斯亞太政策之間的聯繫-----------------152 (三)俄羅斯亞太政策因應俄屬遠東開發的調整-------------------153 第五節 俄屬遠東開發對俄羅斯亞太政策的影響-------------------164 第五章 俄羅斯政治生態互動對其亞太政策的影響-----------------166 第一節 俄羅斯亞太政策的決策機制-----------------------------168 (一)總統府-------------------------------------------------168 (二)外交部-------------------------------------------------176 (三)國會---------------------------------------------------178 第二節 對外政策路線論爭的影響-------------------------------180 (一)俄羅斯對外政策路線的轉折-------------------------------180 (二)大西洋學派、歐亞大陸學派與大俄羅斯帝國學派-------------183 (三)對外政策路線的論戰-------------------------------------186 (四)「俄羅斯對外政策概念」與「俄羅斯的戰略」之比較---------191 第三節 府會之間對立的影響-----------------------------------197 (一)府會政爭的前夕-----------------------------------------197 (二)府會衝突的激化-----------------------------------------200 (三)府會之間對立對俄羅斯外交路線的影響---------------------209 第四節 國會政治生態的影響-----------------------------------211 (一)93國會大選後的政治生態---------------------------------212 (二)95國會改選的衝擊---------------------------------------217 (三)國會政治生態對俄羅斯外交路線的影響---------------------224 第五節 總統大選的衝擊---------------------------------------226 (一)96外長易人後國內的政治生態-----------------------------226 (二)車臣戰事的糾葛-----------------------------------------231 (三)總統大選對俄羅斯外交路線的影響-------------------------238 第六節 俄羅斯政治生態互動對其亞太政策的影響-----------------240 第六章 結論-------------------------------------------------242 參考書目-----------------------------------------------------245 / In the initial stage immediately after its dependence, Russia’s foreign policy was following the line of “inclining to the West” therefore, the gravity of Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy was disproportional comparing with that of its Policy toward the West. Nevertheless, during recent years, the Russo-Chinese relation has developed rapidly, and both sides have established the “strategic partnership”. This means that Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy has become more and more significant since Russia is seeking an equilibrium between the East and the West in its current foreign policy. Against this background, this thesis will survey the factors that exert impact on the formation of Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy during the period from 1992 to 1998. This thesis is taking the position that Russia’s Asia-Pacific policy has been shaped by the Kremlin politics within the context of its domestic imperative of economic development and the interaction of “Strategic Triangle” politics since the collapse of the former Soviet Union. This hypothesis can be further developed into the following three logically intertwined propositions: (1) Due to the US led NATO expansion eastward, which has created threats Russia’s security and the strategic conflict between the U.S.A. and the PRC. Russia intends to search the support from the PRC in order to check the US hegemonism. Under this consideration, Russia adjusts its Asia-Pacific Policy. (2) With the difficulties in its domestic economic development, the development of Russia’s Far East is the only way to release Russia from such a predicament. In order to accelerate the development of Russia’s Far East, Russia, it is necessary to search for a stable international condition. This consideration also demands that Russia adjust its Asia-Pacific Policy. (3) The formulation of Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy is driven by its domestic political struggle: Kremlin politics makes the thoroughgoing change of Russia’s foreign policy line. Now Russia is seeking an equilibrium between the East and the West, which demands an adjustment in its Asia-Pacific policy in turn. These three factors above constitute the core points of this thesis. In accordance with these points, this thesis will be discussed in six chapters. Chapter one is introduction, it will explain the purpose, scope and approaches of this study. Chapter two will survey the development of Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy during the period defined. This chapter will sketch the implementation of Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy, with emphasis on Russia’s policies toward the PRC, Japan and the Korean Peninsula, and the Southeast Asia. Chapter three will explore the influence of the Strategic Triangle politics. Chapter four will examine the influence of the development of Russia’s Far East on Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy. Chapter five will discuss how the Kremlin politics influences Russia’s Asia-Pacific Policy. Chapter six is conclusion.

