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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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尋找可耕地有限國家之生質燃料發展策略的利基-全球可計算一般均衡模型之應用分析 / Find the advantage of biofuel policy for limited arable land countries-global computable general equilibrium model

鄧壬德, Deng, Ren Der Unknown Date (has links)
許多國家視生質燃料之發展為解決能源安全問題的方法。大部份的國家往往會訂定一個目標年並設定生質燃料的使用量目標。美國設定2008年時要達到90億加侖生質燃料的使用量目標,而2022年時產量要逐步達到360億加侖;歐盟訂定生質燃料占運輸部門總使用燃料比例於2010年時要達到5.75%之目標;日本設定2010年時其生質燃料產量達到50萬公秉油當量;台灣則是設定生質酒精及生質柴油之2010年使用量分別需達到100-300萬公秉及10萬公秉。各國為達成其生質燃料使用量目標,若僅考慮第一代生質燃料技術,勢必需要足夠的土地種植能源作物,方能滿足生質燃料目標量。可耕地有限的國家若執意發展生質燃料,該國是否有充足的耕地可供生產其設定之生質燃料使用量?若透過國外進口生質燃料或是作物以達成其使用量目標,其在能源安全方面仍是依賴國外供給。此外,生質燃料的發展將造成土地利用改變與農產品價格及產量變動,進而影響全球農業貿易。 本研究應用Hertel(1997)全球貿易可計算一般均衡模型(Global Trade Analysis Project,簡稱GTAP),並加入土地利用模型,以探討可耕地受限國家發展生質燃料之利基所在,包括糧食供需、貿易與糧價、土地利用、私人家計單位消費、福利等所受到的影響。同時,我們也設計一個指標(Rij)來衡量一國達成其生質燃料發展目標之潛力,並利用該指標篩選出所謂的「可耕地受限國家」作為本研究分析之重點國家。 本研究模擬結果發現,以第一代生質燃料技術作考量之下,「可耕地受限國家」面對各地區生質燃料的發展,將會造成「可耕地受限國家」的農業市場產出、價格與貿易量的變化,例如:可作為提煉生質燃料作物的小麥、其他穀類作物、油脂作物因應各地區生質燃料發展而使得各地區普遍產出增加,而這些作物作為能源用途之需求增加也普遍導致其價格上升。各地區農作物貿易受到國際間相對價格改變之影響,例如:荷蘭的食品與菸酒部門在各地區發展生質燃料後需面對漲幅較國產為大的小麥進口價格,因此,其對國產小麥的需求增幅相對高於對進口品小麥之需求增幅。 本文模擬結果亦顯示:(1)「可耕地受限國家」也面臨農耕地受限制而有生質燃料「與糧爭地」的現象,例如:荷蘭的小麥部門在增加生產過程中,願意支付更高的地租以吸引更多土地投入小麥之種植,因此,排擠掉其他農業部門的土地使用;(2)「可耕地受限國家」之私人家計單位亦間接受到「與人爭糧」的影響,例如:荷蘭的食品與菸酒部門面對小麥的價格上升,其生產成本增加,進而影響其產品價格,最終造成荷蘭私人家計單位對食品與菸酒的消費減少;(3)各「可耕地受限國家」的福利普遍皆降低,例如:義大利福利水準惡化最為嚴重,減少了276.55百萬美元,其次為德國,其福利減少205.5百萬美元。

平均生體相等與個體生體相等之比較研究 / A Comparison between Average Bioequivalence and Individual Biorquivalence

張永珍 Unknown Date (has links)
人的一生避免不了大小病痛,一但身體不適、罹患疾病,就須由醫師診斷、服用藥物;而藥物之生產首重有效與安全,要能有效的治療疾病,也要限制其毒性不超過安全限制以避免危害人體。   藥品之開發需要極為龐大之成本,故而各藥廠對於可以節省開發成本的藥品新劑型與學名藥之研究深感興趣;相對的,也就對於如何證明藥品新劑型(或學名藥)與原廠藥為生體相等可互用的方法多加探討。   美國FDA對於生體相等之評估準則,擬由過去的平均生體相等轉換成為個體生體相等評估準則;更改後的準則考慮面向較為完整周全,但是其應用卻須要更為繁複的試驗方式與更多的成本來配合,為了保留新準則之評估概念並簡化試驗與降低評估成本,本篇論文試圖找出新、舊評估準則之關聯,並以舊有準則為基礎做調整,盼能透過對舊準則之調整達到與新準則相類似之評估結果。如此一來,可沿用舊有試驗方法完成新準則所欲進行之評估,降低此評估研究之耗資,同時確保藥品新劑型(或學名藥)與原廠藥為生體相等可互用,具有相同療效與安全保證。

