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台北關稅局人員核心能力與人力資源發展之研究 / Research on core competency and human resources development何慧如 Unknown Date (has links)
透過問卷調查的方式針對台北關稅局人員進行問卷調查,共發出500份問卷,回收419份,扣除廢卷及填答不完整者17份,有效問卷為402份。並運用次數分配、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析及迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。
2. 不同官等在人力資源發展、教育與發展上達顯著差異。不同服務年資在人力資源發展上達顯著差異。不同年齡在人力資源發展及訓練上達顯著差異、不同教育程度在教育與發展上達顯著差異。
3. 人力資源發展各面向與核心能力各面向間有關聯性。
4. 教育與發展與基層、中階、高階之間有顯著的預測力。
1. 關員最需具備核心能力以「業務知能」、「溝通協調能力」、「法規知能」居前三位,可見這三種能力對關員而是最需要具備的核心能力。
2. 關員對訓練方式強化的看法:對於安排訓練課程及時間言,關員有
4. 關務人員在人力資源發展中個人生涯發展之看法:大多數受訪者認為透過工作輪調來歷練關員,幫助關員生涯發展。
最後根據研究發現,分別就機關政策面、機關人力資源發展、海關核心能力強化上三方面提出建議,提供其他機關參考。 / This thesis examines the Core Competency and Human Resources Development of Taipei Customs Officers by using questionnaires and interviews. The research findings are summarized as follows:
Ⅰ.Quantitative Questionnaires Results
Out of 500 questionnaires handed out, 419 were returned, of which 17 were invalid or partially answered, resulting in a total of 402 effective surveys. We used frequency distribution, t tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and regressive analysis to conduct statistical analysis.
1.Customs Officers of different job levels and seniorities displayed significant differences in Core Competency at basic level, middle level and high level. The factor of age also demonstrated significant differences in Core Competency at middle level and high level. The education levels also displayed significant differences in Core Competency at basic level, middle level and high level.
2.Customs Officers of different job levels displayed significant differences in Human Resources Development and Education aspects. Different seniorities show significant differences in Human Resources Development. Different age groups demonstrate significant differences in Human Resources Development and Training. Different education levels reveal significant differences in Education and Development.
3.All aspects of Human Resources Development have direct correlation with the aspects of Core Competency.
4.There is a significant predictability between education & development and career levels (basic, middle, and high).
II. Interviews
1.Through the interviews, we concluded that the top three qualities of Core competency are business competency, communication competency, and regulation competency. These are apparently the most valuable elements of Core competency in a custom officer.
2.On intensive training: regarding the training schedule and content areas, most officers have understandings and flexibilities of diversification according to the needs of the trainees and their areas of expertise.
3.On Human Resources Development and Education: Most custom officers hold positive attitude towards continuing education of officers as means of human resource development.
4.On career development: most officers agree that regular job rotations are beneficial to the career development of custom officers.
5.On new officer orientation enhancement and recommendation: regarding the training of new officers, the majorities agree that the most important training is to improve business expertise Core competency.
Based on the above findings, the author concluded by making recommendations for Taipei Customs based on administrative policies, human resources development, and the improvement of Core competency and thus provides references for other government agencies.
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英華投信之策略發展研究謝碧芳 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 在法令許可的投資範圍內,以創新的概念發行類股型基金並提供完整的國內基金產品線,擴大該公司的營運範疇。
2. 以盡力做好客戶的投資報酬率,積極降低客戶的交易風險和投資風險之經營理念為出發點,形成與累積該公司之核心資源。
3. 以母公司集團關係及拓展銀行代銷通路,強化該公司之事業網路。
4. 以蓄積的核心資源實力發展多元化基金產品線之營運範疇並建構事業網路。
5. 以發行基金商品及增設北中南營業據點擴大營運範疇,提供基金受益人價值並以累積之核心資源提昇客戶服務效率,在價值與效率上二者相輔相乘以產生更佳的能耐並進而強化該公司管理基金資產排名之結構地位。
6. 管理資產規模及客戶受益人數增加之實力的強化來自於金融銷售體系的建立,而該公司企業體系的建構完整,來自於不斷擴展的資產規模之堅強實力。
1. 運用母公司資源以發展完整的海外基金產品線。
2. 基金績效提昇應具連續性效果較能維持長期競爭優勢。
3. 提昇股票型基金的銷售能力並與債券型基金共同成長,以強化管理資產規模結構。 / This research paper is based on a case study, which is in compliance with Dr. Wu Se Hwa's theory in his book called “The Nine Theories with the Strategy” to discuss the C Securities Investment Trust Company's (Company C) change in business scope, core resources and relationship network strategies, and the coordination between them; finally, the progression of the dynamic competence frontier.
