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產業部門能源需求與碳排放之驅動力與效率的實證研究 / Empirical Analysis on Driving Forces and Technical Efficiency of Energy Demand, Economic Growth and Carbon Emission單珮玲, Shan, Pei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究包括3個研究議題。第1個議題旨為估算不同部門別(包括農業、工業、服務業與運輸業)的能源燃燒產生CO2排放之組成因素的貢獻量,係藉由拉氏指數法和算術平均迪氏指數法之加法型態,拆解5種不同的因素(包括:碳密集度、部門結構、能源密集度、人口及經濟規模等),觀察其對於CO2排放變動之影響。本文採用台灣1992-2008年的各部門別的資料作為分析的基礎,研究結果顯示,以上部門的經濟規模對於CO2排放的貢獻呈現巨幅的正向效果;人口因素則呈現微幅的正向或負向的影響;而碳密集度對於CO2排放減量有正面的影響,並發現此乃是構成改善能源結構並導致CO2排放減量的最重要因素;能源密集度因素的影響,除服務業以外,其餘部門均呈現負向影響,此一結果顯示,大部分部門要進一步改善其能源效率頗為困難,是以未來致力於減排的努力,應著重於使用乾淨能源,尤其是以再生能源作為替代能源 (Liaskas et al., 2000);此外,值得注意的是,部門結構因素對於大部分的產業,如農業、工業和運輸業的CO2排放減量有正向的影響,據此可推論,我國的部門結構已漸趨向於低耗能產業(如服務業)發展。另外,本文採用近似不相關迴歸模型,探討各項政策工具(如環境稅、進口關稅)與經濟變數(如貿易條件及時間趨勢等)透過以上5種不同的組成因素,對於CO2排放變動的影響效果作一分析,其實證結果可供決策者制定減排政策的參考。
第3個議題係利用台灣1992-2008年之農業、工業、服務業與運輸業等部門別的panel data,仿照Battese and Coelli (1995)提出之隨機邊界(Stochastic Frontier Analysis, SFA)模型,建構隨機生產邊界函數 (stochastic production frontier function)與隨機能源需求函數 (stochastic energy demand frontier function),利用最大概似法估算出各部門的GDP與能源需求之隨機邊界與技術效率 (technical efficiency, TE),並據此實證結果提出政策建議。 / The thesis includes 3 issues of research. The first research aims at identifying the factors that have influenced change in the level of various sectors (agriculture, industry, service and transport) CO2 emissions from energy use. By means of both Laspeyres index method and the arithmetic mean weight scheme expressed separately in the additive form, the observed changes are analyzed into five different factors: CO2 intensity, structural change, sectoral energy intensity, sectoral employing population and output level. The application study refer to 4 sectors of Taiwan between 1992 and 2008. The obtained decomposition results indicate that the examined sectors the value calculated for the output level effect present the highest value appearing positive contribution of CO2, and the contribution from population is slightly increased or decreased, while CO2 intensity has beneficially influenced the reduction of CO2 emissions, as well as the improvement of fuel mix found to be the most important factor that lead to the reduction of emissions. In most of the examined sectors for the energy intensity factor present positive effect on CO2 emissions, the only exception is service sector showing negative impact on CO2 emissions, which can be stated as Liaskas et al. (2000) that as further improvements in energy efficiency in most sectors become more difficult, efforts to reduce CO2 emissions will be predominantly directed towards the use of clean energy forms and especially towards the deployment of renewable energies. It also should be noted that structural change has positively influenced the abatement of CO2 emissions for the most sectors such as agriculture, industry and transport. We conclude it shifts towards less energy-intensive service sector, due to have negative influenced the observed decrease in CO2 emissions for higher energy use sectors (industry and transport) and agriculture,. In this article, we also use a seemingly unrelated regression to further investigate the policy tools how to change in CO2 emissions level by the five different factors. The results indicate that policymakers may reduce emissions considerably through various policy instruments.
The second issue focuses on initiating effective policy to save energy and reduce emission, one needs to reasonably capture the potential impacts of various policy instruments on energy consumption, CO2 emission and economic growth, the second research, after extensively reviewing the literature, builds a locally ideal empirical model that facilitates the estimation of various policy elasticities. The empirical results indicate that policy elasticities may not only differ from one to the others, but also change dynamically, implying the 3E impacts of some policy instruments might be weakening over time.
