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九年一貫國民中學英語教科書口說練習活動之分析研究 / An Evaluation of Speaking Activities in Junior High School English Textbooks for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum黃思潔, Huang, Szu-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
教科書為老師及學生在課堂中學習英語的一個主要依據,所以教科書的內容和活動設計都會直接影響教學過程的進行方式和學生的學習狀況。本論文針對現行國民中學英語教科書中的口說活動進行探討,比較其中兩家出版社所出版的英語教科書如何設計口說活動及相關練習。本論文將教科書中的口說練習活動分別依照(1)活動類型、(2)溝通前之練習(pre-communicative activities)/溝通式活動(communicative activities)及(3)溝通程度(communicativeness)作分析,然後進一步去討論該活動設計是否符合九年一貫課程綱要中所敘述的方向準則。
根據資料分析結果,兩套教科書所採用的活動類型與進行方式相當類似,且集中在發音、句型練習、對話三種活動類型;所採用的口說活動類型中,以「在溝通前之練習」為主,「溝通式活動」則是相對少了很多;在溝通程度的分佈上,也都是以Category 4 (new information being transferred)和Category 6 (no information being processed)為主要。整體而言,此兩套教科書的活動設計不夠符合溝通式教學法的精神,在口說練習活動的設計上,雖然提供學生開口練習的機會,可惜份量不多,並且常缺乏語境,仍偏重傳統結構式的教學法,藉由反覆練習讓學生熟記文法句型。此與九年一貫課程綱要中所敘述之相關口說能力的準則相比較,仍有值得思考再進一步改善的空間。 / In the language classroom, textbooks are the primary resources which teachers and students rely on, so the content and the activity design would have direct influence on how the teaching/learning process proceeding. The present study analyzes speaking activities in two sets of English textbooks, trying to evaluate how they design the speaking activities and what similarities and differences are found between these two sets. These speaking activities are investigated from the perspectives of activity types, pre-communicative and communicative activities, and communicativeness, and then are discussed and evaluated based on the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum Guidelines.
According to the results, it is found that both two sets of textbooks apply similar types of speaking activities, where pronunciation, drills, and dialogue are used most. Moreover, most of these activities are pre-communicative and fall into Category 4 (new information being transferred) and Category 6 (no information being processed). Overall, the design of speaking activities is not communicative enough. Although both sets try to provide more opportunities for students’ verbal practice, the proportion is not high, and meaningful contexts are usually ignored. Furthermore, the structural method is emphasized, using repetition and memorization as main techniques for language teaching and learning. Finally, with regard to the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum Guidelines, it seems that activities in the textbooks are not closely in compliance with the guidelines for the large proportion of less communicative activities. Also, definitions of each guideline are not precise or clear enough, and this situation results in influences on how textbook writers realize and interpret these guidelines, and how they design the activities.
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馬來西亞中學歷史教育中的國族建構 / Nation-building in History Education of Malaysia’s Secondary Schools王麗蘭, Wong, Lee Lan Unknown Date (has links)
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現行國中英語教科書之評估 / An Evaluation of the Current Set of Junior High School English Textbooks吳思葶, Wu, Si Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由問卷調查,探討未來國中英語教科書編寫指引,並回答以下三個具體研究問題: (1)調查國中英語教師對於現行英語教科書之意見,是否符合現行國中英語教科書的編寫原則,並且進一步瞭解(2)在主題、份量、難易度方面,有何意見,以及(3)提供一套未來國中英語教科書適用之編寫指引。研究發現如下:(1)現行國中英語教科書包含溝通式教學法的一些原則,但並非所有的原則;(2)現行國中英語教科書符合部分英語教科書編寫通則,但需要再加強;(3)主題方面,例如日常生活、節慶、電腦受教師們喜愛;(4)現行國中英語教科書之份量與難易度一般而言適中,但份量和難易度並未均衡分佈於各冊;以及(5)未來國中英語教科書教師最愛之六項主題與六項活動。 / This study aims to find some relevant writing guidelines for future junior high school (hereafter JHS) English textbooks by conducting a questionnaire survey. Specifically, the study aims to do the following: (1) to find if the current set of JHS English textbooks has observed closely the guidelines, and (2) to understand teachers’ opinions about the current textbooks on themes, loading, and difficulty, and (3) to provide a set of alternative guidelines for future JHS English textbook writing. And the major findings include the following: (1) the current JHS English textbooks follow some principles of CLT, but do not include all of them; (2) the current JHS English textbooks meet some of the general principles for English textbook writing, but they need to be improved; (3) themes such as daily life, festival, and computer are appreciated by the JHS English teachers; (4) the degree of loading and difficulty of the current JHS English textbooks are moderate in general; however, the loading and difficulty in each volume are not evenly distributed; and (5) the six favorite themes and activities chosen by most teachers have to be covered in future JHS English textbooks.
