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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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政府採購納入環境考量之研究── 以我國與歐盟法制為中心 / The Adoption and Promotion of Environment Protection in Government Procurement: A Comparative Study on the Legislation of Taiwan and EU

楊懷慶, Yang, Huai Ching Unknown Date (has links)
政府採購向來金額龐大,以民國 103 年為例,該年度機關辦理逾 10 萬元之採購決標總金額為 1 兆 1367 億餘元,同年度中央政府總預算歲出合計為 1 兆 9162 億餘元,政府採購金額約為總預算歲出的 60%,故就政府採購所制定之法規範具有實務上之重要性。復因政府之採購金額龐大,政府之採購偏好足以影響經濟運作與競爭秩序,因此各國政府經常藉以達成特定政策目標。   我國政府採購法第 96 條訂有採購環境保護產品之特別規定,環境保護在國家政策中、甚至國際社會中向來為重要議題,民國 90 年起,行政院核定實施之「機關綠色採購推動方案」、國家永續發展委員會提出之「台灣二十一世紀議程國家永續發展願景與策略綱領」和「永續發展政策綱領」等政策方案,都希望藉由政府採購達成環境保護的目標,我國簽屬之「政府採購協定」(Agreement on Government Procurement)亦於 2012 年修訂環境保護相關條款,然而我國政府採購「環保」之成效卻十分有限,同樣以民國 103 年為例,該年政府採購納入環境考量之比例,約僅為政府採購總金額的 0.5%、總預算歲出的 0.3%。因此,本論文嘗試探討我國政府採購納入環境考量之現行法規,是否符合憲法誡命、或是否存有更佳的立法方式,以回應國內政策的需求、並善盡國際義務。   本論文以憲法就環境保護和經濟秩序之規定探討為始,界定立法者具體化相關法令規定之立法形成界限,復以此為前理解,檢視現行規範是否妥適,初步認為政府採購法第 96 條之相關子法,有不當限縮環境保護範圍之嫌,因而手段不足以落實國家對環境的保護義務,可能係實務上納入環境考量比例不足的原因之一;因此以綠色政府採購(Green Public Procurement)成效顯著、且為「政府採購協定」修訂環境保護相關條款之原始提案國──即歐洲聯盟為研究對象,探討其政府採購法制設計,作為我國法制修正之參考。   本論文參酌歐洲聯盟採購法制,認為我國應放寬政府採購納入環境考量的範圍、增加可資運用之手段、於採購時計算產品生命週期費用並妥適運用環境標誌與宣告,進而提出初步修法解決之框架建議,以期環境保護能夠確切、妥適地於政府採購中落實。 / Government procurement has been constantly adopted as a policy tool in many countries for its profound effect on a nation’s economic performance and market competition. Legislation concerning government procurement becomes therefore important. According to Article 96 of Taiwan’s Government Procurement Act and other related regulations, procuring entities subjected to those provisions may provide preference to environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, as the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) was revised and come into force in 2014, it suggested that environment protection can be promoted via government procurement. As a consequence, the Executive Yuan formulated several policies to enhance environmentally friendly procurement. Nevertheless, such policies were not as effective as expected. Official statistics show that as government procurement value accounted for 60% of annual expenditures in 2014, the adoption and promotion of environment protection in that value merely accounted for 0.5%. Recognizing the problem, the thesis raises two questions: Is current legislation concerning environment protection in government procurement in accordance with the Constitution? Is there any better way to legislate? To begin with, the thesis first discusses the Constitution’s stipulation of environment protection and economic system to figure out the limit of legislative discretion. Secondly, by reviewing current legislation based on such limit, the thesis finds that neither the definition of “environment protection” nor the methods of priority procurement are appropriate. The thesis hence concludes that such inappropriateness of current legislation may be one of the reasons why those policies did not work out. Last but not least, the thesis has done a comparative study on government procurement legislation of the European Union (EU) to see how legislation in Taiwan may improve. While it is the first party to propose to amend the GPA by adding environment protection into the provisions, EU has also achieved remarkably in “Green Public Procurement” (GPP). In conclusion, the thesis has the following legislative suggestions: First, redefine “environment protection” in the Government Procurement Act and other related regulations. Second, add additional ways in current legislation for procuring entities to better adopt and promote of environment protection in government procurement, including using life-cycle costing and eco-labels.

