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王悄竹 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要從情緒解釋框架效應,由情緒管理理論(Mood management theory)、情緒壓抑效果(Dampening effect)解釋框架效應,並利用問卷驗證兩理論之正確性。情緒管理理論認為:在正向框架下,受試為了保持好心情,選擇能保持好心情的確定選項;在負向框架下,受試為了逃離負向情緒,選擇有機會沒有人損失的風險選項。而情緒壓抑效果則認為:受試會對不確定選項會有一個情緒的壓抑效果,因此在正向框架下,受試對風險選項的正向情緒較低,因此選擇確定選項;負向框架下,受試對風險選項的負向情緒較低,因此選擇風險選項。另外,對於過去文獻中顯現人們對亞洲疾病問題比賭局問題要來的風險追逐的現象,情緒管理理論比情緒壓抑效果更能由情緒的角度提供解釋。情緒管理理論預期受試面對賭局問題比亞洲疾病問題,在正向框架下的正向情緒較高,在負向框架下的負向情緒較低。情緒壓抑效果預期受試在正向框架下,對於確定選項有較高的正向情緒,因此選擇確定選項;面對負向框架,對於不確定選項有較低的負向情緒,因此選擇不確定選項。本文採用問卷的方式,在實驗一與實驗二中,對於上述的理論作檢驗,結果支持情緒管理理論的預測,情緒壓抑效果僅獲得部分支持。本文除了對於過去框架效應的相關文章作一統整外,對於框架效應的發生提供一個情緒解釋基礎,並使用情緒管理理論驗證並支持之。

企業領導人的形象建構與管理 : 以傑克威爾許為例 / The image management of business leaders - Case Study of Jack Welch

