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管理主義下的課責-以蘭陽文教基金會為例 / Accountability under managerialism: a case study on Lanyang Cultural and Educational Foundation林傑文, Lin, Jie Wun Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,即便公設財團法人一開始成立目的是為了避免過多的政治干擾,達到行政彈性。然而,從個案研究發現,基金會面對不同時期的課責時,這些課責的背後仍存在著政治因素的影響。課責系統中的政治力量足以讓這類組織面對課責,接受應有的規範,並且讓這類組織進入到課責體系裡。 / Under the trend of managerialism, government-sponsored non-governmental organizations have been widely used to take advantage of their flexibility and efficiency. Many, however, have concerned with the accountability of these organizations. Since they were created to escape regulatory control of existing governing system, a legitimate question to ask is the governability of such governing device.
This research uses Lanyang Cultural and Educational Foundation as a case to examine how such organization actually can be held accountable. After several years of undertaking the contract of such the big event as Yilan International Children’s Folklore & Folklore Game Festival (YICFFF), the organization evolved over years to internalize into the political system and thus was more scrutinized by the governmental agencies.
Details about institutional evolution and the political factors behind such change are revealed through in-depth interviews in field studies.While the original purpose of such device is to avoid excess politics, politics was eventually brought back in to meet the need of holding the system more accountable.
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習俗傳說融入跨文化華語教學之課程設計與實踐 / An instructional design and implementation of customary legends in intercultural Chinese teaching林以涵, Lin, Yi Han Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究結果如下:第一,於教學設計方面,本研究採用兩項教學模式之融合,為ADDIE教學模式及Moran之體驗式學習循環,有助於文化教學更加完整,達到跨文化的範疇,另外,於教材設計中,需針對學習者程度考量詞彙難易度,並注意應符合教學宗旨與課堂設計;第二,於實施成效方面,以習俗傳說為素材之華語教學課程,能夠增進學習者的語言技能,提供文化學習與體驗的機會,達到跨文化的目的。 / Language and culture are inextricably linked. Cultural concepts are considerably important for language learning and teaching, particularly for Chinese, a highly contextualized language with rich cultural implications. Folk customs in Chinese society are closely related to everyday life and can serve as important clues for understanding the living culture. Stories involving customs and legends can help learners of Chinese understand Chinese cultural implications, avoid cultural misunderstandings, achieve respect for others, and develop interculturel competence.
The teaching of folktales is usually used in the education of native Chinese speakers. In the field of teaching Chinese as a second language, it is generally restricted to heritage learners or learners at or above the high intermediate level. This study focuses on customary legends in folk literature with intermediate learners as the target group. Content analysis is used to determine appropriate topics for cultural teaching and text analysis to analyze teaching materials and intercultural teaching points. Established theories of cultural materials compilation and instructional design were referenced to inform our own instructional design. In addition, I adopted action research design and developed a survey instrument to use as an aid in examining the practice of Chinese language teaching.
The study has two objectives: first, to develop an instructional design for the teaching of customary legends, and intercultural concepts in adult Chinese language courses; and second, to investigate the effectiveness of utilizing customary legends, and intercultural concepts in adult Chinese language courses. ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) and Moran’s experiential learning cycle (knowing about, knowing how, knowing why, and knowing oneself) were used as models for course design. In addition, videos, questionnaires, and interviews were used to evaluate the implementation outcomes, and served as a basis for revision.
The results were as follows: First, the two teaching models that were incorporated into the instructional design for this study, the ADDIE Model and Moran’s experiential learning cycle, contributed to the comprehensiveness of cultural teaching and the achievement of an intercultural scope. However, during materials development, it was important to ensure that the degree of difficulty of the vocabulary matched learner levels, and that the vocabulary aligned with the teaching objectives and course design. Second, in respect to the effectiveness of implementation, I concluded that a Chinese language teaching course utilizing customary legends as teaching materials can enhance learner language skills, provide cultural learning and experiential opportunities, and achieve intercultural goals.
