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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林子誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Stroop中文叫色作業,測驗兒童和成人在Stroop作業之練習和刺激向度分離等情形下,其干擾效果的變化情形。共執行兩個實驗,實驗一中的受試者先接受中性刺激和不和諧刺激的測驗,然後對兩類作業練習8日,其後再測驗一次,探討受試者在練習前、後之干擾效果的變化情形。另一組受試接受實驗二中,中性刺激、整合性不和諧刺激和分離性不和諧刺激等作業的測驗,藉以比較整合性干擾和分離性干擾的差異。兩組受試者皆接受文字閱讀的速度測驗。 結果發現,小學二年級兒童的Stroop干擾效果最大,六年級兒童次之,成人最小,這與之前文獻上所載的研究一致,同時也證實,練習確能降低干擾效果,但仍不能使其完全消失,且練習後,三組受試間的干擾效果已無顯著差異。在實驗二的結果顯著,刺激向度分離的干擾效果仍然存在,但比整合性干擾效果小,且受試者間的分離性干擾也沒有顯著差異。而所有受試的閱讀速度均快於叫色速度。 / The study was used the Stroop Chinese task to examine the course of the Stroop interference among second, sixth grade children and adults. Two experiments were conducted. In experiment I, participants were tested with neutral and incongruent tasks and practiced with the same tasks for the following 8 days. They were tested neutral and incongruent tasks again. Then examined the course of the Stroop interference among children of second, sixth grade children and adults, they were test with neutral and incongruent tasks again. Then examine the course of the Stroop interference in between children and adult during before and after practice. The other group of participants took part in experiment II. They were presented with three tasks consist of neutral, integrated and separated incongruent tasks. Then examine the difference of the interference among children of second, sixth grade and adult during integrated and separated incongruent tasks. Two groups of participants were presented word reading speed of task. The finding of the study was Stroop interference increased from the adults through the sixth grade children and finally to the second grade children is in line with previous finding. We have confirmed that although interference decreases with practice, it is very resistant to eradication. After practice, the interference between children and adults is not significant difference. In the experiment II, it was that separated Stroop stimulus showed interference, and the amount was relatively small. The interference of separated Stroop task among children of second, sixth grade and adults were not significant difference. All participants took longer to name color than to read words.

不同設計元素之遊戲式英文單字學習APP在學習成效、情緒及注意力之影響研究 / Effects of Design Factors of Game-based English Vocabulary Learning APP on Learning Performance, Emotion, and Attention

曹鼎, Cao, Ding Unknown Date (has links)
遊戲式學習已被證實能夠有效提升學習者的學習成效,而遊戲的愉悅度是否設計得越強烈,對學習成效越有幫助,是個值得探索的問題。此外,遊戲過程中,有哪些遊戲設計要素能夠影響學習成效,同時讓學習者在遊戲中亦能夠感到趣味性,進而達到學習目標,值得我們關切。再者,學習的專注力及情緒在學習型遊戲設計中,也是必須納入考量的面向。因此,本研究分別探討兩款在遊戲設計要素上具有顯著差異的英文單字學習APP,對於學習者學習成效、專注力、放鬆度及單字記憶保留上的影響。 本研究以馬祖高中高三的36位學生為研究對象,根據英語字彙前測成績及性別將其隨機分派至兩款在遊戲設計要素上具有顯著差異的英文單字學習APP,進行四週的英語字彙學習。結果顯示遊戲設計要素較低的組別的學習者,在英文單字學習成效、單字記憶保留上的成效均顯著優於遊戲設計要素較高組別學習者,同時放鬆度亦較高,而專注度不如遊戲設計要素較高的組別,且各依變項間彼此有顯著的正相關。此外,本研究亦進一步證實性別差異存在於不同遊戲設計要素的英語字彙學習APP中,在遊戲設計要素較低的英文單字學習APP中,發現女性學習者擁有顯著較優的英語字彙學習成效及記憶保留度。而本研究也發現「符合程度的挑戰性」為設計遊戲式英文單字學習APP時最需要重視的遊戲設計要素。 綜上所述,本研究證實相較於遊戲設計要素較高的高刺激性英文單字學習APP,遊戲設計要素較低的低刺激性英文單字遊戲APP對於學習成效、單字記憶保留上具有較正面的效應。此一結果顯示像英語字彙學習這樣的認知型學習,在遊戲設計上並不適合納入刺激性較高的遊戲設計要素。此外,對遊戲設計者來說,未來設計英文單字遊戲學習APP時,亦應將性別差異納入設計考量,同時儘可能在遊戲娛樂性及教育性中取得平衡。 / Game-based learning has been proved to effectively boost learners’ learning performance, while whether more enjoyment designed in the game brings better learning performance remains unknown. Besides, what game design factors will affect learning performance and simultaneously keep learners interested in the game is also worth investigating. Moreover, attention and emotion are two dimensions which should be taken into account when designing learning games. As a result, this study tries to assess the effects of using two different English vocabulary learning APPs with significantly different game design factors on learners’ performance, sustained attention, meditation, and vocabulary memory retention, respectively. A pilot study was conducted beforehand to examine whether the two considered English vocabulary game APPs differ significantly in game design factors including concentration, feedback, challenges match player skills, control, and immersion. In the formal study, thirty-six Grade 12 students from Matsu senior high school participated in this study. They were randomly divided into two experimental groups based on gender and pretest scores, separately using two English vocabulary game APPs with significantly different game design factors for English vocabulary learning. The study lasted for four weeks. Analytical results show that students using game with lower scores in game design factors generated significantly better vocabulary learning performance, memory retention and meditation level than those using game with higher scores in game design factors, while sustained attention level was lower. Also, they were significantly correlated to one another. Moreover, this study further confirms that gender differences existed among English vocabulary learning games with different game design factors. Girls were found to have significantly better English vocabulary learning performance and memory retention in the game APP with lower scores in game design factors. Furthermore, “challenge matches players’ skill” was found to be the most important game design factor when designing game-based English vocabulary learning APPs. In conclusion, this study confirms that English vocabulary game APPs with lower exciting elements have more positive learning effects on learning performance, memory retention than those with higher scores in game design factors. The result indicates that when designing games, higher exciting game design factors are not suitable for cognitive learning, such as English vocabulary learning. Finally, this study provides suggestions for future game-design developers to take gender differences into consideration when designing English vocabulary learning game APPs, and meanwhile tries to strike the balance between educational purpose and entertainment of the game APPs.