德國梅克爾政府對中國政策之研究(2005-2009) / The research of the Merkel's policy toward China(2005-2009)

劉育銘, Liu, Yu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
時至中國崛起的今日,世界上任何一國都無法忽略中國的存在。中國在改革開放後,憑著眾多的人口及豐富的資源,逐漸加強在國際上的影響力。各國遂加強與中國的關係,德國政府也不例外,在冷戰結束統一後,科爾總理即發表亞洲政策,宣佈加強與亞洲國家特別是中國的關係。繼任的德國總理施洛德則在對外政策上更加親中,曾三度訪問中國,經貿合作尤為其重點。2005年上任的梅克爾卻採取疏遠中國的作法,視中國為競爭對手。不但在新的亞洲戰略決議上建議加強亞洲國家如日本、澳洲以及印度的關係以圍堵中國,更以人權外交的名義持續給中國施加壓力。 而本論文就是以層次分析來研究梅克爾的對中外交政策,期望能以國際、國內以及個人因素來分析梅克爾政府與前任政府相比,來找出影響對中政策上轉變的原因。另外德國有著基本的外交政策,即基本保護德國的利益不會改變變,筆者也希望能找出其中變與不變之處,並分析這些基本外交政策對於中國政策的影響。 / “China rising” now is a hot topic in International affairs. By most population around the world and vast territory, China is gradually increasing its influence toward the international society. Many nations have seen this and tried to intensify bilateral relationship with China. Germany did so too. Following end of the Cold War, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl issued a file called “Asian policy” to strengthen the relation between the asian partner especially China. The Successor of Kohl, Gerhard Schröder, was following the rules even much closer toward China. In his term of chancellor, he has visited China as much as three times with a lot of business. Angela Merkel replaced Schröder in 2005 to be the new german Chancellor. Her party issued “Asia as strategic challenge and chance for Germany and Europe” to regard China as competitor of trade and tactic. Merkel also gave a lot of pressure with “Human Rights” to China. This Article is for Merkel’s foreign policy toward China with “Level-Analysis”. Author expects to find the shift of the foreign policy toward China from Schröder to Merkel. In another part, Germany has its framework of the basic foreign policy. We should know that the german vital interest with protecting business can’t be changed. But there are still slight differences between each german government. That’s why author wants to find it in this thesis.

中國對非洲的經濟外交研究─中非合作論壇之角色與功能分析 / A study of China’s economic diplomacy in Africa─ An analysis of the role and function of the Forum on China – Africa Cooperation—FOCAC

江碧鋒 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀是中國的世紀。自1978年改革開放以來,以漸進式的經濟改革政策成功發展出「具有中國特色的市場經濟」型態,使得經濟成長迅速。在2010年時,中國已經領先日本躍升為僅次於美國的世界第二大經濟體,累積雄厚經濟實力的中國,綜合國力迅速從亞洲崛起。隨著經濟力量、綜合國力的提升,中國在國際的地位也水漲船高,影響力日益升高,因此,中國在對各國的經濟外交運作上更具有著力度。 中國對非洲的經濟外交已經長達半個多世紀,從改革開放前的經濟無償援助關係,到改革開放後的雙方合資合作關係,再發展到現階段互利的「新型戰略夥伴」關係,中國以本身的經濟發展進程對非洲展開階段不同的經濟外交內容。 進入21世紀,崛起的中國需要更多的原物料、能源來維持經濟成長,而天然資源豐富、石油天然氣能源相繼被發掘的非洲,正是中國所需,加深中非經濟關係為中國本世紀要務之一,「中非合作論壇〈Forum on China – Africa Cooperation—FOCAC〉」基於這種背景下應運而生,透過論壇對話平台,中非關係在政治、能源和經貿關係上快速發展。同時,中國也認真落實歷屆論壇中對非洲所宣布的各项援助措施,因此,中國在非洲的影響大幅增強,中非關係更趨緊密。 另一方面,由於全球能源稀缺,西方大國也急於涉足非洲,密切的中非關係引來「中國威脅論」及「新殖民主義」的負面評論。“新非洲爭奪戰”在遙遠的非洲悄然掀起,也間接對全球國際關係產生了影響。 / The 21st century is the century of the Chinese. Since the reform in 1978, the progressive economic reform policy has successfully facilitated the development of the “Market economy with Chinese characteristics” model, thereby allowing the economy to achieve rapid growth. In 2010, China became the world’s second largest economy, ahead of Japan and second only to the United States. Having accumulated solid economic strength, China has increased its national strength and has soared in Asia. With this new economic power, combined with the increase in national strength, China’s international influence soared and its influence continues to increase. Therefore, China’s economic diplomacy in different countries has become more intense. China’s economic diplomacy in Africa has been progressed for over half a century. From the Aid for Debt Relief before the reform and opening-up, the joint venture partnership after the reform and opening-up, to the current mutually-benefiting development of the “new strategic partnership” relationship, China has launched economic diplomacy, the content of which has been carried out in different stages in connection with China’s own economic development process. In the 21st century, China has been the rise and is in need of more raw materials and energy to sustain its economic growth while Africa with abundant natural resources and natural gas energy being discovered is exactly what China is after. One of China’s priorities in this century is to deepen its economic relations with Africa. This background has led to the establishment of a platform for open talks: Forum on China-Africa Cooperation-FOCAC has undergone political, energy, and economic and trade relations with rapid development. Meanwhile, China has earnestly implemented the various assistance measures for Africa in the previous FOCAC sessions. Thus, China’s influence has intensified and China-Africa relations have become closer. On the other hand, due to the global energy scarcity, countries in power in the west have anxiously set food in Africa. The close relationship between China and Africa has led to negative comments such as the “China Threat Theory” and “New-colonialism. The “new scramble for Africa” has been quietly set off in Africa with an indirect impact on international relations.