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在臺經驗對兩岸化的影響: 陸生觀點 / The Impact of Taiwan’s Experience on Cross-straitization: Perspective From Mainland Chinese Students魯嬪文, Lu, Pin-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
自2016年蔡英文政府執政以來,兩岸關係集聚降溫,經貿及政治往來遇冷,文化和教育交流成為海峽兩岸之間的唯一紐帶。在台陸生,特別是學位生,較之交換生在台灣停留時間更長,對台灣的認識和了解也更加廣泛且深刻,其之於兩岸文教交流的重要性不言而喻。學者們提出兩岸化的概念,用以描述衝突地區之間因為文教交流而降低衝突的過程,簡言之,兩岸化認為隨著兩岸的文教交流程度提高,彼此之間的和平程度也會隨之提升。本研究以在台陸生學位生為研究對象,調查其群體特征及在台經驗,探討陸生在台經驗和其對兩岸化認知之關聯。研究通過便利取樣的方式共收集838份問卷,并在此基礎上訪談了13名在台陸生。研究發現,在台陸生對於台灣社會文化滿意度最高,對台灣的政治表現滿意度最低。停留時間、社交狀況、社會參與以及負面體驗對陸生的兩岸化認知有顯著影響。其中,隨著在台停留時間增加,陸生對台的整體滿意度呈現W型分佈;和台灣同學的交流有助於提升陸生對於兩岸交流效果的肯定;在台參加過社會運動的陸生對于大陸的民主化更有信心;而同時,在台遭遇過歧視或霸凌的陸生對兩岸交流保持較為悲觀的態度。陸生對台灣的認知,特別是對兩岸化的認知對台灣以及兩岸關係有著深刻且長遠的影響。本研究之結果希望能為有關部門和學者提供可行之意見和建議,優化兩岸文教交流模式,推動兩岸關係的良性發展。 / After Tsai’s administration took office in 2016, the cross-strait relationship between Taiwan and Mainland China has become quite unpredictable in terms of economic and political communication. Cultural and educational exchange is regarded as the only sustainable interaction, which makes mainland students studying in Taiwan, especially the degree seekers with a deeper and more extensive contact with Taiwan society, an appropriate subject of study when exploring cross-straitization—a model indicates that the growth of cultural and educational exchange raises the degree of peace between Taiwan and China. Based on previous research and existing theory of contact and cultural and educational exchanges, the study examines the possible impact of the Taiwan’s experience on mainland Chinese degree-seeking student perspectives on cross-straitization. It employed questionnaires (838 valid samples) and in-depth interviews (13 samples) in 2016. The study found that Chinese students had a higher perception of socio-culture than the political and economic performance of Taiwan, as well as that time dimensions significantly impact on Chinese student perspectives of Taiwan and on unification; with the passing of time, these students’ views on unification first falls then rises. More contact with Taiwanese students provides a better understanding and potentially closes gaps between China and Taiwan. Likewise, participation in social movement increases Chinese students’ confidence in the democratization of China. In contrast, negative experiences, such as bullying and discrimination, impedes mutual understanding. The findings and discussion address the future research that is needed on cross-strait issues and recommends preventive and remedial measures, as well as policies to improve mutual communication and understanding.
