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商檢公司未來發展策略之個案研究劉乃綸 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 個案公司成功因素與10項商檢業關鍵成功因素大多吻合。
2. 營業收入、營業利潤下降的部門;根本策略短期宜採市場滲透,中、長期採市場發展、產品發展。競爭策略短期為成本領導,長期為差異化。如個案公司檢驗和驗證部門。
3. 營業收入、營業利潤皆高的部門,根本策略短期為市場發展、產品發展策略,中、長期為多角化策略。競爭策略短期為短期差異化,長期為差異化集中。如個案公司測試部門。
1. 商檢公司的發展與策略方向與政府的政策息息相關,策略的制定應注意政府政策的方向。
2. 商檢公司間應發展既競爭又合作的關係,惡性競爭對整體不利。
3. 商檢公司在做迅速轉型時,要注意強化內部成員與部門之間的協調搭配都能跟上,避免車頭、車尾產生脫節。
4. 未來關鍵成功因素可能與現在關鍵因素因環境或所進入市場不同而改變,商檢公司應因應其差異而建構不同的核心能力。
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匯率變動對台灣國際收支之影響劉瑞垣, LIU, RUI-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
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醫師對影響醫療檢驗資源有效使用因素之看法-以桃園縣執業醫師為例 / A study of influencing factors related to efficient use of medical exanimation resources: the perspective of certified medical doctors in Taoyuan County, Taiwan劉麗文 Unknown Date (has links)
研究資料與方法:以文獻回顧法、問卷調查法、深度訪談法蒐集資料及驗證資料;研究過程分三個階段進行,第一階段為背景資料與文獻資料的蒐集,瞭解醫療檢驗資源使用現況與問題,並透過訪談實務界菁英驗證文獻與補充資料不足;第二階段依文獻分析與彙整內容設計問卷與訪談大綱;第三階段將回收的問卷編碼、整理後以Excel/2003版與SPSS for window12.0版套裝軟體進行資料分析;深度訪談資料透過內容分析法予以歸納整理分析。獲得研究答案,達成研究目的。
研究結果與建議:量化研究部分,本研究共分送488份問卷,回收318份,回收率為65.1%。並以卡方檢定樣本與母群體並無差異,可代表母群體。質化研究部分,深度訪談三位年資10年以上實務界菁英,建構本研究實務上的概念。歸納研究結果:醫療檢驗資源有效使用的關鍵影響因素有「醫療風險」、「病人就醫行為」與「照護之連續性」3項。根據研究結果,為有效使用醫療檢驗資源,必需減少醫療風險、規範病人就醫行為與進行照護流程改造。 / Background:The purpose of this research is to find out the influencing factors related to the usage of resources for medical examinations under the Taiwanese National Health Insurance (NHI). From the practical point of view, this research focuses on, the first, defining the efficient use of medical test and then finding out the critical factors effecting the efficient usage from medial practitioners’ viewpoints in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. It is expected to provide advisory values to improve the global budget system of NHI.
Research Questions:
1.What are the factors influencing doctors to utilize medical examination efficiently?
2.What are the certified medical doctors of Taoyuan County thinking about these factors?
3.Concerning the above factors, do there exist systematic differences among medical doctors from different hospitals, rank of medical doctors and fields of profession?
Methods: In this study, author utilizes literature review, questionnaires, and in-depth interview. The survey was divided into three stages. First, related information was collected to clarify the problems of medical examination usage in present situation from both interviewing medical practitioners and literature review. In the 2nd stage, a general questionnaire was designed to administrate to selected medical doctors in Taoyuan County in mid-2008. The last stage was data coding and analyzing by using Excel/2003 and SPSS for Windows. The return rate was 65% (318/488) and there is no difference between population and sample after consistency test.
Results and Suggestions The results show that the key factors of efficient medical examination usage are medical risk-aversion of doctors, clinical shopping of patients, and the need to medical care continuity. These exist a greater viewpoint differences between different level of hospital than different ranks or specialties of doctors. These results will lead the author to suggest that the Bureau of NHI needs to promote adequate mediation mechanism to reduce medical risk, to promote inter-hospital patient information sharing system, and to improve the logistic of continuity care.
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經濟附加價值與平衡計分卡之應用-以個案公司為例 / Economic Value Added and the Balanced Scorecard Application - Case Study陳文生, Chen, Wen Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的是利用企業評價方法來評估國內某自動化光學檢驗設備代理商過去五年是否為股東創造出經濟附加價值,並且透過個案公司經營績效的分析,以及檢視自身與競爭對手之比較來找出個案公司之核心競爭力,最後再藉由平衡計分卡架構將策略落實成實際的行動,並為新的策略行動提出組織改善及考核指標改善之方法。 / The development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan, successful ones grow up very fast in the initial stage. But the growth of these companies often become slower because of the system is not fit the growing stages, even failed because of the defective organization and system which cannot keep up with the growth of the enterprise. However, the owners of SMEs want to establish the system, but on the other side they do affair of placing restrictions on themselves. This study attempts to build the Balanced Score Card (BSC) as a strategic management tool for the Automatic Optical Inspection Equipment Company (S company) and try to find the possible problems and countermeasures from the study.
