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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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使用產品生命週期管理方法建構設計服務平台的探討—以IC設計業為例 / Using product lifecycle management method to architect the design service platform – case study of IC design industry

廖柏陽 Unknown Date (has links)
IC產業在過去20年間隨著市場環境的變遷,形成ㄧ個專業分工的產業供應鏈,大部分的公司不再是垂直整合各個環節進行設計與製造,而是充分利用外包與代工進行產品的開發。台灣的IC設計產業因而在這樣的環境下,逐漸茁壯成為大型的公司,並發展出自己獨特的運作模式,提供客戶高品質、快速以及彈性的服務。而隨著公司的成長,過去習以為常的管理方式逐漸不再適合,尤其在因應彈性作業而開發出的資訊系統更讓資訊分散於各處,開發過程中必須投注大量的人力以應付層出不窮的工程變更,以及因資訊內容不一致所造成的錯誤,進而影響公司過去賴以成長的低成本、高品質、快速與彈性基礎。因此,如何整合現有產品開發環境讓整個IC設計過程更為順暢,是台灣IC設計產業目前的一大重點投資。 本研究針對這樣的發展趨勢,從整個IC產品生命週期的角度思考,提出使用生命週期管理方法建構設計服務平台的探討,藉由設計製造上下游流程之串連,建立純淨的資訊流與透明的工作流,並從人員的角度探討如何進行組織變革,提供業界一個使用生命週期管理方法整合產品開發流程的IC設計服務平台作為參考。 本研究提出的設計服務平台,主要重點在於透過角色定義的方式,透過PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)系統的控制、連結與協同作業功能,讓開發團隊的各個成員可以在平台上充分的使用系統中正確無誤的資訊;並透過組態的功能,將IC產品內容加以結構化,以建立各項功能的關聯性,讓提供IP的創意者的貢獻與績效可以快速的衡量,簡化IP價值的計算方式,提高成員提供創意分享與共用的意願。PLM達到企業希望借助IP的綜效取得市場領先地位的目的,打破過去台灣IC設計公司因部門獨立管理IP、機密之考量,使資訊過於封閉導致無法直接與其他單位分享。 同時,本研究也對實施IC設計服務平台時,提出使用PLM系統而必須考慮的資訊系統導入、人員行為模式以及企業經營及作業面的管理之實施方法,以提高設計服務平台建置的成功率。

uVoyage營運計畫提案:促進台灣地方特色發展之休閒旅遊服務平台 / A business plan proposal for uVoyage: A service platform to promote the development of regional tourism in Taiwan

卓品光, Jwo, Pin Guang Unknown Date (has links)
服務產業已在近代成為了世界各個國家的重要產業,台灣尤其,因此推動服務經濟一直是政府主要的推展政策之一。政大服務科學研究中心(SSRC)及資管所AeSL實驗室將服務科學的知識運用在實務上的服務創新,為本國較弱勢的觀光產業中小型商家提升競爭力,進而發展了一個以旅遊意象為引擎的全新網路服務平台,uVoyage。 此平台的目的為幫助弱勢的中小型觀光商家將自己的產品及服務自行行銷,推廣到全國大眾。本經營計畫的最高宗旨為提供一個互動性平台,讓觀光業中小型商家與旅客一起共創價值,達到永續經營。專案在初始挑選了宜蘭縣枕頭山休閒農業區作為開發平台的實驗標的,並於去年就已經完成POC(Proof of Concept)。在持續開發平台的同時,本研究所著重的方向為研討uVoyage平台的實際經營模式,並將其營運計畫做完善的提案。此研究在進行的過程也定時與枕山村休閒農業區的商家辦說明會蒐集意見回饋,讓平台的功能更能夠符合商家的需求。 此論文延續平台的基礎,持續進行完整性的開發,同時將組織管理、財務、營運及獲利模式做完整個規劃。本研究最終目標為完成最後階段的POS(Proof of Service),並提出實際可行的經營計畫。促進台灣地方特色發展、幫助觀光中小企業為uVoyage的最高使命。

線上遊戲之雲端服務平台發展研究 - 以台灣Z公司為例 / A research on development of the online game cloud service platform - a case study of Taiwan's Z Company

