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台灣捲揚式真空濺鍍產業之經營策略分析-以C.S科技公司為例 / The business strategy analysis of the Roll to Roll vacuum coating industry in Taiwan“The Case Study for a C.S Technology Company”許國誠, Chen, Hsu Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業是目前台灣繼紡織工業、機械工業後引領台灣近三十年來產業發展的主流產業,其中又以ICT(Information & Communications Technology)產業是台灣高科技產業的代表。但高科技產業特徵是快速的變化,並不斷經過創新技術的發展,加劇其變化的速度,要有能力在高科技產業中持續發展,對市場趨勢、核心能力的掌握、新技術發展、人才養成、垂直整合能力、水平產業整合能力等皆需具備,才有機會在高科技產業中生存及發展。因此如何掌握企業本身的核心能力、檢視整體供應鏈價值,並提出適合之企業經營與競合策略,便是能否在高科技產業中持續發展的關鍵因素了。
觸控面板產業自2007年Apple正式推出iPhone後,觸控面板有了急速成長的開端。其中台灣在觸控面板的供應鏈中佔有超過50%的產值,是台灣在全球的又一個世界第一,值得期待,而本研究的主題”捲揚式真空濺鍍產業”正是觸控面板業中的關鍵材料製造技術。但在台灣創造另一個第一的同時,細部去分析此類產品供應鏈的成本結構,獲利最高的並非台灣廠商而是日本廠商,那麼如何提高台灣廠商在觸控面板產業的價值,答案就在如何洞悉產業及如合運用創新與競合的經營策略了。 / A high-tech industry is a mainstream industry. In Taiwan, the machinery industry is second only to the textile industry as the leading industry over three decades of industrial development. Within the machinery industry, the Information & Communications Technology (ICT) industry is representative of Taiwan's high-tech industry. However, the high-tech industry is characterised by rapid change, which results in the continuous development of innovative technologies. These changes enable companies to sustain technological development, grasp market trends, enhance core competencies, develop talent, gain vertical integration capability, and improve their chances of survival and growth in the high-technology industry. Therefore, the key to sustainable development of the high-tech industry lies in mastering the core competencies of the enterprise itself, considering the value of the overall supply chain, and adopting a suitable competition and cooperation strategy for the business. Since 2007, there has been significant growth in the touch panel industry with the official launch of the Apple iPhone. This study on the“winch vacuum sputtering industry”focuses on the Taiwan based touch panel supply chain, which is a world leader and accounts for 50% of national output value,to assess the key materials in manufacturing technology. However, establishing another successful industry in Taiwan requires additional data to analyse the cost structure of the supply chain of such products and requires assessing Japanese manufacturers in addition to the most profitable Taiwanese companies. Hence, insights from the business strategies of innovating/competing industries is likely to improve the value of Taiwanese touch panel manufacturers.
