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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業併購下目標公司董事之受任人義務 / The fiduciary duty of the directors under mergers and acquisitions

林芝君 Unknown Date (has links)
現代公司走向公開發行後,公司由廣大而分散的投資股東所有,投資股東雖擁有公司所有權,卻無多餘的心力與能力去參與公司經營,公司經營交由專業經營者,於是產生企業經營與所有分離之情況,在企業經營與所有分離下,股東與經營者間乃出現代理問題,為解決代理問題,本人勢必要付出代理成本,近年來十分熱門的公司治理議題亦致力於降低代理成本問題,並從董事責任之加強著手,故而建立與釐清董事之受任人義務內涵,乃一重要的課題。 董事之受任人義務內涵,可分為注意義務與忠實義務兩個子義務,前者主要著重於董事之行為標準,後者則是關於董事與公司間有利益衝突時,董事應以公司利益為先之義務。本文先就美國相關規定分析介紹,再進一步探討我國公司法就董事受任人義務規範之不足之處,以提出相關建議。接著本文就董事對股東揭露義務將特予介紹,蓋股東必須在充足資訊揭露下才能做出最適的決定,而董事不僅是能以最低成本提供股東資訊者,且從董事與股東之受託人關係觀之,亦可作為應為股東利益最大化而提供資訊之合理性基礎。 董事相關受任人義務內涵在併購過程中是否會有所不同,亦為本文關注之重點,故區分為合意併購與敵意併購兩種情況加以分析。合意併購時著重於探討董事如何於併購過程中為公司及股東爭取最佳的利益,並藉由分析我國實務判決提出若干建議。敵意併購時則著重分析目標公司董事採行之防禦措施適法性,期能藉由參考美國實務上審查標準,將來可引用作為我國處理相關案例之一套準據。 / When corporations go public, a large number of investment shareholders who separate around everywhere own the corporation. Because shareholders don’t have enough time and talent to corporate the company, they deliver the works to professional managers. It appears “Separation of business and all”. At the same time, there come conflicts of interest between the principal and the agent, which called agency problems. In order to produce the agency problems, the principal has to pay for some costs which called agency costs. Recently, the popular corporate governance issue has emphasized the importance of the liabilities of the directors. Hence, to figure out how to build directors’ responsibilities and to know the content of fiduciary duty of the directors is a significant issue. Fiduciary duty of the directors consists of two sub content: duty of care and duty of loyalty. The former focuses on the level of attention of the directors take when they conduct. And the later focuses on when it faces the conflicts of interest between the company and the directors, the directors should take the company’s interest for priority. In this paper, I try to analysis the lack of the fiduciary duty standard in our country through comparing the U.S relevant standard, and to give some personal suggestion. Then I want to introduce the obligation of disclose of the directors. Because the shareholders need plenty of information to help them making informed decisions. Usually the directors can provide information under relatively low cost, and the fiduciary relationship between the directors and the shareholders gives a good reason to provide any necessary information to improve the shareholders’ best interest. If the fiduciary duty of the directors would be different during the takeover process is also what this paper wants to emphasize. In this paper I divided takeover into merger agreement and hostile takeover, and discuss under these two kind of takeover how should the directors conduct to meet the duty. When talking about merger agreement I focus on how the directors to seek for the best interest of the company and the shareholders during the whole merger course. And I try to give some suggestion through discussing one court judgment. Finally, when talking about hostile takeover I will emphasize on the anti-takeover conducts which the directors make, and try to analysis these conducts’ legality. Meanwhile I hope that with critiques and dissertations from American scholars and experts as reference can provide our court some useful and specific criterion in the future.