社交焦慮者對威脅臉的注意力處理歷程--過度警覺-逃避假設與過度警覺-難以轉移假設的驗證 / Attention processing for threat face in social anxious individuals: tests of hypervigilance-avoidance hypothesis and hypervigilance-difficult to disengagement hypothesis

曾孟頤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為,運用點偵測作業探討高社交焦慮者面對環境中的社會威脅訊息的注意力處理歷程,並釐清在實驗中加入誘發社交焦慮情緒程序對高社交焦慮者的注意力處理是否造成影響。由於過往研究對高社交焦慮者對社會威脅訊息的注意力處理意見分歧,學者們分別提出過度警覺-逃避假設與過度警覺-難以轉移假設,兩假設皆有相關理論與研究支持,本研究企圖檢驗這兩個假設的合理性。   本研究篩選出高社交焦慮組30人與低社交焦慮組30人參與實驗,受試者在接受所分派的情緒誘發程序後,進行以生氣臉與嫌惡臉所組成的威脅臉為實驗刺激的點偵測作業,以評估個體對威脅的注意力。   研究結果發現,接受社交威脅誘發程序的高社交焦慮者對社會威脅訊息的注意力處理,傾向為過度警覺-逃避假設的歷程,對威脅產生警覺後,便逃避對威脅的處理;而接受中性情緒誘發程序的高社交焦慮者對社會威脅訊息的注意力處理,傾向為過度警覺-難以轉移假設的歷程,對威脅產生警覺後,便無法將注意力自威脅轉移。   高社交焦慮者對社會威脅訊息,有明顯的注意力偏誤,且此偏誤會隨個體所處的情境與接觸威脅的時間而有所變化。由於這些偏誤扮演著維持個體的社交焦慮的重要角色,故在釐清高社交焦慮者在不同情境下對威脅的注意力處理後,有助於選擇適當的治療策略,協助高社交焦慮者因應環境中的威脅。 / The purpose of the present study was to utilize the dot-probe task to investigate the attention processing for social threat in high social anxiety, and to know what under conditions of social threat influence. Owing to the conflicts of the past studies, there are hypervigilance-avoidance hypothesis and hypervigilance-difficult to disengagement hypothesis for the attention processing. This study attempt tests the rationality of the two hypotheses. Performance on a face-probe task was assessed in high (n=30) and low (n=30) social anxiety. After participants were assigned the mood induction procedure randomly, they were presented the task. The results revealed that under conditions of social threat high social anxiety are at first vigilant of threat faces, and avoid them. And under conditions of neutral high social anxiety are at first vigilant of threat faces, and difficult to disengage them. These results suggest that the attention bias for social threat in high social anxiety would be changed by the context and how long the individual face the threat. Know that the attention processing for social threat in the different context in high social anxiety would help the psychologists to choice the applicable therapy for high social anxiety.

