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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業建構產品生命週期管理系統之研究-以A公司為例 / A Case Study on Constructing Product Lifecycle Management System in Enterprise

顏國安 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣過去在資訊電子產業的蓬勃發展,ISO-9000 之規範扮演重要角色, 但真正落實ISO-9000 之企業卻不多;透過產品生命週期管理(PLM)平台之建構,可協助企業落實ISO-9000 與建立產品研發管理平台。一般而言,PLM 系統包含專案管理、產品資料管理、協同設計管理、甚至知識管理等功能;本研究除建構上述功能外,更把六標準差管理系統的功能結合進來, 以活化整個PLM 系統。 本研究採探索性之個案研究方法,透過資訊科技應用之導入、PLM概論與PLM 管理需求之文獻探討及對個案現狀之分析,逐步擬出PLM之建構策略,進而規劃與建構完成PLM 系統,並實際導入與運作;從系統實際使用的過程, 不斷地探索、發現系統的缺失與使用者的新需求,然後透過改善、使系統更臻完美。本研究所得到的結論如下: 一、最適化的產品生命週期管理系統之建構原則方面 由建構透明化的平台、人員/流程/資料整合應用系統和自動勾稽的系統功能等著手,以落實ISO-9000 管理系統的要求。另外,需由平台功能與特性之需求、整合現有系統之能力及企業文化產生之衝擊等方面的考量著手, 以慎選系統發展平台; 尤其, 很多常見研發問題長久以來一直無法解決, 其實是隱藏在這些問題背後的企業文化所產生之影響, 短期間內若不能改變企業文化, 則企業文化對此系統建構所造成之衝擊應納入考量重點。 二、在Lotus Notes 上建構產品生命週期管理系統的做法方面 以Notes 為主要系統平台, 依整合人員、流程與資料之整合應用架構來建構PLM 系統, 並配合介面程式來整合ERP 與CC/CQ 系統。在Notes 各資料庫之文件上執行人員、流程與資料的整合運作, 再以產品計畫別把需求之文件整合在同一個資料庫上; 然後, 並進行文件之勾稽、更新與跟催工作, 以完成儀表板之管理功能。 三、知識管理與產品生命週期管理系統結合的做法方面 知識的整合與應用需要專門化的處理, 新產品研發過程其實就是知識密集的活動,配合研發流程在PLM 系統的推進過程中,就實際需求來建構知識管理的內容與能量是最好的做法。具體的做法可由產品與技術內容的分享,Know-How 的建立及知識庫系統的整合管理等方面著手。 四、六標準差管理與產品生命週期管理系統結合的做法方面 PLM 是應用一系列技術對策來支援產品資訊的協同管理、散播與使用之策略方法,屬於”What”的角色功能;而六標準差管理是應用一系列手法來解決問題之策略方法, 屬於”How”的角色功能。結合過程採漸進方式;初期,把六標準差製造管理手法(DMAIC)轉化為R 表,然後把R 表的流程放在PLM 系統以專案方式來執行, 待管理變異的能量建立後, 再把六標準差設計管理手法(DMADV)植入現行PLM系統的研發流程中。 / In the past, Taiwan's information&electronics industry to flourish,ISO-9000 plays an important role, but few companies are with the true implementation of the ISO-9000; through the construction of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) platform, can help enterprises to implement ISO-9000 and build R&D management platform. In general, PLM system, for function, include project management, product data management, collaborative design management, and knowledge management;this study, in addition to constructing the above-mentioned functions,but also combine Six Sigma management system to activate the entire PLM system. In this research, using the exploratory case study method, through the literature review for introduction of IT application, PLM concept and PLM management demand, step by step to plan out the PLM strategy for construction and complete the PLM system in design, and then into the field test; from the actual condition of system in operation,with constant exploration and discovery to find the lack of system and the users’demand, we improve it to be more perfect. The research can be concluded as follows: First, Principles to build the PLM system The ISO-9000 management system can be implemented by building a transparent platform, integration system in members, processes and information, and automatic auditing function. In addition, the development platform should be selected deliberately by considerations from the need of platform features and characteristics, the ability to integrate existing systems, and the impact of corporate culture; in particular, many common R&D issues long nsolved in management, in fact, is resulted from the corporate culture hidden on these issues, whose impact should be treated as one of main focus if they can’t be changed in a short period of time. Second, Methods to building the PLM system on Lotus Notes With Lotus Notes as main system platform, PLM can be constructed by the integrated framework of members, processes, and information in application, with interface prog- rams combining in ERP and CC/CQ system. Run the itegrated operation of members, processes, and information on each document of DBs in Notes, integrate all the documents needed for one targeted product program to one DB, and go for the self-auditing, update and alerting of documents, then completing management functions of dashboard. Third, practices to combine PLM system with knowledge management The integration and application of knowledge needs for specialized treatment; the research and development of new products is actually done in knowledge-intensive activities. With the progress of R&D procedure in PLM system, to build on the actual content of KM based on real demand is the best solution. The practice can start from the sharing of content in products and technologies, the build of Know-How, and the integrated management of knowledge base. Four, practices to combine PLM with Six Sigma management. PLM is methods of strategy using a series of technical measures to support the collaborative management, dissemination and use of product information, belonging to the role of "What" in function ; and Six Sigma management is methods of strategy using a series of tactics to solve the problem, belonging to the role of "How" in function. By a gradual approach, transform the techniques in manufacturing management of the Six Sigma (DMAIC) into R table at early stage, put the flow of R table to the PLM system to excute it by project type, and then implement the tactics of Design for Six Sigma (DMADV) into the existing flow of PLM system while the energy of managing variations to be set up.


