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幼兒就學準備度評量之研究 / A Study of children’s school readiness assessments鄭雅方, Cheng, Yafang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國內適用之幼兒就學準備度評量「五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)」,供幼兒園確保教育品質之用。研究者首先廣泛蒐集幼兒就學準備度相關文獻,包含:幼兒就學準備度內涵、幼兒學習標準與表現指標、幼兒就學準備度評量等部分,接著選取具有代表性、符合我國文化特性,以及出版日期較新之六篇重點文獻進行統整與比較,藉由文獻分析後所建立的國內外幼兒就學準備度內涵對照表,與了解幼兒學習標準與表現指標、幼兒就學準備度評量現況後的啟示,作為建構五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)之參考。六篇重要文獻包含美國Head Start辦公室所發展的「幼兒學習成果架構」(Child Outcomes Framework)、High Scope基金會所發展的兒童行為觀察記錄表Child Observation Record (COR)、盧美貴(2003)「我國五歲幼兒基本能力與學力指標建構研究」、林秀錦與王天苗(2004)「幼兒入學準備能力之研究」、香港教育局(2003)的「兒童發展表現指標」、香港教育學院的「兒童發展評量表」(2007)。研究者以盧美貴(2003)「我國五歲幼兒基本能力與學力指標」與香港教育學院「兒童發展評量表」為藍本建構出評量表(長題本)之雛形,並透過問卷調查法與訪談調查法,進行五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)的適用性檢視與修訂,最後完成我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)之建構。在調查研究的部分,為確立「長題本」的適用性,研究者以立意取樣,選取公私立幼兒園各2所,各1班,共計4班,每班2位教師,共8位老師,請教師評量班上的大班幼兒,求兩位教師評分結果的相關,建立評量表之信度,並根據訪談的意見與回饋進行評量表內容之修正。
我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)不僅可以在教學上使用亦可作為研究用。為進一步了解評量表(長題本)在相關研究之應用性,研究者透過預試及專家小組的討論篩選題目,建構五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(短題本),探討教師與家長對幼兒就學準備度期望與現況之情形。研究者以便利取樣,抽取台北市公私立幼兒園的教師與家長,實施調查研究,共寄出525份問卷,回收425份,有效份數為400份,有效回收比例為76%,有效回收份數中,家長有178份,教師有222份。研究者將問卷所得之量化資料以SPSS 12.0中文版統計套裝軟體進行分析;綜合文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談調查,本研究之結論如下:
最後,研究者根據文獻分析、問卷調查及訪談調查的結果提出建議,期許對未來幼教的發展有所裨益。 / The main purpose of this study is to construct a reliable and valid five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) in order to ensure the quality of education in kindergartens. Through extensively collecting several relevant literatures as to Child Outcomes Framework (Head Start), Child Observation Record (COR), Readiness Skills Preparing for Better Earning and Adjustment in Elementary school (Shiu-Chin Lin & Tien-Miau Wang, 2004), Key Competency and Performance Indicators in Early Childhood Education (Mei-kuei Lu, 2003), Hong Kong Children's Development Performance Indicators (Hong Kong Government's Bureau, 2003), Hong Kong Child Development Scale (2007), the five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) is formed and revised after literature analysis, questionnaire survey and personal interview. This can not only be used for teaching but also for researching.
The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (short version) is for understanding the expectation of kindergarten teachers and parents of school readiness. The results are analyzed by means, standard deviations, t-test and one-way ANOVA.
Here are the results of this study:
A. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) has good reliability and validity.
B. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) is related to five domains (physical health and development domain, social and emotional domain, language and communicate domain, cognitive domain and approaches to learning domain), 24 points, 62 items and 177 indicators. Every indicator has three performance levels and a remarks column that can offer teachers to record related observations, reviews, children’s performances etc.
C. The expectation of school readiness between kindergarten teachers’ and parents’ is significantly different. Parents’ expectation is higher than kindergarten teachers’ expectation.