結構型債券不當銷售爭議與投資人保護之法律問題 / The improper-selling of structured notes and the legal issues for structured notes investors protection.

謝巧君, Hsieh, Chiao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
自2008年5月起,國內發生了向銀行購買號稱保本或條件式保本的結構型債券的投資人,因所購買之結構債觸及下限,導致本金大賠,而這些投資人無法承受損失,組成自救會要向銀行討回投資本金的事件;同年9月美國雷曼兄弟公司倒閉,購買連結該公司股票,或購買由該公司及其子公司發行或保證之結構債之受害投資人要求銀行全額買回不當銷售之結構債,另外投資人亦多向銀行主管機關行政院金融監督管理委員會、民意代表等提出陳情,指稱銀行在販售結構債時,並沒有善盡事前告知的義務,加上用詐欺或誘導等方式進行不當行銷勸誘,並對應告知投資人的重要事項僅為選擇性的說明,且更有理專在簽約書面文件中偽造其已告知投資人相關風險及資訊,因此造成銀行不當銷售結構債等金融商品的議題受到重視及討論。 我國傳統上面對金融商品係針對個別商品之架構(例如有價證券或期貨)而採不同的監理規範,惟此種立法係以商品得以明確定性為前提,然在財務工程技術不斷推陳出新,金融創新成為趨勢的現在,混合傳統商品所推出的新型態金融商品就應如何定性及適用法律,即為監理及投資人保護法制上的新課題。 此外,從民眾經由銀行推介而投資結構型債券而生的糾紛可發現,銀行在向民眾推介購買金融商品時,常發生糾紛的類型多可歸類為未推薦符合客戶風險屬性商品的商品適合性(suitability)不符,以及銷售時未確實對於該項商品可能產生的風險完整告知。故有關商品適合性及告知義務在我國法上的規範及內容,及對於違反商品適合性及告知義務時,受害投資人若要提起相關訴訟時,應該如何主張自身的權益,亦為本文研究的重心。 本文於第壹章提出本文研究動機及研究方法,第貳章則介紹結構型債券的種類及風險,並嘗試替結構債進行法律定性,第參章分析銀行辦理財富管理業務時,應遵守之法規範,同時介紹國內銀行受投資人委託投資結構債之規定,並附論主管機關因結構債銷售爭議事件發生,而對結構型商品所增訂的管制規範,以及我國統一管理金融服務業銷售行為規範的金融服務業法。第肆章為分析國內銀行不當銷售結構債予一般投資人之法律爭議,並介紹國外實務案例,以及國外有關違反忠實義務及注意義務的判斷標準;另從我國現行法制下檢討受到銀行不當銷售之投資人可能得主張銀行損害賠償之請求權基礎,並觀察與分析我國目前利用銀行公會評議機制處理投資人申訴之情形;第伍章介紹英國2000年金融服務暨市場法中,關於消費者遇到金融商品服務相關糾紛時得採用的申訴機制,並介紹日本金融商品販賣法及金融商品交易法中對銷售行為管制相關規定;另附論該國實務界對於金融機構不當銷售時,對投資人應負的責任,以及該國實務界調節損害賠償責任的方式;第陸章為結論及建議,將提出我國目前法制對不當銷售之問題面臨的挑戰,尤其是於金融商品交易資訊不對稱的情形下,投資人提起商品適合性與金融機構未盡告知義務訴訟時產生的難題,並提供相關建議。

自我注意、正負向情緒、差距現象對憂鬱大學生之社交表現的影響探討 / The influence of self-focused attention, positive / negative affect and self-discrepancy in depressive college student's social behavior