周凌峰 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在經濟起飛的六○、七○年代靠著傳統產業賺進大量的外匯,也奠定了如今繁榮的基礎,但曾幾何時,以往帶領台灣走向繁榮進步的企業卻變成了人們口中夕陽末路的「傳統產業」,當然,現今我們口中所謂的傳統產業,不是從開始就如此傳統的,任何新的產品都是隨著時間的流逝、科技的進步、組織的老化、客戶的轉型等變化,從剛開始成立的新興產業,逐漸成長、成熟,慢慢變成現今的傳統產業,然而傳統產業並不一定代表獲利能力低落或是前途黯淡,台灣的經營之神王永慶曾說:「台灣沒有夕陽產業,只有夕陽公司」。傳統產業透過以往經驗、知識和資源的累積,透過轉型或新經營範圍、新產品的開發等方式,也可以找到新的起點,甚至是開創新的高峰。 本研究以中國砂輪為例,希望透過一個成功轉型的個案,去了解一個處於傳統產業的廠商,在進入新的經營範圍或開發新產品時,是如何因應不同產品生命週期,去改變其組織結構以配合其營運的需要。透過這個研究,希望能將理論與實務做結合,提供有心進入新市場的台灣傳統產業,在如何配合產品生命週期進行組織調整的議題上做為參考的依據。

使用產品生命週期管理方法建構設計服務平台的探討—以IC設計業為例 / Using product lifecycle management method to architect the design service platform – case study of IC design industry

廖柏陽 Unknown Date (has links)
IC產業在過去20年間隨著市場環境的變遷,形成ㄧ個專業分工的產業供應鏈,大部分的公司不再是垂直整合各個環節進行設計與製造,而是充分利用外包與代工進行產品的開發。台灣的IC設計產業因而在這樣的環境下,逐漸茁壯成為大型的公司,並發展出自己獨特的運作模式,提供客戶高品質、快速以及彈性的服務。而隨著公司的成長,過去習以為常的管理方式逐漸不再適合,尤其在因應彈性作業而開發出的資訊系統更讓資訊分散於各處,開發過程中必須投注大量的人力以應付層出不窮的工程變更,以及因資訊內容不一致所造成的錯誤,進而影響公司過去賴以成長的低成本、高品質、快速與彈性基礎。因此,如何整合現有產品開發環境讓整個IC設計過程更為順暢,是台灣IC設計產業目前的一大重點投資。 本研究針對這樣的發展趨勢,從整個IC產品生命週期的角度思考,提出使用生命週期管理方法建構設計服務平台的探討,藉由設計製造上下游流程之串連,建立純淨的資訊流與透明的工作流,並從人員的角度探討如何進行組織變革,提供業界一個使用生命週期管理方法整合產品開發流程的IC設計服務平台作為參考。 本研究提出的設計服務平台,主要重點在於透過角色定義的方式,透過PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)系統的控制、連結與協同作業功能,讓開發團隊的各個成員可以在平台上充分的使用系統中正確無誤的資訊;並透過組態的功能,將IC產品內容加以結構化,以建立各項功能的關聯性,讓提供IP的創意者的貢獻與績效可以快速的衡量,簡化IP價值的計算方式,提高成員提供創意分享與共用的意願。PLM達到企業希望借助IP的綜效取得市場領先地位的目的,打破過去台灣IC設計公司因部門獨立管理IP、機密之考量,使資訊過於封閉導致無法直接與其他單位分享。 同時,本研究也對實施IC設計服務平台時,提出使用PLM系統而必須考慮的資訊系統導入、人員行為模式以及企業經營及作業面的管理之實施方法,以提高設計服務平台建置的成功率。