The main goal of the third article is to provide a detailed analysis of productivity and efficiency measurement for panel data on four different sectors from Taiwan over the period 1992-2008. We use a stochastic frontier model set by Battese and Coelli (1995) to build a stochastic production frontier function and a stochastic energy demand frontier function, which are estimated by maximum likelihood to obtain a stochastic frontier of GDP and energy demand, as well as technical efficiency. On this empirical results, we suggest that policymaker may simultaneously make top-down policies (green tax reform, increasing environmental tax etc.) and bottom-up policies (fuel price in line with prices of gas in global markets) to increase energy efficiency in different sectors.
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台灣電影產業環境與競爭力研究 / The study of the Taiwan film industry environment and its competitiveness葉軒晨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要研究台灣電影產業環境及其競爭力,並透過研究給予電影產官學界在電影產業發展上的建議。研究方法是透過市場集中度瞭解目前台灣電影三大部門──製作業、發行業及映演業的市場集中情形,確立台灣電影產業之產業結構;再者,以麥克‧波特提出之產業環境類型檢視,瞭解其產業環境現況;最後以前兩步驟之結果為基礎,再經由鑽石理論之六大構面分析台灣電影產業在各項分析面向上的優、劣勢及可能的發展機會,彙整出台灣電影整體產業發展中,政府擬定政策、業者思考經營決策及電影產業學術研究上未來可行性的建議。 / The main scope of this research is to study the environment of film industry in Taiwan as well as its competitiveness. Also, throughout the research, opinions towards the film academia in the film industry shall also be elucidated. The research is carried out via acquaintance of concentration ratio of the three main parts in a film industry—production, distribution, and exhibition; furthermore, to clarify the production structure of the Taiwan film industry. Also, the current industry environment is evaluated by Michael Porter’s survey method. Lastly, based on the two aforementioned procedures of results with the application of the diamond theory altogether, a detailed analysis of the Taiwan film industry regarding the advantage and disadvantage and the relevant topics shall be further discussed.
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從價值網絡觀點探討新創事業策略選擇評估 / To assess the strategies of new business from the value-net perspective黃勝桓, Huang, Sunway Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由Brandenburge & Nalebuff (1995)的『價值網絡』(Value Net)模型來探討企業之新創事業如何在所屬的『價值網絡』中,依其策略性定位採取與同一網絡中的其他價值競逐者或合作或競爭的合縱連橫,以遂行其為事業創造顧客價值之目的。
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新創公司創業成功因素之探討-公司內部與外部互動關係之觀點許家榮 Unknown Date (has links)
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權力與協作規劃:灣寶永續社區及公民環境主義的觀察與反思 / Power and collaborative planning : WanBao sustainable communy and civic environmentalism observation and reflection吳貞儀 Unknown Date (has links)
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從學生和老師的角度來探討台灣國中英語課室教學中動機策略的應用 / The use of motivational strategies in the secondary EFL setting in Taiwan: teacher and student perspectives陳純鈴, Chen, Chun Ling Unknown Date (has links)
此外,比較學生對不同策略重要性的看法問卷當中也指出,學生對於動機策略的想法的確和老師報導的使用頻率不相同。學生對重要性前幾項依序為:提升學習者的自主性、創造愉悅的教室氣氛、辨別學生的努力、適當的教師行為,和提升學習者的自信心。特別在提升學習者的自主性這個類別裡,老師和學生的看法就很不一樣。老師們最少使用這個類別的策略,但是學生卻認為這些是最有效於提升他們對學習語言動機的策略。 / The purpose of the present study is to find out the use of motivational strategies in secondary EFL settings in Taiwan. Questionnaires were sent to inquire teachers’ reported use and students’ perception of such use of motivational strategies. Few studies have included questionnaire results from both students and teachers. The present study elicited answers from both parties to find out which motivational strategies were frequently used by teachers and which were perceived by learners in the foreign language classroom. Another purpose is to collect data from students about their opinion on the importance of various motivational strategies used in the classroom. The number of teacher sample is 135, and the number of students is 216. Besides, ten classroom observations were conducted by the researcher in order to complement self-reported questionnaire data.
