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物流產業的經營策略研究-以銳馳國際物流為例崔慧穎 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣軟體產業技術知識網路和組織動態能耐研究:以趨勢科技公司為例 / A Study on Technical Knowledge Network and Organizational Dynamic Capability of Taiwan's Software Industry : Using Trend Micro, Inc. as an Example賴義龍, Lai, Yi-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
六、在Internet時代,因應科技變化,發展網際網路化(Weblization)技術知識,融合擴張以建構專屬核心能力。讓顧客能力成為組織技術知識的來源。並能乘科技興起之勢(Free Energy),創新商業模式,發揮善用組織知識,創造企業全新價值。
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資訊系統整合廠商評量模式之研究--以核心銀行系統為例黃彥穎, Huang, Yan-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
金融資訊科技的發展及未來社會走向資訊化的必然趨勢下,自1960年至1970年間建置的銀行業大主機架構,多己到達設備投資轉換及軟體效率不足、系統發展週期過長及維護成本過大之瓶頸。由於核心銀行作業系統的複雜性及重要性,系統轉型的龐大投資計畫失敗時可能對銀行產生相當大的影響,系統廠商的評估選擇非常重要。本研究主要提出資訊系統整合廠商評量模式之形成及應用方式,針對核心銀行系統進行評估及選擇適當的系統整合廠商。 經由文獻探討及針對國內某商業銀行的個案研究,我們先建立一個初步的模型,定義出考量層級及涵蓋因素。之後,配合分析層級法(Analytical Hierarchy Process)設計問卷,收集國內各型銀行的資訊主管及業務主管針對「資訊系統整合廠商評量模式考量因素」進行兩兩比較所回應的相對重要性認知,經AHP運算建立層級因素間的權重分派,之後再依受測者所屬銀行類別及職務類別進行統計分析,作為評估廠商時參考的對象。決策者可根據各自銀行狀況再作權重調整,以此標準評量廠商資料,計算最後評比結果,AHP可在評量模式形成時,彙整產業認知資訊計算出考量因素之權重分配;也可在評量模式應用時彙整參與決策者意見,調整考量因素之權重分配,甚至在廠商評選時彙整參與決策者意見,如同計算權重分配一樣,計算出各合作廠商之優先次序。本研究可用來探討資訊系統整合廠合評量的主要考量因素,思考新的資訊科技可能所帶來的危機或轉機,而加以因應或利用;所發展的評量模式可以提供實務使用,期能協助銀行業,在核心銀行系統轉換需求過程中,建立一個對合作廠商評估與選擇的考量模式,在參考產業認知及層級分析的運算作業下,縮短系統轉型之時程,提高成功機率。 / Facing the technology advancement, it is about the time to upgrade the core banking systems built during 1960s and 1970s. The massive variety of banking operation requirements and the IT dependency of critical banking services make the system upgrade transition an enormous burden. This study aims to establish an evaluation model to be used for selecting appropriate system integration vendor of core banking systems. We review the literature and establish an initial model by identifying a group of consideration categories and their included factors. These factors are conformed to real world situations through a case study on a commercial bank at Taiwan. In the following survey, the weight allocation for these consideration factors is to be investigated from the banking community at Taiwan. A questionnaire based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to collect the comparative perceptions for the importance of the consideration factors. Through the AHP, the aggregated evaluation weights can be calculated. Based on the perception difference among bank types and manager types, a statistical analysis will be conducted later. The decision-makers may adjust the evaluation weights based on the ad-hoc needs for their banks. The comparative scoring of the evaluated vendors is then calculated based on the evaluation weights. The study contributes to investigate the important consideration factors for core banking systems and establish an evaluation model based on the industry perception. The similar approach can be extended to other information systems evaluation in the future.
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我國創業投資事業的核心競爭力與投資策略之個案研究朱家威 Unknown Date (has links)
(4)創投產業的關鍵成功因素為豐厚的人脈關係附加價值的提供。 / This paper attempted to (1) realize the current development of domestic venture capital business; (2) discuss issues related to the core competence exhibited i the business; (3) review investment risks and strategies for indepth understanding of investment behavior mode to help map out investment strategies; and (4) explore into the correlation between the corecompetence and investment strategies to identify the consequences in conjunction with other contributing factors and properties.