李慧潔, Lee, Huei-Chei Unknown Date (has links)
臨床研究發現,提高自我注意容易提高個體的負向情緒,反之,提高負向情緒容易觸發個體的自我注意程度,而高自我注意、負向情緒又正是憂鬱者的主要特徵。由於高自我注意跟負向情緒具有負相關,再根據過去文獻分析,推論高自我注意跟負向情緒之間可能具有共變關係。 循著Carver & Scheier的自我調適理論、Pyszczynski & Greenberg的憂鬱者的自我調適維持理論、Higgins的自我落差理論等脈絡前行,並分析有關目標設定、自我效能、憂鬱者對自我表現之主觀感受、自我滿意度等研究後,發現憂鬱者內在傾向於設定自己無法達成的目標,因此容易產生「目標--現況之間具有落差」的現象。本研究主張,差距現象乃是憂鬱者之高自我注意、負向情緒關係的中介因素,並將差距現象區分為客觀差距(事前自我效能評估--目標設定)、主觀差距(事後自我效能評估--主觀感受)。這兩者可能影響自我注意、負向情緒之關係。基於研究興趣,再探討「事前自我效能評估--實際自我效能」差距與「事後自我效能評估--實際自我效能」差距,這兩者並不會影響自我注意、負向情緒之關係。 本研究為了解自我注意、負向情緒、差距現象三者之關係,針對輕度憂鬱、一般大學生,以社交表現(與陌生人初次之談話)為主題,設計兩個實驗,探討(一)自我注意、負向情緒是否具有共變關係。(二)輕度憂鬱大學生在社交方面是否具有差距現象。(三)輕度憂鬱大學生的差距現象,是否為自我注意、負向情緒之共變關係之中介因素。(四)輕度憂鬱大學生的實際社交表現是否受到差距現象的影響。 根據本研究的實驗結果發現: (一)輕度憂鬱大學生之自我注意與負向情緒之間具有負相關,但在實驗操弄的情況下,兩者並沒有明顯共變關係。 (二)輕度憂鬱大學生在社交表現方面,和一般大學生大致相同,沒有顯著的客觀、主觀差距現象。而造成差距現象不明顯的原因,在於憂鬱大學生的社交表現一樣好、一樣受歡迎。然而憂鬱大學生對自己表現之評分較一般大學生為差,顯示憂鬱大學生的社交自信不足。 (三)輕度憂鬱大學生之客觀、主觀差距現象不構成高自我注意與負向情緒之中介因素。然而,憂鬱大學生對自我表現的主觀評價與滿意度確實顯著低於一般大學生,顯出憂鬱者習慣自我貶低的特質。 (四)輕度憂鬱大學生之社交表現並不受客觀、主觀差距現象之影響。 (五)在「事前自我效能評估--實際自我效能」差距與「事後自我效能評估--實際自我效能」差距方面,憂鬱大學生之差距量皆顯著小於非憂鬱大學生,顯示自評的社交實力與實際社交實力仍稍有不同,且一般大學生對自評社交能力的高估情況較顯著,反映出社交自信較憂鬱大學生高。 由於實驗結果並不支持本研究之假設,探討其可能原因為: (一)受試者特性:本研究所抽樣之政大學生之憂鬱程度相當輕微,而且在社交表現上並不比同輩差,因此在社交上之差距現象不明顯,無法看出差距現象是否足以構成自我注意、負向情緒之中介因素。另外,不同受試者具有不同的先天自我注意傾向,可能影響實驗結果。 (二)自我注意的內涵:本實驗操弄之自我注意採用「編故事」方式進行,並不會引發個體的挫折,因此無法引起強烈情緒變動。 (三)實驗測量的問題:以實驗操弄雖能暫時改變個體之情緒與注意力,然而操弄所得的情緒與注意力很容易受到外在干擾而改變、或隨著時間變化而消退。 綜合以上結果與探討,對未來研究之建議如下: 建議未來針對憂鬱症狀較高之憂鬱者,選定不同的實驗作業,在受試者不知情的情況下,利用非紙筆類的測量工具,在數個時間點重覆測量情緒與注意力的變化,再度檢驗差距現象對憂鬱者「自我注意--負向情緒」之共變關係。

短暫午睡對國小學童認知功能與情緒之影響 / The effects of short midday naps on cognitive function and mood in elementary school children