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戰後台灣國民中小學教師教材選擇權發展之研究1945~2010 / The development of teacher’s option in teaching materials for elementary school and junior high school in Taiwan after World War II (1945-2010)李璟芳, Lee, Ching Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從教師教材選擇權的理論出發,透過政府公報、報紙等史料的瀏覽以及相關法令的分析,嘗試呈現戰後台灣國民中小學教師教材選擇權的發展脈絡及面貌。國民中小學教師的教材選擇,包括教科書選擇與補助教材選擇。在教科書選擇方面,深受教科書制度影響,而影響戰後台灣教科書政策的主要因素有蔣中正的強人意志、升學主義和解嚴後對教育開放多元的訴求。而在補助教材的選擇上,同樣受到政府的限制。其中參考書和測驗卷的使用,教育部更始終採取禁止的態度。 / In 1966, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted “Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers” agreed that teaching should be regarded as a profession and said, “The teaching profession should enjoy academic freedom in the discharge of professional duties. Since teachers are particularly qualified to judge the teaching aids and methods most suitable for their pupils, they should be given the essential role in the choice and the adaptation of teaching material, the selection of textbooks and the application of teaching methods.”
This thesis starts from theoretical studies, through analyzes in government published gazette, newspaper, and related law and ordinance, and then attempts to present the development of teacher’s option in teaching materials of Elementary School and Junior High School after the Second World War in Taiwan. The teaching materials include textbooks, reference books, and supplementary materials. The educational policy and school system effect deeply to the selection in textbooks. The Chiang Kai-Shek’s determination, the Obsession, and demands of open and diversification of education after martial law lifted are all the major causes to define the textbook policy in Taiwan after WWII. In the selection of supplementary materials, it is also under government’s restriction. The usage of reference books and test paper are complete prohibited by Ministry of Education in Taiwan.
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國小教科書對兒童的職業社會化──以國語和社會教科書為分析藍本 / 無曹方綺 Unknown Date (has links)
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教科書審查規準建構之研究-以九年一貫課程社會學習領域為例賴光真 Unknown Date (has links)
最後依據文獻分析的結果與實證研究的發現,本研究針對教科書審查規準的應用、未來建構、未來相關研究等,分別提出若干建議。 / Since there is still some unsatisfactory parts on the constructive process, methodology, structures and contents of screen-and-approval criteria(SAC) of textbooks, this study tries to explore these issues through literature analysis and questionnaire survey. The definition, functions, property, develop-and-construct model and constructive principles of SAC are discussed, and tries to construct SAC for social studies textbook of 1-9 curriculum guideline of compulsory education system is tried. The main purpose of this study is to establish the theoretical and empirical basis for the construction of SAC, and to offer reference for people who is going to construct SAC, modify SAC, or inquire the issues of the construction of SAC in future.
The screen-and-approval process of textbook is indispensable to the development of qualified textbooks in Taiwan. The major function of SAC is to assist and to restrain the screen-and-approval process, moreover it can guide the publishers to develop and publish qualified textbooks. SAC can also be a common conversation language between public and screen-and-approval institution, and be a reference material for the teachers who are being training. On the macro-dimension, the development model of SAC should include four elements : planning, constructing, implementing, and evaluating. On the micro-dimension, the construction process of SAC should follow three steps: to decide the approach of the construction of SAC, to design SAC, and to verify the validity of SAC. Through the model and process described above, the construction of SAC forms a dynamic circulating process. For the construction of and the appropriateness verification of SAC, there are 13 principles which can divide into 4 categories that must follow. The first category includes two principles that relate to constructive process that includes: 1.the construction of SAC must arrange some adaptive processes; 2.the construction of SAC must invite some experts and stakeholders to participate. The second category includes three principles that relate to constructive approach : 3.construct a subject-oriented SAC, not a generic type one; 4. construct SAC for screen-and-approval use only, not for all kinds of textbook evaluations; 5.the result of screen-and-approval must display in quality mode. The third category includes two principles that relate to the structure of SAC : 6.SAC must separate to some sections according to the stages of the screen-and-approval process; 7.all SAC must be uncompromising criteria. The fourth category includes six principles that relate to the content of SAC that includes: 8. SAC must contains all criteria that textbook screen-and-approval need to consider; 9.the standard of passing of each SAC must proper; 10.all SAC must be relevant to textbook quality and effectiveness; 11.the implication of each SAC must concrete and clear; 12. SAC must exclude the criteria that relate to practical effectiveness of textbooks; 13.all SAC must exclusive mutually. For the appropriateness verification of SAC, it is necessary to check whether the SAC can function as to assist and to restrain the screen-and-approval process, and to guide the publishers to develop and publish qualified textbooks.