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数学科 教材研究の楽しみ : 「放物線と直線の間の面積」を積分計算なしで求める(VII 教科研究・特別研究)福谷, 敏, FUKUTANI, Satoshi 15 January 2008 (has links)
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外來投資對工資不均等的影響-以台灣製造業為例 / The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Wage Inequality : Evidence from Taiwan Manufacturing Industry劉乃瑜, Liu, Nai-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
外人直接投資(foreign direct investment, FDI)在經濟理論中是相當熱門的議題,它代表了讓地主國(host country)國資本累積、技術進步在短時間內快速增加的可能,因此許多國家往往會採取某些吸引外資的政策,再搭配國內制度或是貿易政策的改變,以追求經濟成長。然而,外來直接投資對地主國可能產生的所得重分配的影響,本文即是對此做一深入探討,並以台灣製造業資料來研究外來直接投資是否會擴大工資不均等的情形。
研究期間從1981~2004年共24年,依產業特性將製造業分為十大類,分別採取兩種不同的迴歸模型,包括自我迴歸落遲分配模型(auto regressive distributed lag model, ARDL model)與縱橫資料(panel data)迴歸模型等。實證模型上由生產理論出發,選擇作為解釋工資不均等的變數包括外人直接投資比例、出口比例、進口比例及產出成長率等四個變數。由實證結果得到以下結論:
(2)就整體製造業的情形來看, FDI對工資的不均等的淨效果為正,但效果不大;出口、產出成長率有輕微使工資不均等擴大的情形,而進口則是可輕微縮減工資不均等的狀況。
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間接代理之研究林于人, Lin ,yu-jen Unknown Date (has links)
在現代分工的經濟社會,從事交易活動,事必躬親,殆不可能,假手他人,實有必要 。不僅如此,即使在傳統農業社會,倘若本人力有未逮,即有由他人代為處理事務之需要,易言之,藉此第三人的協助完成本人事務之情況,實屬無可避免。由此亦可得知,此種假第三人之手而完成本人事務的情形,應屬人類經營社會及經濟生活所必須,換言之,前揭情形,確屬已存在良久之社會事實,且具有社會經濟上之功能。然而,無可否認的,因為第三人的加入,使得原本單純的雙方關係,轉變成複雜的三角關係。究竟第三人之行為,對於原本之雙方當事人間以及對於第三人自身而言,究竟產生何種法律效果,也成為複雜難解的三角習題。為了妥適調和三角關係,作為社會生活規範之法律,自不能置身事外,而在私法自治原則及自己責任原則之範疇下,亦創設出數種歸屬規範 ,將前揭情形區分為各種類型而賦予本人對於第三人行為負責的效力,使第三人努力之成果得以歸由本人享有,並使本人為第三人之行為負責。
民法上的代理制度即係在規範此種三方關係的制度之一,透過民法代理之規定,在符合要件之情形下,使代理人代理本人所為行為之效果歸屬於本人。民法之規定,固然使符合代理規定之事件有法可循,但是,民法之代理制度係以直接代理 之情形為規範對象,而此種於民國18年民法制訂時同時訂定的直接代理制度,在當時仍屬傳統農業社會之時空環境下,對於處理斯時發生之案例,固然能夠游刃有餘,或能符合當事人間之利益狀態,甚至其立法衡量或許能夠符合當代的時代背景。而在經過七十餘年後的今日,我國社會從傳統農業社會轉變為工商業社會後,呈現出截然不同的社會風貌,民法的立法者是否能夠在七十年前立法之際即預見如此鉅變,實非不容置疑。申論之,在大量使用代理人或第三人代本人處理事務之工商業社會裡,現行民法以直接代理為主的代理制度是否仍然能夠符合時代的需求?商業代理是否應與民法代理為不同的處理?因而須擴大代理制度在商業上之適用,甚至將間接代理制度納入商業代理之中?尤其,我國作為一個高度依賴國際貿易的海島型國家,在講求速度及效率的競爭環境中,如果仍然侷限在現行民法代理規定設置的窠臼裡,是否能夠承擔時代考驗,亦為我國現行代理法所需面臨的問題。曾世雄也指出,民法對於間接代理並未專設條文投注,學說對於間接代理亦多忽視,可是在實際社會生活中,尤其商業活動領域,間接代理甚為重要,所扮演角色與日俱重,民法規定、學說所重與社會生活間可見有所脫節 。
具體而言,我國民法的代理僅指直接代理已如前述,間接代理於我國法則非代理,在採取代理人行為說理論下,我國法僅承認直接代理人以本人名義代本人所為之法律行為,依據法律規定將效力歸屬於本人,反之,以代理人自己名義進行交易的間接代理即非民法上的代理,因此無法依據法律產生此種效力。因此,相較於英美法系的代理包括顯名本人(disclosed principal)、部分公開本人(partially disclosed principal)及不公開之本人(undisclosed principal)等類型,日本商法更在第504條規定了隱名代理,足見我國民法代理的範圍似乎較為狹窄。然而,即使在顯名原則的限制之下,最高法院仍然寬認在「相對人明知或可得而知代理人有代理意思」等情形下,構成所謂「隱名代理」,並認為產生將代理人所為意思表示之效果歸屬於本人之效力 ,換言之,最高法院表示隱名代理相同或類似於民法的直接代理,而應賦予相同之法律效果,就此而論,應與探求的是,隱名代理與民法直接代理間之關係為何?最高法院是否也認為隱名代理並非直接代理?是否亦承認民法規定的代理範圍較為狹窄,從而藉著透過法律解釋或類推適用承認了隱名代理?如果答案是肯定的話,民法規定之代理何以在實務運作上產生問題,即有檢討之必要。
