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落差的意會:理解工程師與使用者之間對智慧型手機的不調合期望 / Sensemaking Divided: Making Sense of Incongruent Expectations Towards Intelligent Mobile Phone Between Engineers and Users皇甫培倫 Unknown Date (has links)
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掌上型電腦與智慧型手機產業之總體發展 以Palm Inc.為論述主體 / The Development of Overall PDA/ Smartphone Industry Using Palm Inc. as the benchmark陳毓賢, Chen,Murphy Y Unknown Date (has links)
掌上型電腦與智慧型手機產業之總體發展 以Palm Inc. 為論述主體 / The earliest concept of PDA can be seen in one of most popular TV fictional series “Star Trek” back in 60’s. However, PDA was not available for general market until 80’s and it didn’t become popular until early 90’s. During the revolution of the PDA, the so called definition of PDA has also been differed from one’s point of view to another.
Apple Inc. was the very first company to realize this concept of PDA to market. However, Palm Inc. is most regarded as the founder of this emerging industry. During the nature of this competitive segment, Palm Inc. is now recognized from the leader of this segment that Palm created to the follower in less than15 years.
The objective of this study is to determine the factors that impact the PDA/Smartphone industry. While these impacting factors can be further classified into Macroeconomic and Microeconomic aspects, the indexes of NASDAQ and the rival company Research In Motion (RIMM), are selected as variables to study the effect on Palm Inc., while Palm Inc. is selected as the benchmark for the overall PDA/ Smartphone industry.
Market dynamics of PDA/Smartphone industry will be then discussed both in enterprise and consumer markets aspect, as well as future trends and limitations will also be elaborated with suggestion of future research directions on this PDA/Smartphone industry.
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智慧型手機廠商進入平板電腦產業的策略分析 / Tablet industry entry strategies for smart phone makers曹英堃 Unknown Date (has links)
由於此產品的硬體結構與產業結構都與智慧型手機產業有很大的相似性。依據現有的智慧型手機領導廠商的現況,分別依照波特的成本領導、差異化與聚焦策略,討論Samsung、HTC、Motorola的可能策略。歸納發現, HTC, Motorola與Samsung可以運用差異化策略拉近與蘋果成本領導策略的差距。Samsung還可以運用成本領導策略與蘋果競爭。 / The birth of Apple iPad gives rise to not only a product segment between Smart Phone and Netbook PC, but also the tablet industry. The tablet industry attracts both smart phone makers and PC companies for good reasons. This thesis attempts to analyze the tablet industry by using the framework of five-force analysis of Porter (1979). We analyze the OEM relationship with chip makers, software vendors, Telcomm operators and end users, barriers of entry and competitions of the industry, and threats from substitute products.
Feasible strategies for 3 leading smart phone companies (HTC, Motorola and Samsung) to enter the industry are analyzed and given as well. A close investigation suggests that to compete with Apple, Samsung may be the only one which is capable of adopting a cost leadership strategy for the time being. On the other hand, differentiation can apply to all the 3 smart phone makers.
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智慧型手機短暫但暗潮洶湧的發展史 / The short but turbulent history of the smartphone industry湯瑪士, Hasinski, Tomasz Unknown Date (has links)
This case study tells the story of the smartphone market from the perspective of HTC, one of the manufacturers, who has been there from the beginning of the modern smartphone era. The case study is divided into the following sections:
I. HTC Growth – We start by looking at the early history of the smartphone and HTC’s role as a trailblazer. It describes the first mover advantages, which helped HTC rise from obscurity into a significant player in the market.
II. Market Changed – Next we examine how established electronics players enter a ripening market and quickly carve out majority of the market share for them.
III. Key HTC Problems – Here we investigate some of the critical challenges faced by a smaller, less known player in the smartphone market.
IV. HTC’s Options Today – We end by reviewing the current status of HTC in the smartphone market and the options available to it going forward.