鄭繡瑩, Cheng, Hsiu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
企業領導人與企業具有密不可分的關係。企業領導人的一舉一動,牽動著公眾對企業的觀感,已經不單屬於個人事務範疇。企業領導人的形象管理儼然已成為控制企業形象風險的重要環節,身為公關人員,肩負企業對內對外溝通的重責大任,應該更有系統的對企業領導人進行形象管理,發揮引導作用、限制其可能的負面作用。 本研究探討的研究問題有三:一、從符號研究的觀點分析被封為二十世紀最佳經理人威爾許的形象。二、從符號研究的觀點理解新聞媒體的企業領導人形象建構原則。三、據此形象建構原則,對公關實務人員進行企業領導人的形象建構與管理,提出建議。 本研究針對國內三大主流商業媒體:《商業周刊》、《天下雜誌》、《遠見雜誌》有關威爾許相關報導進行文本分析,透過符號研究取徑的理論性探討、歸納其符號運作策略以及邏輯。研究結果如下: 從符號研究的觀點分析被封為二十世紀最佳經理人威爾許的形象。批評威爾許的力道從不手軟,環似在負面聲量中,威爾許仍贏得一身的美譽。許多原義為負面意涵的辭彙,套在威爾許身上,隨之轉化為正面的讚許。其中威爾許形象的翻轉,一部份取決於框架的角度,也就是符號裝置的選擇;另一部份取決於框架內符號的翻轉,包含「藉由負面符號與正面意涵的連結,翻轉符號由負面為正面」、「運用量化數字的轉喻,彰顯威爾許的領導管理才能」、「透過其他成功人士的隱喻,拉台威爾許的成就與地位」。 進一步分析「從符號研究的觀點理解新聞媒體的企業領導人形象建構原則」,可歸納為以下要點:一、形象符號的建構需與其本身本質與其所投放的訊息相符。二、形象符號的建構需將當下時代社會氛圍納入考量。三、形象符號的建構需先釐清主要(優先)利益關係人與其立場。四、運用符號的轉喻,以部份代替全體,可以暗示欲建構的形象。五、透過隱喻以「熟悉」代替不熟悉的,有利於進行形象溝通與拉抬。六、符號與符號之間可以透過意涵的連結,進行意義的翻轉,進而重塑形象。七、名人與主流媒體的背書,可以協助形塑輿論風向。八、形象建構為動態過程,需隨時監控與調整。 / Business leaders and companies are thus closely linked and inseparable. Every movement of the business leaders could possibly affect the public's perception for the companies, and furthermore it can’t be considered as the category of personal affairs. Image Management of business leaders has become the crucial point to control the risk of the corporate image management. As a public relations officer, one should take the responsibility of corporate internal/external communication management so that possible negative effects as a result of poor image management could be alleviated. The present study raises three research questions: First of all, taking the perspective of Semiotics, what kinds of images were presented by Jack Welch, one of the best manager in the twentieth century? Second, what signs were used to construct the images of this business leader? What are the principles of signification? Third, according to the image construction principles, we wish to provide useful suggestions for the public relations practitioners and business leaders nowadays. In this study, the media texts under semiotic analysis are from three major domestic mainstream commercial media: "Business Weekly", "Common Wealth Magazine” and " Global Views Monthly". The results are as follows: Taking the perspective of semiotics, we find that although Welch was called the best professional manager, people were never stopped criticizing him. However, many negative implications for the original meaning of the wordings used in the media text under analysis, seems to be converted into positive ones in the context of reporting Welch’s accomplishment. On one hand, this conversion of meanings depends on the angle the frame, on the other depends on the mixed signs in a certain context. That is, Welch could be portrayed as a cruel guy (negative in connotation) but being cruel is necessary to save the corporation (positive in connotation). By combining these two seemingly contradictory connotations the whole meaning of the media text become positive. In addition, by using quantitative figures of metonymy, Welch's leadership management skills were highlighted by media reports, and by using the metaphor of accomplishments of other successful people Welch achievements and status were also established. What are the principles of signification? First, principles of the image construction need to be matched their own corporate nature consistent with the messages delivered. Second, we need to take into consideration of the social environment when analyzing Welch’s image construction process. Third, we need to fully understand what stakeholders’ stances are when analyzing image construction process. Fourth, the strategy of metonymy to substitute part of the whole helps to construct a successful image. Fifth, through the metaphor by using the "familiar" signs instead of the unfamiliar ones, we can help to construct a positive image. Sixth, a sign with originally negative connotations could be converted to positive ones when Welch’s management skills are new and innovative implied by the media contexts. Seven, the mainstream media and celebrity endorsement can help to shape public opinions. Eight, the image construction process needs to be constantly monitored and adjusted.

思維模式解釋水平與效期框架之適配對優惠券兌換的影響 / The effect of congruency between construal level of mind-sets and redemption window frames on coupon redemption