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非營利組織救援功能之研究:以台灣九二一震災中六個個案為例游淑綺 Unknown Date (has links)
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開發中國家的政策執行理論--台北市兒童福利政策個案分析王蘊嶠, WANG, YUN-JIAO Unknown Date (has links)
行架構,就政策內容(content )因素及政策網路(context )因素探討政策執行的
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高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念與實踐 / Vocational High School English Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in Integrating Vocabulary Learning Strategies into Their Instruction廖乙驊, Liao,I hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所蒐集到的有效問卷為二百零一份,研究的對象為台灣的高職英文教師。研究方式採用量化的教師問卷佐以質性的教師訪談。共有八位教師參與本研究的訪談。訪談的內容經過整理分析,用來解釋或補充問卷統計的結果。分析問卷時,採用的統計方法有描述性統計、相關係數、單因子變異數分析。本研究的主題如下:(一) 教師信念及教學情形:分別以認知策略、社會策略、後設認知以及學習媒介等策略來探討、(二)教師信念與其實踐情形是否符合,與造成兩者之間不相符的可能原因以及(三)探討影響教師信念與實踐的各種因素。
1. 教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學抱持相當正面的態度,而實踐程度是中低等以上。
2. 由於統計顯示教師信念和實踐是正相關,教師實踐和他們的信念大致符合,不過教師所面臨的一些問題如教學時數限制、學生動機、教科書的設計、資源不足等會使他們無法完全遵照其信念於教學。
3. 一些因素如教學年資、教師學歷、學生程度、英語教學時間長短、教師是否參加字彙相關研習,以及是否接觸學習策略相關的研究報告等確實會影響教師的教學信念與實踐。
本研究有助於了解高職英文教師對於字彙學習策略融入教學的信念以及他們實踐的情形,希望能夠提升老師對於策略教學的覺知。研究者對於英文教師、師資培育機構、教育部還有教師書出版社提出建議改善之道,期望能進一步提升高職的英語教學。 / Although research has shown that teacher beliefs play a decisive role in teachers’ instructional judgments and decisions, their beliefs and practices in integrating vocabulary learning strategies have not gained enough attention in the recent English educational forum. This study aimed to explore what attitudes vocational high school English teachers held toward the instruction of vocabulary learning strategies and their practices of the beliefs. Literature review ranged from vocabulary instruction, vocabulary learning strategies to teachers’ beliefs and practices.
The participants of this study were vocational high school teachers in Taiwan. The data collection instruments were questionnaire and interview. The former provided mainly quantitative data and the latter qualitative data. A total of 201 valid questionnaires were analyzed and computed by means of descriptive statistics, correlation, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Eight teachers were contacted for the follow-up interviews. Their interview results were utilized to further support and explain the questionnaire data. There were three issues investigated in this study. The first one was teachers’ beliefs and practices in integrating vocabulary learning strategies into their instruction. Teachers’ beliefs and practices of cognitive strategies, social strategies, multiple sources, and metacognitive strategies were discussed. The second was the consistency and inconsistency between teachers’ beliefs and their practices and the possible problems that might cause the inconsistency. The third one was influential factors that affected teachers’ beliefs and practices.
Based on the results of the study, major findings were summarized. First, teachers approved highly of the integration of vocabulary learning strategies and the frequency of their practices ranged from low to high. Second, based on the significant correlation of teachers’ beliefs and practices, the relationship was generally consistent. However, teachers were not able to teach what they believed completely. Some of the strategies revealed larger gap due to the problems from the curriculum, students’ motivation, textbook design and teachers’ preparation. Third, variables such as teachers’ teaching experience, educational background, students’ BCT test score, instructional time, teachers’ attendance of workshops and their exposure to related research were found to be significant in affecting teachers’ beliefs and practices.
It is hoped that the study can contribute to more understanding of vocational high school teachers’ beliefs and practices in vocabulary learning strategies. Teachers may inspect their teaching process and raise the awareness of integrating vocabulary learning strategies into their teaching. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher further made suggestions to English teachers, teacher education institutes, the Ministry of Education and the textbook publishers. Results of this study might help enhance English teaching in vocational high schools.
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電腦輔助句子重組試題編製 / Computer assisted test item generation for sentence reconstruction黃志斌, Huang, Chih Bin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以基礎詞組為主軸,透過合併詞組和史丹佛剖析器的操作建構出英文句子重組試題編製環境,供教師編輯與學生練習。同時,我們在論文中也提報了中文句子重組試題編製環境的初步探討。 / This thesis presents a computer assisted environment for authoring test items for sentence reconstruction. Not only the teacher can author the test items for sentence reconstruction, but also the student can practice the test items in this environment.