互動感知體驗設計之健康照護提醒裝置 / Interactive sensory and emotional design - health care reminder

陳信慈, Chen, Shin Tsz Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在發展一套互動感知的機制,目的為期望能透過此互動方式,針對長期潛藏著危害健康甚深的「久坐族」,提供一個溫和柔性的「提醒」功能,符合不受「空間的限制」、「設定的限制」、「使用族群的限制」等,亦即凡是因為某些因素導致忽略或是忘記時間而「坐太久」的情形,此類的人便是被提醒的對象。 透過受測者的使用與建議進行分析評估,此互動機制透過分析與歸納,試圖找出區別於坊間常見的提醒模式,如一般人常用的鬧鐘、計時器等硬體,或專為電腦久坐族而設計的電腦健康動畫定時播放軟體等。這類相關的產品不外乎必須受制於人本身要去「記憶」且「手動」去調整、設定、下載、安裝等繁複的過程;另外是提醒的方法和內容瑣碎、不便或是不足,最大的共通限制為「使用時機與空間限制」。因此,本研究中的互動機制預期能提供「久坐族」另一種新鮮的選擇,一種力求「溫馨提醒」、「不受限時空」的互動模式。 為傳達前述的「健康信念」,本研究繼續探討如何將此「互動機制」實際應用於與人類生活當中,透過設計將此互動機制實際應用,結合現代科技與藝術使其更具吸引力與美感。現今已進入以價值為主的高感性經濟時代,體驗經濟能感動人心的關鍵在於將產品與服務提升至碰觸精神心靈的層次。因此運用體驗設計的概念,並嘗試融合與感官直接相關的燈光元素等為創作媒材與靈感來源,進行造型、視覺設計與氛圍的營造,作為接觸人們內心深處的橋樑。 綜合所述,本研究與作品針對「久坐族」預期將達成的五大目標: 1.「健康照護的提醒功能」:設計出感性的互動機制作為基本法則。 2.「獨特的使用者體驗」:將此互動機制結合情感設計增加吸引力。 3.「互動裝置應用(一)」:以結合情境光營造為例。 4.「互動裝置應用(二)」:以結合智慧型手機應用程式為例。 5.「推廣觀念」:藉由以上,推廣久坐族的健康信念。 / This study aimed to develop an interactive sensory mechanism, to hope that through this interaction, for long-term health hazards lurking deep in “sedentary tribe” to provide a soft reminder, without space constraints, setting limits, use of limit etc. All because some of the factors that led to ignore or forget the time “to sit for too long” case, such people is to be reminded. Through the subject's use and recommendations for analysis and evaluation, this interactive mechanism analysis and induction, trying to find a mode which is different from common reminders such as alarm clock, timer or the animation timer player software designed for computer sedentary tribe , and so on. Such related products must be controlled by ourself to remember and set by hands in this complicated process. The method of reminding is trivial、inconvenient, and its greatest limited is "use time and space constraints." Therefore, the interactive mechanism in this study is expected to provide sedentary tribe another new choice, seeking to be the soft and unlimited use of reminder. To convey the aforementioned “health beliefs”, the research continues to explore how this “interaction mechanism” actually applied to human life. The practical application of design, combined with modern technology and art to make it more attractive. Today has entered a value-based、high-touch economic times. Experience economy is the key to raise products and services to touch the spirit of the soul level. Therefore, this study use the concept of experience design, and tries to integrate with the sensory elements as the inspiration for the creative media source for modeling、visual design and creating an atmosphere access to people’s hearts. Above all, the research and work for the “sedentary tribe” is expected to achieve five major objectives:1) “Reminder for health care”:designing sensibility as the basic rules of interaction mechanisms; 2) “Unique user experience”:an interactive mechanism with this design to increase the emotional appeal; 3) “Interactive device applications 1”:an installation with light to create a situation; 4) “Interactive device applications 2”:an combination of smart mobile device applications; 5) ”Promoting the health concept”:by above, promoting the health beliefs.