退休公務人員休閒生活、生涯規劃與生活適應之研究-以考試院暨所屬機關為例 / A Study on Retired Civil Servants’ Leisure Life, Plan for Life, and Accommodation of Life-An example of the Examination Yuan and its subordinate agencies

祝康玲 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣社會隨著醫療及衛生水準提升,平均餘命亦逐年提高,人口高齡化趨勢日益顯著。又伴隨退休觀念的轉變,及退休年齡的提前,退休者步入退休生活,身處現今的休閒時代,除有大量的休閒時間外,並將面臨20年至30年以上的老年生活。爰退休人員休閒生活、生活規劃與生活適應情形所關乎其退休生活的良寙,並如何於高齡化社會中,啟開退休黃金歲月的新頁益顯重要,此課題值得深究。 本研究採取深入訪談法,以考試院暨所屬機關退休公務人員為研究對象,依退休人員性別及退休時所具之官職等,邀請12名退休公務人員為訪談對象。旨在瞭解退休公務人員休閒生活的情況、探究其生涯規劃的情形及分析生活適應的情況,本研究有以下發現: 一、休閒多元化、心境樂活遊:退休公務人員於卸除壓力及空閒增加後,多依興趣多元選擇休閒,心境隨性樂活。 二、隨科技進步、休閒種類新:上網、騎自行車、學習進修、旅遊等休閒活動,成為退休生活中較新及普及的活動項目。 三、揪團結伴行、休閒新模式:利用淡季或平日揪團結伴同行,成為退休公務人員省錢、享受高品質休閒的新模式。 四、休閒幾滿檔、生活多色彩:休閒成為多數退休人員生活的重心,讓生活充滿色彩,並藉不斷提高休閒動能,防止衰老。 五、退休觀念轉、黃金歲月啟:生命是動態,是學習、工作、休息、退休,不斷循環的圓形人生;退休為另一黃金歲月的開啟。 六、獲親友支持、退休助益大:獲得親密的家人及親友支持力量,更能享有美好的退休生活。 七、年齡漸老化、憂醫療開支:退休金為主要經濟來源;又隨著年齡漸長,通常未能預期的醫療開支,是較擔心的經濟負擔。 八、退休有規劃、生活滿意高:退休生活有規劃者,有較高滿意度。 九、照護的政策、瞭解真有限:對相關照護政策,有瞭解的渴望。 十、身段未放下、生活適應難:退休後未適時轉換角色、心境,以及學得生活基本技能,易面臨退休後生活適應的困擾。 十一、體認終須老、期活出意義:“死是生的開始"要善待自己,生能盡歡,死亦無悔,以活出尊嚴及意義;能以正面、健康與坦然,對退休生活適應有所助益。 最後,根據本研究發現提出下列建議,予退休人員及相關單位參考: 一、退休人員在退休前即應培養興趣,增加退休生活調劑、改變退休心態,學著放下昔日頭銜官職位、作好退休準備及規劃,增加退休生活適應。 二、相關機關及單位可依退休人員需求、增進休閒設施普及性,並安排退休相關講習、提高退休人員退休生活概念。 三、建造退休人員樂齡村、提供退休人員再就業、志工、學習進修等優質環境。 四、建立退休人員專屬網站平臺、提供食、衣、住、行、育樂等資訊,並暢通退休照護訊息。 五、建立退休人力資料庫,以期借重退休人員長才及經驗、增進機關與退休人員互動機制,多加關懷退休人員。 / Since the quality of medical and health care in Taiwan has being improved, life expectancy has gradually risen and population aging is getting serious. Furthermore, because of the concept of early retirement, retirees have longer life of leisure and 20-30 years of aged life. Therefore, the life of Civil Servants’ leisure, life plan and accommodation of life will influence the quality of retirement life. Facing rapidly aging society, initiating a golden retirement life becomes even more important and is worth to be studied. This study adopted the method of In-depth interview. The objects of study are all retired from The Examination Yuan and its subordinate agencies. Invited 12 interviewees who were retired civil servants with different genders and job positions to understand their life of leisure, life plan and l accommodation of ife . This study has the following findings. 1.Diversified leisure and LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability): After releasing the pressure as well as getting more leisure time, most of retired civil servants participate in diversified leisure activities by interest, and live a LOHAS life. 2.Scientific and technological progress, as well as new leisure activities: Surfing the internet, biking, extension education, and traveling become the most popular activities after retirement. 3.Traveling together and new leisure style: Traveling together during low seasons or on weekdays to save money and enjoy higher quality tourism becomes a new lifestyle. 4.Leisure activities and colorful life: Leisure activities become the life focus of most retirees, and engage them frequently in leisure activities to delay aging. 5.Changing concept and initiating a golden life: Life is dynamic and is a circulative circle which consists of learning, working, leisure and retirement. Retirement is the origin of another golden life. 6.Benefit from the family support: Getting support from family and friends can enrich one’s retirement life. 7.High medical expenses due to aging: Retirement pension is the major income. Therefore, unexpected medical expenses become an economic burden. 8.A good retirement plan can make a satisfactory life: Retiree who has a good retirement plan has higher satisfaction. 9.Limited understanding of care policy: Retirees are keen to understand the care policy. 10.Difficult to adjust oneself to new conditions because of not coming down off one’s high horse: Easy to worry about retirement life because retirees have not changed mind and learned the basic living skills. 11. Recognize aging and live with meaning: “Death is the beginning of another birth”. Be nice to yourself. With positive thinking, healthy lifestyle, and composed mind, retirees can accommodate themselves easily to retirement life. Enjoy oneself thoroughly even in death without regret to live with dignity and meaning. In light of above findings, this study propounds the following to retirees and the authorities concerned for references. 1. Before retirement, retirees shall cultivate hobbies to enliven spice to retirement life, change attitude and forget the last job positions and titles, make a good retirement plan and prepare for retirement to adapt quickly to the retirement life. 2. Catering to the need of retirees, the proper authorities shall promote the opportunities for them to participate in leisure activities, and arrange seminars to enhance their comprehension. 3. Build senior villages for retirees. Offer the opportunities for re-employment, volunteer work, and extension education. 4. Set up the internet platform to provide the information regarding the basic necessities of life (food, clothing, housing and transportation) for retirees, and circulate the information of retirement care. 5. Build the data bank of human resource to utilize retirees’ abilities and experience, build up the interaction mechanism between organs and retirees, and show more concern for retirees.


