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無線感測器網路中利用調整偵測範圍達到延長網路生命週期之方法 / Prolong Network Lifetime by Detection Range Adjustment in Wireless Sensor Networks李翰宗, Lee,Hon-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
在無線感測器網路中,由於感測器電池的不可替換性,有效的能源管理是一項重要的研究議題。既然通訊及偵測都會消耗感測器的能量,減少多餘偵測範圍的重疊,及降低重覆資料(duplicate data)的影響,可有效節省能量,延長網路生命週期。於本研究中,我們提出VERA (Voronoi dEtection Range Adjustment),利用分散式Voronoi diagram演算法劃分各感測器負責監控的區域,並利用基因演算法計算每個感測器最合適的偵測範圍以節省能量,延長網路生命週期。此外,我們亦考慮偵測能力的限制,在減少感測器偵測範圍重疊的同時,也避免某些區域的偵測能力低於門檻值。在實驗模擬的部份,我們利用模擬系統驗證所提出的方法是否能有效降低各感測器偵測範圍的重疊性,並因偵測範圍降低而導致duplicate data的減少和整個感測器網路總能量耗損的減少。末了,也將驗證本方法是否能延長無線感測器網路的生命週期和達到滿足偵測機率的最低保證。 / In the wireless sensor networks, the batteries are not replaceable, efficient power management thus becomes an important research issue. Since both communication and detection consume energy, if we can largely decrease the overlaps among detection ranges and reduce the duplicate data then we can save the energy effectively. This will thus prolong the network lifetime. In this research, we propose a Voronoi dEtection Range Adjustment (VERA) method that utilizes distributed Voronoi diagram to delimit the responsible area for each sensor, and utilize Genetic Algorithm to compute the most suitable detection range for each sensor. As we try to decrease the detection ranges, we still guarantee to meet the lower bound of the sensor detection probability.
Simulations showed that our method can decrease the redundant overlaps among detection ranges, minimize energy consumption, and prolong the lifetime of the whole network effectively.
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從作者與發明人的關係探討技術發展各階段論文與專利活動之關聯性──以電腦視覺領域之賈伯濾波器技術為例 / Discovering the Relationship between Publishing and Patenting Activities from the Relatedness of Authors and Inventors over the Life Cycles of Technological Development── Case Study of Gabor Filter in Computer Vision許舜棋, Hsu, Shun Chi Unknown Date (has links)
1. 不同類型的論文作者和專利發明人的科學研究/技術發明活動,與技術發展階段的關聯性為何?
2. 發明作者的技術發明/科學研究活動與一般發明人或作者的差異為何?
3. 發明作者的技術發明活動與科學研究活動關係為何?
1. 天才發明人是技術發展處於萌芽期時專利發明的要角,而關鍵發明人大多在技術發展進入成長期時才投入專利發明。至於頂尖作者,則在技術發展的萌芽期、成長期和成熟期都是論文發表的要角。
2. 關鍵發明人有很高的機會是頂尖作者,而發明作者如果不是關鍵發明人,則其專利發明的表現有略高的機會較其他發明人更差。
3. 大部份發明作者的專利發明活動在論文發表活動之後;但是關鍵發明人則較傾向先申請專利,再發表主題高度相關的論文。 / Mining information to improve corporate R&D decision making had been an important source of competitive advantage in the rapid changing technological environment. Recently, extracting relevant information quickly and automatically from massive amount of technological data (especially patent and scientific publications) with the aide of computer had become an active research area for both industrial and academic researchers due to ever-growing computing power.
Among the methods of retrieving technological information, bibliometrics and patent analysis are two of the most attractive ones. Bibliometrics and patent analysis provide a quick way to capture the dynamics of technological development, including the stage of technological development, active technological research area and important researchers/corporates, etc. Although bibliometrics and patent analysis are helpful to understand the landscape of technological development, there still lacks researches about the relationship between scientific invention and research activities as well as the dynamics between patent inventors and publication authors along different stages of technological development.
Hence, this research raises the following questions:
1. What is the relation between scientific research/invention activities and technological development stages for different categories of publication authors and patent inventors?