一個以Web 2.0為基礎之PLM協同測試作業環境

陳誌家 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以探討協同及PLM為出發點,一方面對PLM目前的發展狀況進行討論,另一方面也對PLM核心協同的概念進行了討論。在了解PLM發展的現況及產品生命週期各環節間協同互動對於PLM的重要性後,本研究以Web 2.0的概念進一步探討其在PLM上的應用。 本研究以V-Model做為情境的探討,並用以分析PLM可加強之處。PLM在支援V-Model測試相關活動情境下,本研究歸納出三項可加強之處。第一,測試相關資料沒有一個共同存取的環境;第二,資訊傳達沒有效率且資訊本身無組織性,,並且使用者在訊息接收及瀏覽上也缺乏較為主動的能力;第三,各部門人員沒有可以共同發表意見的平台。 / This research starts with discussing collaboration and PLM. On one hand it discusses the current development of PLM, and on the other hand it discusses collaboration with is the key concept of PLM. After understanding with the current development of PLM and the importance of collaboration with each product life cycle site in PLM, this research uses the Web 2.0 concept to further discuss its application on PLM. This research uses V-Model to discuss the scenario and analyzes which point PLM can be improved. In the testing relative activities scenario of V-Model with PLM supporting, this research concludes three points which PLM can be improved. First, there is no unified accessing environment for testing relative data. Second, it is ineffective in transforming information and information is not innately organized, and the users have no active abilities to accept message and on browsing. Third, there is no unified platform for each department employees to offer opinions.


陳拎文 Unknown Date (has links)
環保意識抬頭使企業面臨揭露環境資訊之壓力,進而發佈環境報告書。由於環境報告書在國內尚處發展階段,企業對其了解不深,使相關同業之經驗分享,尤其重要。 本研究採個案研究法,以個案公司為例,探討其發佈環境報告書之動機、設計與編製過程、相關內容及發佈後之效益。透過實地訪談、數次電話聯絡與書面文件相互比對後,有下列四點發現: 一、個案公司發佈之動機主要受日本母廠感召,並希望藉此達成對內、外之有效溝通、提升公司競爭力與形象,進而追求永續發展。 二、由事務局搭配相關管理機制,設計與編製出涵蓋產品生命週期之環境報告書。 三、報告書之內容從環境管理開始,進入綠色設計、綠色採購、綠色生產與綠色消費;至於環境資訊,有財務與非財務兩種表達方式。 四、發佈後之效益與動機相呼應,表現在公司形象、競爭力之提升與良好溝通上。 / Due to environmental consciousness, the enterprise is faced with the exposition of environmental information, then issues corporate environmental report (CER). However, CER is still in a developing phase domestically, and the enterprise doesn’t understand about it deeply. Thus, sharing in correlative experience of the profession is quite important. This research adopts case study, and takes the case company as the example to probe into the motive of, the design and the establishment process, the correlation content and the benefit of disclosing CER. After comparing with the penetration on the spot interview, the telephone contact and the written document mutually, there are four findings as below: First, the case company was affected by the Japanese Parent factory, and hoped to get up to communicate with its stakeholders effectively, to raise its competitive power and image, and to pursue its sustainable development. Second, the Affair Bureau introduced some management mechanisms into design and establishment process of the CER which covered a product’s life cycle. Third, the content of the report started from the environment management, then the green design, the green purchase, the green production and the green consumption came after; As for the environment information, could be divided into financial and the non-financial two statements. Finally, the benefit of disclosing CER responded to the motive, and displayed in the company’s image, the competitive power promotion of and the good communication.