In order to construct SAC of social studies textbooks of 1-9 curriculum guideline of compulsory education system, the structure of textbook SAC is established through the discussion or research about the role and function of textbook, curriculum design, and reading comprehension. The upper structure of SAC are constituted by 6 dimensions: content selection, organization structure, instructional design, communicate effectiveness of text and illustrations and tables, physical making-up, and R & D process. Each dimensions includes many criteria items. For practical application, the theoretical structure of SAC should separate to three sections: the complication planning of textbook series, the main components of individual textbook, and the other components of individual textbook. Furthermore, it is necessary to elaborate the definition and evaluative method of each SAC in a booklet, so as to be the background knowledge and evaluation basis for people who screen-and-approval textbooks.
This study tries to verify the appropriateness of the constructive principles and SAC of social studies textbooks through consults several professors, teachers, publishers and somespecialists in edition, graphic arts, typography, and courseware. For the appropriateness of constructive principles, most of them are agreed by consultants, but those three principles that the result of screen-and-approval must display in quality mode, all SAC items must to be uncompromising criteria, SAC must contains all criteria that textbook screen-and-approval need to consider, leave some rooms for arguing. Some consultants suggest the result of screen-and-approval can display in both qualitative and quantitative mode, some items of SAC can meet selectively, and some items of SAC are criteria that ought to consider in other situation of textbook evaluation. For the sake of the nature and goal of textbook screen-and-approval, it is suggested tend to persist the three principles above. If the construction of SAC don't follow those three principles, some remedies are needed.
For the appropriateness of SAC of social studies textbooks of 1-9 curriculum guideline, it can meet the constructive principles which are relevant to constructive process, approach, and structure. Most consultants agree that the SAC can meet those constructive principles which are relevant to the content and can perform the expectative functions, but some suggestions for revision are offered.
Consequently, with the outcomes of literature analysis and the findings of empirical research, some recommendations for the application, construction, research of SAC are made.
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小学校国語教科書における古典教材 : 学習指導要領改訂を受けてKATO, T, 加藤, 直志 01 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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門裡門外性別之思 : 澳門初中語文教科書中的女性形象分析 / 澳門初中語文教科書中的女性形象分析;"Probing into the gender issue : analysis on the female image in Chinese textbooks of Macau's junior high school"李一之 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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歷史教育與時代聚焦的轉變:以2000年高中歷史教科書下冊為例的討論 / The Transformation of History Education And the Foci of the Times:Discussion Based on History Textbooks for Senior High School Freshmen in 2000郭智勇 Unknown Date (has links)
本文從政治與歷史密不可分之關係,探討高中歷史教育與歷史教科書之間的關係與演變,焦點集中於高一下冊本國近現代史部分。鑒於目前新編高中本國史下冊審定本中的六版教科書,因編寫理念不同,在外部結構及主題內容有較大差異,在政治立場上尤為突出,特擇取中國近現代為研究主題,加以比較分析。在研究方法上,本文依據教科書的特性以內容分析法為主,從外部的結構量化分析,比較各版本在標題綱要、提綱、注釋、大事年表等方面之差異;從實質內容的分析,比較各版本間在課文內容、歷史評價、圖片內涵、研究與討論等方面之異同。藉此檢視其是否與部頒之高中歷史課程標準相符,觀察新舊教材轉變之軌跡,以及對此後之大學入學測驗、歷史教育之影響。同時透過本文之研究,希望能對當前台灣地區之歷史研究與歷史教育提供不同面向之省思,所提相關建議作為日後教育主管機關之參考與採納。 / After the school year of 1999, history textbooks for senior high school were no longer published, in a unified version, by the Ministry of Education (MOE) only; private publishing houses have been allowed to compile and publish various versions of textbooks since then. Even though all publishers follow the curriculum standards/ guidelines enacted by the MOE in 1995, diversity of contents still exists because of different concerns about compilation. Currently, there are six versions of history textbooks for senior high school: San-min, Da-tong, Zheng-zhong, Nan-yi, Jian-hong, and Long-teng, and therefore it is necessary to have a further discussion.
