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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


中村, 英樹, 林, 良嗣, 加藤, 博和 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:09650580 研究代表者:中村 英雄 研究期間:1997-1998年度


金武, 直幸, 小橋, 眞 04 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B) 課題番号:17360336 研究代表者:金武 直幸 研究期間:2005-2007年度

永續都市觀點下住商混合社區之都市規劃 與設計模擬分析 / Urban design and planning tools in building sustainable mixed-use neighborhoods

張懿萱, Chang, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
土地混合使用,尤其是住商混合使用,一直被認為是達成環境面永續都市或是生態城市的要素之一。其除了提高住商可及性使人們步行與騎自行車的機率增加外,同時也讓公共空間的安全性提高、並增加都市的活力。然而住、商兩者間不完全相容的土地使用型態卻也容易引發對居住環境的負面衝擊,例如噪音、異味、光線侵擾、使人感覺較擁擠、降低隱私性等使環境品質下降,而可能降低人對住商混合住宅社區的偏好。本研究從過去研究中較少提及的都市空間規劃與設計角度切入,探討不同都市規劃與設計元素如何影響住商混合區之環境品質,其研究目的有三:1. 歸納整理可能影響住商混合區建成環境之都市規劃與設計元素2. 建立環境面生態都市概念下,住商混合實質環境品質之評估面向與指標3. 分析各都市規劃與設計元素對住商混合建成環境指標之影響。 本研究以台北市的住三分區為基礎,建立模擬住商混合社區,模擬各種都市規劃、設計元素之變化情境,以利衡量每項都市設計元素以及組合情境影響下,住商混合社區各面向建成環境品質評估指標的變化。使用工具包括ArcGIS、Google ShetchUP、及AutoCAD軟體,以建立模擬都市基本圖,並使用空間分析工具、ArcGIS外掛模組及Excel計算各面向之環境指標數值。 研究結果顯示降低建築建蔽率有助於提升住商混合社區整體環境品質以及除了商店經營性外所有面向的建成環境(例如行人友善步行空間、居民住家可居住性及自然環境),商店經營性則於建蔽率40%-55%間時表現較佳。在建物形狀方面,顯示正方塔型與長條型建築在住商混合區建成環境各面向指標上表現的差別不大。此外,階梯式退縮建築對於行人友善步行空間、居民住家可居住性及自然環境等均有提升的效果。 / Mixed land use has been widely considered as one of the key planning principles for achieving (environmentally) sustainable city or eco-city in terms of promoting transit patronage, walking and biking, and incubating retail-business friendly communities. However, it may also lower the livability because of the problems like noise, light instruction and downgraded residents privacy as to decrease the residents’ preference to live in mixed-use area. Few studies, nevertheless, has been done on the roles of the various tools in urban planning and design in improving the physical environment for both residents and retail businesses. The objectives of the paper are: (1) to review the urban planning and design tools normally applied by planners which may have impacts on the physical environment of mixed-use community; (2) to compile an inventory of indexes corresponding to the quality of physical environment for both residents and retail businesses; and (3) to examine the impacts of these tools on the physical environment indexes. The research method involves an simulation analysis, which is conducted in a selected mixed-use community in Taipei city, Taiwan. The simulation analysis helps examining the impact of each of the tools on physical environment indexes . The software packages applied are Google SketchUp, AutoCAD, ArcGIS, and Excel. The results of simulation analyses suggest that lowering the building coverage rate (BCR) is helpful in improving overall quality of mixed-use community and all sub-indexes (i.e., pedestrian-friendly environment, residents’ livability and nature environment) except for retail business operation environment. The quality of retail business operation environment performs better when BCR stays at the intermediate level (between 40%-55%). In the aspect of building shape, there is minimal difference showed on the impact on the overall index between tower-shaped and slab-shaped buildings. Besides, the stair-shaped setback is suggested for better pedestrian-friendly environment, residents’ livability, and especially nature environment.