系統整合商T公司於雲端運算趨勢之商機及因應策略 / Making cloud computing new business models and market strategy for T company

邱明雄, Chiou, Shafer Unknown Date (has links)
雲端運算帶來商機,同時也產生經營挑戰,各種雲端服務於眾說紛[雲]或各自表述的狀況下,從界定雲端服務內容、產業分析、科技發展、產品生命週期、新市場機會及個案公司營運…等方向探討後,提出系統整合商T公司如何有方法來選擇新市場機會,及明確的定位其因應雲端的策略。 協助T公司持續於競爭的產業鏈下,以白地策略來分辨新市場機會及提出可能的雲端運算新商業模式建議。 / Cloud computing brings not only business opportunities but also managerial challenges. All kinds of cloud computing vary in defining the cloud service, industry analysis, technology development, production life cycle, new market opportunities, T company business direction …and etc. By considering all topics, we will provide a system solution to assist T company locating the stand, making cloud market strategy, and finding their way in a right direction. Under keen challenges from the supply chain and apply white space strategy, we will continuously assist T company discovering new market opportunities and providing suggestions for new business models with potential cloud computing.

企業購併後產品生命週期管理系統之整合發展影響因子的研究──以I公司為例 / Affecting factors study on the integrating development of the Product Lifecycle Management system of Corporation post-merger ── A case study of I company

魏瑞光, Wei, Jui Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化時代的來臨,企業無不善用全球的人才與資源,以提升自我的競爭力,增加企業發展的契機。為了加速企業發展速度,越來越多企業透過購併模式,快速結合不同公司的人才與資源,提升自我的競爭力。但在購併的過程中,如何有效整合不同公司的人才與資源,就變成一個很重要發展課題。 在整合不同的公司過程中,除了外在的人才與資源整合外,內在各公司間核心知識的整合與應用更為重要。透過PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)系統平台,可以實踐整合外在的人才與資源,更可以進一步整合各公司間的核心知識,進而產生各項應用與回饋。 本研究由相關文獻探討,藉由企業購併、知識管理和資訊系統整合之概念,推展出以「組織」、 「流程」和「資料」三個構面的研究架構,透過跨公司 PLM 系統整併實際案例,整理出一PLM系統平台運作方式,探討企業產品生命週期管理系統整合發展之影響因子。 由個案分析與研究發現得出研究結論如下: 研究結論1: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合前,具有RD 開發和 IT 技術專業背景之A型人才擔任此整合專案規劃和執行者,是導入成功的關鍵考量因素。 研究結論2: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合時,高層主管在專案中的有力支持與表達、良好的溝通、良好完整的教育訓練與技術轉移計畫,是成功的關鍵做法。 研究結論3: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合時,做好完整的Legacy Data Migration和以流程再造/創新的態度,將不合理流程一併進行調整與改善,是成功的關鍵做法。 研究結論4:企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合後,使用該單一、公開、共用的資訊流程平台,有助於新產品之開發時程縮短和開發成本降低。 關鍵字: 知識管理,產品生命週期,系統整合,PLM / Since the advent of the era of globalization, companies take advantage of are all use of personnel and resources of the world, to enhance its competitiveness and to increase opportunities for enterprise growing up. In order to accelerate the pace of enterprise enlargement, more and more companies are through M&A mode, quickly combining different company's talents and resources to enhance its competitiveness. But in the process of acquisition, how to effectively integrate the talents and resources of different companies becomes a very important studying. In addition to the integration of external talents and resources, the inner core between each company in the integration and application of knowledge is more important, in the process of integrating different companies. It can integrate the external talent and resources via PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system platform operation. And even to the core knowledge among the companies to reproduce various applications and feedback. Case study analysis & findings conclude as bellows: Conclusions 1: Planning phase, before inter-enterprise PLM systems integration, a high position, both RD engineering and IT professional skill background, A-type talent as this integrated project owner of planning and implementation, is the key to the success of the considerations. Conclusions 2: Execution phase, during inter-enterprise PLM systems integration, the strong support for the project from the executives, a well communication and a comprehensive training & technology transfer programs are the keys to success. Conclusions 3: Execution phase, during inter-enterprise PLM system integration, it is critical to have a full span Legacy data migration and to adjust/improve the unreasonable the process with process reengineering/process innovative attitude. Conclusions 4: Sustaining phase, after inter-enterprise PLM system integration, the use of the unique, opened platform for information sharing, contributes to the shortening of the develoemnt schedule and the reducing materials costs on new products development. Keywords: knowledge management, product life-cycle, systems integration, PLM

新產品組合之最佳獲利模式研究—以某高科技公司為例 / The optimized financial model for new develop product portfolio

