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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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連鎖服務業合作網路中知識移轉與擴散模式之研究 / The research about knowledge transfer and knowledge diffuce in Frainching service network

侯勝宗, Hou, Shang Tuang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要以合作網路觀點為出發、知識資源為本體,探討組織間與組織內如何進行知識移轉與知識擴散之相關學術議題。本研究以台灣連鎖服務業為例,藉由個案分析的探索性研究,深入訪問十一家知名連鎖業者,分析本國連鎖服務業者如何藉由與國外知識提供者的合作網路建構來進行連鎖總部的核心知識移轉;另外,並深入分析本國連鎖業者如何將移轉自國外的經營知識加以轉化,並藉由內部的連鎖網路體系將單店所需的作業性知識擴散至各連鎖店中。   本研究發現網路關係的強度與知識內隱程度會影響組織間進行知識移轉與組織內進行知識擴散的機制。當知識內隱性愈高時,組織間或組織內的知識移轉/擴散媒介愈以人、團隊等有機型式為主,其知識移轉/擴散時間較長;當知識較外顯時,則其以文件、檔案等機械型式為主要知識移轉/擴散媒介,其知識移轉/擴散時間較短。其次,本研究發現合作雙方的知識基礎差異程度(資訊不對稱)將影響彼此間的網路關係強度,當資訊愈不對稱,組織間/組織內愈以較緊密的網路關係(合資、子公司)來進行知識移轉與擴散,且由知識提供者來主導知識移轉與擴散;當彼此資訊愈對稱,組織間/組織內愈以較鬆散的網路關係(授權、代理、非正式交流)來進行知識移轉與擴散,且由知識接受者來主導知識移轉與擴散。   最後,本研究發現在不同的知識特質與連鎖網路關係下,連鎖服務業者應有不同的知識管理重點,其分別是:知識分散策略、知識外化策略、知識差異化策略與知識標準化策略等。

由知識管理雷達圖衡量模式觀諸軟體產業推行知識管理之現況 / Knowledge Management Measurement of the Software Industry with the Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM

洪其豪, Hong, Chi Hou Unknown Date (has links)
90年代後,軟體產業善用強大的知識力量建構數位王國,在知識經濟狂潮裡獨據鰲頭,他們如何利用知識征服全球的祕密,一直引發各界好奇。本研究嘗試設計一套「全新且視覺化」的衡量模式以分析、瞭解及解釋軟體產業推行知識管理之情形,取代個案研究無法見林的遺憾,從宏觀角度觀諸整個產業的現況。   透過前測的檢驗,確認此種衡量模式測量變項的問卷內容,將它命名「知識管理雷達圖衡量模式」,藉由「知識管理雷達圖」的視覺呈現,能輕易地辨識軟體公司實踐知識管理的深度與廣度,是屬於「知識管理實踐成效六大類型」的何類;除此之外,本研究更提出5個假設,企圖解開幾個「知識管理雷達圖衡量模式」與軟體產業所衍生的疑竇,例如:軟體公司的特徵(資本額、員工數、上市上櫃情形、年營業額以及業務重心)的不同,知識管理的實踐深度(或廣度)有顯著差異嗎?「知識策略」與「資訊科技」是否顯著相關等等。   在發出447份附上回郵信封的問卷、213份e-mail電子問卷,並持續進行近4個星期的監控及問卷追縱後,最終回收率為21.03%,有效問卷回收率則是19.69%。經過資料分析,發現目前高達9成軟體公司皆從事過知識管理的相關活動,然而實踐知識管理的程度卻僅僅「三顆星」等級,顯示未來努力的空間仍不少;仍有7%左右的軟體業者,在各大要素的努力乏善可陳,這些公司屬於「不知不覺」型,絲毫沒察覺知識時代已經來臨,未來前景堪憂。在假設檢定方面,其結果出乎意料,公司的規模大小、上市上櫃與否、年營業額多寡以及業務範疇的差別,皆不影響知識管理的成敗,似乎在宣告「知識管理」非大企業的專利,無名小卒亦有出頭日的機會。 / Since the 1990s, software industry has been good at building a virtual kingdom by its incredible knowledge power. And now it is a pioneer navigating by the flooding water of knowledge-base economy. Everyone is curious to understand how software firms manipulate their knowledge spells to have the world in hands. Nevertheless, the researches of industrial knowledge management usually focused on case study of best practices and resulted in many myths. Unlike them, one of the purposes of this thesis is trying to develop a new and visual knowledge management measurement model, using it to judge and explain the software industry's implementation of knowledge management and analyzing whole industry in a macro view.   The questionnaire operationalized to measure the variables of the new measurement model was verified after pretesting. Then the new model is framed and named “Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM.” Through a radar graph, to judge the depth and breadth of the software firm's achievements of knowledge management and to position the kind of “The Six Types of Knowledge Management Achievement” are easy to accomplish. Furthermore, five hypotheses are set up to explore some suspicions between software industry and “Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM,” such as “Are the performances (depth and breadth) of knowledge management significant different if one software firm's characteristics (included the capital, the amount of employees, listed or not listed, revenues and major scope of business) differ greatly from the others' ?” or “Is there a significant relationship between ‘knowledge strategy’ and ‘information technology’ ?” and so on.   After sending 447 mails (each one accompanied by a qestionnaire and a self-addressed stamped envelope) and 213 electronic questionnaires by e-mail, monitoring and tracing returns were begun and continued about four weeks. The final response rate is 21.03% but the valid response rate is 19.69%. Then the result of the qualitative data analysis indicates that 1) it's a common phenomenon in the software industry that over 90 per cent of software firms have ever performed knowledge management but the average level of performance depth only belongs to ‘three-star’ class. So all the software firms have to keep on making their extra efforts in the future. 2) There are near 7 percent of software firms doing nothing effort on five dimensions called ‘Unconsciousness’. They are unaware that the knowledge era is coming; therefore, they probably have a dark future. Moreover, two of the five hypotheses are not supported by the facts and surprised us. They point out that the scale of a company, the situation of listed, the total revenues and the scope of business don't affect the performances of knowledge management. In other words, they may proclaim that KM is not a monopoly of a large enterprise and a small firm still has its chance to be strong by knowledge management.