2. What is the difference of scientific research/invention activities between Inventor-Authors and other inventors/authors?
3. What is the relation between scientific research and invention activities of Inventor-Authors?
This research reviews related researches to define a research framework connecting authors, inventors and technological development stages. Then patent and publication data are collected and processed based on the research framework. This research conclusion is made after analysis and discussion.
Conclusion of the research includes the followings:
1. "Talent Inventors" play important role when the technological development is in "Emerging" stage, and "Key Inventors" starts patent inventions after the technological development enters "Growth" stage. "Top Authors" play important role across "Emerging", "Growth" and "Maturity" stages of technological development.
2. "Key Inventors" are more probable to be also "Top Author". "Inventor-Authors" who are not "Key Inventors" are more probably to perform worse than other inventors.
3. Most "Inventor-Authors" apply for patents after papers of highly related topics are published. But "Key Inventors" tend to apply for patents before papers of highly related topics are published.
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企業開發創新性產品之研究—以宏碁迷你筆電Aspire One 系列為例盧麗玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從過往眾多文獻中,整理出市場面、組織面及產品面等三大重要構面,做為研究架構,並以宏碁迷你筆電Aspire One系列為例,從產品開發流程中,尋找產品開發成功的重要因素。本研究藉由關鍵人物訪談及次級資料蒐集取得資訊,建構起研究的主體。
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臺灣家庭世代共存結構變遷 / The Evolution of the Structure of Intergenerational Coexistence in Taiwan張喻婷, Chang, Yu-ting Unknown Date (has links)
「世代」是一個是父死子繼的過程,亦是一個家庭生命歷程的交換、更新與取代,要產生人口「替代」(replace),就必須有人口「再生產」或「繁殖」(reproduction),才會有所謂的替代過程發生。本文以繁殖率(reproduction rate)為基礎,計算世代長度(mean length of generation)。並以臺灣總生育率的變化作為切入點,從其半世紀以來的整體趨勢,去看生育率變化與世代長度變遷之關連性;而代間間隔時間之變遷必然影響臺灣家庭世代的共存結構,使得家庭結構產生改變。本文從女性觀點著手,納入初婚年齡中位數與平均餘命的概念,討論半世紀以來臺灣家庭世代共存結構變遷。世代變遷之所以重要在於其不只是對家庭產生意義,也同時影響個人生命及其生活之樣貌。
1) 50年代--三代共存:此時期的家庭人口相當多,可能同時包括雙親、七個子女、七個媳婦,八至十個孫子三代,家庭裡共存人數可能多到40人以上,此時期家庭最大的特色在於叔姪同齡、「長兄如父、長嫂如母」的特殊現象。
2) 60年代--四代共存:從人口層面推論,四代同堂最有可能發生在70年代,主要在於此時期的平均餘命延長,讓親代有足夠的生命等待曾孫子女的來臨,同時也有足夠的生命看著所有的子女長大結婚生子。
3) 70年代--四代共存:此時期的家中共存人數較前期減少許多,約莫在30人左右,主要原因是此時期的總生育率已下降至1.9人。
4) 80年代--四代共存:和70年代相同的是,此時期也可能是個四代同堂的家庭型態,不同的是,由於總生育率下降,家庭共存人口比起70年代數量驟減,約莫10-15人。
5) 90年代--三代共存:此時期的家庭結構將再度回到三代共存的情形,與50年代三代共存不同的是,此時期由四代共存回到三代共存原因在於遲育現象,而家庭人口組成也愈趨簡單。
6) 21世紀--兩代共存:此時期的家庭結構將產生很大的變化,結婚年齡延後加上所生育的子女數銳減,使得家庭人口數將更少,可能出現僅有兩代共存的情形,勢必造成親代與子代的鍊結更深,意味著所有雙親照顧的責任可能全落在一個子女身上。
關鍵字:世代、代間間隔時間、女性生命週期、家庭世代共存結構 / The languid flow of one generation to the next symbolizes the constant reweaving of our social fabric: As daughters assume the roles their mothers left in death, the life of the family is renewed and perpetuated, but also is steered onto a unique path. The motivating force behind this familiar familial story is the reproduction of human life, without which the replacement of human populations, of mothers with daughters and fathers with sons, cannot occur. Naturally, reproduction rates form the crux of my research, as I use it to calculate mean generation lengths over the last fifty years. The trends and trajectories of the past half-century are integral to examining the interconnectivity of changes in the total fertility rate and changes in mean generation lengths; moreover, changes in mean generation lengths impact significantly the structure of intergenerational coexistence in particular and the entire family structure in general. My research also approaches the topic through a yoni-centric perspective: I employ statistics concerning the median age of first marriage and average life expectancy of women to discuss the evolution of the structure of intergenerational coexistence in Taiwan over the past half-century, as women, stereotypically speaking, exhibit more predictable and stable life patterns than men. Ultimately, generation replacement is important not only because it fosters meaning within the family, but also because it weighs heavily on the very content that forms the lives that individual family members lead.