杜立麒 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的有以下兩點: 1.分析世衛的結構、程序及人事——台灣加入世衛的訴求在國內已達到一定程度的迴響。2003年美國國務院研究辦公室公布的一份民調顯示,65%的台灣選民支持就台灣是否加入世衛進行公民投票。 姑且不論民眾對世衛的了解程度,這份民調至少顯示民眾對此一問題已有本身的看法而不會全然無知,並且多對加入世衛持肯定態度。自1997年我國倡導加入世衛以來,國內中文期刊論文與世衛相關者呈現大幅成長。在「中華民國期刊論文索引系統」依篇名、關鍵詞及作者三項來搜尋得到的七十筆的論文中,1997年後發表的就占五十四篇 。然而,國內專門論述世衛起源、成立及組織架構的中文專書著作卻屈指可數。國立陽明大學一份與世衛相關的碩士論文,內容探討我國與世衛關係的演變,其中有關世衛本身的部份主要集中在第四章內,對於世衛本身的整體論述極為精簡。 筆者才疏學淺,僅試圖藉此對世衛的研究達到拋磚引玉的效果,也讓對世衛有興趣者能夠對其有更進一步的了解。 2.了解世衛的功能及戰略——說明世衛過去的規劃(programme)、戰略(strategy),指出世衛的貢獻,並運用世衛對抗愛滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS)、SARS等國人所熟悉的國際疫情為例,檢視及了解世衛如何發揮功能以達到成立目標,並指出其面對的阻礙和未來的發展。

エビ類の生活史戦略と遺伝的集団構造に関する分子生態学的研究 / Molecular ecology on the life history strategies and genetic population structures of shrimp species

藤田, 純太 23 January 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(農学) / 乙第13148号 / 論農博第2854号 / 新制||農||1056(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H30||N5095(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 山下 洋, 教授 荒井 修亮, 教授 朝倉 彰 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM


宇野, 亘 25 September 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第24944号 / 生博第506号 / 新制||生||67(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科高次生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 北島 智也, 教授 豊島 文子, 教授 見学 美根子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM


單鴻斌, Shann, Horng Bin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究主題乃是針對生技產業中新藥廠商的獲利模式進行實務研究分析。由於生技產業的特性為研發時間長,且投入研發資金龐大,加上新藥產品線過少,以及營運獲利模式過於單調,如僅以自有專利技術所開發出來的新藥標的對外授權,並取得授權金的獲利模式做為主要獲利來源,如此將大幅提高公司整體的營運風險,也無法有效提升獲利績效。因此本論文研究為如何在原有的獲利模式基礎之上,再增加其他有利於加快授權並收取權利金收入,或者找出多樣化的管道來增加公司的獲利,強化本身的競爭優勢。 本研究分析將針對實務案例公司所處產業現況與特性、及其整體營運狀況、潛在風險及獲利方式做探討。配合外部資料與訪談資料加以歸納整理,並利用SWOT分析各種可能的營運獲利模式,來發掘適合該公司的可行方案。藉由分析結果,本研究提出了三項強化的獲利模式,第一為共同研究開發模式,與國際大藥廠合作,可快速提升營運績效。第二為委託研究開發模式,可帶來更多的獲利機會。第三為向外取得新藥標的再轉授權模式,如此可縮短開發時程,以利增加未來提前再轉授權,並加速收益實現。 本研究期望能提供給生技產業中的新藥公司做為訂定公司中長期策略目標與獲利模式方針的參考。 / The featured company for this research is Case Study Company, which specializes in the research and development of new biotech medications. Case Study Company possesses its own technological platform for the development of new monoclonal antibody (mAb) medicines, and said platform embodies the highest level of fully human mAb technologies available in the field. Due to the company’s characteristics of long R&D periods and substantial investments in research, coupled with the fact that the company has few product lines for new medications and its simple model of profit generation, Case Study Company would stand to face significant operational risks and an inability to effectively improve its performance and earnings. This will continue if it only relies on the licensing out of new drugs that it has developed with its exclusive technologies and banking on the royalties as its primary source of profit. And as such, this research shall attempt to explore other solutions that would accelerate the pace of licensing and the generation of royalties based on the company’s existing business model or to seek other means for the company to boost its earnings more rapidly and effectively. The goal of this research is to enhance the company’s business model and expand the company’s sources of profit so as to achieve profit channel diversification without being confined to specific type or format of profit generation. From the analysis of the primary data (from the interviews) and secondary data, together with the findings, this research proposed three solutions that would help the company to strengthen its business model. First, adopt a joint-development model. Currently, major international pharmaceutical companies are pre-emptively seeking suitable partners for collaboration in the new drug market and with opportunities for advance cooperation; the company will be able to rapidly improve its operational performance. Second, adopt a commissioned-R&D model. A model whereby the company commissions another organization to handle relevant design and development will be able to create more opportunities for profit for the company in question. Third, adopt a re-licensing model by acquiring new target drugs externally and relicensing said drugs to clients. Such a model would help the company to shorten its development lead-time and thereby improve the odds that it will be able to re-license the new drugs at an earlier time. This would accelerate the collection of royalties and profit generation for the company.


譚銀順, TAN, YIN-SHUN Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


陳婷玉, CHEN, TING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

高中英語衍生詞與複合詞的構詞分析 / A morphological analysis of the complex words used in Taiwan senior high school English textbocks

白蒂, BAI, DI Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis carries out a morphological analysis of the complex words listed in the index of Taiwan senior high school English textbooks. According to the analysis of the derived words in the vocabulary list, forty..........seven prefixes and seventy..........seven suffixes are used to form the derived words. These pre..........fixes and suffixes are used to form the derived words. These pre..........fixes and suffixes are introduced in different qroups classified according to the meaning the prefixes and suffixes carry. The morphophonemic rules which are obligatorily applied during the derivational processes of forming those derived words are also introduced and so are derivation patterns. The compounds in the vocabulary list of the six English textbooks fall into two main categorise: traditional compounds and neo..........classical compounds. Traditional compounds are divided into several groups according to their syntactic categories, and they are further divided into subgroups based on their internal structures. In the thesis, the combining forms used to make the classification of ICFs and FCFs. It is not claimed that the analysis of the 1480 complex word done in this thesis is complete since some residual problems still need further studies. But, we are definitely convinced that the analysis indeed a strategy our senior high school English teachers might as well adopt for teaching their students how to memorize or recognize English complex words.

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