蔡沛廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討連鎖企業經營型態的考量因素,以及如何決定其擴張連鎖體系的經營型態。研究方法採內容分析法,而以台灣具代表性之連鎖企業為研究對象,透過次集資料的整理、統計與分析,並結合相關文獻的探討,分析結果呼應本研究假說,主要結論如下: 一初始投資成本愈高,連鎖企業選擇直營為其經營型態: 一些業種因為其經營內容與經營模式的關係,初始投資金額的門檻很高,使得以加盟的方式擴展經營規模有其現實的困難,所以即便在資源有限的情況下,為了擴大經濟規模或提升市占率,將會以直營的型態展店經營,展店的速度與數量雖然不如那些開放加盟的連鎖體系,但都呈現穩定的成長。 二開放加盟的交易成本愈高,連鎖企業選擇直營為其經營型態: 連鎖企業的商標價值乃企業的特殊資產,當連鎖企業總部非常重視其商標、品牌時,也提升了此資產價值,以至於如果開放加盟的話,在契約的簽定、監督成本及商標價值上,會產生更高的的交易成本,因此在這樣的考量下,會採直營的方式為其連鎖經營的型態。 三監督成本愈高,連鎖企業選擇開放加盟的經營型態: 為了要快速的展店以擴張連鎖體系,往往因為人力資源的取得與薪資報酬的投入,大大提升了企業的監督成本,一些初始投資門檻低的連鎖體系,即使在總部的資源充分下,還是會以加盟的經營型態來降低其管理上的監督成本。 四經營技術( know – how )愈難移轉,連鎖企業選擇直營為其經營型態: 知識移轉的複雜與難易程度,會影響連鎖體系經營型態的選擇。當總部對體系下營業店之間的知識移轉程度越耗時、越不易時,考量產品及服務品質的情況下,總部會以直營的方式來經營。


林家賢, Lin, Chia-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
在這個知識經濟的時代,如何有效地吸收知識並將所吸收的知識加以移轉、應用,不同性質的知識該搭配哪些適當的移轉機制,其移轉效能是否更為顯著,這些都是台商在進行知識移轉所必須關切的重要議題。 本研究採實證研究方式除了探討知識特質、知識移轉機制與知識移轉效能關係之外,同時也加以探討知識教授者和接受者本身的因素對知識移轉機制與知識移轉績效之影響。 本研究採以問卷調查方式進行,以2002-2003電機電子業大陸及東南亞台商採購銷售名錄以及在經濟部登記已至中國大陸投資的廠商作為研究對象,有效樣本共112份。 研究發現以下四點:第一、在知識特性方面,當被移轉的知識愈是具有內隱性、複雜性的知識特性,母公司愈傾向選擇人員互動移轉機制具有顯著影響。第二、當知識特別具有複雜性時,採用人員互動移轉績效愈顯著。第三、教授者外派人員愈是具有經驗時,對於人員互動的移轉績效沒有顯著影響;至於教授者採取知識自我保護的態度,對於人員互動移轉績效愈差獲得支持。第四、當子公司管理階層的能力愈高時,人員互動移轉績效也愈好並不顯著;當子公司內部員工愈具產業經驗時,人員互動移轉績效也就較佳,此假設獲得支持;另外,在母子公司內部組織環境方面,當子公司的商業活動、組織制度、企業文化與母公司愈相似時,則母子公司彼此間的齊一性愈高,將有助於人員溝通、進行知識移轉和吸收,並未在實證中有顯著影響。


