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中小企業在LED照明市場顧客關係管理策略之研究-以T公司為例 / A Study on Strategies of Customer Relationship Management in Small businesses of LED Lighting Industry - An example of T-Company林偉人 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於此,本研究個案公司利用個案公司中小企業特性,在資源有限的前提下,推廣顧客關係管理的過程。首先,運用Barrett(1986)提出80/20法則定律的行銷手法,搭配Zeithaml et al.(2001)將顧客分成四階層之「顧客金字塔」模型,尋求金字塔頂端的1%顧客創造企業99%的營收。接著,再透過Cheverton(2001)識別與選擇矩陣分類個案公司之顧客等級,藉由「顧客吸引力」與「相對優勢」雙軸之交叉找尋出真正的核心顧客。最後,依據上述個案公司所定義出之核心顧客,進行Hanan(2011)顧問式銷售的七大流程,並導入Rackham(2004)提出的SPIN理論,以顛覆傳統行銷的推式策略改為拉式策略,達到真正「以顧客為中心」之服務理念。 / The export to the USA that has played an important role in supporting the Taiwanese lighting industry has been impacted seriously by the worst American economy in these years. Meanwhile, it has also brought about shrinking LED lighting market sales badly in the USA. Moreover, low cost labors from China and Eastern Asia have forced the Taiwanese lighting industry to move abroad. Because of these disadvantage factors, the total values of export in the Taiwanese lighting products have been plummeting than ever. However, the concept of green life has been prevailing all around the world; therefore, each country has promoted and launched green life gradually. Consequently, customer demands for lighting equipment have changed to the LED lighting which could decrease emission of carbon compared with the white lighting. In addition, the best turning point for the company in the case study to transform is that Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs launched a project for replacing white lighting.
As mentioned above, the company in the discussion aimed to seize a new position and set up the direction of operation under the trend of green life. Moreover, the transformation of customer demands would inspire T-Company to execute the customer relationship management as a brand-new mission. It created a new module of focusing on key account management. In order to gain key customer loyalty permanently and understand particularly one percent of the top of the customers, T-company developed a consultative selling skill to provide appropriate solutions and created a pull marketing strategy to enhance customer values maximum. Both of those crucial methods not only built up the collaboration between T-company and customers firmly, but also have T-company to wear customer shoes to reach win-win situations.
The company in the discussion which is classified as small and medium-size enterprises is restricted by limited resources; therefore, paper aimed to probe how this kind of company could guide into the customer relationship management to maintain long-term relationship. Firstly, the paper applied the theory of 80/20 rule and the customer pyramid proposed by Barrett in 1986 and Zeithaml et al. in 2001 respectively, creating and serving profitable customers. Secondly, T-company used the theory of investments and returns from the customer portfolio, the two axes of the identification and selection matrix are customer alternativeness and relative strength, segmenting the key account (Cheverton, 2001). Finally, in order to highlight the concept of customer service, T-company should promote 7 steps of consultative selling and SPIN theory to create the pull strategy that subverts the traditional marketing model.
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核心職能對工作績效影響之研究 / The impacts of core competency on job performance陳星瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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高階行政人員核心能力之分析-五國的經驗與啟示劉宜靜, Liu, Yi-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採文獻分析,亦於理論中釐清組織層面的核心能力與個人層面的核心能力。多數學者認為組織的核心能力為替組織創造競爭優勢的特殊技能或科技,創造利益,也塑造企業文化與價值觀。核心能力的確為具體化組織願景的工具,其運用乃將具備適當技能的適當的人,置其於適當的職位。而落實至個人層次則涵括了個人的基本特質,包括知識、態度、技能和價值,於其工作情境中的超卓表現。而且有效工作表現的模型必須是個人能力、工作需求與組織環境三者的交集區間。然應用在公部高階行政人員的甄補與訓練中,則以美、加、英、澳、紐五國的實施作為探討的對象,依高階行政人員、實施背景、甄補過程、與核心能力內容等四個主要面向作介紹,於最後一章歸結為數種相同的能力,以及給予我國的啟示與建議。 / Fist part of this thesis is separated into two dimensions--organizational core competency and individual core competency. we have to clarify the difference between two, though core competency does realize the vision of organization. The significance of core competency is arrange the right person with right competencies on the right position. Only those in the range of individual competencies, job needs, and organizational environment are core competencies, and do make superior performance. And then introduce the application in the recruitment and training in senior service in 5 countries-United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. In these two chapters, we discuss them from the definitions, backgrounds, recruitment procedures, and contents. And the final of this thesis sum up those profiles, suggests to our government.