The results of this study revealed that students and teachers generally agree on which motivational strategies were frequently used in class. The rank order of teachers and students were almost the same. The top ones, in the order of frequency, were proper teacher behavior, recognizing students’ effort, presenting tasks properly, promoting learners’ self-confidence, and creating a pleasant classroom climate. However, the frequency as reported by teachers and stated by students was very different. The data collected from teachers and students was examined by performing an independent sample t-test, and the result indicated that difference between them was statistically significant. Teachers reported that they frequently used the strategies, but students didn’t experience those strategies as frequently as teachers reported using. In the data collected from classroom observation, the most observable and frequently used strategies were: presenting tasks properly, providing feedback, teacher behavior, promoting learner autonomy, and promoting L2-related values. The fact that these domains appeared to be more prominent in the observation data may probably be associated with the nature of their being more observable.
In addition, the result from the student questionnaire asking about students’ expectation toward the motivational strategies also indicated that students’ perceived importance of them was different from teachers’ reported frequency of use. The rank-order of the ten clusters of students’ expectation were: promoting learner autonomy, creating a pleasant classroom climate, recognizing students’ effort, proper teacher behavior, and promoting learners’ self-confidence. As to the conceptual domain of “promoting learning autonomy”, it is viewed very differently by teachers and students. Teachers put this one on the last place, but students regarded this domain as the most effective strategy in promoting their motivation toward language learning.
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從環境權論受污染土地整治及再利用 / A study to contaminated land remediation and revitalization from the prospect of environmental right洪淑幸, Hung, Shu Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
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在高度分散式環境下進行Top-k相似文件檢索 / Similar Top-k documents retrieval in highly distributed environments王俊閎, Wang, Chun Hung Unknown Date (has links)
在文件資料庫的查詢處理上,Top-k相似文件查詢主要是協助使用者可以從龐大的文件集合中,檢索出和查詢文件具有高度相關性的文件集合。將資料庫內的文件依據和查詢文件之相似度程度,選擇出相似度最高的前k篇文件回傳給使用者。然而過去集中式資料庫,因其覆蓋性和可擴充性的不足,使得這種排名傾向的文件查詢處理,需耗費大量時間及運算成本。近年來,使用端對端(Peer-to-peer, P2P)架構解決相關的文件檢索問題已成為一種趨勢,但在高度分散式環境下,支援排名傾向的相似文件查詢是困難的,因為缺乏全域資訊和適當的系統協調者。
在本研究中,我們先針對各節點資料庫作分群前處理,並提出一個利用區域切割的作法[1],將P2P環境劃分成數個子區塊後,建立特徵索引表。因此在查詢處理時,可透過索引表加快挑選出Top-k相似群集的速度,並且確保有適當數量的回傳結果。最後在實驗中,我們提出的方法會與傳統集中式搜尋引擎以及SON-based [1] 做比較,在高度分散式環境下,我們的方法在執行Top-k相似文件查詢時,會比上述兩種作法有較為優異的表現。 / On query processing in a large database, similar top-k documents query is an important mechanism to retrieve the highly correlated document collection with query for users. It ranks documents with a similarity ranking function and reports the k documents with highest similarity. However, the former approach in web searching, i.e., centralized search engines, rises some issues such as lack of coverage and scalability, impact provides rank-based query become a costly operation. Recently, using Peer-to-peer (P2P) architectures to tackle above issues has emerged as a trend of solution, but due to the shortage of global knowledge and some appropriate central coordinators, support rank-based query in highly distributed environment has been difficulty.
In this paper, we proposed a framework to solve these problems. First, we performed the local cluster pre-processing on each peer, followed by the zone creation process, forming sub-zones over P2P network, and then constructing the feature index table to improve the performance of selecting similar top-k cluster results. The experiments show that our approach performs similar top-k documents query outperforms than SON-based approach in highly distributed environment.
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Development of trace radiocarbon dating and its application : The radiocarbon age differences caused by shell species, tissues or collected locations and their application for reconstruction of paleoenvironment in Lake Biwa, Japan宮田, 佳樹, Miyata, Yoshiki 03 1900 (has links)
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澳門高中科學學習環境研究 / Study on Science learning environment in high school in Macau尹嫦春 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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