D. There are significantly different characters between public and private kindergartens.
E. There are significantly different expectations of school readiness among the different background of families and kindergarten teachers.
F. The parents’ expectation of school readiness and their children’s performance of school readiness is significant different. Parents’ expectation is higher than their children’s school readiness performance.
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WTO服務貿易規範中「國內規章」條款之研究 / The Study of Domestic Regulation in GATS林莉璇, Lin, Li-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣升大學重考生的自我評價與情緒困擾 / The self-evaluation and emotional disturbance of college entrance examination retakers in Taiwan林正山, Lin, Jeng-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 在情緒困擾相關評量上,對重考生及其他同齡學生(高三學生和大一學生)的狀況進行調查與比較,以巨觀描繪出臺灣升大學重考生的情緒困擾問題。研究結果發現:重考生較其他同齡學生具有更高的憂鬱和焦慮,而在自我落差評量方面,他們具有較高的自我落差覺察頻率,以及較大的課業自我落差量。
(二) 以大學生及重考生樣本,實徵檢驗自我落差量及其覺察頻率是否能有效預測人們的情緒困擾狀況,以瞭解本研究所提出來的概念架構是否可以用來說明臺灣學生的情緒困擾問題。研究結果顯示:學生的自尊、憂鬱以及焦慮都可以由一些自我落差評量有效解釋,然而由於重考生所具有的一些特質,使得自我落差評量對於重考生組內差異的解釋力多數比它們在大一樣本中為。
(三) 對高中升大學重考生的導引自我標準進行內容分析,以檢視社會教化內容與個人導引自我標準間的關連。由內容分析的結果可以發現:重考生的導引自我標準受到社會教化內容很大的影響(特別是升學觀念的社會教化),因此重考生的導引自我標準並不是散亂地分佈,絕大多數的項目可群集為二十一個類目,至於其餘的項目則是少見且較不具重要性的。
(四) 依據前述內容分析的結果,分析升學在臺灣社會中可能具有的社會心理意涵,並探索性地描繪重考生的心理處境。由內容分析發現:重考生的導引
自我標準包含很多與升學有關的價值觀(至少佔 46 %),由於這些價值觀在重考生群體中的普遍性與重要性,本研究將它們統合成一個整體結構,推論出升學在臺灣社會中可能具有的六種社會心理意涵:(1)「受高等教育,以取得謀職、營生的優勢」;(2)「具有豐富的學識,前途看好」;(3)「享受自 由學風,拓展自我潛能」;(4)「表現出眾,讓人看得起」;(5)「善盡本分,能榮顯父母師長」;(6)「戰勝自己,達成對自己的期許」。
在上述的整體結構中,由於「順利升學,取得文憑」居於最為核心的地位,因此重考生對於自我的評價普遍會受到他們對自己升學表現的預期很大的影響。「升學在臺灣社會中可能具有的社會心理意涵」與「個別重考生的心理處境」兩者之間的關係,彷彿就是「完整的圖像」與「殘缺的圖像複製品」兩者之間的關係,儘管複製不可能完美,使得後者在顏色上可能會比原圖較像 濃或是較淡,在色調上可能會比原圖像較為明朗或是更為陰鬱,然而,它們之間的共同點是,後者都可以在前者上面找到它相對應的部分(但僅為圖像的局部),使得個別重考生的心理處境與集體的社會升學觀念間,即使存在著許多表象的差異,但它們之間至少仍保有一種「理解的可滲透性」。
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類神經網路應用於房地產估價之研究 / The application of neural network to real estate appraisal高明志, Kao, Ming-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
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雙邊投資協定徵收條款之研究---以台灣,韓國比較研究為中心 / A study on the expropriation clause in the bilateral investment treaty--focused on a comparative study of Taiwan and south Korea--朴栽亨 Unknown Date (has links)
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供應商關係與供應商管理制度之探討─以我國某電腦企業為對象林淑如 Unknown Date (has links)
視及要求的程度皆最高,且對其執行之發展活動亦最為頻繁。 / Competition in the industry is changing from among firms to among supply chains forming by suppliers and buyers. Thus, supply chain management is increasingly recognized as an important source of a firm’s competition advantage. The first step of supply chain management is to select and evaluate suppliers. Since selecting good suppliers is the basis of running supply chain smoothly and creating maximum benefits; therefore, how to select potential suppliers to help achieving the strategy goal has become the most important thing. Besides selecting suppliers carefully, in order to attaining and maintaining various standards set up by firms, they have to put effort to implement supplier development activities to promote the performance and abilities of suppliers. Also, firms must monitor and evaluate supplier performance carefully and regularly to ensure that its current suppliers are meeting the needs and unexpected future needs of the firm.