The purpose of the managers operate the business is to create value for shareholders, the purpose of this study is to use the evaluation methods(Economic Value Added, EVA) to calculate the value of S company during past five years. This study tries to find out the core competence of S company by research the difference of S company and competitor. Eventually, put the strategies into actions and Organization Reengineering by BSC.
Key Words:Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)、Balanced Score Card (BSC)、Economic Value Added(EVA)、Automatic Optical Inspection Equipment Company
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北京汽車限購政策消息對汽車銷售量之影響:Difference-in-Difference方法之運用 / The Effect of News of Automobile Purchase Limit Policy in Beijing on Automobile Sales Volume: An Application of Difference-in-Differences范瀞元 Unknown Date (has links)
在研究最後進一步使用穩定性檢驗,證明北京市汽車銷售量的突然增加是否真的為政策消息影響。最後結果亦與預期相符,證實北京市的汽車銷售量突然增加是由汽車限購政策消息所影響。 / To solve the serious road congestion problems, Beijing has implemented the restrictions on car ownership. In October, 2010, news started to spread that Beijing would bring the automobile purchase limit policy into practice. This study, using a method named “difference-in-difference”, estimated the policy’s impact on automobile sales volume in the period from when the news was launched to the day the policy was actually implemented.
The data in this paper come from “Monthly Increase in Registered Vehicles Across China” of “Vehicle Registration and Management Bureau of China”, and the detailed characteristic data of vehicles from “Pacific Automobile Network”. We set Beijing as the experimental group, and the non-Beijing cities such as Chongqing and Tianjin as the control group. After controlling the characteristics of vehicles and adding time trend, we can learn from the experimental result that no matter which city is used as the control group, during the period, the vehicle sales volumes in Beijing increase significantly, which meets our expectation.
In the last step of the research, stability test is used to prove whether the sudden increase of Beijing’s automobile sales volume is affected by the spread news. And the final result is also in accord with our expectation: the sudden increase in Beijing’s automobile sales volume is affected by the spread news of the automobile purchase limit policy.
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清代人命案件中的檢驗及取證模式江存孝 Unknown Date (has links)
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多維風險分析-實證研究 / Multidimensional risk analysis-demonstration research蘇愛鈴, Su,Ailing Unknown Date (has links)
Fong與Vasicek(1997)提出風險分析應考慮敏感度分析、風險值及壓力測試,才能完整揭露投資組合的風險狀況。其中風險值的計算,不僅考慮二階風險,並且利用三階動差進行偏態修正。本文除了以變異數-共變異數法、歷史模擬法及蒙地卡羅模擬法此三種方法計算風險值,並利用Fong與Vasicek(1997)偏態修正法及Cornish-Fisher偏峰態修正法來做偏態及峰態的修正。而後再利用概似比檢驗法、回溯測試百分比法及Z檢定法作為驗證風險值模型的評比工具。我們建議在95%及99%的信賴水準下,求算風險值可利用Cornish-Fisher所提出的方法修正偏態及峰態。 / Fong and Vasicek (1997) mentioned that risk analysis should include sensitivity analysis, value at risk (VaR) and stress testing, in order to capture portfolio risk. The calculation of VaR should not only consider the second moment but should also adjust the skewness using the third moment. In this article, we determine VaR by employing three methods, the variance covariance, the historical simulation and the Monte Carlo simulation methods. In addition, we also adjust VaR for the skewness and kurtosis using the methods developed by Fong and Vasicek (1997) and Cornish-Fisher. Then, the likelihood ratio test, back testing and the Z-test are used to verify the VaR model. Our final test results suggest that calculating VaR should be adjusted for the skewness and the kurtosis as shown by the method proposed by Cornish Fisher in the 95% and 99% confidence intervals.