中年男同志的老化態度與老年準備初探 / Attitudes toward aging and preparation for old age of middle-aged gay males

沈志勳 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的,是以「老化態度」及「老年準備」之概念架構,探索中年男同志關於老化的生命經驗,希望藉由中年男同志的自身經驗,來理解他們對老化的意義詮釋、老年生活的想像及所從事的老年準備情形。 本研究使用質性取向的研究方法,以半結構式的深度訪談進行資料蒐集,訪談了十二位居住在大台北地區或桃園縣市,年齡介於四十歲至五十三歲的中年男同志,主要的研究結果如下:(一)受訪者談論的老化意義,是由生理、心理及社會文化等多方面所交織而成的概念,在不同的面向上也有不同程度的正、負向評價,整體來說,他們傾向於否定自己是老人、離老尚遠的「老年拒斥觀」;至於對老的界定,最明顯的是,當他們和同年齡層的異性戀者相比時,多半覺得自己保有年輕化的優勢。另外,許多受訪者也提到年輕男同志對中、老年同志的負面態度或刻板印象,某種程度上反映出男同志族群的怕老心態。(二)在受訪者描繪的老年生活圖像中,對「社會支持網絡」的老年想像尤其重視朋友及伴侶關係等非正式網絡,其中幾位已婚男同志也提及對婚姻家庭的老年生活想像(例如「含飴弄孫」);在「社會參與」方面,他們期待能夠「參與志願服務」、「出錢出力貢獻社會」、「老年的再教育」、「工作者角色的延續」及「從事休閒活動與興趣」等,其共同的目的是為了達到自我成長及自我實現,但也可能因同志身份而面臨參與的障礙;至於「對老年的焦慮、擔心或害怕」,他們談論得最多、最擔心的是「怕重病」、「怕醜」,以及「怕失去外在吸引力」。(三)在受訪者實際從事的老年準備內容中,他們認為最需要準備、且實際準備程度較高的是「經濟準備」(工作收入及其他財務規劃),其次則是「抗老化的準備」(基於身體健康或外在吸引力而進行的保養)、「從事興趣或休閒活動」(偏向動態性、團體式的型態)以及「社會支持網絡維繫」,至於目前積極從事「社會學習與志願服務」及「老年居住安排」的受訪者則較少。總括來說,受訪者提及的準備內容都是屬於非正式的準備,較不重視正式組織(如政府、公司企業或非營利組織)在老年準備中扮演的角色。 再由生命週期觀點來檢視,則發現中年男同志的老化態度、老年生活想像及老年準備情形與中年異性戀者之間具有相似性,但也有差異性,同時,也呈現出一些動態歷程的改變。 值得深思的是,「老年準備」的概念本身有可能隱含著個人本位的意識型態,當政府的老年政策強調老年人的自我照顧責任時,也就忽視了對社經地位較弱勢者應有的保障。此外,本研究也發現,娶外籍新娘的已婚中年男同志,其婚姻關係凸顯出「性傾向弱勢」與「性別弱勢」之間的相互擠壓現象,基於自身利益的考量,弱勢者本身(已婚男同志)也可能會去壓迫比自己更弱勢的人(外籍新娘)。 / With “attitudes toward aging“ and “preparation for old age” as the conceptual framework, this study aims to explore the aging experience of middle-aged gay males, and tries to understand their interpretations, imaginations, and preparation of aging. This study employs qualitative research approach. The participants are twelve middle-aged gay males living in the Taipei metropolitan area and Taoyuan county, aging from forty to fifty-three. The researcher conducted semi-structural interview with them individually, and collected in-depth data. The study findings after data analyzed are listed below: First, the meaning of aging discussed by the twelve participants during the interview is a complicated complex, comprising of physical, psychological and social cultural dimensions, which are evaluated with different positive and negative appraisals separately. As a whole, participants tended to think they were not old and resist to aging. Most obviously, when compared with their heterosexual counterparts, they considered themselves much younger. Besides, many participants mentioned the negative stereotypes and prejudices young gay males tended to have against older ones, which reflects the fear of age widespread in this population, too. Second, The imaginations of later life participants in this study had involved “social support networks”, “social participation”, and “anxiety, worry and fear of old age”. They thought highly of informal support networks particularly, such as their friends and intimate partners, when it came to “social support networks”. Of participants entering traditional heterosexual marriage, some discussed their positive expectations that they hope to enjoy marriage and family life in later life as the heterosexual do. On the topic of “social participation”, they expected themselves to be volunteers, contribute to society with money and effort, pursue further education, keep working, and get engaged in their interests or hobbies. Their common purpose of social participation in old age was self-achievement, but they may encounter some obstacles because of their sexual orientation. In terms of their anxiety, worry, and fear of old age, what they talked and worried about most was getting ill, becoming ugly and unattractive. Third, as for preparation for old age, what the participants in this study considered most important, and thus prepared more was economic security. And other preparations included health maintenance, engagements in interests or hobbies, and connections to their social support networks. By and large, their preparations tended to be informal, and don’t emphasize the importance of formal preparation planning from formal organizations like the government, companies or non-profit organizations. With the life course developmental perspective, when we compare the attitudes toward aging, imaginations of later life, and preparation for old age between these middle-aged gay men and their heterosexual counterparts, we can find that some dimensions are similar and the others are different, and their attitudes, thinking or action about aging may change over time. Furthermore, the concept of “preparation for old age” itself may imply certain ideology of individualism inexplicitly. While aging policies emphasize the obligation of self-care of the elderly, it may ignore the security of those persons in lower social-economic status. Besides, this study also finds that the marriage relationships of middle-aged gay males who married “foreign brides” are some kind of mutual oppression in essential, the disadvantages itself(middle-aged gay males)are likely to oppress the other disadvantages in worse condition(”foreign brides”).