傅慧娟, Fu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文將針對線上遊戲產業之雲端運算服務平台之發展進行研究與探討。從線上遊戲產業發展的現況與趨勢中,看到線上遊戲仍是市場的主流,更是付費機制的成熟產品,但也看到新興遊戲如SNS網頁遊戲、App遊戲的衝擊下,線上遊戲已不再是大型遊戲或是只有大型公司才有能力開發製作的產品,而中小型團隊也開始蜂擁加入開發的行列。 在線上遊戲產品開發流程與產業價值鏈的文獻探討中,看到線上遊戲的開發與營運價值單元,且這些價值單元都是非常符合雲端運算的功能與架構,並再透過詳細解析產品開發流程與營運價值鏈的每個環節中去對應雲端運算架構與功能,分析雲端運算對線上遊戲之開發端及消費端所提昇之價值與效益面,以及線上遊戲之雲端運算服務平台的可能功能與服務模式。 線上遊戲因為具備文件、物件資料量龐大、即時運算需求極高、中小型開發團隊須降低軟硬體開發成本需求殷切以及需要共用之伺服器軟硬體環境,還有備援且不允許因維運、修改、除錯等而可能停機或當機之風險產生等特性,使得在這一波雲端運算的潮流與趨勢中,選擇提供線上遊戲開發與營運之雲端運算平台服務,應是一項可預期的發展機會。 本研究最後透過一家已推出線上遊戲雲端運算服務平台的個案研究,再呼應前面線上遊戲與雲端運算功能與架構的關聯框架及分析,最後提出對個案公司應以大量即時運算為核心能力,提供跨業服務、以核心技術發展技轉與合作營運模式、結合HTML5或Yahoo的YUI等技術,全力搶攻新興連線遊戲市場、研發雲端Server端引擎產品等建議外,也對線上遊戲之雲端運算服務平台提出可發展SaaS、PaaS、IaaS等各別專業及可具備彈性且可發展成機動組合的混合型雲端服務模式之結論與建議等。 / This report is the research and investigation of the cloud computing platform development in online game industry. We find that online game is still the mainstream as well as a developed product under the paid mechanisms through the condition and trend of online game industry. However, because of the impact of SNS website game and App game, the online game no longer just a hug online game or develop by big companies, instead the medium and small groups can develop the online game as well now. We find out that there are some unites in the literature investigated the development process and industrial value chain of online fit in with the function of cloud computing and its framework. In addition, we will do the detailed analysis of production developing process and operation value to correspond to the function and framework of cloud computing, analyze the value and benefit the cloud computer can do to improve the beginning and consumption-side of online game and its possible function and service mode for online game. The online game needs huge quantity of data in document and object, so the need of instant cloud computing is high. For that reason, when develop the software and hardware, the medium and small groups need to reduce the cost. Moreover, they need the server that can use in both new software and hardware, the backup, un-interruptible power supply and the feature of operating normally while doing the maintenance, modification, debug, etc. So, in the trend of current cloud computing, one of the predictable development opportunity is have the cloud computing platform service that can help to develop and operate online game. In the end, the study will take the case study of cloud computing platform that have released online game as example, correspond to the relevant framework and analysis from the previous online game and the function and framework of cloud computing and finally give the suggests and conclusion to the case company, which is taking great amount of instant cloud computing as core ability, provide cross-field services, use core technology development transformation and cooperation service mode, The use of HTML5 or Yahoo's YUI technology put in all effort to earn the new market of online game and research and develop the cloud computer server engine. Other than that, we also bring up the individual professional service that can develop in the cloud computing platform of online game such as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and the suggestions and conclusions relate to the flexible and assembling-based complex cloud service.