彭志業, PENG C.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
研究背景:成人午睡對於認知與情緒影響的正面效益,已獲得許多研究證實,不過兒童夜間各睡眠期所占比例與成人不同,而且至今少有兒童午睡效益的研究,因此,本研究旨在探討短暫午睡對於國小學童認知功能、學習表現與情緒狀態的影響。 實驗設計與方法:以研究一實驗室情境,配合研究二教室現場實地研究兩種方式進行探討。研究一採組內設計,以30名國小五年級學童,在睡眠實驗室分別接受單日20分鐘的午睡與清醒的實驗,並以五種神經心理測驗,進行前測與後測,並以相依樣本t考驗進行比較兩種實驗情境在五種神經心理測驗表現的差異,並以性別×情境×時間三因子變異數分析,比較睏睡度與情緒的分數差異,並以皮爾森積差相關統計分析午睡睡眠參數資料與神經心理測驗分數的相關性。研究二採組內設計,以67名五年級學童,在兩週分別接受三日教室現場的午睡以及三日清醒情境的安排,並實施國語、數學、社會教學,作為午睡效益的評量依據,並以重複樣本t考驗比較兩種實驗情境國語科、數學科、社會科學習成效測驗分數是否有所差異,另以午睡習慣×實驗情境×時間三因子變異數分析,比較睏睡度與情緒量表分數的差異性。 研究結果:研究一發現受試者經歷20分鐘的午睡後,在專心度表現顯著比清醒好,不過午睡後的抑制刺激干擾的錯誤率卻顯著比清醒時高;至於在工作記憶、敘述性記憶、程序性動作記憶的表現,兩種情境則無顯著差異。另外,發現午睡後13:10的主觀睏睡度明顯比清醒時要低,在其他情緒狀態上則無顯著差異。而且發現睡眠第一期時間與抑制刺激干擾能力表現達顯著負相關;睡眠第二期時間與敘述性記憶表現成正相關:睡眠第三期時間則與敘述性記憶表現成負相關;:研究二則發現午睡後學生睏睡度顯著比沒午睡時要低,而且三日內15:30的睏睡度皆比剛睡醒13:10時要低,且第三日15:30睏睡度有顯著降低,但其他情緒則無顯著影響。另外,國語、數學、社會三科的學習成效,在兩種實驗情境皆無顯著差異。 結論:兒童午睡過程睡眠期與成人不太相同,且從兒童夜間睡眠與認知相關研究,也可以發現兒童似乎能夠補償短暫午睡缺乏,造成對認知功能損害或情緒的負面影響,因此,短暫午睡似乎對於兒童的正面顯著效益,並不如成人ㄧ般,不過,本研究實驗室或教室研究情境,皆ㄧ致發現兒童午睡仍能減少受試者主觀睏睡度,而且也發現隨著午睡日數增加所帶來的正面效益。未來,進行實地研究可以更嚴謹的睡眠偵測及判讀工具,來確認受試者午睡情況,減少主觀判斷與檢核所產生的誤差。 / Background: It has been confirmed by many researches that taking the afternoon nap has positive effects on adult cognition and emotion. However, the proportion of children’s sleep stages at night is quite different from that of adults. Since there are few studies on the effects of children’s afternoon nap, this paper aims to discuss the effects of short nap on cognitive ability, academic performance and emotional state of elementary school pupils. Experimental Design and Methods: The study mainly adopted two methods--------- laboratory situation and field study in the classroom. The first method was conducted among 30 fifth-grade pupils from the elementary school, with each one dealing with 20-minute long nap and sober status respectively in a day. Besides, five neuropsychological tests were carried out to pre-test and post-test their performance with the paired sample t-test to compare their difference. Based on the variance analysis of gender, situation as well as time factors, sleepiness degree and emotional difference were compared and the relationship between nap parameters and neuropsychological test scores was analyzed with Pearson's correlation analysis method. The second method was conducted among 67 fifth-grade pupils from the elementary school, dealing with afternoon nap and sober situation respectively for three days in two weeks. Besides, Chinese, Mathematics and Sociology were taught as the basis to assess the effects of afternoon nap with the paired samples t-test. Based on the variance analysis of nap habits, environmental situation and time factors, sleepy degree and emotional difference were compared. Research Result: The first study showed that concentration degree of pupils after 20-minute afternoon nap was much higher than that before sleeping, so was the error rate to inhibit stimulation’s interference. As for the performance in working, declarative and procedural motor memory, there was no significant difference. In addition, we found that the subject sleepiness degree after 13:10 was lower than that when awake and there was no significant difference in other emotional states. The duration of stageⅠwas significantly negative-related to the performance to inhibit stimulation’s interference, and the duration of stageⅡwas positive-related to declarative memory performance; while the duration of stageⅢwas negative-related to declarative memory performance. The second study showed that subjective sleepiness degree of pupils after afternoon nap was much lower than that before nappinging, so was the sleepiness degree of 15:30 much lower than that of 13:10 in three days. In particular, the sleepiness degree of 15:30 in the third day decreased significantly, while other emotional states were not affected greatly. What’s more, there was no significance between these two experimental situations on study effects of Chinese, Mathematics and Sociology Conclusion: Children have a different afternoon nap course from adults. Related researches on children’s night sleep and cognition show that children seem to be able to .compensate for the lack of a short nap, resulting in cognitive impairment or emotional impact of negative.Therefore, the positive benefit of short nap of children is not as significant as that of adults. However, both laboratory and classroom situation showed that children’s afternoon nap could still reduce the subjective sleepiness. As the napping days increased, the positive effect was much more evident. In the near future, more rigorous sleep state detection and scoring tools for field study can be used to identify the nap situation and to reduce subjective misunderstanding and detection errors.