Firms do not have a “one-size-fits-all” strategy for relationship types with suppliers, but manage a portfolio of relationships. Firms should adopt different types of supplier management in accordance with types of relationships to achieve the objective of managing supply chain efficiently and effectively and distribute proper resources to suppliers.
This study uses case study research, and is supported by the questionnaire. This study takes certain electronic enterprise as the object company, and tries to discuss that with different relationship types between suppliers and firms, what will be the selection criterion, the development activity, and the performance evaluation system for suppliers; moreover, how are they different. Through collection and analysis, we found the following conclusions:
1.The types of relationship can be divided into three types.
2.Supplier selection criteria adopted by the firm are different from types of relationships.
3.Supplier development activities implemented by the firm are different from types of relationships.
4.Supplier performance evaluation items adopted by the firm are different from types of relationships
5.There are little agreements between the firm and it’s suppliers as for the supplier management system.
6.On the selection criterion and performance evaluation items, the firm pays most attention and requires most on strategic partnership suppliers. Moreover, the development activities are most frequently executed.
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XBRL FR分類標準整合─集團企業編製合併財務資訊之研究 / XBRL FR Taxonomy Integration─A Study on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Reporting莊雅雯, Chuang,ya wen Unknown Date (has links)
XBRL(可延伸企業報告語言,eXtensible Business Reporting Language)的發展,使企業打破傳統財報的表單形式,它利用電腦可讀的標籤語言減少大量的傳統人力編製流程。後來更發展了財務報告的分類標準(以下簡稱XBRL FR),用來表達財務報表合計性的資訊,但這些處理過的加總數字,無法再還原為原始資料,故對於各國會計準則無法自動轉換,對於跨國公司的合併財務資訊依舊費時費力。
本研究首先依據國際會計準則委員會、臺灣、中國及美國官方所制定的XBRL FR進行分析及比較,建立一個新的XBRL FR,稱為NCCU XBRL FR,蒐集一般行業編制集團財務資訊之必要明細科目(僅包含所有流動資產和流動負債)。接者透過「對應標籤(mapping tags)」的技術,設計一邏輯規則庫,內建四種NCCU XBRL FR分別對應四地XBRL FR之「XBRL計算連結庫(XBRL Calculation Linkbase)」,即可自動轉換NCCU XBRL FR和四地XBRL FR的資訊。最後利用四地之原本XBRL FR計算連結庫,計算編製合併報表資訊前的個別報表資訊。
本研究提出多國準則探討及XBRL FR對應的方法,設計問卷並執行國內四大事務所之專家訪談,發現各國財務報表準則仍然受到會計專業的主觀判斷而分歧,未來全球財報共通的目標,還有很長的一段路要走。 / Because of the support of Enterprise Resource Planning system, business groups speed up their financial reporting preparation. Leaving aside the system cost of training, implemention, maintenance and update, its financial information still requires multiple inputs and distributions currently, and needs to repeatedly check their validity. These steps still remain at manual labor.
XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) helps business to break the form of traditional financial reporting. It has machine-readable label tags, and it can reduce lots of traditional manual process. Financial Reporting Taxonomies (hereinafter referred to as XBRL FR) now are used to express the information of the total amount in financial statements. Because processed numbers can not revert to the original data, accounting principles adopted by nations around the world cannot switch amid different principles. Therefore consolidations of financial information still cost multinationals a lot of resources.
In this study, based on analysis and comparison of International Accounting Standards Board, Taiwan, China and the United States official XBRL FR, we established a new XBRL FR, called NCCU XBRL FR, which is used to collect general commercial and industrial financial information (including only current assets and current liabilities). Then, we use mapping tags technology to design some logic rule database, which has four built-in XBRL Calculation Linkbases corresponding to four XBRL FRs. The logic rule database can automatically convert NCCU XBRL FR to four XBRL FRs. Ultimately, the original four XBRL FR Calculation Linkbases can compute individual financial statements before preparation of consolidated information.
In this study, we proposed a method of multinational accounting standard discussion and XBRL FR mapping. We designed the questionnaire and conduct in-depth interviews to the experts of Big 4 audit firms. Then we found that there are differences in subjective judgments of multinational accounting standard. In the future, there will be a long way to go if we have the goal of common global financial reporting.
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以最大測驗訊息量決定通過分數之研究 / Study of the Standard Setting by the Maximum Test Information謝進昌, Shieh, Jin-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
綜整之,本研究所採最大測驗訊息量法,經檢驗後,於分類一致性上乃具有不錯的表現,且搭配相對強韌、嚴謹的理論支持與適切測驗結果解釋方法等,是最適合用於大型考試上使用。因此,乃建議未來政府單位或實務工作者於進行大型證照、資格檢定考試時,可考慮使用本策略。 / The purpose of this study is to adopt the concepts of IRT maximum test information to standard setting. At first, we are trying to discover three facets of interpretation in using the maximum test information to standard setting through the historical movement of standard setting. The three facets are component combination and adjustment, generalized test construction processes and multiple validities. Depending on these three concepts, we can easily explain the reasonableness and appropriateness of maximum test information approach. After that, we further investigate the reasonableness from the dimensions of definition of formula, item selections and statistical power to establish the basic theory of the maximum information approach in standard setting. In addition, we also examine the effects on exact classification of master/non-master in expectation to provide multiple evidences for validity. Finally, the method of classical test scores transformation and difference ability description are discussed to provide quantitative and qualitative test result interpretation simultaneously.
In sum, some conclusions are proposed.
1.In applying the maximum test information approach to standard setting, the effect on exact classification of master/ non-master may come to a satisfying result. We may have at least 90% exact classification performance. At the same time, we also find that the mastery standard deriving from the maximum test information approach may have some advantages being a starting reference point for experts to adjust on the basis of the view of confidence interval. In the aspect of classical test scores transformation, no matter what approach you take, the transformed classical test scores approach or test characteristic curve mapping method, the consistency of exact classification of master/ non-master may hold. We may suggest the combination strategy is really worthy to take into consideration in standard setting.
2.In applying the anchor point to interpret Basic Competency Test result, we may find non-master only has basic academic knowledge and simple graph understanding ability, but for the master, he may need extensive academic knowledge; ability of complicated problems、data and graph interpretation; logic reasoning、analyzing experimental result to get related issues. Moreover, advanced academic knowledge; ability of synthesizing and evaluating information from data and surroundings are also included.
3.In the aspect of test length, the result of this research shows no matter what approach you take, maximum test information approach、transformed classical test scores approach or test characteristic curve mapping method, they are all influenced. It shows the longer test length, the higher consistency of exact classification of master/non-master. This result is consistent to most of the studies in the past. On the other hand, we suggest the 20 items is a fundamental value. Moreover, from the view of exact number of error classification, we can find that the real factor affecting the difference scores in transforming classical test score is unable to control in practical usage, but we can just disperse the numbers of people in each test score point to reduce the influence of error classification by increasing test length.