A test item for sentence reconstruction asks the student to arrange the shuffled words in a correct order, and this type of tests can examine the knowledge of sentence patterns and grammars of the student. However, the rearranged sentence may match with not only the correct sentence that the teacher wants but also other sentences which are legal. But enumerating all possible legal and acceptable answers for judging the answer of the student manually makes the teacher taking a big load.
We construct a computer assisted environment for authoring test items for sentence reconstruction to lighten the load of the teacher. For the purpose of judging the answer of the student by a computer easily, the relative locations of the words are restricted so that we can restrict the sentences that the student arranges. When the teacher provides the correct answers, we try to find and return all of the sentences which may be legal for the teacher's consideration. However, our experience shows that it is difficult to find all of the legal sentences for a given set of words, and this problem associates closely with a certain syntactic research work.
This thesis depends on basic word groups to construct an environment of test item authoring for English sentence reconstruction by merging word groups and using the Stanford Parser, and report an initial study of an environment of test item preparation for Chinese sentence reconstruction.
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對外華語文聽力理解訓練: 一對一同步遠距教學之行動研究 / Developing listening comprehension for Chinese learners over the internet: An action research on synchronous distance tutoring sessions關慧凌, Kwan, Hwee Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要研究對象為三位身在不同國家,華語為第二語言學習的初級學習者,並採用網路免費華語文教材「一千字說華語」和線上免費平台進行遠距一對一教學。研究方法先以發展聽 力理解教學:研究對象接受二十週的聽力理解課,每次一小時,共計二十堂課。接著透過行動研究法,應用訪談與問卷蒐集三位個案學習者的經驗與感受,佐以教師的教學省思,以深入了解此教學行動。所有聽力理解教學包括問卷調查、學習者回饋、教學省思、訪談資料等紀錄都用來分析本研究教學的實施情況,同時也參考學習者每堂課的前、後測成績做進一步的探究與結論依據。
研究結果顯示,透過一對一遠距教學情境與網路科技資源應用在華語文聽力理解教學中,遠距學習者對網路學習環境、一對一遠距教師之教學、以及網路華語文教材等方面,皆持正面看法與回饋。問卷及訪談結果顯示三位學習者都同意網路一對一教學可以彌補學習者週遭學習環境之不足與困難,同時可以提升學習者華語文學習能力的自信心,進而培養其日後華語文持久的學習動機。本研究能協助網路對外華語文教師了解藉由網路遠距第二語言初級學習者的需要,並提供教學設計參考,作為其開課前的準備,與提升其教學品質與成效。研究成果亦提供對外華語文數位學習教材編寫與製作之回饋與建議。 / In recent years, the phenomenon of the Chinese language learning has driven many overseas tertiary institutions and industries to invest in the construction of digital learning technologies. The trend of technological advancement and network functioning continues to improve as well as online Chinese language resources and language learning websites. This action research attempts to integrate technology into one-on-one tutoring sessions for Chinese listening comprehension through the internet. The first objective of this research is to explore the process of learning and the challenges and experiences the students face via online one-on-one distance learning. Secondly, it is to understand the process and the changes of teaching style toward the students via the internet. Lastly, it is to understand the important aspects of design and selection of Chinese teaching materials through the students' learning experience and the teachers' teaching process.
This study focuses on three beginning Chinese learners from different countries and cultural backgrounds and making use of free online teaching materials provided by "Speak Mandarin in One Thousand Words" via a free online platform for distant tutoring sessions. The methodology to develop listening comprehension is that all the students will have a total of twenty classes, with each class lasting for an hour. The research section is based on interviews and questionnaires observing the students' experiences and feelings combined with the teacher's reflections and to gain insight on the teaching actions. The students’ pre-test and post-test score in each class are referred in order to further explore the basis and conclusion. The interviews and records are used to analyze the implementation of the research through teaching.
