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倒金字塔式新聞報道的語篇規律 : 以香港《明報》社會新聞為語料的探討 = Discourse principles in inverted pyramid news reporting : study of the social news of Ming Pao謝淑香, 01 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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司法判決書之「法律論述」考察~以白曉燕案張志輝部分判決書為例蕭旭岑 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以論述(discourse) 為切入點,並將觀察的對象明確化為:我們社會上的「法律語言」,或者說「法律論述」(legal discourse)。以「論述」為切入點的前提假設是:我們日常生活世界由各式各樣的論述所構成 ,而這些論述都對於我們的日常生活世界產生種種的效果,形成我們的世界觀或生活方式。本文將以這個角度切入法律的層次,針對我們社會上現存的「法律論述」對我們產生什麼樣的效果,以及如何產生效果,做有意義的觀察與解讀。
第三章是「法律論述」的討論部分,首先區分「法律論述」的兩個思考方向:「法律即是論述的一種」與「法律文體的論述」,並以後者為描述的重心,但穿插前者的思維模式,在具體操作的分析上作為解讀論述現象的背景預設(見第四章第三節);「法律文體的論述」藉著西方對legal discourse的模型討論,參照我國法律文書的格式,描述出法律論述的外形及其字句結構。本文相信,掌握「論述」的效果一定要由觀察論述可見的形式部分開始,透過描繪論述的外形,分析論述的結構,歸納出結構的規則,才有可能切實推論出論述的效果。
第四章則是以張志輝一、二、三審判決書為觀察對象,進入判決文字的字裡行間的搜查,配合參酌第二章與第三章細緻化的「論述」預設,以及法律論述理論,佐以西方理論界提出的legal discourse模型、外部語言特徵,嘗試觀察描述出現下台灣社會中,「法律論述」的樣貌,以及法律論述作用於社會的效果與影響。相關司法新聞報導也列入觀察的對象(第四節),綜合前面討論的結果,檢討法律論述內部,判決文本與新聞文本之間,以及法律論述與日常生活經驗世界之間,所產生的「稀釋化」作用。
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協助生質柴油企業制定媒體公關行銷策略 -以又華股份有限公司為例 / A biodiesel company’s media stretagy for public relationship -a case study of Yeo Hua Co., Ltd林宜樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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財務報導與財經新聞資訊內涵之差異分析研究 / Financial Reporting and Financial News - An Information Content Gap Analysis黃冠穎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現新聞報導中的正向情緒與股票市場有正向的關連性,然而無法顯著證明在市場反應方面,財報附註能提供比新聞報導更豐富的資訊。 / Financial news articles are the most convenient and timely information in today’s world. Companies and managers can announce current year performance and other concurrent disclosures to investors and stakeholders by financial news articles. This study hopes to find the relationships between financial news articles and the stock market and the information content gap between financial news articles and footnotes to financial statements.
This study uses 90 listed companies in TSE of 2013 to test stock market responses to the information content in the financial news articles and footnotes to financial statements. This study implements content-analysis technique, which count words for characterizing as optimistic and negative tone and helps to decide the abundancy of information content elaborated, to find the information content to stock market reactions and compare the information content gap between financial news articles and footnotes to financial statements.
This study finds that optimistic sentiment expressed in financial news articles positively relates to the stock price movement. However, this study is unable to reach a conclusion that information disclosed in the footnotes to financial statements is significantly enough to represent the existence of information content gap as compared to financial news articles.