周文科 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,經濟犯罪問題日益嚴重,其中,詐欺案件發生頻仍,諸如刮刮樂、手機中獎、退稅等詐欺集團作案範圍涵蓋全臺,受害民眾遍及各階層,個人財物損失甚至高達數千萬元以上,此類犯罪已嚴重危害社會經濟秩序及治安,並引起社會大眾及立法、行政部門高度重視與關切。 詐欺犯罪是透過對受害社會民眾或客戶的不便,產生機會成本、非必要的過高價格,而由詐欺犯罪活動中,取得不法利得。並且將此成本,轉嫁社會大眾身上。根據「臺閩刑案統計」80年(1991)詐欺案件發生725件,惟至91年(2002)詐欺案件發生高達23628件,至於破獲率則由80年94.07%下降至91年11.52%。由於詐欺犯罪集團結合高科技,助長發生,擴大社會民眾的傷害與層面,導致民眾惶惶不安。就臺灣地區整體犯罪情勢言,詐欺犯罪問題非止於臺北市一偶,且因獲利高、風險低、刑度輕、及受害層面廣等特性,已改變近十年台灣地區犯罪型態,目前其發生數僅次於竊盜犯罪,為嚴重危害當前社會安全之犯罪,此一犯罪問題,誠值深入研究。 探究當前詐欺犯罪猖獗成因固屬多元,惟刑警人員職司犯罪偵防責任,卻責無旁貸。因此,本研究係以刑警人員角度切入,復因如何提升破獲率及降低發生,學說上嚇阻理論、激勵理論、破窗理論及詐欺管理生命週期理論頗值借鏡與探討;因遏阻乃藉由提升破獲能力達成遏制犯罪發生;至激勵則係藉由警察機關內部之領導、鼓勵及工作環境改善等面向,提升員警偵辦詐欺犯罪案件之意願,有效嚇阻犯罪衍生;而破窗理論乃藉由處處關懷、不以小惡而縱容,俾遏阻犯罪之蔓延與惡化;另詐欺管理生命週期理論,則屬系統化分析詐欺犯罪防制策略之理論。上開四種學說理論,對防制詐欺犯罪均有相當正面作用,故於本研究中加以研析討論,另彙製問卷運用描述性統計、因素分析等,藉以瞭解、分析基本變項、偵辦各類刑案成就感、困難度、對工作環境滿意度以及對詐欺犯罪成因之相關認知與差異,俾供政府機關或警政單位從事規劃偵防詐欺犯罪時之參考。