21世紀日本對中外交決策模式研究-以日中戰略互惠關係為例 / Japanese China policy decision model in the 21th Century—a case study of Sino-Japan Strategic and mutual beneficial relationship

沈家銘, Shen, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)

台灣、中國與中美洲國家三邊關係之分析(2000年至2008年) / Trilateral Relations between Taiwan, China and Central America (2000-2008)

陳翰民, Chen, Han Ming Unknown Date (has links)
2007年6月,與我建交長達60年以上之中美洲國家哥斯大黎加(Costa Rica)驟然宣佈與中國大陸建交,當時各界開始擔憂,台灣過去在中美洲頗為自豪之完整外交版圖在缺少了一角後,是否將發生骨牌效應?雖然事後證明此種疑慮並未成真,但已引起各界對我國維繫邦交成效之討論,也成為筆者之研究動機。 本文研究方法係針對傳統戰略三角分析途徑之侷限,提出改良式三邊關係分析模型,用以研究2000年至2008年期間台灣、中國大陸及中美洲友邦三邊關係。本研究目的有三,第一、界定台灣在此時期三邊關係中之地位優劣及導因,分析台灣在維繫邦交之優勢、劣勢、機會與挑戰。第二、藉由分析我國在三邊關係中之優勢及劣勢,進而提出提升地位及鞏固邦交之策略建議。第三、在研究方法層次,嘗試建構一套合理之三角關係分析途徑,設計出更合理且適用性更高之研究途徑。