The Taiwan Government officially announced the “Rules Governing Securities Investment Trust Enterprises” in 1983, and it opened up the setup of the Securities Investment Trust Company in Taiwan. The Company C was founded 10 years ago with over 11 billion total assets under its management, is now considered at the 4th place among all the SITEs.
The 10 years operating experiences of the Company C has undergone 2 major turning points in 1996 and 2000, respectively. For the convenience of conducting this case study, this research paper will base one the developments of this 2 turning points as the studying period.
The findings are as following:
1. The full domestic mutual fund product lines and innovation of launching specific equity funds are the key to enlarge the business scope.
2. The company is also devoted to increase customers' investment return, aggressively eliminating the investment and trading risk from the investment portfolio. Eventually, these practices become the core resources of the company.
3. With its parent company's resources and the expansion of channel sales, Company C aggressively strengthens its business relationship network.
4. Based on the strength of its accumulating core resources, Company C has developed full mutual fund product lines and built its business relationship network.
5. Company C also tried to launching new funds and establish northern, central, and southern branches in order to provide beneficiaries with more values of it's products. Also, the accumulated core resources could provide the beneficiaries with more efficient services. With these two qualities complementing each other, Company C could strengthen its capacity and improve its fund's ranking ultimately.
6. The increasement of asset under management and beneficiaries depends on the entire sales system. Also, the completeness of a network relationship is to continuously increase the total assets.
1. Using the resource from Parents Company in order to bring out diversification onshore overseas mutual fund products.
2. The continuous improvement of fund performance of a mutual fund company will last longer and would also enhance long-term core competence.
3. Improvement on the equity funds selling ability and increasing both equity and bond funds sales are the causes to the ideal assets management.
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勞動派遣業的核心能力之探討 - 以Adecco為例 / A case study on the core competence of staffing industry- Adecco Group賴明媚, Lai, May Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的個案分析,以全球最大之人力資源服務公司 – Adecco 為樣本,透過個案的深度訪談及內部資料,引導出個案公司的核心價值、經營策略及經營哲學,探討個案公司如何以自有的核心能力創造出的競爭優勢,以面對高度複雜的經營環境的挑戰來開創未來的展望!
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製造業廠商推動服務化之研究--核心能耐的觀點 / Servitization of manufacturing firms: the perspective of core competence粘旭良 Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻對於服務創新的議題已有不少研究,主要是在探討企業發展創新服務的過程與策略考量,或是研究服務創新的發展模式,抑或是服務創新專案。此外, 關於製造業推動服務化方面,只有少數在探討產業轉型及經營策略與模式,但更少有探討製造業服務化發展內涵之個案研究。因此本研究利用深入訪談的個案研究法,針對推動服務化發展的製造業廠商,探討其服務創新概念如何產生與服務創新的內涵,並輔以核心能耐的觀點,來探討製造業服務化專案的推動與組織核心能耐建構之關係,以提供未來有意推動服務化發展的台灣製造業廠商作為參考。
關鍵字:製造業服務化、服務創新、核心能耐 / In the trend of global development of service economy, service innovation has become an emerging hot topic of industries. Taiwanese companies, the main part of which are manufacturing industries in the past, also realize the phenomenon that the income and gross margin are deceasing, and the difference between manufacturing and service industries has become blurred. In order to gain long-term competitive advantages, some manufacturing firms has noticed that being in the lead of cost, skill and quality during the past is unable to enhance the value-added of industries. Therefore, they think it is a must to extend their activities to both ends of the value chain, and then to gain value-added on products by using service. However, this has become the key to success for present-day manufacturing industry.
In the past, most researches related to service innovation mainly focus on the process and strategic level of innovative service development, the developing model of service innovation, or projects on service innovation. Besides, regarding the servitization of manufacturing firms, only a small number of studies focus on investigating the transformation of industry and operational strategy and models, but there are fewer case studies on servicizing development of manufacturing industry. Therefore, this study focuses on the intension of service innovation of servicizing manufacturing firms by means of thorough interview and case study. Besides, this study is auxiliary by the perspective of core competence to explore the relationship between servitization of manufacturing firms and the construction of organizational core competence, and aims to provide a reference for Taiwanese manufacturing firms which purpose to develop servitization in the future.
The preliminary research findings include:
1.Manufacturing firms will “positively” create customers’ need during contact with customers in terms of their background knowledge of internal and external environments, provide differential value-added service, and develop partnership with customers.
2.Manufacturing firms will consider extending their service to the up- and down-stream of supply chain, or bring their superior function into service development when driving the development of servitization. And the way they do is to provide their customers with service of “One-stop Shopping” and “Total Solution” via front- and back-end systems and service providers.
3.Manufacturing firms will proceed on trans-departmental organizational operation when driving the development of servitization. And they train their employees to have professional knowledge and skills through educational training and interdisciplinary collaboration to drive the service innovation.