This paper discusses the evolution of history education and history textbooks for senior high school and the relationship between the two by analyzing the interplay between politics and history. Since the six versions of history textbooks are very different in their external structure and contents because of varied concerns over compilation, and the diversity is especially apparent in their political stances, modern and contemporary history of Chinese are chosen as the topics to be compared and analyzed. As for methodology, this paper mainly takes the content analysis approach due to the characteristics of textbooks. It compares the differences in titles, outlines, footnotes, and chronologies of important events by making quantitative analysis of the external structure, and compares the disparities in texts, historical evaluation, pictures, and questions for discussion by analyzing the contents. By doing so, the paper aims at examining whether the textbooks meet the curriculum standards, observing how the teaching materials have changed, and discussing the impacts brought by the change on college entrance exams and history education. Also, it is hoped that the paper offers reflections on historical research and history education in Taiwan from different perspectives, and the suggestions will be considered and adopted by the educational authorities.
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教科書產業多角化經營之研究-資源基礎理論觀點 / A Study on Diversification Strategy of Textbook Industry- The resource-based theory perspective譚蕙婷, Tan, Hui Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將以資源基礎理論(Resource-Base Theory, RBT)來探討企業多角化策略的成效,以K文教事業為例,討論的問題如下三點:
本論文採用個案研究方法,透過相關文獻回顧,以Amit & Livnat(1988)針對多角化策略經營的觀點,著重在既有資源能力的延伸、新能力的建構、產品線擴充來研究;再以Grant(1991)提出的資源基礎觀點,從企業擁有的資源與能力去做探討,包括公司的研發力、採購力、生產力、行銷力等方面來說明及印證。
本研究發現,企業在進行多角化策略投資評估時,若能更具體分析出企業本身既有的能力,並與多角化策略發展有更多正面的關連,則成功的機會越大,反之則越小;最後從營收的成長來判斷其經營的效益。 / Textbooks are a major media to teaching, a main source for students to gain knowledge. They bear the responsibility to pass on knowledge and social values. The contents not only need to reflect ideal educational philosophies and social era developments, but also adapt to different growing and learning needs of the students. Their importance is without question. However, other thank textbooks, exercise books, worksheets, handbooks, teaching activities, teaching tools, digital medias, lab activities, supplementary materials, and extended readings are also part of classroom teaching and student learning progress. These ancillaries, together with the main body—textbooks, comprise the textbook industry.
In the past, elementary and junior high school textbooks in Taiwan were unified and published by the government. Until 1989, textbooks of non-academic subjects were opened to private publishers for editing and publishing and in the year of 1996 elementary academic textbooks. Fourteen private publishers entered the business at that time. Not until later, they realized how high the threshold is to enter the business. The contents must keep up with social realities, not to mention other important elements such as printing, publishing, logistics, shipping and copy rights, etc. which could no longer rely on the total support and resources of the government. In addition, the exacerbating low birth rate and price inflation problems in Taiwan prohibit the publishers from setting textbook prices. As a result, the textbook industry is caught in low marginal profits. Therefore, sustainable development of publishers is an important topic to be discussed.
This study uses Resource-Based Theory (RBT) to investigate the effectiveness of diversification strategy with K Educational Publishing Group as an example. The following three areas are explored:
1.The developments and evolutions of the textbook industry in Taiwan.
2.The effects of macro-environment factors, such as government policies and low birth rate on Taiwan textbook industry.
3.The analysis on successful and unsuccessful factors of using existing resources for diversification strategy by the textbook industry.
This research utilizes case study method. Through literature review, the diversification strategy management perspective by Amit & Livnat (1988) is used in the study with the focuses on the extension of existing resources and skills, constructing new abilities and expanding product lines. In addition, this study also employs resource-based perspective proposed by Grant (1991) to explore the resources and abilities of the enterprise, such as the company’s research and development, purchasing, and marketing abilities as explanations and validations.
The results indicate that if the enterprise could objectively analyze its existing abilities when engaging in diversification strategy investment evaluations and have more positive connections with diversification strategy developments, it will have greater chance to success, otherwise smaller. Lastly, revenue growths can be used to evaluate management effectiveness of the enterprise.
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