Prior to 1979, the mean generation length and total fertility rate in Taiwan exhibited similar fluctuation patterns: Mean generation lengths shortened in accordance with total fertility rate’s steady decline. However, by 1979, the total fertility rate continued to fall, while mean generation lengths leveled off and even began to rise.
Through my research, I discovered that potential family size serves as an effective analytical window to study the evolution of the structure of intergenerational coexistence in Taiwan over the last fifty odd years:
1) 1950s (three generations coexisting): The family size during this decade was very large, and can include parents, seven children, seven daughter-in-laws, and eight to ten grandchildren all living under the same roof. Total family size sometimes exceeds forty persons. There were two unique characteristics of families during this decade. First, family members of two generations may be of the same age (i.e. an uncle is the same age as his nephew). Second, traditional practice dictated that upon the death of the parents, the eldest son assumes the role of the father (head of the house) and his wife assumes the role of the mother.
2) 1960s (four generations coexisting): According to population studies, the phenomenon of four generations living under the same roof was mostly likely to occur during the 1970s, since average life expectancies increased significantly during this decade, allowing parents to witness grandchildren marry and sire great-grandchildren.
3) 1970s (four generations coexisting): Due to total fertility rates declining to 1.9, family size during this decade decreased significantly, consisting of at most about thirty persons.
4) 1980s (four generations coexisting): Like the 1970s, it was also possible for four generations to live under one roof during this decade. Unlike the 1970s, family size shrunk to about ten to fifteen persons in accordance with steady declines in the total fertility rate.
5) 1990s (three generations coexisting): Family structures returned to three generations living under the same roof during this decade. Unlike the 1950s, however, the cause of this decline was the fact that women began bearing their first child at an older age, which resulted in simpler organization of family members.
6) Present (two generations coexisting): Family structures are undergoing dramatic changes in the 21st century. People are marrying later in life and having fewer children, which leads to considerable decline in family size and only two generations living under the same roof. This, however, has also precipitated closer ties between parents and their children, and the responsibility of caring for both parents in their old age is likely to fall on a single son or daughter.
The structure of intergenerational coexistence has evolved over the past half-century under the influence of changes in the process of generation replacement. As a result, the roles of individual family members and the particular burdens they bear have also undergone considerable change. Today, families often have only one child, which results in the problem of a single child having to care for two aging parents. This is a mighty burden in terms of both economic and emotional sacrifice.