美國法上標售公司義務(Revlon Duty)之內涵─兼論在我國法下適用之可能 / Analyzing the Concept of Revlon Duty

吳亞儒 Unknown Date (has links)
判斷目標公司董事出售公司或控制權的決策是否符合受任人義務是一個困難且重要的問題,因為此種類型的決策董事有可能是出於自身利益也可能是為全體股東利益而為,在此種利益衝突屬於晦暗不明的情況,法院應該要採取怎樣的審查態度一方面可以尊重董事決策的空間,另一方面又可以確保股東的利益被保全,成為本論文最關心的問題。 以我國為例,近年公股銀行民營化或是私募基金收購案例屢見不鮮,共同引發的擔憂就是目標公司董事同意此項併購案到底是因為併購條件有利於全體股東,還是嘉惠特定合作對象而決定?我國企業併購法第5條及第6條要求目標公司董事為併購決議時應盡其注意義務及忠實義務,然董事到底是為「公司」還是「股東」盡其義務似乎仍有疑義;再者,法院似乎亦尚未發展出在個案中判斷董事具體行為是否符合受任人義務的標準,因此本文擬參考美國法上的相關規範,以期解決我國現狀的困境。 德拉瓦州法院在1980年代提出一項標準,當目標公司董事決定要出售公司或控制權時,董事有義務要為股東爭取最好的價格,又稱為「露華濃義務(Revlon Duty)」或「標售公司義務」,有兩個重點值得關注:第一,目標公司董事同意何種併購交易會觸發露華濃義務?此即露華濃適用範圍的討論;第二,目標公司董事一旦觸發露華濃義務,董事應該要採取何種具體措施以符合要求?此即露華濃義務內涵的討論。對應到我國現況,應不應該在特定的併購交易中限縮董事的裁量空間?或提出可供法院參考之指標?

大學圖書館網站首頁讀者視覺注意力之眼動 分析研究 / Assessing User’s Visual Attention on University Library Web Page with Eye Tracking Technology

林惠卿, Lin, Hui Ching Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的普及,促使大學圖書館紛紛建立網站服務讀者。目前國內各大專院校圖書館網站的建置已達到百分之百,網頁成為行銷各校學術資源最直接快速的管道,而圖書館網頁也利用廣告吸引讀者對於活動訊息的注意。目前國內大學圖書館網站中,並非每個學校均設有廣告來傳播重要的訊息給讀者,即使擁有廣告也是呈現位置不一。在設計上,大學圖書館網站首頁廣告應與整體版面搭配,以引起讀者視覺關注,並達透過廣告成功行銷圖書館資源與活動的目的;而以圖書館行銷的角度考量,惟有促使圖書館網站首頁的廣告被有效注意與理解,才能達到成功行銷廣告內容的目的。 本研究採用真實驗研究法(true-experiment research method),結合網頁視覺設計相關理論對於讀者目光注意力的吸引原則,以及視覺元素之間如何影響讀者的視覺行為為基礎,設計出三種內容相同但廣告放置於不同位置之圖書館網站首頁,比較讀者視覺注意力行為的差異,並以國立中正大學大學部學生五十四名為研究對象,利用「眼球追蹤儀器」(eye tracker)收集受試者眼動指標資料,並進行廣告傳達內容之記憶效應檢測,以及實驗後輔以問卷調查與訪談,探討大學圖書館網站首頁的廣告位置對於讀者視覺注意力及記憶效應的影響。 研究結果發現,讀者在三種不同廣告圖片位置之眼動訊息、記憶效應、瀏覽順序、整體印象滿意度均具有顯著差異。研究結果歸納如下: 一、讀者在廣告置上版面具有較多的注視次數,但是在廣告置左版面則具有較多的視覺停駐。 二、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之廣告內容的記憶效應具有顯著差異,廣告圖片位置置左版面具有最佳之記憶效應。 三、讀者在廣告置左版面之廣告內容的記憶效應與眼動指標之「平均注視時間」具有顯著關聯性,其他兩種版面則均無顯著關聯。 四、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之其他讀者服務項目所定義興趣區的眼動指標具有顯著差異,廣告置左版面讀者服務項目具有較為平均之視覺分布。 五、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之瀏覽順序具有差異,廣告置左版面之廣告較能引起讀者的優先注視。 六、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之圖書館網站首頁的整體印象具有顯著差異,廣告置左版面獲得較高的評價;其中版面在「簡單的」、「不散亂的」、「可靠信任的」、「引人注目的」等項目上均顯著高於廣告置右與廣告置上版面。 綜合本研究之研究結果,建議圖書館應善用置左廣告位置提升圖書館行銷相關訊息之目的。此外,圖書館網站首頁應重視視覺元素編排對於版面整體印象的提升效應。圖書館網頁編排也應善用接近性與相似性原則,使得版面呈現具一致性。 / The popularity of the Internet has pushed university libraries establishing websites to serve readers. The establishment of domestic university library websites has currently reached 100%, web pages become the most direct and rapid channels to market the academic resources, and advertisement on the library web pages is utilized for attracting readers’ attention to activities. So far, not all domestic university library websites are established advertisement for propagating important information to readers; even though there is advertisement, the presentation positions are distinct. In terms of the design, advertisement on the index page of a university library website should match the entire layout so as to appeal readers’ visual saliency and successfully market the library resources and activities. In