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實作可設定式之行動感測平台 / Design and Implementation of a Configurable Service Platform for Mobile Sensing黃建烽, Huang, Chien Feng Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,學者專家為進行各種與人們行為有關的實驗,使用了多種方法進行數據的收集,卻存在著一些缺點或是成本過高,不易大規模推行。近年來,隨著行動科技的高速發展,智慧型手機已經相當普及。由於智慧型手機內建眾多的感測器(Sensors)及裝置(Devices),透過撰寫及執行特定的手機應用程式(APP),即可蒐集手機所偵測到的使用者行為相關之資訊,並加以分析處理。行動感測(Mobile Sensing)遂成為新型態的數據收集方式。但是,僅就特定之感測實驗所需數據項目,開發數據蒐集的行動應用程式,亦或是不管實驗需求,讓程式蒐集全部項目的感測數據,都不是理想的作法:不是欠缺彈性考量就是未能考慮手機使用者的隱私關切。
本研究實作一個通用於所有行動作業系統上之可設定式之行動感測服務平台,它可以協助研究者根據其需求自行設定感測實驗項目及其條件規範。之後,透過建立於伺服器端與客戶端之間特定的資料交換機制,進行實驗的發布及兩端的互動溝通。整體運作過程中,客戶端的參與者只需簡易地安裝一套行動應用程式,便能夠輕鬆參與進行各種感測實驗、貢獻實驗數據。最後,我們模擬幾項實驗,用以驗證平台之實際運作效能。 / Experimental data obtained in scientific research is extremely important. For a long time, people use a variety of methods for data collection, but most of them are either restricted or expensive. In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile technology, smart phones are becoming very popular. With many built-in sensors and devices, smart phones can be used as a new tool of data collection, hence the emergence of mobile sensing. By installing a mobile application (APP) on a user’s smart phone, researchers can collect those required sensor data from the user and analyze it for their study.
This research presents a configurable service platform for mobile sensing which aims to reconcile the flexibility needed by researchers and privacy concerns of smart phone users. In particular, our platform allows researchers to use our GUI tool to easily set up an experiment by composing an experiment configuration file (ECF) which specifies the sensor types to collect and the filtering rules for data selection. Users of smart phones can join any experiments by installing a single piece of logger APP developed according to our ECF specification. Besides, users will be fully informed of the data to collect before agreeing to participate a specific experiment. In such a manner, we achieve a proper balance between flexibility and privacy. Finally, we conducted several experiments to validate the feasibility of our service platform with users of Android smart phones.
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顧客滿意度─以智慧型手機使用者為研究 / Customer Satisfaction- The Case Study of Smartphone Users李婉如, Li, Wan Ju Unknown Date (has links)
Today, smartphone has defined as an important tool in our daily lives; the market has been growing every year and the future global smartphone shipment is predicted to be nearly 1 billion in 2015. The function of smartphone is no longer limited to make calls to friends and family only, but also productivities, entertainments and multimedia functions (e.g. music, ringtones, games, web browsing, text messages and camera) provided by smartphone itself.
With the increasing competitions in the smartphone market, smartphone companies find it difficult to retain the existing customers and increase the market share. In that context, the objective of this research explanatory study aims to identify the main factors that determine the customer satisfaction of smartphone users.
The study survey was completed by 285 smartphone users who helped evaluating their smartphone satisfaction; the data was analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and the results revealed the main findings are (1) image has high correlations with customer expectation, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; (2) customer expectation has high correlations with perceive quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction; (3) perceived quality has high correlations with perceived value and customer satisfaction; (4) perceived value has a high correlation with customer satisfaction; (5) Customer satisfaction has a high correlation with customer loyalty; (6) the proposed model TCSI is proven with the effectiveness in explaining the relationships among image, customer expectation, perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for smartphone users. The conclusion of this study provides valuable information for smartphone producers, especially Taiwanese brand HTC, to develop the smartphones meet with customers’ expectations and satisfactions.
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智慧型手機上的電子書使用者接受度研究 / Research on user acceptance of electronic books on smartphones段柏宇, Duan, Po Yu Unknown Date (has links)
受試者使用智慧型手機閱讀電子書之績效期望、輔助條件、付出期望等各構面對使用意圖及使用行為的預測達到顯著水準,而社會影響構面與使用經驗干擾變數則影響力未達顯著。 / Books are the vehicle for social civilization and the ladder of human progress. Due to the rapid development of computers and the Internet, electronic books (ebooks) have triggered a new round of the book revolution. With the emergence of smartphones, using mobile phones to read ebooks has become convenient, flexible, and a way to make full use of scattered bits of time. Therefore, the use of smartphones for such purposes has been pursued by young people. However, ebooks present various problems of their own, such as incompatibility with individual reading habits and the immaturity of the industrial chain. Thus, the focus of this study was to survey user behavioral models and affinity for ebooks to understand users views on and degree of acceptance of ebooks. This study used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate the influence and predictive power of the following independent variables on usage intention and usage behavior: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Research results showed that a majority of respondents had smartphones (77 %). Respondents who used their phones mostly for entertainment purposes composed the largest category (55 %), while those who used their phones only for work purposes formed the smallest category (4 %). A large percentage occasionally read ebooks (47 %), but most respondents had never spent money on downloading payable ebooks (86 %). Regarding experience using ebooks, most respondents had used ebooks for under one year (42 %). Regarding experience using smart phones, the group that had used smart phones for less than one year was also the largest (60 %); a high percentage of users (68 %) had been using smart phones to read ebooks for less than one year. The predictive power of performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and effort expectancy on usage intention and usage behavior with regard to using smartphones to read ebooks achieved a level of significance. As for social influence and moderator experience, the predictive power didn’t reach a level of significance.