Keyword: Generation、Mean Length of Generation、Life Course of Female 、Structure of Intergenerational Coexistence
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不同投資策略應用於基金及投資聚集效果之研究王堃峰 Unknown Date (has links)
生命週期基金基本上符合這樣的概念,生命週期基金基本上是屬於一種組合型基金,但是並不一定要以組合型基金的型態來顯現,美國80只生命週期基金中將近半數為基金的基金。生命週期基金是為了滿足某個年份左右退休投資者的退休投資目標的基金,如FidelityFreedom系列、FrankRussell Life Points系列、T.Rowe PriceRetirement系列、Vanguard LifeStrategy系列等。例如FidelityFreedom2020是針對2020年左右退休的投資者設計的,為實現投資者退休的投資目標的基金,主要投資在Fidelity旗下股票型基金、債券型基金和貨幣市場基金等各類基金。我們便想要了解此種商品的投資型態下具有何種特色。
再來以投資聚集效果(pooling effect)為主題,因為在基金存在著不同風險容忍程度的投資人,所以我們希望探討在不同投資策略下所建構的效率前緣對於不同風險忍受程度的投資人是否具有超額報酬。
首先我們就兩種投資標的(股票、債劵)之投資報酬率變化以下列方式作設定---利用隨機模型(Stochastic Model):並利用蒙地卡羅模擬的方式來建構投資標的之報酬率。
我們觀察不同的起始投資比重(股票資產權重考慮由0%~100%,間隔為1%,共101組;債券資產的權重則為1-股票資產權重,也就是100%~0%),並以投資組合保險中三種常見的投資策略:買入持有(Buy & Hold;BH)、固定比例混合法(Constant Mixture;CM)及時間不變性投資組合保護(Time-invariant Portfolio Protection;TIPP),作為投資策略。在完成對投資標的之報酬率變化及投資策略的設定後,就可以在三種投資策略及每個投資策略有101個起始權重下,得到303組不同的投資結果,如此我們就可以得到帳戶的最終價值,就可以針對是否符合投資者要求的報酬率做相關的研究。
同樣的我們可以就個別的投資策略建立個別的效率前緣。之後我們就不同風險容忍程度的投資大眾,以Harry M.Markowitz等人所提出的optimal frontier的概念加以設定風險點(risk point) ,各種不同風險程度的投資人即代表不同的風險點,如此我們便可以就不同的投資模型來探討基金的投資聚集效果(pooling effect) 。
最後我們想探討的部分則是希望讓投資大眾知道如果其處於何種經濟體之下,應該採用何種投資方式,或者是在投資人的不同要求之下,可以知道採取何種投資策略,以求學術上的操作可以應用到實務上,並求取更佳的效果。 / With the development of time, the kind and quantity of the fund become multiples to increase, cause investors to face the awkward situation while choosing the stock when they select funds: There is too much figure of the investment object marking investment complexity more diffcult , and does not know how to select ideal investment combination. Nowdays, people put emphasize on retirement plan more and more. so some mutual funds are designed for this concept.
Lifecycle fund is identical to this concept .Lifecycle fund is a kind of Fund of Funds basically, but might not appear like the Fund of Funds , 80 Fund of Funds in U.S.A. nearly half appear like Fund of Funds . Lifecycle fund is for the fund of retired investors' retired investment needs which is different from age-changed , such as Fidelity Freedom series, Frank Russell Life Points series , T.Rowe Price Retirement series , Vanguard Life Strategy series ,etc.. For example Fidelity Freedom2020 is designed for pensioner's investor to retire about 2020 year, the fund that in order to realize the goal of investors when they retired, make an investment in many objectives, such as stock fund ,bond fund and money market fund ,etc. under command of Fidelity mainly. I want to know the characteristic of lifecycle fund and based on this concept to design mutual fund.
I will discuss behavior of fund in different investment strategies, and the way which we measure ---It is to set the rate of returns by meeting investor's requirement as the datum, build and pay the end value of the annuity to construct by investing in the rate of returns, for the measurement of " bankrupt " with the disparity of the final value got of various kinds of investment strategies , later I designed two kinds of investment ways according to the concept of lifecycle fund and also discuss the concept of " bankrupt ".
This research will also make emphasize on pooling effect , There are a lot of investors of different risk tolerance in the fund ,so I hope to discuss investor of different risk tolerance will have abcdrmal return under different efficiency frontier which are derived by different invest model and strategies.
First, two kind investment target (stock, bond) Investment rate of returns by way of the following to settle ---Utilize Stochastic Mode: Wilkie investment model, Taiwan investment model and the rate of returns of the one that make use of simulation that build and construct investment terms.
In each method, we will consider 101 different initial ratio of stock value and three different investment strategies: Buy & Hold(BH)、Constant Mixture(CM) and Time-invariant Portfolio Protection(TIPP).According to theses investment combination, I can construct different efficiency frontier under different investment models and strategies. Such final value of the account that we can receive so I can do relevant research to the rate of returns according with investor's request .