The results of the study show positive opinions and feedback regarding one-on-one distance learning and the teaching methodology with the online Chinese language materials. The questionnaire and interview results show that the students agreed that one-on-one online teaching can compensate the shortcomings of students in a traditional learning environment. This study therefore concludes non-traditional methods of teaching can enhance the confidence in the learner with their ability. Even without a Chinese physical environment, distance teaching can still motivate students to learn Chinese. This research can help teachers to understand student needs via online one-on-one and it could help provide teachers designing the most effective ways of teaching. The research results also provide feedback and suggestions on the preparation and production of Chinese teaching materials.
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由外語學習歷程與信念探討職前華語文教師之教學信念 / A case study on pre-service TCSL teachers’ teaching beliefs: from being a foreign language learner to a TCSL teacher邵佩欣, Siaw, Pey Shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解職前華語文教師學習外語的歷程、語言學習信念與教學信念,屬質性個案研究。對象為華語文教學研究所四位台籍研究生,聚焦於外語學習歷程、外語學習信念、外語教學信念三大主軸,以深度訪談作為資料收集方法。訪談內容及範圍主要參考了Horwitz(1985)語言學習信念研究的BALLI 模式以及Johnson(1992)與張碧玲(2000)設計的語言教師教學信念問卷。研究發現包括:(一)不同時期的外語學習經歷對個案職前教師的學習及教學信念起了「學徒式的觀察」、信念的轉變及「濾鏡」等作用。(二)透過對個案的學習及教學信念探討,可以看到信念具有多層次的特質。而其中較整體面向的信念與較個別層次的信念,呈現了相互支持、矛盾等關係。(三)教學信念隨著背後所隱藏的動機不同,不能以因果關係作解釋。(四)個案教師基於不同的學習經歷、學習信念及教學信念,在教學上建構了與社會文化情境相關,同時也具有個人意義的教學理論。最後建議華語文師資教育應提供機會讓職前教師了解自我語言學習及教學信念,以及更多教學實務的機會,以讓他們在教學行動中反思,也在反思中進行教學。華語文教師本身亦可以利用自我的外語學習經驗作為反思的工具,時時保持成長的動機與內省的能力。此外,華語文教師也應對教學現場及環境文化等因素有所知覺,這樣才能促進有效的教學。 / This qualitative case study aims to understand the TCSL ( Teaching Chinese as a Second language ) pre-service teachers’ foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. The participants are four Taiwanese postgraduate students from the department of TCSL in a university in northern Taiwan. The study focus on three aspects: foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. In-depth interviews are conducted as the data collection method, informed by Horwitz’s (1985) BALLI model as well as Johnson (1992) and Zhang (2000). The findings include that (1) the four pre-service TCSL teachers’ foreign language learning experiences, serving as a filter, afford “apprenticeship of observation” which leads to changes in beliefs, and (2)beliefs are multilayered, involving both supportive and contradictory relationships. (3) Teaching beliefs are not necessarily consistent with each other because of different intentions lying behind. It is difficult to regard them as having a simple cause-and-effect relation. (4) Based on different learning experiences, learning and teaching beliefs, the four pre-service teachers construct their own personal theories toward teaching, which are not only socially relevant but also personally meaningful. Finally, the study suggests that language teacher education needs to provide sufficient opportunities for pre-service teachers to understand their own learning and teaching beliefs. It is also necessary to provide opportunities to engage them in authentic teaching contexts so that they could reflect on their teaching beliefs in real-world pratice. TCSL teachers need to be encouraged to use their own learning experiences as a reflective tool to sustain their passions for teaching.
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臺灣華語文教學網站優使性評估之研究-以全球華文網為例 / Usability of teaching Chinese as a second language websites: a case study of E-learning Huayu of Taiwan鄒孟庭, Tsou, Meng Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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