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科技產品內外部屬性消費價值之聯合分析-以智慧型手機為例 / Applying Conjoint Analysis on Consumer Value of Smartphone吳思佳 Unknown Date (has links)
屬性偏好依序為:產品價格> 品牌> CPU規格>相機畫素>多媒體播放功能> 電子郵件;智慧型手機「實用屬性」的相對重要性高於「享樂屬性」,而且對「外部屬性」的重視程度高於「內部屬性」。
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行動通訊產業價值鏈之分析研究以智慧型手機為例黃軍維, Huang, Chun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在行動通訊的快速發展下,手機和PDA開始經由多功能整合外,也開始內建開放式作業系統平台,通常使用的作業系統有Symbian、Windows Mobile、Linux、Palm。早期的智慧型手機發展主要是以商務人士為主要服務對象,隨著智慧型手機不斷的整合多功能於一機之下。智慧型手機逐漸從語音的服務轉移到內容服務。智慧型手機目前全球以將近40%的高成長率快速發展。
在產業與個案分析之後,本研究整理出幾個研究發現: 1.智慧型手機在未來幾年的發展會具有高毛利,高成長率的市場機會;2.智慧型手機的研發需花費相當大的資源來做應用軟體和系統平台和硬體之間的整合;3.智慧型手機研發能力門檻相對於一般手機製造廠商高;4.智慧型手機的使用者介面和應用服務將使整個產業的附加價值拉高;5.智慧型手機市場的產品定位從商務人士移轉到一般消費者市場的定位;6.智慧機行動上網加值服務提供使用者內容服務驅向多元化;7.智慧型手機製造商與電信系統業者的合作關係會成為未來主流的商業模式。
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消費者生活型態、生活風格與智慧型手機品牌形象關聯性研究 / A Study on Relationship among Consumer Life Style and the Brand Image of Smartphone王彥荏, Wang, Yen-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
此外研究亦發現智慧型手機各品牌之間的品牌形象,與不同智慧型手機品牌偏好消費者,在本國中心主義傾向上均有顯著差異。最後,本研究針對不同集群下的智慧型手機消費者,根據本研究所論述之生活型態、生活風格和品牌形象等因素,提出相關行銷建議與策略。 / Smartphone have gained considerable popularity in daily life because of the cheap cell phone plans and the Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) convenience. While many people use smartphone to make and receive calls, a great segment of society has view smartphone as a stylish device conveying the their own lifestyles and personal image. Previous studies show that the lifestyle and the lifestyles of users as well as the brand image of smartphone are the three reasons that guide the consumer choice of smartphone. To understand consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice, this study conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate Taiwan mobile users’ habits and preferences.
The survey asked respondents for their smartphone usage behaviors by online questionnaires. One thousand and eighty-five questionnaires were returned. Six factors of the lifestyle scale are extracted by the factor analysis, including pursuing fashion trends, demanding for health and sustainability, proactive for new products, having challenges and creations, and searching for information. Six factors of the lifestyles scale include the desire to own a smartphone, the attraction of the best design smartphone, the experience of pleasures, the preference of brand, and the attraction of commercial. Brand image scales include three factors: Functional, Symbolic, and Experiential.
The respondents are divided into four clusters by the three reasons and the population characteristics, including stylish teenagers, function-orientated consumers, domestic products embracers, and fashion-orientated women. The results showed that four clusters of respondents have significant different preferences between the mobile phone brands.
In addition, the brand images and consumers with different preferences of smartphone brands have significant difference in ethnocentrism tendencies. This study would conclude consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice to address the marketing strategies of smartphone.
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