Later, according to investor of different risk tolerance , set some risk point with the concept of optimal frontier published by Harry M.Markowitz, the investors of different risk degrees represent risk point, I can discuss pooling effect in fund under different investment model and strategies.
Finally, the topic I want to discuss is let the investor know at which kind of economy , should adopt the investment strategies , or under investors' different requests, can know which kind of investment tactics are adopted , so that the operation on academy can be applied to the practice , and ask for better result.
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確定提撥制下退休基金之最適提撥率與最適資產配置林昆亭 Unknown Date (has links)
資的結果與Vigna & Haberman (2001) 文中的結果及實務上生命
(二)考慮每期下跌風險(downside risk)時,期中的投資可能會偏向
均勻抽樣法仍稍嫌不足,並不適合用來代替原先的4000組情境。 / A shift from defined-benefit pension plan towards defined-contribution pension plan is currently popular around the world. This means that a serious investment risk transfers from defined-benefit sponsors to the individual members of defined-contribution plans. In order to reduce the risk of individual DC member, we investigate the methodology of finding the optimal contribution rate and asset allocation to reach a certain target of the retirement replacement rate in this paper.
Stochastic processes are getting more important to the field of actuarial science. Instead of trying to approximate liabilities by a single deterministic set of actuarial assumption, we seek to take account of market or economic valuation for both assets and liabilities using stochastic simulation. We applied dynamic stochastic programming models to improve financial hedging and asset liability management. Moreover, in order to avoid the problem of time-consuming, we use scenario sampling method to improve the efficiency of computer calculation.
We draw four conclusions from our investigations:
(1)We will hold more assets in indexed-linked bonds because
the pension liability is highly related to the wage-
index and inflation rate. The optimal investment
strategy is very like the so called "lifestyle"
investment strategy.
(2)When we consider downside risk, we should hold more
risky equities. The investment strategy is more risky
when we consider downside risk every year than every 5
(3)Under our rebalancing strategy, if the transaction cost
is small, the influence on the investment strategy and
contribution rate is small. We can see the influence of
the transaction cost in a situation that the transaction
cost is very big only.
(4)There are almost no different between uniform sampling
scenarios and original simulation scenarios, so uniform
sampling scenarios may replace the original simulation
scenarios perfectly. And random sampling method is
unsuitable to replace the original simulation scenarios.
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代工廠商關鍵顧客管理之探討-以辦公室設備T公司為例 / Study on key account management of contract manufacturer-a case of office appliance T Company陳佳勝, Chen, Edy Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過質化個案研究方法去深入訪談一家辦公室電子設備的代工廠,從訪談結果和過去文獻中找出關鍵顧客管理的方法架構和相關理論。而影響關鍵顧客管理的因素可以被歸納為顧客型態、海外擴展策略、競爭優勢和產品生命週期。歸納分析結果後本研究做出以下論述:(一)代工廠商的關鍵顧客之認定方法以營業額為主,其次才考量利潤、(二)關鍵顧客的移轉成本、對關係的承諾和目標的一致性影響代工廠商經營關鍵顧客的策略、(三)代工廠商的競爭優勢影響其對關鍵顧客的議價能力、(四)顧客大小及議價能力能使代工廠商對其關鍵顧客管理上做組織等變化、(五)代工廠商的海外發展策略主要以已開發國家但會以產品差異化避免與關鍵顧客之間發生直接性競爭或衝突、(六) 各種型態顧客在產品生命週期的不同階段其關鍵顧客管理上有所不同。
本研究根據分析結果、實務觀察並與既有的相關論文做相互的對應,以提供代工廠商在工業行銷導入關鍵客戶管理的做法和應注意的事項。導入關鍵顧客管理不但能有效應用公司資源、加強與顧客的關係並帶來更高的獲利,也能避免與關鍵顧客之間的利益衝突。但建議代工廠商得注意不要因為長期依頼少數關鍵顧客的訂單而忽略了顧客營業額過於集中的風險且受阻於發展自有品牌。 / There were many Taiwanese companies in the past grew and thrived relied on foreign OEM customers. Although some of the companies later launch successfully their own brand, but so far there are still many contract manufacturers whose main business model is OEM/ODM. Recently, there are many customers starting to reduce their supplier number, contract manufacturer with bad capability or relationship is eliminated gradually. There were a lot customer relationship management (CRM) related paper in the past, but mostly discussed about business to customer (B2C) CRM topics. Although Key Account Management related research had been developing for 40 years, but most of the past researches are dedicated to key account management of foreign or big size company. At present, related paper about key account management of domestic contract manufacturer or industry manufacturing is limited and research focus on medium or small size contract manufacturer is very few. According to 2011 research report, there are 1.235 million small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that occupied 97.7% of total companies in Taiwan. SMEs are also main force for Taiwan economic development. Therefore, this research focus on studying how Taiwan medium size contract manufacturer whose customers may have interest conflict implement its B2B key account management and also explore related factors that influence key account management.
