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使用適應性直方圖均衡化之加速與風格化淺浮雕生成 / Fast and stylized bas-relief generation using adaptive histogram equalization黃嗣心, Huang, Ssu Shin Unknown Date (has links)
浮雕是雕刻藝術中重要的表現方法,藉由在平板上雕刻出高低落差,傳達出豐富的形狀視覺線索,是介於3D雕塑和2D畫作中間的一種物體外形的表現方式。本論文將針對淺浮雕這類型相對高度較低的浮雕技法,將要表達的3D場景壓縮到接近平面但盡可能保留細節。我們使用適應性直方圖均衡化技術去壓縮高度的動態範圍並盡可能強化細節,且經由降低取樣點數量的技巧加速適應性直方圖均衡化的計算,以利於使用者進行互動性自訂風格化。另外依照場景特徵的流向,增加特殊的刻紋去豐富淺浮雕的風格表現。 / Relief is a sculptural technique to express the shape feature on a flat surface. It is an art medium between 3D sculpture and 2D painting. In this thesis, we focus on bas-relief, which is a relatively low relief to compress the depth of 3D scene to a shallow overall depth and preserve details of the shape. We use the adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) to compress the depth range and enhance details, and accelerate the AHE computation by sample reduction, which is in favor of the user interaction of custom stylization. Furthermore, adding special carving patterns according to feature flows of the scene enriches the stylization of the relief generation.
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論渥坦貝克《夜鶯之愛》中之逃逸路線 / Lines of flight in Timberlake Wertenbaker's The Love of the Nightingale何如媖, Ho, Ju Ying Unknown Date (has links)
英國女劇作家渥坦貝克(Timeberlake Wertenbaker) 筆下著名的《夜鶯之愛》 (The Love of the Nightingale) 在近年來獲得多方批評家的討論。大多數的批評家總以政治及性別的角度探討這部劇作中呈現女性如何成為男性暴力下的受害者。然而,本論文將採用德勒茲 (Gilles Deleuze) 和瓜塔里 (Félix Guattari) 的去疆域化 (deterritorialization)、生成動物 (becoming-animal)、再疆域化 (reterritorialization)、及少數文學 (the minor literature) 的理論概念,重新剖析渥坦貝克如何透過翻譯 (translation)、互文性 (intertextuality)、變形 (transformation) 書寫等寫作策略,彰顯普洛克涅 (Procne) 及菲勒美拉 (Philomele) 如何在受盡錯置及語言喪失的苦痛後,找到越界的可能性。在德勒茲和瓜塔里的理論架構之下,本論文的第一章節將先詮釋普洛克涅及菲勒美拉如何離開父系體制,並藉由逃逸路線 (lines of flight) 展開去疆域化的旅程,並在去疆域化的過程中面臨到未知的危險及機會。再者,論文中也探討普洛克涅及菲勒美拉的動物變形可以被視為她們僭越傳統意識型態束縛的証據。在經歷過生成動物 (becoming-animal) 的過程之後,普洛克涅及菲勒美拉改變了她們對於原生社會及世界的態度及看法。最後,普洛克涅及菲勒美拉的再疆域化帶領她們到另一個新的疆界,釋放女性內心的忿怒及慾望。在新的疆域中,女性們發現到另一個新的出口,重新探索流動性主體的存在,挑戰有機體式的國家體制。 / Timberlake Wertenbaker’s The Love of the Nightingale (1989) is the preeminent play of translation which calls many critics’s attention. Based on the myth of Procne and Philomele, The Love of the Nightingale is always discussed by critics from the political and sexual perspectives to show how women become the powerless victims under the male violence. However, in this thesis, I would like to use Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of deterritorializaion, becoming-animal, and reterritorialization to analyze how Procne and Philomele find out the possibility of transgression from the suffering dislocation and dispossession of language through Wertenbaker’s dramaturgy of translation, intertextuality, and transformation. Applying Deleuze’s and Guattari’s theories to analyze The Love of the Nightingale, I would first show how Procne and Philomele obtain the chances to leave the patriarchical territory, beginning their deterritorialization to encounter unknown risks and chances via lines of flight. After the deterritorialization, Procne’s and Philomele’s physical metamorphosis could be regarded as the evidence of how they traverse the presupposed ideological system. In the process of becoming-animal, Procne and Philomele change their attitudes and perspectives toward their cultures and the world. Later, they are reterritorialized to another territory, releasing their desire and anger. In the new territory, they could find another way to search fluid identities and to challenge the state apparatus.