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食品輸入管理與WTO/SPS協定規範合致性之研究-以我國針對日本輸入食品輻射管制措施為中心 / A Study on Food Import Regulation and its Consistency of SPS Agreement under WTO: Focusing on Taiwan’s Regulatory Response to the Radioactivity in Japanese Food Products黃馨葳 Unknown Date (has links)
本文將介紹國際間常受其他會員關切的食品管制措施類型,主要以在WTO SPS委員會之會議上受到關切,或當事國向WTO提出控告的個案,來進行探討。藉由個案研究,以從中了解WTO重要條文及所涉議題之內涵與重要原則,並作為我國對進口食品管制措施管理之借鏡。我國自2002年加入WTO後,進口食品的值與量明顯增加,我國食品輸入管理機制也越顯重要。自2011年3月11日福島核災發生,大量放射性物質外洩對整體環境、人類及生物健康造成危害,故各國紛紛對日本食品實施管制程度不等的進口管制措施,以防止遭到輻射汙染之食品輸入。我國自日本輸入食品種類與數量皆甚多,因此亦對日本食品採取特定管制措施。針對此我國此管制措施,本文將以國際經貿法的觀點,依據 WTO協定中與檢驗措施密切相關的SPS協定規範、過往案例之裁決及相關文獻,分析我國針對日本輸入食品輻射管制措施之適法性,並判斷該措施將來是否存在遭非難之可能,希冀能對於我國日後政策走向提供一實質性之參考及展望。 / Global trade in agricultural and food products has grown rapidly in recent decades, with countries becoming more engaged in cross-border trade, whether as exporters or importers. All countries maintain measures to ensure that imported food is safe for consumers, and to prevent the spread of pests or diseases among animals and plants. These sanitary and phytosanitary measures can take many forms, such as requiring products to come from a disease-free area, inspection of products, specific treatment or processing of products. Sanitary and phytosanitary measures, by their very nature, may result in restrictions on trade.
After the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, radiation was released into the environment near the plant. Growing concerns over radiation cause several countries, such as Korea and China to impose restrictions on the import of Japanese products. Taiwan, one of Japan's key food export markets, also imposed regulations in order to secure the safety of people. However, in 2015 Japan has filed a dispute against Korea at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over import restrictions that Japan found the measures inappropriate and against the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS Agreement). It also demonstrats that countries which impose import restrictions could be facing international adjudication through the WTO. Therefore, this essay staying with the view of international trade law, in particular the SPS Agreement under WTO, tries to analyze the consistency of Taiwan’s import regulations on Japanese Food Products with the rules and norms of the WTO in order to assess the legitimaticy of Taiwan’s trade policy.
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世界貿易組織之食品衛生檢驗與動植物檢疫措施協定相關爭端解決案例之探討隋芳婷 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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私營標準於WTO下之法律問題研究-以全球良好農業慣例標準(GlobalGAP Standard)為例 / The Legal Analysis of Private Standards under the WTO Agreements—Taking GlobalGAP Standard for Example張仁憶, Chang, Jen-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於消費者對於產品安全的重視程度與日俱增,各式各樣的私營標準開始蓬勃發展。這些私營標準雖不具備法律強制力,其所導致的市場排擠效應仍使生產者不得不積極使其產品取得各項私營標準的認證,引發私營標準是否具有實質上強制力並進而影響國際間自由貿易之疑慮。隨著開發中國家自2005年開始於SPS委員會中提出全球良好農業慣例標準對國際自由貿易之負面影響,私營標準之相關法律議題於WTO場域中益發重要,實有研究討論之必要。鑒於私營標準種類、數量之眾,本論文以於WTO下被具體指謫之全球良好農業慣例標準為例,探討全球良好農業慣例標準是否有落入WTO法規範管轄範疇之可能,並透過涉及私營標準議題之食品衛生檢驗與動植物檢疫措施協定、技術性貿易障礙協定與關稅及貿易總協定相關條文的解釋與分析,討論全球良好農業慣例標準與該些規範之關連性及適法性,既而於WTO下甚至WTO以外之國際場域,探究尋求相關貿易衝擊因應之道的可行性,希冀能為私營標準對國際自由貿易體系所帶來的影響及其與WTO之關係進行審視並作出建議。 / In recent years, all kinds of private standards have started to develop prosperously because consumers consider product safety more and more important. Although these private standards are not mandatory, the crowding out effect of markets causing by these standards still makes producers have to achieve relevant certification as far as possible. This situation causes anxiety about the possibility that private standards are de facto mandatory and create trade barriers. While developing countries have stated that GlobalGAP Standard makes bad influence on international trade in the SPS Committees since 2005, the legal issues about private standards become more and more important under WTO regime and need to be studied and discussed. In view of the fact that there are too many kinds of private standards, the thesis takes GlobalGAP Standard for example to discuss whether private standards shall be subject to the rules of WTO Agreements. In order to conduct careful examining and come up with suggestions of the influence on international trade which caused by private standards and the relationship between private standards and WTO, it is necessary to research into the connection between GlobalGAP Standard and WTO rules and the legality of this standard through explaining and analyzing relevant rules which involves the issue of private standards under the SPS Agreement, TBT Agreement, and GATT and to discuss the feasibility of finding the solution to relevant trade impact under WTO regime or other international fields.
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