As an exploratory case stdy, this paper ventures the fact finding essentially by conducting field interviwes with those local entrepreneurs have achieved excellent performance in venture capital and by referring to related documentation available at home and overseas to describe the correlation among present development of venture capital business, its core competece and investment strategies.
Through the theory and case interview, findings of the paper are:
(1) The core competence of each venture capital company may differ, thus to from individual niche, and there are in general seven types of core competence.
(2) Should the core competence the focused on a specific area, certain investment strategies are formed accordingly.
(3) For being subject to the particular environment, the development of venture capital business has been concentrating. In the industry of information electronic, and stack trading in the stock market has become the way to withdraw the funds initially invested while swinging to the vertical integration strategy for increasing profitability.
(4) Wide and constructive contacts with the right, if not powerful, persons as well as the provision of add-ons have proved to be the key success factors of venture capital business.
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組織核心能力與競爭優勢-資訊科技之策略性運用 / Core Capability and Competitive Advantage: The Strategic Deployment of Information Technology柯文珍, Ke, Wen Jane Unknown Date (has links)
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餐飲業家庭市場行銷 台灣麥當勞個案探討 / Family marketing in quick service restaurant business: the case of McDonald's Taiwan李俞頻 Unknown Date (has links)
自1955年Ray Kroc創立麥當勞以來,以經營家庭市場為麥當勞的基礎,並且藉由與家庭顧客的互動培養長期牢固的忠誠度,台灣麥當勞自1984年成立以來,深耕台灣家庭市場,創下許多餐飲業的首創,不但打下市佔率,也打下消費者心佔率,成為父母及小孩的第一選擇。
本研究以實務個案分析,採用質化研究,針對台灣麥當勞高階主管經營家庭市場經驗訪談,輔以理論之架構,予以逐項分析比較及歸納。家庭市場的交換價值影響母品牌的資產,母品牌的經營策略改變也影響家庭市場長久建立的資產,其研究目的有二:第一、期了解麥當勞運用家庭市場行銷方案(Family Program),建立家庭市場地位並且將資產累積回饋母品牌。第二、研究麥當勞品牌策略轉向影響到經營多年的家庭市場,麥當勞該採取的因應策略。
因此,在思考品牌的4C時必須採取根本解,而非症狀解,此外,當核心能力作焦點轉移時,需要重新思考或調整原有核心能力的續航力及基盤事業,最後,如何運用競爭優勢與社會利益共享,創造社會影響力,發揮最大共存效益。 / Since Ray Kroc built up McDonald’s in 1955, Family has been the core foundation of McDonald’s business. McDonald’s has established true loyalty with family customers by engaging and interacting with them at every touch point. McDonald’s Taiwan was established in 1984. Since then, it has been cultivating the family market to become the first choice of parents and kids. It occupies not only the top position of market share but also mindshare.
Because of the rapid expansion of McDonald’s business worldwide, McDonald’s is confronting the first ever decrease of unit store profit. In reaction to this downturn, McDonald’s decided to slow expansion speed and take a step back to re-think and re-position its’ brand. McDonald’s launched the “i’m lovin’ it” brand campaign globally. Their brand communication focus shifted to Young Adults. Because of this shift and the growing anti-fast food trend, McDonald’s family marketing has faced its biggest challenge ever.
This case study adopted qualitative research, interviewed top management in McDonald’s Taiwan and supported by theoretical structure to analyze this case. The exchanging value of family market influenced the equity of mother brand. Changing the position of the mother brand has also affected the value delivery of family market. The main objectives of this thesis are firstly to understand how McDonald’s has utilized family marketing to build equity of family market and be beneficial to the mother brand. Secondly, how the change of mother brand positioning affected the equity of family marketing building. Finally, what strategies McDonald’s should use to tackle these critical issues.