黃明發 Unknown Date (has links)
企業電子化的概念在過去幾年已被大多數企業所接受,但對台灣佔多數的中小企業而言,因為系統開發非其核心競爭力且IT資源有限,如何尋求一個解決方案,能夠讓這些為數眾多的中小企業取得所需的資訊應用能力,是當前的一個重要課題。 服務導向架構概念的提出,提供了許多企業一個進行系統整合的解決方案。但我們不應僅從系統整合來看服務導向架構;反而應該從企業本身的策略來看這個解決方案,必須去思考企業要提出怎麼樣的服務或產品才能滿足消費者,再由這些服務或產品去思考應該如何去整合企業內部或外部的資源。 本研究將服務導向架構運用在產業交易金融之服務,從企業內部擴展到企業外部,並提出一個跨組織服務導向架構的整合平台,中小企業可透過企業服務總管充份並輕易的取得平台業者端服務庫上所提供的資訊服務,讓中小企業一方面可以專注於其本身的核心競爭力;另一方面又能取得企業電子化的優勢。而平台業者可運用其系統開發能力,服務為數眾多但對軟體開發能力較小的中小企業,以少量多銷的服務模式來提昇其獲利。 最後,本研究根據上述結論,對金融服務業者與企業提出相關建議,以及未來進一步研究之議題。 / Most enterprises adopt the concept of electronic business in the recent years. Since the system development is neither the competitiveness of core business nor the capacity for IT resources, seeking for a solution of on-demand IT application is a very important topic for most small-medium enterprises (SME). The emergence of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a solution of system integration for many enterprises. However, we should not view the system integration only as the aspect of Service-Oriented Architecture. We should think that how enterprises offer better services or products in order to satisfy customer demands. Then, based on these services or products, we go further to think about the system integration of the internal and external resources for the enterprise. In sum, the solution of SOA should be based on the enterprise strategy. This research will apply SOA in the section of enterprise transaction and finance services. From the internal to external corporations, this research proposes an integrated platform of SOA “cross organization and business process management”. For small-medium enterprises, they could fully and easily utilize the IT services in the service warehouse from IT service providers. As a result, SME could concentrate on the competitiveness of core business. On the other hand, enterprise could obtain the advantage of electronic business. For IT service providers, they could make use of their capacity of system development to service many SME who have less ability of software development. Moreover, IT service providers could increase profit of the model for less production but more sales. In the end, this research will recommend some solutions for financial service providers and enterprises based on above mentioned conclusion, and also address further research topics in the future.

企業資訊生命週期管理策略之研究 / Enterprise Information Life Cycle Management Strategy Research

黃順安, Huang, Shun An Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於網際網路的普及,資訊成爆炸性的成長,無論是企業e化、電子商務的應用服務,或是數位家庭的興起,加上網路應用服務的創新,出現如影音部落格等。這些資訊除透過網路傳遞流通外,不管是個人或企業,是使用者或提供服務的業者,都需面對管理如此龐大的資訊儲存服務。 隨著數位資訊的快速成長,檔案的體積與數量日漸增加,雖然資訊科技的進步讓儲存媒體的種類更加多元化且容量越來越大,例如一顆SATA磁碟就有500GB的容量、藍光光碟一片容量達100GB,但根據IDC公佈調查指出,2006年全球資訊量大爆炸,全年的照片、影音檔、電子郵件、網頁、即時通訊與行動電話等數位資料量,高達1610億GB,所以儲存容量的提升似乎永遠趕不上資訊的成長速度。 企業目前分散在各分支機構的IT機房,面臨人員設備的重複投資及分散管理不易,隨著寬頻網路的來臨,企業將IT基礎設施集中化,建置企業的資料中心已成趨勢,我國政府的資訊改造就規劃機房共構成13+1個資料中心,如何建構一個資料中心,應用集中化、虛擬化的趨勢讓儲存系統集中化,同時企業的資訊也集中化,大量的資訊與儲存,更需對資訊做有效的儲存管理。 根據SNIA統計,儲存系統上的資訊,30天內沒有被存取過的大約占80%不常用、不重要的資訊不只造成儲存空間的浪費,也間接影響資訊存取沒有效率,所以在有限的高階線上儲存空間下,將較少用到的資訊搬到較低階的儲存系統,不用的資訊歸檔保存。資訊也有生命週期的演變,本研究將資訊生命週期分四個階段,分別為資訊建立導入新生期、資訊使用黃金成熟期、資訊參考使用衰老期、資訊處置歸檔終老期,透過資訊價值的分類,區分資訊對企業的重要程度,融合資訊生命週期的演進,制定資訊生命週期管理策略,協助企業從資訊的建立、存取、備份、複製、資安、歸檔保存到刪除,使得資訊的儲存保護與存取效率能達到最佳化,確保資訊服務不中斷,獲得最好的儲存投資效益。 / Due to the prevalence of Internet in recent years, information grows explosively. No matter it is e-enable, the service that electronic commerce offers, or the spring up of digital family, in addition to the innovation of the application service that the Internet offers, they all enabled the appearance of products such as Vlog. These information not only circulate through the Internet, no matter it is personal or companies, users or dealers who offer service, all of them have to face the problem of managing such huge information storage service. With the rapid growth of digital information, the volume and the amount of files are getting larger and larger. The advance in information technology makes the type of storage media more various and with larger and larger capacity. For instance, a SATA hard drive has the capacity of 500GB, a Blue-ray disk has the capacity of 100GB, but according to the survey of IDC, the information around the world exploded in year 2006. The total digital information such as pictures, video/audio archive, emails, web sites, messengers, and mobile phones in the year is as much as 161 billion GB. So the storage capacity never seems to catch up with the growth of information. Companies now scatter over the IT control room of each branch. They face the difficulties of repeatedly investing in manual and facilities, and separate management. With the appearance of broadband network, companies consolidate the infrastructure of IT, building companies’ data center has become a current. The information engineering step that our government takes is to draw the control room into 13+1data center. How to build a data center? We use the current of consolidation and virtualization to consolidate storage systems. Mean while, the information of companies should be consolidated. Mass amount of information and storage needs a more efficient way of managing and storing information. According to statistic that SNIA shows, there are about 80% of information in storage system will not be accessed within 30 days. Information that are not often used or are not important can be a waste of capacity, and it can indirectly affect the inefficiency of storing information. So, in the limited high level online storage capacity, we should move the information that are not so often used to lower level storage systems, and we will not have to archive the information. There is also a life cycle within information. This research classify the life cycle of information into 4 stages, which include the introduction/emergence stage in the establishment of information, the decline stage during the reference and usage of information, as well as the final stage in the management and filing of information. Through the classify of information value, we classify the importance of the information to the company, integrate the evolution of information life cycle, establish tactics of information life cycle management, assist companies from the establishment of information, to the storage, backup, copy, information security, archiving and then to the delete of the information. This optimizes the storing, accessing efficiency, assures the continuance of information service and acquires most benefit of storage investment.