consideration of library marketing, merely advertisement on the index page of a library website being effectively noticed and comprehended could the successful marketing be achieved. With true-experiment research method, the visual design of web pages to attract readers’ attention in this study is integrated with the effects of visual elements on readers’ visual behaviors to design three identical advertising contents which are placed in different positions on the index page of the library website in order to compare the difference in readers’ visual attention. Furthermore, 54 undergraduate students in National Chung Cheng University are selected as the research participants. An Eye Tracker is utilized for collecting the participants’ eye-tracking indicators, and the memory effect of the advertisement is tested. Furthermore, the questionnaire survey and interviews are proceeded to discuss the effects of advertising position on the index page of a university library website on readers’ visual attention and memory effect. The research findings show that the readers present significant difference on the eye-tracking information, memory effect, browsing order, and overall satisfaction of the three advertisement positions. The research results are concluded as follows. 1.The readers appear more attention on top-layout advertisement, but stay the vision more on left-layout advertisement. 2.The readers reveal remarkable difference on memory effect of advertisement among three advertisement positions, where the optimal memory effect appears on the left-layout advertisement. 3.The readers show significant correlations between memory effect of left-layout advertisement and the eye-tracking indicator of Average Fixation Time, while the rest two layouts do not show notable correlations. 4.The readers show remarkable difference on the eye-tracking indicator of interests defined in other reader service items of three advertisement layouts; the reader service items on the left-layout advertisement appear more average visual distribution. 5.The readers reveal distinct browsing orders on the three advertisement positions; the left-layout advertisement could better appeal the readers’ prior attention. 6.The readers show significantly different impression on the index page of the library website with three advertising positions; the left-layout advertisement acquires higher appraisal, where the items of Simple, Not Disordered, Reliable, Attention Attractive reveal higher appraisal than right-layout and top-layout advertisement. Summing up the research results, the libraries are suggested to well apply left-layout advertisement to enhance the marketing information. What is more, the index page of a library website should focus on the layout of visual elements to promote the overall impression. The layout of library web pages should also well apply the principles of proximity and similarity to present the consistency.