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世界各國對中國投資之決定因素—北京、上海與廣東之比較 / Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China: The Comparative Study between Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong鄭惠珍, Cheng, Hui-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自1978年中國開始經濟的改革開放政策以來,吸引外資便成為其推動經濟成長的重要手段之一。1992年鄧小平南巡,再一次宣示建立「社會主義的市場經濟體制」後,由於開放的經濟政策更為明朗,使越來越多的國家到中國直接投資。自此,中國成為全世界最受歡迎的外資投資國之一。甚至在2002年超越美國,成為全世界最大的外資接受國。如此多的國家對中國展開大規模的投資,其投資的規模與投資地區的選擇卻有相當大的差異。因此,本文的研究目的,將以1993至2003年世界各國對中國投資的追蹤資料(panel data),搭配固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)與隨機效果模型(random-effect model)的估計,並以目前中國沿海發展具代表性的北京、上海與廣東三個省(市)之比較,探究影響世界各國對中國直接投資的決定因素。
實證結果發現影響外商直接投資北京、上海與廣東的決定因素中,顯著影響的變數為相對工資率、對中國貿易依存度、相對匯率以及相對借貸成本。而其餘的變數,如相對國內生產毛額、相對每人國內生產毛額和相對國家風險等皆不顯著,反映了其皆非外商直接投資中國時所考量的決定因素。 / Since 1978, China has adopted the so-called “open door policy”, attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) has become one of the most important methods to facilitate its economic growth. However, foreign countries didn’t invest large amount toward China until Deng Xiaoping’s southern trip in 1992. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the determinants of FDI from different foreign countries to different regions in China after foreign countries started to invest tremendous amount toward China.
This study adopts fixed-effect model and random-effect model to investigate the determinants of FDI in China with panel data of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong during the period of 1993-2003. The result shows relative wage rate, trade dependence to China, relative exchange rate and relative borrowing cost are the most important factors in attracting FDI in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong during 1993-2003.
Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in positive models and enable the study more rigorous, then uses more methods to test the models and the result.
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試析康德〈先驗感性論〉中的「先驗的觀念性」和「經驗的實在性」: 以空間為例的闡述(A19/B33-A30-B45) / An Interpretation Kant's Transcendental Ideality and Empirical Reality in Transcendental Aesthetic潘永傑, Phoon, Wing-Kit Unknown Date (has links)
康德主張,空間的「先驗的觀念性」,並且此一觀念性是可以與「經驗的實在性」相容。對於「先驗的觀念性」,處於空間的事物被限定於感性的對象上,即是顯象,因此並不適用在那些「當它們得以透過理性其自身,即是毫無顧及我們感性的狀態」的內容。同樣地,「經驗的實在性」所刻劃的是外在顯象,如同康德在上述引文所指,乃是「在考慮一切可能的外在經驗」。據此,所謂空間的「先驗的觀念性」,從「觀念性」而言,空間是先天的直覺形式,故不屬於對象或事物自身的任何屬性。不過此一空間的觀念性,即先天的直覺形式,乃是任何外在顯象得以可能的條件,所以空間的觀念性,雖是感性主體的認知條件,卻不能等同於僅僅是主觀的觀念性,而是具有先驗條件的觀念性,也就是其是一種先天可能的認知模式,因此,空間的觀念性,乃是「先驗的」,這是康德稱空間為「先驗的觀念性」所持的立場。與此同時,對康德來說,空間的「先驗的觀念性」,則蘊含空間的「經驗的實在性」。從康德看來,我們要意識到任何外在經驗,皆必定在空間秩序關係中被呈現或給與出來,如此一來,空間具有「實在性」。不過,空間的「實在性」其效力僅對於我們外感官的經驗對象才能有效,並無法對事物自身產生任何約束,所以空間的「實在性」,就祇能是屬於經驗的,我們不能將空間的「實在性」歸屬在事物自身。 / Kant advocates the view that space is transcendental ideality and empirical realtiy. This article aims at interpretation of Kant’s space thesis. Kant attempts to offer argument transcendental ideality of space mean that space is subjective and limiting condition to which human intuition. This implication that kant asserts transcendental ideality thesis is that space has limited to appearance, and when applied to the things in themselves, space is merely an idea,or equivalently that is transcendental. However transcendental ideality of space does not mean that objects within of space is nothing, only ideas of our mind. In contrast to this, transcendental ideality thesis as equivalent to empirical reality of space ,that is said to regard space is real, but which is objective validity limited by applicable to outer appearances.
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威權體制與抗爭政治:中國大陸城市基層選舉中的政治挑戰2003-2012 / Authoritarian Regime and Contentious Political: The Electoral Challenge in Urban China 2003-2012陳奕伶 Unknown Date (has links)
自1990年代中起國大陸經濟發展欣欣向榮之際,城市治理議題則圍繞在國家如何平抑發展中可能的基層動亂。本研究選取中國大陸經濟發展前沿城市的上海基層社區--居民委員會選舉作為觀察主題,直接選舉的推動是否會影響社區政治中黨國的單一獨斷?學習效果(learning effects)的理論預設是,隨著選舉演練次數和民眾政治參與的增加,會引發「批判公民」(critical citizens)意識的興起。這樣的理論預設是否能在上海基層選舉中看到?
本研究觀察2003年到2012年的居委會換屆選舉。發現近年來,社區民眾對黨國的挑戰並未因為選舉限制的不斷增強而退卻,反之,民眾會利用選舉過程來挑戰官方威權或是作為社區事務發聲的管道。社區民眾如何在嚴酷的制度環境中發起對當權者的政治挑戰?本文將從居委會選舉中的選舉競爭,分析民眾挑戰執政當權所使用的資源稟賦。最後,通過基層競選觀察獲得的啟發是,民眾權利意識的提升,使得黨國忠誠不再凌駕一切。開放直接選舉的制度效果,如現代化理論所昭示的,存在學習效應並且在中產階級社區最為明顯。 / Undergoing the dramatic development of economic and social change in China, local governments pay great strength on the issue of governance for preventing any potential contentious activities. Facing the challenges of local governance, the Chinese governments adopt “Direct elections" for reducing the tension between state and society. In Urban city, direct elections as an important political reform, have been initiated in Residential Committee. Under the CCP party-state system, the local elections have been under severe surveillance. The negative result sharply deduces citizens’ political efficacy, especially on the manner of the participating in voting and political confidence towards local governments.
However, in recent years, we observed that some Residential Committees in Shanghai experienced electoral competitions. In these cases, citizens organized the campaign to challenge the authority. The main questions are below: why Chinese people challenge the local authority? And how do they mobilize the campaign? Finally, how should we evaluate these political subjects? Based on these experiences, I conclude that the social-economical development may bring positive consequences on Chinese political reform.