田文彬, Tien, wen-pin Unknown Date (has links)
知識移轉隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,成為多國企業管理知識優勢的重要議題。本研究首要目的是針對派外人員是知識移轉重要媒介的前題,探討台灣企業不同派外人員特徵與子公司特性,如何有效提昇子公司知識移轉績效的部分;其次,本研究採用資源基礎理論的觀點,探討不同的網絡關係,以及知識特性與知識移轉績效之關係。 在研究方法方面,本研究係以個案研究為輔,大樣本問卷調查為主。其中,個案研究採用4家台灣多國企業為研究對象,針對人力資源部門與高階主管進行半結構化的訪談。同時,收集多重次級資料來源,包括研究報告、報章雜誌、公司網站等,以進行個案研究的分析。問卷調查方式所收集的有效樣本為105家廠商(包含人力資源主管與高階主管),資料經由量化分析以驗證研究假設。 研究結果顯示,第一部份主效果方面,(1)當母公司移轉知識給子公司時,子公司吸納能力與動機愈高以及價值活動愈完整,對子公司的知識移轉績效正向影響愈大。(2)本研究發現派外人員服務年資愈資深,對子公司的知識移轉績效正向影響愈大。 第二部份干擾效果方面,(1)在網絡關係為強連結的情況下,子公司「吸納能力與動機」愈高,與「價值活動」愈完整,以及派外人員「服務年資」愈資深,對子公司的知識移轉績效正向影響愈大。(2)在知識特性為外顯知識的情況下,子公司「吸納能力與動機」愈高,與「價值活動」愈完整,以及派外人員「服務年資」愈資深,對子公司的知識移轉績效正向影響愈大。(3)在知識特性為特定知識的情況下,子公司「吸納能力與動機」愈高以及「價值活動」愈完整,對子公司的知識移轉績效正向影響愈大。 上述實證研究所建構的研究模型,證實派外人員在知識移轉過程中扮演重要媒介角色,對多國企業推動母子公司間知識移轉具有指引價值。未來可供後續研究進行大樣本實證,而模型中各項構念與研究變項之因果關係,有待後續研究更進一步的驗證,以發展更具解釋的跨國知識移轉相關理論。 / With the coming of knowledge transfer in knowledge the economic age, it has becomes a significant issue in MNC’s management of knowledge advantage. The first aim of this study is to focus on the assumption of the crucial vehicle of expatriates in knowledge transfer. It discusses the characteristics of expatriates Taiwanese enterprises and subsidiaries, and how effectively they improve the subsidiary’s knowledge transfer performance. Secondly, this study adopts the perspective of a resource-based view, exploring the relationships between different networks, knowledge attributes and knowledge transfer performance. In terms of the research methods, this study gives priority to large samples questionnaire surveys, while case studies are given second place. Among them, case studies of four Taiwanese multinational corporations are used as research objects, focusing on semi-structured interviews of Human Resource Department executives along with top managers. Additionally, various sources of secondary data have been collected, including research reports, newspapers, magazines and corporate websites, in order to process the analysis of the case studies. The valid samples from the collection surveys are 105 firms (including human resource executives and top managers). The data is verified in relation to the research hypothesis using quantitative analysis. The results of this study firstly reveal two main effects: (1) When transferring knowledge from company headquarters to subsidiaries, the higher and more complete the value activities of absorptive capacity and motivation of the subsidiaries, the stronger the positive effects will be on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance. (2) This study also indicates that the longer an expatriate’s tenure is, the more powerful the positive effect on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance will be. The second finding is two moderating effects: (1) in terms of the strength of ties of the “networks”, the higher the “absorptive capacity and motivation” of subsidiaries, the more complete the “value activities”, and the longer the “expatriates’ tenure” are, the stronger the positive effects will be on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance. (2) When knowledge attribute is considered as “explicit knowledge”, the higher the “absorptive capacity and motivation” of subsidiaries, the more complete the “value activities”, and the longer the “expatriates’ tenure ” are, the stronger the positive effects will be on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance. (3) When knowledge attribute is considered as “specific knowledge”, the higher the “absorptive capacity and motivation” of subsidiaries and the more complete the “value activities” are, the stronger the positive effects will be on the subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer performance. According to the above research model based on empirical research, it testifies that expatriates play a significant role in the process of knowledge transfer, and thus qualify as a valuable indicator for MNC’s performing knowledge transfer between parent and subsidiary companies. In the future, this study offers further large samples for empirical research. However, the causal relationship between every construct and research variable requires time for further examination in order to develop a more persuasive correlational theory of cross-border knowledge transfer.