4.The more industrial knowledge the manufacturing firms have, the more insights into the industrial trend they have. Besides, it will be help to bring up ideas about innovative service if companies know well about their markets.
5.When manufacturing firms drive the servitization, no matter what to create a new physical system or integrate the original physical systems to a new one, the auxiliary effect of ICT is emphasized. And the more technical knowledge they have, the more chances of innovative service development they will find.
6.“Innovation” is regarded as a new value and enterprise culture when manufacturing firms drive the development of servitization.
Keywords: Servitization of Manufacturing, Service Innovation, Core Competence
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國際工程公司以轉型為目的之核心競爭力研究 / An examination of the core competence of an international engineering firm劉國瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
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新聞記者之核心能力初探—在地文獻的回顧 / Core competency of journalists: a literature review李惠琳, Li, Hui Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新聞記者所具備的核心能力,受限於傳統新聞學研究大多以記者具備的「知識」作研究主題,為能更全觀去瞭解記者完成工作任務所需具備的核心能力,本研究由能力理論(competence theory)出發,藉著文獻整理及分析,初步建構出研究記者核心能力的四大面向:「資訊處理」、「科技使用」、「集體協力」及「個人情意」。
最後,本研究也根據研究結果提出記者核心能力之九大行為指標,作為日後相關調查研究參考。 / This study aims to explore the core competence of a journalist. Previous research mainly focused on the knowledge a journalist should possess, little is known about the core competence. To extend our understandings on this issue, this study constructed the four major analytic frames which were based on the constructs of competence theories. The four main frames are: 1) information processing ability; 2) the ability of using technology; 3) social interaction and 4) personal affection.
The results of the study indicated that: 1) a journalist’s information processing ability was exhibited from the ability to identify questions, gather, analyze, and present information. 2) A journalist should be able to utilize external tools/sources to help them complete tasks more efficiently. That is, to figure out available tools and sources,, and to keep themselves flexible. 3) A journalist needs to maintain a harmonious relationship with news sources by gaining trust, using negotiation strategies and dealing with conflicts.
It is noteworthy that, the most important competence a journalist needs to possess is the motivation. They must have positive perception on their role and envisage it is their responsibility to fight against the authority for the public interest. In addition, it is also essential for a journalist to handle great pressure from.
At last, this study also provides the nine behavioral indicators which derived from the results. These could be the reference for future research.
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《審判》:卡夫卡的法律與自我塑造 / the trial: kafka's law and self-formulation周信頡 Unknown Date (has links)
至於我們要怎麼看待文學中的法律?我認為,「法律」並不侷限於有法律外觀的規範,並且在談論法律的同時,作者在談論的不見然是「法律」;但背後延伸出更深層的東西,必然與法律有某些相同的特徵 。這兩者實則殊途同歸,因為談的都是社會中潛藏的法律態樣,只是以不同的形式在文學中展現而已。而此,就是我以為法律與文學應有的面貌。
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企業跨國布局與競爭策略-以美商A公司為例 / The multinational enterprises layout and competitive strategies - The case study of "A" corporation.羅元辰 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文以波特的五力分析,加上組織策略、國家競爭優勢分析等學理。探討企業依其產品、技術以及市場的不同而做的跨國佈局。本篇研究以美商 INVX公司為例,分析INVX與其主要競爭廠商在軟板產業上所做的跨地區布局及其經營績效.在分析各個廠商的競爭優勢的同時、也分析了軟性電路板產業的現況以及目前各廠商在地區所預見的問題,特別是軟板產業在歷經金融海嘯洗禮之後,軟性電路板廠商經歷了一次大洗牌,可以讓計劃進入此產業的投資者一些參考意見。
本篇研究, 依INVX所在軟板產業鏈中的中游為中心,分析軟板產業鏈中的上游(基材)以及下游(產品應用)。進而對於軟板廠商的佈局以及營運績效出分析與建議。 / This paper base on Porter's Competitive Strategy, coupled with National Strategy and Competitive Analysis. The enterprises according to their products, technologies and markets to have different layout.
In this study, the INVX's case, analysis INVX its main competitors in the FPC manufactures on regional distribution of industry and business performance. In the analysis of the competitive advantage of each company, but also of the FPC industry and the current status of all vendors in the region to unforeseen problems, especially after the FPC industry in the impact of the financial tsunami, the FPC manufacturers experienced a major reshuffle, you can make plans to whom want to enter the industry, or investors some suggestions.
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台灣汽車零組件業關鍵成功因素之研究洪櫻芳, Hung, Ying Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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我國人事人員訓練與陞遷結合問題探討 / Research on the integration of personnel staff training and promotion of Taiwan R.O.C沈慧珍, Shen, Hui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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