鍾俊山 Unknown Date (has links)
2002年元月,美國小布希總統宣稱北韓與伊拉克、伊朗,同屬「邪惡軸心」(Axis of Evil)國家,這些國家均係美國列入防止核武擴散之對象,於是北韓與美國關係旋墜落谷底,北韓之鬥爭策略是先昇溫,復加壓,然後迫使美國讓步;北韓復於2006年10月9日,正式對外宣布成功進行地下核武試驗,此舉無疑對東亞及國際安全均帶來衝擊。台灣基於同為亞太國家成員之一,應該理解北韓核武危機所牽動東北亞安全環境變化,以及美國、日本、中國及俄羅斯等國家多邊體系關係,倘北韓核武危機未能圓滿解決,擁核後之北韓除易成為東北亞潛伏威脅外,將引起日本加速武裝。北韓除製造核武問題外,北韓經濟困頓、民不聊生,朝鮮勞動黨為維繫獨裁政權統治,大肆販售飛彈等軍火牟取利益,甚至遭控訴涉及國際間多起販毒、製造假煙及偽造美鈔事件,而台灣位居東亞海空交通樞紐,台灣海峽為北韓船隻往來必經之路,因而有必要瞭解北韓政軍經現況,深入剖析北韓對於國際間衍生種種安全問題,訂定因應措施,以確保國家安全。 由於台灣外交情勢嚴峻,往往無法參與區域性國際組織,北韓乃伺機對台洽購精密儀器或刺探高科技產業技術,使得台灣容易成為北韓覬覦獲得國際管制性物品漏洞,本論文試圖探究並思索如何防止北韓向台灣採購可供軍事用途之精密儀器等用品,或可供生產提昇國防武器裝備之科技機器流向北韓,並配合國際反恐措施予以列管,這樣不僅符合國際利益,而且可以提昇台灣國際形象與國家地位;況且台灣亦有必要隨時瞭解國際上及美、歐等先進國家之最新出口管制措施,從而監督台灣廠商禁止將進口之高科技戰略性物品與生產之精密工具機,輾轉出口至管制地區(包括:伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、北韓、中國、古巴、蘇丹等國),並配合國際防止擴散組織,共同防止大規模毀滅性武器擴散,形成全球安全之出口管制制度。 / In January 2002, President George W. Bush declared North Korea, Iraq, and Iran as an “axis of evil”. These countries are regarded as subject to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons by the U.S. As a result, the relationship between North Korea and the U.S. has deteriorated. North Korea has attempted to gradually increase pressure to force the U.S. to concede; on October 9, 2006, North Korea officially announced the success of its secret nuclear weapon test, which undoubtedly made a tremendous impact on security in East Asia and the world. As a member of the Asia Pacific Region, Taiwan should understand how security in Northeast Asia changes due to the fact that North Korea is now a country with nuclear weapons. Taiwan should also be aware of the multilateral relations between the U.S., Japan, China, and Russia. Without a satisfactory solution to the threat of North Korean nuclear weapons, Japan may accelerate its military build-up in response to this lurking danger in Northeast Asia. Besides the nuclear weapon issue, North Korea has a poor economy and starving people. The Korean Workers’ Party has been accused of being involved in arms sale (such as missiles), international drug smuggling, counterfeit tobacco products, and counterfeit U.S. banknotes in order to maintain its dictatorship. As Taiwan’s geographic position is vital in the air and sea transport in East Asia, it is imperative for Taiwan to understand North Korea’s politics, armed forces, and economy. Taiwan must analyze and understand international security issues related to North Korea and map out corresponding actions so as to ensure national security. Due to its difficult diplomatic situation, Taiwan is unable to join many regional organizations. Therefore, North Korea takes this opportunity to purchase precision devices or pry into high technology from Taiwan. This makes Taiwan prone to become a legal loophole of which North Korea can take advantage to obtain international control items. This study investigates the ways for Taiwan to prevent North Korea from purchasing precision devices for military use or high-tech machinery that can improve defense weapons. In addition, the study also discusses how Taiwan can have better export control against North Korea by conforming to international anti-terror measures. To follow international principles is not only in line with global interests, but can also improve Taiwan’s international image and status. Therefore, Taiwan must keep itself updated of the latest export control measures implemented by the U.S., Europe, and other advanced countries. By doing so, Taiwan government can also prevent corporations in Taiwan from re-exporting strategic high-tech commodities and related production machinery to controlled territories, such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, China, Cuba, and Sudan. With cooperation with international non-proliferation organizations, proliferation of WMDs can be stopped and a comprehensive export control network can be formed to maintain global security.

新世紀之初中共與泰國關係之研究 / A study on the relations between the PRC and Thailand in the 21st century

賴欣宏 Unknown Date (has links)
中共與泰國於1975年建交後,雙方關係發展漸趨密切。1999年所簽署之《中華人民共和國與泰王國關於二十一世紀合作計畫聯合聲明》,明確指出雙邊關係的發展方向,兩國不斷推進在政治、經濟、軍事、及社會等各領域之合作。本論文主要探討新世紀迄今兩國在此四項領域之關係發展。 2001年雙邊簽署關於戰略性合作的《聯合公報》,2007年簽署首份《中泰戰略性合作共同行動計畫》,2012年簽署第二份《中泰戰略性合作共同行動計畫(2012-2016)》,並發表《中華人民共和國和泰王國關於建立全面戰略合作夥伴關係的聯合聲明》,雙邊關係再創高峰。 身為東協創始會員國的一員,泰國與中共密切合作以促進東協與中共之關係,並持續為地區之和平、穩定及繁榮而努力。泰國對東協及中共採取靈活外交政策,以獲取自身政治及安全利益之考量不言而喻。 分析顯示1999年所簽署之二十一世紀合作計畫聯合聲明,的確成為拓展雙邊關係之政策指導,論文中將探討中共與泰國於新世紀初期之關係進展,並分析在此時期影響雙邊關係之相關因素。 / The relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Kingdom of Thailand have developed steadily and closely since the two countries established diplomatic ties on July 1, 1975. The signing of the joint statement on a plan of action for the 21st century in 1999 has made clear the future direction of bilateral cooperation. The two sides continued to push forward cooperation in political, economic, military and social fields. The main contention of this thesis is about the development of these four dimensions from 2000-2012. The PRC and Thailand have continuously signed the joint communique for strategic cooperation in 2001, the first joint action plan on strategic cooperation in 2007, and the second joint action plan (2012-2016) in 2012. They also signed the joint statement on establishing a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership to further promote and greatly enhance the bilateral relations. As an original member of ASEAN, Thailand works closely with the PRC to promote ASEAN- PRC relations, and continuously contributes to peace, stability and prosperity in the entire region as well. However, it is clear that Thailand has implemented active foreign policies toward ASEAN and the PRC to achieve its political and economic interests. The analysis shows that the two sides expand their relations under the guidance of the joint statement on a plan of action for the 21st century. This thesis is to study the development of the new relations between the PRC and Thailand in the 21st Century, as well as to analyze the factors cultivating bilateral relations during this period.