共用資源治理觀點下的美濃獅子頭水圳 / Governance Change of Shihtou Water Canal in Meinung:A Common-pool Resource Perspective

游鎮維, Yu, Chen Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討灌溉水資源系統中的「水圳」,在歷史的發展脈絡下如何成為農村不可或缺的依賴性治理制度。而都市化與工業發展興起後,水圳面臨了設施改造與治理困境,其制度本身所產生之變革以及新興治理機制對原有組織之影響。 本文透過美濃獅子頭水圳為個案研究,運用伊利諾‧歐斯壯(E.Ostrom)之「共用資源永續發展治理八大原則」為水圳資源有效治理之理論背景,檢視早期美濃獅子頭水圳的集體行動組織(地方水利會-農民),如何成功地在自主治理的機制中運作,並探討在現代化發展過程中宏觀的外在結構環境,包含農業轉型、停徵會費、派系競爭、水患問題等變化,對既有的共用資源制度產生的衝擊與弱化。以及民主化後由愛鄉協進會透過反水庫社會運動帶動社區總體營造對於水圳治理的創新模式。本文認為早期獅子頭水圳在資源邊界、集體選擇、對組織權最低限度認可與多中心治理等面向建立起維持永續發展之基礎。制度本身雖遭受外在環境變遷而呈現鬆散,但由於觀光休閒農業的推廣,吸引農村漂鳥回流,對灌溉水資源的參與治理渴望達到穩定的力量。並且,透過給予掌水工與水利小組的正式與非正式制度性誘因,可以有效調節灌溉用水並做為提供移轉調撥其他產業用水的基礎。最後,在地方性非營利組織「愛鄉協進會」進入水圳系統的治理後,挑戰由半官僚水利會所掌控的政治經濟功能掛帥水圳系統,更融入生態、文化、公民參與等不同的元素形成一共同治理新模式,除了延續後農業時代水圳的灌溉功能之外,也強化其制度韌性。藉由這些發現,本文進而提出實務與理論的研究建議,以做為後農業時代水資源灌溉系統的永續發展之借鏡。 / The subject of this essay is to explore the reason why an irrigation canal, in the process of historical development, became an indispensable governance institution in the villages. Also, in the advent of urbanization and industrialization, the irrigation canal faces a situation of the renovation of facility as well as the predicament of governance, in which the institution itself changes and newly governance system influences the original organizations. This study takes Shihtou Irrigation Canal in Meinung as the object. Using Elino Ostrom’s eight design principles of stable local common pool resource (CPR) management to review the successful self-governance mechanisms in operation performed by the early local collective action organization (mainly made by Taiwan Joint Irrigation Association and farmers). Also the paper explains the impacts of macro-environment, including the agricultural transformation, stop collecting fees, factional competition and flooding, on the existing system of CPR. And an innovational governance participated by a Meinung People's Association, a grass-roots organization from anti-reservoir activities to comprehensive community development in the era of post-democratization. Results of this study showed as follows: Firstly, early Shihtou irrigation canal maintain the basis for establishing sustainable development as result of clearly defined boundaries, collective-choice arrangement, minimal recognition of rights to organize, and nested enterprises. Besides, although it was weaken by the later change of external structure, the development of leisure agriculture attracted recurrent youth for agriculture, who was desired for reviving the power of appropriation in canal self-governance. Meanwhile, the institutional design of water-inspectors and water conservancy group arranged through formal and informal incentives can effectively regulate the right of water for irrigation and serve as providing the basis for the allocation of water for other industries. Finally, a local non-profit organization Meinung People's Association challenges the governance system originally controlled by a half-bureaucratic management of local Farm Irrigation Association. Compared with the mainly political and economic functions of water governance by the latter, the former emphasize the different elements of ecological, cultural, and civic participation. This formation of New model of shared governance in canal not only continue its irrigational function in post-agriculture, but also strengthen its institutional tenacity..With these findings, the paper puts forward practical and theoretical study suggests in order to learn as a sustainable development of water resources in the era of post-agricultural irrigation systems.