This research uses quality approach case study method by applying depth-interview to a contract manufacturer of office appliance electronic equipment, explore key account management approach and related theory through interview result and past literacy review. And factors that influence key account management could be concluded as customer type, foreign expansion strategy, competitive advantage and product life cycle. The findings conclude that (1) Contract manufacturer identify the key account primarily based on sales amount, secondary consideration on margin, (2) Switching cost, relationship commitment and goal congruence influence contract manufacturer strategy on managing the key account, (3) Competitive Advantage of contract manufacturer influence its bargaining power over its key account, (4) Customer size, bargaining power may let contract manufacturer adjust its organizational structure and make other changes, (5) Foreign expansion strategy of contract manufacturer is mainly targeting developed countries but will differentiate its product to avoid direct competition or conflict among its customers, (6) Key account management among different customer type varies among each stage of product life cycle.
This research bases on analysis result, practical observation and mutual corresponding suggest how and what factors should be considerated when contract manufacturer applying key account management approach on industry marketing. Applying key account management is not only allocating company resources effectively, enhance customer relationship that bring further profit, but also avoid conflict or direct competition among the key accounts, but this research suggest that contract manufacturer should not because of relying on few key accounts for long term then neglect the risk of concentrating sales amount and have difficulty in developing own brand business.
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藥品產業之產品上市及生命週期管理之行銷策略 / Marketing strategies for pharmaceutical product launch and lifecycle management李宜真 Unknown Date (has links)
製藥業和其他消費性用品產業有許多不同,像是需要大量地投資於新產品研發與創新。許多藥品和其他消費品相比,有較長的產品生命週期,而且藥品購買者通常並非是藥品使用者。儘管藥品有較長的生命週期,最終仍會面對專利到期的一天。對於製藥業而言,近年來的市場准入(market access)變得更具挑戰性,臨床試驗的障礙、法規核可,和健保給付核可價格也變得比以前困難。藥品需要較長時間以準備進入市場,因此在專利到期前的市場銷售期也縮短許多。如何在有限的市場銷售期極大化銷售業績和利潤對於藥品行銷者而言,也日益重要。即使是在專利過期後,如何管理以及延展藥品生命週期對於製藥業也是一門學問。
對健康保險環境的研究,以及醫生行為受保險體制的改變,與長時間對人們健康的影響仍待未來進行進一步地探討。 / Pharmaceutical industry is quite different from other consumer products industry. It needs heavy investment on product development and innovation. Most of drugs have longer lifecycle than consumer products, and usually the drug buyer is not drug user. Though drug has long lifecycle, eventually it will face patent-off. Recently market access becomes more and more challenging for pharmaceutical industry. The barriers of clinical trials, regulatory approval, and reimbursement price approval are more difficult than before. Drugs need longer time to go-to-market, and the period of commercialization before patent-off is shorter. How to maximize sales and profits within limited commercialization time becomes more critical for marketers. And how to well manage drug lifecycle and extend lifecycle even after patent-off are the other crucial lessons for industry.
In order to shorten “go-to-market” period, drug company needs to understand the regulatory submission strategies, and choose the most appropriate one for submission. Next step is considering reimbursement price strategies. Understanding Bureau of National Health Insurance’s (BNHI) mechanism can minimize back-and-forth process.