林薰薇 Unknown Date (has links)
電子產業日益競爭下,個人電腦 (PC) 已走向一個成熟且低毛利率的產業。由於市場的成熟,廠商提供消費者多樣化的產品選擇,以致產品的生命週期愈趨縮短;產品的售價也因市場的過度競爭,而愈趨下跌。反觀產品供應鏈,原物料、人工成本以及原始設計製造 (ODM) 廠商的報價,卻是逐年上揚。因此對於一個國際品牌個人電腦廠商而言,如何提昇整體產品銷售組合的毛利率,已是攸關廠商生存的重要課題之一。 本研究著重在從財務管理的觀點探討,如何有以有效運用及控制公司內部研發資源為前提,建立並導出一適當的財務模型,提供最佳化的新產品獲利組合預測,增進公司整體之營運效益。並選擇某國際品牌高科技公司之消費性筆記型電腦部門為研究對象,對其新產品組合之獲利最佳化模式預測做整體性評估、驗證及可行性分析之探討。研究結果發現財務模型所提供之最佳化產品組合預測可提供產品銷售獲利最佳化預測資訊,然而除最佳獲利外,廠商實際上仍須考量維持市場佔有率以保持競爭力,經實務面的需求調整後,才為公司之最佳化產品組合。以此研究提供相關產業廠商未來發展之參考。 / Electronic industry has rapidly become more competitive, and personal computer is already in a sophisticated and low gross-margin market. Due to the sophistication, consumers face various product choices and hence the product life cycles are shorter. The product price is also decreasing because of severe competition. On the other side, product supply chain, including material price, labor cost, and the offer price of original design manufacturer, is escalating year over year. As a result, how to increase the gross margin of product portfolio is important to the company. This thesis begins with a financial management view, based on the condition of effective resource use and control, to build an appropriate financial model which can forecast the optimal product portfolio and the return. Taking an international high-technology company as research object, we found that except the profit capability, market share is also a critical factor which should be concerned when building the portfolio in reality.


謝成章 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的經濟蓬勃發展下,環保事件層出不窮,地球環境遭受重大破壞,各種環保議題引起國際矚目與熱烈討論。歐洲議會在2003年初公布了針對十項電機電子設備的兩個環保相關規範,分別是歐盟電機電子設備有害物質限制使用指令(RoHS)與歐盟電機電子設備廢棄物指令(WEEE),另外,歐盟能源使用產品生態化設計指令(EuP)也已在2005年8月11日公布,這些指令對相關產業的營運與發展將造成重大衝擊,其影響深遠供應鏈上下游成員無一倖免。 產業界為因應此一環保規範限制,將環境因素納入到傳統供應鏈管理當中,而形成了所謂「綠色供應鏈管理」的熱門議題。其主要差異乃是後者將生命週期思維融入產品設計、製造、使用與最終的廢棄回收處理的整個範疇。 本研究嘗試由資訊製造業的個案公司實際發展綠色供應鏈的過程中,以個案分析的方式收集其產品發展流程的各種資料,包括綠色設計、綠色採購、綠色供應商評鑑與稽核、綠色資訊平台建置等,並予以整理分析,建立個案公司的綠色供應鏈管理策略架構與協同運作模式。 本研究結果顯示綠色供應鏈管理策略的核心是「源頭管理」,源頭管理落實之後,加上其所衍生出來的綠色供應商評鑑與稽核、綠色產品管理系統、綠色資訊整合等各項活動,始能達到符合環保規範的目標,做到完整的風險控管,讓企業穩健發展。同時,本研究也顯示,建立協同設計機制及PDM資訊平台可以有效分析處理供應鏈上下成員間流通的資料,譬如,原物料、零組件等源頭綠色資料被有效地整合於綠色資訊平台,企業因應環保法規落實到資訊管理裡,營運風險因而獲得保障。 / Accompanying the vigorous economic development, the environment of the earth has been impacted tremendously. There are so many environmental issues that occurred in past decades turning into hot topics among nations. European Parliament published RoHS, and WEEE Directives in early 2003 that mandate ten categories of electric and electronic equipments to be restricted in the use of hazardous substances and wastes disposal respectively. Also, the setting of ecodesign requirement for Energy-Using Products newly announced in August of 2005. All the three mandatory EU Directives has definitely influenced significantly the foregoing development of the related industries. To react to the environmental regulations, the industries try to put environmental element into conventional Supply Chain Management, SCM. Thus, come out with Green SCM. The key differences are the latter mingling life cycle thought through out the whole scope of product life span. This research attempt to establish a collaborative structure and strategy for Green Supply Chain Management, by means of analyzing the information collected from the real developing process, including green design, green procurement, green suppliers’ appraisal, building up green information platform, of an information manufacturing firm. The research revealed that the core strategy of Green SCM is “Source Management”. Only if source management has fully implemented at the site of raw materials and component manufacturers, the environmental regulations can compliant thoroughly. Thus, the risk management is well controlled, so that the firm would operate soundly. Meanwhile, the research also showed that building up collaborative mechanism to link with PDM platform may process effectively the flowing data between the parties of supply chain. As a result, the restricted hazardous substances data of raw material and components are integrated into the green information platform and well managed. The operation risk of enterprise would be secured because of the entire implementation of information management for the environment regulations.