鍾欣, Zhong, Xin Unknown Date (has links)
作為行銷的主要推廣工具之一,優惠券可同時使商家和消費者獲益,可謂是一個雙贏的行銷手法。然而在實務上,優惠券的總體發放數量巨大,但整體兌換率卻極低,如何提昇優惠券的兌換率成為企業的重要課題。為了吸引消費者,市面上林林總總的優惠券層出不窮,例如「好友分享券」與「買一送一券」;使用效期的表述亦有多種方式,例如「僅限1月1日可使用」與「1月1日任何時間可使用」。本文由此思考,優惠券上這些看似可隨意混用的文字訊息,也許在不知不覺中影響著消費者的思維模式,並對消費者的優惠券評價、兌換意願及兌換行爲產生作用。 本文結合解釋水平理論與框架效應理論,意圖釐清看似相同的優惠券文字訊息對消費者思維模式解釋水平的影響(實驗一),接著探討思維模式解釋水平與效期框架之適配對優惠券吸引力與兌換意願(實驗二子實驗a、b)及兌換行為(實驗三)的影響,並試圖以處理流暢性解釋此影響過程的心理機制(實驗二子實驗a、b)。 研究主要有兩點發現:(一)「好友分享券」與「買一送一券」文字訊息在影響消費者思維模式解釋水平上具有顯著差異,「好友分享券」文字訊息影響消費者處於高水平解釋思維模式;「買一送一券」文字訊息影響消費者處於低水平解釋思維模式。(二)「好友分享券」(高水平解釋)與「僅限」(限制性效期框架)、「買一送一券」(低水平解釋)與「任何時間」(開闊性效期框架)分別存在適配效果,比不適配的思維模式解釋水平與效期框架更能提升優惠券吸引力及增加消費者兌換意願。最後,本研究探討研究發現的意涵,並對未來研究方向提出建議。 / As one of the major promotional tools for marketing, coupons can benefit both consumers and retailers. Therefore, coupon marketing is considered to be a so-called win-win marketing approach. However, in practice, despite the massive number of coupons distributed, overall redemption rates remain extremely low. The question of how to raise redemption rates has become an important issue for corporations. In order to attract consumers, various coupons keep emerging in the market, such as “share with friends” coupons and “buy one, get one free” coupons. Moreover, the same redemption window can be expressed in different ways, for example, “the coupon can be used only on January 1” and “the coupon can be used anytime on January 1”. This research is interested in whether the seemingly interchangeable coupon messages exert an influence without people's realizing it on consumers’ mind-sets, coupon attractiveness, redemption intention and behavior. By combining Construal Level Theory with Framing Effect, this research attempts to explore the impact of the seemingly equivalent coupon messages on the construal level of consumers’ mind-sets (Study 1), and examine the effect of the congruency between the construal level of mind-sets and redemption window frames on coupon attractiveness, redemption intention (Study 2a & 2b) and behavior (Study 3). In addition, this research tries to draw on processing fluency to explain the mechanism underlying the effect (Study 2a & 2b). The main findings are as follows. First, “share with friends” and “buy one, get one free” influence consumers to construe their mind-sets at a high and low level, respectively. Second, the congruency between “share with friends” coupon (high-level construal) and the restrictive frame “only”, “buy one, get one free” coupon (low-level construal) and the expansive frame “anytime”, enhances coupon attractiveness and consumers’ intention to redeem. The research concludes with the implications of the findings and suggestions for future research.

物件導向企業框架之研究-以會計總帳系統為例 / Research of Object Oriented Business Framework : Accounting General Ledger Experience

陳泓志, Chen, Hong Chich Unknown Date (has links)
應用系統的發展從以前的部門資訊系統,到目前的企業整體資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP),更而甚之地橫跨企業組織的供應鏈管理系統(Supply Chain Management, SCM);從這樣的趨勢發展我們可以輕易地發現應用系統的範圍逐漸擴大,而且對系統品質及穩定度的要求越來越高,因此也讓軟體從業人員面臨了三大挑戰:系統複雜度提高、開發效率的提升及系統品質的確保。 1997年物件管理委員會(Object Management Group, OMG)通過了統一化塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)成為物件導向塑模語言的標準之後,物件導向開發方法開始被軟體從業人員所重視。 雖然物件導向系統發展方法從分析到設計階段能有效地讓系統具有低耦合力(low coupling)及高內聚力(high cohesion)之特性,而且企業應用框架(Business Framework)在系統設計到實作、測試及維護階段能夠以其標準化的企業物件、系統開發方式及彈性化的架構讓整體成本下降。然而企業應用框架的提供廠商通常欠缺著一套結合了物件導向分析與設計和企業應用框架的系統發展方法,因此本研究的目的在於透過對物件導向塑模語言、軟體工程及專案管理和企業應用框架的研究與了解,試圖將企業應用框架與UML及Unified Process結合,以彙整出一套系統發展指引,稱為以框架為基礎之元件化系統發展方法(Framework-based Componentized System development Process),以期有效提升軟體的生產力及品質,成為下一代開發應用系統的方法。