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台北市私立幼兒園市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之關係研究 / A Relation Study of Market Orientation, Core Competence and Quality of Private Preschool in Taipei City鍾玉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力均在中高程度,其覺知之幼兒園品質亦多屬於中高程度。
2. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質不會因幼兒園園長專業背景及幼兒園經營型態等組織特性而呈現差異存在,但會因其餘組織特性(園長年齡、園長教育程度、園長幼教服務總年資、任職本園年資、任職本園園長年資、幼兒園成立歷史、幼兒園規模、幼兒園生師比)之不同而存在差異。
3. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之間具有顯著正相關。
4. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向及核心競爭能力可以預測幼兒園品質。
5. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向可藉由核心競爭能力的完全中介作用,間接正向影響幼兒園品質。 / This study adopts questionnaire survey method. A total of 173 usable questionnaires were collected from 173 administrators of private preschools in Taipei City. The measurement tools are fourfold: 1. preschool organization characteristics; 2. Chung (2011) market orientation scale; 3. Chung (2011) core competition scale and 4. Hsu and Liu (2006) preschool quality scale.
The main conclusions of this study are fivefold:
1. Administrators of private preschools in Taipei City have high perception towards market orientation, core competition and quality of preschool.
2. Within Taipei City private preschools there are no significant differences, neither due to the administrator’s professional background nor the type of preschool. There are however, significant differences due to other organizational characteristics such as the administrator’s age, their level of education and administrative experience, the perpetuation and size of the school, and the student to teacher ratio.
3. Significant positive correlation existed among market orientation, core competition and quality of private preschool in Taipei City.
4. Market orientation and core competition can predict quality of private preschool in Taipei City.
5. Core competition did have the significant mediated effects of market orientation on quality of preschool.
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領導型態,角色壓力, 核心生活興趣與組織承諾的關係鄭得臣, ZHENG, DE-CHEN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在探討: (1)國內個人核心生舌興趣的傾向; (2)探討領導型態,角色
特性及核心生活興趣對組織承諾的影響: (3)領導型態對角色模糊與角色衝突的影響
。受試者包括縣市政府人員 194人,中國造船員工 144人,太子汽車 102人,總計440
活興趣問卷。統計方法採因素分析,相關分析,典型相關分析,逐步迴歸分析, T考
驗,X2考驗及變異數分析。結果顯示: (1)國內個人核心生活的傾向偏向彈性及工作
方面,非工作層面者非常少。 (2)領導型態、角色模糊、角色衝突、角色過度負荷及
核心生活興趣均對組織承諾有所影響。 (3)領導型態對角色特性之知覺有所影響。
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聯合報系動態能耐關鍵因子之研究____以2004年台灣花卉博覽會為例吳仁麟, wu,jen- lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,聯合報系在花博會中的創新行動中歷經了「事業機會發現」、「資源開採」、「打破組織常規」、「資源整合創新」等策略議題內容,可視為台灣報業為尋求新發展方向一次代表性的創新嚐試,其中的機會與挑戰將不會是單一且暫時性的,本研究的相關結論,或可期為未來台灣媒體產業思考未來發展的參考。 / After pass through the big wave of the “Deregulation of newspaper” 、”Cable TV shocking” and “Internet booming” which all make the newspaper industry dramatically transformation, for newspaper company in Taiwan ,the road ahead is the uncountable tough challenge.
So no matter what local and worldwide, all the newspaper company make the effort for both side work so call “cost down” and “value up”, most strategy are focus on the two way necessary , root on the core competence and expands business scope, for this, the company needs to make inner innovative activity , both to relocate resource and structuralize new ability , just like to provide the news service on the web , or the database searching even to start up some new business。
The UDNgroup is the largest private news group in the Chinese world , from about ten years ago in Tawian (UDNgroup headquarter) the company has doing many changing in business operation which is all lock in “ repositioning” 、”expand income resource” 、”cost cut” these three dimension.
Especially , in the 2004, UDNgroup as a main business partner of the government of Chiang Hwa county(彰化縣政府) to initial the「2004TFE(Taiwan Flower Expo)」,in this cooperation , UDNgroup has showing many capability of strategy management to decompose the some inner resource and then reassemble some new resource and capability for the TFE.
This research is the case study between strategy management of UDNgroup and TFE, to find and understand how can UDNgroup to make a good job in the TFE? And the focus is to know about the factor of “Dynamic Capability” .
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半導體廠商價值鍊位置、核心能力與知識分享機制關係之研究邵曉峰, Shao,Justin Unknown Date (has links)
當然,除了核心能力外,組織規模、領導者、工作內容、產業的獨特生態與個別特殊的策略性思維,都將是影響知識分享機制的因素。 / 『Knowledge Management』 is getting more and more important now. And lots of scholars had already realize the importance, then paid large attention doing research about the KM.
But in practicing, many industries still did not good at the KM. They understand the value of the KM, but they cannot find a good way to make it perfect.
Take IC industry for instance. We all know that each step in the value chain has its own business, including design, foundry, and package. As a result, they should own different core competence to fit their business. And creating core competence should depend on knowledge accumulating. So they should need different knowledge types.
IC design industries should have tacit knowledge, and package industries should have explicit knowledge. The foundry, are more complex, they should have both.