我國生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商研發合作關係之研究 / R&D Collaboration of biopharmaceutical firms between taiwan and other countries

許芯沛 Unknown Date (has links)
根據KPMG的研究顯示(2014),生技製藥廠商間的合作是產業發展的趨勢,但合作的目的已經從原先的降低成本,發展到加速創新的產生。眾多國際製藥公司已經與外部夥伴進行合作,其中合作研發最能發揮合作夥伴間的效用,越緊密的合作越能使得合作網絡中多樣化的技術、能力結合,從而增強對於未被滿足醫療需求的理解。由此可見,跨國研發合作成為全球生技製藥廠商的企業策略。過去已有許多學者研究我國科技產業與國際廠商之研發合作,但甚少探究生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商間的研發合作。 本研究選定具有跨國研發合作豐富經驗的台灣生技製藥廠商為研究對象,探討其企業策略、核心能力及跨國研發動機如何影響跨國研發合作的管理。本研究從跨國研發合作影響因子以及跨國研發合作管理之內容兩個構面探討台灣生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商進行研發合作的互動關係。研究方法採取多重個案研究法,文獻探討部分包含生技製藥產業、企業策略與核心能力、國際研發合作、合作夥伴篩選因素、知識移轉與智財管理,研究者結合研究問題與文獻回顧導出觀念性研究架構,再依研究架構為主軸進行個案訪談與資料收集,實地深入訪談我國兩家生技製藥廠商,得出以下結論: 本研究發現,台灣生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商研進行發合作的動機一致,為降低及分散風險、分攤固定成本、技術與資源的互補與移轉、夥伴間營運策略的互補與相容性。篩選合作夥伴的主要考量也大致相同,包含資源及技術的互補、過往合作經驗、夥伴間營運策略的互補及相容性及財務能力。另外核心技術能力會影響台灣生技製藥廠商與合作夥伴合作起始的階段,研發合作起始階段的差異,更會影響知識移轉機制、以及合作方式的不同。另外,本研究也發現到,台灣生技製藥廠商在國際合作夥伴上的選擇會以不具直接競爭關係者為主,且與合作夥伴選擇以營業秘密的方式來保護技術知識。 / According to the research of KPMG in 2014, R&D collaboration between biopharmaceutical firms is the trend of biopharmaceutical industry. Under the circumstance of globalization, product life-cycles are gradually shortening. The purpose of R&D collaboration change from cost reduction to speeding up innovation. Therefore, multinational R&D collaboration has become a global business strategy for biopharmaceutical firms. Most of the past studies of multinational R&D collaboration focus on ICT industry in Taiwan. Few specially investigate biopharmaceutical industry. Consequently, a research gap can be found as multinational R&D collaborating between biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan and biopharmaceutical firms of other countries. This research focus on the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan, explore how multinational R&D collaboration influence factors (business strategy, core competencies and the motivation of multinational R&D collaboration) affect multinational R&D collaboration management of firms. This research adopts two biopharmaceutical firms in Taiwan as case studies and conducts interviews with managers to understand multinational R&D collaboration influence factors and multinational R&D collaboration management. The conclusions of this research are as below: This research finds out that the motivations of multinational R&D collaboration of Taiwan firms are coincident, including cost reduction, diversification of risk, resources and technologies complementarity. The evaluations of partner selecting are also coincident, including resources and technologies complementarity, collaboration experience, operating strategy complementarity and financial capability. In addition, core competencies may affect the initiation stage of R&D collaboration and the initiation stage of R&D collaboration may affect the mechanisms of knowledge transfer and the way of multinational collaboration. Moreover, this research also found out that the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan might primarily choose to collaborate with international partners who have indirect competitive relationship with them. Last, the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan and their partners protect their intellectual property in the way of trade secret.

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