After “go-to-market”, the next task is how to extend product lifecycle. The most common methods are 1) launch new indication, 2) launch new/ improved generation to replace old drug, 3) launch new dosage/ presentation form, which have patent to extend compound patent, 4) introduce fix-dosed combination, 5) invest in generics.
Lifecycle management is critical for pharmaceutical industry. Company should strengthen the competencies to shorten product “go-to-market” period, maximize the sales and profits during commercialization, and extend lifecycle after patent-off.
The research of health insurance environment, the changes of physicians’ behaviors and impacts on people health need further studies.
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零售業導入Beacon之虛實整合模式分析 / A study on click and mortar business model of Beacon implementation in the retail industry王冠平 Unknown Date (has links)
本文藉由瞭解所選擇之該產業極具代表性的實際企業個案騰訊以及燦坤,透過二者經營策略上的創新做法,來檢視其二運用Beacon技術於各市場階段的行銷策略決策,進而剖析管理者在運用物聯網產品於經營模式之思維,深入探究其對於虛實整合問題的見解與作法。 / Since The upgrading integration of Click and Mortar Business and O2O model, more and more companies tried to entry the online business. However, as an increasing number of enterprises got into the e-commerce, there came up a warning. The scale of the global retail market in 2016 was about 22 trillion US dollars, but the market shares of e-commerce only got 8.7%. Even by 2020, more than 70% of the market share will still hold by the physical channel, and this phenomenon let the “Omni-channel Retailing” idea showed up.
Many people had mistaken the related worlds between the virtual and physical as completely independent. Actually, the only one side business model of physical store or e-commerce has been gradually broken, and the only way to create the new path is developing the omni-channel retailing method. To fully implement the click and mortar business model and break out the boundaries between the path, it’s the best cure for breakthrough the current situation.
The "new retail revolution" is being launched between retailers, but how to operate the physical stores and the online stores simultaneously, it’s a big challenge for pure physical stores or online stores managers. Since past O2O model literatures were focus on the change of business model and business strategies, we haven’t seen the practical application to implement the click and mortar business method. Therefore, this paper will explore how enterprises improved the O2O model by importing new techs, and discovered its management of omni-channel retailing with marketing strategy.
At last, by studying the innovative business strategy and the decision-making in each products stage of these two businesses Tencent and TSANN KUEN which selected in the industries. This paper will explore the thinking of the managers by using IOT products in their business model, and understand the insights of the click and mortar business model.
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協同產品研發生命週期管理之研究-以某個案公司為例 / The Research of Collaborative Product Development Lifecycle Management:A Case Study粘平吉, Nian,Pyng Jyi Unknown Date (has links)
由微笑曲線理論(施振榮1992年提出)知道企業應該朝高附加價值領域發展,而其中上游智財權(Intelligent Property)、知識經濟(Knowledge Economics)是我國OEM、ODM製造業將生產基地移到大陸後,為避免國內產業空洞化,必須在國內深耕的核心競爭力領域。要強化智財權、知識經濟則必須強化產品研發與創新能力,而產品研發與創新能力的提升必須藉助良好的「協同產品研發生命週期管理解決方案」(Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution) ;但是此解決方案尚在發展初期,不論企業或是個人對於它皆了解不夠,也不知如何利用此解決方案來提升產品研發能力。
因此本研究透過文獻的收集與探討,整理出PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)解決方案的定義、演進,並對PLM解決方案的架構進行探討,再針對市場上PLM解決方案系統廠商所提供的PLM系統產品進行說明,讓有意導入PLM解決方案的公司企業可以參考。另外由於知識管理可以讓PLM系統所收集的產品資料與產品研發經驗與知識得以分享、流通與再創造與加值,因此對於知識管理(Knowledge Management)與PLM的關係進行探討。2003年歐盟立法通過兩大環保法規—WEEE(Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment)及RoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances),要求製造廠商從設計開始即需考慮整個產品生命週期的環境保護觀念,此法規讓產品生命週期觀念有了具體的落實實施,因此本研究亦對綠色環保法規與PLM解決方案的關係進行探討與說明。
一、 因為綠色環保法規的規定而使得產品生命週期觀念能落實執行。
二、 PLM是一種企業策略方法,要成功導入必須從人員、流程、資訊科技三方面同時規劃。
三、 由於PLM系統架構的定義不同,且PLM系統廠商所提供的PLM系統解決方案亦有不同功能,企業必須根據自己的需求選擇適當的解決方案。
四、 PLM理念一直不斷變化與延伸,PLM系統已成為製造業不可或缺的系統。
一、 建議對於導入PLM要如何進行變革管理進行研究。
二、 建議對於如何利用知識管理來協助研發創新進行研究。