Besides of the core competence, the scale, the CEO, the business, and the policy all will affect the knowledge sharing.
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企業如何快速導入ERP之研究-以SAP導入為例陳美玲, Chen,Caroline M. L. Unknown Date (has links)
其中,針對研究動機背景方面有兩大方向,分別為:(1) 在激烈快速競爭微利時代,如何協助中型高科技產業快速導入ERP之鑰。(2) 基於以往很多企業為何導入ERP經常失敗的動因背景之下而研究出一套成功可行之解決方法。本研究目的有三,分別為: (1) 協助台灣中型高科技企業以產業別最適合模式快速導入ERP以加速其建立企業競爭力基礎建設和國際企業快速接軌。(2) 企圖研究找出電子高科技產業之產業模式建立最佳企業典範之核心競爭力和Value Chain等ERP產業模板(Template)之建置,讓企業快又有效率擁有核心能力!(3) 嘗試建立一套可行且獲利之ERP導入之 Business Model以達到Win-Win之局(指中型高科技產業和資訊顧問服務廠商)。
本研究方法分為兩大方面,(1)分析模式:建立快速導入產業模板(Template) (2)成功個案實例方法:(Pilot Project 以找出快速導入產業模板和快速專案導入手法併用在先導系統專案)加以驗證其可行性。本研究系統邏輯主要為(1)本研究關鍵觀念是:採用模板導入方法(Template Approach)以為快速導入系統邏輯。(2)本研究關鍵架構主軸分別是:
本研究採用此雙主軸架構以建置快速導入之可行性。再輔以Case study - Pilot system進行多次測試驗證以個案成功導入實證結果佐證與修正快速導入之模式。
本研究發現:經過本研究從一個Business 角度切入,從高科技產業核心元件去發現出屬於中型高科技電子業之產業模板,進而研發其快速導入之方法並找出實例驗證之整個研究過程後,學生獲得很多發現,分別列述如下三方向:
(1) Project Savings achieved with 產業快速導入專案實驗
(2) Benefits of the Mid-Market Offerings
(3) How to solve the unique requirements in Taiwan (Add-on issues / Localization issues)
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公務機關人事人員核心能力之研究-以行政院農業委員會暨所屬機關為例陳淑惠 Unknown Date (has links)
訓、規劃、遴選用人策略之參考。 / During the last few decades of globalization pressure , several concepts such as strategic human resource management, core competence, and the competency model have emerged within public organizations that have forced new and improved ways to face human resource management challenge. By focusing on these trends while reviewing the evolution and development of human resource management from the 1970s to the 1990s, when the role of core competence in human resource management was a topic of much exploration,this study investigated the experiences of promoting the concepts of core competence and the competency model in Taiwan. Based on the reviewed studies, this research further investigate the issues and status of processed core competence and competency in public agencies.
Finally, recommendations for improving human resource management in public agencies were proposed. The present study held in depth interviews with human resource personnel from the Council of Agriculture in Taiwan to understand their views concerning the level of core competence personnel should have compared to that which actually existed.
By using this in-depth interview research method , the study aimed to gain recommendations from the participants that might enhance core competence levels in order to fill the gap between the participants’ perspectives and the reality they faced. The results of this paper found that human resources personnel feel a need to have core competence that enhances individual core competence as well as career development. To this end, heads of personnel departments hope to provied educational opportunities that advance their core competence related to training, planning, and hiring strategies in the future.
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知識經濟時代高階領導核心能力建構之研究張國慶 Unknown Date (has links)
「沒有成功的組織,面臨的問題無法解決;缺乏有力的領導,組織則無法成功」若沒有稱職的領導人,實在難以想像這個國家或世界如何能塑造一個更令人嚮往的未來。惟當代的管理學者逐漸認識到,作為一位領導者,不僅應具有某種專業知識技能,也應具有「認知的複雜」(Cognitive complexity),能從多面向詮釋問題的意義,協調多重的努力和發展組織的願景(vision)等,因此,領導者的價值、態度、思維傾向要比他本身所具備的專業知識更為重要。
一 、策略管理能力 二 、變革管理能力 三、創新管理能力 四、危機管理能力等四種核心能力。
Content of Strategy Management =(Strategy Map)+ (Balanced Scorecard)(Strategy Focused Organization)
基本上一套完整的策略管理程序,可以歸納如下五項:1.界定組織使命與目標、2. 策略的規劃、3.形成策略、4.執行策略、5.評估成效。
現在企業創造價值的方式,已由過去「管理有形資產(Tangible assets)」轉變為「管理無形資產(Intangible assets)」。所謂無形資產,例如顧客關係、創新的產品和服務、高效率高品質的作業流程、前瞻的資訊技術,以及高素質的員工等。有形資產可用財務報表、資產負債表和損益表來描述其成效,然而無形資產則要以策略核心組織來整體評估。
一、 知識經濟的體認
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