環保議題融入中高級華語課程設計與實踐 / Environmental Issues in CSL Curriculum Design and Implementation for Intermediate-High Level Learners

林芝逸, Lin, Chih Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究期望能設計以環境保護為主題的華語課程,使中高級華語學習者在學習語言的同時,亦能了解相關環保知識,並透過共同討論現實世界所面臨的問題提升其環保意識。 研究目的為:一、了解中高級華語學習者之學習需求。二、提供環保議題融入華語教學課程設計參考模式。三、評估具體教學成效。在課程設計前,透過文獻分析釐清本課程適合的教學方法、教學目標訂定方式以及教學材料的選取、編寫準則,主要以主題式教學法(Theme-Based Language Instruction)、溝通式教學法(Communicative Language Teaching)、美國外語教學學會(ACTFL)之5C準則(5C Standards)及貝爾格勒憲章(The Belgrade Charter)中的六項環境教育目標為本研究之教學理念,並參考英語教學之經驗,思考環境議題融入語言課程可行方式。亦透過需求分析,向中高級學習者與教師發放問卷,了解「教」與「學」兩方對於環保主題課程的態度及看法。綜合文獻與需求分析結果為本研究課程設計總體方向,依此進行課程發展設計,並實際進行兩次課程實施以評估學習成就及整體課程設計,提出改進之道及後續研究建議。 本文主要研究方法為發展研究法、問卷及訪談調查法。發展研究法提供本研究可參照之設計流程,包含分析、設計發展、課程實施、成效評估、修正等階段。問卷調查用於課程設計前之學習需求分析、課程實施後之課程滿意度調查;訪談則用於課程實施後,了解學習者對本課程的想法、心得與建議,進一步回饋至修正建議。 透過教學實施,學習者對於本課程皆給予正面評價,認為本課程有意思且實用,不僅能使語言技能進步,亦能關心、討論環境議題,也讓平常少有機會接觸時事的學生更了解台灣社會與文化。本研究根據教學成效提出幾點教學建議:一、在教學內容選取上,現實議題探討能加強學習者之社會語言能力,且符合學習興趣,使學習者能更了解所處的社會環境。議題以真實材料或非真實材料呈現皆有其須注意之處。二、在環境教育目標於華語課程之實踐上,教師須於課堂提供察覺、認識之契機,透過引導,學習者能自行運用其技能與評估能力,最後發展出個人觀點與態度。三、在課堂活動規劃上,輸入、輸出型活動須搭配且循序運用。筆者並於篇末提出後續研究建議。 / This study examines the design of a Chinese language curriculum focused on environmental protection, and aims to enhance students’ language skills while increasing awareness about environmental issues. There are three purposes of this study; the first is to analyze the learning needs of intermediate-high CSL students, the second is to provide a design model for an environmentally themed CSL curriculum, and the third is to evaluate the effectiveness of its implementation. Also included is a review of previous studies that highlights appropriate methods of developing objectives, editing materials, and teaching. The instructional philosophy of this study is based on theme-based language instruction, communicative language teaching, the 5 C’s language teaching standards (ACTFL) , and the six objectives of environmental education in the Belgrade Charter. A learning needs questionnaire is also given to both teachers and students in order to survey their opinions on teaching and learning. The results of this needs analysis and extensive review of existing literature provide the main guiding principles behind the curriculum’s development. The results of two terms of implementations are presented, as well as potential further improvements. The main research method of this study is developmental research; surveys and interviews are used to as supplemental methods. The developmental research method provides a model for curriculum design, and calls for various phases of analysis, design (development), implementation, and evaluation. Survey research is then used to forecast learning needs before the design phase, and also to gather students’ feedback after the completion of the class. Interviews are used after each complete implementation to gather more information and impressions from students. After two complete implementations of the curriculum, the interview results show that students find the course practical and interesting, as they can not only enhance their language skills, but also raise their awareness of environmental issues through class discussion. In addition, they felt the class increased their understanding of Taiwan society and culture via discussion of current events. The main findings are as follows: 1) Content relating to social issues can simultaneously improve students’ sociolinguistic competence and also meet their learning needs. The contents can be provided in authentic or inauthentic contexts, but should follow certain design principles. 2) To fulfill the six objectives of environmental education in a CSL curriculum, the instructor needs to help students understand environmental issues first, and then guide students to use their analysis skills to evaluate current events. Afterwards, students will develop their own perspective and attitude. 3) To develop an effective course, the input and output activities should be arranged in sequence.