While McDonald’s enhanced the 4C value of family marketing, it also added the 4C value of mother brand. 4C value of family market would transfer and become the equity of mother brand. However, when the brand focus changed, corporate had to re-allocate resources. At this point, the 4C value of mother brand was not totally constituted by 4C value of family market. That is to say, family marketing shared less resources and delivered less 4C value to family market. The incomplete 4C value of family marketing will go back to affect the 4C value of mother brand in the end.
To manage a brand, marketers should resolve the root causes instead of just alleviating the symptoms. To deal with root causes, can corporate leave the side effects away. Besides, when corporate shifts the core competence to another area, they should re-consider resource allocation and migrate the core competence to better fit the new challenges. It is to secure the foundation of the business and sustainability of the corporation. Last but not the least, to incorporate social possibilities in corporate strategies will create the competitive advantage and have a positive impact on our society. Holding a shared vision with the society, working as a team with other partners, and elaborating the best synergy of human kind - that is how corporate social responsibilities will work in the future.
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知識管理對企業產品與製程創新影響之研究--以資訊科技與晶圓代工產業為例方文玉 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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核心能力、工作績效與陞遷機會關係之研究 / A study of the relationship among core competency, job performance and promotional opportunity龔靜蘭, Kung, Chin Lan Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本研究旨在探討行政院及其所屬中央二級機關薦任及簡任公務人員「核心能力」、「工作績效」與「陞遷機會」之關係。透過分層隨機抽樣方式針對正式公務人員進行問卷調查,共發出500份問卷,回收465份,有效問卷為439份。並運用次數分配、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析及迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,研究發現如下:
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從選擇與集中的角度探討日本住友商事之階段式復甦型變革 / From the perspective of selection and concentration,to discuss staged turnaround change of the Japaness company Sumitomo.陳逸中 Unknown Date (has links)
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因應環境變化策略之研究-以科技產品代理業為例劉金明 Unknown Date (has links)
在探討遴選之個案公司之前,本研究首先一觀台灣科技產業之概況與演進,認識代理商在這產業的角色、規模發展及存在價值;之後開始對個案公司在二十餘年經營之背景做一巡禮,而挑選出三大重要時辰的里程碑作為探討,包括:(1)營運模式之調整所作之轉型策略;(2)營運規模拓展及併購所作之成長策略;(3)營運事業項目裁撤、整併與開發所作之縮編與成長策略。本研究將此三個因應策略整理、分析及歸納後,提出可供業者因應環境變化時可參考之策略。 / In professional field of R&D (Research and Development), firms in Taiwan lack behind firms based in developed countries. The gap causes high-tech industries falling on the middle section of the “Smiling Curve”—the concept brought up by Stan Shih, CEO of Acer CEO, in 1992. The middle section of the smiling curve focuses on “assembly” and “manufacturing”. Under this circumstance, in order to enhance the capabilities of Taiwanese firms, it is necessary to import equipment, instruments, parts and related materials from outside of Taiwan. During the process, the role of distributors who acts as a mediator is very significant. However, with the fast changes of environment, such as development of technology, advancement of information and communications technologies, industry globalization and short industrial cycles, these distributors are facing more intense competition and severe challenges than before. It is worthy of finding the strategies to cope with these environmental changes so distributors (firms) can survive in the long-run.
With the research objective in mind and taking the perspective of a firm, the research first focuses on the industry environment to understand the nature of the high-tech industry faced by a firm. Second, the firm evaluates its core competencies and resource allocation. Third, the firm explores the relationship between the upstream and downstream industry chain, especially the interaction among principal, agents and customers to do a SWOT analysis to identify adapting strategies.
The research starts with Taiwan's high-tech industries overview and evolution, and the value chain in the industry, and the roles of technology middlemen. Then, focuses on the case study to review the technology company’s (i.e., the technology middleman) operational history for the past two decades and selects three major important milestones including strategy for business model adjustment and transformation, strategy for business expansion and merger, and strategy for business reduction, consolidation and development. Finally, the study summarizes the findings and offer implications to firms and suggestions for future research.
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