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直轄市山地原住民區改制前後制度及組織運作之研究-以新北市烏來區為例 / A Research on the Institutions and Operations Resulted from the Reform of High Land Indigenous Districts of Special Municipalities--the Case Study of Wulai District of New Tapei City朱家慧 Unknown Date (has links)
責與實務的訪談,調查制度差異對行為與結果的影響,以及地方感受跟評價。 / The case study is research to the mountain indigenous districts of special municipalities, the former official system is converted into an elected system of district.By comparing the models and practices of these two local governance systems brought by the institutional reform, which has led our attention to the differences of behavior and reaction the two systems have while put in the same environment and under the same government affairs, this present study evaluates the two systems with special focus on their administrative performance and check-and-balance capability of the public sector. The ultimate purpose of this study is to analyze the merits and limits of elected representation and official appointment and through observing one real case, and finally propose advices to improve the current system.
Methodologies adopted in this study include:
1.Case study: Wilai District of New Taipei City is chosen to observe the impact of institutional reform.
2.Literature analysis: Relevant documents and data are collected and analyzed for the comparison of official appointment and elected representation in their organizational and functional differences.
3.In-depth interview: Administrative officials and elected representatives who have experienced the transition are interviewed about their duty change and practical exercise of governance, in hope to investigate behavioral and consequential influences the new system has caused, and collect feedback and evaluation from local government.
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臺灣租稅誘因吸引投資效果之實證分析 / An Empirical Study on Tax Incentives and Investment Promotion in Taiwan詹媖珺 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,就長期趨勢而言,我國實施之租稅優惠措施對吸引外人直接投資呈現負向且顯著之不良影響,另長期而言,租稅優惠誘因對刺激我國國內投資之變化確有顯著且正面助益,但影響效果之幅度不大。因此,本研究建議政府與其提供效果不明確之租稅誘因,不如致力於針對國家自身不完善的基礎建設或不穩定的總體經濟環境進行改善。 / Tax incentives have been in existence in Taiwan since 1950, and they are still very much on the agenda of the government. There is no agreement about the efficacy of incentives. Indeed there have been doubts about whether incentives have any effect on the economy since the 1950s. This has made some economists wonder why incentives are so popular despite the fact that their effects are either slight or unknow.
This study conducts an empirical investigation of the impact of tax incentives on investment in Taiwan. We constructed two indexs of tax incentives which track the different types of incentives embarked upon by the government, and these indexes are then included in both foreign direct investment and private investment equations. Our testing procedure involves three steps. The first step involves tasting for the properties of the variables by conducting unit root teste. The second step involves testing for the long-run relationship between the variables using Johansen cointegration tests. And the third step involves estimating the long-run parameters and associated loading factors.
The empirical results shows a significant negative impact of tax incentives on FDI, and a significant positive impact of tax incentives on private investment but the impact is slight. We suggest that rather than focusing on tax incentives, the country should concentrate on removing the factors that discourage investors such as poor infrastructural and institutions or macroeconomic instability.
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使用適應性直方圖均衡化之加速與風格化淺浮雕生成 / Fast and stylized bas-relief generation using adaptive histogram equalization黃嗣心, Huang, Ssu Shin Unknown Date (has links)
浮雕是雕刻藝術中重要的表現方法,藉由在平板上雕刻出高低落差,傳達出豐富的形狀視覺線索,是介於3D雕塑和2D畫作中間的一種物體外形的表現方式。本論文將針對淺浮雕這類型相對高度較低的浮雕技法,將要表達的3D場景壓縮到接近平面但盡可能保留細節。我們使用適應性直方圖均衡化技術去壓縮高度的動態範圍並盡可能強化細節,且經由降低取樣點數量的技巧加速適應性直方圖均衡化的計算,以利於使用者進行互動性自訂風格化。另外依照場景特徵的流向,增加特殊的刻紋去豐富淺浮雕的風格表現。 / Relief is a sculptural technique to express the shape feature on a flat surface. It is an art medium between 3D sculpture and 2D painting. In this thesis, we focus on bas-relief, which is a relatively low relief to compress the depth of 3D scene to a shallow overall depth and preserve details of the shape. We use the adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) to compress the depth range and enhance details, and accelerate the AHE computation by sample reduction, which is in favor of the user interaction of custom stylization. Furthermore, adding special carving patterns according to feature flows of the scene enriches the stylization of the relief generation.
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