容積移轉接受基地居住環境品質改變認知與政策滿意度之研究-以新北市中和地區為例 / A Study of Cognitive and Policy Satisfaction of the Residential Environment Quality Changes in the Transfer Development Right Receiving Area - A Case Study of Zhong He District in New Taipei City

高筱菁, Kao, Hsiao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
在都市發展環境當中,居住環境品質取決於居住者本身之感受程度,可分為內部環境及外部空間結構,內部環境係指針對居住者本身所在的生活圈裡,外部空間結構則多半為公共設施的鄰近程度、交通便利性及嫌惡設施等因素,世界衛生組織曾於1961年世界衛生報告中提出理想居住環境為安全性、健康性、便利性、舒適性等基本理念,經由探索性、驗證性因素,分析彙整出解釋社區居民對居住環境品質之衡量著力點在於實體性、社區服務與管理、現代化等三大方面,因此居民感受度是與前開四種基本理念相呼應的。 在針對居住環境品質與社區滿意度相關文獻探討後發現,居住環境品質多與社區滿意度有關聯,顯示在建構生活品質模式應先將領域分群,透過客觀、認知及評估因子,即可呈現各領域的滿意度。 為解決公共設施保留地取得、歷史建築物保存及公共開放空間之提供等議題,我國開始實施容積移轉制度,主要目的為追求環境寧適、健全實質建設、保留彈性立法規則及民眾參與,惟接受基地在注入原基準容積後,其鄰近居民之居住環境品質是否受到影響及衝擊,為本研究所關注之重點;本研究係探討容積移轉制度實行迄今,接受基地容積移轉案件在興建完成後,對週邊土地所帶來之影響。 本研究以容積移轉接受基地興建前後對居住環境品質之問卷調查,以新北市中和地區之接受基地周邊住民作為受訪對象,以因素分析、結構方程模式為分析方法,以五大變數-接受基地興建前既有環境滿意度、接受基地興建後正面環境改善、接受基地興建後負面改變影響、容積移轉政策修正建議及其政策滿意度進行模式驗證;研究結果發現既有環境滿意度對負面改變影響、政策修正建議呈正向影響,對正面環境改善、政策滿意度呈負向影響,另負面改變影響、政策修正建議則具有著之中介效果,該研究可作為未來推動容積移轉制度辦理之修正建議。 / In the urban development environment, living environment quality depends on how residents feel. It can be divided into internal and external spatial structure environments. The internal environment refers to living areas where the residents themselves reside; the external spatial structures are mostly the proximity, accessibility and distaste factors of public facilities. The World Health Organization’s 1961 World Health Report proposed the basic concept of the ideal living environment for safety, health, convenience, comfort, etc. They compiled an analysis of the environmental community to explain the measure of the quality of living through exploratory, confirmatory factors. The analysis compiled an explanation of the way community residents measure environmental quality. The focal point lies in the three aspects of modernization: physical properties, community service and management. Therefore residents' susceptibility echoes the former four basic philosophies. In regards to the quality of living environment and community satisfaction, after disscussing relevant literature, we found that the quality of living environment correlate with community satisfaction interaction. This shows that during the construction of life quality models, domain clustering should first take place, then go through the analysis of objective factors, perceived factors, evaluated factors before presenting various domains of satisfaction. However, to address topics on land reserved for the public infrastructure, topics on historical building preservation and public open space topics, Taiwan began to implement transferable development rights control. The main goal of this system was to pursue environmental quality, improve substantive construction, maintain the flexibility of legislative rules and promote public participation. However, the main concern of this study is whether or not the environmental living quality of nearby residents' was affected after the development rights of the receiving area received incremental development rights and built high-rise buildings. This study mainly dicusses ways to implement the so far accepted transferable development rights case after construction is complete, and the effects brought on by the surrounding land. This study looks at environmental quality before and after transferable development rights acceptance and construction. A questionnaire was designed for this study and was administered to local residents of the Zhong-he, New Taipei City development rights receiving area as target respondents. This study was conducted by way of factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. Five variables were proposed, which are variables of nearby residents of the development rights receiving area regarding environmental satisfaction before construction; variables of nearby residents having positive evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents having negative evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy amendment; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy satisfaction, to conduct a model confirmatory. The results show that environmental satisfaction variables have a positive impact on negative evaluation variables and policy amendment variables, but have a negative impact on positive evaluation variables and policy satisfaction. In addition, negative evaluation variables have indirect effects on policy amendments. This study can be used as a reference for the implementation of the transferable development rights system in handling amendments in the future.