大眾傳播與社會運動:框架理論的觀點 / Mass Media and Social Movement: Framing Approach

胡晉翔, Hu, Jing Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近二十年來,社會運動研究蓬勃發展,研究成果亦有可觀,但傳統社運研究忽略了意義建構研究的重要性。傳播研究雖然注重大眾傳播媒體對於社會運動的報導,但多由霸權論的角度出發,認為大傳媒體只是事件的次級界定者,複製當權者的意識型態,抗爭者的聲音很難在媒體上出現。   隨著馬克思主義的修正,這種觀點近來飽受質疑,學者多稱其犯了媒介中心論的謬誤,忽略了社運團體主動建構意義的角色。本論文即由框架的角度出發,認為大傳媒體是各種不同意識型態競爭的場域,社運團體主動參與新聞的生產;探討在權力關係不均衡的情況下,社運組織如何運用媒介策略,影響新聞內容的形成。   本論文以78至79年發生的「無住屋者運動」為例,分析中國時報、自立早報與中央日報的報導,配合與社運團體訪談的方式,試圖回答以下問題:   一、社會運動在報紙上所呈現的框架為何?   二、檢驗媒介中心論,社運團體在媒體上受到的處理是否一定比官方消息來源不利?   三、社運團體可能使用的媒介策略為何?   四、媒介策略與報紙框架的關聯性為何?   研究發現,「無住屋者運動」在報紙上呈現的框架以主要事件為主,藉由一連串反諷的抗爭事件,「無住屋者運動」建立起幽默風趣的抗爭風格。此外,媒介中心論並不適用於本研究案例,即報紙對「無住屋者團結組織」的新聞處理優於官方組織。   「無住屋者團結組織」的媒介策略是社運成功的最大原因,製造具新聞價值的抗爭行動、與媒體建立良好關係並贏得記者的認同、發布易於改寫的新聞稿是最有效的媒介策略。由「無住屋者運動」的案例可看出,政治經濟等結構性因素並非影響新聞內容的唯一原因。社運團體如能妥善利用媒介策略,將能在媒體上呈現社運主張。

法國驅逐吉普賽人:震撼二零一零年法國政治與社會的新聞之框架研究 / The Roma's expulsions in France: Framing the socio-political crisis that shook France in 2010

孟柯, MONCOQUET, Christine Unknown Date (has links)
法國在2010年發生了一件富社會與政治爭議性的大事:對非法吉普塞人移民的驅除。當時法國媒體極力報導這則消息,並皆由報導重新建構此事件。此篇論文探討法文報紙在報導吉普賽移民議題上如何被政治化。此研究由法國《世界報》與《費加洛日報》中挑選240篇文章出來做框架分析,《世界報》與《費加洛日報》分別代表法國兩大不同政治理念的國家日報,藉此分析支持學者哈林與曼席尼的媒體政治制度化與框架中的分化假設。《世界報》中大部分文章有著支持吉普賽移民框架報導(107篇文章)而《費加洛日報》中大部份文章則是反吉普賽移民框架報導的(76篇文章)。此外,結果顯示《世界報》中佔優勢的框架是支持吉普賽人安全制度的框架,而《費加洛日報》佔優勢的框架則是反吉普賽人移民的國家主義框架。 / Summer 2010 in France was marked by a major socio-political controversy: the expulsions of illegal Roma immigrants. The French news media widely broadcasted the issue, reconstructing the debate for the audiences. This thesis researched how French newspapers are being politicized in reporting the Roma immigration debate. Framing analysis of 240 articles in Le Monde and Le Figaro, two selected French national dailies of differing political ideology, supported Hallin and Mancini’s hypothesis of media instrumentalization and polarization in frame. Le Monde had a majority of pro-Roma immigration frames (107 articles) and Le Figaro had a majority of against Roma immigration frames (76 articles). Moreover, findings showed that Le Monde’s dominant frame was the pro-Roma securitization frame and Le Figaro’s dominant frame was the against Roma immigration nationalism frame.