葉慧容 Unknown Date (has links)
財政部自2000年11月29日頒布「網際網路傳輸統一發票(簡稱電子發票)試辦作業要點」以來,僅有三千多家申請試辦,且應用面仍侷限在B2B 的發票和折讓單e 化,且買方和賣方都必須加入同一加值服務中心,和實務應用面仍有一段距離。 隨著電子商務快速發展,不論是B2B、B2C、或是C2C,均已具一定規模且持續蓬勃發展中,並在資訊流、物流和金流上都已先後導入e 化應用。但統一發票為整個供應鏈流程中的一段,却尚未導入e 化,導入電子發票有助於整個供應鏈的e化,並可以降低整體作業的運作成本。然而,電子發票之應用涉及財稅政策、會計師簽證、電子簽章、認證機制、個人隱私權、公司e化及公司稽核管控等等核心問題,這種種相關因素如何相互配合,才能發揮電子發票之最大綜效,值得進一步探討。 本研究係參考金財通導入捷盟公司的電子發票個案分析,及國內外電子發票之現況,研討電子發票對企業作業流程、加值服務中心之運作、網路安控機制、政府法令規章、稅務行政、會計師查核等等的挑戰,據以提出可能的作業模式與建議,以供相關單位未來推動統一發票全面電子化的參考。 / The e-invoice trial operations are only adopted by 3,000+ enterprises ever since the Ministry of Finance announced the trial operation law of e-invoice communication through Internet on 29 Nov 2000. The application scope is only within the B2B communication of invoice and allowance note between the enterprises and the value added service center. This is a big gap to implement in a multi-to-multi business environment. Transactions of B2B, B2C or C2C have been on-going grew to an economic scale along with the rapid growth of e-commerce development. Electronic techniques have been applied to the information flow, goods delivery flow and cash flow in the supply chain management. However, invoice is part of the supply chain but not yet integrated into the supply chain e-cycle. Implement e-invoice will integrate the electronic system for supply chain and will help to reduce the total operation costs. E-invoice application involves the core issues of such as government’s financial policy, accounting auditing, public key infrastructure, certificate authority, personal privacy, enterprise EAI system and internal auditing. How these factors incorporate with each other to maximize the most e-invoice benefit deserves further study. This study references the BankPro’s e-invoice implementation case and current e-invoice development situation in Taiwan, America and Europe. On such basis, we further discuss the challenges of e-invoice that will be brought to the enterprise operation flow, service value added center, Internet security control, government legal law, taxing administration and accounting auditing etc, so as to provide possible operation model and recommendations to the related units as the reference to implement e-invoice globally in the future.


孫百佑, Sun, Pai-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是從民眾的角度,深入瞭解政府在推動業務電子化的過程,在便民服務方面所產生的效益,進而探討國外先進國家的推動概況,由於國情不同,各國均有其特別之處可供參考;隨著我國電子化政府快速的推展,在國際著名調查機構對世界各國的評比中大多名列前茅,使政府願意在電子化政府的投資加碼,因此在數位台灣計畫中包括了許多e 化政府的計畫;目前在電子化政府相關計畫中除了更新現有大型系統的計畫之外,其核心計畫是一個跨機關橫向整合的計畫,建立e政府服務平台,以期能達到「提供民眾更豐富、精緻的資訊內容、更深化的網路申辦服務、與網路公民更多的互動,經由網路的溝通管道,實踐政府治理的目標」。 本文中除探討e政府服務平台對各級政府機關e化的影響之外,也一併探討在政府e化過程,可能對國內軟體產業的影響,以及目前政府推動建置平台的政策,對產業生態的可能影響;這些政策的落實,未來對於國內軟體產業的衝擊將非常可觀,因此,本論文也對國內軟體業者提出一些建議,以供業界因應與轉型參考。 / This paper mainly emphasizes on the effect of which the electronic government interface in Taiwan brings to the citizens, especially in the aspect of citizen-oriented services. Moreover, this article reviews the e-government services in other countries and their vary kinds of developing experiences as reference. Along with the quick development of the e-government service, the rank of Taiwan is always in the top list judged and rated by world-famous institutions. As a result, the government of Taiwan is willing to invest more to the plans of e-government which play an important role in the e-Taiwan project. Currently the plan attempts not only to renew the existing mainframe system, but also to build an “e-government service platform” to integrate services over different departments and resources. This platform is the core of Taiwan e-government plan. It can offer citizens vary and delicate information, more high level applications of service, and more interaction with Internet citizens. By utilizing Internet as a communication channel, it can implement the aim of governance more effectively. In the final part of this paper, it analyzes the influence of “e-service platform“ towards each level of government units. In addition, it discusses about how the e-government plan affects the software industry. Furthermore, how the policy about the platform influences the status of software industry is also mentioned in this paper. Once the policy is carried out, it is expected to be some serious impacts on domestic software industry. Therefore, this study also gives suggestions to software companies to make a preparation or reformation in advance.

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