我國科技公司採用產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統下的研發知識管理活動之探討 / Knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system: The case of Taiwanese high-tech companies

廖柏侖 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產業與經濟的全球化的浪潮下,「研發」與「創新」成為我國科技產業對抗全球的競爭壓力與推動組織營運的重要後盾,在新產品不斷推陳出新的帶動下,愈來愈短的產品生命週期,以及愈來愈多變的顧客需求,「速度」成為企業取得競爭優勢的關鍵因素,因此,我國企業紛紛透過導入產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統以縮短產品開發時程,使企業掌握新產品上市的先機。此外,透過PLM系統快速連結與蒐集研發知識,有助於企業實踐知識管理,加速組織與科技的融合與智慧財產的傳承,二十一世紀是知識經濟時代,企業能活用個人與組織內、外部的知識,則可創造價值並提昇企業競爭力。PLM系統使組織內研發之知識可有效的管理,並運用逐漸累積的資源形成的珍貴之研發知識,有效整合與串連成組織重要的知識資產;然而,知識管理之推展除資訊系統外,亦需要組織活動的配合。 本研究同時從組織與資訊科技(PLM)兩構面來探討研發單位的知識管理活動,旨在剖析台灣科技公司採用PLM系統下的知識管理活動,並瞭解影響研發知識管理的關鍵因素。本研究採個案研究法,首先經由文獻回顧導出實證研究的觀念性架構,再以此理論觀念模式為主軸進行個案訪談,實地深入訪談四家科技公司,瞭解其研發知識管理活動及運作模式。 本研究所得到的初步研究發現包括:(1)在研發知識管理推行實務上,企業需同時重視組織與資訊科技兩構面的作為,並將兩者平衡使知識管理達到真正的效益;(2)企業的知識分享文化與高階領導者態度等內部因素,對於研發人員的知識管理活動具關鍵影響力;(3)績效評估制度知識管理目標的配合,有助於知識管理效益的提昇;(4)企業研發創新的程度影響其知識創造的來源;(5)企業透過供應鏈的多元合作關係,形成知識創造的網路關係;因此,品牌廠商與代工廠商兩者的知識管理活動具有相依性;(6)企業透過PLM系統的採用將知識管理結合於作業流程之中,並使研發過程中個人之知識轉化為組織之知識;(7)企業的知識管理策略影響其知識擴散之作為。本研究最後並對企業經理人與後續研究者分別提出實務上與研究上之建議。 / Taiwanese high-tech industry has been emphasized the value of R&D innovation since 2000 in order to survive under the strong competition in globalization environment. The capability of innovation and efficiency of product development have been on the highly priority of companies. Hence, Taiwanese companies implement the product lifecycle management (PLM) system to improve product development schedule. Knowledge is an important intangible asset for companies in the 21th century. Because of PLM system, companies could manage R&D knowledge through collecting and linking R&D project or event. However, the promotion of knowledge management could not exist without the information systems and organization activities. This article considers the knowledge management activities from organizational and technical aspects. The purpose of the research is to examine the knowledge management of R&D division under the implementation of PLM system, and find out the key factors which influent R&D knowledge management. The research adopts four Taiwanese high-tech companies as Case Studies and has interviews with managers to understand knowledge management in R&D division under the implementation of PLM system. By knowing inside information of knowledge management in the R&D division of companies would make my research more practical and well-organized to give examples and facts to the future implementation of PLM system for Taiwan industries.

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