技術理性教育的困境 / The predicaments of education through technological rationality

吳仁俊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從台灣學生在國際評量的結果談起,在亮麗成績的背後可以發現儘管學生有極為優異的數學與科學表現,但卻不喜歡學習或對其評價甚低,而且在學習上相當缺乏自信心,學生間的學習落差也持續擴大。在逐步的歸結中本研究排除了謙虛的文化因素使然,而是升學所造成繁重的課業壓力、冗長的在學時間與普遍的課後補習等額外壓抑(surplus-repression)所造成,它們不僅造成學生學習上的異化,更影響了學生的身心健康發展。這些可算是目前我們所須面對的教育困境之一。 技術理性社會(the society of technological rationality)會將升學視為很合算的經濟投資,而國家則將教育視為推動社會與經濟發展的一個關鍵性因素。在這樣的社會中,不僅依最有效率的方式來開發資源,更將人視為極度有待開發的「人力資源」(human resources)。這套企業化、技術化與科學性的語言與思考模式,藉由提升效能與改善生產力來取得群眾的支持與擁護;更將教育人員、知識份子和廣大經濟秩序的價值系統予以銜接。如此應運而生的技術理性教育方式,一方面協助生產並維持現存主宰經濟、政治與文化所需的知識類型,另一方面更進而合理化這套經濟和文化權力分配的模式。 在此境況之下的教育,逐漸淪為一種企業經營,講究的是管理、效益與成本,如將將企業管理的模式移植到教育行政之中,為的是以最高效率來達成既定的政策與目標;所孕育出的開發課程觀,其課程設計與發展所追求的是提升社會效率,使得課程(curricula)的意義不再是有待理解的文本或內容,而是達成既定目標的課程技術;在教學上則不思原有諸多方法的改進,而是將資訊科技視為是提升教學效率的最佳利器,使得教學成為教學工程學,而這些既是教育的困境也是教育的異化。 技術理性能成為思維的主流模式,不僅得力於其能大大提升生產力、改善民眾生活與增加社會財富,進而獲得民眾的認同與取得合法性而已,同時也得力於數學與科學為其合理性的撐腰,對此的瞭解與批判主要應歸功於Marcuse與Husserl的貢獻。此外,作為技術批判先行者的Heidegger,則對算計性思維(calculative thinking)展開追根究柢的哲學性反思,就過度張揚的主體性、對象化的世界、技術成為時代的形上學(metaphysics)也有發人深省與獨到之處。藉由前述等學者的論述,本研究展開嘗試性地探索與追問,希望有助於技術理性框架性教育的鬆解。 關鍵詞:技術理性、額外壓抑、算計性思維、框架的教育 / This study aims to analyze what lies behind Taiwanese students’ brilliant performances on international assessment. Though our students surpass in math and science, they don’t seem to enjoy learning or have enough confidence in their own learning. On the contrary, Taiwanese students show very low interest in learning. The gap between students’ academic performances among one another has been widening. Throughout the process of deduction, this study excludes the Chinese cultural element of being humble. It is believed that surplus-repression, like the heavy study load caused by entrance exams and long school hours coupled with the common phenomenon of going to cram schools after school, leads to diverse results of students’ learning as well as immense influences on both their mental and physical development. These are parts of the educational predicaments we have to face them now. The society of technological rationality considers advanced education as a good investment while the government treats education as a key component to promoting economic development. In this kind of society, the resources are used in the most efficient ways. Human beings, known as human resources, are considered potential resources waiting to be developed. This enterprise and technology driven, and scientifically thinking pattern, has gained support and popularity from the public by improving efficiency and productivity, so as to cast a link among educationalists, intellectuals, and the value system of the tremendous economic order. This generated education of technological rationality, in one way, assists production and maintains the knowledge genre that the present dominant economy, politics, and culture need. On the other hand, the education rationalizes the pattern that the economic and cultural power dominates. Under this circumstance, education has gradually become a managing business; emphasizing on management, benefits, and expense. To implement the enterprise managing pattern into education, administration is to carry out designated policy and reach goals with the best efficiency. What the thus-gestated curricula viewpoints is trying to pursue is the elevation of social efficiency with its curricula arrangement. Hence, curricula would no longer mean context or content waiting to be comprehended, but the strategies to attain appointed objectives. In teaching, the focus would switch to make the most of information technology, thus making it the greatest tool to boost teaching efficiency and to transfer teaching into teaching engineering instead of adopting traditional teaching methods to improve teaching. These’re not only the educational predicaments but also the alienations of education. The reason technological rationality has become the main stream in thinking is because it not only advances productivity excessively, shapes up public life, accumulates public wealth, and earns the public’s identity to get legitimacy, but it wins support for its rationality from math and science. Marcuse and Husserl should be honored for their devotion to figuring it out thoroughly. Nonetheless, Heidegger, the pioneer to conduct technological criticism, has initiated philosophical reflections over calculative thinking to go into whys and wherefores. He has got thought-provoking and unique opinions toward over-exaggerating subjectivity, objectized world, and technology becoming the era’s metaphysics. Based on the statements given by the previous scholars, this thesis is attempting to launch some explorations and queries, in hope of assisting the relief to the enframing education through technological rationality. keywords: technological rationality, surplus-repression, calculative thinking, enframing education