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媒介/文本/人?以塊莖思維探析彈幕觀影情境 / Media/Text/Audience? Rhizoanalysis of Danmaku Viewing Contexts夏慧馨, Hsia, Hui Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
彈幕(Danmaku, danmu),是一種評論分享系統,原生於日本線上影音交流平台,其直接覆蓋在影視文本的文字符號文化展現特殊觀影型態。隨著影片播放過程以及彈幕隨機出現,使用者於觀影當下必須隨時改變閱聽焦點來理解瞬間變化的內容,意義生產更加複雜。
本研究將彈幕文本與使用者視作兩部「機器」,透過情動力(affect)串聯彈幕、影像內容、使用者異質感受交雜變動的歷程。研究最後提出「嬉遊文本」與「文本人」的概念來說明塊莖式審美的意涵,以及未來的可能應用。 / Danmaku, or Danmu, is a comment-sharing system originating from Japanese online video-streaming platforms. It constitutes a specific viewing state. Videos are covered with texts and symbols, which keep varying and breaking the connotation and denotation of meaning. Danmaku also complicates the perception of the audience. However, such frequently changing viewing contexts have never been studied thoroughly.To illustrate the interrelation among media, texts and audience, this study aims to develop a “fluxional” research framework.
To interpret “sudden” metamorphoses of clips and “sudden” visual experiences while people are viewing Danmaku films, this study takes Deleuze and Guattaris’ figurative concepts of rhizome as main research perspectives. Rhizomatic thinking focuses on the “assemblages” of physical objects and metaphysical concepts as well as how they are “becoming,” which all together constitute a dynamic worldview. In this study, Danmaku films and the audience are both seen as “machines”, through which the “affect” flows. The “affect” forms various rhythms, which energize the constant changing of the content in a video, arousing instant sensation and comprehension.
In the end, this study brings up “collective play script” and “text-er” to conceptualize the context of Rhizo-aesthetic experience, in a hope to offer a new approach to understand new media interface and content design.
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內生成長與通膨率目標政策: 封閉經濟的分析 / Endogenous growth and inflation rate targeting policy in a closed economy邱奕棟 Unknown Date (has links)
本文引用Zhang(1996)和Suen and Yip(2005)提出的貨幣具有降低交易成本的特性,建構封閉經濟體的貨幣內生成長模型,分別探討在投資有或沒有調整成本的情況下,政府採取釘住通貨膨脹目標政策對於經濟成長的影響,以及經濟體系的安定性。
本文的結論可以歸納為:(1)當投資不具有調整成本時,政府調高目標通膨率會使得經濟成長率下降,且經濟體系呈現確定性;(2)當投資調整成本時,政府調高目標通膨率也會使得經濟成長率下降,但經濟體系卻呈現不確定性。 / This thesis sets up a monetary endogenous growth model for a closed economy, in which monetary authorities implement a monetary policy of inflation rate targeting. The main feature of the model is that, in line with Zhang (1996) and Suen and Yip (2005), money plays a role to facilitate transactions of output, and hence holding money can lower the transaction cost. This thesis then uses the model to investigate whether the economy’s growth rate and the dynamic stability are closely related to the implementation of inflation rate targeting.
Two main findings emerge from the analysis. First, when investment does not involve adjustment costs, a rise in the inflation rate lowers the balanced economic growth rate and the equilibrium is characterized by local determinacy. Second, when investment involves adjustment costs, a rise in the inflation rate lowers the economic growth rate and the equilibrium is featured with local indeterminacy.