Arai, Shigeo, Muto, Shunsuke, Tanji, Takayoshi, Sasaki, Katuhiro, Saito, Yahachi, Kusunoki, Michiko, Usukura, Jiro, Tanaka, Nobuo, 荒井, 重勇, 武藤, 俊介, 丹司, 敬義, 佐々木, 勝寛, 斎藤, 弥八, 楠, 美智子, 臼倉, 治郎, 田中, 信夫 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

中共環保政策的演變與問題-兼論北京奧運環環境治理 / Evolution and problems of China's environmental policy -With an analysis on the environmental management of the Beijing Olympics

林美瑤 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,中國環境污染不斷惡化,隨著動態的傳遞過程,境內受到污染的物質隨著河流、海洋、空氣的流動而移轉,甚至以人爲移動的方式傳遞至其他國家,形成跨國界的環境污染,全球因為環境污染造成的經濟損失與治理的成本難以估計。 中國環境污染的問題,有其歷史的淵源,又與各時期領導者政治思維、經濟發展及環保政策相關。面對國際社會的關注和環境惡化的壓力,中國被迫嚴肅正視其環境污染問題,在「北京奧運」舉辦前後,中國政府展現整治控制的決心及投入,確實使北京環境因為奧運短期成效,讓世人驚豔。 深入探討中國環保政策面臨問題,根源於政策體制缺陷、國內參與不足及國際化程度不深等因素。對中共而言,面對發展與環保、地方與中央及國內與國外情況,已不僅是一個專業問題,更是一個政治問題,挑動政權敏感神經及智慧,左右為難。

女性休閒環境架構之基礎研究-以台北縣市女性為例 / A Prelimiriary Study on the Women Leisure Envital Structure