官方消息來源之模糊傳播研究-以馬英九總統受CNN訪談內容為例 / Equivocal communication of the official news sources:A discourse analysis of CNN’s interview with President Ma Ying-jeou

劉伶伶, Liu Ling-ling Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,有關新聞訪問中的模糊語言實際運用並無具體化分析成果,本研究藉由現任總統馬英九接受國際媒體CNN專訪之研究,以論述分析法逐一分析問句及答句,具體歸納出了模糊語言之運用方式。 本研究在文獻回顧章節透過面子威脅、雙避衝突及組織框架等理論來探討官方消息來源如何使用模糊語言,再以論述分析法逐一探討提問者問句與受訪者答句間之對應情形,並納入語境因素,試圖尋找出官方消息來源常見之模糊語言形式。 本研究結果顯示,國內官方消息來源在衝突性提問中確實經常引用模糊語言作為回應媒體提問之方式,不論國內或是國外消息來源均偏愛採取「製造政策重點」之模糊語言方式回應,國內官方消息來源尤其青睞採取「製造政策重點」中之「提出新的論點」、「自我肯定」及「未來作法及期待」等項目,主要是基因於模糊語言類型的運用具有「看似言之有物」、「轉移焦點」、「離開情境」、「不冷場」及「較不容易出錯」等優點,至於負面效應則是引發媒體的「追問」,但由於問答劇本之設定及訪問時間等有利因素,消息來源之模糊語言並無礙於專訪之進行。 / This study focuses on the concept of equivocal communication, especially on the effect of equivocal language and source credibility, ininterviews between the press and its official sources. An unedited version of CNN interview with President Ma Ying-jeou on April 30, 2011, was used in this study in order to find out how equivocal language, if any, was involved. After going through the literature of face-threatening theory, avoidance- avoidance conflict and frame analysis, this research centers on two levels: first, how the officials choose/manipulate the wording of answers in interviews; and second, what the syntax differences are between questions and answers. The results of the study show that official sources, when facing harsh questions, usually turn to equivocal language and intend to induce avoidance towards certain questions. The technique that an official frequently adopted is “making political points,” i.e., to divert attention by “presenting policies,” “talking up one’s own side,” and “making pie in the sky.” The negative effects of equivocal language, therefore, are mainly resulted from the fact that it might trigger more aggressive follow-up questions from the press. Nevertheless, officials still maintain an upper hand over the pres in the wake of Q&A time restraints and the constant stress to beat deadline.