新聞媒介使用與民眾政治功效意識之關聯 / The Relationships Between News Media Use And Political Efficacy

孫天龍, Shun, Tien-long Unknown Date (has links)
政治功效意識普遍被學界認為是影響民眾政治態度與政治參與的重要因素之一,因為其為個人評估自己對政治事務瞭及影響能力的評估。另一方面,新聞媒介是提供民眾訊息的主要來源,從之前相關研究也發現,在民眾接觸大眾傳播媒介後,會對其政治態度造成一定程度的影響;不過,對於大眾傳播媒介的使用與政治功效意識的關聯,過去研究的結果則有不同的看法。因此,本研究試圖藉由非選舉與選舉時期的調查資料,透過民眾使用新聞媒介的習慣,來瞭解其與內在及外在政治功效意識的關聯。 研究結果顯示,不論是在非選舉或選舉時期,民眾的新聞媒介使用從注意程度與暴露程度觀察,電視是最主要的資訊來源,其次則為報紙。其餘廣播、新聞雜誌、網路等新聞媒介的使用率皆偏低;而電視與廣播政論性CALL-IN節目,有習慣收看、收聽的民眾也佔少數。 對於新聞媒介使用與政治功效意識關聯性的探討,在非選舉時期民眾對媒體所報導的新聞愈注意時,其內在及外在政治功效意識則可能愈高。不過,民眾收看電視新聞的時間愈長,其內在政治功效意識則可能愈低;但與外在政治功效意識的關係不顯著,代表與外在政治功效意識的高低沒有顯著的關係。 至於選舉時期,則是針對民眾接觸大眾傳播媒介報導的選舉新聞進行研究;發現民眾在選舉時期對於選舉新聞的接觸,與其政治功效意識的高低沒有顯著的關係。所以,由於政治功效意識是受到生活經驗長期培養而成,是深植於民眾心中長期穩定的政治態度;新聞媒介對於報導的選舉新聞則僅出現在接近選舉的一兩個月,因此這種短期因素較難與民眾的政治功效意識有顯著的關聯。 / Political efficacy is regarded as an important factor to influence political attitudes and political participation. On the other hand, mass media nowadays are the main sources to provide people political information and may furthermore influences people’s political attitudes. However, existed literarature shows different views about the relationships between the use of mass media and political efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the relationships between mass media use and their impact on internal and external political efficacy. By conducting secondary analysis of national surveys, which were collected during the period of election and non-election, this study has the following findings. First of all, television is the major news media for people to get information, and newspaper is second to it. Radio, magazine and internet are far below the importance of television and newspaper in acquiring political information. Second, our analysis shows that during the period of non-election, the more that people pay attention to news, the higher internal and external political efficacy they have. If people spend more time on watching news on television, they have less internal political efficacy. However, there is no correlation between the exposure of news media and external political efficacy. Finally, during the period of election, there is no correlation between the use of news media and political efficacy. It is inferred that because political efficacy is mostly influenced by people’s life-long experiences so it is stable in terms of political attitude. Therefore, it is not likely that election news will influence people’s political efficacy in a short period of time.

服務場景的人際因素對注意力幸福感的影響: 以恢復體驗為中介角色 / The Influences of Interpersonal Factors within Service Environments on Attention-Related Well-Being: The Mediation Role of Restorative Experience