蘇瑛敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以女性主義觀點,從女性生活空間,女性主觀的經驗感受以及彼此不同屬性間差異所反應的社會脈落價值觀問題等角度來探討女性休閒課題。在滿足女性休閒期望的前提下,考慮阻礙女性參與休閒的影響因子,探討女性的休閒認知, 休閒活動, 休閒設施三者間的特性及相互關係,作為建立女性休閒環境架構之基礎研究。  本研究受限於個人時間, 人力, 財力等因素,問卷抽樣限於居住在臺北市及臺北縣的二十歲以上女性為研究對象,僅針對女性日常休閒活動及日常使用之休閒設施做調查研究,不涉及較長時間長距離之國內外休閒遊憩活動。本研究透過相關理論文獻回顧與評述,由心理學,社會學,休閒學,女性學,地域設施論等各種不同角度來探討女性休閒概念,女性休閒設施計畫,女性休閒相關研究與議題,並對臺灣女性生活時間及休閒狀況做一回顧。  基於對研究主題,問題內涵,及個人認知觀念之考量,主要調查分析方法是並用焦點團體訪談的質性研究與問卷調查的量化統計二種研究方法。由女性自身角色認知及女性休閒認知來解析女性休閒目的,休閒選擇主動權及休閒訊息來源。並由區位,頻率,交流性等三指標分析休閒活動特性,掌握阻礙女性參與休閒因素及對休閒活動的期望。將女性休閒設施特色依區位,性質,類型等指標做解析,並分析女性對休閒設施的考慮因素,休閒設施區位及增設類型等的期望。  從研究結果得知,不同屬性之女性對休閒目的,休閒活動,休閒設施的需求不同,休閒環境所呈現的特質亦不同。休閒目的與休閒活動間具有互換性,兩者關係屬於行為科學研究範疇。休閒活動與休閒設施間關係屬於環境行為學研究範疇,具有規範性。而休閒設施與休閒目的間具有觸發性,屬於環境認知之研究範疇。 / The suqeject of this paper is to survey leisure issues of women from a feminist perspective,to satisfy wonen`s leisure expectation as a prerequisite,also to consider the facrtors which influence wonen`s leisure activity patterns and priorities,I try to survey the characters and the relationshipw of women leisure consciousness,women leisure activity patterns and the leisure facility;to build a framework of wonen leisure environmental structure,Due to the limitaion of time,manpower and moneuy, this study focus on women Whose age are above20-year-old and live in Taipei city. the research range is not include long-time&long-distance recreation activity but focus on wom'ens daily leisure activity. According to the previous studies, I defined three meanings of leisure and various leisure activities Were divided into three leisure categories depending on the tendency of their meaning. In order to analyze the leisure characteristics,frequencies, site are used as indexes. Leisure activities were analyzed and categorized into the following four types of leisure activitiey;regional activity; urban activity and natural activity The spatial characteristics of the leisure facilities based on physical characteristics were examined. The conclusion reaches that three aspects of leisure were clearly found and these aspects strongly influence each other Women had different needs of leisure consciousness,leisure activities and leisure facilities within different clusters.Also there were different characteristics appeared in women leisure environment.


蔣欣如, Chiang,Hsin-ju Unknown Date (has links)
「安全」問題一直是國家不斷追求的利益,但相較於傳統安全問題,更多新的安全議題已浮上檯面。在新興的眾多非傳統安全議題之中,環境安全(Environmental Security)是相當重要的面向,乃由於環境的改變、破壞、退化,形成人類經濟活動、國家安全、國際和平的隱憂。面對如此的潛在危機,國際社會目前普遍已經體認到環境安全的重要性,也逐漸傾向尋求另一種不同於軍事武力的解決方案,有意願合作建立共同規範準則以面對問題,因而促成環境安全建制的成形。   本論文以「氣候變遷」議題做為環境問題的代表,回顧自1972年以來,以國家為主要行為者的全球多邊環境協定,探討氣候安全的特點及氣候建制的限制。同時採用「知識社群模式」與「制度議價途徑」的論點解釋環境建制的成因,前者影響國際社會對環境問題的共識、原則建立;後者則影響國家參與共同建制與制定、執行規範的意願。   雖然全球氣候治理的《京都議定書》已正式上路,氣候相關建制也都注重平等、公正、效率、補償等原則,力求使國際社會每個國家立足平等並有足夠的能力解決問題,但因為國家最終考量仍是自身利益,國際社會各行為者所重視的是平等而不損及利益的制度安排。所以,要建立有效的環境安全建制,首先要解決環境安全與經濟發展互相矛盾的困境,其次要調和國際社會成員的利益問題,需要各國共同努力,才能真正使環境建制的功能發揮到最大。

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