晶圓廠生產線知識分享之研究 / The Knowledge Sharing of IC Factory

邱斌, Chiu,Pin Unknown Date (has links)
知識管理在二十一世紀已成為世界的潮流,深深影響了人類的經濟活動,組織知識亦躍升成為企業內最重要的資產,在全球化的趨勢中為企業提供競爭力的泉源。現今大部份的知識管理系統研究,均從企業管理的角度,針對知識管理模型、知識管理成功因素等問題進行探討,但對於製造工廠基層中實際存在的核心知識管理方法,卻未見有相關的研究加以探討。在製造業中,企業最寶貴的工程製造技術知識是散佈在生產製造流程的各個工作程序與人員中,企業必須有系統的收集彙總後,始能有效運用、發展與持續企業的競爭力。 / 知識管理重在知識的分享,本研究建立的「製程整合知識庫」為知識的分享建立良好的基礎,對於新晶圓廠建廠生命週期運轉階段的製程技術移轉工作亦能提供協助,利用相似性移轉的方法,將「製程整合知識庫」完整移轉至新晶圓廠,可以提高製程的穩定度、提昇產品的良率,達到穩定製程的移轉安裝工作、縮短新晶圓廠量產運轉所需時間的目的。此外,對於營運中的工廠而言,「製程整合知識庫」也可協助檢視生產線上的缺失,以提昇產品品質與生產效率。

建廠資訊生命週期管理之研究-製程工廠之統包公司為例 / Plant Information Lifecycle Management:Process Plant in Turnkey Company