三、 建議對於PLM解決方案所帶來的協同產品研發績效的影響進行研究。 / Referring to the Smiling Curve Theory (Shih Chen-Rong, 1992), it is realized that enterprise should gradually lead the “High Value-Added” concept to its management system. Since recent years, Taiwan local OEM and ODM factories widely moved their production base to Mainland China, and so in order to avoid domestic industries being emptied, “Intelligent Property” and “Knowledge Economics” must be cultivated deep into our country. On the other hand, prior to strengthen Intelligent Property and Knowledge Economics, the premise is to strengthen the competency of Product Development and Product Innovation. In addition, to enhance the competency of Product Development and Product Innovation must follow by good “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution”. However, the solution is still at initiation phase, therefore so far as now, either the enterprises or the individuals are not acquainted with it, and also do not know well how to utilize the solution to reinforce the Product Development competency.
By means of the concept mentioned above, literatures are collected and investigated by this study to work up the definition and evolution of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Solution. In advance, the framework of PLM solution is discussed; and the PLM system, provided by supplier, is introduced by this research as well, in order to allow businessmen, who would like to lead PLM Solution into their organizations, to adopt them as a reference for developing their enterprises. Moreover, considering of that Knowledge Management enables the experience and knowledge of Product Development and Product Information, collected by PLM system, to be shared, circulated, recreated and value-added, the relation between Knowledge Management and PLM system is examined in this study. Also, the relation between the legislated rules of Green Environmental Protection and PLM Solution is researched and reported in response to the two regulations of WEEE (Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment) and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), which were legislated by European Union (EU) in 2003. In accordance with the two statutes, manufacturers are requested to think of the concept of environmental protection for the entire Product Lifecycle, starting from product design begins.
For the sake of assisting enterprises in understanding deeply about the PLM Solution, before introducing it into their organization, “case study” access is therefore adopted by the study to analyze in deep the problems on “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution”, which might be incurred in each individual case. In line with the problems, a constructional strategy for PLM system as well as a framework of the application and integration of PLM system are proposed as a base of executing business strategic approach. Characteristics of the framework of the application and integration of PLM system include “strategic core by product”; “to value personnel, operation flow and product information”; “to manage and support the entire lifecycle from product concept to product lifespan being ended”; “the support covers collaboration between the divisions, customers, designing coworkers, suppliers. In addition, the running situation of this framework, which runs under the “Collaborative product development lifecycle management solution” is presented in the study. In the final part of the research, the key-points and strategies are presented for the proposal of introducing PLM systemic solution.
During the researching process, some important conceptions are discovered, and are summarized as follow:
1. Owing to the rules of Green Environmental Protection is legislated, it therefore enables the concept of product lifecycle be executed accurately.
2. PLM is a business strategic approach, so to introduce into enterprise successfully must through a proposal with the factors of personnel, operation flow and information technology simultaneously.
3. Since PLM system has varied system as well as different solution function from different suppliers, enterprises should choose a proper PLM systemic solution based on actual needs.
4. PLM concept varies and extends consecutively, so today PLM has become to the only system for option.
Hereunder suggestions from researcher to the latter in future as the researching direction reference.
1. Suggest proceeding study with how to run Reformation Management after the adoption of PLM system.
2. Suggest proceeding study with how to utilize Knowledge Management for assisting in developing innovation.
3. Suggest proceeding study with the subject of “Influence on the results of collaborative product development by PLM systemic solution”.
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