網路恐怖主義與美國防治政策 / Cyberterrorism and the U.S. Prevention Policies

黃書賢, Huang, Shu Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
網路恐怖主義(Cyberterrorism)為「網際網路」(Internet)與「恐怖主義」(terrorism)相互結合之產物,指恐怖份子為求引發嚴重破壞,並造成平民死傷,透過網際網路入侵國家關鍵基礎設施(critical infrastructures),並以之要脅政府或人民完成其政治性、宗教性或社會性目標。至2012年7月為止,對於網路恐怖主義相關議題之討論雖已持續約30年之久,然而各界對於網路恐怖主義之「定義」及「威脅性」兩項基本問題,仍然眾說紛紜,無法取得一致共識,而全球各地缺乏網路恐怖攻擊之實際案例之情況,亦使爭辯益加激烈。   在美國政府方面,經過2001年911事件的重大衝擊,其對於恐怖主義相關議題之敏感程度已大幅提高,並陸續制定多項反恐政策。美國是當前國際反恐行動的領導者,既為軍事與科技大國,同時也是諸多國際恐怖組織策劃攻擊之主要目標,有鑑於此,美國政府致力於防治網路恐怖主義,保護國內關鍵基礎設施不受侵襲,以維持社會安定及國家安全,其因應方式足以成為世界各國制定類似政策之重要參考對象。   本論文經由探討網路恐怖主義之基本意涵,比較「網路恐怖主義」、「網路犯罪」及「網路戰爭」三個概念之間的差異,嘗試針對網路恐怖主義形成明確之界定;接著綜整各界針對網路恐怖主義威脅性之爭論,以了解網路恐怖主義之真實威脅程度;最後觀察美國自柯林頓(Clinton)政府至今,有關防治網路恐怖主義政策之一系列發展、美國政府如何評估網路恐怖主義之威脅,以及在當前的政策架構之下,為保護國內關鍵基礎設施,其相對應之具體措施為何,試圖對於其整體政策建立客觀評價。 / Cyberterrorism, the convergence of “Internet” and “terrorism,” refers to the specific terrorist activities that were intended to cause massive destruction and casualties, proceeded by intruding the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems of national critical infrastructures via the Internet. Even though the discussion of the related issues of Cyberterrorism has continued for nearly 30 years now, neither the definition nor the evaluation of potential threat concerning Cyberterrorism has been settled. No consensus has been achieved. Furthermore, the lack of actual cases of Cyberterrorism attack around the world makes the debates even more intense. After the significant impact of September 11, 2001, the U.S. government has substantially raised the degree of sensitivity of the issues related to terrorism and developed a number of counter-terrorism policies. As the leader of the Global War on Terror and the greatest Power in the world, the U.S. is also the main target of many terrorist groups. With its military and scientific capabilities, the practices of the U.S. government on preventing Cyberterrorism, protecting its domestic critical infrastructures from intrusion, and maintaining social stability and national security would be excellent examples to other nations for the development of their own policies. To clarify the explicit definition of Cyberterrorism, this research refined the basic meaning of Cyberterrorism and distinguished differences among three related concepts: Cyberterrorism, Cybercrime, and Cyberwar. Moreover, this research sought to induct major arguments brought up by scholars in many intense debates on the extent of Cyberterrorism threat. Last but not least, by observing development of the U.S. related policy frameworks, how the U.S. government evaluates the extent of Cyberterrorism threat, and the corresponding measures for protecting the U.S. domestic critical infrastructures, this research presented an objective assessment on the U.S. overall counter-Cyberterrorism policies.

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