劉智明 Unknown Date (has links)
東柏林圍牆倒塌,金磚四國崛起,使得第三世界國家的經濟能力大幅提升,對能源及石化產品的需求也日益增加,促使全球對石化產業之投資大幅暴增且投資規模也較前期更大。為能加速獲利,業主經常要求統包工程公司能縮短1/3之工期。因此,統包工程公司需不斷研發及創新,並使用有別於傳統模式之作業方法,才可達成此縮短工期之目標。 近年由於電腦軟硬體進步神速及網際網路之普及化,提供了一個資訊交換的新環境。許多跨國作業、同步工程之應用系統紛紛被提出,但仍無法有效解決當前之問題,反而形成許多自動化孤島之資訊作業。 本研究主要目的在於探討如何利用先進資訊科技技術與國際共通的資訊標準規範,建立製程工廠統包工程所需之「建廠資訊生命週期管理」系統,將重要資訊予以電子化、結構化及標準化。透過電腦網路通訊及資料庫技術,使建廠過程能提供優良資訊品質,供參與建廠人員能透過此透明化之系統,使資訊得以整合與共享,確保資訊品質之完整、正確及一致性。 建廠工程之作業有許多不同的階段,本研究擬針對「建廠資訊生命週期管理」系統提出完整之規劃架構,但因本系統相當龐大,無法於短時間內完成全部之系統雛型,故,本著「Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast」之理念,本研究將先對產製最多資訊之設計階段先行建立系統雛型,作為示範性之先導開發工作。本研究所獲得之主要結論如下: 一、 導入標準資訊規範是正確途徑 二、 為縮短建廠時間,需建立資訊整合與共享環境 三、 要提升統包工程公司之競爭力,需建立全球化作業平台 四、 要提升資訊品質需將文件中心轉變為資訊中心 關鍵字: 資訊生命週期管理、製程工廠、統包工程、圖形交換標準 建廠資訊交換標準、建廠工程活動、資訊品質、標準資訊規範 / The 3rd world economy has been largely improved resulting from the collapse of the Eastern Berlin wall and the rise of the Brics. Since then, the investment in the petroleum/chemical industries is increased triggered from a strong demand of the energy and petroleum/ chemical products. To expedite the profit return, the clients will usually request the turnkey project company to condense the plant’s engineering time to at least 1/3 of the original scheduled. Therefore, the turnkey project company needs to continuously engage in its R&D and create an innovation method different from the traditional one to fulfill with clients’ expectation. Owing to the rapid progress of the hardwares and softwares together with the popularity of the internet, it provids a new environment for the information exchange. Although numerous applications for global operation and concurrent had been announced, it still couldn’t resolve the existing problems, instead, it caused another problem and leads the information to the Islands of automation. The purpose of this study is to find out how to utilize the advanced information technology and worldwide standadized information specification to establish a 「Plant Information Lifecycle Management-PILM」system for the Process Plant. It is the hope that through the aforesaid system, user can transform their important information into a electronic、structured and standadized formular. In addition, by using the Internet communation and database technology, it can help the user to integrate and share information through this transparent system and ensure the completeness、correctness and consistency of the information quality. There are many phases in the plant engineering operation. Although this study is striving to provide a complete designing framework for the system of 「Plant Information Lifecycle Management」, however ,it is definitely impossible to complete the whole system prototype for this huge system during such a short period. Therefore, this study will focus only on the “Design Phase” based on the core principle “Think Big, Start Small and Scale Fast”. Most of the information will be emerged during the Design Phase, so that, a system prototype for this phase will be designed as an initiative development model. The major conclusions for this study are as follows: 1. The international standards should be adopted by the Turnkey project company. 2. To reduce the plant engineering time, an integral and share environment (the PILM system) should be built. 3. To enhance the competitiveness of the Turnkey project company, a global application platform (i.e. The PILM system) needs to be established. 4. To lift the information quality, the document centric needs to be transformed to data centric. Keyword: ISO 10303, STEP, ISO 15926, Plant Information Lifecycle Management , UML, EPC(Engineering/Procurement/Construction), Turn-Key

台灣區數位電視發展趨勢的因應策略研究-以普騰電子公司為例 / Strategy and Resources Allocation to Digital TV Developing Trend for Proton