點讀筆支援紙本繪本閱讀對於兒童閱讀動機、情緒、注意力與理解成效之影響研究 / A study on digital pen-supported picture books for improving children’s reading motivations, emotions, attention and comprehension

陳冠雯, Chen, Kuan Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進步,兒童繪本不再侷限於傳統由印刷文字及靜態圖片組成的紙本繪本,而是逐漸發展為多種數位媒體整合之電子繪本,電子繪本具有優於傳統紙本繪本的互動性及多媒體元素,較能吸引兒童的閱讀興趣。但電子繪本也存在過多動畫可能使兒童沈迷於感官刺激,分散其閱讀注意力的疑慮。此外,電子繪本對兒童的視力可能造成傷害,紙本仍較適合長時間的閱讀,但紙本繪本在支援閱讀上的模式較為單調。因此,近年來可搭配紙本閱讀的數位點讀筆興起,並已發展出可同時融合聽、說、讀、寫的多元閱讀模式,具有融合紙本且具有多媒體與互動功能的優勢。本研究採用腦波注意力偵測技術及心跳變異情緒感知技術,基於預測策略,探討包括傳統紙本繪本、電子繪本及點讀筆輔助紙本繪本閱讀對於兒童閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效的影響。此外,也針對文字型和圖像型不同認知風格以及不同性別的兒童,探討採用上述三種不同閱讀模式進行閱讀時的閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效是否具有顯著差異。 研究結果發現:(1)運用點讀筆輔助閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,在閱讀動機提升上顯著優於閱讀紙本繪本與閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童;(2)運用點讀筆輔助閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童在閱讀注意力上顯著優於閱讀紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,但與閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童則無顯著差異;(3)閱讀電子繪本與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略的閱讀模式在閱讀理解成效上均優於傳統紙本閱讀搭配預測策略,並且兩種閱讀模式具有相同的閱讀理解成效;(4)閱讀電子繪本搭配預測策略的兒童中在負面情緒上,女性顯著高於男性;(5)閱讀傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略的兒童,在閱讀理解成效上女性顯著優於男性;(6)男性兒童採用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀注意力上顯著優於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(7)男性兒童採用電子繪本閱讀與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀理解成效上優於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(8)圖像型兒童採用傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在負面情緒上顯著高於採用電子繪本閱讀與運用點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(9)文字型兒童採用電子繪本閱讀與點讀筆輔助紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀,在閱讀理解成效上顯著高於傳統紙本繪本搭配預測策略閱讀;(10)兒童以傳統紙本繪本閱讀、電子繪本閱讀與點讀筆輔助繪本閱讀三種模式進行閱讀學習,其閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效彼此之間不具有關聯性 最後,根據研究結果,本研究亦提出對父母、教師、相關推動兒童閱讀單位以及未來研究的建議,希望能對兒童的閱讀能力提升產生助益。 / With the progress of information technology, children picture books have no longer be restricted to traditional paper picture books composed of printed texts and static pictures; instead, various digital media integrated electronic picture books are gradually developed. Electronic picture books present the advantages of better interactivity and multimedia elements than traditional paper picture books and could better attract children’s reading interests. Nevertheless, electronic picture books also exist in excessive animation causing children indulging in sensory stimulation and diverting the reading attention. Moreover, electronic picture books could damage children’s visual acuity. Thus, paper picture books are considered more suitable for long-term reading. However, paper picture books show dull model on supporting reading. The combination of digital pens with paper-reading is therefore emerged in the past years and the plural reading model integrating listening, speaking, reading, and writing has been developed because integrating digital pen with paper reveals the advantages of multimedia and interactive functions. Based on prediction strategy, this study applies brain-wave attention detection system and heart rate variability emotion sensing technology to discussing the effects of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen assisted paper picture books on children’s reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance. Furthermore, the effects of on children with visualizer and verbalizer cognitive styles and different genders on reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance when reading with the above reading models are also explored. The findings of the study are summarized as below. (1) Children applying digital pen supported paper picture books and prediction strategy present better reading motivation than the ones reading paper picture books and electronic picture books with prediction strategy. (2) Children utilizing digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading attention than the ones reading paper picture books with prediction strategy, but do not appear significant difference from the others reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy. (3) Reading electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy shows better reading comprehension performance than traditional paper reading with prediction strategy, and such two reading models appear the same reading comprehension performance. (4) Female children reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy present higher negative emotion than males do. (5) Female children reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading comprehension performance than males do. (6) Male children applying digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy show better reading attention than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (7) Male children using electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy present better reading comprehension performance than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (8) Visualizers utilizing traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy appear higher negative emotion than applying electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy. (9) Verbalizers using electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture book with prediction strategy show significantly higher reading comprehension performance than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (10) The reading models of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen supported picture books do not appear correlations on reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance. Finally, the study also proposes several valuable suggestions for parents, teachers, children reading promotion units, and future researchers, tending to provide benefits in enhancing children reading abilities.