曾祥景, Tseng, Hsiang Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的是從注意力恢復理論的觀點檢驗服務環境中的人際因素如何影響恢復體驗,進而帶給顧客注意力幸福感。人際因素有顧客小群體的人際融洽、其他顧客的相似性、外表及行為適當性、以及服務人員的服務友誼、顧客導向行為與銷售導向行為。本研究執行兩個研究,研究一將會透過量表建構過程發展一個恢復體驗量表,適用於享樂型人身處理或心理刺激處理類型的服務業,並得知恢復體驗的概念內涵與組成要素。研究二將檢驗恢復體驗的前因與後果,以及恢復體驗是否會中介人際因素與注意力幸福感之間的關係。研究一結果指出恢復體驗由內容迷戀、暫時逃離、動機相容、能力相容、活動新奇感與心流六個子構面組成,該量表共以21題衡量,並具有良好的信度、收斂效度、區別效度與外在效度。研究二結果指出服務環境中的人際因素會顯著的影響恢復體驗,而恢復體驗亦會帶來顧客的注意力幸福感,恢復體驗會完全中介人際因素與注意力幸福感之間的關係。根據研究結果討論理論、方法與管理意涵。在服務業情境的恢復體驗概念內涵比大自然情境多了過程迷戀面向,但是少了一致性面向。恢復體驗的前因應不只限於與大自然有關的實體因素而已,因為人際因素亦是恢復體驗重要的前因。恢復體驗與其子構面間的關係應被建模為反映型而非形成型。本研究提供服務業者指南,告知其如何透過人際因素的形塑與管理,帶給顧客注意力幸福感。由於小群體融洽相對於其他人際因素而言對顧客的恢復體驗影響較大,服務業者應將較多資源分配在管理顧客小群體上,並促成其產生小群體融洽。最後,提出研究限制與未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this research is to examine how interpersonal factors in service environment influence restorative experience, which in turn facilitates attention-related well-being of customers from the perspective of attention restoration theory. Interpersonal factors include small groups (i.e., interpersonal rapport), other customers (i.e., similarity, physical appearance, and suitability of behavior), and service providers (i.e., service friendship, customer orientation, and selling orientation). Two studies were conducted. Study 1 developed a scale of restorative experience applicable to hedonic service industry of people-processing or mental stimulus processing types. Also, the conceptual domain and components of restorative experience were discussed. Study 2 examined the antecedents and consequences of restorative experience and whether restorative experience mediates the relationship between interpersonal factors and attention-related well-being. The results of study 1 indicated that restorative experience is comprised of six dimensions- content fascination, escape, motivation compatibility, competence compatibility, novelty of activity, and flow. The new scale is measured using 21 items and has good reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and external validity. The results of study 2 indicated that interpersonal factors in service environment significantly influence restorative experience, which in turn influences attention-related well-being. Restorative experience completely mediates the relationship between interpersonal factors and attention-related well-being. Theoretical, methodological, and managerial implications are discussed. Compared to natural environment, restorative experience in the service environment contains the dimension of process fascination but has no dimension of coherence. Since interpersonal factors facilitate restorative experience, the antecedents of restorative experience should not be confined to natural elements of physical environment as done in the past studies. The relationships between restorative experience and its sub-dimensions should be modeled as reflective, not formative. This research provides guideline for service marketers to manage and harness interpersonal factors and improve attention-related well-being for customers. Since rapport in customer small group has more influence than other interpersonal factors on restorative experience, service marketers should put more resource in managing customer small groups and facilitating rapport among members in customer small group. In the end, limitations and direction of future research are presented.

由上而下因素對情緒刺激之注意力攫取的影響 / The influence of top-down factors on attentional capture of emotional stimuli

鐘弘達, Chung hung Ta Unknown Date (has links)
過去的研究指出,具有威脅訊息的情緒臉孔會比正向情緒臉孔快速地吸引個體的注意力。視覺搜尋研究發現情緒臉孔的突顯程度會引發由下而上的注意力攫取,而由下而上的注意力攫取是否能夠被由上而下的因素所凌駕,一直是一個很重要的論爭,因此,本研究同時呈現兩種情緒臉孔,並以文字線索引發由上而下注意力選擇,以探討由上而下的因素是否能夠凌駕情緒臉孔之注意力攫取,並比較不同情緒臉孔攫取注意力的強度。實驗一探討文字線索是否能夠幫助注意力搜尋目標情緒臉孔。實驗二使用一致效果當作注意力攫取指標,探討當臉孔情緒與作業相關時,由上而下因素是否能夠凌駕干擾情緒臉孔為生氣臉孔或快樂臉孔之注意力攫取,以及比較生氣與快樂臉孔攫取注意力的強度。實驗三延續實驗二的研究,將臉孔情緒改為與作業無關,比較生氣臉孔與快樂臉孔攫取注意力的強度。實驗四與實驗二實驗程序相同,但增加倒立中性臉孔與生氣臉孔或快樂臉孔同時呈現情況,如此在以倒立中性臉孔為目標或干擾臉孔情況,可以比較生氣臉孔與快樂臉孔之由上而下因素注意力選擇與由下而上注意力攫取強度。本研究結果在大部分情況下並未獲得一致效果,顯示由上而下之注意力選擇會影響由下而上之情緒臉孔攫取注意力,使得干擾臉孔未能吸引注意力於其上。然而由下而上注意力攫取仍影響搜尋情緒臉孔的反應時間,結果顯示生氣臉孔與快樂臉孔競爭下,生氣臉孔的突顯程度大於快樂臉孔,說明生氣臉孔較快樂臉孔吸引注意力。 / Previous studies using visual search task showed that the saliency of the emotional faces was sufficient to induce the bottom-up attentional capture. It is a critical debate that whether top-down factors can override bottom-up attentional capture. To address this issue, we presented two emotional faces at the same display while using word cues to induce top-down attentional selection. Experiment 1 investigated the effect of word cues on the target face searching. Using congruency effect as an index of attentional capture, Experiment 2 investigated whether top-down factors could override attentional capture of the emotional distractors when emotion is task-relevant and the degree of attentional capture of angry faces was compared with that of happy faces. In Experiment 3, face emotion was changed to be task-irrelevant rather than task-relevant, and the degree of attentional capture of angry and happy faces was also contrasted. In Experiment 4, the invert neutral face was included additionally as another target or distractor. We can use the invert neutral face as the common basis to dissociate the components of top-down attentional selection and bottom-up attentional capture, and contrast the attention effects between angry and happy faces in these two aspects independently. The results showed that congruency effect could not be found in most conditions. This implies that top-down attentional selection can influence the bottom-up attentional capture of emotional faces. But reaction time for searching target was still found to be influenced by bottom-up process. When an angry face competes with a happy face, the saliency of the angry face is higher than the happy face.