富士康墜樓事件中台灣報紙勞工新聞的框架研究 / Framing labor in news of the Foxconn jumps

郭欣華, Mindy, Xin-hua Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2010年富士康連續墜樓事件作為觀察對象,採用新聞框架理論,檢視國內報紙對於勞工議題的報導。另鑑於本事件為台商在中國投資的事件,牽動敏感的兩岸話題,因此本研究加入各報政治偏差之因素,探討國內報紙對該事件報導的異同。 研究發現,事件發生初期,國內報紙多以「責任框架」報導,追究雇主應負的責任與提出的解決辦法;到了中後期,各報則以「經濟影響框架」為主,探討加薪將對雇主、國家,乃至全球經濟造成的影響。各報報導立場雖多為中立,但仍可見媒體對雇主的立場出現由負轉正的趨勢。此外,無論是「責任框架」或是「經濟影響框架」,在本事件勞工議題的討論中,雇主佔去了大部分的發言權,反觀以勞工為主體性的文章,則是少之又少。 政治立場偏藍的報紙,如«聯合報»和«中國時報»,皆以廣大篇幅報導之;反之,政治立場偏綠的報紙,如«自由時報»,則企圖淡化該新聞;而市場導向的«蘋果日報»位於兩者中間。所有報紙的報導皆以雇主發言為大宗,勞工仍處於弱勢,至於新聞框架的使用,則無明顯政黨偏差。 / This thesis examines the frames used in the news coverage of the Foxconn suicide jumps in general and labor issue in particular, along with political affiliation as a factor in Taiwan’s dailies. Framing analysis of 222 articles in the four major newspapers in Taiwan showed that “attribution of responsibility” and “economic consequence” were identified to be the two most used frames in coverage. These frames shifted to one another on June 1, the day when the company announced the wage increase policy. After the time divide, stories published before that mainly talked about attribution of responsibility and soon shifted to economic consequence afterwards. As for tone, coverage of workers generally stayed neutral with a subtle change from positive to negative, while stories of employers showed a shift from negative in the beginning to positive in the later stage. In terms of political affiliation, findings showed that difference could be obviously observed in the quantity of coverage, where the pro-Green Liberty Times contributed much less than the pro-Blue United Daily and China Times. While showing no obvious difference in the use of frame and by tone in the four newspapers when describing workers and employers, the pro-independence Liberty Times demonstrated apparent negative attitude toward the Chinese government and other China-related affairs in its editorials.

被創制的仇恨-媒體運動報導中的反韓框架分析 / Media framing analysis of 'anti-Korea' in Taiwan sport news.

林宗偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對國人長期存有的「仇韓情緒」進行研究,並認為這樣的社會集體記憶,一方面固然與台韓雙方長期以來的社會脈絡與歷史環境有關,但更重要的是媒體中介的結果,形成一種Hobsbawm所說的創制傳統。因此經由媒體下手,透過不同時期與不同報紙的運動衝突事件報導,進行資料蒐集分析佐以相關文本生產者訪談,希望勾勒出媒體在這波現象背後所扮演的角色。   大致上,從文本的分析後可以知曉,這種仇恨記憶是逐漸的被媒體創制出來,相較於第一時期(1983~1992年)對於韓國較具包容性並以事件為報導基礎,第二時期之後(1992~2010年),媒體的呈現對衝突事件的追蹤或說明逐漸變少、情緒性的花絮或是形容詞變多,並將衝突事件與韓國或韓國人整體構連,出現明顯的仇視對象。此外,不同媒體在報導上也呈現不同的立場,顯示媒體在面對這類與韓國的衝突事件,並不是如此的單純呈現,有其特殊的考量存在。   研究中也發現,在媒體的框架產製過程中,組織的經營考量往往成為文本產製的最終考量,使得仇韓新聞框架以讀者為導向,以新聞商品為前提創制文本。這樣的媒體真實隨著時間的拉長,也逐漸的被認知為一種社會真實,與整個大環境結構變得相互生成,慢慢成為一種「被發明的傳統」,自然地存在於眾人的仇韓集體記憶中,等待下一次的觸發時機並且作為媒體可依歸的新聞商品固定產製公式。

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