美沙冬使用者抑制缺損初探 / Inhibitory deficits of methadone users

郭綺苑, Kuo,Chi Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在於探討美沙冬的使用者是否具有抑制控制能力缺損、對海洛因相關刺激是否具有注意力偏誤,以及是否有彈性認知轉換能力上的問題。 研究使用的是Noel等人(2005,2007)發展出來的Go/No-Go作業,並使用海洛因圖片與中性圖片為作業刺激,分別測量受試者在作業中的反應正確率、反應遺漏數、反應犯錯數、平均反應時間、決定偏誤與區辨度,並且使用依賴嚴重度量表,以了解受試者對海洛因的依賴嚴重度與Go/No-Go作業各指標之間的相關。   美沙冬組樣本選取自八里療養院土城門診部之接受美沙冬治療者,共17人,經由網路招募之健康控制組十九人,受試者一共三十六人。共變數分析之結果顯示在Go/No-Go作業的正確率、遺漏數、區辨度和決定偏誤等指標上,發現組別與情境轉換之交互作用,顯示使用美沙冬之受試者具有彈性認知能力上的缺損,因此在有轉換的區段之中,無法快速地適應新的作答規則。此外,Go/No-Go作業結果未發現美沙冬使用者之抑制缺損與對海洛因相關圖片之注意力偏誤之現象。   依賴嚴重度與Go/No-Go作業的指標相關研究則發現,其依賴嚴重度越高,其在非轉換情境中對海洛圖片的犯錯數越低、決定偏誤越高,顯示美沙冬使用者似乎在沒有情境轉換的區段中,會將其注意力資源分配在海洛因圖片上,忽略非海洛因圖片,顯示其注意力較具選擇性。 / The goal of this study is to explore the inhibitory deficits、attentional bias towards heroin-related cues and cognition flexibility of current methadone users. The Go/No-go task used here was previously developed by Noel et al. (2005, 2007). Heroin-related pictures and neural pictures were presented as targets or non-targets. Accuracy rate、omission、commission、average reaction time、decision bias(C) and discrimination (d’) were being measured individually. The relation between the severity of heroin dependence and task performance was also investigated. The 17 subjects in methadone group were currently methadone maintenance treatment patients from Bali psychiatric center, and the 19 control group subjects without a drug using history were recruited by internet advertisement. The covariance analysis revealed interactions of group and shift/non-shift condition on accuracy rate、omission、decision bias(C) and discrimination (d’), indicating a cognitive flexibility deficits in methadone users. They had difficulty adapting to new rules in shifting conditions. No inhibitory deficits or attentional bias were found so far in this study. The relation between heroin dependence and Go/No-go task performance revealed that the more dependent the methadone subjects were, the less commission errors they made, the higher decision bias score they got towards heroin pictures in non-shifting conditions. It seemed that the methadone users were prone to allocate more attention resource to heroin-related pictures in non-shifting conditions, suggesting a more selective attention process.

董事受託義務與經營判斷法則之研究 / A study on the Fiduciary Duty and the Business Judgment Rule

劉耀文, Liu, Yao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國際經濟危機層出不窮,產生各式各樣之公司治理問題;全球化之企業經營模式的崛起與迅速發展,企業之經營從國內走向國際,使得公司治理成為國際性之重要議題,美國之公司治理模式的移植亦於世界各國蔚為風潮。 公司治理之架構下,鑑於所有權與經營權分離原則,掌握公司經營權限之董事係公司核心,為避免擴大董事之經營權限的同時,會損及公司與股東之利益,美國法對於董事乃課以受託義務,其內涵包含忠實義務、注意義務與善意義務。然基於商業環境詭譎多變且有限司法審查能力,如董事必須為做出失誤經營決策負擔法律責任,將造成具有能力之人不願意擔任董事而不利於經濟社會之發展,故美國法院判決乃發展出經營判斷法則。經營判斷法則係推定董事係立於充分資訊、出於善意且誠實確信其係為公司之最佳利益,當原告主張董事違反受託義務時,應負有先行舉證證明董事行為不符合經營判斷法則之構成要件。 我國公司法第23條係忠實義務與注意義務之規定,惟對於經營判斷法則尚無明文規範,學說見解對於我國是否應引進經營判斷法則仍有爭議,法院實務雖早已援用經營判斷法則作為公司經營者之責任標準,卻存在諸多誤解導致誤將該法則視為行為標準。因此,似有必要重新審視經營判斷法則之定位,故本文嘗試提出對於經營判斷法則於我國之應用的見解與省思。然經營判斷法則與我國現有法制應如何相互融合仍有待立法配合與後續觀察。 / In recent years, the world has been engulfed by international economic crises, resulting in a wide range of corporate governance matters. The rise and rapid development of the global business model has made the management of enterprises go from a single country toward the whole world, making corporate governance an important international issue. The transplantation of corporate governance of America legal model has emerged as a global trend. Under the framework of corporate governance and in view of the principle of separation of ownership and control, the directors empowered decision-making authority are the core of the company. To avoid the expanding of directors’ decision-making authority and protect the interests of both the corporation and its shareholders, the directors has fiduciary duty which includes duty of loyalty, duty of care and duty of good faith. However, based on the complexity of the business environment and the limit of the capability of the judicial review, if the directors burden the responsibility for making wrong decisions will make capable people unwell to be directors and affect the development of the economy. The business judgment rule is the presumption that in making decisions not involving self-interest and self-dealing, corporate directors act on an informed basis, in good faith, and in the honest belief that their actions are in the corporation’s best interest. Article 23 of Taiwan Company Act is the regulation of duty of loyalty and duty of care. However, the business judgment rule is not regulated in Taiwan Company Act. The opinion of whether the business judgment rule should be introduced to Taiwan is still controversial. Therefore, it is necessary to reexamine the position of the business judgment rule in Taiwan legal structure and this article attempts to provide points of view in the issue. Last but not least, the interaction of business judgment rule and Taiwan legal structure still needs the cooperation of the legislation and following observation.