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藉由小世界股票網路探索不同景氣區間的差異性 / Exploring economy-realated differences by small-world stock networks邱建堯, Chiu, Chien Yao Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究中,先利用國發會制定的景氣對策信號,來幫助我們選取四段景氣區間,接著將台積電作為網路核心建構個股的相關網路。並以最小生成樹(Minimum Spanning Tree) 將複雜的股票網路簡單化。同時我們計算出各股相關網路之全域網路參數(Global Network Parameters)及區域網路參數(Regional Network Parameters),以利我們討論兩段景氣好區間與兩段景氣差區間之差異。最後,我們將股市相關網路以分層樹(Hierarchical Tree)來表示,以了解網路分群的結果。
結果顯示,我們建構的個股相關網路符合小世界網路特性,在全域網路參數中,景氣好相關網路之常規化平均特徵路徑(Normalization Average Characteristic Path Length)及景氣差相關網路中之平均群聚係數(Average Clustering Coefficient)、平均特徵路徑(Average Characteristic Path Length)、常規化平均特徵路徑(Normalization Average Characteristic Path Length)有顯著差異。
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心理臨床学における方法論としての事例研究法 -事例からの視点生成に着目して-山川, 裕樹 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(教育学) / 乙第12812号 / 論教博第153号 / 新制||教||147(附属図書館) / 31299 / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科臨床教育学専攻 / (主査)准教授 大山 泰宏, 教授 桑原 知子, 教授 皆藤 章 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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論萬有與變動:亞理斯多德《自然學》B卷1~3章之解釋與論理分解 / On Beings and kínēsis : A Commentary to Aristotle's Physics B 1-3黃哲翰, Huang, Che Han Unknown Date (has links)
亞理斯多德從「physis」這個字的多重意涵著手,開始了把「生成」關連到「有」的策略:「physis」在傳統上所帶的「生長」(das Wachstum)和「本質」(das Wesen)的意義下,他把「自然」標舉為對於生長之「驅力」的擁有,使得擁有這種驅力的東西被看作它們既是生成的、又是自己有能力生成的,並且這種能力被包含在這些東西之作為它們自己的本質裡。據此,對運動變化的內容的觀照,得到了一條途徑可以通往「自然」,「自然」則作為一種活動的能力在本質上,就是本質自己的實現。亞理斯多德轉而把運動變化視為自然或本質自己對自己的某種揭露,並且能把整個觀照轉向到對擁有活動之能力的本質的掌握。隨後他設立一種「目的的視野」而以「相」來觀看如此之本質:他一方面通過對數學家之觀看的評論,批評了柏拉圖學院對的設定,亦即他們不觀看生成,卻分離地設定了生成之能力的實現;另一方面則藉助了與技術的類比而論證了「目的的觀看」——正如在技術的活動裡,質料和相結合地被帶到「為了目的」的瞭解上,在自然的活動裡,本質之能力的活動的結構也完整地在這樣的視野中,以「為了目的」的觀看而被掌握。因此,「目的」就作為某某之活動能力的「界定」,作為其活動能力之展現的諸差異的「共同擁有者」,由此成立「必然」的意義。最後亞理斯多德將「相」作為本質之存有的以及能力的結構,從中分解出原因的途徑,並透過這些而與變動的內容關連起來。如此一來完成了將生成帶入對本質掌握裡,進而把這些結合而是的萬有以如此的觀看步驟關連到「有」而排除了與「意見」的關連。根據上述步驟,第二哲學以「看起來的善」而非「自身善」為條件成立了其限定的知識,據此界線而與第一哲學劃分。
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水田土壌の主要なメタン生成古細菌群の解析浅川, 晋 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:14560051 研究代表者:浅川 晋 研究期間:2002-2003年度
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名古屋大学における14C-AMS 研究の黎明期(1980-1990)NAKAMURA, Toshio, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)
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酸化金属吸収による熱分解生成ガスクリーニングに関する基礎研究松田, 仁樹, 渡辺, 藤雄, 藤間, 幸久, 出口, 清一 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号:10480145 研究代表者:松田 仁樹 研究期間:1998-1999年度
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