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成分股調整之價量關係及新聞報導效果-以臺灣中型100指數為例 / The Effects of Index Revision and News Coverage on Stock Price and Volume :Evidence from Taiwan Mid-Cap 100紀勛虔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺灣中型100 指數成分股調整事件之價量關係以及新聞報導效果。研究樣本分為純粹納入股、向下納入股、純粹剔除股以及向上剔除股,並分別以成份股調整之宣告日與執行日作為事件日,採用事件研究法,分析事件前後之價量變化,同時,進一步探討,宣告日至執行日期間,新聞報導對於成分股調整效果之影響。實證結果顯示,純粹納入(剔除)股於宣告日當天以及執行日前一天具有顯著的正(負)向異常報酬,且短期內皆有反轉的現象產生;向下納入(向上剔除)股,在宣告日與執行日前一交易日享有負(正)向異常報酬,且執行日後五日旋即反轉;此外,此四類個股於宣告日以及執行日附近,皆有異常週轉率生。在新聞效果部分,本研究將純粹納入(剔除)股分為有利多(空)新聞之組別以及無新聞之組別,探討其異常報酬現象。實證結果發現,有利多(空)新聞之純粹納入(剔除)股,相較於無新聞之純粹納入(剔除)股享有較高的正(負)向異常報酬率,顯見在成分股調整事件中,新聞報導亦會影響股價表現。 / This paper examines the effects of Taiwan mid-cap 100 index revision and news coverage on stock price and volume. Using event study method, the sample of this study is divided into four groups: pure additions, downward additions, pure deletions, upward deletions to analyze the changes of stock prices and volume on the announcement day and effective day. Furthermore, the effects of news coverage between announcement day and effective day are also investigated. Results of our analysis suggests that there are significantly positive (negative) abnormal returns (ARs) for pure additions (deletions) on announcement day and the day before effective day but transitory. For downward additions and upward deletions, there are significantly negative ARs for the former and significantly positive ARs for the latter. However, both ARs reverse within five days. Besides, there are abnormal volumes in the entire sample. As for the effects of news coverage, pure additions (deletions) are divided into two groups to examine the existence of ARs, one group with bullish (bearish) news and one group without. Results show that pure additions (deletions) with bullish (bearish) news have higher ARs than those without news coverage, supporting our hypothesis that in the event of index revision, news coverage do affect stock prices
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大額捐款者捐款行為之研究-媒體新聞報導的內容分析楊永方 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 個人的大額捐款,其資金來源以「自有資金」為主,主要用途為「教育」,且有五成會捐給「有業緣關係」的受贈組織,以「校友」比例最高。
二、 組織的大額捐款,主要捐給「有地緣關係」、「有業緣關係」的「政府組織」。
三、 企業的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣4,148.19萬元,高於非營利組織(NPO)的新台幣845.39萬元。
四、 來源為自有資金的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣2,549.89萬元,高於來源為募款轉贈者的新台幣984.39萬元。
五、 沒有地緣關係的大額捐款金額平均約為新台幣3,352.90萬元,高於有地緣關係的新台幣1,389.40萬元。
六、 資源愈多的地區享受的捐款愈多,台灣社會資源分佈不均的情況顯而易見。
七、 大額捐款用途都十分明確,顯示大額捐款人對捐款用途的期待是影響捐款行為的重要關鍵因素。
一、 建議非營利組織應採取「捐款人導向」的行銷策略,瞭解大額捐款人的心理需求與行為習慣,並提供目標明確的方案與內容,使捐款人了解捐款的用途、支用方式與辦理績效,以增加募款金額及再度捐款的機率。
二、 建議非營利組應以相同地區者為主要募款對象。尤其以區域性募款標的或內容撰寫計畫書或提供方案內容,應較容易募款成功。
三、 建議非營利組織可以向依法認罪換取緩刑的大額捐款,以及公益彩券得主的大額捐款提出募款方案,將有助於非營利組織定期大額捐款來源。
四、 建議大額捐款人及政府應正視捐款資源過度集中的問題,可透過聯合勸募方式平衡城鄉差距。
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兩岸新聞交流之模式與挑戰:以東森電視公司為例 / Modes of and challenges to the cross-strait news exchanges: A Case study of the eastern broadcasting company祝仲康, Zhu, Zhong Kang Unknown Date (has links)
展望未來,台灣媒體需“寄希望於大陸當局”,則兩岸新聞交流之正常化庶幾有望。 / Though close and frequent, the cross-strait news exchanges are shrouded and made complicated by politics, which makes it a good topic for scholars to research. Articles and papers related to it are many. However, exchanges in newspaper sector are what people are interested in, those in TV sector are largely ignored. To make the picture more complete and encourage potential researchers, this writer tries to explore the modes of and challenges to the cross-strait news exchanges in TV outlets, and to find ways to better the exchanges and ease those challenges.
Methodology for conducting this research comprises 3 measures: the in-depth interview, data analysis and literature review.
This thesis consists of five chapters: introduction, literature review, modes of news exchanges, challenges to news exchanges and conclusion.
News exchanges between EBC and the mainland are close, diverse and regular. However, the quality and contents of the exchanges are heavily influenced by political consideration coming largely from the mainland side.
Looking into the future, Taiwan media should “rest hopes upon CPC” to normalize the cross-strait news exchanges.
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