莊鎮國 Unknown Date (has links)
數位電視(Digital TV,DTV)是指一種把影像、語音等聲光的類比訊號換成數位訊號,然後傳遞至視聽消費者端之電視技術。它也可以代表一種能夠接收上述數位訊號、並且無失真地還原成和送出時相同品質的一種電視產品。由於數位電視具有高品質的影像、音響效果,同時提供具附加價值的資訊服務,如透過數據、電子節目表單、在家購物等方式,可帶動旅遊、交通、娛樂、文化產業的發展,對於台灣中長期民生與科技發展極為重要。 各國關閉類比電視頻道的時間已近,產經分析人士咸信未來數年內各國的消費者都將面臨換機或是增購訊號轉換器的處境,因而引發龐大商業機會。由於數位電視市場可望能為台灣平面顯示器產業延長榮景,且其所帶動週邊如STB、以及家用或車用電器、數位內容產業等,創造大量就業人口,在台灣進入另一波數位革命的階段的起點時,它具有極高探討價值。此外,由於積極加入此領域的廠商數目繁多,而數位電視既是充滿機會、又充滿技術與規格艱難險阻的產業,究竟是具備如何條件、訂定怎樣的目標、運用甚麼策略的企業,才能在這個國際化的產品市場上佔有一席之地,是本論文援用大量數據並深入分析的重點。 從本研究所收集資料來分析可以發現,普騰電子以衍生成數家獨立事業群之策略,成功發揮品牌與代工交替運行之優勢,精準掌握電視產品與車用影音電子產品,在台灣形成一種具有特色之企業生存之道。普騰在延續過去技術基礎與成功模式的同時,兩岸與全球之競爭態勢已非同日而語,因此建議其適度放棄非核心家電,進攻利基型如車用數位影音與數位看板之產品,以儘早達成產業升級之目標。 / Digital Television (DTV) is the apparatus and technology that may convert analog video and audio to digital signals and send them to television viewers. It is also a type of display device that may present the image with high fidelity to the original recorded data. With the high quality on image and audio performance and the potential on providing value-added services like on-line personal data transmission, interactive program selection and shopping-at-home, DTV may launch enormous opportunity on developing tourism, transportation, entertainment, and culture industry. It will produce important impacts on the middle and long-term economic and technological development of Taiwan. Most of the countries are facing the fact that their deadlines of closing analog TV channels are coming. Meanwhile, most of the economy analysts believe that the purchase of new TVs or signal converters by customers will give big business opportunities in the coming years. DTV is a worthwhile research topic because of its particular role on elongating the prosperous status of flat-panel display industry and raise customers’ requirement on AV peripheral products like set-up boxes, home or vehicle electronic devices, and digital contents. It means a lot of facets especially when either Taiwan or the industry is entering a new era of digital revolution. Furthermore, DTV industry is a field that appears to be very promising but actually is highly competitive, crowded with aggressive competitors, and full of technology and product specification barriers. For a company that joins this game, what on earth the qualification to be required, the proper goal to be set, and the strategy to be adopted by the company, are within the focus of this study and will be discussed on the basis of large amount of explored data. The DTV explored by this study contains the fixed and mobile AV devices that may display images from wireless broadcasting stations, cable TV stations, satellites, and IPTV. The applications on displays on vehicles, mobile phones, anddigital signage devices are also covered in the discussion. The study raises a well-know Taiwan company, Proton, as an example to see the Proton’s advantages to DTV markets based on applying the analyses models proposed by Poter, Kotler, and Slywotzky to analyze the structure of the company, product features, and marketing strategies. A number of suggestions for its future development are drawn from the analyse results.

系統整合商專案服務失敗因子探討與防範 / Research of failure factors and prevention in SI Project Services

黃茂榮, Huang, Mao Jung Unknown Date (has links)
在國際競爭日趨激烈的現今,有少數本土系統整合商(SI)的業務範疇已開始跨國發展,但在專案管理範疇有些仍未建立相關的架構與方法論來執行專案服務的業務。 本研究針對國內某一系統整合商的三個專案服務的個案中,發現專案不成功的原因,除了在〝開發導入階段〞的執行過程,未能善於應用PMI提出的九大知識領域與五大流程外,在專案成案之前的〝機會登錄階段〞與〝競標與簽約階段〞可能就已經鑄下不可挽救的專案失敗因子。因此本研究透過廣義的專案生命週期與策略行銷4C理論為架構,抽絲剝繭找出造成專案失敗的關鍵失敗因子,並針對失敗因子提供一些防範的建議,希望能協助國內的系統整合商,在提供專案服務時不致重蹈覆轍,讓每一個所提供的專案服務,都能有一定的品質,且順利成功,獲取該有的利潤。 關鍵字:專案管理,系統整合商,失敗因子,廣義專案生命週期,策略行銷4C理論,PMI,九大知識領域,五大流程。

企業生命週期與進入模式關聯性之研究 / The research of connection between business life cycle and entry mode