蔡景聖 Unknown Date (has links)
併購是企業外部成長的主要方式,但不是每個併購活動都是兩廂情願的,因此,當併購者違反被併購者的意願而為併購行為時,敵意併購就此產生。敵意併購所採取最主要的方式,即為公開收購制度,故本文先介紹歐美主要國家的公開收購制度,再檢視我國現行法下公開收購制度,以瞭解現行公開收購制度的利弊得失。 其次,針對敵意併購的防禦,美國法制上已發展出一系列的反併購法,這些法制雖然有些被聯邦法院宣告違憲,但仍有符合憲法規範者,迄今,已發展到第三代的反併購法。除此之外,企業在實務上也開始發展出各式各樣的防禦措施,有的是在敵意併購者出現前就事先準備,有的是在敵意併購者出現後才緊急採用,無論如何,這些防禦措施在敵意併購盛行的美國,也相對應的發展成熟。然而,在敵意併購還在萌芽階段的我國而言,由於法律的規範,並不是所有的防禦措施皆符合我國法律。更甚者,在現行法的規範下,有些防禦措施雖然符合我國法規範,但卻受到其他的限制而實用性甚低,在現行規範下幾乎沒有行使的空間,因此,本文試探究美國法上幾種基本的防禦措施在我國法上的可行性,期望能獲悉各種防禦措施在我國法上的合法性及可能性。 再者,需先瞭解公司法第二十三條第一項課與董事受任人義務之內涵。公司法對於忠實義務規範的較為具體,即董事在有利益衝突時,需以公司的利益為優先考量,同時又有具體的行為規範,例如公司法第二0六條準用第一七八條利害董事的迴避、第二二三條監察人代董事為行為、第二0九條董事競業禁止、第一九六條董事報酬等具體規範。相較於此,董事的注意義務僅抽象的要求董事在處理公司事務時,需要盡善良管理人的注意義務。然而,對於善良管理人的注意義務內涵為何,則須待法院在具體個案中形成。針對受任人義務,英美法上發展出經營判斷法則,針對董事對公司之經營判斷事項為誠信、無利益衝突、無濫用裁量權、必盡到合理注意時,推定董事之決策為適法,法院不再對該經營判斷事項為事後的審查。 美國法上,在審查目標公司的董事義務時區分為:主要目的審查、Unocal雙叉審查、Revlon案審查標準、Blasius案審查標準及股東外利害關係人利益權衡標準。在我國企業併購法第五條、第六條並沒有規範到目標公司的董事義務,但上開外國標準及企業併購法對董事決策時要求的行為規範,可以做為我國將來立法時的參考。在現行法未規範的情形下,本文認為公司法中未規定的業務決策,未必皆應依照公司法第二0九條規定由董事會決策;並且,公司重大事項應區分為提案權及決策權,而將防禦措施的提案權交由董事會,並將防禦措施的決策權交由股東會決定。董事會在股東會授權下,決定行使何種防禦措施,以迅速、機密之手段達到防禦的目的。因此,董事在提案前需盡到調查之能事,確認敵意併購的結果對公司不利,在股東會同意防禦行為時,所採取的防禦措施應優先保障股東最大利益,以盡目標公司的董事義務。

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