4.In the aspect of diverse test difficulty, because the maximum test information approach possesses the characteristic of examinees’ ability adjustment depending on item parameters, it is less influenced to maintain a acceptable level of consistent classification. In contrast with the maximum test information approach, the transformed classical test scores approach and test characteristic curve mapping method may have obvious high ratio of error classification under the fixed mastery standard. This also reflects the deficiency of current fixed 60 points passing scores.
5.In the aspect of analyzing the effect of score transformation between easy、hard and normal test, this research shows no matter what approach you take in any type of test difficulty, they may not severely influenced. Furthermore, from the view of exact number of error classification, because the maximum test information approach possesses the characteristic of deciding passing level depending on the degree of test difficulty (the lower mastery standard in easy test and the higher in hard test), it may not lead to a severe error classification even if there exists a large difference score in classical test score transformation.
6.In the aspect of interaction between test length、diverse test difficulty and anchor items selection, this research shows that test length and diverse test difficulty are not the real factors affecting anchor items selection. The more accurate cause is if the mastery standard deriving from the maximum test information approach may coordinate with the anchor point or not.
In sum, the maximum test information approach may not only lead to a satisfying exact classification performance after analysis, but also be supported by strong and strict theory and accompany proper test result interpretation method. It is the most proper method in standard setting for large-sized test. Finally, we suggest the government or practitioners may consider adopting this strategy for future usage.
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應用機器學習於標準普爾指數期貨 / An application of machine learning to Standard & Poor's 500 index future.林雋鈜, Lin, Jyun-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
本系統係藉由分析歷史交易資料來預測S&P500期貨市場之漲幅。 我們改進了Tsaih et al. (1998)提出的混和式AI系統。 該系統結合了Rule Base 系統以及類神經網路作為其預測之機制。我們針對該系統在以下幾點進行改善:(1) 將原本的日期資料改為使用分鐘資料作為輸入。(2) 本研究採用了“移動視窗”的技術,在移動視窗的概念下,每一個視窗我們希望能夠在60分鐘內訓練完成。(3)在擴增了額外的變數 – VIX價格做為系統的輸入。(4) 由於運算量上升,因此本研究利用TensorFlow 以及GPU運算來改進系統之運作效能。
我們發現VIX變數確實可以改善系統之預測精準度,但訓練的時間雖然平均低於60分鐘,但仍有部分視窗的時間會小幅超過60分鐘。 / The system is made to predict the Futures’ trend through analyzing the transaction data in the past, and gives advices to the investors who are hesitating to make decisions. We improved the system proposed by Tsaih et al. (1998), which was called hybrid AI system. It was combined with rule-based system and artificial neural network system, which can give suggestions depends on the past data. We improved the hybrid system with the following aspects: (1) The index data are changed from daily-based in into the minute-based in this study. (2) The “moving-window” mechanism is adopted in this study. For each window, we hope we can finish training in 60 minutes. (3) There is one extra variable VIX, which is calculated by the VIX in this study. (4) Due to the more computation demand, TensorFlow and GPU computing is applied in our system.
We discover that the VIX can obviously has positively influence of the predicting performance of our proposed system. The average training time is lower than 60 minutes, however, some of the windows still cost more than 60 minutes to train.
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銀行國際傳輸客戶資料保護規範--以英國法為中心 / The study of the regulations on the protection of international data transfers in U.K. banks林詩韻, Lin, Shih Yun Unknown Date (has links)
隱私權之概念雖起源於美國,惟現行各國對於個人資料國際傳輸保護規範仍以歐盟委員會於1995年發布之個人資料隱私保護指令(Directive 95/46/EC)最為重要且影響層面較大。在歐盟指令仍須各會員國將其轉化為國內法,始得有效執行之前提下,本研究以金融服務產業發展較為領先之國家—英國,以英國銀行業適用之個人資料國際傳輸保護規範為研究主題,所涉法規包括:歐盟指令、英國1998年資料保護法(Data Protection Act, DPA)及英國金融服務業適用之相關規範等。
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