文化課題が心理傾向に与える効果の検証 / Cultural Task, which Constructs Collective Thoughts and Behaviors

富永, 仁志 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第21857号 / 人博第886号 / 新制||人||212(附属図書館) / 2018||人博||886(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)准教授 内田 由紀子, 教授 齋木 潤, 教授 月浦 崇 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM


宮坂, まみ 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第22931号 / 教博第259号 / 新制||教||200(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)准教授 野村 理朗, 教授 齊藤 智, 准教授 高橋 雄介 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM


林子誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Stroop中文叫色作業,測驗兒童和成人在Stroop作業之練習和刺激向度分離等情形下,其干擾效果的變化情形。共執行兩個實驗,實驗一中的受試者先接受中性刺激和不和諧刺激的測驗,然後對兩類作業練習8日,其後再測驗一次,探討受試者在練習前、後之干擾效果的變化情形。另一組受試接受實驗二中,中性刺激、整合性不和諧刺激和分離性不和諧刺激等作業的測驗,藉以比較整合性干擾和分離性干擾的差異。兩組受試者皆接受文字閱讀的速度測驗。 結果發現,小學二年級兒童的Stroop干擾效果最大,六年級兒童次之,成人最小,這與之前文獻上所載的研究一致,同時也證實,練習確能降低干擾效果,但仍不能使其完全消失,且練習後,三組受試間的干擾效果已無顯著差異。在實驗二的結果顯著,刺激向度分離的干擾效果仍然存在,但比整合性干擾效果小,且受試者間的分離性干擾也沒有顯著差異。而所有受試的閱讀速度均快於叫色速度。 / The study was used the Stroop Chinese task to examine the course of the Stroop interference among second, sixth grade children and adults. Two experiments were conducted. In experiment I, participants were tested with neutral and incongruent tasks and practiced with the same tasks for the following 8 days. They were tested neutral and incongruent tasks again. Then examined the course of the Stroop interference among children of second, sixth grade children and adults, they were test with neutral and incongruent tasks again. Then examine the course of the Stroop interference in between children and adult during before and after practice. The other group of participants took part in experiment II. They were presented with three tasks consist of neutral, integrated and separated incongruent tasks. Then examine the difference of the interference among children of second, sixth grade and adult during integrated and separated incongruent tasks. Two groups of participants were presented word reading speed of task. The finding of the study was Stroop interference increased from the adults through the sixth grade children and finally to the second grade children is in line with previous finding. We have confirmed that although interference decreases with practice, it is very resistant to eradication. After practice, the interference between children and adults is not significant difference. In the experiment II, it was that separated Stroop stimulus showed interference, and the amount was relatively small. The interference of separated Stroop task among children of second, sixth grade and adults were not significant difference. All participants took longer to name color than to read words.

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