簡吉龍, Chein, Allan Unknown Date (has links)
『國際化』對於台灣企業而言,已是必然的趨勢。因此,如何成功地進入國外市場?可以說是目前台灣企業最重要的課題。而對一個想要進入國外市場的企業而言,除了選擇所要進入的國家外,更重要的是『進入模式』的決定。一個適當的進入模式對於企業往後的國際營運影響深遠,不僅直接影響到該市場的成敗,對於企業的其他市場亦具有間接的效應。因為在全球整合性的競爭下,市場間的競爭關連性上升,一個市場的成敗往往是在另一個市場上優、劣勢的來源。 目前學者對於影響企業決定『進入模式』的因素看法並不一致。不過大致仍可歸納出內部與外部因素兩個方面(Root, 1987)。而『企業生命週期』可視為企業內部因素的表徵,因此,企業的組織階段勢必對進入模式的決定有某種程度的影響。而由於『企業生命週期』的概念較為普遍,對於台灣一般的企業而言,實用性較高。因此,本研究的動機乃是基於探討『企業生命週期』與最適『進入模式』間的關連性。而影響進入模式的因素除了組織內部因素外,還有企業外部的環境因素,尤其是地主國的環境因素,對進入模式的決策更具有關鍵性的影響。因此,本研究亦將地主國的環境變數納入考量,以提高研究模型的解釋能力。 基於以上研究動機,本研究有以下主要目的:1.探討並整理『企業生命週期』與國外市場『進入模式』相關的文獻。2.以『企業生命週期』理論為出發點,發展一個觀念架構,用以描述企業的組織階段與地主國環境變數,對於國外市場進入模式決策的影響。3.以台灣企業為對象,針對本研究所發展的觀念架構,進行實證分析,並提出研究結果以供業界及後續研究參考。 本文以郵寄問卷方式,對於台灣企業進行實證研究;所採用分析方法包括:敘述性統計、因素分析(Factor analysis)、集群分析(Cluster analysis)、變異數分析、鑑別分析(Discriminant analysis)、t-test 以及 Logistic Regression Analysis 等等。研究結果顯示: 一、目前從事國際化的台灣企業,根據其組織內部情況,我們可將其劃分為創業期、加速期、制度化期、以及再生期四個階段。 二、企業生命週期對進入模式之影響 1.再生階段相對於創業階段而言,在出口對其他、出口對生產據點、以及出口對銷售據點三種情況下,具有顯著性影響;也就是說在以上三種情況下,再生階段會比創業階段傾向採用較高涉入的進入模式。 2.加速階段與制度化階段相對於創業階段而言,只在出口對銷售據點時,具有顯著性影響;亦即,在考慮出口與銷售據點兩種進入模式時,加速階段或制度化階段均會比創業階段傾向採用銷售據點形式之進入模式。 3.若考慮銷售對生產據點,或者是合資生產對獨資生產據點時,則不論是加速階段、制度化階段或是再生階段,相對於創業階段而言,均未有顯著性影響。 三、地主國環境因素對進入模式之影響 1.關於地主國環境變動程度之因素,實證結果雖具顯著影響,但與本研究假設相衝突。因此,只可經由文獻之整理加以推論(詳見 P.98),而無法獲得明確之結論。 2.不論是考慮出口對其他、出口對銷售據點、或是出口對生產據點,當地市場之規模與文化相似性具有顯著性影響。亦即,當市場規模愈大或兩地文化相似愈高時,企業會傾向採用涉入程度較出口為高的進入模式。 3.若考慮同為生產據點的合資生產與獨資生產兩類進入模式時,企業對當地環境之熟悉程度具有顯著影響。亦即,當企業對所進入的市場環境愈熟悉,其愈傾於採用獨資生產的進入模式。反之,若企業對當地環境較陌生時,則會傾向以合資的方式進入該市場,以分散投資風險。 4.若以出口對生產據點以及銷售據點對生產據點而言,當地市場之吸引力具有顯著性影響。亦即,相對於出口或銷售據點,在當地市場吸引力愈大時,企業會傾向採用生產據點形式進入模式,以獲取在當地投資設廠之利益與優惠。 / Internationalization is the developmental trend of Taiwan business. The choice of the entry mode for foreign markets play a vital role in global competition.According to other literatures, we find that the factors effect this choice can devide into two part: internal and external factors. And the business life cycle express the internal ones. According to these reasons,our research has the following porpose: 1.Review the relevant literatures about the business life cycle and entry mode. 2.To develope a concept infrastructure to describe the influence of business life cycle and host country environment for entry mode. 3.Using the Taiwan business as empirical respondents to approve our concept infrastucture, and give some suggestions to Taiwan entrepreneur.

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